The module sets up the tool's parameters (see initialization)
and reads the parameters in the procedure Get()
MODULE\subsection{Procedure Get} First check for help option. If present just display help and return. Then load the parameters (which checks for correctness especially whether the required; IMPORT M3Args, Type, Atom, StablegenError; CONST Version = "Aug-94"; ArgImplfile = "ImplementationModule"; ArgRepModule = "RepModule"; ArgDataT = "Object"; StablegenArgs
parameter is
present). Then read the name of the object's interface. Then
read the implementation and rep module name. Build up the default
name if the parameter is not present. Finally read the -i
to get the name of the most specific revealation of object
-- it must
be in the first interface listed by the -i
PROCEDURE\subsection{Initialisation} Start by registration of parameters specific to the stable stub generator.Get (VAR object: Type.Qid; VAR reveal, impl, rep: TEXT) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = BEGIN IF M3Args.CheckHelp(display:= FALSE) THEN M3Args.Help(tool); RAISE StablegenError.E("nothing was parsed"); END; (*IF*) IF M3Args.Find(tool) THEN VAR intf:= M3Args.GetString(tool, ArgDataT); BEGIN object:= NEW(Type.Qid, intf:= Atom.FromText(intf), item:= Atom.FromText("T")); impl:= M3Args.GetString(tool, ArgImplfile); IF impl = NIL THEN impl:= "Stable"&intf END; rep:= M3Args.GetString(tool, ArgRepModule); IF rep = NIL THEN rep:= impl&"Rep" END; END ELSE RAISE StablegenError.E("invalid parameter"); END; (*IF*) VAR ints:= M3Args.GetStringList(tool, "Interfaces"); BEGIN IF ints = NIL THEN RAISE StablegenError.E("need -Interfaces (-i) parameter"); END; reveal:= ints[0]; END END Get;
VAR tool := M3Args.New("stubs", "Generate stubs for stable objects", Version, master := TRUE); BEGIN M3Args.RegisterString(tool, ArgDataT, "name of object interface", opt:= M3Args.Opt.Required); M3Args.RegisterString(tool, ArgImplfile, "name of module containing " & "implementation of stable subtype"); M3Args.RegisterString(tool, ArgRepModule, "name of module containing " & "the instatiation of the StableRep module."); END StablegenArgs.