MODULE; IMPORT Algorithm, Thread, ZeusPanel, ZeusCodeView, RefList; IMPORT Parse, ParseIE, ParseAlgClass; IMPORT Wr, Stdio, Fmt; (* debugging *) VAR DEBUG := FALSE; TYPE T = ParseAlgClass.T BRANDED OBJECT input : Parse.State; cursor : INTEGER; next_id : INTEGER; state : INTEGER; sym : Symbol; sym_node: INTEGER; tos : INTEGER; stack : ARRAY [0..99] OF StackEntry; OVERRIDES run := Run; END; TYPE Action = { Shift, Reduce, Goto, Accept, Error }; Symbol = { LParen, RParen, Plus, Star, Assign, Id, Semi, EOF, Program, StmtList, Stmt, Expr, Term, Factor }; CONST ActNames = ARRAY Action OF TEXT { "shift", "reduce", "goto", "accept", "error" }; CONST Names = ARRAY Symbol OF TEXT { "(", ")", "+", "*", "=", "<ID>", ";", "$", "<program>", "<stmt list>", "<stmt>", "<expr>", "<term>", "<factor>" }; TYPE StackEntry = RECORD state: INTEGER; node: INTEGER END; Entry = RECORD state: INTEGER; sym: Symbol; act: Action; op: INTEGER END; Production = RECORD lhs: Symbol; rhs_len: INTEGER END; CONST X = ARRAY [0..31] OF Entry { (* 0 *) Entry { 0, Symbol.Id, Action.Shift, 3 }, Entry { 0, Symbol.StmtList, Action.Goto, 1 }, Entry { 0, Symbol.Stmt, Action.Goto, 2 }, Entry { 0, Symbol.Program, Action.Goto, 0 }, (* 4 *) Entry { 1, Symbol.EOF, Action.Accept, 0 }, (* 5 *) Entry { 2, Symbol.Semi, Action.Shift, 4 }, (* 6 *) Entry { 3, Symbol.Assign, Action.Shift, 5 }, (* 7 *) Entry { 4, Symbol.Id, Action.Shift, 3 }, Entry { 4, Symbol.StmtList, Action.Goto, 6 }, Entry { 4, Symbol.Stmt, Action.Goto, 2 }, (* 10 *) Entry { 5, Symbol.Id, Action.Shift, 10 }, Entry { 5, Symbol.LParen, Action.Shift, 11 }, Entry { 5, Symbol.Expr, Action.Goto, 7 }, Entry { 5, Symbol.Term, Action.Goto, 8 }, Entry { 5, Symbol.Factor, Action.Goto, 9 }, (* 15 *) (* -- state 6 only has a default action -- *) (* 15 *) Entry { 7, Symbol.Plus, Action.Shift, 12 }, (* 16 *) Entry { 8, Symbol.Star, Action.Shift, 13 }, (* 17 *) (* -- state 9 only has a default action -- *) (* 17 *) (* -- state 10 only has a default action -- *) (* 17 *) Entry { 11, Symbol.Id, Action.Shift, 10 }, Entry { 11, Symbol.LParen, Action.Shift, 11 }, Entry { 11, Symbol.Expr, Action.Goto, 14 }, Entry { 11, Symbol.Term, Action.Goto, 8 }, Entry { 11, Symbol.Factor, Action.Goto, 9 }, (* 22 *) Entry { 12, Symbol.Id, Action.Shift, 10 }, Entry { 12, Symbol.LParen, Action.Shift, 11 }, Entry { 12, Symbol.Term, Action.Goto, 15 }, Entry { 12, Symbol.Factor, Action.Goto, 9 }, (* 26 *) Entry { 13, Symbol.Id, Action.Shift, 10 }, Entry { 13, Symbol.LParen, Action.Shift, 11 }, Entry { 13, Symbol.Factor, Action.Goto, 16 }, (* 29 *) Entry { 14, Symbol.RParen, Action.Shift, 17 }, Entry { 14, Symbol.Plus, Action.Shift, 12 }, (* 31 *) Entry { 15, Symbol.Star, Action.Shift, 13 } (* 32 *) (* -- state 16 only has a default action -- *) (* 32 *) (* -- state 17 only has a default action -- *) (* 32 *) }; CONST Default_action = ARRAY [0..17] OF Entry { Entry { 0, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 1, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 2, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 1 }, Entry { 3, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 4, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 5, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 6, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 2 }, Entry { 7, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 3 }, Entry { 8, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 4 }, Entry { 9, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 6 }, Entry { 10, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 8 }, Entry { 11, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 12, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 13, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 14, Symbol.EOF, Action.Error, 0 }, Entry { 15, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 5 }, Entry { 16, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 7 }, Entry { 17, Symbol.EOF, Action.Reduce, 9 } }; CONST State_Start = ARRAY [0..18] OF INTEGER { 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 15, 16, 17, 17, 17, 22, 26, 29, 31, 32, 32, 32 }; CONST Reduce = ARRAY [0..9] OF Production { Production { Symbol.Program, 2 }, (* <pgm> ::= <s-list> $ *) Production { Symbol.StmtList, 1 }, (* <s-list> ::= <stmt> *) Production { Symbol.StmtList, 3 }, (* <s-list> ::= <stmt> ; <s-list> *) Production { Symbol.Stmt, 3 }, (* <stmt> ::= <Id> = <expr> *) Production { Symbol.Expr, 1 }, (* <expr> ::= <term> *) Production { Symbol.Expr, 3 }, (* <expr> ::= <expr> + <term> *) Production { Symbol.Term, 1 }, (* <term> ::= <factor> *) Production { Symbol.Term, 3 }, (* <term> ::= <term> * <factor> *) Production { Symbol.Factor, 1 }, (* <factor> ::= <Id> *) Production { Symbol.Factor, 3 } (* <factor> ::= ( <expr> ) *) }; PROCEDURE A_BottomUp Run (t: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR act : Action; info : INTEGER; BEGIN t.input := Parse.Init (; t.cursor := 0; t.next_id := t.input.n_tokens + 1; t.tos := 0; t.state := 0; ParseIE.Setup (t, t.input); PEnter (t, "Parse"); At (t, 1); At (t, 2); Scan (t); (* prime the input stream *) LOOP Debug ("state ", Fmt.Int (t.state)); Debug ("sym ", Names [t.sym]); LookUp (t.state, t.sym, act, info); Debug (" action ", ActNames[act], " ", Fmt.Int (info)); At (t, 3); CASE act OF | Action.Shift => At (t, 4); At (t, 5); DoShift (t); At (t, 6); t.state := info; At (t, 7); Scan (t); | Action.Goto => At (t, 8); At (t, 9); DoGoto (t); At (t, 10); t.state := info; | Action.Reduce => At (t, 11); DoReduce (t, Reduce [info]); | Action.Accept => At (t, 15); DoShift (t); (* for its animation effect *) DoReduce (t, Reduce [0]); At (t, 16); EXIT; | Action.Error => At (t, 17); At (t, 18); ParseIE.NoteError (t); At (t, 19); EXIT; END; END; At (t, 20); PExit (t); END Run; PROCEDUREDoShift (t: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR x := t.next_id; BEGIN INC (t.next_id); (* allocate a new "terminal" node *) ParseIE.NewTerm (t, x, Names [t.sym]); ParseIE.NewEdge (t, t.sym_node, x); ParseIE.UpdateDone (t); t.sym_node := x; DoGoto (t); END DoShift; PROCEDUREDoGoto (t: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN ParseIE.Push (t, t.sym_node, Names [t.sym]); t.stack [t.tos].node := t.sym_node; t.stack [t.tos].state := t.state; INC (t.tos); END DoGoto; PROCEDUREDoReduce (t: T; p: Production) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR x := t.next_id; act: Action; info: INTEGER; BEGIN INC (t.next_id); (* allocate a new parse node *) ParseIE.NewNode (t, x, Names [p.lhs]); (* link the subtrees and pop the stack *) FOR i := t.tos - p.rhs_len TO t.tos - 1 DO ParseIE.NewEdge (t, t.stack[i].node, x); END; At (t, 12); FOR i := t.tos - 1 TO t.tos - p.rhs_len BY -1 DO ParseIE.Pop (t, t.stack[i].node); END; DEC (t.tos, p.rhs_len); (* and redraw the graph *) ParseIE.UpdateDone (t); At (t, 13); (* recover the old state *) IF (t.tos >= 0) THEN t.state := t.stack [t.tos].state; ELSE t.state := 0; END; At (t, 14); (* push the lhs on the stack from the old state*) ParseIE.Push (t, x, Names [p.lhs]); t.stack [t.tos].node := x; t.stack [t.tos].state := t.state; INC (t.tos); (* consult the goto table to find the new state *) LookUp (t.state, p.lhs, act, info); IF (act = Action.Goto) THEN t.state := info; ELSE ParseIE.NoteError (t); END; END DoReduce; PROCEDURELookUp (state: INTEGER; s: Symbol; VAR act: Action; VAR info: INTEGER) = BEGIN FOR i := State_Start [state] TO State_Start [state+1] - 1 DO IF X[i].sym = s THEN act := X[i].act; info := X[i].op; RETURN END; END; act := Default_action [state].act; info := Default_action [state].op; END LookUp; PROCEDUREScan (t: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR x := MIN (t.cursor, t.input.n_tokens - 1); BEGIN ParseIE.Scan (t, t.input.tokens[x]); t.sym := VAL (ORD (t.input.input[x]), Symbol); t.sym_node := x; INC (t.cursor); END Scan; PROCEDUREDebug (a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL) = <*FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> BEGIN IF NOT DEBUG THEN RETURN END; IF (a # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (Stdio.stdout, a) END; IF (b # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (Stdio.stdout, b) END; IF (c # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (Stdio.stdout, c) END; IF (d # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (Stdio.stdout, d) END; Wr.PutText (Stdio.stdout, "\n"); Wr.Flush (Stdio.stdout); END Debug; PROCEDUREAt (t: T; line: INTEGER) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN ZeusCodeView.At (t, line) END At; PROCEDUREPEnter (t: T; proc: TEXT) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN ZeusCodeView.Enter (t, procedureName := proc) END PEnter; PROCEDUREPExit (t: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN ZeusCodeView.Exit (t) END PExit; PROCEDURENew (): Algorithm.T = VAR fv := ZeusPanel.NewForm("Parse.fv"); cv := RefList.List1 (RefList.List2 ("code view", "A_BottomUp.code")); BEGIN RETURN NEW (T, data := fv, codeViews := cv).init () END New; BEGIN ZeusPanel.RegisterAlg(New, "bottom up", "Parse"); END A_BottomUp.