
 Copyright (C) 1997, Digital Equipment Corporation        
 All rights reserved.                                     
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.           
 Created on Thu Mar 27 10:21:25 PST 1997 by heydon        
 Last modified on Sat Nov 29 18:19:49 PST 1997 by heydon  

This interface reveals the representations of the types BitVector.T and BitVector.Iterator. It may be useful to clients who wish to implement subtypes of BitVector.T.


IMPORT Word, BitVector;

  BitVector.T <: T;

  T = BitVector.Public OBJECT
    word: REF ARRAY OF Word.T := NIL;
    firstAvailWd: CARDINAL := 0;
    sz: CARDINAL := 0;

  BitVector.Iterator <: Iterator;

  Iterator = BitVector.PublicIter OBJECT
    bv: BitVector.T;     (* the associated bit vector *)
    bitIndex: CARDINAL;  (* the next bit index *)
    wordIndex: CARDINAL; (* index into the bv's "word" array *)
    mask: Word.T;        (* current bit mask *)

END BitVectorRep.

\subsection{BitVector.T Invariants}

A new, empty bit vector bv := NEW(BitVector.T).init(sizeHint) has = 0. The following invariants hold for an initialized bit vector, where numWords denotes NUMBER(word^) if word # NIL or 0 if word = NIL, bitsPerWord denotes BITSIZE(Word.T), and bit(word, i) denotes the state of the i'th bit of the word array:

      I0. sz > 0 ==> word # NIL
      I1. sz IN [0, numWords * bitsPerWd]
      I2. (forall i: i IN [sz, numWords * bitsPerWd) => NOT bit(word, i))
      I3. (forall i: i IN [0, firstAvailWd * bitsPerWd) => bit(word, i))
      I4. firstAvailWd IN [0, numWords]
I1 says that the sz field is at most the total number of bits in the word array. Hence, at its maximum value, sz is the index of the non-existent bit just past the end of the word array.

I2 says that all bits in the word array with index at least sz are reset. Hence, sz is a strict upper-bound on the index of the bit vector's most significant bit.

I3 says that all of the bits in the first firstAvailWd words of the word array are set. Hence, firstAvailWd is a lower bound on the index of the first word in the word array that contains any unset bits.

I4 says that firstAvailWd is an index into the word array, or may be the index of the non-existent word just past the end of the word array.

Note that I2 and I3 together imply that:

      I5. firstAvailWd * bitsPerWd <= sz

\subsection{BitVector.Iterator Invariants}

An Iterator works by checking the corresponding bit vector's bits in increasing order. Its state records the index of the next bit to test. In particular, if iter is of type Iterator, then:

\begin{itemize} \item is the bit vector on which iter was created.

\item iter.bitIndex is the index of the next bit to test.

\item iter.wordIndex is the index of the word in which bit iter.bitIndex occurs.

\item iter.mask is Word.LeftShift(1, iter.bitIndex MOD Word.Size). \end{itemize}