MODULE; IMPORT Attic, CVProto, CheckoutCreator, CheckoutUpdater, ErrMsg, File, FileAttr, FileID, FileStatus, FileUpdater, FileWr, Fixup, Fmt, FS, GzipRd, Logger, MD5, MD5Wr, OSError, OSErrorPosix, Pathname, Process, RCSDate, RCSError, RCSFile, RCSKeyword, RCSRevNum, RCSUpdater, Rd, Reaper, RefSeq, RegularCreator, RegularUpdater, RsyncUpdater, StatusFile, StreamRd, SupFileRec, SupFileRecSeq, SupMisc, SyncFixupQueue, TempFiles, Text, TextSeq, Thread, Time, TokScan, Uerror, Word, Wr; EXCEPTION Error(TEXT); TYPE ParsedExecute = REF RECORD name: Pathname.T; command: TEXT; END; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT proto: CVProto.T; wireRd: StreamRd.T; (* Raw reader. *) rd: StreamRd.T; (* Currently active reader. *) collections: SupFileRecSeq.T; reaper: Reaper.T; userDestDir: TEXT; (* User-specified destination directory, or NIL. *) destDir: TEXT; (* Set for each collection, never NIL. *) executes: RefSeq.T; (* ParsedExecute sequence for next file update. *) dirsCreated: TextSeq.T; (* A stack of directories that we've created. *) fixups: SyncFixupQueue.T; stats: Stats; trace: Logger.T; deleteLimit := -1; deleteCount := 0; statusFile: StatusFile.T; startingWireBytes: LONGREAL; startingCommBytes: LONGREAL; OVERRIDES apply := Apply; init := Init; END; CONST DevInodeAttrs = FileAttr.AttrTypes{ FileAttr.AttrType.Dev, FileAttr.AttrType.Inode }; VAR (*CONST*) EexistAtom := OSErrorPosix.ErrnoAtom(Uerror.EEXIST); EnoentAtom := OSErrorPosix.ErrnoAtom(Uerror.ENOENT); PROCEDURE Updater Apply (self: T): REFANY = BEGIN TRY IF self.stats # NIL THEN self.stats.start(); END; TRY UpdateBatch(self, isFixups := FALSE); (* Normal updates. *) self.fixups.close(); UpdateBatch(self, isFixups := TRUE); (* Fixups. *) FINALLY IF self.reaper # NIL THEN Reaper.Dying(self.reaper); END; IF self.stats # NIL THEN self.stats.finish(); END; END; RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.Success, message := NIL); EXCEPT | Error(msg) => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.Failure, message := "Updater failed: " & msg); | Rd.EndOfFile => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.TransientFailure, message := "Updater failed: Premature EOF from server"); | Rd.Failure(list) => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.TransientFailure, message := "Updater failed: Network read failure: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); | Thread.Alerted => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.Failure, message := "Updater failed: Interrupted"); | TokScan.Error(msg) => RETURN NEW(SupMisc.ThreadStatus, status := SupMisc.ExitCode.Failure, message := "Updater failed: Protocol error: " & msg); END; END Apply; PROCEDUREUpdateBatch (self: T; isFixups: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error} =
Process all the collections or all the fixups.
VAR ts: TokScan.T; collection, release: TEXT; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO self.collections.size()-1 DO WITH sfr = self.collections.get(i) DO IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.Skip IN sfr.options THEN ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); ts.getFolded("COLL"); collection := ts.getToken("collection"); release := ts.getToken("release"); SupFileRec.Check(sfr, collection, release); IF self.userDestDir # NIL THEN self.destDir := self.userDestDir; ELSE (* Construct a destDir that is a no-op. *) self.destDir := ""; END; UpdateCollection(self, sfr, isFixups); ELSE IF NOT isFixups THEN Trace(self, "Skipping collection " & sfr.collection & "/" & sfr.release); END; END; END; END; ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); ts.getLiteral("."); END UpdateBatch; PROCEDURE***************************************************************************UpdateCollection (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; isFixups: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error} = VAR ts: TokScan.T; cmd: TEXT; name: TEXT; cmdCh: CHAR; attr: FileAttr.T; linkTo: TEXT; fsType: FileStatus.Type; tag: TEXT; date: TEXT; revNum: TEXT; revDate: RCSDate.T; expand: RCSKeyword.ExpandMode; optStr: TEXT; cksum: TEXT; rcsOptions: RCSFile.Options; blockSize: CARDINAL; pos: CARDINAL; logLines: CARDINAL; fromAttic: BOOLEAN; needFixupTrace := isFixups; clearQueuedExecutes := TRUE; PROCEDURE AttrOrModTime(): FileAttr.T RAISES {TokScan.Error} = BEGIN IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN RETURN DecodeAttr(self, ts.getToken("attributes")); ELSE RETURN NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File, modTime := ts.getTime("modTime")); END; END AttrOrModTime; PROCEDURE AttrOrModTimeAndSize(): FileAttr.T RAISES {TokScan.Error} = BEGIN IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN RETURN DecodeAttr(self, ts.getToken("attributes")); ELSE WITH modTime = ts.getTime("modTime"), size = ts.getInt("size") DO RETURN NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File, modTime := modTime, size := size); END; END; END AttrOrModTimeAndSize; PROCEDURE DateToTime(date: RCSDate.T): Time.T RAISES {TokScan.Error} = BEGIN TRY RETURN RCSDate.ToTime(date); EXCEPT RCSError.E(msg) => RAISE TokScan.Error("Invalid RCS date: " & msg); END; END DateToTime; BEGIN IF SupFileRec.Option.Compress IN sfr.options THEN TRY IF self.stats = NIL THEN self.rd := NEW(GzipRd.T).init(self.wireRd, closeChild := FALSE); ELSE (* Use reduced read sizes in order to reduce the granularity of the statistics. *) self.rd := NEW(GzipRd.T).init(self.wireRd, maxChildRead := 512, closeChild := FALSE); END; EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot create Gzip reader: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; TRY TRY self.statusFile := StatusFile.Open(sfr, sfr.scanTime, self.destDir, readFromDestDir := isFixups); TRY IF NOT isFixups THEN Trace(self, "Updating collection " & sfr.collection & "/" & sfr.release); END; self.dirsCreated := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(30); LOOP IF Thread.TestAlert() THEN RAISE Thread.Alerted; END; self.startingWireBytes := StreamRd.ByteCount(self.wireRd); self.startingCommBytes := StreamRd.ByteCount(self.rd); ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); cmdCh := ts.getChar("command"); IF cmdCh = '.' THEN EXIT END; IF needFixupTrace THEN Trace(self, "Applying fixups for collection " & sfr.collection & "/" & sfr.release); needFixupTrace := FALSE; END; (* Executes (shell commands to be executed on update of certain files) arrive from the server immediately before the associated file update commands. We clear the sequence of queued executes every time through the command loop, except when the last command was "E", which adds an execute to the sequence. Thus we can accumulate a sequence of executes with successive "E" commands, and they will be applied to the first subsequent non-"E" command. *) IF clearQueuedExecutes THEN FOR i := 1 TO self.executes.size() DO EVAL self.executes.remlo(); END; END; clearQueuedExecutes := TRUE; (* Assumption for the next time. *) cmd := Text.FromChar(cmdCh); CASE cmdCh OF | 'A', 'a' => (* Add file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN attr := DecodeAttr(self, ts.getToken("attributes")); ELSE WITH modTime = ts.getTime("modTime"), size = ts.getInt("size"), mode = ts.getInt("mode") DO attr := NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File, modTime := modTime, size := size, mode := mode); END; END; ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := cmdCh = 'a', fup := NEW(RegularCreator.T).init( attr := attr, isFixup := FALSE)); | 'C' => (* Checkout file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); revNum := ts.getToken("revision number"); revDate := ts.getToken("revision date"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := FALSE, fup := NEW(CheckoutCreator.T).init( tag := tag, date := date, revNum := revNum, revDate := revDate, fileAttr := NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File, modTime := DateToTime(revDate)), rcsAttr := attr, isFixup := FALSE)); | 'c' => (* Checkout dead file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); WITH coName = SupMisc.CheckoutName(name) DO (* Theoretically, the file does not exist on the client. Just to make sure, we'll delete it here, if it exists. *) TRY EVAL FS.Status(SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, coName)); Delete(self, sfr, coName); EXCEPT OSError.E => (* As expected, the file does not exist. *) END; END; self.statusFile.put(NEW(FileStatus.T, type := FileStatus.Type.CheckoutDead, name := name, tag := tag, date := date, serverAttr := attr)); | 'D' => (* Delete file. *) (* This will delete the live and/or dead versions of the file -- whichever ones exist. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); IF SupFileRec.Option.CheckoutMode IN sfr.options THEN WITH coName = SupMisc.CheckoutName(name) DO Delete(self, sfr, coName); END; ELSE Delete(self, sfr, name); END; self.statusFile.delete(name); | 'E' => (* Save a shell command for after the next update. *) WITH pe = NEW(ParsedExecute) DO := ts.getToken("file name"); pe.command := ts.getRest(); self.executes.addhi(pe); END; clearQueuedExecutes := FALSE; | 'H', 'h' => (* Make hard link. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); linkTo := ts.getToken("hard link target"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); HardLink(self, sfr, name, linkTo, toAttic := cmdCh = 'h'); | 'I' => (* Create directory. *) name := ts.getToken("directory name"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); CreateDirectory(self, sfr, name); | 'i' => (* Remove DirDown listfile entry. *) name := ts.getToken("directory name"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); self.statusFile.delete(name); | 'J' => (* Set directory attributes. *) name := ts.getToken("directory name"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); SetDirectoryAttributes(self, sfr, name, attr); | 'j' => (* Remove directory. *) name := ts.getToken("directory name"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); RemoveDirectory(self, sfr, name); | 'L', 'l' => (* Update recorded information for cvs file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); IF cmdCh = 'L' THEN fsType := FileStatus.Type.FileLive; ELSE fsType := FileStatus.Type.FileDead; END; self.statusFile.put(NEW(FileStatus.T, type := fsType, name := name, clientAttr := attr, serverAttr := attr)); | 'N', 'n' => (* Create a node. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateNode(self, sfr, name, attr, toAttic := cmdCh = 'n'); | 'R' => (* Replace regular file. *) (* FIXME - Use 'A' for this, and use the 'R' command only for legacy protocol support. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); attr := AttrOrModTimeAndSize(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := FALSE, fup := NEW(RegularUpdater.T).init( pos := 0, attr := attr)); | 'r' => (* Update regular file with rsync algorithm. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); blockSize := ts.getInt("blockSize"); cksum := ts.getToken("checksum"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := FALSE, fup := NEW(RsyncUpdater.T).init( blockSize := blockSize, attr := attr, wantSum := cksum)); | 'T' => (* Update recorded information for checked-out file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); revNum := ts.getToken("revision number"); IF self.proto.v.sendsRevDates THEN revDate := ts.getToken("revision date"); ELSE revDate := "."; END; attr := AttrOrModTime(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateCheckoutInfo(self, sfr, name, tag := tag, date := date, revNum := revNum, revDate := revDate, rcsAttr := attr); | 'U' => (* Update live checked-out file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); revNum := ts.getToken("old revision number"); fromAttic := NOT Text.Equal(ts.getToken("Attic flag"), "0"); logLines := ts.getInt("log deletion count"); WITH text = ts.getToken("expansion mode") DO TRY expand := RCSKeyword.DecodeExpand(text); EXCEPT RCSError.E(msg) => RAISE TokScan.Error(msg); END; END; attr := AttrOrModTime(); cksum := ts.getToken("checksum"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := FALSE, fup := NEW(CheckoutUpdater.T).init( tag := tag, date := date, oldRevNum := revNum, oldLogLines := logLines, fromAttic := fromAttic, expand := expand, rcsAttr := attr, wantSum := cksum)); | 'u' => (* Update dead checked-out file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); WITH coName = SupMisc.CheckoutName(name) DO Delete(self, sfr, coName); END; self.statusFile.put(NEW(FileStatus.T, type := FileStatus.Type.CheckoutDead, name := name, tag := tag, date := date, serverAttr := attr)); | 'V', 'v' => (* Edit RCS file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); optStr := ts.getToken("RCS file options"); cksum := ts.getToken("checksum"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); TRY rcsOptions := RCSFile.DecodeOptions(optStr); EXCEPT RCSError.E => RAISE TokScan.Error("Invalid RCS file options \"" & optStr & "\""); END; UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := cmdCh = 'v', fup := NEW(RCSUpdater.T).init( attr := attr, rcsOptions := rcsOptions, wantSum := cksum)); | 'X', 'x' => (* Receive RCS file fixup. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); attr := AttrOrModTimeAndSize(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := cmdCh = 'x', fup := NEW(RegularCreator.T).init( attr := attr, isFixup := TRUE), isFixup := TRUE); | 'Y' => (* Receive checkout-mode fixup. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); revNum := ts.getToken("revision number"); revDate := ts.getToken("revision date"); attr := AttrOrModTime(); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := FALSE, fup := NEW(CheckoutCreator.T).init( tag := tag, date := date, revNum := revNum, revDate := revDate, fileAttr := NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File, modTime := DateToTime(revDate)), rcsAttr := attr, isFixup := TRUE), isFixup := TRUE); | 'Z' => (* Append to regular file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN attr := DecodeAttr(self, ts.getToken("attributes")); pos := ts.getInt("pos"); ELSE WITH modTime = ts.getTime("RCS file modTime"), nbytes = ts.getInt("nbytes") DO pos := ts.getInt("pos"); attr := NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File, modTime := modTime, size := pos + nbytes); END; END; ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); UpdateFile(self, sfr, name, toAttic := FALSE, fup := NEW(RegularUpdater.T).init( pos := pos, attr := attr)); | '!' => (* Warning from server. *) Warn(self, "Server warning: " & ts.getRest()); ELSE RAISE TokScan.Error("Invalid command \"" & cmd & "\""); END; END; FINALLY self.statusFile.close(); END; EXCEPT FileStatus.