MODULE------------------------------------------------- external entry points ---; IMPORT Text, Wr, Stdio, IntIntTbl AS IntSet; IMPORT OSError, Fmt, IntRefTbl; IMPORT FS, File, Time, Fingerprint; IMPORT Thread, ETimer, Dirs; IMPORT M3File, M3ID, M3CG, M3Timers, M3Front, Target, WebFile; IMPORT Mx, MxMerge, MxCheck, MxGen, MxIn, MxOut, MxVS; IMPORT Msg, Arg, Utils, M3Path, M3Backend, M3Compiler; IMPORT Quake, QMachine, QValue, QVal, QVSeq; IMPORT M3Loc, M3Unit, M3Options, MxConfig; IMPORT QIdent; FROM Target IMPORT M3BackendMode_t, BackendAssembly, BackendModeStrings; FROM M3Path IMPORT OSKind, OSKindStrings; IMPORT Pathname; IMPORT QPromise, QPromiseSeq, RefSeq; TYPE UK = M3Unit.Kind; Builder
PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------- general compilation --- TheBuildPgm (prog: TEXT; READONLY units: M3Unit.Set; sys_libs: Arg.List; shared: BOOLEAN; m: Quake.Machine) = VAR s := CompileUnits (prog, units, sys_libs, UK.PGMX, m); BEGIN IF s.bootstrap_mode THEN BuildBootProgram (s); ELSE BuildProgram (s, shared); END; IF s.compile_failed THEN M3Options.exit_code := 1; END; END BuildPgm; PROCEDUREBuildLib (lib: TEXT; READONLY units: M3Unit.Set; sys_libs: Arg.List; shared: BOOLEAN; m: Quake.Machine) = VAR s := CompileUnits (lib, units, sys_libs, UK.LIBX, m); BEGIN IF s.bootstrap_mode THEN BuildBootLibrary (s); ELSE BuildLibrary (s, shared); END; IF s.compile_failed THEN M3Options.exit_code := 1; END; END BuildLib; PROCEDUREJustCompile (READONLY units: M3Unit.Set; sys_libs: Arg.List; m: Quake.Machine) = VAR s := CompileUnits ("noname", units, sys_libs, UK.PGMX, m); BEGIN IF s.compile_failed THEN M3Options.exit_code := 1; END; END JustCompile; PROCEDUREBuildCPgm (prog: TEXT; READONLY units: M3Unit.Set; sys_libs: Arg.List; shared: BOOLEAN; m: Quake.Machine) = VAR s := CompileUnits (prog, units, sys_libs, UK.PGMX, m); BEGIN BuildCProgram (s, shared); IF s.compile_failed THEN M3Options.exit_code := 1; END; END BuildCPgm; VAR current_state: State := NIL; PROCEDURECleanUp () = VAR s := current_state; BEGIN current_state := NIL; IF (s # NIL) THEN DumpLinkInfo (s); WebFile.Dump (); END; END CleanUp; PROCEDUREEmitPkgImports (READONLY units: M3Unit.Set) = VAR src := units.head; BEGIN WHILE (src # NIL) DO IF (src.imported) AND (src.kind = UK.M3LIB) THEN WITH name = M3ID.ToText(src.loc.pkg) DO Msg.Out (" ", name); END; END; src :=; END; Msg.Out (Wr.EOL); END EmitPkgImports;
variables of a compilation are passed around in a State
TYPE State = REF RECORD result_name : TEXT; (* base of program or library name *) info_name : TEXT; (* name of the version stamp file *) config_file : TEXT; (* name of the current config file *) sys_libs : Arg.List; (* linker args for system libraries *) machine : Quake.Machine; (* to access configuration procs *) units : M3Unit.Set; (* initial source pool *) link_base : Mx.LinkSet := NIL; (* accumulated version stamps *) magic : IntRefTbl.T; (* type name -> info *) ast_cache : IntRefTbl.T; (* interface name -> AST *) include_path : Arg.List; (* -I include path for C compiler *) pending_impls : M3Unit.TList; (* deferred implementation modules *) main : M3ID.T; (* "Main" *) m3env : Env; (* the compiler's environment closure *) target : TEXT; (* target machine *) (* target_os is misused; needs work *) target_os := M3Path.OSKind.Unix; (* target os *) m3backend_mode: M3BackendMode_t; (* tells how to turn M3CG -> object *) m3backend : ConfigProc; (* translate M3CG -> ASM or OBJ *) c_compiler : ConfigProc; (* compile C code *) assembler : ConfigProc; (* assemble *) librarian : ConfigProc; (* make libraries *) skip_lib : ConfigProc; (* don't make libraries *) linker : ConfigProc; (* link programs *) skip_linker : ConfigProc; (* don't link programs *) keep_files : BOOLEAN; (* delete temporary files *) compile_failed: BOOLEAN; (* did anything fail? *) new_link_info : BOOLEAN; (* did we generate any new version stamps?