MODULE***************************************************************************; IMPORT Attic, CVProto, ErrMsg, FileAttr, FileRd, FileStatus, Fixup, Fmt, GzipRd, GzipWr, Logger, MD5, MD5Digest, OSError, Pathname, RCSDelta, RCSDeltaTbl, RCSError, RCSFile, RCSKeyword, RCSRevNum, RCSTag, Rd, Reaper, RsyncBlock, RsyncFile, StatusFile, StreamRd, StreamWr, SupFileRec, SupFileRecSeq, SupMisc, SyncFixupQueue, Text, Thread, TokScan, Wr; EXCEPTION Error(TEXT); REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT proto: CVProto.T; wireRd: StreamRd.T; (* Raw reader. *) rd: StreamRd.T; (* Currently active reader. *) wireWr: StreamWr.T; (* Raw writer. *) wr: StreamWr.T; (* Currently active writer. *) collections: SupFileRecSeq.T; fixups: SyncFixupQueue.T; compLevel: [0..9]; reaper: Reaper.T; stats: Stats; logger: Logger.T; statusFile: StatusFile.T; OVERRIDES apply := Apply; init := Init; END; PROCEDURE Detailer Apply (self: T): REFANY = VAR ts: TokScan.T; collection, release: TEXT; BEGIN TRY IF self.stats # NIL THEN self.stats.start(); END; TRY FOR i := 0 TO self.collections.size()-1 DO WITH sfr = self.collections.get(i) DO IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.Skip IN sfr.options THEN ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); ts.getFolded("COLL"); collection := ts.getToken("collection"); release := ts.getToken("release"); SupFileRec.Check(sfr, collection, release); sfr.scanTime := ts.getTime("scan time"); DetailCollection(self, sfr); END; END; END; ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); ts.getLiteral("."); Trace(self, ""); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); Wr.Flush(self.wr); SendFixups(self); Trace(self, ""); FINALLY IF self.reaper # NIL THEN Reaper.Dying(self.reaper); END; IF self.stats # NIL THEN self.stats.finish(); END; END; RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.Success, message := NIL); EXCEPT | Error(msg) => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.Failure, message := "Detailer failed: " & msg); | Rd.EndOfFile => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.TransientFailure, message := "Detailer failed: Premature EOF from server"); | Rd.Failure(list) => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.TransientFailure, message := "Detailer failed: Network read failure: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); | Thread.Alerted => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.Failure, message := "Detailer failed: Interrupted"); | TokScan.Error(msg) => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.Failure, message := "Detailer failed: Protocol error: " & msg); | Wr.Failure(list) => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.TransientFailure, message := "Detailer failed: Network write failure: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END Apply; PROCEDUREDetailCollection (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T) RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error, Wr.Failure} = VAR ts: TokScan.T; compress: BOOLEAN; cmd: TEXT; name: TEXT; linkTo: TEXT; attrText: TEXT; attr: FileAttr.T; cmdCh: CHAR; startingBytesIn, startingWireBytesIn: LONGREAL; startingBytesOut, startingWireBytesOut: LONGREAL; BEGIN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "COLL", sfr.collection, sfr.release); Wr.Flush(self.wr); compress := SupFileRec.Option.Compress IN sfr.options; IF compress THEN TRY IF self.stats = NIL THEN self.rd := NEW(GzipRd.T).init(self.wireRd, closeChild := FALSE); ELSE (* Use reduced read sizes in order to reduce the granularity of the statistics. *) self.rd := NEW(GzipRd.T).init(self.wireRd, maxChildRead := 512, closeChild := FALSE); END; EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot create Gzip reader: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; TRY IF compress THEN TRY self.wr := NEW(GzipWr.T).init(self.wireWr, level := self.compLevel, closeChild := FALSE); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot create Gzip writer: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; TRY TRY self.statusFile := StatusFile.Open(sfr); TRY LOOP IF Thread.TestAlert() THEN RAISE Thread.Alerted; END; startingBytesIn := StreamRd.ByteCount(self.rd); startingBytesOut := StreamWr.ByteCount(self.wr); startingWireBytesIn := StreamRd.ByteCount(self.wireRd); startingWireBytesOut := StreamWr.ByteCount(self.wireWr); ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); cmdCh := ts.getChar("command"); cmd := Text.FromChar(cmdCh); CASE cmdCh OF | '.' => EXIT; | 'D' => (* Delete file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); Trace(self, name); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "D", name); | 'H', 'h' => (* Make hard link. