<* PRAGMA LL *> MODULE== NOT NEEDED == sx-generation IF bundled THEN constructors := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(constructors,; IMPORT Dialog, FormsVBT, FileWr, Rd, NodeVBT, Pathname, Rsrc, Text, Thread, Wr; <* FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, NodeVBT.InvalidObjectName *> VAR fv : Dialog.T; sessionTemplate : TEXT; defnTemplate : TEXT; declarationTemplate: TEXT; constructorTemplate: TEXT; PROCEDURE GenerateObliq Initialize () = <* FATAL Rsrc.NotFound *> BEGIN WITH t = Rsrc.Open("sessionTEMPLATE.obl", Dialog.rsrcPath) DO sessionTemplate := Rd.GetText(t, LAST(CARDINAL)); Rd.Close(t) END; WITH t = Rsrc.Open("defnTEMPLATE.obl", Dialog.rsrcPath) DO defnTemplate := Rd.GetText(t, LAST(CARDINAL)); Rd.Close(t) END; WITH t = Rsrc.Open("constructorTEMPLATE.obl", Dialog.rsrcPath) DO constructorTemplate := Rd.GetText(t, LAST(CARDINAL)); Rd.Close(t) END; WITH t = Rsrc.Open("declarationTEMPLATE.obl", Dialog.rsrcPath) DO declarationTemplate := Rd.GetText(t, LAST(CARDINAL)); Rd.Close(t) END; WITH t = Rsrc.Open("callbackTEMPLATE.obl", Dialog.rsrcPath) DO callbackTemplate := Rd.GetText(t, LAST(CARDINAL)); Rd.Close(t) END; END Initialize; PROCEDUREGenerateConstructorCode (current: NodeVBT.FormNode): TEXT = VAR constructor: TEXT; supportCode : TEXT := ""; BEGIN (* embed SupportCode *) (* first do anchored forms *) FOR j := 0 TO current.NoOfChildren - 1 DO supportCode := supportCode & current.ChildForms[j].SupportCode END; constructor := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace( constructorTemplate, "SupportCode", supportCode & current.SupportCode); (* embed object definitions *) constructor := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace( constructor, "object-definitions", current.generateObjectDefs()); (* embed callbacks *) constructor := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace( constructor, "callbacks", current.generateCallbacks()); (* embed attachments *) constructor := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(constructor, "Attachments", current.generateAttachments()); (* embed Initialization Code *) constructor := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(constructor, "InitializationCode", current.generateInitializationCode()); RETURN NodeVBT.FAndRAll(constructor, "form", current.name); END GenerateConstructorCode; PROCEDUREWriteTextToFile (text: TEXT; filename: TEXT) = VAR writer: Wr.T; BEGIN TRY writer := FileWr.Open(filename); Wr.PutText(writer, text); Wr.Close(writer); EXCEPT ELSE Dialog.message(fv, "Unable to save to " & filename); END; END WriteTextToFile; PROCEDURESlashQuotes ( string: TEXT) : TEXT = VAR first: INTEGER := Text.FindChar(string, '"'); BEGIN IF first = -1 THEN RETURN string; END; RETURN Text.Sub(string, 0, first) & "\\\"" & SlashQuotes(Text.Sub(string, first + 1)); END SlashQuotes; PROCEDURESlashSlashes ( string: TEXT) : TEXT = VAR first: INTEGER := Text.FindChar(string, '\\'); BEGIN IF first = -1 THEN RETURN string; END; RETURN Text.Sub(string, 0, first) & "\\\\" & SlashSlashes(Text.Sub(string, first + 1)); END SlashSlashes; PROCEDUREGenerateCode (dfv: FormsVBT.T; fullname: TEXT; bundled: BOOLEAN) : TEXT= VAR declarations := ""; constructors := ""; defn, sessn : TEXT; egform := "taxform"; formclass := NodeVBT.NameToIndex("form"); n := NodeVBT.NoOfObjects(formclass); current : NodeVBT.FormNode; initialFormsToCreate := ""; progname, destdir : TEXT; needToSave : BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN IF fullname # NIL THEN progname := Pathname.Last(fullname); destdir := Pathname.Prefix(fullname); ELSE progname := NodeVBT.defaultName; needToSave := FALSE; END; bundled := bundled OR NOT(needToSave); fv := NARROW(dfv, Dialog.T); NodeVBT.ComputeAnchoredFormTree(); (* for each root form in turn *) FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO IF i = 0 THEN current := NARROW(NodeVBT.GetFirst(formclass), NodeVBT.FormNode); ELSE current := NARROW(NodeVBT.GetNext(formclass), NodeVBT.FormNode); END; IF current.ParentForm = NIL THEN egform := current.name; initialFormsToCreate := initialFormsToCreate & current.name & "New(LOCAL);\n"; (* generate the sx and write to destdir/formname.fv *) NodeVBT.ComputeDimensions(current); current.DialogSX := current.SXTemplate(); EVAL current.computeSX(TRUE); (* Using declarationTemplate generate declaration code and append to declarations *) declarations := declarations & NodeVBT.FAndRAll(declarationTemplate, "form", current.name); (* Using constructorTemplate generate constructor code and append to constructors *) constructors := constructors & GenerateConstructorCode(current);
& SlashQuotes(SlashSlashes(current.DialogSX)) &
constructors := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(constructors, FormSX
& current.name &
WriteTextToFile(current.DialogSX, destdir & //
& current.name & .fv
END (* IF *) END (* FOR *); (* end for *) (* replace $declarations$ and $constructors$ in defnTemplate *) defn := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(defnTemplate, "declarations", declarations); defn := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(defn, "constructors", constructors); (* replace $GlobalCode$ with code that is visible within all form instances *) defn := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(defn, "GlobalCode", globalCode); (* replace $name$ and $egform$ in sessionTemplate and write to destdir/progname.obl *) sessn := NodeVBT.FAndRAll(sessionTemplate, "name", progname); sessn := NodeVBT.FAndRAll(sessn, "egform", egform); sessn := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(sessn, "initForms", initialFormsToCreate); (* put in session constructor code and server side code *) sessn := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(sessn, "SessionConstCode", sessionConstructor); sessn := NodeVBT.FindAndReplace(sessn, "ServerSideCode", serverSideCode); IF bundled THEN sessn := NodeVBT.FAndRAll(sessn, "Definition", defn); ELSE sessn := NodeVBT.FAndRAll(sessn, "Definition", "load \"" & progname & "DEFN.obl\";" ); (* write defn to destdir/prognameDEFN.obl *) WriteTextToFile(defn, destdir & "//" & progname & "DEFN.obl"); END (* IF *); (* write sessn to destdir/progname.obl *) IF needToSave THEN WITH ssnfnm = destdir & "//" & progname & ".obl" DO WriteTextToFile(sessn, ssnfnm); END; END; IF needToSave THEN RETURN "(* saved *)"; ELSE RETURN sessn; END; END GenerateCode; BEGIN END GenerateObliq.