
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                   
 All rights reserved.                                                
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                      
 Last modified on Wed Mar 16 12:32:45 PST 1994 by heydon             

A friends interface for the FmtBuf interface that reveals internal types and procedures.

IMPORT Fmt, FmtBuf, RealFloat, LongFloat, ExtendedFloat;

  Class = { NaN, Inf, Number, Zero };
  IEEEKind = { Single, Double, Extended };
The Class type is a coarse-grained and precision-independent representation of the class of an IEEE floating-point number. The NaN class includes both quiet and signalling NaN's. The Number class includes both normal and denormal numbers.

The IEEEKind type enumerates the three IEEE floating-point precisions.

  ClassMapReal = ARRAY RealFloat.IEEEClass OF Class{
    Class.NaN, Class.NaN, Class.Inf, Class.Number, Class.Number, Class.Zero};
  ClassMapLong = ARRAY LongFloat.IEEEClass OF Class{
    Class.NaN, Class.NaN, Class.Inf, Class.Number, Class.Number, Class.Zero};
  ClassMapExtd = ARRAY ExtendedFloat.IEEEClass OF Class{
    Class.NaN, Class.NaN, Class.Inf, Class.Number, Class.Number, Class.Zero};
The ClassMapReal, ClassMapLong, and ClassMapExtd arrays are maps from the appropriate IEEEClass type to the corresponding precision-independent Class type.

  NumAttr = RECORD
    class: Class;
    kind: IEEEKind;
    sign: [0..1];
    maxExpDigits: CARDINAL;
    len: CARDINAL;
    exp: INTEGER;
    errorSign: [-1..1];
  Digits = ARRAY OF [0..9];
This interface represents a floating point number by a pair of values (num, digits) in the set NumAttr x Digits. num contains attributes of the number, and digits contains the digits of the number. The first four fields of num are defined by:

        "class" denotes the class of the number,
        "kind" denotes the precision of the number,
        "sign" is the sign bit of the number (0 = positive, 1 = negative), and
        "maxExpDigits" is the maximum number of base-10 exponent digits
          required by "kind"-precision real numbers
If num.class = Class.Number, then the other fields of num are the same as those in the DecimalApprox structure produced by the ToDecimal procedure in instantiations of the Float interface. A Digits value contains the same digits as the digits field of the DecimalApprox record; this field has been removed from the record so it can be passed READONLY on the stack for efficiency.

  FmtRec = RECORD
    style: Fmt.Style;
    prec: CARDINAL;
    literal: BOOLEAN;
A FmtRec bundles together the three formatting parameters that determine how a floating-point value should be formatted.

    VAR (*OUT*) b: FmtBuf.T;
    READONLY num: NumAttr;
    VAR (*IN*) digits: Digits;
    READONLY fmt: FmtRec)
Format the number (num, digits) into the buffer b to precision fmt.prec according to formatting style and fmt.literal as defined in the Fmt interface. Returns the number of characters written into the buffer b. It is a checked run-time error for b not to be large enough to hold the result. The contents of digits is undefined on return.
 The caller must guarantee that the buffer b passed to Float is
   sufficiently large. The tricky question is to decide how large the
   buffer needs to be. Our goal here is to develop an upper-bound that
   is easy to compute. We proceed by a case analysis.

We need not consider the Style.Auto style, since the width of a number produced with Style.Auto is at most the maximum of the width produced using Style.Sci and Style.Fix.

A number of type T rendered to prec digits of precision with Style.Sci will normally produce a text of length 5 + prec + T.MaxExpDigits (the 5 extra characters are for the leading sign, leading digit, decimal point, exponent character, and exponent sign). However, in the case that prec = 0, the width will be 1 larger if literal = TRUE and 1 smaller otherwise. Also, in the case where literal = TRUE, the special values Nan and Infinity require 8 characters in the single-precision case and 12 characters in the double- and extended-precision cases. Hence, some good upper-bounds for Style.Sci are:

         literal = FALSE:  width <= 5 + prec + T.MaxExpDigits
         literal = TRUE:   width <= MAX(5 + MAX(prec, 1) + T.MaxExpDigits, 12)
The width of a number rendered according to Style.Fix is a bit more difficult to bound. Independent of the literal parameter, the values NaN and Infinity require at most 12 characters, and the value zero requires at most MAX(prec, 1) + 5 characters. A non-zero fixpoint number is formatted to have the form [-]DD***D.PP***P[(d|x)0]. There are exactly prec digits after the decimal, but the number of digits before the decimal depends on the magnitude of the number. Suppose the base-10 exponent of the number, if rendered in scientific notation, is exp. Then the number of digits before the decimal is given by MAX(exp, 1). Hence, the maximum width for each class of number rendered in Style.Fix is:

         Nan, Infinity:    width <= 12
         Zero:             width <= 5 + MAX(prec, 1)
         All others:       width <= 4 + MAX(prec, 1) + MAX(exp, 1)
Hence, an overall cautious upper-bound is given by the following formula, where exp is defined to be zero in the Nan, Infinity, and Zero cases:

         Style.Fix:        width <= MAX(4 + MAX(prec, 1) + MAX(exp, 1), 12)

END FmtBufF.