MODULEFor; IMPORT Graph, Topology, ASP, Packet, MakePackets; IMPORT ZeusPanel, Algorithm, PktRouteIE; IMPORT FormsVBT; IMPORT VBT; IMPORT Thread, OSError, FileRd, IntRefTbl, Text, Random, Stdio, Wr; <* FATAL FormsVBT.Error, FormsVBT.Unimplemented, Wr.Failure *> TYPE TieBreak = { FirstMatch, Random }; Contention = { FurthestFirst, Random }; REVEAL T = TPub BRANDED OBJECT pkt: Packet.Array; (* packet data *) activePkts: CARDINAL; (* active are in [0..activePkts-1] *) tieBreak: TieBreak; (* tie breaking heuristic *) contention: Contention; (* contention resolution heuristic *) outTbl: IntRefTbl.Default; (* Int -> EdgeRec table *) inTbl: IntRefTbl.Default; (* Int -> EdgeRec table *) minNbr: REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL; (* closest neighbors array *) OVERRIDES run := Run; newPkt := NewPkt; END; AlgGreedy
alg: T
, An entry (i, l)
in alg.outTbl
means that l
is the list
of packets leaving node i
. In this list, there is only one entry for each
of i
's neighbors n
. If e: EdgeRec
in l
, then e.neighbor
is the
index of the neighbor n
, and e.head
is a list of packets scheduled to
leave on the edge from i
to e.neighbor
. In the case of the
furthest-first contention heuristic, the list of packets for any particular
neighbor has exactly one packet, namely, the packet with furthest distance
to travel.
is only used if alg.maxQSz # -1
(i.e., if the node queues
have bounded size). An entry (i, l)
in alg.inTbl
means that l
is the
list of packets entering node i
. In this list, there is only one entry
for each of i
's neighbors n
. The EdgeRec
's in l
have the same
meaning as those in outTbl
. Note, however, that there will be exactly
*one* packet associated with each EdgeRec
in alg.inTbl
, since at most
one packet flows along any edge at each step.
PROCEDURENew (): Algorithm.T = BEGIN RETURN NEW(T, data := ZeusPanel.NewForm("AlgGreedy.fv")).init() END New; PROCEDURECreateGraph (alg: T): Graph.T RAISES {Topology.BadGraph, Thread.Alerted} =
Create a new graph according to the form values inalg
. Sets the valuealg.maxQSz
. RaisesBadGraph
if the graph cannot be created according to the given form values.
VAR topology: TEXT; (* name of topology choice *) bnd: BOOLEAN; (* is queue size bounded? *) maxQSz: INTEGER; (* max size of queue at each node *) res: Graph.T; BEGIN LOCK DO topology := FormsVBT.GetChoice(, "topology"); bnd := FormsVBT.GetBoolean(, "bounded"); maxQSz := FormsVBT.GetInteger(, "maxQueueSize") END; IF bnd THEN alg.maxQSz := maxQSz ELSE alg.maxQSz := -1 END; (* generate the graph *) CASE Topology.FromName(topology) OF Topology.Kind.Grid => VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN LOCK DO w := FormsVBT.GetInteger(, "gWidth"); h := FormsVBT.GetInteger(, "gHeight"); END; res := Topology.NewGrid(alg, w, h, maxQSz, bnd) END | Topology.Kind.Torus => VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN LOCK DO w := FormsVBT.GetInteger(, "tWidth"); h := FormsVBT.GetInteger(, "tHeight"); END; res := Topology.NewTorus(alg, w, h, maxQSz, bnd) END | Topology.Kind.Butterfly => VAR dim: INTEGER; BEGIN LOCK DO dim := FormsVBT.GetInteger(, "butDim") END; res := Topology.NewButterfly(alg, dim, maxQSz, bnd) END | Topology.Kind.FromFile => VAR fname: TEXT; BEGIN LOCK DO fname := FormsVBT.GetText(, "networkFilename") END; TRY res := Topology.NewFromFile(alg, FileRd.Open(fname), maxQSz, bnd) EXCEPT OSError.E => RAISE Topology.BadGraph("Could not open file \"" & fname & "\"") END END END; IF res.numNodes() < 2 THEN RAISE Topology.BadGraph("Graph must have at least 2 nodes") END; RETURN res END CreateGraph; PROCEDUREInitQueueSz (alg: T) =
Initialize alg.qSz
to an array of 0 packets at each node.
VAR n := alg.graph.numNodes(); BEGIN alg.qSz := NEW(QueueSz, n); FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO alg.qSz[i] := 0 END; END InitQueueSz; PROCEDURECreatePkts (alg: T): Packet.Array RAISES {Packet.BadPkts, Thread.Alerted} =
Create and return a new set of packets according to the form values inalg
. RaisesPacket.BadPkts
if the packets cannot be created according to the given form values.
