Arithmetic for Modula-3, see doc for details
IMPORT Arithmetic AS Arith; IMPORT NumberTheory AS NT; <* UNUSED *> CONST Module = "RootBasic.";handles the case that the leading coefficient c is not 1 multiplies all roots with c to fix that, callers must remember this constant for interpreting the power sum
PROCEDUREreverse ScaleUpRoots PROCEDURE ScaleDownRoots(x:T; c:R.T;):T= <*FATAL Arith.Error*> (* Err.indivisible should not occur, if x and c are chosen properlyScaleUpRoots (x: T; ): T = BEGIN IF R.Equal(x[LAST(x^)], R.One) THEN RETURN x; ELSE VAR c, pow: R.T; y := NEW(T, NUMBER(x^)); BEGIN c := x[LAST(x^)]; pow := c; y[LAST(y^)] := R.One; y[LAST(y^) - 1] := x[LAST(x^) - 1]; FOR j := LAST(x^) - 2 TO 0 BY -1 DO y[j] := R.Mul(x[j], pow); pow := R.Mul(pow, c); END; RETURN y; END; END; END ScaleUpRoots; PROCEDUREScaleUpRootsFull (VAR x: TBody; c: R.T; ) = VAR pow: R.T; BEGIN pow := c; FOR j := LAST(x) - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO x[j] := R.Mul(x[j], pow); pow := R.Mul(pow, c); END; END ScaleUpRootsFull;
BEGIN IF R.Equal(c,R.One) THEN RETURN x; ELSE VAR pow:R.T; y := NEW(T,NUMBER(x^)); BEGIN pow:=c; y[LAST(y^) ]:=c; y[LAST(y^)-1]:=x[LAST(x^)-1]; FOR j:=LAST(x^)-2 TO 0 BY -1 DO y[j]:=R.Div(x[j],pow); pow:=R.Mul(pow,c); END; RETURN y; END; END; END ScaleDownRoots; *)reverse ScaleUpRoots divide all roots by c and scale the coefficients by c^(n-exp) to achieve fraction free coefficients
PROCEDUREthe temporary values can become very large compared with the resulting valuesScaleDownRoots (VAR x: TBody; c: R.T; exp: INTEGER; ) = <* FATAL Arith.Error *> (* ErrorIndivisible should not occur, if x and c are chosen properly *) BEGIN IF NOT R.Equal(c, R.One) THEN VAR pow: R.T; BEGIN pow := c; FOR j := exp + 1 TO LAST(x) DO x[j] := R.Mul(x[j], pow); pow := R.Mul(pow, c); END; pow := c; FOR j := exp - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO x[j] := R.Div(x[j], pow); pow := R.Mul(pow, c); END; END; END; END ScaleDownRoots; PROCEDUREFromCardinal (n: CARDINAL; ): R.T = VAR z: R.T; BEGIN z := R.Zero; FOR j := 1 TO n DO z := R.Add(z, R.One); END; RETURN z; END FromCardinal; PROCEDUREAdd (x, y: T; ): T = <* FATAL Arith.Error *> (* 'indivisible' cannot occur *) VAR qx, qy, qz: T; (* polynomials with scaled roots, necessary for eliminating non-one leading coefficients *) px, py, pz : REF PowerSumSeq; cx, cy : R.T; nrx, nry : R.T; (* number of roots *) binom, rn, rk, rnp, sum: R.T; nx : CARDINAL := LAST(x^); ny : CARDINAL := LAST(y^); nz : CARDINAL := nx * ny; BEGIN cx := x[nx]; cy := y[ny]; qx := ScaleUpRoots(x); qy := ScaleUpRoots(y); ScaleUpRootsFull(qx^, cy); ScaleUpRootsFull(qy^, cx); px := ToPowerSumSeq(qx, nz); py := ToPowerSumSeq(qy, nz); pz := NEW(REF PowerSumSeq, nz); nrx := FromCardinal(nx); nry := FromCardinal(ny); rn := R.Zero; FOR n := 0 TO LAST(pz^) DO rn := R.Add(rn, R.One); rk := R.Zero; binom := R.One; rnp := rn; (* applying binomial theorem: (x+y)^n=x^n+n*x^(n-1)*y+...