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IMPORT M3CSrcPos, M3CHash, M3CLex, M3CReservedWord;
Parser for Modula 3

  T <: Public;
  Public = OBJECT
    init(rd: Rd.T; identifiers: M3CReservedWord.Table;
         literals: M3CHash.Table; errorHandler: ErrorHandler;
         lexer: M3CLex.T := NIL): T;
    compilation(headerOnly := FALSE): M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit
        RAISES {Rd.Failure};
    any(terminators := SET OF CHAR{}): REFANY RAISES {Rd.Failure};
    reset(pos := M3CSrcPos.Null; rd: Rd.T := NIL);

  ErrorHandler = OBJECT
    handle(pos: M3CSrcPos.T; msg: TEXT);
The init method creates a new parser on the reader rd. identifiers is the table that will be used for identifiers found during parsing. Since it is an M3CReservedWord.Table it already contains all the Modula-3 reserved words. Any literals found will be stored, as texts, in the literals table. The errorHandler object is used whenever an error occurs; the handle method is called with the position of the error and a message. If lexer is NIL a default lexer is created using the identifiers and literals tables. Otherwise lexer is used and it is required that the identifiers and literals tables are the same as were pass to the M3CLex.T.init method.

The compilation method attempts to parse an entire compilation unit. If the headerOnly flag is TRUE the parse is stopped after any exports and/or import clauses have been parsed and a skeleton compilation unit is returned. Such a skeleton may be useful for dependency analysis.

The any method attempts to parse whatever construct is next on the parse stream. The parse finishes at a natural boundary, if end of stream is reached or if a character in terminators is encountered. A natural boundary is rather vaguely defined. It depends on the first symbol encountered on the parse stream. Here are the various cases. Note that where a list of whatever is parsed the parse is terminated by any symbol which cannot be the start of another whatever. e.g. a sequence of imports is definitely at an end if you encounter a token which can never be in an import, for example, the start of a declaration.

\begin{itemize} \item Start of unit parse a single unit, returning a UNIT. \item Start of import statement parse a list of IMPORT statements, returning a SeqM3AST_AS_IMPORTED.T. \item Start of statement parse a sequence of statements, returning a SeqM3AST_AS_STM.T. \item Start of declaration parse a sequence of declarations. If the sequence is followed by BEGIN treat these declarations as the start of a block statement - see the section on statements. Otherwise return a SeqM3AST_AS_DECL_REVL.T. \item Start of type parse a single type, returning an M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC. Note that a named type cannot be distinguished from an expression by the parser, hence named types are parsed as expressions. \item Start of expression parse a single expression. If the expression is followed by := treat it as the start of an assignment - see the section on statements. If the expression is a call and is followed by ; treat as a procedure call statement - see the section on statements. Otherwise return the expression as an M3AST_AS.EXP. \end(itemize}

If the first symbol encountered is not the start of any of the items given above any returns NIL.

  AnyTerminators =
      SET OF CHAR{'!', '$', '%', '?', '@', '\\', '_', '`', '~'};
If the end of stream is encountered the parse is terminated. In addition, if a character in the set terminators is encountered the parse is terminated. If terminators is not a subset of AnyTerminators a checked runtime error will occur.

The reset method resets the lexer and optionally sets the position and reader used by the lexer and parser. The position is significant because many nodes have source positions and also because error messages need positions. If rd is NIL the position is only changed if pos is not M3CSrcPos.Null. If rd is not NIL the position is changed to pos if it is not M3CSrcPos.Null and otherwise to line 1 offset 0.

END M3CParse.