Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation
All rights reserved.
See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.
IMPORT GameBoard;
A Player represents one of the sides playing the game. A Player is
either PlayerId.PlayerA or PlayerId.PlayerB, and, when given a board
position, gives back a move to make.
PlayerId = GameBoard.PlayerId;
Player <: PlayerPublic;
PlayerPublic =
(* Init(name) initializes the player to play position "position" *)
Init (position: PlayerId): Player;
(* position returns the position that the player is playing. *)
position (): PlayerId;
(* GetMove takes a board position and returns the move that should be
made in that position. This method might have side effects upon
the player. *)
GetMove (board: GameBoard.T): GameBoard.Move RAISES ANY;
(* The Match object is used to play out a match between two players. It
is an object to make it easy to attack callbacks to. *)
Match <: MatchPublic;
MatchPublic =
(* Init initializes a match between two players. It calls the Init
method of the two players *)
Init (playerA, playerB: Player): Match;
(* MoveMade is a callback, which is called whenever a player makes a
move. *)
MoveMade (player : PlayerId;
move : GameBoard.Move;
newBoard: GameBoard.T ) RAISES ANY;
(* MoveAskedFor is a callback, which is called whenever a player is
required to return a move *)
MoveAskedFor (player : PlayerId; board: GameBoard.T) RAISES ANY;
(* Play() plays out the match, and returns the name of the winner. *)
Play (): PlayerId RAISES ANY;
END GamePlay.