*) bootstrap_mode: BOOLEAN; (* stop compiling at assembly code *) compile_once : BOOLEAN; (* don't recompile for better code *) has_loader : BOOLEAN; (* gen loader info file *) skip_link : BOOLEAN; (* don't bother linking final exe *) keep_resolved : BOOLEAN; (* pass resolved library names to linker *) m3main_in_c : BOOLEAN; (* generate a C main program *) gui : BOOLEAN; (* generate a Windows GUI subsystem prog *) do_coverage : BOOLEAN; (* compile and link for coverage *) broken_linker : BOOLEAN; (* linker can't do build_standalone() *) lazy_init : BOOLEAN; (* only initialize the main module and its imports *) Rpath_flag : TEXT; (* linker needs -R switches too... *) link_coverage : TEXT; (* coverage library *) m3_front_flags: Arg.List; (* configuration options for the front *) m3_options : Arg.List; (* misc. user options for the frontend *) parallelback : INTEGER; (* back-end parallelism *) delayBackend := FALSE; (* delay back-end? *) END; TYPE ConfigProc = RECORD name : TEXT; n_args : INTEGER; binding : QValue.Binding; END; PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------------- C search paths ---SetupNamingConventionsInternal (VAR s : State; mach : Quake.Machine) = VAR value : QValue.Binding; BEGIN s.machine := mach; (* This area seems to always been messed up, and more work is needed. In particular NAMING_CONVENTIONS and TARGET_NAMING seem to have been confused. Really, neither one should be configurable in Quake. The host's naming conventions are not relevant. It only cares about slashes. The target's naming conventions should map directly from what the target is. Granted, how to form linker commands is not clearly a host or target decision. The host has always been probed correctly, and the Quake variables were not checked at the right time. Host and target naming conventions rarely varied. Current uses of target_os need attention. *) value := GetDefn (s, "NAMING_CONVENTIONS"); IF value # NIL THEN M3Path.SetTargetOS (ConvertNamingConventionStringToEnum (s, value)); END; value := GetDefn (s, "TARGET_NAMING"); IF value # NIL THEN WITH target_os = ConvertNamingConventionStringToEnum (s, value) DO s.target_os := target_os; M3Path.SetTargetOS (target_os); END; END; END SetupNamingConventionsInternal; PROCEDUREConvertStringToEnum (s: State; name : TEXT; binding: QValue.Binding; min, max: INTEGER; READONLY map: ARRAY OF TEXT): INTEGER = VAR i : INTEGER; value := BindingToText (s, binding); BEGIN IF Text.Length (value) = 0 THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "unrecognized " & name & ": ", "(empty)"); END; TRY i := QVal.ToInt (s.machine, binding.value); IF (i < min) OR (i > max) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "unrecognized " & name & ": ", value); END; RETURN i; EXCEPT Quake.Error => END; FOR i := min TO max DO IF Text.Equal(value, map[i]) THEN RETURN i; END; END; Msg.FatalError (NIL, "unrecognized " & name & ": ", value); RETURN -1; END ConvertStringToEnum; PROCEDUREConvertBackendModeStringToEnum (s: State; binding: QValue.Binding): M3BackendMode_t = BEGIN RETURN VAL(ConvertStringToEnum(s, "backend mode", binding, ORD(FIRST(M3BackendMode_t)), ORD(LAST(M3BackendMode_t)), BackendModeStrings), M3BackendMode_t); END ConvertBackendModeStringToEnum; PROCEDUREConvertNamingConventionStringToEnum (s: State; binding: QValue.Binding): OSKind = BEGIN RETURN VAL(ConvertStringToEnum(s, "naming convention", binding, ORD(FIRST(OSKind)), ORD(LAST(OSKind)), OSKindStrings), OSKind); END ConvertNamingConventionStringToEnum; PROCEDURESetupNamingConventions (mach : Quake.Machine) = VAR s := NEW (State); BEGIN SetupNamingConventionsInternal (s, mach); END