
 Copyright (C) 2005, Purdue Research Foundation                  
 All rights reserved.                                            
 See the file COPYRIGHT-PURDUE for a full description.           
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation               
 All rights reserved.                                            
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                  


IMPORT FloatMode, RTHeapRep;
--------------------------------------------- garbage collector support ---

PROCEDURE MyHeapState(): UNTRACED REF RTHeapRep.ThreadState;

PROCEDURE SuspendOthers ();
Suspend all threads except the caller's. NOTE: Once the other threads are suspended, the remaining thread cannot use any of the synchronization operations (Signal, Wait, Broadcast, Pause). Otherwise, it may deadlock with one of the suspended threads (by trying to acquire the internal lock cm).

PROCEDURE ResumeOthers ();
Resume the threads suspended by SuspendOthers
 We assume that the compiler ensures pointers are stored at aligned
   locations in the stacks.  The garbage collector scans thread stacks, but
   only looks at these possible pointer locations. 

PROCEDURE ProcessStacks (p: PROCEDURE (start, limit: ADDRESS));
Apply p to each thread stack, with [start..limit) being the limits of the stack. All other threads must be suspended. ProcessStacks exists solely for the garbage collector.
 Feature:  Windows threads not created by Thread.Fork are not suspended
   or resumed, and their stacks are not processed. 

PROCEDURE ProcessEachStack (p: PROCEDURE (start, limit: ADDRESS));
Apply p to each thread stack, with [start..limit) being the limits of the stack. Each thread is suspended individually. ProcessEachStack exists solely for the garbage collector.
------------------------------------------------ floating point support ---

access to the saved floating point state for the current thread.

PROCEDURE MyFPState (): UNTRACED REF FloatMode.ThreadState;
---------------------------------------------------- exception delivery ---

PROCEDURE GetCurrentHandlers(): ADDRESS;
== RETURN WinBase.TlsGetValue(handlersIndex)

PROCEDURE SetCurrentHandlers(h: ADDRESS);
== WinBase.TlsSetValue(handlersIndex, h)


END RTThread.

RTThread's implementation is in:

interface FloatMode is in: