MODULEThe parser maintains tables of defined entities (parameter, general and doctype), of public names for some of these entities, and of elements. Each element type has a finite state machine describing the content it accepts. Since elements may nest, the current state for the finite state machines of all currently nested elements must be kept in a stack of state frames.SGML EXPORTSSGML ,SGMLRep ; IMPORT SGML, SGMLC, SGMLCScanner, Text, RefSeq, TextRefTbl, TextTextTbl, Atom, ASCII, FileRd, TextRd, Pathname, FS, Process, OSError, IO, Rd, FSM, Fmt, MxConfig; REVEAL SGML.Parser = ParserPublicRep BRANDED OBJECT options: SGML.ParserOptions; warn: Warnings; programName: TEXT; files: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; rds: REF ARRAY OF Rd.T; e: Err; fileNo: CARDINAL; inhibit: BOOLEAN := TRUE; defn: Definitions; cache: Cache; stateStack: RefSeq.T; currState: StateFrame; OVERRIDES init := InitParser; run := RunParser; halt := HaltParser; inhibitMessages := InhibitMessages; subdocumentParser := SubdocumentParser; newParser := NewParser; END; SGML.Application = SGML.ApplicationPublic BRANDED OBJECT parser: SGML.Parser; OVERRIDES getDetailedLocation := GetDetailedLocation; init := ApplicationInit; END;
StateFrame = BRANDED REF RECORD name: Atom.T; omitE: BOOLEAN; currNode: FSM.Node; fsm: FSM.T; END; TYPE Definitions = RECORD elements: TextRefTbl.Default; attlists: TextRefTbl.Default; notations: TextRefTbl.Default; pEntities: TextRefTbl.Default; gEntities: TextRefTbl.Default; dEntities: TextRefTbl.Default; publics: TextTextTbl.Default; END; Cache = REF RECORD catalog: Definitions; dtd: TextRefTbl.Default; END; Err = SGMLC.ErrHandler BRANDED OBJECT num: CARDINAL := 0; application: SGML.Application; OVERRIDES error := GenError END; EntityResolver = SGMLCScanner.EntityResolver OBJECT parser: SGML.Parser; OVERRIDES resolve := ResolveParameterEntity; END;The error handler and entity resolver allow the parser and scanner to report errors and query for entities.
Warnings = RECORD mixed, sgmldecl, should, default, duplicate, undefined, unclosed, empty, net, unusedParam, notationSysid: BOOLEAN := FALSE; END; VAR StartAtom := Atom.FromText("!INIT");Report the error to the application.
PROCEDUREConvert a string of 0-9 digits to the associated character.GenError (e : Err ; <*UNUSED*>line : CARDINAL ; <*UNUSED*>col : CARDINAL ; msg : TEXT) = BEGIN INC(e.num); e.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{e.application.parser.p.offset(), SGML.ErrorType.OtherError,msg}); END GenError ;
PROCEDUREAllocate all the parser tables. Provide default values.CharRefToCode (t: TEXT; VAR c: SGML.CharCode): BOOLEAN = VAR car: CHAR; val: CARDINAL; length := Text.Length(t); BEGIN IF length < 3 THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF Text.Equal(t,"&") THEN c := ORD('&'); RETURN TRUE; ELSIF Text.GetChar(t,0) = '&' AND Text.GetChar(t,1) = '#' AND Text.GetChar(t,length - 1) = ';' THEN val := 0; IF Text.GetChar(t,2) = 'x' OR Text.GetChar(t,2) = 'X' THEN FOR i := 3 TO Text.Length(t) - 2 DO car := Text.GetChar(t,i); IF car IN ASCII.Digits THEN val := (16 * val) + (ORD(car) - ORD('0')); ELSE car := ASCII.Upper[car]; IF car < 'A' OR car > 'F' THEN RETURN FALSE; END; val := (16 * val) + 10 + (ORD(car) - ORD('A')); END; IF val >= LAST(SGML.CharCode) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; ELSE FOR i := 2 TO Text.Length(t) - 2 DO val := (10 * val) + (ORD(Text.GetChar(t,i)) - ORD('0')); IF val >= LAST(SGML.CharCode) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; END; c := val; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END CharRefToCode;