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(msg); END; IF SupFileRec.Option.Compress IN sfr.options THEN IF NOT Rd.EOF(self.rd) THEN RAISE TokScan.Error( "Expected EOF from compressed stream, didn't get it"); END; Rd.Close(self.rd); END; FINALLY IF SupFileRec.Option.Compress IN sfr.options THEN GzipRd.Cleanup(self.rd); self.rd := self.wireRd; END; END; END UpdateCollection; PROCEDUREDecodeAttr (self: T; t: TEXT): FileAttr.T RAISES {TokScan.Error} = BEGIN LOOP TRY RETURN FileAttr.Decode(t); EXCEPT | FileAttr.UnknownGroup(name) => Warn(self, "Unknown group name \"" & name & "\" received from server"); | FileAttr.UnknownOwner(name) => Warn(self, "Unknown user name \"" & name & "\" received from server"); END; END; END DecodeAttr; PROCEDUREUpdateFile (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; toAttic: BOOLEAN; fup: FileUpdater.T; isFixup := FALSE) RAISES {Error, FileStatus.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error} = VAR destName := name; destPath, atticPath, finalPath, tempPath: Pathname.T; md5: MD5.T; wr: MD5Wr.T; size: CARDINAL; status: FileUpdater.Status; BEGIN IF SupFileRec.Option.CheckoutMode IN sfr.options THEN destName := SupMisc.CheckoutName(name); END; destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(self.destDir, SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, destName)); atticPath := SupMisc.AtticName(destPath); finalPath := destPath; IF toAttic THEN finalPath := atticPath END; tempPath := SupMisc.TempName(destPath); MakeDirectories(tempPath, sfr.umask); IF fup.isRCS() AND NOT SupFileRec.Option.StrictCheckRCS IN sfr.options AND self.proto.v.hasLooseRCSCheck THEN md5 := MD5.NewRCS(); ELSE md5 := MD5.New(); END; TRY TRY wr := NEW(MD5Wr.T).init( wr := NEW(FileWr.T).init(FS.OpenFile(tempPath, access := FS.AccessOption.OnlyOwnerCanRead)), md5 := md5); TRY TempFiles.Note(tempPath); fup.update( sfr := sfr, name := name, toAttic := toAttic, proto := self.proto, trace := self.trace, protoRd := self.rd, wr := wr, status := status); size := Wr.Index(wr); FINALLY Wr.Close(wr); END; EXCEPT | FileUpdater.Error(msg) => RAISE Error(destName & ": " & msg); | OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error(tempPath & ": Cannot create: " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); | Wr.Failure(l) => RAISE Error(tempPath & ": Write failure: " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; IF status.wantSum # NIL AND NOT Text.Equal(wr.getSignature(), status.wantSum) THEN RAISE FileUpdater.FixupNeeded("Checksum mismatch"); END; IF status.fromAttic THEN MakeDirectories(atticPath, sfr.umask); destPath := atticPath; ELSIF toAttic THEN MakeDirectories(atticPath, sfr.umask); END; TempFiles.Forget(tempPath); status.fs.clientAttr := FileAttr.Umask(status.fs.clientAttr, sfr.umask); Install(status.fs.clientAttr, from := tempPath, via := destPath, to := finalPath); DoQueuedExecutes(self, sfr); (* We weren't necessarily able to set all the file attributes to the desired values, and any executes may have altered the attributes. To make sure we record the actual attribute values, we fetch them from the file. However, we preserve the link count as received from the server. This is important for preserving hard links in mirror mode. *) TRY status.fs.clientAttr := FileAttr.Override( FileAttr.FromPathname(finalPath, follow := FALSE), status.fs.clientAttr, FileAttr.AttrTypes{FileAttr.AttrType.LinkCount}); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error("Cannot stat \"" & finalPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); (* FIXME - This could happen if the execute deleted the file. Maybe we should simply delete its entry from the status file. *) END; (* To save space, don't write out the device and inode unless the link count is greater than 1. These attributes are used only for detecting hard links. If the link count is 1 then we know there aren't any hard links. *) IF NOT FileAttr.AttrType.LinkCount IN FileAttr.GetMask(status.fs.clientAttr) OR FileAttr.GetLinkCount(status.fs.clientAttr) <= 1 THEN status.fs.clientAttr := FileAttr.MaskOut(status.fs.clientAttr, DevInodeAttrs); END; (* In checkout mode, limit the attributes that we keep around. *) IF SupFileRec.Option.CheckoutMode IN sfr.options THEN status.fs.clientAttr := FileAttr.MaskOut(status.fs.clientAttr, FileAttr.CheckoutIgnore); END; self.statusFile.put(status.fs); IF status.modified THEN StatsUpdate(self, status.updateType, size); ELSE StatsUpdate(self, FileUpdater.UpdateType.Touch, size); END; EXCEPT FileUpdater.FixupNeeded(msg) => IF isFixup THEN Warn(self, destName & ": " & msg & " -- file not updated"); ELSE Warn(self, destName & ": " & msg & " -- will transfer entire file"); self.fixups.put(NEW(Fixup.T, sfr := sfr, name := name)); END; TempFiles.Forget(tempPath); IF SupFileRec.Option.KeepBadFiles IN sfr.options THEN Warn(self, "Bad version saved in " & tempPath); ELSE DeleteFile(self, tempPath); END; END; END UpdateFile; PROCEDUREUpdateNode (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; attr: FileAttr.T; toAttic: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Error, FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR srcPath := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); origSrcPath := srcPath; destPath, atticPath, finalPath, tempPath: Pathname.T; fs: FileStatus.T; what: TEXT; BEGIN (* We don't bother mentioning the Attic here. *) IF attr.fileType = FileAttr.FileType.SymLink THEN Trace(self, " Symlink " & name & " -> " & FileAttr.GetLinkTarget(attr)); what := "symbolic link"; ELSE Trace(self, " Mknod " & name); what := "node"; END; destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(self.destDir, SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name)); atticPath := SupMisc.AtticName(destPath); finalPath := destPath; IF toAttic THEN finalPath := atticPath END; tempPath := SupMisc.TempName(destPath); MakeDirectories(tempPath, sfr.umask); TRY FileAttr.MakeNode(attr, tempPath); TempFiles.Note(tempPath); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error(tempPath & ": Cannot make " & what & ": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; IF srcPath # origSrcPath THEN (* Coming from the Attic. *) MakeDirectories(atticPath, sfr.umask); destPath := atticPath; ELSIF toAttic THEN MakeDirectories(atticPath, sfr.umask); END; TempFiles.Forget(tempPath); attr := FileAttr.Umask(attr, sfr.umask); Install(attr, from := tempPath, via := destPath, to := finalPath); DoQueuedExecutes(self, sfr); (* We weren't necessarily able to set all the file attributes to the desired values, and any executes may have altered the attributes. To make sure we record the actual attribute values, we fetch them from the file. However, we preserve the link count as received from the server. This is important for preserving hard links in mirror mode. *) TRY attr := FileAttr.Override( FileAttr.FromPathname(finalPath, follow := FALSE), attr, FileAttr.AttrTypes{FileAttr.AttrType.LinkCount}); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error("Cannot stat \"" & finalPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); (* FIXME - This could happen if the execute deleted the file. Maybe we should simply delete its entry from the status file. *) END; (* To save space, don't write out the device and inode unless the link count is greater than 1. These attributes are used only for detecting hard links. If the link count is 1 then we know there aren't any hard links. *) IF NOT FileAttr.AttrType.LinkCount IN FileAttr.GetMask(attr) OR FileAttr.GetLinkCount(attr) <= 1 THEN attr := FileAttr.MaskOut(attr, DevInodeAttrs); END; fs := NEW(FileStatus.T, name := name, clientAttr := attr, serverAttr := attr); IF toAttic THEN fs.type := FileStatus.Type.FileDead; ELSE fs.type := FileStatus.Type.FileLive; END; self.statusFile.put(fs); StatsUpdate(self, FileUpdater.UpdateType.Other, 0); END UpdateNode; PROCEDUREUpdateCheckoutInfo (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; tag: TEXT; date: RCSDate.T; revNum: RCSRevNum.T; revDate: RCSDate.T; rcsAttr: FileAttr.T) RAISES {Error, FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR path := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, SupMisc.CheckoutName(name)); destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(self.destDir, path); fileAttr: FileAttr.T; BEGIN TRY fileAttr := FileAttr.FromPathname(path, follow := FALSE); fileAttr := FileAttr.Override(fileAttr, FileAttr.ForCheckout(rcsAttr, sfr.umask)); TRY IF FileAttr.Install(fileAttr, destPath) THEN Trace(self, " SetAttrs " & name); fileAttr := FileAttr.FromPathname(destPath, follow := FALSE); END; EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => Trace(self, " SetAttrs " & name); (* Ignore it if a different destination directory was specified and the file doesn't exist. *) IF l.head # EnoentAtom OR Text.Equal(path, destPath) THEN RAISE Error("Cannot set attributes for \"" & destPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; END; fileAttr := FileAttr.MaskOut(fileAttr, FileAttr.CheckoutIgnore); self.statusFile.put(NEW(FileStatus.T, type := FileStatus.Type.CheckoutLive, name := name, tag := tag, date := date, serverAttr := rcsAttr, revNum := revNum, revDate := revDate, clientAttr := fileAttr)); EXCEPT OSError.E => (* The file has vanished. *) self.statusFile.delete(name); END; END UpdateCheckoutInfo; PROCEDUREHardLink (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; linkTo: Pathname.T; toAttic: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Error, FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR srcPath := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); origSrcPath := srcPath; targetPath := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, linkTo); destPath, atticPath, finalPath, tempPath: Pathname.T; fromAttic := FALSE; idA, idB: FileID.T; attr: FileAttr.T; fs: FileStatus.T; BEGIN (* See if the link already exists in the right place. *) TRY idA := FileID.FromAttr(Attic.FileAttrFromPathname(srcPath, follow := FALSE)); idB := FileID.FromAttr(FileAttr.FromPathname(targetPath, follow := FALSE)); fromAttic := srcPath # origSrcPath; IF fromAttic = toAttic AND idA # NIL AND idB # NIL AND FileID.Equal(idA, idB) THEN RETURN; (* Already