+y^n *) sum := R.Add(R.Mul(nrx, py[n]), R.Mul(nry, px[n])); FOR k := 1 TO n DO rk := R.Add(rk, R.One); binom := R.Div(R.Mul(binom, rnp), rk); rnp := R.Sub(rnp, R.One); sum := R.Add(sum, R.Mul(binom, R.Mul(px[k - 1], py[n - k]))); END; pz[n] := sum; END; qz := FromPowerSumSeq(pz^); ScaleDownRoots(qz^, cx, nz - ny); ScaleDownRoots(qz^, cy, nz - nx); RETURN qz; END Add; PROCEDURESub (x, y: T; ): T = BEGIN RETURN Add(x, Neg(y)); END Sub; PROCEDURENeg (x: T; ): T = VAR y := NEW(T, NUMBER(x^)); BEGIN FOR i := LAST(x^) - 1 TO 0 BY -2 DO y[i + 1] := x[i + 1]; y[i] := R.Neg(x[i]); END; IF NUMBER(x^) MOD 2 # 0 THEN y[0] := x[0]; END; RETURN y; END Neg; PROCEDUREIsZero (x: T; ): BOOLEAN = VAR nonzerofound := FALSE; BEGIN IF x = NIL OR NUMBER(x^) <= 1 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; FOR j := 0 TO LAST(x^) DO IF NOT R.IsZero(x[j]) THEN IF nonzerofound THEN (* two non-zero coefficients found, there must be roots different from zero *) RETURN FALSE; ELSE nonzerofound := TRUE; END; END; END; (* at least one non-zero coefficient must found, if we arrive here it was exactly one no-zero coefficient *) RETURN nonzerofound; END IsZero;
PROCEDUREsimple and inefficient method: successively multiply linear factorsMul (x, y: T; ): T = <* FATAL Arith.Error *> (* 'indivisible' cannot occur *) VAR qx, qy: T; (* polynomials with scaled roots, necessary for eliminating non-one leading coefficients *) px, py: REF PowerSumSeq; cx, cy: R.T; nx : CARDINAL := LAST(x^); ny : CARDINAL := LAST(y^); nz : CARDINAL := nx * ny; z : T; BEGIN cx := x[LAST(x^)]; cy := y[LAST(y^)]; qx := ScaleUpRoots(x); qy := ScaleUpRoots(y); px := ToPowerSumSeq(qx, nz); py := ToPowerSumSeq(qy, nz); (* assume that py is an independent buffer which can be messed here *) FOR j := 0 TO LAST(py^) DO py[j] := R.Mul(px[j], py[j]); END; z := FromPowerSumSeq(py^); (* more factors might be canceled in some cases (e.g. 1 as zero?) ScaleDownRoots(z^,cx,nx+2*ny-4); ScaleDownRoots(z^,cy,ny+2*nx-4); *) ScaleDownRoots(z^, cx, nz - ny); ScaleDownRoots(z^, cy, nz - nx); RETURN z; (* for testing *) END Mul; PROCEDUREDiv (x, y: T; ): T RAISES {Arith.Error} = BEGIN RETURN Mul(x, Rec(y)); END Div; PROCEDURERec (READONLY x: T; ): T RAISES {Arith.Error} = VAR y := NEW(T, NUMBER(x^)); BEGIN IF R.IsZero(x[0]) THEN RAISE Arith.Error(NEW(Arith.ErrorDivisionByZero).init()) END; FOR j := 0 TO LAST(x^) DO y[j] := x[LAST(x^) - j]; END; RETURN y; END Rec; PROCEDUREDivMod (x, y: T; VAR r: T; ): T RAISES {Arith.Error} = BEGIN r := Zero; RETURN Mul(x, Rec(y)); END DivMod; PROCEDUREMod (<* UNUSED *> x: T; y: T; ): T RAISES {Arith.Error} = BEGIN IF IsZero(y) THEN RAISE Arith.Error(NEW(Arith.ErrorDivisionByZero).init()) END; RETURN Zero; END Mod;
PROCEDUREFromRoots (READONLY root: RootArray; ): T = VAR z := P.One; fac := P.New(1); BEGIN fac[1] := R.One; FOR j := 0 TO LAST(root) DO fac[0] := R.Neg(root[j]); z := P.Mul(z, fac); END; RETURN z; END FromRoots;
(* find common roots
Reduce should work like Mod, but is allowed to multiply the dividend x by a 'scalar' But do we really get a greatest common divisor by this? E.g. is GCD(3x+2,2x+1) equal to 1 or to 3 ? z:=P.Reduce(x,y);
x:=y; y:=z; END; RETURN x; END GCD; PROCEDURE ElimMultRoots(x:T;):T= BEGIN (* we need a special GCD for this purpose *) RETURN (GCD(x,P.Derive(x))); END ElimMultRoots; *)given the sequence x of power sums, return the next one with respect to the polynomial y consider x as a cyclic buffer for successive sums of powers of the roots
