Copyright (C) 1990, Digital Equipment Corporation |All rights reserved. | See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. | | Portions Copyright 1996-2000, Critical Mass, Inc. | See file COPYRIGHT-CMASS for details. | | Last modified on Wed Oct 12 14:30:51 PDT 1994 by kalsow | modified on Tue Jun 1 13:03:23 PDT 1993 by muller | modified on Tue Mar 9 08:44:09 PST 1993 by jdd
is a private, implementation-dependent extension to
, RTCollector
, and RTHeap
UNSAFE INTERFACEThis interface provides low-level access to the storage allocator and garbage collector. Some items here should be made private or moved elsewhere.RTHeapRep ;
IMPORT RT0, Word; FROM RT0 IMPORT Typecode;The allocator and collector maintain two heaps of objects. One heap is
(its objects are collected); the other is untraced
The allocator for the untraced heap is simply malloc
. Unless
explicitly noted, all procedures and variables here are for the traced
heap. Unless explicitly noted, none of the variables in this interface
are writable.
***** PAGES *****
The (traced) heap consists of a number of aligned pages, divided among
three spaces: Free, Previous, and Current. All other pages in the
address space are in the Unallocated
space. Pages are numbered 0, 1,
2, .... The pagesize used is fixed and must be a power of two.
The global variable p0 and p1 hold the bounds of the heap pages: only
pages in the range [p0, p1) are in a space other than Unallocated. For
these pages, the array desc
holds more information; desc[p - p0] holds
state for page p
The heap page size used to be machine-dependent, since it could depend on the architecture's VM page size (if VM was TRUE). VM is now always FALSE. Otherwise, 64K bytes is a reasonable page size. The page size must be a power of two.
Actually 64K is chosen because it is the granularity of VirtualAlloc on Windows (GetSystemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity). Using smaller than this on Windows, with VirtualAlloc, will allocate extra memory but never use it. So it is in fact somewhat machine-dependent. Smaller values like 4K or 8K are reasonable on other platforms, however larger values do reduce some bookkeeping overhead (but probably also have an advantage.) It may also make sense to make this a variable and tune it at runtime (or at least startup) to adapt to machines with more or less memory (e.g. more memory => larger pages). (note that memory can be added/removed to some running systems! not to mention overall system memory pressure..)
CONST BytesPerPage = 65536; LogBytesPerPage = 16; AdrPerPage = BytesPerPage; LogAdrPerPage = LogBytesPerPage; TYPE Page = [0 .. Word.Divide(-1, AdrPerPage)]; CONST Nil: Page = 0; (* page 0 cannot be part of the traced heap *) VAR p0, p1: Page := Nil; VAR max_heap: INTEGER := -1;
* Ifmax_heap
is non-negative, the traced heap will not be extended beyondmax_heap
bytes. Ifmax_heap
is negative, the traced heap will be allowed to grow until the underlying OS refuses to provide more memory.
TYPE Desc = RECORD space : BITS 2 FOR Space; generation: BITS 1 FOR Generation; pure : BITS 1 FOR BOOLEAN; note : BITS 3 FOR Note; gray : BITS 1 FOR BOOLEAN; clean : BITS 1 FOR BOOLEAN; locked : BITS 1 FOR BOOLEAN; link: BITS BITSIZE(ADDRESS) - LogAdrPerPage FOR Page := Nil; END; PageHdr = RECORD desc: Desc; nb: CARDINAL := 1; END; RefPage = UNTRACED REF PageHdr; TYPE Space = {Unallocated, Free, Previous, Current};Each page has a short note attached, describing why it is in its current state. This is usually used for performance monitoring.
TYPE Notes = SET OF Note; Note = {OlderGeneration, (* page promoted to current space because it it contained the older generation from the previous space *) AmbiguousRoot, (* page promoted to current space because of a possible reference from a thread state *) Large, (* page promoted to current space because it contains a single accessible object, so no garbage would be collected by copying the object *) Frozen, (* page contains frozen ref *) Allocated, (* page was allocated in current space *) Copied}; (* page contains elements that were copied from previous space *)The collector can be generational; the heap is divided into two generations.
TYPE Generation = {Older, Younger}; VAR allocatedPages: CARDINAL := 0; (* the number of pages in the Free, Previous, or Current spaces *) PROCEDURE ReferentSize (h: RefHeader): CARDINAL; PROCEDURE AddressToPage (r: ADDRESS): RefPage;***** HEAP OBJECTS *****
An object is a contiguous array of words on the heap. The first word of an object is its header. The object's body begins at the second word, its address is the object's REF. All object bodies are aligned.
objects never cross a page boundary. Large
objects are larger
than a page; they span multiple contiguous pages. For large objects,
pages following the first are marked continued
. The large object is
the only object on its pages; it starts at the beginning of its first
page, and no other objects follow it on its last page.
Special filler
objects are used to exactly fill out the end of a page
of small objects, or to fill space between small objects when they
cannot exactly follow the previous object because of alignment
restrictions. There are 1-word and multi-word filler objects. The
beginning of a page is always adequate alignment, so a filler object
need never begin a page.