PROCEDUREInitialize all the parser tables. Start parsing calling back the application for each significant chunk parsed.InitParser (self: SGML.Parser; options: SGML.ParserOptions; <*NOWARN*> programName: TEXT; files: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; rds: REF ARRAY OF Rd.T := NIL): SGML.Parser = BEGIN self.options := options; CopyTextArray(self.options.addCatalog,"catalog"); CopyTextArray(self.options.includeParam); CopyTextArray(self.options.enableWarning); InitWarnings(self); CopyTextArray(self.options.addSearchDir,MxConfig.Get("PKG_USE") & MxConfig.HOST_PATH_SEP & "sgml" & MxConfig.HOST_PATH_SEP & "src" & MxConfig.HOST_PATH_SEP & "dtd"); CopyTextArray(self.options.activateLink); CopyTextArray(self.options.architecture); self.programName := programName; self.attributes := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.Attribute, 15); self.dataChunks := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.CdataChunk, 15); self.stateStack := NEW(RefSeq.T); self.files := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT,NUMBER(files^)); self.files^ := files^; self.rds := rds; self.e := NEW(Err); self.s := NEW(SGMLC.Scanner); self.p := NEW(ParserPlus, parser := self); self.cache := NEW(Cache, dtd := NIL); RETURN self; END InitParser; PROCEDURENewParser (self: SGML.Parser; files: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; rds: REF ARRAY OF Rd.T := NIL): SGML.Parser = VAR new := NEW(SGML.Parser); BEGIN new.options := self.options; new.warn := self.warn; new.programName := self.programName; new.attributes := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.Attribute, 15); new.dataChunks := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.CdataChunk, 15); new.stateStack := NEW(RefSeq.T); new.files := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT,NUMBER(files^)); new.files^ := files^; new.rds := rds; new.e := NEW(Err); new.s := NEW(SGMLC.Scanner); new.p := NEW(ParserPlus, parser := new); new.cache := self.cache; RETURN new; END NewParser; PROCEDUREInitWarnings (self: SGML.Parser) = BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST(self.options.enableWarning^) DO WITH w = self.options.enableWarning[i] DO IF Text.Equal(w,"mixed") THEN self.warn.mixed := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"sgmldecl") THEN self.warn.sgmldecl := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"should") THEN self.warn.should := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"default") THEN self.warn.default := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"duplicate") THEN self.warn.duplicate := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"undefined") THEN self.warn.undefined := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"empty") THEN self.warn.empty := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"net") THEN := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"unused-param") THEN self.warn.unusedParam := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"notation-sysid") THEN self.warn.notationSysid := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"min-tag") THEN self.warn.unclosed := TRUE; self.warn.empty := TRUE; := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal(w,"all") THEN self.warn := Warnings{TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE, TRUE,TRUE}; END; END; END; END InitWarnings;
