INTERFACEM3Scope ; IMPORT M3ID, M3AST; TYPE Defn = RECORD ast : M3AST.T; (* ast containing the definition *) loc : M3AST.NodeIndex; (* defining node in "ast" *) class : Class; (* symbol definition class *) info : REFANY; (* client data *) uid : INTEGER; (* internal UID of the definition *) END; Class = { GenericArg, Import, Const, Var, Formal, Type, Exception, Procedure, Module }; PROCEDURE LookUp (ast: M3AST.T; loc: M3AST.NodeIndex; sym: M3ID.T; VAR(*OUT*) defn: Defn): BOOLEAN;
and setsdefn
to correspond to the definition of the symbol namedsym
in effect at the nodeloc
. Ifsym
is not defined at that location,FALSE
is returned.
PROCEDURE Define (READONLY defn: Defn; info: REFANY);
Sets the client data corresponding todefn
END M3Scope.