INTERFACEThis interface adds to the SGML parser object a number of fields required to store information about the current state and defined elements, attributes and entities. It also defines procedures used during the parsing process.SGMLRep ;
IMPORT SGML, SGMLC, RefSeq, TextSeq, TextRefTbl, Atom, FSM; REVEAL SGML.Parser <: ParserPublicRep; TYPE StateFrame <: REFANY; ParserPublicRep = SGML.ParserPublic OBJECT application: SGML.Application; p: SGMLC.Parser; s: SGMLC.Scanner; attributes: REF ARRAY OF SGML.Attribute; nbAttr: CARDINAL; dataChunks: REF ARRAY OF SGML.CdataChunk; nbData: CARDINAL; doctype: TEXT; markup: BOOLEAN; pcdata: BOOLEAN; END;The
and dataChunks
fields store intermediate
results during the parsing.
PROCEDURE ParseDtd(parser: SGML.Parser; externalId: SGML.ExternalId);Start parsing the document type definition, specified by the external identifier.
PROCEDURE AddElement(parser: SGML.Parser; name: TEXT; content: REFANY; m: FSM.T; omitS, omitE: BOOLEAN);Insert a new element definition.
PROCEDURE AddEntity(p: SGML.Parser; e: REF SGML.Entity);Insert a new entity definition.
PROCEDURE AddNotation(p: SGML.Parser; n: REF SGML.Notation);Insert a new notation definition.
PROCEDURE AddAttributes(parser: SGML.Parser; name: TEXT; attributes: TextRefTbl.T);Insert a new attributes definition for the named element.
PROCEDURE GetEntity(self: SGML.Parser; name: TEXT; type: SGML.EntityDeclType): REF SGML.Entity;Get the specified named
of type type
PROCEDURE IncData(p: SGML.Parser);Prepare the
buffer to add one data chunk.
PROCEDURE IncAttr(p: SGML.Parser);Prepare the
buffer to add one attribute.
PROCEDURE StartContent(parser: SGML.Parser);Initialize the element stack before parsing the document content.
PROCEDURE EndContent(parser: SGML.Parser);End of document content, check that no unended element remains. Add omitted tags as needed.
PROCEDURE StartElement(parser: SGML.Parser; READONLY e: SGML.StartElementEvent);Begin a new element in the document content. Add omitted tags as needed.
PROCEDURE EndElement(parser: SGML.Parser; n: TEXT);End an element in the document content. Add omitted tags as needed.
PROCEDURE StartData(parser: SGML.Parser);Some character data found (data or sdata)
PROCEDURE CopyTextRefTbl(tbl: TextRefTbl.T): TextRefTbl.Default;Copy a TextRefTbl
TYPE ParserPlus = SGMLC.Parser OBJECT parser: SGML.Parser; END; ElementDesc = REF RECORD name: TEXT; content: REFANY; fsm: FSM.T; omitS, omitE: BOOLEAN; END; (* The original content describing expression is stored in "content". The corresponding FSM is in fsm. Fields "omitS" and "omitE" tell if the start and end tags may be omitted. *) AttributeDesc = REF RECORD name: TEXT; content: REFANY; default: REF ARRAY OF SGML.CdataChunk; required, implied, fixed := FALSE; END;The types
, Choice
, Seq
, Optional
, Repeat
are used for the content description expression.
Enumeration = TextSeq.T BRANDED OBJECT END; Choice = RefSeq.T BRANDED OBJECT END; Seq = RefSeq.T BRANDED OBJECT END; Optional = BRANDED OBJECT r: REFANY; END; Repeat = BRANDED OBJECT r: REFANY; END; RepeatPlus = BRANDED OBJECT r: REFANY; END; NotationType = RefSeq.T BRANDED OBJECT END; RefType = { Hex, Char, Name }; VAR (* CONST *) CDataParam: REF ARRAY OF SGML.MarkedSectionParam; IncludeParam: REF ARRAY OF SGML.MarkedSectionParam; IgnoreParam: REF ARRAY OF SGML.MarkedSectionParam; PCDataAtom: Atom.T; EmptyAtom: Atom.T; CONST Debug = FALSE; END SGMLRep.