PROCEDUREParse another file in the current context. The same parser state is kept (entities, elements...).RunParser (self: SGML.Parser; a: SGML.Application): CARDINAL = VAR rd: Rd.T; BEGIN self.e.num := 0; self.e.application := a; self.application := a; a.parser := self; (* Once for all parsers using the same options (paths and catalogs) we need to fill the definitions with the catalogs content. The few builtin entities are inserted as well. Then, the resulting set of definitions is saved in the cache, to be reused for all files within the same parser and for all parsers sharing the same options (obtained with newParser()). *) IF self.cache.dtd = NIL THEN (* Start with clean tables for the definitions. *) self.defn.elements := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); self.defn.attlists := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); self.defn.notations := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); self.defn.pEntities := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); self.defn.gEntities := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); self.defn.dEntities := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); self.defn.publics := NEW(TextTextTbl.Default).init(); (* Initialize the builtin entities *) AddElement(self,"#PCDATA",NIL,NIL,FALSE,TRUE); AddEntity(self,NEW(REF SGML.Entity, name := "amp", internalText := "&", dataType := SGML.EntityDataType.Sgml, declType := SGML.EntityDeclType.General)); AddEntity(self,NEW(REF SGML.Entity, name := "gt", internalText := ">", dataType := SGML.EntityDataType.Sgml, declType := SGML.EntityDeclType.General)); AddEntity(self,NEW(REF SGML.Entity, name := "lt", internalText := "<", dataType := SGML.EntityDataType.Sgml, declType := SGML.EntityDeclType.General)); AddEntity(self,NEW(REF SGML.Entity, name := "quot", internalText := "\"", dataType := SGML.EntityDataType.Sgml, declType := SGML.EntityDeclType.General)); (* Parse the catalog files. *) self.s := self.s.initSimple(self.e); self.s.pushState(SGMLCScanner.State.Catalog); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(self.options.addCatalog^) DO TRY ParseCatalog(self,self.options.addCatalog[i], Process.GetWorkingDirectory()); EXCEPT ELSE a.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Error processing " & self.options.addCatalog[i]}); END; END; self.s.popState(); (* Initialize the cache and save the definitions in it. *) self.cache.dtd := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); CopyDefinitions(self.defn,self.cache.catalog); END; (* For each file, start with the catalogs definitions saved in the cache and parse the file. *) FOR i := 0 TO LAST(self.files^) DO self.fileNo := i; TRY CopyDefinitions(self.cache.catalog,self.defn); self.stateStack := self.stateStack.init(); self.currState := NIL; self.doctype := NIL; self.markup := FALSE; self.s := self.s.initSimple(self.e); IF self.rds = NIL THEN rd := FileRd.Open(self.files[i]); ELSE rd := self.rds[i]; END; self.s.pushFile(self.files[i],rd); self.s.setEntityResolver(NEW(EntityResolver, parser := self)); self.p := self.p.init(self.s, self.e); self.p.parse(); EXCEPT ELSE a.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Cannot open " & self.files[i]}); END; END; RETURN self.e.num; END RunParser;
PROCEDUREThe doctype tells which Dtd to use. The Dtd is parsed as a subfile.SubParse (self: SGML.Parser; name: TEXT; rd: Rd.T) = VAR oldS: SGMLC.Scanner; oldP: SGMLC.Parser; BEGIN oldS := self.s; oldP := self.p; self.s := NEW(SGMLC.Scanner); self.p := NEW(ParserPlus, parser := self); self.s := self.s.initSimple(self.e); self.s.inMarkupDecl(self.markup); self.s.pushFile(name,rd); self.s.setEntityResolver(NEW(EntityResolver, parser := self)); self.p := self.p.init(self.s, self.e); TRY self.p.parse(); EXCEPT ELSE END; self.s := oldS; self.p := oldP; END SubParse;
