
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 Digital Internal Use Only                                                 
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 Last modified on Mon Jan 30 22:14:23 PST 1995 by najork                   
       Created on Thu May 19 14:05:27 PDT 1994 by najork                   

INTERFACE PropPrivate;

IMPORT GO, GraphicsBase, ProxiedObj;

FROM Prop IMPORT T, Name, Val, BadMethod;

REVEAL T <: PrivateT;

  PrivateT = ProxiedObj.T OBJECT
    n : Name;
    v : Val;
    init (n : Name; v : Val) : T;
    adjust (time : LONGREAL; caller : GO.T);
p.adjust(time) reevaluates the value of the property based on the given time. If the property value got damaged since the last adjustment, the property name is called upon to perform the appropriate damages to the caller and/or its descendants.

REVEAL Name <: PrivateName;

  PrivateName = ProxiedObj.T OBJECT
    id : INTEGER;
    init () : Name;
    damage (caller : GO.T);
    push (base : GraphicsBase.T; val : Val);
    pop (base : GraphicsBase.T);
    newStack () : Stack;
pn.damage(caller) indicates that a property value bound to pn has changed since the last adjustment, which might cause damages in the scene. The default definition of damage asks all descendents of caller to damage themselves if their appearance depends on pn, and propagates damages back up to caller. Subclasses of Name can override the damage method to perform the appropriate damages to caller and/or its descendants.

  Val <: PrivateVal;

  PrivateVal = ProxiedObj.T OBJECT
    time    : LONGREAL;    (* Subclasses cache value at time "time".         *)
    damaged : BOOLEAN;     (* Did the value change since the last rendering? *)
    adjust (time : LONGREAL) : BOOLEAN
        RAISES {BadMethod};
pv.adjust(now) does two things: it updates the cached information (time, value, and damage since last rendering cycle), and it returns if the property value is damaged, i.e. if it has changed since the last rendering. Note that this technique relied on the fact that there is a single, system-wide animation server, and that all roots get redrawn at the same time.

  Stack <: ROOT;

PROCEDURE NewStacks () : REF ARRAY OF Stack;
NewStacks() returns a new array of property value stacks, one stack for each existing property name.

END PropPrivate.