MODULE*************************************************************************** Wrapper for RootGO.T ***************************************************************************; IMPORT GraphicsBase, ObAux, ObBooleanProp, ObCameraGO, ObColorProp, ObCommand, ObGO, ObGraphicsBase, ObGroupGO, ObLib, ObPoint, ObPoint3, ObProp, ObProtoLoader, ObReal, ObRealProp, ObValue, Obliq, ProxiedObj, RootGO, RootGOProxy, SynLocation; CONST pkgname = "RootGO"; ObRootGO
TYPE T = ObGroupGO.T BRANDED "ObRootGO.T" OBJECT END; PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** Setup procedures ***************************************************************************AddTObj (root : RootGO.T) = <* FATAL ObValue.Error, ObValue.Exception *> BEGIN WITH obj = Obliq.ObjectClone (Obliq.Vals {TProto}), raw = NEW (T, what := "<a RootGO.T>", po := root) DO Obliq.ObjectUpdate (obj, "raw", raw); root.proxy := NEW (ProxiedObj.Proxy, obj := obj); END; END AddTObj; PROCEDUREGetArg (args : ObValue.ArgArray; idx : INTEGER; package : ObLib.T; opCode : ObLib.OpCode; loc : SynLocation.T) : RootGO.T RAISES {ObValue.Error, ObValue.Exception} = BEGIN WITH raw = Obliq.ObjectSelect (args[idx], "raw") DO TYPECASE raw OF | T (node) => RETURN node.po; ELSE ObValue.BadArgType (idx, pkgname,,, loc); RETURN NIL; (* ... only to suppress compiler warning *) END; END; END GetArg;
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** Execution machinery ***************************************************************************SetupPackage () = PROCEDURE NewOpCode (name : TEXT; arity : INTEGER; code : Code) : OpCode = BEGIN RETURN NEW (OpCode, name := name, arity := arity, code := code); END NewOpCode; TYPE OpCodes = ARRAY OF ObLib.OpCode; VAR opCodes: REF OpCodes; BEGIN opCodes := NEW (REF OpCodes, NUMBER (Code)); opCodes^ := OpCodes { NewOpCode ("New", 2, Code.New), NewOpCode ("NewStd", 0, Code.NewStd), NewOpCode ("NewStdWithBase", 1, Code.NewStdWithBase), NewOpCode ("ChangeCamera", 2, Code.ChangeCamera), NewOpCode ("Background", -1, Code.Background), NewOpCode ("DepthcueSwitch", -1, Code.DepthcueSwitch), NewOpCode ("DepthcueColor", -1, Code.DepthcueColor), NewOpCode ("DepthcueFrontPlane", -1, Code.DepthcueFrontPlane), NewOpCode ("DepthcueBackPlane", -1, Code.DepthcueBackPlane), NewOpCode ("DepthcueFrontScale", -1, Code.DepthcueFrontScale), NewOpCode ("DepthcueBackScale", -1, Code.DepthcueBackScale), NewOpCode ("SetBackground", 2, Code.SetBackground), NewOpCode ("SetDepthcueSwitch", 2, Code.SetDepthcueSwitch), NewOpCode ("SetDepthcueColor", 2, Code.SetDepthcueColor), NewOpCode ("SetDepthcueFrontPlane", 2, Code.SetDepthcueFrontPlane), NewOpCode ("SetDepthcueBackPlane", 2, Code.SetDepthcueBackPlane), NewOpCode ("SetDepthcueFrontScale", 2, Code.SetDepthcueFrontScale), NewOpCode ("SetDepthcueBackScale", 2, Code.SetDepthcueBackScale), NewOpCode ("ScreenToWorld", 3, Code.ScreenToWorld) }; ObLib.Register (NEW (Package, name := pkgname, opCodes := opCodes)); ObLib.RegisterHelp (pkgname, Help); END SetupPackage; VAR TProto : ObValue.Val; PROCEDURESetupModule (loader : ObProtoLoader.T) = BEGIN (*** Retrieve the prototype ***) loader.load ("RootGO.obl"); TProto := loader.get ("RootGO_TProto"); (*** Register the proxy maker ***) RootGOProxy.MkProxyT := AddTObj; END SetupModule;
