INTERFACEGOPrivate ; IMPORT GraphicsBase, KeyCBStack, MouseCBStack, PositionCBStack, Prop, PropList; FROM GO IMPORT T, Public; REVEAL T <: Private; TYPE Private = Public BRANDED OBJECT props : PropList.T; trans : REAL; (* FIRST(REAL) means: no transmission coeff in props *) name : TEXT; mouseCBstack : MouseCBStack.T; positionCBstack : PositionCBStack.T; keyCBstack : KeyCBStack.T; damaged : BOOLEAN; dl : INTEGER := 0; METHODS draw (base : GraphicsBase.T); needsTransparency (t : REAL) : BOOLEAN; damageIfDependent (pn : Prop.Name); adjust (time : LONGREAL); undamage(); END;
leaves a damage trail from go
to all
descendants of go
(including go
) that depend on pn
reevaluates all property values attached to go
its descendants, based on the given time. It also might add damages to
the scene, either to go
or to some of its children. Damaging a node
causes damage to all its ancestors as well.
erases the damage-flags of go
and its descendents.
END GOPrivate.