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); linkTo := ts.getToken("hard link target"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); Trace(self, name); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, linkTo); | 'I', 'i', 'j' => (* Directory operations. *) name := ts.getToken("directory name"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name); | 'J' => (* Directory operations. *) name := ts.getToken("directory name"); attrText := ts.getToken("attributes"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, attrText); | 'T', 't' => (* Add file in CVS mode. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN attr := DecodeAttr(self, ts.getToken("attributes")); ELSE attr := NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File, modTime := ts.getTime("modification time")); END; ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); Trace(self, name); CheckFileAttr(self, sfr, name, attr, inAttic := cmdCh = 't'); | 'U' => (* Add or update file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); Trace(self, name); SendDetails(self, sfr, name); | '!' => (* Warning from server. *) Warn(self, "Server warning: " & ts.getRest()); ELSE RAISE TokScan.Error("Invalid command \"" & cmd & "\""); END; Wr.Flush(self.wr); IF self.stats # NIL THEN LOCK self.stats DO INC(self.stats.numRequests); self.stats.bytesIn := self.stats.bytesIn + StreamRd.ByteCount(self.rd) - startingBytesIn; self.stats.wireBytesIn := self.stats.wireBytesIn + StreamRd.ByteCount(self.wireRd) - startingWireBytesIn; self.stats.bytesOut := self.stats.bytesOut + StreamWr.ByteCount(self.wr) - startingBytesOut; self.stats.wireBytesOut := self.stats.wireBytesOut + StreamWr.ByteCount(self.wireWr) - startingWireBytesOut; END; self.stats.update(); END; END; FINALLY self.statusFile.close(); END; EXCEPT FileStatus.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(msg); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); Wr.Flush(self.wr); IF compress THEN Wr.Close(self.wr); IF NOT Rd.EOF(self.rd) THEN RAISE TokScan.Error( "Expected EOF from compressed stream, didn't get it"); END; Rd.Close(self.rd); END; FINALLY IF compress THEN GzipWr.Cleanup(self.wr); self.wr := self.wireWr; END; END; FINALLY IF compress THEN GzipRd.Cleanup(self.rd); self.rd := self.wireRd; END; END; END DetailCollection; PROCEDUREDecodeAttr (self: T; t: TEXT): FileAttr.T RAISES {TokScan.Error} = BEGIN LOOP TRY RETURN FileAttr.Decode(t); EXCEPT | FileAttr.UnknownGroup(name) => Warn(self, "Unknown group name \"" & name & "\" received from server"); | FileAttr.UnknownOwner(name) => Warn(self, "Unknown user name \"" & name & "\" received from server"); END; END; END DecodeAttr; PROCEDURECheckFileAttr (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; serverAttr: FileAttr.T; inAttic: BOOLEAN) RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR path := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); clientAttr: FileAttr.T := NIL; upToDate := FALSE; cmd: TEXT; attrText: TEXT; BEGIN (* This should never get called in checkout mode, but we'll be careful anyway. *) IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.CheckoutMode IN sfr.options THEN (* Check for an already up-to-date version of the file. *) IF inAttic THEN path := SupMisc.AtticName(path) END; TRY clientAttr := FileAttr.FromPathname(path, follow := FALSE); upToDate := FileAttr.Equal(clientAttr, serverAttr); EXCEPT OSError.E => (* File doesn't exist. *) END; END; IF upToDate THEN (* Just make sure the list file gets updated. *) IF inAttic THEN cmd := "l" ELSE cmd := "L" END; (* We send the client's version of the attributes rather than the server's, and we don't cull attributes that have been negotiated away. The attributes are going to go directly into our list file, and so we want them to be as complete as possible. *) IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN attrText := FileAttr.Encode(clientAttr); ELSE attrText := TokScan.EncodeTime(FileAttr.GetModTime(clientAttr)); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, attrText); ELSE (* Detail the file. *) SendDetails(self, sfr, name, attr := clientAttr); END; END CheckFileAttr; PROCEDURESendDetails (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; attr: FileAttr.T := NIL) RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR path: Pathname.T; BEGIN IF SupFileRec.Option.CheckoutMode IN sfr.options THEN SendCheckoutDetails(self, sfr, name); ELSE (* Determine whether it is a file or a node. *) IF attr = NIL THEN (* We don't have the attributes yet. *) path := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); TRY attr := Attic.FileAttrFromPathname(path, follow := FALSE); EXCEPT OSError.E => (* Doesn't exist. *) END; END; IF attr = NIL THEN (* The file doesn't exist here, so add it. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "A", name); ELSIF attr.fileType = FileAttr.FileType.File THEN (* Regular file. *) IF SupMisc.IsRCS(name) AND NOT SupFileRec.Option.NoRCS IN sfr.options THEN SendRCSDetails(self, sfr, name); ELSE SendRegularDetails(self, sfr, name); END; ELSE (* Some kind of node. *) IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "N", name); END; END; END; END SendDetails; PROCEDURESendRCSDetails (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); rf: RCSFile.T; BEGIN TRY rf := Attic.RCSFileOpenReadonly(pathname); EXCEPT | OSError.E => (* The RCS file doesn't exist on the client. Just have the server send a whole new file. