MODULEThe stub generator uses the standard tool framework provided by; Main
Each interface given on the command line is processed, and
stubs are generated for all the network objects it defines
that can legitimately be marshalled.
IMPORT Process, RTCollector; IMPORT Stdio, Wr; IMPORT AstToType; IMPORT TypeNames, StubGenTool; IMPORT M3Args, M3Context, M3Conventions, M3AST_AS, M3CUnit, M3CFETool, M3ToolFrame; IMPORT M3AST_all; (* this cannot be omitted; it defines the particular revelations for all the AST nodes *) TYPE ContextClosure = M3Context.Closure OBJECT wr: Wr.T; OVERRIDES callback := VisitUnit; END; PROCEDUREVisitUnit ( cl: ContextClosure; ut: M3CUnit.Type; <*UNUSED*> name: TEXT; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) RAISES {}= BEGIN (* if it is a generic instantiation, get to actual instantiated tree *) cu := M3CUnit.ToGenIns(cu, ut); IF M3Conventions.PrimarySource IN cu.fe_status AND (M3CUnit.Errors * cu.fe_status = M3CUnit.Status{}) THEN StubGenTool.Set(cl.context, cu); END; END VisitUnit; PROCEDUREDoRun (<*UNUSED*> w: M3ToolFrame.Worker; c: M3Context.T; <*UNUSED*> compileResult: INTEGER): INTEGER RAISES {}= VAR returnCode: INTEGER; BEGIN M3Args.SetFlag(StubGenTool.tool_g, StubGenTool.StubGen_Arg, TRUE); StubGenTool.GetArgs(StubGenTool.tool_g); returnCode := M3CFETool.CompileInContext(c); IF returnCode >= 0 THEN RTCollector.DisableMotion(); (* Don't want copying until fix use of RefTable *) TypeNames.Preprocess(c); IF StubGenTool.stubTypes = NIL THEN <*FATAL ANY*> BEGIN M3Context.Apply(c, NEW(ContextClosure, wr := Stdio.stdout), findStandard := FALSE); (* ignore 'standard' unit *) END; ELSE WITH objects = StubGenTool.stubTypes DO FOR i := 0 TO LAST(objects^) DO IF objects[i] # NIL THEN returnCode := AstToType.OneStub(c, objects[i], Stdio.stdout); END; END; END; END; RTCollector.EnableMotion(); END; RETURN returnCode; END DoRun; <* FATAL ANY *> BEGIN Process.Exit(ABS(M3ToolFrame.Startup( NEW(M3ToolFrame.Worker, work := DoRun), compile := FALSE))); END Main.