linked. *) END; EXCEPT OSError.E => (* Ignore. *) END; (* We won't bother to mention the Attic here. *) Trace(self, " Hardlink " & name & " -> " & linkTo); destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(self.destDir, SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name)); atticPath := SupMisc.AtticName(destPath); finalPath := destPath; IF toAttic THEN finalPath := atticPath END; tempPath := SupMisc.TempName(destPath); MakeDirectories(tempPath, sfr.umask); TRY attr := FileAttr.HardLink(path := tempPath, target := targetPath); TempFiles.Note(tempPath); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error(tempPath & ": Cannot make node: " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; IF fromAttic THEN MakeDirectories(atticPath, sfr.umask); destPath := atticPath; ELSIF toAttic THEN MakeDirectories(atticPath, sfr.umask); END; TempFiles.Forget(tempPath); attr := FileAttr.Umask(attr, sfr.umask); Install(attr, from := tempPath, via := destPath, to := finalPath); DoQueuedExecutes(self, sfr); (* We weren't necessarily able to set all the file attributes to the desired values, and any executes may have altered the attributes. To make sure we record the actual attribute values, we fetch them from the file. However, we preserve the link count as received from the server. This is important for preserving hard links in mirror mode. *) TRY attr := FileAttr.Override( FileAttr.FromPathname(finalPath, follow := FALSE), attr, FileAttr.AttrTypes{FileAttr.AttrType.LinkCount}); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error("Cannot stat \"" & finalPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); (* FIXME - This could happen if the execute deleted the file. Maybe we should simply delete its entry from the status file. *) END; fs := NEW(FileStatus.T, name := name, clientAttr := attr, serverAttr := attr); IF toAttic THEN fs.type := FileStatus.Type.FileDead; ELSE fs.type := FileStatus.Type.FileLive; END; self.statusFile.put(fs); StatsUpdate(self, FileUpdater.UpdateType.Other, 0); END HardLink; PROCEDURECreateDirectory (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {Error, FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR path := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(self.destDir, path); attr := NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.Directory); BEGIN (* If we are not going to be setting the modes of the directory later, then create it with reasonable default modes. Otherwise, let MakeNode create it with more restrictive modes initially. *) IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.SetMode IN sfr.options THEN attr := FileAttr.MergeDefault(attr); END; IF NOT Text.Equal(path, destPath) THEN (* Testing -> separate destDir. *) MakeDirectories(destPath, sfr.umask); END; TRY FileAttr.MakeNode(attr, destPath); Trace(self, " Mkdir " & name); (* Push the directory name onto the stack so that we will be able to find out that we created it when the matching SetDirectoryAttributes call comes along. *) self.dirsCreated.addhi(name); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => IF l.head # EexistAtom THEN Trace(self, " Mkdir " & name); RAISE Error("Cannot create directory \"" & destPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; END; self.statusFile.put(NEW(FileStatus.T, name := name, type := FileStatus.Type.DirDown)); StatsUpdate(self, FileUpdater.UpdateType.Other, 0); END CreateDirectory; PROCEDURESetDirectoryAttributes (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; attr: FileAttr.T) RAISES {Error, FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR path := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(self.destDir, path); changed := FALSE; BEGIN IF self.dirsCreated.size() > 0 AND Text.Equal(name, self.dirsCreated.gethi()) THEN (* We created it. *) changed := TRUE; EVAL self.dirsCreated.remhi(); (* Pop it from the stack. *) END; attr := FileAttr.MergeDefault(attr); attr := FileAttr.Umask(attr, sfr.umask); TRY IF FileAttr.Install(attr, destPath) THEN Trace(self, " SetAttrs " & name); changed := TRUE; END; EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => Trace(self, " SetAttrs " & name); (* Ignore it if a different destination directory was specified and the file doesn't exist. *) IF l.head # EnoentAtom OR Text.Equal(path, destPath) THEN RAISE Error("Cannot set attributes for \"" & destPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; END; IF changed THEN (* We changed the attributes and/or created it. *) DoQueuedExecutes(self, sfr); END; (* We weren't necessarily able to set all the directory attributes to the desired values, and any executes may have altered the attributes. To make sure we record the actual attribute values, we fetch them from the directory. *) TRY attr := FileAttr.FromPathname(destPath, follow := FALSE); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error("Cannot stat \"" & destPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); (* FIXME - This could happen if the execute deleted the directory. Maybe we should simply delete its entry from the status file. *) END; self.statusFile.put(NEW(FileStatus.T, name := name, type := FileStatus.Type.DirUp, clientAttr := attr, serverAttr := attr)); StatsUpdate(self, FileUpdater.UpdateType.Other, 0); END SetDirectoryAttributes; PROCEDURERemoveDirectory (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR path := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(self.destDir, path); BEGIN Trace(self, " Rmdir " & name); IF Text.Equal(path, destPath) THEN TRY FS.DeleteDirectory(destPath); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => IF l.head # EnoentAtom THEN Warn(self, "Cannot remove directory \"" & destPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; END; END; self.statusFile.delete(name, isDirUp := TRUE); StatsUpdate(self, FileUpdater.UpdateType.Other, 0); END RemoveDirectory;
PROCEDURE***************************************************************************DoQueuedExecutes (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO self.executes.size() DO WITH pe = NARROW(self.executes.remlo(), ParsedExecute) DO ExecCommand(self, sfr,, pe.command); END; END; END DoQueuedExecutes; PROCEDUREExecCommand (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; command: TEXT) RAISES {Error} = VAR path := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); pos := 0; len := Text.Length(command); expCmd := ""; pctPos: INTEGER; stdin, stdout, stderr: File.T; child: Process.T; status: Process.ExitCode; modTime: Time.T; BEGIN (* Expand "%" escapes. *) WHILE pos < len DO pctPos := Text.FindChar(command, '%', pos); IF pctPos = -1 THEN pctPos := len END; expCmd := expCmd & Text.Sub(command, pos, pctPos-pos); pos := pctPos; IF pos < len THEN (* Found a "%". *) IF pos+1 < len THEN WITH ch = Text.GetChar(command, pos+1) DO IF ch = 's' THEN expCmd := expCmd & path; ELSIF ch = '%' THEN expCmd := expCmd & "%"; ELSE expCmd := expCmd & "%" & Text.FromChar(ch); END; INC(pos, 2); END; ELSE expCmd := expCmd & "%"; INC(pos); END; END; END; IF SupFileRec.Option.Execute IN sfr.options THEN Trace(self, " Execute " & expCmd); TRY modTime := FS.Status(path).modificationTime; EXCEPT OSError.E => modTime := -1.0d0 END; Process.GetStandardFileHandles(stdin, stdout, stderr); TRY child := Process.Create( cmd := SupMisc.ShellPath, params := ARRAY [0..1] OF TEXT{"-c", expCmd}, stdin := stdin, stdout := stdout, stderr := stderr); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error("Cannot execute command: " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; status := Process.Wait(child); (* FIXME - This is Unix specific. *) WITH sig = Word.Extract(status, 0, 7), code = Word.Extract(status, 8, 8) DO IF sig # 0 THEN Trace(self, " [signal " & Fmt.Int(sig) & "]"); ELSIF code # 0 THEN Trace(self, " [exit code " & Fmt.Int(code) & "]"); END; END; IF modTime # -1.0d0 THEN TRY FS.SetModificationTime(path, modTime) EXCEPT OSError.E => (* Ignore *) END; END; ELSE Trace(self, " NoExecute " & expCmd); END; END ExecCommand;
PROCEDUREInit (self: T; proto: CVProto.T; rd: StreamRd.T; collections: SupFileRecSeq.T; fixups: SyncFixupQueue.T; deleteLimit := -1; reaper: Reaper.T := NIL; destDir: TEXT := NIL; stats: Stats := NIL; trace: Logger.T := NIL): T = BEGIN self.proto := proto; self.userDestDir := destDir; self.wireRd := rd; self.rd := rd; self.collections := collections; self.executes := NEW(RefSeq.T).init(); self.fixups := fixups; self.deleteLimit := deleteLimit; self.reaper := reaper; self.stats := stats; self.trace := trace; RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDUREDelete (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {Error} = VAR srcPath := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(self.destDir, srcPath); BEGIN IF SupFileRec.Option.Delete IN sfr.options AND Text.Equal(destPath, srcPath) THEN Trace(self, " Delete " & name); IF self.deleteLimit >= 0 AND self.deleteCount >= self.deleteLimit THEN RAISE Error("File deletion limit exceeded"); END; INC(self.deleteCount); IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.CheckoutMode IN sfr.options THEN (* Try the attic. *) WITH atticName = SupMisc.AtticName(destPath) DO DeleteFile(self, atticName); (* We always delete the Attic directory when it becomes empty. FIXME - Is that the right thing to do?. *) TRY FileAttr.Delete(SupMisc.PathPrefix(atticName)); EXCEPT OSError.E => (* Ignore. *) END; END; END; DeleteFile(self, destPath); IF SupFileRec.Option.CheckoutMode IN sfr.options OR NOT self.proto.v.dirsAreExplicit THEN (* Delete the directory automatically if it is now empty. *) DeleteAncestorDirectories(self, sfr, name); END; ELSE Trace(self, " NoDelete " & name); END; StatsUpdate(self, FileUpdater.UpdateType.Delete, 0); END Delete; PROCEDUREDeleteAncestorDirectories (<*UNUSED*> self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) =
Delete the ancestor directories of name
up to the first one that
can't be deleted, but stop at the client prefix.
