<* PRAGMA LL *>All components (forms/frames/widgets) in
are instances
of NodeVBT
INTERFACEGenerateObliq ; IMPORT FormsVBT; VAR callbackTemplate : TEXT; sessionConstructor := "CreateEachFormOnce(LOCAL);\n"; globalCode : TEXT := ""; serverSideCode : TEXT := ""; PROCEDURE GenerateCode(fv : FormsVBT.T; progname: TEXT:= NIL; bundled: BOOLEAN := TRUE): TEXT;
Generates specified executable if bundled else a set of executables for greater readability. WARNING : progname should be alphanumeric - no underscores or whitespace If progname is NIL then no code is written to file Returns the entire program as a text or the session module if not bundled
PROCEDURE Initialize();
This loads in all the relevant templates into its internal datastructure
PROCEDURE SlashQuotes( string: TEXT) : TEXT; PROCEDURE SlashSlashes(string: TEXT) : TEXT;
useful when embedding strings in an Obliq file
END GenerateObliq.