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Other Makefile Commands

Here we describe some of the more sophisticated m3makefile commands for reference. You won't need most of these commands for normal use of m3makefiles.

override( "pkg" , "dir" )

Look in directory dir/pkg for the package pkg instead of looking in the public repository. Use this command in conjunction with the import(P) when you want to import from a private library instead of the publicly shipped package.

c_source( "file" )

Declares that the file file.c contains C source code.

import_lib( "name" , "dir" )

If dir/libname.a is a library, includes -Ldir -lname in the final link command. Otherwise, includes -lname in the final link command. This command is quite useful in importing foreign libraries, like Win32, or X11.

import_obj( "libname" )

Include libname in the final link command.

m3_option( "option" )
remove_m3_option( "option" )

Add or remove option option to or from list of compiler options. Option must be enclosed in quotes; it can contain:


Explain why each compilation is needed (default).


Print the compilation commands as they are started.


Print what happens to each file.


Print a breakdown of elapsed time.


Generate debugging symbols (default).


Optimize code.


Turn off <*ASSERT*> checking.


Preserve intermediate files.


Don't recompile modules with new opaque info.

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