TYPE Header = RT0.RefHeader; RefHeader = UNTRACED REF Header; CONST (* 1 word filler *) Fill_1_type: Typecode = 0; (* = NilTypecode, for zero-filled pages *) FillHeader1 = Header{typecode := Fill_1_type, dirty := FALSE}; CONST (* multi-word filler, the second word is the total size of the object, in bytes *) Fill_N_type: Typecode = LAST(Typecode); FillHeaderN = Header{typecode := Fill_N_type, dirty := FALSE}; PROCEDURE InsertFiller(start: RefHeader; n: INTEGER);***** OPEN ARRAYS *****
An open array object with N open dimensions contains a header, then a pointer to the first data element, then N integers that hold the dimensions.
TYPE UnsafeArrayShape = UNTRACED REF ARRAY [0 .. (*N-1*) 999] OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE UnsafeGetShape ( r : REFANY; VAR nDimensions: INTEGER; VAR s : UnsafeArrayShape);
if r is a reference to an open array, the number of open dimensions, nDimensions, and size of each dimension, s, is returned. The array's shape vector is valid as long as r exists. If r is not a reference to an open array, nDimensions = 0 and s is undefined. It is an unchecked runtime error to modify s^, to free s, or to use it after r has been garbage collected.
CONST MaxAlignment = 8; CONST MaxAlignMask = 2_0111; (* bit mask to capture MaxAlignment *) TYPE MaxAlignRange = [0 .. MaxAlignment - 1]; VAR align: ARRAY MaxAlignRange, [1 .. MaxAlignment] OF CARDINAL;
align[i,j] == RTMisc.Align (i, j) - i
PROCEDURE CollectEnough(); PROCEDURE LongAlloc (size, alignment: CARDINAL; VAR pool: AllocPool): ADDRESS;
Return the address ofsize
bytes of traced storage on analignment
byte boundary from the allocation poolpool
. If the request cannot be satisfied,NIL
is returned. LL >= RTOS.LockHeap.
Objects in the traced heap are allocated from
TYPE AllocPool = RECORD note : [Note.Allocated..Note.Copied]; pure : BOOLEAN; page : RefPage := NIL; (* current allocation page of the pool *) next : ADDRESS := NIL; (* address of next available byte *) limit : ADDRESS := NIL; (* address of first unavailable byte *) END; VAR (* LL >= LockHeap *) pureCopy := AllocPool { pure := TRUE, note := Note.Copied }; impureCopy := AllocPool { pure := FALSE, note := Note.Copied }; TYPE ThreadState = RECORD (* BEWARE: a thread cannot be suspended while inCritical # 0 This permits the thread to decline being suspended for GC until it is done allocating from its pool. Otherwise, the GC could see incoherent object state in the pool's page. *) inCritical : INTEGER := 0; pool := AllocPool { pure := FALSE, note := Note.Allocated }; END;Flush cached thread state, on GC flip and thread death
PROCEDURE FlushThreadState (VAR thread: ThreadState);RegisterFinalCleanup is available for low-level cleanup by the thread package. If
is registered for cleanup, then just before r
freed, the cleanup procedure p
is called. This procedure is allowed
to dereference r
to copy out data, not including traced references.
Although the thread package could use ordinary weak refs, this operation is easy to provide and is a little more efficient. The thread package cannot use weak refs straight on public types because its clients should remain free to use weak refs on subtypes.
There are various status variables.
VAR disableCount: CARDINAL := 0; (* how many more Disables than Enables *) disableMotionCount: CARDINAL := 0; (* how many more DisableMotions than EnableMotions *) PROCEDURE Crash (): BOOLEAN;
Crash is called by the runtime when the program is about to crash. When Crash returns, the entire heap is readable, and no further heap objects will move or be protected. Crash attempts to finish the current collection. If Crash returns TRUE, the current collection, if any, successfully completed.
TYPE MonitorClosure <: OBJECT METHODS before (); after (); END; PROCEDURE RegisterMonitor (cl: MonitorClosure);
Before each collection, the collector calls all registered 'before' procedures; after each collection, the collector calls all registered 'after' procedures.
PROCEDURE UnregisterMonitor (cl: MonitorClosure);
removes m's procedures from the registered set.
PROCEDURE InvokeMonitors (before: BOOLEAN);
called by the collector to trigger the registered monitors. Ifbefore
, thebefore
methods are called, otherwise theafter
methods are called.
***** DEBUGGING *****
There are various routines for collecting or printing out information on the objects on the heap.
TYPE RefVisitor = OBJECT METHODS visit (tc: Typecode; r: REFANY; size: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN; (* returns TRUE to continue *) END; PROCEDURE VisitAllRefs (proc: RefVisitor);
Visit all the traced references in the heap, and call proc.visit for each one of them. Garbage collection is disabled during that visit and you should refrain from allocating memory in proc.
MUST be called to initialize allocator/collector state
PROCEDURE StartBench(); PROCEDURE FinishBench(); END RTHeapRep.