PROCEDURENot implemented yet. Awaiting requests for it!ParseDtd (parser: SGML.Parser; externalId: SGML.ExternalId) = VAR rd: Rd.T; dtdId: TEXT; tmp: REFANY; defn: REF Definitions; BEGIN (* When a default document type exists, use it. Otherwise complain and use HTML. *) IF parser.doctype = NIL THEN parser.doctype := parser.options.defaultDoctype; IF parser.doctype = NIL THEN parser.doctype := "HTML"; parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{parser.p.offset(),SGML. ErrorType.Info, "Document Type not declared, HTML assumed"}); END; END; parser.application.startDtd(SGML.StartDtdEvent{parser.p.offset(), parser.doctype,externalId}); (* Some Dtd are fairly long to parse. The corresponding definitions are saved in the cache and reused the second time a Dtd is requested. The key to uniquely identity Dtds is the system ID. *) dtdId := GetEntity(parser,parser.doctype,SGML.EntityDeclType.Doctype). externalId.generatedSystemId; IF parser.cache.dtd.get(dtdId,tmp) THEN defn := NARROW(tmp,REF Definitions); CopyDefinitions(defn^,parser.defn); ELSE rd := ResolveEntity(parser,parser.doctype,SGML.EntityDeclType.Doctype); IF rd = NIL THEN parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType. OtherError,"Cannot open Dtd for DocType " & parser.doctype}); ELSE parser.markup := TRUE; SubParse(parser,parser.doctype,rd); parser.markup := FALSE; defn := NEW(REF Definitions); CopyDefinitions(parser.defn,defn^); EVAL parser.cache.dtd.put(dtdId,defn); END; END; parser.application.endDtd(SGML.EndDtdEvent{parser.p.offset(), parser.doctype}); END ParseDtd;
PROCEDURENot implemented yet. Awaiting requests for it.HaltParser (<*UNUSED*>self: SGML.Parser) = BEGIN <* ASSERT FALSE *> (* Perhaps force EOF into the scanner... *) END HaltParser; PROCEDUREInhibitMessages (self: SGML.Parser; inhibit: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN self.inhibit := inhibit; END InhibitMessages;
PROCEDUREUnfortunately the detailed location does not carry all the information. It allows for one full set of data within a file plus an entity name and offset. What we have in reality is a stack of entities when nested parameter entities are encountered.SubdocumentParser (self: SGML.Parser; <*UNUSED*>systemId: TEXT): SGML.Parser = BEGIN <*ASSERT FALSE*> RETURN self; <*NOWARN*> END SubdocumentParser; PROCEDUREApplicationInit (self: SGML.Application): SGML.Application = BEGIN RETURN self; END ApplicationInit;
PROCEDUREWe are reusing the same scanner for catalogs as for SGML files.GetDetailedLocation (self: SGML.Application; <*UNUSED*>pos: SGML.Position): SGML.DetailedLocation = VAR p := self.parser.p; s := self.parser.s; input: SGMLCScanner.Input; nl: SGML.DetailedLocation; BEGIN IF s.inputStack.size() = 0 THEN nl.byteOffset := p.offset(); nl.lineNumber := p.line(); nl.columnNumber := p.column(); nl.entityOffset := 0; nl.entityName := NIL; nl.filename :=; ELSE input := s.inputStack.get(0); nl.lineNumber := input.currentLine; nl.columnNumber := input.currentCol; nl.byteOffset := input.offset; nl.entityOffset := p.offset(); nl.entityName :=; nl.filename :=; END; RETURN nl; END GetDetailedLocation;
PROCEDUREFind the catalog file along the available paths.ParseCatalog (parser: SGML.Parser; name, dir: TEXT) = VAR ss: SGMLC.ScanSymbol; publicId, systemId: TEXT; e: REF SGML.Entity; BEGIN PushCatalogFile(parser,name,dir); TRY LOOP parser.s.get(ss); CASE ss.sym OF | SGMLC.Symbol.Eof => EXIT; | SGMLC.Symbol.CATALOGkw => parser.s.get(ss); PushCatalogFile(parser,ss.string, Pathname.Prefix(; | SGMLC.Symbol.PUBLICkw => parser.s.get(ss); publicId := ss.string; parser.s.get(ss); systemId := ss.string; EVAL parser.defn.publics.put(publicId, systemId); | SGMLC.Symbol.SGMLDECLkw => parser.s.get(ss); | SGMLC.Symbol.DOCTYPEkw => e := NEW(REF SGML.Entity); parser.s.get(ss); := ss.string; e.declType := SGML.EntityDeclType.Doctype; e.dataType := SGML.EntityDataType.Sgml; e.internalText := NIL; parser.s.get(ss); e.externalId := SGML.ExternalId{ss.string,NIL,NIL}; AddEntity(parser,e); ELSE IF ss.string = NIL THEN ss.string := ""; END; parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0, SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Invalid catalog entry " & ss.string}); END; END; EXCEPT ELSE parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0, SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Premature end of file in catalog"}); END; END ParseCatalog;