VAR path := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.clientPrefix, name); prefixLen := Text.Length(sfr.clientPrefix); BEGIN TRY LOOP path := SupMisc.PathPrefix(path); IF Text.Length(path) <= prefixLen THEN EXIT END; FS.DeleteDirectory(path); END; EXCEPT OSError.E => (* Break out of the loop. *) END; END DeleteAncestorDirectories; PROCEDURE***************************************************************************MakeDirectories (path: Pathname.T; umask: INTEGER) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN TRY SupMisc.MakeDirectories(path, umask); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot create directories leading to \"" & path & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END MakeDirectories; PROCEDUREDeleteFile (self: T; path: Pathname.T) = BEGIN TRY FileAttr.Delete(path); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => IF l.head # EnoentAtom THEN Warn(self, "Cannot delete \"" & path & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; END; END DeleteFile; PROCEDUREInstall (attr: FileAttr.T; from, via, to: Pathname.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN TRY EVAL FileAttr.Install(attr, from := from, to := via); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot install \"" & from & "\" to \"" & via & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; IF NOT Text.Equal(via, to) THEN (* Move file to or from the Attic. *) TRY WITH noAttr = FileAttr.MaskOut(attr, FileAttr.AllButFileType) DO EVAL FileAttr.Install(noAttr, from := via, to := to); END; EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot move \"" & via & "\" to \"" & to & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; END Install;
REVEAL Stats = StatsPublic BRANDED OBJECT OVERRIDES init := StatsInit; start := StatsDoNothing0; update := StatsDoNothing1; finish := StatsDoNothing0; END; PROCEDURE***************************************************************************StatsInit (self: Stats): Stats = BEGIN RETURN self; END StatsInit; PROCEDUREStatsDoNothing0 (<*UNUSED*> self: Stats) = BEGIN END StatsDoNothing0; PROCEDUREStatsDoNothing1 (<*UNUSED*> self: Stats; <*UNUSED*> type: FileUpdater.UpdateType) = BEGIN END StatsDoNothing1; PROCEDUREStatsUpdate (self: T; updateType: FileUpdater.UpdateType; fileBytes: CARDINAL) = VAR commBytes, wireBytes: LONGREAL; BEGIN IF self.stats # NIL THEN wireBytes := StreamRd.ByteCount(self.wireRd) - self.startingWireBytes; commBytes := StreamRd.ByteCount(self.rd) - self.startingCommBytes; LOCK self.stats DO WITH info = self.stats.updateInfo[updateType] DO INC(info.fileCount); info.fileBytes := info.fileBytes + FLOAT(fileBytes, LONGREAL); info.wireBytes := info.wireBytes + wireBytes; info.commBytes := info.commBytes + commBytes; END; WITH info = self.stats.totals DO INC(info.fileCount); info.fileBytes := info.fileBytes + FLOAT(fileBytes, LONGREAL); info.wireBytes := info.wireBytes + wireBytes; info.commBytes := info.commBytes + commBytes; END; END; self.stats.update(updateType); END; END StatsUpdate;
PROCEDUREWarn (self: T; msg: TEXT) = BEGIN IF self.trace # NIL THEN Logger.Put(self.trace, Logger.Priority.Warning, msg); END; END Warn; PROCEDURETrace (self: T; msg: TEXT) = BEGIN IF self.trace # NIL THEN Logger.Put(self.trace, Logger.Priority.Notice, msg); END; END Trace; BEGIN END Updater.