INTERFACEHTTPControl provides an interface for applictions to be controlled via an HTTP form interface.HTTPControl ;
Values are registered with the interface and are called when the user changes the value.
HTTPControl registers an HTTPApp.RequestHandler that handles requests for local URLs.
IMPORT App, HTTP, Wr; EXCEPTION NotAuthorized; TYPE Form <: FormPublic; FormPublic = OBJECT METHODS init(name: TEXT): Form; name(): TEXT; (* "name" gives the name of the form *) accept(request: HTTP.Request; localPath: TEXT; VAR (* OUT *) acceptState: REFANY): BOOLEAN; (* returns TRUE if this form handles "request". "localPath" is the path portion of the request's URL. *) respond(request: HTTP.Request; query: HTTP.FormQuery; wr: Wr.T; log: App.Log; READONLY acceptState: REFANY) RAISES {App.Error, NotAuthorized}; (* "request" is the parsed request header. "query" is the parsed query of submitted form. "wr" is the writer for the outgoing response header and result. *) iterate(): Iterator; (* return an iterator for the values of the form *) END; TYPE Iterator <: IteratorPublic; IteratorPublic = OBJECT METHODS next(): Value; (* return the next value of the form. return NIL if there are no more values. the result is not defined if a value is added while the iterator is active. *) END; PROCEDURE RegisterForm (form : Form; name, url: TEXT; addToRoot: BOOLEAN := TRUE);
Register the form so that the form.accept method is called to
see if the form handles the request. If addToRoot
the form
is added to the root form.
PROCEDURE FormLookup(name: TEXT): Form;
Return the registered form with the name name
TYPE StaticFormAcceptState = REF RECORD set: BOOLEAN; END; TYPE StaticForm <: StaticFormPublic; StaticFormPublic = Form OBJECT title : TEXT := NIL; hasSubmitButton : BOOLEAN := TRUE; METHODS init(name, url: TEXT; register := TRUE): StaticForm; (* "url" is the local url of the form on the control server. A "url" of "xxx" or "/xxx" corresponds to the URL: https://<server>:<port>/xxx. The "action" of the static form is URL: https://<server>:<port>/xxxSet The "acceptState" field of the "respond" method is a StaticFormAcceptState value indicating whether this is an initial call or an attempt to set the form's values. The default implementation of "init" calls RegisterForm with the form and "url" under "name". *) url(): TEXT; (* "url" gives the local URL for a request of the form *) addValue(value: Value); END; (* A StaticForm is a form that has a fixed URL for its address and fixed contents (made up of values). *) PROCEDURE RootForm(): StaticForm;
The default form answers to the URL: https://<server>:<port>/
PROCEDURE AddToForm(form: StaticForm; subForm: Form; name, url: TEXT);
Equivalent to form.addValue(NEW(FormValue, form := subForm).init(url))
TYPE Value <: ValuePublic; ValuePublic = OBJECT id : TEXT; leader, label, trailer: TEXT := ""; editable : BOOLEAN := TRUE; METHODS setText (req: HTTP.Request; v: TEXT; log: App.Log) RAISES {App.Error, NotAuthorized}; getText (req: HTTP.Request): TEXT RAISES {NotAuthorized}; setDefault (req: HTTP.Request; log: App.Log) RAISES {App.Error, NotAuthorized}; writeFormItem (req: HTTP.Request; wr: Wr.T; log: App.Log) RAISES {App.Error, NotAuthorized}; END; TYPE ContainerValue <: ContainerValuePublic; ContainerValuePublic = Value OBJECT METHODS setValues (req: HTTP.Request; query: HTTP.FormQuery; log: App.Log) RAISES {App.Error, NotAuthorized}; END; END HTTPControl.