PROCEDUREInsert a new element in the table of defined elements. There may already be an entry for this element holding the description of its attributes.PushCatalogFile (parser: SGML.Parser; name, dir: TEXT) = VAR fullName: TEXT; rd: Rd.T; BEGIN fullName := FindFile(name,dir,parser.options.addSearchDir); rd := NIL; IF fullName # NIL THEN rd := IO.OpenRead(fullName); ELSE fullName := name; END; IF rd = NIL THEN parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Cannot open catalog " & fullName}); ELSE parser.s.pushFile(fullName, rd); END; END PushCatalogFile;
PROCEDUREAdd the specified attributes to the list for the element.AddElement (parser: SGML.Parser; name: TEXT; content: REFANY; m: FSM.T; omitS, omitE: BOOLEAN) = VAR tmp: REFANY; BEGIN IF parser.defn.elements.get(name,tmp) AND parser.warn.duplicate THEN parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Redefinition of element " & name}); ELSE EVAL parser.defn.elements.put(name,NEW(ElementDesc, name := name, content := content, fsm := m, omitS := omitS, omitE := omitE)); END; END AddElement;
PROCEDUREAdd the entity into the appropriate table (general, parameter, doctype). For external entities, any missing components (system id, generated system id) are computed using theAddAttributes (parser: SGML.Parser; name: TEXT; attributes: TextRefTbl.T) = VAR tmp: REFANY; iter: TextRefTbl.Iterator; t: TEXT; attlist: TextRefTbl.T; BEGIN IF parser.defn.attlists.get(name,tmp) THEN attlist := NARROW(tmp,TextRefTbl.T); iter := attlist.iterate(); WHILE,tmp) DO EVAL attributes.put(t,tmp); END; END; EVAL parser.defn.attlists.put(name,attributes); END AddAttributes;
table and the search paths.
PROCEDUREAdd the notation declaration in the table.AddEntity (p: SGML.Parser; e: REF SGML.Entity) = VAR exist: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF e.externalId.systemId = NIL AND e.externalId.publicId # NIL THEN EVAL p.defn.publics.get(e.externalId.publicId,e.externalId.systemId); END; IF e.externalId.systemId # NIL THEN e.externalId.generatedSystemId := FindFile(e.externalId.systemId, Pathname.Prefix(,p.options.addSearchDir); END; CASE e.declType OF | SGML.EntityDeclType.General => exist := p.defn.gEntities.put(,e); | SGML.EntityDeclType.Parameter => exist := p.defn.pEntities.put(,e); | SGML.EntityDeclType.Doctype => exist := p.defn.dEntities.put(,e); ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; IF exist AND p.warn.duplicate THEN p.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Redefinition of entity " &}); END; END AddEntity;
PROCEDURECheck that the DataChunk buffer is large enough.AddNotation (parser: SGML.Parser; n: REF SGML.Notation) = BEGIN EVAL parser.defn.notations.put(,n); END AddNotation;
PROCEDURECheck that the attribute buffer is large enough.IncData (p: SGML.Parser) = BEGIN INC(p.nbData); IF p.nbData > LAST(p.dataChunks^) THEN WITH new = NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.CdataChunk,NUMBER(p.dataChunks^) * 2) DO SUBARRAY(new^,0,NUMBER(p.dataChunks^)) := p.dataChunks^; p.dataChunks := new; END; END; END IncData;
PROCEDUREFind a parameter entity from the table.IncAttr (p: SGML.Parser) = BEGIN INC(p.nbAttr); IF p.nbAttr > LAST(p.attributes^) THEN WITH new = NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.Attribute,NUMBER(p.attributes^) * 2) DO SUBARRAY(new^,0,NUMBER(p.attributes^)) := p.attributes^; p.attributes := new; END; END; END IncAttr;
