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 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              


IMPORT M3CUnit, M3Context, M3Conventions;
This interface supports the compilation of a single unit, which is already open on a given stream. A callback mechanism is included to cope with the need to compile imported/exported interfaces.

TYPE ImportedUnitProc = PROCEDURE(
    name: TEXT;
    unitType: M3CUnit.Type;
    context: M3Context.T;
    VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit
A call to this procedure is a request for the given unit to be compiled. The context argument will be the same as that passed in to CompileUnit. A FALSE result means that the unit could not be found.
PROCEDURE CompileUnit(
    cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit;
    context: M3Context.T;
    stream: Rd.T;
    p: ImportedUnitProc;
    VAR (*inout*) phases: M3CUnit.Status;
    compTime: M3Conventions.CompTime;
    headerOnly := FALSE
    ) RAISES {};
Compile the unit whose tree root is cu, and is open on stream, and which is a member of context. p will be called to resolve imported units. If compTime # NIL fill in the parse and semantic analysis times. phases controls exactly which phases are run - the usual value is AllPhases, but it can be convenient to restrict to just parsing, for example. If you ask for a phase which depends on a previous one that has not been done, the error state for that phase is set and the call returns. Unless parsing is enabled, stream is ignored completely. headerOnly causes parsing to abort after parsing the exports and import clauses, which is to support fast dependency analysis.
CONST AllPhases = M3CUnit.AllPhases;

PROCEDURE Current(): M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit RAISES {};
This procedure returns the compilation unit which is currently being compiled. I.e. the cu that was passed in the CompileUnit.
 Compiler Extension.

A client can register extra passes to be applied after the standard passes. The extend method for each registered extension will be called with the values of context and phases, as passed in to CompileUnit. The value of cu will also be that passed in, unless the unit is a generic instantation, in which case the value of cu.as_root.sm_ins_comp_unit is passed instead. The client must explicitly check that a given phase has actually occured (by looking at cu.fe_status). The extension code can report errors with M3Error, and these will be displayed along with those from other passes, after all the extensions have completed. The extensions will be applied in the order they that they were registered.

  Extension <: Extension_public;
  Extension_public = OBJECT
      context: M3Context.T;
      cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit;
      VAR (*inout*) phases: M3CUnit.Status;
      ) RAISES {};

PROCEDURE AddExtension(e: Extension) RAISES {};

PROCEDURE RemoveExtension(e: Extension) RAISES {};