
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 by Steve Glassman, Mark Manasse and Greg Nelson 
 Last modified on Mon Feb 27 18:13:11 PST 1995 by msm 
 modified on Mon Feb 24 13:59:41 PST 1992 by muller 
 modified on Wed Nov 20 16:41:02 PST 1991 by gnelson 


IMPORT Trestle, X, TrestleComm, VBT;

TYPE Display <: Trestle.T;

PROCEDURE Dpy (t: Display): X.DisplayStar;
You must use Enter and Exit (see below) around any calls which manipulate the dpy. If Enter raises an exception, you must not call any X procedures using that dpy. Any X procedure can raise the TrestleComm.Failure exception; once that happens, you must not call any X procedures.
PROCEDURE Drawable (v: VBT.T): X.Drawable; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the window id associated with a VBT (or X.None)
PROCEDURE Cage (v: VBT.T): X.Window; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the window id of the cage window for a VBT (or X.None)
<*INLINE*> PROCEDURE Enter (t: Display) RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
Lock t. The exception is raised when the X connection is closed.
<*INLINE*> PROCEDURE Exit (t: Display; deltaCoverage: [-1 .. 1] := 0)
  RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
Release the lock on t, after possibly flushing the queue of pending operations.

Each t: T contains a cardinal t.coverage, which is incremented by deltaCoverage as the Exit happens. If the result is zero, the x connection is flushed. A thread making a sequence of calls to Enter/Exit can minimize unnecessary flushing by setting deltaCoverage to +1 on the first exit, to -1 on the last exit, and to 0 on the other exits.

LL = t.

TYPE EventProc = PROCEDURE (t: Display; READONLY ev: X.XEvent);

PROCEDURE EventHook (t: Display; p: EventProc): EventProc; <* LL.sup = t *>
This procedure will be called with all events received on the connection t which Trestle doesn't want to handle. This means all events received on windows not created by Trestle, or root windows, and certain events received on Trestle windows. The old EventHook is returned; if non-NIL, you should pass on any events that you can't handle.
VAR Visibility: VBT.MiscCodeType;

  VisibilityUnobscured        = 0;
  VisibilityPartiallyObscured = 1;
  VisibilityFullyObscured     = 2;
When a VBT installed on X changes X visibility state, it receives a miscellaneous code with codetype Visibility. The first element of the detail field of the misc code reflects whether the window has become fully obscured, partially visible, or fully unobscured. Note that X is idiosyncratic in that no obscured message occurs when a window is iconified; you'll have to rely on noting that the VBT domain has just become empty, instead.

END TrestleOnX.