PROCEDUREFind an entity of the specified type from the corresponding table and open a reader for it.ResolveParameterEntity (self: EntityResolver; name: TEXT): Rd.T = BEGIN RETURN ResolveEntity(self.parser,name,SGML.EntityDeclType.Parameter); END ResolveParameterEntity;
PROCEDURELook for a file along the search paths or in the current directory.ResolveEntity (self: SGML.Parser; name: TEXT; type: SGML.EntityDeclType): Rd.T = VAR e: REF SGML.Entity; BEGIN e := GetEntity(self,name,type); IF e # NIL THEN IF e.internalText # NIL THEN RETURN TextRd.New(e.internalText); END; IF e.externalId.generatedSystemId = NIL THEN RETURN NIL; END; RETURN IO.OpenRead(e.externalId.generatedSystemId); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END ResolveEntity; PROCEDUREGetEntity (self: SGML.Parser; name: TEXT; type: SGML.EntityDeclType): REF SGML.Entity = VAR tmp: REFANY; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE type OF | SGML.EntityDeclType.General => found := self.defn.gEntities.get(name,tmp); | SGML.EntityDeclType.Parameter => found := self.defn.pEntities.get(name,tmp); | SGML.EntityDeclType.Doctype => found := self.defn.dEntities.get(name,tmp); ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; IF found THEN RETURN NARROW(tmp, REF SGML.Entity); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END GetEntity;
PROCEDUREInitialize the stack of FSM states which keep track of what was received in which nested element. To start, we assume we are in an element (!INIT) which expects a single element named after the document type.FindFile (name, cwd: TEXT; dirs: REF ARRAY OF TEXT): TEXT = VAR absName: TEXT; BEGIN IF Pathname.Absolute(name) THEN RETURN name; END; TRY absName := Pathname.Join(cwd,name,NIL); EVAL FS.Status(absName); RETURN absName; EXCEPT OSError.E => END; FOR i := 0 TO LAST(dirs^) DO TRY absName := Pathname.Join(dirs[i],name,NIL); EVAL FS.Status(absName); RETURN absName; EXCEPT OSError.E => END; END; RETURN NIL; END FindFile;
PROCEDUREThis is the end. Any currently opened element should allow an end tag next, and the end tag should be optional.StartContent (parser: SGML.Parser) = VAR fsm: FSM.T; BEGIN FSM.New(fsm,Atom.FromText(parser.doctype)); FSM.Wrap(fsm); <*NOWARN*> (* This FSM is valid *) parser.currState := NEW(StateFrame, name := StartAtom, omitE := FALSE, currNode := FSM.StartNode(fsm), fsm := fsm); parser.pcdata := FALSE; END StartContent;
PROCEDUREA new element starts.ExplainNode (fsm: FSM.T; id: CARDINAL; edges: REF ARRAY OF FSM.Edge; else, skip: FSM.Node): TEXT = VAR t: TEXT; BEGIN t := "Current state is node " & Fmt.Unsigned(id) & " with possible transitions:\n"; FOR i := 0 TO LAST(edges^) DO t := t & " event " & Atom.ToText(edges[i].label) & " leads to node " & Fmt.Unsigned(FSM.NodeId(fsm,edges[i].destination)) & "\n"; END; IF else # NIL THEN t := t & " else leads to node " & Fmt.Unsigned(FSM.NodeId(fsm,else)) & "\n"; END; IF skip # NIL THEN t := t & " skip leads to node " & Fmt.Unsigned(FSM.NodeId(fsm,skip)) & "\n"; END; RETURN t; END ExplainNode; PROCEDUREExplainFSMError (parser: SGML.Parser; error: SGML.ErrorType; t: TEXT) = VAR explanation := "\n"; id: CARDINAL; skip, else: FSM.Node; edges: REF ARRAY OF FSM.Edge; fsm := parser.currState.fsm; node := parser.currState.currNode; BEGIN (* This is a bit verbose, output only when warnings enabled *) IF parser.warn.unclosed THEN WHILE node # NIL DO FSM.NodeContent(fsm, node, id, edges, else, skip); explanation := explanation & ExplainNode(fsm, id, edges, else, skip); node := skip; END; END; parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,error,t & explanation}); END ExplainFSMError; PROCEDUREEndContent (parser: SGML.Parser) = BEGIN LOOP IF parser.stateStack.size() = 0 THEN RETURN; END; IF NOT(FSM.Exit(parser.currState.currNode) AND parser.currState.omitE) THEN ExplainFSMError(parser,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Premature end of document missing end tag: " & Atom.ToText(; END; IF parser.warn.unclosed THEN parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.Warning, "Omitted </" & Atom.ToText( & ">"}); END; parser.application.endElement(SGML.EndElementEvent{parser.p.offset(), Atom.ToText(}); parser.currState := parser.stateStack.remhi(); END; END EndContent;
PROCEDUREEnd element received.StartElement (parser: SGML.Parser; READONLY e: SGML.StartElementEvent) = BEGIN parser.pcdata := FALSE; StartElement2(parser,e); END StartElement; PROCEDUREStartData (parser: SGML.Parser) = BEGIN IF NOT parser.pcdata THEN StartElement2(parser,SGML.StartElementEvent{0,"#PCDATA", SGML.ElementContentType.Empty,FALSE,NIL}); END; END StartData; PROCEDUREStartElement2 (parser: SGML.Parser; READONLY e: SGML.StartElementEvent) = VAR nextNode: FSM.Node; name := Atom.FromText(; empty := e.contentType = SGML.ElementContentType.Empty; element: ElementDesc; tmp: REFANY; expect: Atom.T; ne: SGML.StartElementEvent; BEGIN LOOP (* The element is accepted within the current element. *) IF FSM.Enter(parser.currState.currNode,name,nextNode) THEN IF NOT parser.defn.elements.get(,tmp) THEN parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType. OtherError,"Unknown element " &}); RETURN; END; parser.currState.currNode := nextNode; element := tmp; IF empty THEN RETURN; END; parser.stateStack.addhi(parser.currState); parser.currState := NEW(StateFrame, name := name, omitE := element.omitE, currNode := FSM.StartNode(element.fsm), fsm := element.fsm); RETURN; (* Perhaps the current element should end (end tag allowed next and is optional). Then the new element may become allowed. *) ELSIF FSM.Exit(parser.currState.currNode) AND parser.currState.omitE AND parser.stateStack.size() > 1 THEN IF parser.warn.unclosed THEN parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.Warning, "Omitted </" & Atom.ToText( & ">"}); END; parser.application.endElement(SGML.EndElementEvent{parser.p.offset(), Atom.ToText(}); parser.currState := parser.stateStack.remhi(); (* Perhaps a single type of element is accepted here and its start tag is optional, in which case it is provided. Then the new element may become allowed. *) ELSE expect := FSM.Expect(parser.currState.currNode); IF expect # NIL AND parser.defn.elements.get(Atom.ToText(expect),tmp) AND NARROW(tmp,ElementDesc).omitS THEN EVAL FSM.Enter(parser.currState.currNode,expect,nextNode); parser.currState.currNode := nextNode; element := tmp; ne.pos := parser.p.offset(); :=; IF element.content # EmptyAtom THEN ne.contentType := SGML.ElementContentType.Mixed; ELSE ne.contentType := SGML.ElementContentType.Empty; END; ne.included := FALSE; ne.attributes := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.Attribute, 0); IF parser.warn.unclosed THEN parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.Warning, "Omitted <" & & ">"}); END; parser.application.startElement(ne); parser.stateStack.addhi(parser.currState); parser.currState := NEW(StateFrame, name := expect, omitE := element.omitE, currNode := FSM.StartNode(element.fsm), fsm := element.fsm); ELSE ExplainFSMError(parser,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Misplaced tag " & & " within element " & Atom.ToText(; RETURN; END; END; END; END StartElement2;