VAR choice: TEXT; BEGIN LOCK DO choice := FormsVBT.GetChoice(, "pktSources") END; CASE MakePackets.SourceFromName(choice) OF <* NOWARN *> MakePackets.Source.Random => VAR total: INTEGER; BEGIN LOCK DO total := FormsVBT.GetInteger(, "pktsTotal") END; RETURN MakePackets.RandomPkts(alg, total) END | MakePackets.Source.Constant => VAR num: INTEGER; BEGIN LOCK DO num := FormsVBT.GetInteger(, "pktsPerNode") END; RETURN MakePackets.ConstantPkts(alg, num) END | MakePackets.Source.FromFile => VAR fname: TEXT; BEGIN LOCK DO fname := FormsVBT.GetText(, "pktsFilename") END; TRY RETURN MakePackets.FromFilePkts(alg, FileRd.Open(fname)) EXCEPT OSError.E => RAISE Packet.BadPkts("Could not open file \"" & fname & "\"") END END END END CreatePkts; TYPE PktList = REF RECORD index: CARDINAL; (* index into alg.pkt[] array *) dist: INTEGER; next: PktList := NIL; END; EdgeRec = REF RECORD neighbor: CARDINAL; head: PktList := NIL; next: EdgeRec END; PROCEDUREMovePkts (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
Move packets and generate the corresponding events until all packets have reached their final destinations.
BEGIN WHILE alg.activePkts > 0 DO EVAL alg.outTbl.init(sizeHint := alg.graph.numNodes()); FOR i := 0 TO alg.activePkts - 1 DO MovePktOut(alg, i, SelectNeighbor(alg, alg.pkt[i])) END; IF alg.contention = Contention.Random THEN SelectPktOut(alg) END; IF alg.maxQSz = -1 THEN MoveEligiblePktsOut(alg) ELSE MovePktsIn(alg); SelectPktsIn(alg); MoveEligiblePktsIn(alg) END; PktRouteIE.QueueSizes(alg, alg.qSz); DetectNonActive(alg); PktRouteIE.Step(alg) END END MovePkts; PROCEDURESelectNeighbor (alg: T; READONLY pkt: Packet.T): CARDINAL =
Return the index of the node adjacent topkt
's current node for the packetpkt
to move to next.
VAR nextNbr: CARDINAL := 0; PROCEDURE AddMinNbr(n: CARDINAL) = BEGIN IF nextNbr = NUMBER(alg.minNbr^) THEN VAR new := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL, 2 * nextNbr); BEGIN SUBARRAY(new^, 0, nextNbr) := alg.minNbr^; alg.minNbr := new END END; alg.minNbr[nextNbr] := n; INC(nextNbr) END AddMinNbr; VAR it := alg.graph.neighbors(pkt.curr()); n: CARDINAL; wt: REAL; dist := alg.unweighted.dist(pkt.curr(), pkt.dest()); BEGIN WHILE, wt) DO IF 1 + alg.unweighted.dist(n, pkt.dest()) = dist THEN CASE alg.tieBreak OF TieBreak.FirstMatch => RETURN n | TieBreak.Random => AddMinNbr(n) END END END; CASE alg.tieBreak OF <* NOWARN *> TieBreak.Random => <* ASSERT nextNbr > 0 *> RETURN alg.minNbr[alg.random.integer(min := 0, max := nextNbr - 1)] END END SelectNeighbor; PROCEDUREMovePktOut (alg: T; pktIndex, neighbor: CARDINAL) =
Assert that the packetalg.pkt[pktIndex]
is destined for the neighbor node with idneighbor
alg.contention = Contention.FurthestFirst
, then only one packet is stored per neighbor. Otherwise, all packets destined for each neighbor are stored.