TYPE Code = {ChangeCamera, New, NewStd, NewStdWithBase, Background, DepthcueSwitch, DepthcueColor, DepthcueFrontPlane, DepthcueBackPlane, DepthcueFrontScale, DepthcueBackScale, SetBackground, SetDepthcueSwitch, SetDepthcueColor, SetDepthcueFrontPlane, SetDepthcueBackPlane, SetDepthcueFrontScale, SetDepthcueBackScale, ScreenToWorld}; OpCode = ObLib.OpCode OBJECT code: Code; END; Package = ObLib.T OBJECT OVERRIDES Eval := DoEval; END; PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** Help ***************************************************************************DoEval (self : Package; opCode : ObLib.OpCode; <* UNUSED *> arity : ObLib.OpArity; READONLY args: ObValue.ArgArray; <* UNUSED *> temp : BOOLEAN; loc : SynLocation.T) : ObValue.Val RAISES {ObValue.Error, ObValue.Exception} = BEGIN CASE NARROW (opCode, OpCode).code OF | Code.New => WITH cam = ObCameraGO.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), base = ObGraphicsBase.GetArg (args, 2, self, opCode, loc), root = RootGO.New (cam, base) DO RETURN root.proxy.obj; END; | Code.NewStd => TRY WITH root = RootGO.NewStd () DO RETURN root.proxy.obj; END; EXCEPT GraphicsBase.Failure => ObValue.RaiseException (ObGraphicsBase.Failure,, loc); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; | Code.NewStdWithBase => TRY WITH base = ObGraphicsBase.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), root = RootGO.NewStd (base) DO RETURN root.proxy.obj; END; EXCEPT GraphicsBase.Failure => ObValue.RaiseException (ObGraphicsBase.Failure,, loc); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; | Code.ChangeCamera => WITH root = GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), cam = ObCameraGO.GetArg (args, 2, self, opCode, loc) DO root.changeCamera (cam); RETURN ObValue.valOk; END; | Code.Background => RETURN ObProp.NameToObliq (RootGO.Background); | Code.SetBackground => WITH go = ObGO.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), pv = ObColorProp.GetOverloadedVal (args, 2, self, opCode, loc) DO go.setProp (RootGO.Background.bind (pv)); RETURN ObValue.valOk; END; | Code.DepthcueSwitch => RETURN ObProp.NameToObliq (RootGO.DepthcueSwitch); | Code.SetDepthcueSwitch => WITH go = ObGO.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), pv = ObBooleanProp.GetOverloadedVal(args, 2, self, opCode, loc) DO go.setProp (RootGO.DepthcueSwitch.bind (pv)); RETURN ObValue.valOk; END; | Code.DepthcueColor => RETURN ObProp.NameToObliq (RootGO.DepthcueColour); | Code.SetDepthcueColor => WITH go = ObGO.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), pv = ObColorProp.GetOverloadedVal (args, 2, self, opCode, loc) DO go.setProp (RootGO.DepthcueColour.bind (pv)); RETURN ObValue.valOk; END; | Code.DepthcueFrontPlane => RETURN ObProp.NameToObliq (RootGO.DepthcueFrontPlane); | Code.SetDepthcueFrontPlane => WITH go = ObGO.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), pv = ObRealProp.GetOverloadedVal (args, 2, self, opCode, loc) DO go.setProp (RootGO.DepthcueFrontPlane.bind (pv)); RETURN ObValue.valOk; END; | Code.DepthcueBackPlane => RETURN ObProp.NameToObliq (RootGO.DepthcueBackPlane); | Code.SetDepthcueBackPlane => WITH go = ObGO.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), pv = ObRealProp.GetOverloadedVal (args, 2, self, opCode, loc) DO go.setProp (RootGO.DepthcueBackPlane.bind (pv)); RETURN ObValue.valOk; END; | Code.DepthcueFrontScale => RETURN ObProp.NameToObliq (RootGO.DepthcueFrontScale); | Code.SetDepthcueFrontScale => WITH go = ObGO.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), pv = ObRealProp.GetOverloadedVal (args, 2, self, opCode, loc) DO go.setProp (RootGO.DepthcueFrontScale.bind (pv)); RETURN ObValue.valOk; END; | Code.DepthcueBackScale => RETURN ObProp.NameToObliq (RootGO.DepthcueBackScale); | Code.SetDepthcueBackScale => WITH go = ObGO.GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), pv = ObRealProp.GetOverloadedVal (args, 2, self, opCode, loc) DO go.setProp (RootGO.DepthcueBackScale.bind (pv)); RETURN ObValue.valOk; END; | Code.ScreenToWorld => WITH root = GetArg (args, 1, self, opCode, loc), pos = ObPoint.GetArg (args, 2, self, opCode, loc), z = ObReal.GetArg (args, 3, self, opCode, loc) DO RETURN ObPoint3.M3ToObliq (root.screenToWorld (pos, z)); END; END; END DoEval;
PROCEDUREHelp (self : ObCommand.T; arg : TEXT; <* UNUSED *> data : REFANY) = BEGIN ObAux.Help (self, arg, pkgname); END Help; BEGIN END ObRootGO.