
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation.               
 Distributed only by permission.                             
 Last modified on Fri Sep 11 14:07:02 PDT 1992 by evers  
      modified on Tue Jul 28 03:19:20 1992 by wobber 

The TransportRegistry interface provides the network objects runtime with access to the registry of transport classes known within the current runtime environment.

INTERFACE TransportRegistry;

IMPORT NetObj, Transport;

PROCEDURE LocationFromAdr(
  where: NetObj.Address) : Transport.Location;
LocationFromAdr calls tr.fromEndpoint for each member of where for each transport tr known to the runtime. If any such call returns a non-NIL result, it is returned. Otherwise, LocationFromAdr returns NIL.

PROCEDURE LocalAdr() : NetObj.Address;
LocalAdr calls tr.toEndpoint for each transport tr known to the runtime, and returns the list as a NetObj.Addresss.

PROCEDURE Iterate() : Iterator;
Iterate returns an Iterator over the known transports.

  Iterator <: IteratorPublic;
  IteratorPublic = OBJECT METHODS
    next (VAR (*OUT*) tr: Transport.T): BOOLEAN;
If it is the result of the call Iterate(), then the call selects a Transport.T that has not already been returned by it, sets tr to that Transport.T, and returns TRUE. If no transports remain, the call returns FALSE without setting tr. It is a checked runtime error to call next after it has returned FALSE.

END TransportRegistry.