VAR ref: REFANY := NIL; outEdge: EdgeRec; pkt := alg.pkt[pktIndex]; dist := alg.unweighted.dist(pkt.curr(), pkt.dest()); BEGIN IF alg.outTbl.get(pkt.curr(), ref) THEN VAR curr: EdgeRec := ref; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO IF neighbor = curr.neighbor THEN CASE alg.contention OF Contention.FurthestFirst => VAR first := curr.head; BEGIN IF dist > first.dist THEN first.index := pktIndex; first.dist := dist END END | Contention.Random => curr.head := NEW(PktList, index := pktIndex, dist := dist, next := curr.head) END; RETURN END; curr := END END END; outEdge := NEW(EdgeRec, neighbor := neighbor, next := ref, head := NEW(PktList, index := pktIndex, dist := dist)); EVAL alg.outTbl.put(pkt.curr(), outEdge) END MovePktOut; PROCEDUREPktListLength (pl: PktList): CARDINAL = VAR res: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN WHILE pl # NIL DO INC(res); pl := END; RETURN res END PktListLength; PROCEDUREPktListNth (pl: PktList; n: CARDINAL): PktList =
Return then
th element ofpl
, where the first element has index 0. It is a checked run-time error ifn
is not in the range[0..|pl|-1]
, where|pl|
denotes the length of the listpl
BEGIN <* ASSERT n >= 0 *> WHILE n > 0 DO DEC(n); pl := END; RETURN pl END PktListNth; PROCEDURESelectPktOut (alg: T) =
so that exactly one packet is destined for each neighbor. Requiresalg.contention = Contention.Random
VAR from: INTEGER; ref: REFANY; it := alg.outTbl.iterate(); BEGIN <* ASSERT alg.contention = Contention.Random *> WHILE, ref) DO VAR curr: EdgeRec := ref; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO VAR len := PktListLength(curr.head); BEGIN IF len > 1 THEN curr.head := PktListNth(curr.head, alg.random.integer(min := 0, max := len - 1)); := NIL END END; curr := END END END END SelectPktOut; PROCEDUREMovePktsIn (alg: T) =
Transfers the packets inalg.outTbl
so they are indexed byto
node instead offrom
node for processing bySelectPktsIn
. Requiresalg.maxQSz # -1
(i.e., that the queue sizes are bounded).
PROCEDURE InsertSorted( VAR (*INOUT*) curr: EdgeRec; e: EdgeRec; dist: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF curr = NIL OR curr.head.dist < dist THEN := curr; curr := e ELSE InsertSorted(, e, dist) END END InsertSorted; PROCEDURE FindInNeighbor(from, to: CARDINAL; dist: INTEGER): EdgeRec = (* Return the "EdgeRec" in "alg.inTbl" denoting the edge from "from" to "to". The table should not contain such an edge. Add a new such edge to the table and return it. *) VAR res, head: EdgeRec; ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF alg.inTbl.get(to, ref) THEN head := ref END; res := NEW(EdgeRec, neighbor := from); InsertSorted(head, res, dist); EVAL alg.inTbl.put(to, head); RETURN res END FindInNeighbor; PROCEDURE AddInPkt(from, to: CARDINAL; pkt: PktList) = (* Add the packet "pkt" to the edge from "from" to "to" in "alg.inTbl". *) VAR edge: EdgeRec := FindInNeighbor(from, to, pkt.dist); BEGIN := edge.head; edge.head := pkt END AddInPkt; VAR it := alg.outTbl.iterate(); from: INTEGER; ref: REFANY; BEGIN <* ASSERT alg.maxQSz # -1 *> EVAL alg.inTbl.init(sizeHint := alg.graph.numNodes()); WHILE, ref) DO VAR curr: EdgeRec := ref; pkt: PktList; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO pkt := curr.head; WHILE pkt # NIL DO AddInPkt(from, curr.neighbor, NEW(PktList, index := pkt.index, dist := pkt.dist)); pkt := END; curr := END END END END MovePktsIn; PROCEDURETruncateSuffix (VAR (*INOUT*) curr: EdgeRec; cnt: INTEGER): EdgeRec= BEGIN IF curr = NIL OR cnt = 0 THEN VAR res := curr; BEGIN curr := NIL; RETURN res END ELSE RETURN TruncateSuffix(, cnt - 1) END END TruncateSuffix; PROCEDUREEdgeRecLength (l: EdgeRec): CARDINAL = VAR res: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN WHILE l # NIL DO INC(res); l := END; RETURN res END EdgeRecLength; PROCEDUREDeleteNth (VAR (*INOUT*) curr: EdgeRec; n: CARDINAL): EdgeRec =
Destructively delete then
structure from the listcurr
, and return the deletedEdgeRec
. The valuen
must be in the interval[0..EdgeRecLength(curr)-1]
BEGIN IF n = 0 THEN VAR res := curr; BEGIN curr :=; RETURN res END ELSE RETURN DeleteNth(, n - 1) END END DeleteNth; PROCEDURESelectPktsIn (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
so that the number of packets destined to each node does not exceed the number of empty spaces in the node's queue. Which packets are selected depends on the value ofalg.contention
. Requiresalg.maxQSz # -1
(i.e., that the queue sizes are bounded).