PROCEDURECopy a text array, use an empty array if NIL, and appendEndElement (parser: SGML.Parser; n: TEXT) = VAR name := Atom.FromText(n); mayExit := FSM.Exit(parser.currState.currNode); ne: SGML.StartElementEvent; BEGIN parser.pcdata := FALSE; LOOP (* Correct end tag received. *) IF = name THEN (* The element content is not complete! *) IF NOT mayExit THEN ExplainFSMError(parser,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Premature end tag " & n); END; parser.currState := parser.stateStack.remhi(); RETURN; (* Incorrect end tag. Perhaps an indication of missing omitted end tags. Check if the current element is complete and its end tag optional. If so, generate the omitted end tag and retry at the next level, in the loop. *) ELSIF mayExit AND parser.currState.omitE AND parser.stateStack.size() > 1 THEN IF parser.warn.unclosed THEN parser.application.error(SGML.ErrorEvent{0,SGML.ErrorType.Warning, "Omitted </" & Atom.ToText( & ">"}); END; parser.application.endElement(SGML.EndElementEvent{parser.p.offset(), Atom.ToText(}); parser.currState := parser.stateStack.remhi(); (* This end tag just should not be there. Create a dummy start tag just to keep these balanced. *) ELSE ExplainFSMError(parser,SGML.ErrorType.OtherError, "Misplaced end tag " & n & " within element " & Atom.ToText(; ne.pos := parser.p.offset(); := n; ne.contentType := SGML.ElementContentType.Empty; ne.included := FALSE; ne.attributes := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.Attribute, 0); parser.application.startElement(ne); RETURN; END; END; END EndElement; VAR emptyArray := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT,0);
if non NIL. Used to copy optional parsing options, merged with a
possible default value add1
PROCEDURECopyTextArray (VAR a: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; add1: TEXT := NIL) = VAR newArray: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; size: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF a = NIL THEN a := emptyArray; END; size := NUMBER(a^); IF add1 # NIL THEN INC(size); END; newArray := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT,size); SUBARRAY(newArray^,0,NUMBER(a^)) := a^; IF add1 # NIL THEN newArray[LAST(newArray^)] := add1; END; a := newArray; END CopyTextArray; PROCEDURECopyTextRefTbl (tbl: TextRefTbl.T): TextRefTbl.Default = VAR new := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); iter := tbl.iterate(); k: TEXT; v: REFANY; BEGIN WHILE,v) DO EVAL new.put(k,v); END; RETURN new; END CopyTextRefTbl; PROCEDURECopyTextTextTbl (tbl: TextTextTbl.T): TextTextTbl.Default = VAR new := NEW(TextTextTbl.Default).init(); iter := tbl.iterate(); k, v: TEXT; BEGIN WHILE,v) DO EVAL new.put(k,v); END; RETURN new; END CopyTextTextTbl; PROCEDURECopyDefinitions (READONLY from: Definitions; VAR to: Definitions) = BEGIN to.elements := CopyTextRefTbl(from.elements); to.attlists := CopyTextRefTbl(from.attlists); to.notations := CopyTextRefTbl(from.notations); to.pEntities := CopyTextRefTbl(from.pEntities); to.gEntities := CopyTextRefTbl(from.gEntities); to.dEntities := CopyTextRefTbl(from.dEntities); to.publics := CopyTextTextTbl(from.publics); END CopyDefinitions; BEGIN (* Preallocated values to indicate the type of marked section. *) CDataParam := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.MarkedSectionParam, 1); IncludeParam := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.MarkedSectionParam, 1); IgnoreParam := NEW(REF ARRAY OF SGML.MarkedSectionParam, 1); CDataParam[0].type := SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.CData; IncludeParam[0].type := SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.Include; IgnoreParam[0].type := SGML.MarkedSectionParamType.Ignore; CDataParam[0].entityName := "CData"; IncludeParam[0].entityName := "Include"; IgnoreParam[0].entityName := "Ignore"; PCDataAtom := Atom.FromText("#PCDATA"); EmptyAtom := Atom.FromText("EMPTY"); END SGML.