PROCEDUREspeed up by factorizing the exponent into primesGetNextPowerSum (READONLY x: PowerSumSeq; k: CARDINAL; y: T; ): R.T = VAR z: R.T; BEGIN z := R.Zero; FOR j := LAST(x) TO 0 BY -1 DO IF k = 0 THEN k := LAST(x); ELSE DEC(k); END; z := R.Add(z, R.Mul(x[k], y[j])); END; RETURN R.Neg(z); END GetNextPowerSum; PROCEDUREPowNSlow (x: T; y: CARDINAL; ): T = (* select each n-th element from the power sum sequence *) VAR ps, psz : REF PowerSumSeq; j, k, l, m : CARDINAL; cp, cx, powcx: R.T; qx, qz : T; <* FATAL Arith.Error *> (*'indivisible' cannot occur *) BEGIN IF y = 0 THEN RETURN One; ELSE cx := x[LAST(x^)]; qx := ScaleUpRoots(x); ps := ToPowerSumSeq(qx, LAST(qx^)); psz := NEW(REF PowerSumSeq, NUMBER(ps^)); k := y - 1; j := 0; WHILE k < NUMBER(ps^) DO psz[j] := ps[k]; INC(j); INC(k, y); END; l := 0; m := NUMBER(ps^); WHILE j < NUMBER(psz^) DO WHILE m <= k DO cp := GetNextPowerSum(ps^, l, qx); ps[l] := cp; INC(m); INC(l); IF l = NUMBER(ps^) THEN l := 0; END; END; psz[j] := cp; INC(j); INC(k, y); END; qz := FromPowerSumSeq(psz^); (* powcx:=cx^n *) powcx := cx; FOR i := 2 TO y DO powcx := R.Mul(powcx, cx); END; ScaleDownRoots(qz^, powcx, LAST(qz^) - 1); RETURN qz; END; END PowNSlow;
PROCEDUREPowN (x: T; y: CARDINAL; ): T = VAR pr: NT.Array; BEGIN pr := NT.Factor(y); FOR j := 0 TO LAST(pr^) DO x := PowNSlow(x, pr[j]); END; RETURN x; END PowN;
s[k] - the elementary symmetric polynomial of degree k p[k] - sum of the k-th power
s(t) := s[0] + s[1]*t + s[2]*t^2 + ... p(t) := p[1]*t + p[2]*t^2 + ...
Then it holds t*s'(t) + p(-t)*s(t) = 0 This can be proven by considering p as sum of geometric series and differentiating s in the root-wise factored form.
The differential equation can be separated for each power of t which leads to a recurrence equation: n*s[n] + Sum((-1)^j*p[j]*s[n-j],j from 1 to n) = 0
This is known as the Newton-Girard formula.
Note that we index the coefficients the other way round and that the coefficients of the polynomial are not pure elementary symmetric polynomials of the roots but have alternating signs, too.
PROCEDUREToPowerSumSeq (x: T; m: CARDINAL; ): REF PowerSumSeq = VAR y := NEW(REF PowerSumSeq, m); sum: R.T; div: R.T; BEGIN <* ASSERT R.Equal(x[LAST(x^)], R.One) *> x[LAST(x^)] := R.One; div := R.One; FOR n := 1 TO MIN(m, LAST(x^)) DO sum := R.Mul(x[LAST(x^) - n], div); FOR j := 1 TO n - 1 DO sum := R.Add(sum, R.Mul(y[j - 1], x[LAST(x^) - n + j])); END; y[n - 1] := R.Neg(sum); (* R.Div(sum,x[LAST(x^)]), but it is only divisible if the leading coefficient is one, what we asserted at the beginning *) div := R.Add(div, R.One); END; IF m > LAST(x^) THEN FOR n := LAST(x^) TO LAST(y^) DO y[n] := GetNextPowerSum(SUBARRAY(y^, n - LAST(x^), LAST(x^)), 0, x); END; END; RETURN y; END ToPowerSumSeq; PROCEDUREFromPowerSumSeq (READONLY x: PowerSumSeq; ): T RAISES {Arith.Error} = VAR y := NEW(T, NUMBER(x) + 1); sum: R.T; div: R.T; BEGIN y[LAST(y^)] := R.One; div := R.One; FOR n := 1 TO LAST(y^) DO sum := R.Zero; FOR j := 1 TO n DO sum := R.Add(sum, R.Mul(x[j - 1], y[LAST(y^) - n + j])); END; y[LAST(y^) - n] := R.Neg(R.Div(sum, div)); div := R.Add(div, R.One); END; RETURN y; END FromPowerSumSeq;
PROCEDURE Deflate( x:T; c:R.T; VAR rem:R.T)= VAR xl:=LAST(x^); b,psave:R.T; BEGIN b:=x[xl]; psave:=x[xl-1]; x[xl-1]:=b; FOR i:=xl-2 TO 1 BY -1 DO b:=psave+c*b; psave:=x[i]; x[i]:=b; END; rem:=x[0]+c*x[1]; END Deflate;
BEGIN Zero := NEW(T, 2); Zero^ := TBody{R.Zero, R.One}; One := NEW(T, 2); One^ := TBody{R.MinusOne, R.One}; END RootBasic.