<* PRAGMA LL *> MODULE********************************************************** On the data structure: T contains a MFGraph.T that is the graph on which we will apply the algorithm. This graph has a; IMPORT Algorithm, MaxflowAlgClass, MaxflowIE, FloatMode, FormsVBT, Thread, VBT, ZeusPanel, MFGraph, RefList, ZeusCodeView, R2, Pickle, Text, FileWr, Wr, Rd, Scan, Fmt, Lex, Rsrc, OSError; <* FATAL FormsVBT.Error, FormsVBT.Unimplemented *> MFAlgs
graph which is a GraphVBT.T in some of the views.
The relation between these two graphs is maintained on the
view side. A graphical vertex/edge maintains a pointer
to its twin MFGraph.Vertex/MFGraph.Edge
TYPE T = MaxflowAlgClass.T BRANDED OBJECT graph : MFGraph.T; source, sink : MFVertex; OVERRIDES <* LL = 0 *> run := Run; <* LL = VBT.mu *>
reactivity := Reactivity;
feAddVertex := AddVertex; feAddEdge := AddEdge; END; VAR VX : INTEGER;********************************************************** OVERRIDES ********************************************************** PROCEDURE Reactivity (alg: T; enable: BOOLEAN) = <* LL = VBT.mu *> BEGIN IF enable THEN FormsVBT.MakeActive (alg.data,
FormsVBT.MakePassive (alg.data, DoEdge
END Reactivity;
edges and vertices use the data field as a pointer to their GraphVBT twin
PROCEDUREdirty quick hack to input beautified graphs: we assume the world coordinate is (0, 0, 1000, 1000) with origin at the top left corner example of formatted graph (one space for delimiter): node_14 199 148 node_16 237 229 node_14 -> node_16 1.7AddVertex (alg: T; p: R2.T) = <* LL = VBT.mu *> <* FATAL Thread.Alerted *> VAR mfv := NEW (MFVertex, data := NIL).init(alg.graph); n : TEXT; BEGIN n := FormsVBT.GetText(alg.data, "vertexname") & Fmt.Int (VX); INC (VX); MaxflowIE.AddVBTVertex (alg, mfv, p, n); END AddVertex; PROCEDUREAddEdge (alg: T; v0, v1: MFGraph.Vertex) = <* LL = VBT.mu *> <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, FloatMode.Trap *> VAR mfed : MFEdge; BEGIN IF v0 # NIL AND v1 # NIL THEN mfed := NEW (MFEdge, from := v0, to := v1, data := NIL).init(alg.graph); TRY mfed.capacity := Scan.Real (FormsVBT.GetText(alg.data, "capacity")); EXCEPT | Lex.Error => mfed.capacity := 3.0; FormsVBT.PutText(alg.data, "capacity", "3.0") END; mfed.flow := 0.0; (* the last param says that it's an UPDATE event *) MaxflowIE.AddVBTEdge (alg, mfed); END; END AddEdge; CONST end = SET OF CHAR {'.'}; any = SET OF CHAR {'0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z'}; arrow = SET OF CHAR {'-', '>', ' '}; space = SET OF CHAR {' '}; WSize = 1000.0;
PROCEDURE********************************************************** Attached Procs in the Zeus panel **********************************************************Open (filename: TEXT): Rd.T = <* FATAL Rsrc.NotFound *> BEGIN RETURN Rsrc.Open(filename, ZeusPanel.GetPath()) END Open; PROCEDUREReadAsciiGraph (filename: TEXT) : MFGraph.T RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = <* FATAL FloatMode.Trap, Lex.Error *> VAR rd : Rd.T; g : MFGraph.T := NEW(MFGraph.T).init(); t, next, name, to : TEXT; v0 : MFVertex; x : REAL; BEGIN TRY rd := Open (filename); t := Lex.Scan (rd, end); WHILE Text.Equal (t, "") DO name := Lex.Scan (rd, any); next := Lex.Scan (rd, arrow); IF Text.Equal (next, " ") THEN (* read a position (x, y) *) v0 := NARROW (NEW (MFVertex, data := NIL).init(g), MFVertex); v0.label := name; EVAL Lex.Scan (rd, space); x := FLOAT (Lex.Int (rd)) / WSize; EVAL Lex.Scan (rd, space); (* the origin for GraphVBT is the BOTTOM left corner *) v0.pos := R2.T{x, 1.0 - FLOAT (Lex.Int (rd)) / WSize}; ELSE (* read an edge (name, to)*) to := Lex.Scan (rd, any); EVAL Lex.Scan (rd, space); x := Lex.Real (rd); (* the capacity *) EVAL NEW (MFEdge, capacity := x, from := FindVertex (g, name), to := FindVertex (g, to), data := NIL).init(g); END; EVAL Rd.GetLine (rd); t := Lex.Scan (rd, end); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile => RETURN g; END; RETURN g; END ReadAsciiGraph; PROCEDURERun (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = <* FATAL Rd.EndOfFile, Pickle.Error *> VAR v0: MFVertex; rd : Rd.T; g : MFGraph.T; vlist : MFGraph.VertexList; mfv : MFVertex; FinAnim : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* try opening the file, if fails then create a source/sink *) TRY WITH f = FormsVBT.GetText(alg.data, "asciifilename"), l = Text.Length(f) DO FinAnim := Text.Equal ("data.fin", Text.Sub (f, MAX(0,l-8), 8)); g := ReadAsciiGraph(f) END; IF (g.vertices = NIL) THEN LOCK VBT.mu DO rd := Open (FormsVBT.GetText(alg.data, "filename")); END; g := Pickle.Read (rd); END; alg.graph := g; InitFlow(alg.graph); (* find source and sink *) vlist := g.vertices; WHILE (vlist # NIL) DO mfv := NARROW(vlist.vertex, MFVertex); IF (Text.Equal(mfv.label, "Source")) THEN alg.source := vlist.vertex; ELSIF (Text.Equal(mfv.label, "Sink")) THEN alg.sink := vlist.vertex; END; vlist := vlist.next; END; MaxflowIE.Setup(alg, alg.graph, alg.source, alg.sink); EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => FormsVBT.PutText(alg.data, "filename", ""); alg.graph := NEW(MFGraph.T).init(); v0 := NARROW(NEW(MFVertex, data := NIL).init(alg.graph), MFVertex); v0.pos := R2.T{0.05, 0.5}; v0.label := "Source"; alg.source := v0; v0 := NARROW(NEW(MFVertex, data := NIL).init(alg.graph), MFVertex); v0.pos := R2.T{0.95, 0.5}; v0.label := "Sink"; alg.sink := v0; MaxflowIE.Setup(alg, alg.graph, alg.source, alg.sink); END; TRY FindFlow(alg); IF FinAnim THEN MaxflowIE.FinalResult (alg, TRUE); ELSE MaxflowIE.FinalResult (alg, FALSE); END; EXCEPT | Thread.Alerted => END; END Run;
PROCEDURE********************************************************** UTILS **********************************************************DoEdge (<* UNUSED *>f: FormsVBT.T; <* UNUSED *> event: TEXT; cl:REFANY; <* UNUSED *> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR alg : T; v0, v1: MFGraph.Vertex; BEGIN alg := NARROW (cl, T); v0 := FindVertex (alg.graph, FormsVBT.GetText(alg.data, "vertex0")); v1:= FindVertex (alg.graph, FormsVBT.GetText(alg.data, "vertex1")); AddEdge (alg, v0, v1); END DoEdge; PROCEDURESaveGraph ( <*UNUSED*> f : FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event : TEXT; cl :REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts : VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR alg : T; wr : Wr.T; BEGIN alg := NARROW (cl, T); TRY wr := FileWr.Open (FormsVBT.GetText(alg.data, "filename")); Pickle.Write (wr, alg.graph); EXCEPT | OSError.E, Wr.Failure, Pickle.Error, Thread.Alerted => FormsVBT.PutText(alg.data, "filename", "Cannot write!"); END; END SaveGraph;
PROCEDURE********************************************************** Print methods for the event view **********************************************************FindVertex (g: MFGraph.T; label: TEXT): MFGraph.Vertex = VAR vl : MFGraph.VertexList := g.vertices; BEGIN WHILE (vl # NIL) DO IF Text.Equal (NARROW(vl.vertex, MFVertex).label, label) THEN RETURN vl.vertex; END; vl := vl.next; END; RETURN NIL; END FindVertex; PROCEDUREInitFlow (g: MFGraph.T) = VAR e : MFGraph.EdgeList; ed: MFEdge; BEGIN e := g.edges; WHILE e # NIL DO ed := e.edge; ed.flow := 0.0; e := e.next; END; END InitFlow;
PROCEDURE********************************************************** algorithm specific **********************************************************NullText (<* UNUSED*> g: MFGraph.T) : TEXT = BEGIN RETURN "--"; END NullText; PROCEDUREPrintText (t: TEXT) : TEXT = BEGIN RETURN t END PrintText;
PROCEDUREReturns a list of edges that form a path from source to sink, with nonzero residual capacity. cap is the minimum residual capacity of all edges in the pathNewAlg (): Algorithm.T = VAR fv := ZeusPanel.NewForm("maxflowinput.fv"); alg : T; BEGIN alg := NEW(T, data := fv, varRsrc := "maxflowdata.fv", codeViews := RefList.List1 ( RefList.List2 ("Code View", "maxflowcode.m3")), graph := NIL).init(); (* the last arg is a parameter that will be passed to the attach proc *) FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "DoEdge", DoEdge, alg); FormsVBT.AttachProc (fv, "Save", SaveGraph, alg); RETURN alg; END NewAlg; PROCEDUREFindFlow (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = PROCEDURE At (line: INTEGER) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN ZeusCodeView.Event(alg, line); END At; VAR p : RefList.T; number: CARDINAL; c, maxC: REAL; ed: MFEdge; curvert: MFVertex; tflow: REAL <* TRACE alg.varView.setReal *>; tcapacity: REAL <* TRACE alg.varView.setReal *>; BEGIN ZeusCodeView.Event(alg, procedureName := "Maxflow"); p := FindPath(alg, c, maxC); WHILE p # NIL DO At (1); At (2); curvert:= alg.source; MaxflowIE.HighlightPath (alg, p, maxC); At (3); number := 0; At (4); WHILE p # NIL DO At (5); MaxflowIE.ShowEdge (alg, number, 0); ed := p.head; p := p.tail; tcapacity := ed.capacity; tflow:= ed.flow; At (6); IF (ed.from = curvert) THEN MaxflowIE.ShowEdge (alg, number, 1); ed.flow := ed.flow + c; tflow := ed.flow; At (7); MaxflowIE.IncFlow(alg, ed, ed.flow, number, maxC, ed.capacity); At (8); curvert:= ed.to; At (9); ELSE MaxflowIE.ShowEdge(alg, number, 2); ed.flow := ed.flow - c; tflow := ed.flow; At (10); MaxflowIE.DecFlow(alg, ed, c + ed.flow, ed.flow, number, maxC, ed.capacity); At (11); curvert:= ed.from; END; tflow:= 0.0; tcapacity:= 0.0; INC(number); END; MaxflowIE.ShowEdge (alg, number, 3); MaxflowIE.RemoveHighlight (alg, alg.sink); p := FindPath(alg, c, maxC); END; END FindFlow;
PROCEDURE********************************************************** Pkl stuff to avoid outputing the View part ********************************************************** PROCEDURE WriteREF(<* UNUSED *> r: REFANY) : TEXT = BEGIN RETURNFindPath (alg: T; VAR capChange: REAL; VAR maxCap: REAL): RefList.T = (* Remove the last element of l from l and return it. *) PROCEDURE Dequeue (VAR l : RefList.T) : REFANY = VAR r : REFANY; BEGIN <* ASSERT l # NIL *> IF l.tail = NIL THEN r := l.head; l := NIL; RETURN r; ELSE RETURN Dequeue (l.tail); END; END Dequeue; VAR queue : RefList.T := NIL; path : RefList.T := NIL; v : MFGraph.Vertex; neighbours : MFGraph.EdgeList; neighbour, current_edge : MFEdge; current_vertex, neighbourto, neighbourfrom: MFVertex; residual_capacity : REAL; found_the_sink : BOOLEAN := FALSE; vlist : MFGraph.VertexList; vert : MFVertex; BEGIN (* do a bfs starting at the source *) vlist := alg.graph.vertices; WHILE vlist # NIL DO vert := vlist.vertex; vlist := vlist.next; vert.marked := FALSE; END; queue := RefList.Cons (alg.source, queue); WHILE queue # NIL AND NOT found_the_sink DO (* pull a vertex v off the queue *) v := Dequeue (queue); neighbours := v.edges; (* go through the neighbors of v and see if their residual capacity is nonzero *) WHILE (neighbours # NIL) AND NOT found_the_sink DO neighbour := neighbours.edge; neighbours := neighbours.next; neighbourto := NARROW(neighbour.to, MFVertex); neighbourfrom := NARROW(neighbour.from, MFVertex); (* first check if edge is a forward edge *) IF (neighbourfrom = v) AND (NOT neighbourto.marked) AND (neighbour.flow < neighbour.capacity) THEN neighbourto.marked := TRUE; neighbourto.wherefrom := neighbour; (* as soon as find sink, can stop the bfs *) IF neighbourto = alg.sink THEN found_the_sink := TRUE; END; queue := RefList.Cons (neighbourto, queue); END; (* then check if edge is back edge *) IF (neighbourto = v) AND (NOT neighbourfrom.marked) AND (neighbour.flow > 0.0) THEN neighbourfrom.marked := TRUE; neighbourfrom.wherefrom := neighbour; queue := RefList.Cons (neighbourfrom, queue); END; END; END; (* once find sink, reconstruct the path *) maxCap := 0.0; IF found_the_sink THEN current_edge := alg.sink.wherefrom; capChange := current_edge.capacity - current_edge.flow; current_vertex := alg.sink; WHILE (alg.source # current_vertex) DO path := RefList.Cons (current_edge, path); IF current_edge.from = current_vertex THEN (* The edge is a back edge, reduce the flow *) residual_capacity := current_edge.flow; current_vertex := current_edge.to; ELSE (* The edge is a forward edge, increase the flow *) residual_capacity := current_edge.capacity - current_edge.flow; current_vertex := current_edge.from; END; IF current_edge.capacity > maxCap THEN maxCap := current_edge.capacity; END; IF residual_capacity < capChange THEN capChange := residual_capacity; END; current_edge := current_vertex.wherefrom; END; END; RETURN path; END FindPath;
BEGIN VX := 0; (* we dont want to write the data field from the MFGraph.T *)
*** Pkl.RegisterBytesProcs (TYPECODE(GraphVBT.Edge), WriteREF, ReadREF); Pkl.RegisterBytesProcs (TYPECODE(GraphVBT.Vertex), WriteREF, ReadREF); ***
ZeusPanel.RegisterAlg(NewAlg, "Edmonds-Karp", "Maxflow"); END MFAlgs.