MODULE; IMPORT ASCII, Text, Fmt, Rd, RdExtras, TextRd, Thread; IMPORT AST, M3AST_LX, M3AST_AS; IMPORT M3ASTNext; IMPORT M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F, M3AST_TM_F; IMPORT SeqM3AST_AS_Qual_used_id; IMPORT ASTWalk; IMPORT M3CStdProcs, M3Error, M3CDef, M3CId, M3CPragma; IMPORT M3ASTScope; <*FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> TYPE ExcArray = REF ARRAY OF M3AST_AS.Exc_id; CatchStack = BRANDED REF RECORD next: CatchStack := NIL; fatal := FALSE; (* TRUE if this represents FATAL pragma *) node: AST.NODE := NIL; catches: ExcArray := NIL ; (* 'catches = NIL' is set of all exceptions *) END; <*INLINE*> PROCEDURE M3CChkRaises DoWarning (n: M3Error.ERROR_NODE; m: TEXT) RAISES {}= BEGIN M3Error.Warn(n, m); END DoWarning; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREDoWarningWithId (h: Handle; n: M3Error.ERROR_NODE; excId: M3AST_AS.Exc_id)= VAR id1, id2: M3AST_LX.Symbol_rep := NIL; t := "potentially unhandled exception "; BEGIN IF excId.tmp_unit_id # THEN id1 := excId.tmp_unit_id.lx_symrep; id2 := excId.lx_symrep; t := t & "'%s.%s'"; ELSE id1 := excId.lx_symrep; t := t & "'%s'"; END; M3Error.WarnWithId(n, t, id1, id2); END DoWarningWithId; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREInitNull (): ExcArray RAISES {}= BEGIN RETURN NEW(ExcArray, 0); END InitNull; VAR null_g := InitNull(); PROCEDUREPush (n: AST.NODE; catches: ExcArray; VAR s: CatchStack) RAISES {}= BEGIN s := NEW(CatchStack, next := s, node := n, catches := catches); END Push; REVEAL Handle = M3ASTScope.Closure BRANDED OBJECT cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; pragmas: M3CPragma.Store; stack: CatchStack := NIL; fatal: CatchStack := NIL; used_id: M3AST_AS.USED_ID := NIL; OVERRIDES callback := Node; END; (* record *) TYPE Phase = {Count, Add}; PROCEDUREPushProc (p: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl; VAR stack: CatchStack) RAISES {}= VAR catches: ExcArray := NIL; BEGIN TYPECASE p.as_type.as_raises OF <*NOWARN*> | NULL => (* implied RAISES {} *) catches := null_g; | M3AST_AS.Raisees_any => | M3AST_AS.Raisees_some(raises) => FOR phase := Phase.Count TO Phase.Add DO VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Qual_used_id.NewIter(raises.as_raisees_s); qualUsedId: M3AST_AS.Qual_used_id; count := 0; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Qual_used_id.Next(iter, qualUsedId) DO TYPECASE qualUsedId.as_id.sm_def OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Exc_id(excId) => IF phase = Phase.Add THEN catches[count] := excId END; INC(count); ELSE END; END; IF phase = Phase.Count THEN IF count = 0 THEN catches := null_g; EXIT END; catches := NEW(ExcArray, count); END; END; END; END; Push(p, catches, stack); END PushProc; PROCEDUREPushTry ( try: M3AST_AS.Try_st; VAR stack: CatchStack) RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE try.as_try_tail OF | M3AST_AS.Try_except(except) => VAR catches: ExcArray := NIL; BEGIN IF except.as_else = NIL THEN FOR phase := Phase.Count TO Phase.Add DO VAR iter := M3ASTNext.NewIterHandlerLabel(except.as_handler_s); handler: M3AST_AS.Handler; qualUsedId: M3AST_AS.Qual_used_id; count := 0; BEGIN WHILE M3ASTNext.HandlerLabel(iter, handler, qualUsedId) DO TYPECASE qualUsedId.as_id.sm_def OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Exc_id(excId) => IF phase = Phase.Add THEN catches[count] := excId END; INC(count); ELSE END; END; IF phase = Phase.Count THEN IF count = 0 THEN catches := null_g; EXIT END; catches := NEW(ExcArray, count); END; END; END; END; Push(except, catches, stack); END; ELSE END; END PushTry; PROCEDUREDealtWith ( excId: M3AST_AS.Exc_id; stack: CatchStack; raiseSt: M3AST_AS.Raise_st := NIL) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}=
Find if the given exception is dealt with by an enclosing TRY EXCEPT, PROCEDURE with RAISES clause or a FATAL pragma. Also set the 'tmp_needs_raises' attribute on the enclosing procedure if it has a RAISES clause and 'excId' is not dealt with by the RAISES clause or a TRY EXCEPT. If 'excId' is being raised by 'raiseSt' and it is not dealt with by a RAISES or enclosing TRY EXCEPT the 'tmp_fatal' attribute of 'raiseSt' is set
VAR result := FALSE; BEGIN LOOP (* If 'stack' is NIL any uncaught exception will be fatal *) IF stack = NIL THEN EXIT END; (* If we are in a TRY EXCEPT ELSE or a procedure with no RAISES clause then anything goes. If there is an FATAL ANY we don't complain (we will return TRUE) but we continue so we can set the 'tmp_needs_raises' and 'tmp_fatal' attributes if necessary *) IF stack.catches = NIL THEN IF stack.fatal THEN result := TRUE ELSE RETURN TRUE END; END; IF excId # NIL AND stack.catches # NIL THEN FOR i := 0 TO LAST(stack.catches^) DO IF excId = stack.catches[i] THEN (* This exception is mentioned; if it is mentioned in a RAISES or TRY EXCEPT all is well. If it is mentioned in an FATAL pragma we need to continue in order to set the 'tmp_needs_raises' and 'tmp_fatal' attributes if necessary *) IF stack.fatal THEN result := TRUE ELSE RETURN TRUE END; END; END; END; (* If we have reached a RAISES clause (i.e.procedure declaration) we set 'tmp_needs_raises' as 'excId' has not been handled *) TYPECASE stack.node OF | M3AST_AS.Proc_decl(procDecl) => IF raiseSt = NIL THEN procDecl.tmp_needs_raises := TRUE END; ELSE END; stack :=; END; IF raiseSt # NIL THEN raiseSt.tmp_fatal := TRUE END; RETURN result; END DealtWith; EXCEPTION BadPragmaFormat; <*INLINE*> PROCEDURECheckAtAlpha ( s: Rd.T) RAISES {Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile, BadPragmaFormat}= BEGIN IF Rd.GetChar(s) IN ASCII.Letters THEN Rd.UnGetChar(s); ELSE RAISE BadPragmaFormat; END; END CheckAtAlpha; PROCEDUREFindDefId ( h: Handle; t: Text.T) : M3AST_AS.DEF_ID= BEGIN h.used_id.lx_symrep := M3CId.Enter(t); RETURN M3ASTScope.Lookup(h.scope, h.used_id); END FindDefId; PROCEDUREFindInInterface ( h: Handle; defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; name: Text.T) : M3AST_AS.DEF_ID= BEGIN h.used_id.lx_symrep := M3CId.Enter(name); h.used_id.sm_def := NIL; M3CDef.ResolveInterfaceId(defId, h.used_id); RETURN h.used_id.sm_def END FindInInterface; PROCEDUREBlockOf (handle: Handle; pragma: M3CPragma.T): M3AST_AS.Block= VAR follow := M3CPragma.FollowingNode(pragma); pre := M3CPragma.PrecedingStmOrDecl(pragma); BEGIN (* Attempt to find the Block that this pragma is part of, or we ought to report an error. If the following node is a Block or a Declaration/ Revelation, result is it or Block it is contained in, respectively. Otherwise, if the PrecedingStmOrDecl is a Declaration/Revelation, then the Block that is contained in, else an error. *) TYPECASE follow OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Block(b) => RETURN b | M3AST_AS.DECL_REVL(d) => RETURN BlockOfNode(handle, d); ELSE END; TYPECASE pre OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Proc_decl, M3AST_AS.Const_decl, M3AST_AS.TYPE_DECL, M3AST_AS.Var_decl, M3AST_AS.Exc_decl, M3AST_AS.REVELATION, M3AST_AS.DECL_REVL => RETURN BlockOfNode(handle, pre); ELSE END; RETURN NIL; END BlockOf; PROCEDURELookingForNode (n: AST.NODE; lookingFor: AST.NODE; block: M3AST_AS.Block): M3AST_AS.Block= BEGIN TYPECASE n OF | M3AST_AS.Block(b) => block := b; ELSE IF lookingFor = n THEN RETURN block END; END; VAR iter := n.newIter(); child: AST.NODE; BEGIN WHILE DO IF child # NIL THEN WITH b = LookingForNode(child, lookingFor, block) DO IF b # NIL THEN RETURN b END; END END; END; END; RETURN NIL; END LookingForNode; PROCEDUREBlockOfNode (h: Handle; n: M3AST_AS.SRC_NODE): M3AST_AS.Block= BEGIN RETURN LookingForNode(, n, NIL); END BlockOfNode; PROCEDUREFatal ( handle: Handle; pragma: M3CPragma.T; args: Text.T) : CatchStack RAISES {}= PROCEDURE NotFound(first, second: TEXT)= VAR notFound: Text.T; BEGIN IF second # NIL THEN notFound := first & "." & second; ELSE notFound := first; END; M3Error.ReportAtPos(M3CPragma.Position(pragma), Fmt.F("Identifier '%s' not declared", notFound)); END NotFound; VAR new := NEW(CatchStack, fatal := TRUE, node := BlockOf(handle, pragma)); BEGIN IF new.node = NIL THEN M3Error.ReportAtPos(M3CPragma.Position(pragma), "FATAL can only occur where a declaration would be legal"); RETURN NIL; END; IF args = NIL THEN M3Error.ReportAtPos(M3CPragma.Position(pragma), "exception names or ANY expected after FATAL"); ELSE CONST NotAlphaNumeric = ASCII.All - ASCII.AlphaNumerics; TYPE Save = REF RECORD next: Save; excId: M3AST_AS.Exc_id END; VAR s := TextRd.New(args); length := Rd.Length(s); count := 0; save: Save := NIL; first, second: Text.T := NIL; defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; BEGIN LOOP TRY CheckAtAlpha(s); first := RdExtras.GetText(s, terminate := NotAlphaNumeric); IF Text.Equal(first, "ANY") THEN count := -1; EXIT END; second := NIL; defId := FindDefId(handle, first); IF Rd.Index(s) # length AND Rd.GetChar(s) = '.' THEN CheckAtAlpha(s); second := RdExtras.GetText(s, terminate := NotAlphaNumeric); IF defId # NIL THEN defId := FindInInterface(handle, defId, second); END; END; TYPECASE defId OF | NULL => NotFound(first, second); | M3AST_AS.Exc_id(excId) => save := NEW(Save, next := save, excId := excId); INC(count); ELSE NotFound(first, second); END; IF Rd.Index(s) = length THEN EXIT END; EVAL RdExtras.Skip(s, ASCII.Set{' ', ','}); EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile, BadPragmaFormat => M3Error.ReportAtPos(M3CPragma.Position(pragma), "Bad pragma format"); EXIT; END; END; (* count < 0 => ANY; count = 0 => error; count > 0 ok *) IF count = 0 THEN RETURN NIL ELSIF count < 0 THEN RETURN new ELSE new.catches := NEW(ExcArray, count); FOR i := count - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO new.catches[i] := save.excId; save :=; END; END; END; END; RETURN new; END Fatal; PROCEDURENewHandle ( cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) : Handle RAISES {}= VAR iter := M3CPragma.NewIter(cu.lx_pragmas); pragma: M3CPragma.T; args: Text.T; last: CatchStack := NIL; new := NEW(Handle, cu := cu, pragmas := cu.lx_pragmas, used_id := NEW(M3AST_AS.USED_ID).init()); BEGIN (* Conveniently, exceptions can only be declared at the outermost scope in a unit, so we can set the scope now and process the pragmas before the walk of the AST occurs. *) M3ASTScope.Set(new, NARROW(cu.as_root, M3AST_AS.UNIT_WITH_BODY).as_block, ASTWalk.VisitMode.Entry); WHILE M3CPragma.Next(iter, pragma) DO IF M3CPragma.Match(pragma, "FATAL", args) THEN WITH fatal = Fatal(new, pragma, args) DO IF fatal # NIL THEN IF last = NIL THEN new.fatal := fatal; ELSE := fatal; END; last := fatal; END; END; END; END; RETURN new; END NewHandle; PROCEDURENode (h: Handle; n: AST.NODE; vm: ASTWalk.VisitMode) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF vm = ASTWalk.VisitMode.Exit THEN WHILE h.stack # NIL AND h.stack.node = n DO h.stack := END; ELSE VAR notCallOrRaise := FALSE; BEGIN TYPECASE n OF | M3AST_AS.Proc_decl(procDecl) => PushProc(procDecl, h.stack); notCallOrRaise := TRUE; | M3AST_AS.Try_st(trySt) => PushTry(trySt, h.stack); notCallOrRaise := TRUE; ELSE END; WHILE h.fatal # NIL AND h.fatal.node = n DO VAR save := h.fatal; BEGIN h.fatal :=; := h.stack; h.stack := save; END; END; IF notCallOrRaise THEN RETURN END; END; (* If enclosed by RAISES ANY (i.e. no raises clause), EXCEPT ELSE or FATAL ANY then there is no point in doing any checking *) IF h.stack # NIL AND h.stack.catches = NIL THEN RETURN END; TYPECASE n OF | M3AST_AS.Call(call) => VAR pf: M3CStdProcs.T; BEGIN IF M3CStdProcs.IsStandardCall(call, pf) THEN RETURN END; END; TYPECASE call.as_callexp.sm_exp_type_spec OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type(procType) => TYPECASE procType.as_raises OF | NULL => (* implied RAISES {} *) | M3AST_AS.Raisees_some(raises) => VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Qual_used_id.NewIter( raises.as_raisees_s); qualUsedId: M3AST_AS.Qual_used_id; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Qual_used_id.Next(iter, qualUsedId) DO TYPECASE qualUsedId.as_id.sm_def OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Exc_id(excId) => IF NOT DealtWith(excId, h.stack) THEN DoWarningWithId(h, call, excId); END; ELSE END; END; END; | M3AST_AS.Raisees_any => (* Could raise anything *) IF NOT DealtWith(NIL, h.stack) THEN DoWarning(call, "procedure call may raise any exception"); END; ELSE END; ELSE END; | M3AST_AS.Raise_st(raiseSt) => TYPECASE raiseSt.as_qual_id.as_id.sm_def OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Exc_id(excId) => IF NOT DealtWith(excId, h.stack, raiseSt) THEN DoWarningWithId(h, raiseSt, excId); END; ELSE END; ELSE END; END; END Node; BEGIN END M3CChkRaises.