VAR to: INTEGER; ref: REFANY; it := alg.inTbl.iterate(); BEGIN <* ASSERT alg.maxQSz # -1 *> WHILE, ref) DO VAR head: EdgeRec := ref; needed := alg.maxQSz - alg.qSz[to]; BEGIN CASE alg.contention OF Contention.FurthestFirst => VAR tail := TruncateSuffix(head, needed); BEGIN WHILE tail # NIL DO PktRouteIE.Blocked(alg, alg.pkt[tail.head.index].id, tail.neighbor, to); tail := END END | Contention.Random => VAR len := EdgeRecLength(head); delCnt := len - needed; del: EdgeRec; BEGIN WHILE delCnt > 0 DO del := DeleteNth(head, alg.random.integer(min:=0, max:=len-1)); PktRouteIE.Blocked(alg, alg.pkt[del.head.index].id, del.neighbor, to); DEC(len); DEC(delCnt) END END END; EVAL alg.inTbl.put(to, head) END END END SelectPktsIn; PROCEDUREMoveEligiblePktsOut (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
Generate theMovePacket
events corresponding to the packets in thealg.outTbl
data structure, update each such packet'scurr
field, and update the queue sizesalg.qSz
VAR from: INTEGER; ref: REFANY; it := alg.outTbl.iterate(); BEGIN WHILE, ref) DO VAR curr: EdgeRec := ref; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO MoveEligiblePkt(alg, alg.pkt[curr.head.index], from, curr.neighbor); curr := END END END END MoveEligiblePktsOut; PROCEDUREMoveEligiblePktsIn (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
Generate theMovePacket
events corresponding to the packets in thealg.inTbl
data structure, update each such packet'scurr
field, and update the queue sizesalg.qSz
VAR to: INTEGER; ref: REFANY; it := alg.inTbl.iterate(); BEGIN WHILE, ref) DO VAR curr: EdgeRec := ref; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO MoveEligiblePkt(alg, alg.pkt[curr.head.index], curr.neighbor, to); curr := END END END END MoveEligiblePktsIn; PROCEDUREMoveEligiblePkt ( alg: T; VAR (*INOUT*) pkt: Packet.T; from, to: CARDINAL) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN PktRouteIE.MovePacket(alg,, from, to); DEC(alg.qSz[from]); pkt.moveTo(to); INC(alg.qSz[to]) END MoveEligiblePkt; PROCEDUREDetectNonActive (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
events and decrement the appropriate queue sizes for packets that are no longer active because they have reached their final desintations. Swap any non-active packets inalg.pkt[0..alg.activePkts-1]
to the end of that array, and decrementalg.activePkts
VAR i := 0; BEGIN WHILE i < alg.activePkts DO WITH pkt = alg.pkt[i], last = alg.activePkts DO IF pkt.done() THEN PktRouteIE.Absorb(alg,, pkt.dest()); DEC(alg.qSz[pkt.dest()]); DEC(last); VAR t := pkt; BEGIN pkt := alg.pkt[last]; alg.pkt[last] := t END ELSE INC(i) END END END END DetectNonActive; PROCEDURETieBreakFromName (nm: TEXT): TieBreak = BEGIN IF Text.Equal(nm, "firstMatch") THEN RETURN TieBreak.FirstMatch ELSIF Text.Equal(nm, "randomMatch") THEN RETURN TieBreak.Random ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END END TieBreakFromName; PROCEDUREContentionFromName (nm: TEXT): Contention = BEGIN IF Text.Equal(nm, "furthestFirst") THEN RETURN Contention.FurthestFirst ELSIF Text.Equal(nm, "randomFirst") THEN RETURN Contention.Random ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END END ContentionFromName; PROCEDURERun (alg: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR graph: Graph.T; BEGIN VAR fixed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN LOCK DO fixed := FormsVBT.GetBoolean(, "fixed") END; alg.random := NEW(Random.Default).init(fixed := fixed) END; TRY graph := CreateGraph(alg); alg.graph := graph; alg.unweighted := ASP.UnweightedFromGraph(graph); InitQueueSz(alg); alg.pkt := CreatePkts(alg); alg.activePkts := NUMBER(alg.pkt^); alg.outTbl := NEW(IntRefTbl.Default); alg.inTbl := NEW(IntRefTbl.Default); alg.minNbr := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL, 10); VAR tieRes, contentionRes: TEXT; BEGIN LOCK DO tieRes := FormsVBT.GetChoice(, "tieRes"); contentionRes := FormsVBT.GetChoice(, "contentionRes") END; alg.tieBreak := TieBreakFromName(tieRes); alg.contention := ContentionFromName(contentionRes); END; MovePkts(alg) EXCEPT | Topology.BadGraph (msg) => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Graph Error: " & msg & "\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr) | Packet.BadPkts (msg) => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Packet Error: " & msg & "\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr) END; END Run; PROCEDURENewPkt (<*UNUSED*> alg: T): Packet.T = BEGIN RETURN NEW(Packet.T) END NewPkt; BEGIN ZeusPanel.RegisterAlg(New, "Greedy", "PktRoute") END AlgGreedy.