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "A", name); RETURN; | RCSError.E => (* The file is not a valid RCS file. Treat it as a regular file. *) SendRegularDetails(self, sfr, name); RETURN; END; TRY self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "V", name); SendAdmin(self, rf); SendDeltas(self.wr, rf); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); FINALLY TRY RCSFile.Close(rf); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => Err(self, "Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; END SendRCSDetails; PROCEDURESendAdmin (self: T; rf: RCSFile.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR iter: RCSFile.TagIterator; tag: RCSTag.T; BEGIN IF rf.branch = NIL THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "b"); ELSE self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "B", rf.branch); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "E", RCSKeyword.EncodeExpand(rf.expand)); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "T"); iter := RCSFile.IterateTags(rf); WHILE DO Wr.PutText(self.wr, & " " & tag.revNum & "\n"); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); END SendAdmin; PROCEDURESendDeltas (wr: Wr.T; rf: RCSFile.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR iter: RCSDeltaTbl.Iterator; rev: RCSRevNum.T; delta: RCSDelta.T; BEGIN SupMisc.PutCmd(wr, "D"); iter := RCSFile.IterateByNumber(rf); WHILE, delta) DO Wr.PutText(wr, rev & " " & & "\n"); END; SupMisc.PutCmd(wr, "."); END SendDeltas;
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** Checkout mode. ***************************************************************************SendRegularDetails (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.NoRsync IN sfr.options AND NOT sfr.noRsync.test(name) THEN SendRsyncDetails(self, sfr, name); ELSE SendSimpleDetails(self, sfr, name); END; END SendRegularDetails; PROCEDURESendRsyncDetails (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); rsf: RsyncFile.T; bi: RsyncFile.BlockIterator; block: RsyncBlock.T; BEGIN TRY rsf := RsyncFile.Open(pathname); EXCEPT OSError.E => (* The file doesn't exist on the client. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "A", name); RETURN; END; TRY self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "r", name, Fmt.Unsigned(FileAttr.GetSize(rsf.attr), 10), Fmt.Unsigned(rsf.blockSize, 10)); bi := RsyncFile.IterateBlocks(rsf); WHILE DO Wr.PutText(self.wr, Fmt.Unsigned(block.rsum, 16) & " " & MD5Digest.ToText(block.md5) & "\n"); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); FINALLY TRY RsyncFile.Close(rsf); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => Err(self, "Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; END; END SendRsyncDetails; PROCEDURESendSimpleDetails (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); rd: Rd.T; buf: ARRAY [0..8191] OF CHAR; md5: MD5.T; size: CARDINAL := 0; n: CARDINAL; cksum: TEXT; BEGIN TRY rd := FileRd.Open(pathname); EXCEPT OSError.E => (* The file doesn't exist on the client. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "A", name); RETURN; END; TRY TRY md5 := MD5.New(); TRY LOOP n := Rd.GetSub(rd, buf); IF n = 0 THEN EXIT END; md5.update(SUBARRAY(buf, 0, n)); INC(size, n); END; FINALLY cksum := md5.finish(); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "R", name, Fmt.Unsigned(size, 10), cksum); FINALLY Rd.Close(rd); END; EXCEPT Rd.Failure(list) => Err(self, "Read failure from \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END SendSimpleDetails;
PROCEDURE***************************************************************************SendCheckoutDetails (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR checkoutName := SupMisc.CheckoutName(name); pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, checkoutName); fs: FileStatus.T; attr: FileAttr.T; cksum: TEXT; BEGIN TRY attr := FileAttr.FromPathname(pathname, follow := FALSE); EXCEPT OSError.E => (* We don't have the file, so the only option at this point is to tell the server to send it. The server may figure out that the file is dead, in which case it will tell us. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "C", name, sfr.checkoutTag, sfr.checkoutDate); RETURN; END; (* At this point, we know we have some version of the file on the client. Get the information we have recorded about the file from a previous update, if any. *) fs := self.statusFile.get(name); (* If our recorded information doesn't match the file that the client has, then ignore the recorded information. *) IF fs # NIL THEN IF fs.type # FileStatus.Type.CheckoutLive OR NOT FileAttr.Equal(attr, fs.clientAttr) THEN fs := NIL; END; END; (* In earlier versions of this program, we did not record the dates associated with revision numbers. To make the transition from old versions to new versions work properly, we have to handle the possibility that the revision date is not recorded. We also have to deal with servers that are not prepared to receive revision dates. *) IF fs # NIL AND (NOT Text.Equal(fs.revDate, ".") OR NOT self.proto.v.sendsRevDates) THEN (* Our recorded information is up-to-date, and either we know the revision date or the server doesn't support sending it anyway. *) IF self.proto.v.sendsRevDates THEN (* Server accepts revDates. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "U", name, sfr.checkoutTag, sfr.checkoutDate, fs.revNum, fs.revDate); ELSE (* Server does not accept revDates. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "U", name, sfr.checkoutTag, sfr.checkoutDate, fs.revNum); END; RETURN; END; (* We don't have complete and/or accurate recorded information about what version of the file we have. Compute the file's checksum as an aid toward identifying which version it is. *) TRY cksum := MD5.FileSignature(pathname); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => Err(self, "Cannot calculate checksum for \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); RETURN; END; IF fs = NIL THEN (* We have no accurate information about the client's file. The server will have to guess its revision number based on the checksum. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "S", name, sfr.checkoutTag, sfr.checkoutDate, cksum); ELSE (* Our information is accurate, but we don't trust it because we hadn't recorded the date associated with the revision. If somebody replaced the server's RCS file with a completely different one (it happens!), then our revision number will only mislead the server. Send the revision number, but require the server to verify the checksum too. *) <* ASSERT Text.Equal(fs.revDate, ".") *> <* ASSERT self.proto.v.sendsRevDates *> self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "s", name, sfr.checkoutTag, sfr.checkoutDate, fs.revNum, cksum); END; END SendCheckoutDetails;
PROCEDURE***************************************************************************SendFixups (self: T) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR fixup: Fixup.T := NIL; compress: BOOLEAN; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO self.collections.size()-1 DO WITH sfr = self.collections.get(i) DO IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.Skip IN sfr.options THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "COLL", sfr.collection, sfr.release); compress := SupFileRec.Option.Compress IN sfr.options; IF compress THEN Wr.Flush(self.wr); TRY self.wr := NEW(GzipWr.T).init(self.wireWr, level := self.compLevel, closeChild := FALSE); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot create Gzip writer: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; LOOP (* Process all the fixups that apply to this collection. *) IF fixup = NIL THEN (* Get the next fixup. *) TRY fixup := self.fixups.get(); EXCEPT SyncFixupQueue.EndOfFile => EXIT END; END; IF # sfr THEN EXIT END; Trace(self,; IF SupFileRec.Option.CheckoutMode IN sfr.options THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "Y",, sfr.checkoutTag, sfr.checkoutDate); ELSE self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "X",; END; fixup := NIL; END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); (* Close collection. *) IF compress THEN Wr.Close(self.wr); self.wr := self.wireWr; END; END; END; END; <* ASSERT fixup = NIL *> self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); (* Close fixups. *) Wr.Flush(self.wr); END SendFixups;
REVEAL Stats = StatsPublic BRANDED OBJECT OVERRIDES init := StatsInit; start := StatsDoNothing; update := StatsDoNothing; finish := StatsDoNothing; END; PROCEDURE***************************************************************************StatsInit (self: Stats): Stats = BEGIN RETURN self; END StatsInit; PROCEDUREStatsDoNothing (<*UNUSED*> self: Stats) = BEGIN END StatsDoNothing;
PROCEDUREInit (self: T; proto: CVProto.T; rd: StreamRd.T; wr: StreamWr.T; collections: SupFileRecSeq.T; fixups: SyncFixupQueue.T; compLevel: [-1..9] := -1; reaper: Reaper.T := NIL; stats: Stats := NIL; logger: Logger.T := NIL): T = BEGIN self.proto := proto; self.wireRd := rd; self.rd := rd; self.wireWr := wr; self.wr := wr; self.collections := collections; self.fixups := fixups; IF compLevel = -1 THEN compLevel := SupMisc.DefaultCompression END; self.compLevel := compLevel; self.reaper := reaper; self.stats := stats; self.logger := logger; RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDUREErr (self: T; msg: TEXT) = BEGIN IF self.logger # NIL THEN Logger.Put(self.logger, Logger.Priority.Err, msg); END; END Err; PROCEDUREWarn (self: T; msg: TEXT) = BEGIN IF self.logger # NIL THEN Logger.Put(self.logger, Logger.Priority.Warning, msg); END; END Warn; PROCEDURETrace (self: T; msg: TEXT) = BEGIN IF self.logger # NIL THEN Logger.Put(self.logger, Logger.Priority.Info, msg); END; END Trace; BEGIN END Detailer.