
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation         
 All rights reserved.                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.            


IMPORT GameMove, MoveList;
This interface defines the type representing the players, and the board position of the game

BoardSize is the size of the board

CONST BoardSize = 3;

  (* There are two players, PlayerA and PlayerB.  Neither represents
     neither player, and is defined for convenience.  We will consider that
     every cell on the board has a value which is a Player -- the value
     PlayerId.PlayerA will indicate that one of player A's pieces on the
     square, while PlayerId.Neither will indicate that neither player
     occupies that square. *)
  PlayerId = {PlayerA, PlayerB, Neither};

  Square = GameMove.Square;

  Move = GameMove.T;

  (* T is the type of a board *)

  T <: Public;

  Public = OBJECT
             Init           (): T;
             squareContents (square: Square): PlayerId;
             moveNumber     (): CARDINAL;
             toMove         (): PlayerId;
             legalMoves     (): MoveList.T;
             finished       (VAR (*OUT*) winner: PlayerId): BOOLEAN;
             previous       (): T;
             Move           (move: Move): T;
The methods of T are as follows. Methods whose names begin with small letters give information about the state of the board, while methods starting with capital letters perform some action. No methods have side-effects upon the board except for Init.

Init initializes the board.

squareContents returns the player whose piece occupies the given square. PlayerId.Neither indicates the square is empty.

moveNumber indicates how many turns have passed, where the game begins with moveNumber 0

toMove returns the player whose turn it is to move

legalMoves returns the list of legal moves that the moving player can make

finished returns TRUE iff the game is over. If it returns TRUE, then winner is set to the player who won. If winner = PlayerId.Neither, then the game ended in a tie.

previous returns the board position before the last move, or NIL IF this board is the first move of the game

Move takes a move, and returns a new board, reflecting that move

END GameBoard.