
file status cache
IMPORT Fingerprint, TextSeq, Wr;
IMPORT APN, APNSeq, FileStatus, FindExpr, MsgIF;
IMPORT TextHashTbl, APNHashTbl AS AbsPathnHashTbl;
CONST Brand = "FileInfo";
  T <: Public;
  (*object type for file status caches*)


    init (sizeHint : CARDINAL; base : APN.T;
          msgif : MsgIF.T := NIL) : T;
    (*Initialization with a size hint and a base path.
      The base path is present to make path processing more efficient.
      All subsequent operations are performed relative to this path.

      In particular, note that any parameter of p in the methods below
      is internally concatenated with base. As a consequence, it is
      inefficient to initialize base to, say, "." and instantiate p to the
      same path, because this will lead to internal pathnames
      with a prefix of "././". The right thing to do in this case is to
      instantiate base to "." and p to "". Generally speaking, one should
      always make base as long and p as short as possible.

      If base is NIL or has got an empty text denotation, then
      it will be ignored in all cache operations.

      Error Conditions:
        invalid instantiation of base*)

    getBase () : APN.T;
    (*return the base pathname

      Error Conditions
        self = NIL*)

    size () : CARDINAL;
    (*return the number of entries

      Error Conditions:
        self = NIL*)

    getStatus (p : APN.T) : FileStatus.T;
    (*Look up the status of the file or directory b/p, where b is the base
      path. Do not >update< the status.

      If the cache does not contain any status entry for b/p, then
      create one and return it. The exists-flag
      contained in this entry is set to false.

      Note that getStatus will return exists = false if p is of the form
      ./q and, at the same time, the status record in the cache is
      associated not with ./q but with q, and conversely.

      If p is an absolute pathname or base is undefined, then just p
      will be used for the operations described above.

      Error Conditions:
        self = NIL
        invalid instantiation of p*)

    update (READONLY p : APN.T) : FileStatus.T;
    (*Update the status of the file b/p, where b is the base path,
      and return it.

      If p is an absolute pathname or base is undefined, then just p
      will be used for the operations described above.

      Error Conditions:
        self = NIL
        invalid instantiation of p*)

    updateRec (
        p : APN.T;
        ext : TextSeq.T;
        ignoreDirs : APNSeq.T;
        ignoreDirExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL;
        ignoreFileExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL
    (*Update recursively starting from b/p, where b is the base path.
      As for files, update an entry for a file only if its extension
      is in ext, but update an entry for each file if ext is empty;
      as for directories, do not traverse any directory whose name is in
      ignoreDirs, or whose name is matched by ignoreDirExpr. Do not
      cache any file name matched by ignoreFileExpr.

      If p is an absolute pathname or base is undefined, then just p
      will be used for the operations described above.

      Error Conditions:
        self = NIL
        invalid instantiation of p

        ignoreDirs = NIL is allowed and has the expected effect.*)

    updateFlat (
        p : APN.T;
        ext : TextSeq.T;
        ignoreDirExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL;
        ignoreFileExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL
    ) : APNSeq.T ;
    (*Update non-recursively starting from b/p, where b is the base path,
      and return a list of all updated entries.
      As for files, update an entry for a file only if its extension
      is in ext, but update an entry for each file if ext is empty;
      as for directories, do not traverse any of them.
      Do not update any files whose name matches ignoreFileExpr.

      If p is an absolute pathname or base is undefined, then just p
      will be used for the operations described above.

      Error Conditions:
        self = NIL
        invalid instantiation of p*)

    getDir(READONLY p : APN.T) : APNSeq.T;
    (* Get all filenames of directory `p' that are contained in the
       cache. If `p' is not contained in the cache, this method
       returns NIL. *)

    dirList(p : APN.T; long := TRUE) : TEXT;
    (* Get a listing of directory `p', that is all information of `p'
       that is contained in the cache. If `long' is true, then the
       file type and modification time are included; otherweise only
       the file name is listed. If `p' is not contained in the cache,
       this method returns NIL. *)

        READONLY p : APN.T;
        READONLY ignoreDirExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL;
        READONLY ignoreFileExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL
    ) : REF Fingerprint.T;
    (* Compute a fingerprint for file or directory `p'. If `p' is a
       file, the fingerprint is computed based on the name and
       the modification time of `p'. If `p' is a directory, then
       the fingerprint is based on the fingerprints of all
       contained files and directories as well. If `p' is not contained
       in the cache, this method returns NIL.
       Do not use any directories matched by `ignoreDirExpr' and
       any files matched by `ignoreFileExpr' to compute the fingerprint.

    dump (wr : Wr.T);
    (* dump the cache contents to wr for debugging purposes *)

  END (*of Public*);
PROCEDURE TextSeqToTextHashTbl(s : TextSeq.T) : TextHashTbl.T;
PROCEDURE AbsPathnSeqToAbsPathnHashTbl(s : APNSeq.T) :
Auxiliary procedures for the conversion of sequences of strings or abstract pathnames to hash tables of strings or abstract pathnames.

A NIL argument sequence is allowed and will be converted to a hash table that has been initialized with a size hint of 0.

PROCEDURE ComputeFingerprint(
    self : T; READONLY p : APN.T;
    READONLY ignoreDirExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL;
    READONLY ignoreFileExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL) : REF Fingerprint.T;

PROCEDURE ComputeFingerprintRec(
    self : T; READONLY p : APN.T;
    READONLY ignoreDirExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL;
    READONLY ignoreFileExpr : FindExpr.T := NIL) : REF Fingerprint.T;
END FileInfo.

FileInfo's implementation is in:

interface FileStatus is in: