*Arithmetic for Modula-3, see doc for detailsAbstract: Arithmetic on the roots of polynomials
E.g. from given polynomials x and y with the roots X={x1,...,xn} and Y={y1,...,ym} respectively, we can compute the polynomials that have the roots {xi+eta : xi in X and eta in Y} {xi*eta : xi in X and eta in Y} {xi^n : xi in X} etc. *
FROM Arithmetic IMPORT Error; CONST Brand = R.Brand & "Root"; TYPE (* interpretation is: a[0] + a[1]*xi + a[2]* xi^2...a[n]*xi^n *) TBody = P.TBody; T = P.T;*It's not possible to obtain a pointer to a constant array. We can not turn T from a reference type to an array type, because some routines have to return a result via a VAR parameter. CONST Zero = TBody{R.Zero,R.One}; One = TBody{R.MinusOne,R.One}; *
VAR (*CONST*) Zero: T; (*CONST*) One: T; CONST New = P.New; CONST Copy = P.Copy; <* INLINE *> PROCEDURE IsZero (x: T; ): BOOLEAN; CONST Equal = P.Equal; PROCEDURE Add (x, y: T; ): T; (* x+y *) PROCEDURE Sub (x, y: T; ): T; (* x-y *) PROCEDURE Neg (x: T; ): T; (* -x *) PROCEDURE Mul (x, y: T; ): T; (* x*y *) PROCEDURE Div (x, y: T; ): T RAISES {Error}; (* x/y if possible, will fail for floating point numbers often *) PROCEDURE Rec (READONLY x: T; ): T RAISES {Error}; (* 1/x *) PROCEDURE Mod (x, y: T; ): T RAISES {Error}; (* x mod y *) PROCEDURE DivMod (x, y: T; (* compute x/y *)VAR r: T; ): T RAISES {Error}; (* giving quotient with remainder r (always zero)*) TYPE RootArray = ARRAY OF R.T; PROCEDURE FromRoots (READONLY root: RootArray; ): T;
Create polynomial which has the roots as specified in array 'root'
PROCEDURE ElimMultRoots(x:T;):T; Eliminate multiple roots Can be used for simplifying polynomials after some basic operations.
PROCEDURE PowN (x: T; y: CARDINAL; ): T; (* x^y *) PROCEDURE PowNSlow (x: T; y: CARDINAL; ): T; (* x^y *)
The number of roots doesn't change, thus PowN(x,2) is very different from Mul(x,x) because in the latter case every root is multiplied with _each_ other.
CONST RootOf = P.Compose;
TYPE PowerSumSeq = ARRAY OF R.T; PROCEDURE ToPowerSumSeq (x: T; m: CARDINAL; ): REF PowerSumSeq;
For a given set of roots x1,...,xn (represented by a polynomial) calculate the sum x1^j+...+xn^j for j from 1 to m If m=n you receive enough values to reconstruct the polynomials later. Since for any of xi holds 0=a[0]+a[1]*xi+a[2]*xi^2+...+a[n]*xi^n, which means a[n]*xi^n=-(a[0]+a[1]*xi+a[2]*xi^2+...+a[n-1]*xi^(n-1)), one can continue the sequence of these power sums by a linear recurrence.
PROCEDURE FromPowerSumSeq (READONLY x: PowerSumSeq; ): T RAISES {Error};
Inverse to ToPowerSumSeq Err.indivisible is raised if x is not a sequence of power sums
PROCEDURE Deflate(x:T; (* divide this polynomial
c:R.T; (* by (xi-c) *) VAR rem:R.T;);(* leaving remainder -- possibly 0 *) PROCEDURE Discriminant(x:T; (* product of all possible differences of roots *) ):T; *) END RootBasic.