
 Copyright (C) 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation                    
 All rights reserved.                                                 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                       

Last modified on Thu Jul 1 16:55:48 PDT 1993 by msm

This interfaces paints and moves playing cards, in a way suitable for many kinds of solitaire games, and maybe other things. The cards are all children of a provided ZSplit.

The card layout is adjusted automatically when a card is detached from the top of a stack. Attaching one card to the top of another stack of cards makes the new card the top of the stack, and positions the new card. If the bottom-most card in the stack has value Min, the cards are stacked directly on top of one another. Otherwise, the cards are stacked with a vertical spacing of Overlap if the card immediately underneath is face up, and OverlapDown if the card below is face down. A stack whose only elements have value Min, Max, or Talon paints as an empty card. Almost always, you should have a Min, Max, or Talon at the bottom of a stack of cards.

Game play proceeds when the user clicks on a card, or drags a card to another card. The five procedures attachable, play, obvious, trivial, and stupid control the behavior. The attachable procedure should return TRUE if the first card can be legally played on the second. The play procedure should return TRUE, and set the out parameters, if there is a forced play. The obvious, trivial, and stupid procedures are bound to clicking on the left, middle, and right buttons. By convention, the obvious procedures offers a move for the selected card which, whether or not it is currently legal, would be progress towards solving the game. The trivial procedure suggests a legal move which isn't necessarily on the shortest path towards a solution, but may be a useful move if you can't think of anything else to do. The stupid procedure suggests a move which is generally illegal, because it shows you what you might move onto this card to make progress.

This interface always keeps a log of the moves that have been made. No standard user interface for undo and redo is provided, since in some games it might be considered cheating.

In addition, the interface supports creating cards without stacking semantics, which can be used when rectangular cards are good enough. This is the type Card.

IMPORT TwoTone, VBT, ZSplit, Point;

  Width = 79; (* width of a card, in pixels *)
  Height = 123; (* height of card, in pixels *)
  OverlapPercentage = 25;
  OverlapDownPercentage = 10;
  Overlap = (OverlapPercentage * Height + 50) DIV 100;
  OverlapDown = (OverlapDownPercentage * Height + 50) DIV 100;

  felt: TwoTone.T; (* color of the background; you have to put the
  TextureVBT in the background of your ZSplit for everything to work. *)

  Value =
    {Min, Ace, Deuce, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack,
     Queen, King, Max, Talon};
  Rank = [Value.Ace..Value.King];
  Family = {Any, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs};
  Suit = [Family.Spades..Family.Clubs];
  Private <: VBT.T;
  Public = Private OBJECT
    value: Value;
    family: Family;
    faceUp := TRUE;
    above, below: T := NIL
  T <: Public;
  StandardDeck = ARRAY [0 .. 51] OF T;
  CardPublic = VBT.Leaf OBJECT
    value: Value;
    family: Family;
    faceUp := TRUE;
  Card <: CardPublic;
All procedures in this interface have LL =

PROCEDURE InitializeStandardDeck(VAR deck: StandardDeck; zSplit: ZSplit.T);
Create a full deck of cards, all face up at the origin.

Randomly reorder the elements of the deck

    value: Value;
    suit: Family;
    READONLY loc: Point.T;
    zSplit: ZSplit.T;
    faceUp: BOOLEAN := TRUE)
    : T;
Create a single card.

PROCEDURE NewCard (value: Value; suit: Family; faceUp := TRUE): Card;
Create a single rectangular card; equivalent to NEW(Card, value := value, family := suit, faceUp := faceUp).

PROCEDURE Detach(c: T);
Remove c from its stack; the cards above c are not altered. If c is not at the top of its stack, you won't much like the results, unless you're detaching all the cards in order to reset the game.


PROCEDURE Attach(c, p: T) RAISES {BadDeal};
c is placed on top of p. If p is in a stack with a Min at the base, c is placed directly on top of p. Otherwise, c is shifted down by Overlap, unless p is itself the unreal card at the base of the stack. Cards played on top of down-facing cards are offset by OverlapDown instead. All cards above c are moved as well. If p is in the same stack as c, BadDeal is raised, unless c is atop p. If p has any real card above it other than c, BadDeal is raised.

PROCEDURE StartUndoLog();
Clear the undo and redo logs

Undo a move (including all forced moves that followed it) and return TRUE; if at beginning of log, return FALSE

Redo a move and return TRUE; if at end of log, return FALSE. By setting slowly, you can make the redo pause briefly after each forced card is moved, so that the user can see what is going on.

Make c face up, and mark c for redisplay

PROCEDURE FlipCard(c: Card; up: BOOLEAN);
Make c face up, and mark c for redisplay

Return TRUE if c's value is a Rank and c's family is a Suit.

Return TRUE if c's value is a Rank and c's family is a Suit.

Return the card on top of c's stack

PROCEDURE Bottom(c: T): T;
Return the (generally unreal) card at the bottom of c's stack

  AttachProc = PROCEDURE(a, b: T): BOOLEAN;
  (* Can first card can be played on second *)
  PlayProc = PROCEDURE(VAR a, b: T): BOOLEAN;
  (* Returns a forced play and TRUE, else FALSE.  Playing a card
     on itself flips the card. *)
  MoveProc = PROCEDURE(a: T): T;
  (* Returns a card on which to play the argument, else NIL *)


  attachable: AttachProc;
  play: PlayProc;
  obvious, trivial, stupid: MoveProc;
  (* return the obvious move, if it exists (button 1 action);
     return the trivial move, if it exists (button 2 action);
     return a stupid but informative move  (button 3 action) *)

PROCEDURE EnableTracking(enable: BOOLEAN);
  (* When Tracking is turned on, Card automatically highlights
     the position returned by obvious.  Tracking defaults to FALSE. *)

PROCEDURE EnableHighlight(enable: BOOLEAN; chain: INTEGER);
  (* When true, pressing a mouse button highlights the selected
     target card.  If chain is non-negative, every chain milliseconds,
     the next card is also highlighted.  These default to TRUE and 1000 *)

END Card.

Card's implementation is in: