MODULE----------------------------------------------------- scope construction ---; IMPORT M3ID, M3AST; TYPE ScopeInfo = BRANDED "M3Scope.ScopeInfo" REF RECORD ast : M3AST.T; n_scopes : CARDINAL; scopes : REF ARRAY OF ScopeDesc; n_defns : CARDINAL; defns : REF ARRAY OF SymDef; END; ScopeDesc = RECORD loc : Range; defn : Range; parent : CARDINAL; (* index into scopes, LAST(CARD) for root scope *) END; Range = RECORD start, stop: CARDINAL; END; SymDef = RECORD sym : M3ID.T; class : Class; loc : M3AST.NodeIndex; info : REFANY; END; PROCEDURE M3Scope LookUp (ast: M3AST.T; loc: M3AST.NodeIndex; sym: M3ID.T; VAR(*OUT*) defn: Defn): BOOLEAN = VAR si: ScopeInfo; sx: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF (loc < 0) OR (loc >= NUMBER (ast.nodes^)) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF (ast.scope_info = NIL) THEN Bind (ast); END; si := ast.scope_info; sx := FindScope (si, loc); WHILE (sx < si.n_scopes) DO WITH scope = si.scopes [sx] DO FOR i := scope.defn.start TO scope.defn.stop DO WITH z = si.defns[i] DO IF (z.sym = sym) THEN defn.ast := ast; defn.loc := z.loc; defn.class := z.class; :=; defn.uid := i; RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; sx := scope.parent; END; (* WITH *) END; RETURN FALSE; END LookUp; PROCEDUREFindScope (si: ScopeInfo; loc: M3AST.NodeIndex): CARDINAL = VAR lo : CARDINAL := 0; hi : CARDINAL := si.n_scopes; mid : CARDINAL; BEGIN IF (loc = 0) THEN (* skip the outermost scope that includes the imports *) IF hi > 1 THEN loc := si.scopes[1].loc.start; ELSIF hi > 0 THEN loc := si.scopes[0].loc.start; END; END; (* find the first scope begining after "loc" *) WHILE (lo < hi) DO mid := (lo + hi) DIV 2; IF loc < si.scopes[mid].loc.start THEN hi := mid; ELSE lo := mid + 1; END; END; (* search backwards until we find a scope containing "loc" *) FOR i := MIN (lo, si.n_scopes-1) TO 0 BY -1 DO WITH z = si.scopes [i] DO IF (z.loc.start <= loc) AND (loc <= z.loc.stop) THEN RETURN i; END; END; END; (* failed, return an out-of-range index *) RETURN si.n_scopes; END FindScope; PROCEDUREDefine (READONLY defn: Defn; info: REFANY) = VAR si: ScopeInfo; ast := defn.ast; BEGIN IF (ast.scope_info = NIL) THEN Bind (ast); END; si := ast.scope_info; <*ASSERT (0 <= defn.uid) AND (defn.uid < si.n_defns) *> si.defns[defn.uid].info := info; END Define;
TYPE BindState = RECORD ast : M3AST.T; si : ScopeInfo; n_temps : CARDINAL; temps : REF ARRAY OF SymDef; END; PROCEDUREBind (ast: M3AST.T) = VAR s: BindState; BEGIN s.ast := ast; := NEW (ScopeInfo); := ast; := 0; := NEW (REF ARRAY OF ScopeDesc, 16); := 1; := NEW (REF ARRAY OF SymDef, 32); s.n_temps := 0; s.temps := NEW (REF ARRAY OF SymDef, 32); BindScope (s, 0, NUMBER (ast.nodes^), LAST (CARDINAL)); ast.scope_info :=; END Bind; PROCEDUREBindScope (VAR s: BindState; start, stop: M3AST.NodeIndex; parent: CARDINAL) = VAR self :=; si :=; BEGIN (* push the new scope *) IF si.n_scopes >= NUMBER (si.scopes^) THEN ExpandScopes (si); END; WITH z = si.scopes [self] DO z.loc.start := start; z.loc.stop := stop-1; z.defn.start := s.n_temps; z.defn.stop := s.n_temps; z.parent := parent; END; INC (si.n_scopes); BindNodes (s, start, stop, self); (* pop the new scope & all of its definitions *) WITH z = si.scopes [self], cnt = s.n_temps - z.defn.start DO IF (cnt > 0) THEN WHILE (si.n_defns+cnt >= NUMBER (si.defns^)) DO ExpandDefns (si); END; SUBARRAY (si.defns^, si.n_defns, cnt) := SUBARRAY (s.temps^, z.defn.start, cnt); END; s.n_temps := z.defn.start; z.defn.start := si.n_defns; z.defn.stop := si.n_defns + cnt - 1; INC (si.n_defns, cnt); END; END BindScope; PROCEDUREBindNodes (VAR s: BindState; start, stop: M3AST.NodeIndex; self: CARDINAL) = VAR x:= start; op: M3AST.OP; BEGIN WHILE (x < stop) DO WITH z = s.ast.nodes[x] DO op := z.op; (* force a range check here so we know the CASE is handling all the legal values *) CASE op OF | M3AST.OP_Block => BindScope (s, x+1, x + z.width, self); | M3AST.OP_GenericArg => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.GenericArg); | M3AST.OP_Import => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Import); | M3AST.OP_ImportAs => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Import); | M3AST.OP_FromImport => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Import); | M3AST.OP_ConstDecl => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Const); | M3AST.OP_TypeDecl => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Type); | M3AST.OP_OpaqueDecl => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Type); | M3AST.OP_ExceptDecl => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Exception); | M3AST.OP_VarDefn => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Var); | M3AST.OP_FormalDefn => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Formal); | M3AST.OP_ProcDecl => PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Procedure); BindScope (s, x+1, x + z.width, self); | M3AST.OP_For1, M3AST.OP_ForN, M3AST.OP_TryHandlerVar, M3AST.OP_TypeCaseVar, M3AST.OP_With => IF (start = x) THEN PushDefn (s, x,, Class.Var); ELSE BindScope (s, x, x + z.width, self); END; | M3AST.OP_Unit, M3AST.OP_Generic, M3AST.OP_GenInstance, M3AST.OP_VarDecl, M3AST.OP_Case, M3AST.OP_CaseBranch, M3AST.OP_CaseElse, M3AST.OP_If, M3AST.OP_IfClause, M3AST.OP_IfElse, M3AST.OP_Lock, M3AST.OP_Loop, M3AST.OP_Repeat, M3AST.OP_TryFinally, M3AST.OP_TryExcept, M3AST.OP_TryHandler, M3AST.OP_TryElse, M3AST.OP_TypeCase, M3AST.OP_TypeCaseArm, M3AST.OP_TypeCaseElse, M3AST.OP_While, M3AST.OP_ProcType, M3AST.OP_Formal, M3AST.OP_StmtList => (* visit the subtrees *) BindNodes (s, x + 1, x + z.width, self); | M3AST.OP_Empty, M3AST.OP_Export, M3AST.OP_Reveal, M3AST.OP_RevealPartial, M3AST.OP_Assign, M3AST.OP_Assert, M3AST.OP_CallStmt, M3AST.OP_CaseLabel, M3AST.OP_CaseRange, M3AST.OP_Exit, M3AST.OP_Eval, M3AST.OP_Raise, M3AST.OP_RaiseValue, M3AST.OP_Return, M3AST.OP_ReturnValue, M3AST.OP_Array, M3AST.OP_OpenArray, M3AST.OP_Enum, M3AST.OP_EnumDefn, M3AST.OP_NamedType, M3AST.OP_Method, M3AST.OP_Override, M3AST.OP_Packed, M3AST.OP_Field, M3AST.OP_FieldDefn, M3AST.OP_Raises, M3AST.OP_RaisesAny, M3AST.OP_Object, M3AST.OP_NoBrand, M3AST.OP_DefaultBrand, M3AST.OP_Record, M3AST.OP_Ref, M3AST.OP_Root, M3AST.OP_Set, M3AST.OP_Subrange, M3AST.OP_UntracedRef, M3AST.OP_UntracedRoot, M3AST.OP_Or .. M3AST.OP_Qualify, (* expr operators *) M3AST.OP_Id ..M3AST.OP_Text, (* literals *) M3AST.OP_Attributes .. M3AST.OP_FatalAny (* pragmas *) => (* skip this node and any subtrees *) END; (* CASE *) x := x + z.width; END; END; END BindNodes; PROCEDUREPushDefn (VAR s: BindState; loc: M3AST.NodeIndex; sym: M3ID.T; class: Class) = BEGIN IF (s.n_temps >= NUMBER (s.temps^)) THEN ExpandTemps (s); END; WITH z = s.temps [s.n_temps] DO <*ASSERT sym # M3ID.NoID *> z.sym := sym; z.class := class; z.loc := loc; END; INC (s.n_temps); END PushDefn; PROCEDUREExpandScopes (si: ScopeInfo) = VAR n := NUMBER (si.scopes^); xx := NEW (REF ARRAY OF ScopeDesc, n+n); BEGIN SUBARRAY (xx^, 0, n) := si.scopes^; si.scopes := xx; END ExpandScopes; PROCEDUREExpandDefns (si: ScopeInfo) = VAR n := NUMBER (si.defns^); xx := NEW (REF ARRAY OF SymDef, n+n); BEGIN SUBARRAY (xx^, 0, n) := si.defns^; si.defns := xx; END ExpandDefns; PROCEDUREExpandTemps (VAR s: BindState) = VAR n := NUMBER (s.temps^); xx := NEW (REF ARRAY OF SymDef, n+n); BEGIN SUBARRAY (xx^, 0, n) := s.temps^; s.temps := xx; END ExpandTemps; BEGIN END M3Scope.