SetupNamingConventions; PROCEDURECompileUnits (main : TEXT; READONLY units : M3Unit.Set; sys_libs : Arg.List; info_kind: UK; mach : Quake.Machine): State = VAR s := NEW (State); nm := M3Path.Parse (main); value : QValue.Binding; BEGIN DumpUnits (units); ETimer.ResetAll (); SetupNamingConventionsInternal (s, mach); s.result_name := main; s.config_file := MxConfig.FindFile (); s.sys_libs := sys_libs; s.units := units; s.link_base := NIL; s.magic := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (100); s.ast_cache := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (100); s.include_path := Arg.NewList (); s.pending_impls := NIL; s.main := M3ID.Add ("Main"); s.m3env := NEW (Env); s.m3env.globals := s; := GetConfigItem (s, "TARGET"); value := GetDefn (s, "M3_BACKEND_MODE"); IF value = NIL THEN value := GetDefn (s, "BACKEND_MODE"); END; IF value = NIL THEN ConfigErr (s, "BACKEND_MODE or M3_BACKEND_MODE", "not defined"); END; s.m3backend_mode := ConvertBackendModeStringToEnum(s, value); value := GetDefn (s, "TARGET_NAMING"); IF value # NIL THEN WITH target_os = ConvertNamingConventionStringToEnum (s, value) DO s.target_os := target_os; M3Path.SetTargetOS (target_os); END; END; IF NOT Target.Init (, GetConfigItem (s, "OS_TYPE", "POSIX"), s.m3backend_mode) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "unrecognized target machine: TARGET = ",; END; Target.Has_stack_walker := GetConfigBool(s, "M3_USE_STACK_WALKER", Target.Has_stack_walker); s.info_name := M3Path.Join (NIL, nm.base, info_kind); s.m3backend := GetConfigProc (s, "m3_backend", 4); s.c_compiler := GetConfigProc (s, "compile_c", 5); s.assembler := GetConfigProc (s, "assemble", 2); s.librarian := GetConfigProc (s, "make_lib", 5); s.skip_lib := GetConfigProc (s, "skip_lib", 2); s.linker := GetConfigProc (s, "m3_link", 5); s.skip_linker := GetConfigProc (s, "skip_link", 2); s.compile_failed := FALSE; s.new_link_info := FALSE; s.keep_files := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_KEEP_FILES"); s.bootstrap_mode := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_BOOTSTRAP"); s.compile_once := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_COMPILE_ONCE"); s.has_loader := GetConfigBool (s, "SYS_HAS_LOADER"); s.skip_link := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_SKIP_LINK"); s.keep_resolved := NOT GetConfigBool (s, "M3_SPLIT_LIBNAMES"); s.m3main_in_c := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_MAIN_IN_C"); s.gui := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_WINDOWS_GUI"); s.do_coverage := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_COVERAGE"); s.broken_linker := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_NEED_STANDALONE_LINKS"); s.lazy_init := GetConfigBool (s, "M3_LAZY_MODULE_INIT", TRUE); s.Rpath_flag := GetConfigText (s, "M3_SHARED_LIB_ARG"); s.link_coverage := GetConfigText (s, "M3_COVERAGE_LIB"); s.m3_front_flags := GetConfigArray (s, "M3_FRONT_FLAGS"); s.m3_options := GetConfigArray (s, "M3_OPTIONS"); IF GetDefn (s, "M3_PARALLEL_BACK") # NIL THEN s.parallelback := GetConfigInt (s, "M3_PARALLEL_BACK"); ELSE s.parallelback := 1 END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.localobj); Utils.NoteLocalFileTimes (); ETimer.Pop (); BuildSearchPaths (s); InhaleLinkInfo (s); BuildLibraryPool (s); current_state := s; CompileEverything (s, SortUnits (s)); CleanUp (); current_state := NIL; RETURN s; END CompileUnits; PROCEDUREBindingToText (s: State; bind: QValue.Binding; default: TEXT := NIL): TEXT = BEGIN IF bind = NIL THEN IF default # NIL THEN RETURN default; END; ConfigErr (s,, "not defined"); END; TRY RETURN QVal.ToText (s.machine, bind.value); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => ConfigErr (s,, msg); END; RETURN NIL; END BindingToText; PROCEDUREGetConfigItem (s: State; symbol: TEXT; default: TEXT := NIL): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN BindingToText (s, GetDefn (s, symbol), default); END GetConfigItem; PROCEDUREGetConfigProc (s: State; symbol: TEXT; n_args: INTEGER): ConfigProc = VAR x: ConfigProc; BEGIN := symbol; x.n_args := n_args; x.binding := GetDefn (s, symbol); RETURN x; END GetConfigProc; PROCEDUREGetConfigInt (s: State; symbol: TEXT): INTEGER = VAR bind := GetDefn (s, symbol); BEGIN IF (bind = NIL) THEN ConfigErr (s, symbol, "not defined"); END; TRY RETURN QVal.ToInt (s.machine, bind.value); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => ConfigErr (s, symbol, msg); END; RETURN 0; END GetConfigInt; PROCEDUREGetConfigBool (s: State; symbol: TEXT; default := FALSE): BOOLEAN = VAR bind := GetDefn (s, symbol); BEGIN IF (bind = NIL) THEN RETURN default; END; TRY RETURN QVal.ToBool (s.machine, bind.value); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => ConfigErr (s, symbol, msg); RETURN FALSE; END; END GetConfigBool; PROCEDUREGetConfigText (s: State; symbol: TEXT): TEXT = VAR bind := GetDefn (s, symbol); BEGIN IF (bind = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL; END; TRY RETURN QVal.ToText (s.machine, bind.value); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => ConfigErr (s, symbol, msg); RETURN NIL; END; END GetConfigText; PROCEDUREGetConfigArray (s: State; symbol: TEXT): Arg.List = VAR bind := GetDefn (s, symbol); args := Arg.NewList (); arr: QVSeq.T; BEGIN IF (bind = NIL) THEN RETURN args; END; TRY arr := QVal.ToArray (s.machine, bind.value); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => ConfigErr (s, symbol, msg); RETURN args; END; FOR i := 0 TO arr.size() - 1 DO TRY Arg.Append (args, QVal.ToText (s.machine, arr.get (i))); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => ConfigErr (s, symbol, "array element not a text string: " & msg); END; END; RETURN args; END GetConfigArray; PROCEDUREGetDefn (s: State; symbol: TEXT): QValue.Binding = BEGIN RETURN s.machine.lookup (M3ID.Add (symbol)); END GetDefn; PROCEDUREConfigErr (s: State; symbol, msg: TEXT) = BEGIN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "Unable to use definition of \"" & symbol & "\" from configuration file \"" & s.config_file & "\": " & msg); END ConfigErr; PROCEDUREDumpUnits (READONLY units: M3Unit.Set) = VAR cnt := 0; u := units.head; BEGIN IF (Msg.level < Msg.Level.Debug) THEN RETURN END; Msg.Debug (Wr.EOL); Msg.Debug ("incoming units:", Wr.EOL); WHILE (u # NIL) DO Msg.Debug (" ", M3Unit.FileName (u)); u :=; INC (cnt); END; Msg.Debug (Wr.EOL); Msg.Debug (" (list size = ", Fmt.Int (cnt), ")"); Msg.Debug (" (map size = ", Fmt.Int (, ")", Wr.EOL); Msg.Debug (Wr.EOL); END DumpUnits;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------- local link info ---BuildSearchPaths (s: State) = (* find the directories containing C source and include files and find the newest include file... *) VAR u := s.units.head; seen := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); BEGIN WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.kind = UK.C) OR (u.kind = UK.H) THEN IF NOT seen.put (M3ID.Add (u.loc.path), NIL) THEN Arg.Append (s.include_path, "-I" & u.loc.path); END; END; u :=; END; END BuildSearchPaths;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------- library pool ---InhaleLinkInfo (s: State) = VAR ux: Mx.UnitList; BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.inhale); Msg.Commands ("inhale ", s.info_name); ux := GetLinkUnits (s.info_name, NIL, imported := FALSE); IF (ux = NIL) THEN Msg.Debug ("no local link info", Wr.EOL); ELSE Msg.Debug ("adding units: "); WHILE (ux # NIL) DO EVAL MatchLocalUnit (s, ux.unit, FALSE); ux :=; END; Msg.Debug (Wr.EOL); END; FindLocalExporters (s); s.new_link_info := FALSE; ETimer.Pop (); END InhaleLinkInfo; PROCEDUREMatchLocalUnit (s: State; uu: Mx.Unit; imported: BOOLEAN): M3Unit.T = CONST KMap = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF UK { UK.M3, UK.I3 }; VAR unit: M3Unit.T; BEGIN IF (uu = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL; END; unit := M3Unit.Get (s.units,, KMap [uu.interface]); IF (unit = NIL) THEN (* no source to match this unit (=> probably M3_BUILTIN.i3) *) IF (uu.interface AND Text.Equal (M3ID.ToText (, "M3_BUILTIN")) THEN unit := M3Unit.Get (s.units, M3ID.Add ("RTBuiltin"), UK.PGMX); END; IF (unit = NIL) THEN IF imported THEN unit := M3Unit.New (, KMap[uu.interface], M3Loc.New (M3Loc.noPkg, M3ID.Add ("."), "."), hidden := TRUE, imported := imported); M3Unit.Add (s.units, unit); Msg.Verbose ("no source to match imported link unit ", UnitPath (unit)); ELSE Msg.Verbose ("no source to match local link unit ", M3ID.ToText (; RETURN NIL; END; END; END; IF (unit.link_info # NIL) THEN BadFile ("duplicate link info", unit); END; unit.link_info := uu; IF (uu.file # NIL) AND ( = NIL) THEN := UnitPath (unit); END; RETURN unit; END MatchLocalUnit; PROCEDUREDumpLinkInfo (s: State) = VAR src := s.units.head; units: Mx.UnitList := NIL; wr: Wr.T; BEGIN IF NOT s.new_link_info THEN RETURN END; s.new_link_info := FALSE; (* in case we die writing the info *) ETimer.Push (M3Timers.exhale); (* build a list of the local units *) WHILE (src # NIL) DO IF (NOT src.imported) AND (src.link_info # NIL) THEN units := NEW (Mx.UnitList, unit := src.link_info, next := units); END; src :=; END; (* and write them *) Msg.Commands ("exhale ", s.info_name); wr := Utils.OpenWriter (s.info_name, fatal := TRUE); MxOut.WriteUnits (units, wr); Utils.CloseWriter (wr, s.info_name); ETimer.Pop (); END DumpLinkInfo;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------- interface -> exporter links ---BuildLibraryPool (s: State) = VAR src := s.units.head; ux: Mx.UnitList; BEGIN WHILE (src # NIL) DO IF (src.imported) AND (src.kind = UK.M3LIB) THEN (* Msg.Explain ("imported package ", M3ID.ToText(; *) ETimer.Push (M3Timers.inhale); Msg.Commands ("inhale ", UnitPath (src)); ux := GetUnitLinkInfo (src, imported := TRUE); IF (ux = NIL) THEN Msg.Debug ("no link info for ", UnitPath (src), Wr.EOL); ELSE Msg.Debug ("adding units: "); WHILE (ux # NIL) DO AddLibraryUnit (s, ux.unit, src); ux :=; END; Msg.Debug (Wr.EOL); END; ETimer.Pop (); END; src :=; END; END BuildLibraryPool; PROCEDUREAddLibraryUnit (s: State; uu: Mx.Unit; lib: M3Unit.T) = CONST suffix = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT {".m3", ".i3"}; VAR u: M3Unit.T; BEGIN Msg.Debug (" ", M3ID.ToText (, suffix[uu.interface]); u := MatchLocalUnit (s, uu, TRUE); IF (u # NIL) THEN u.library := lib; IF (NOT uu.interface) THEN WITH z = uu.exported_units DO FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO AddExportHook (s, [i], u); END; END; END; END; END AddLibraryUnit;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------- determine the compilation order--FindLocalExporters (s: State) = (* Build the initial set of export links for the local modules. *) VAR u: M3Unit.T; BEGIN (* scan the .M3 files for export information *) u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (NOT u.imported) AND (u.kind = UK.M3) THEN IF (u.link_info # NIL) THEN (* we already know something about this guy *) WITH z = u.link_info.exported_units DO FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO AddExportHook (s,[i], u); END; END; ELSE (* guess that he exports an interface with the same name! *) AddExportGuess (s, u); END; END; u :=; END; END FindLocalExporters; PROCEDUREAddExportHook (s: State; intf_name: M3ID.T; impl: M3Unit.T) = VAR intf: M3Unit.T; BEGIN intf := M3Unit.Get (s.units, intf_name, UK.I3); IF (intf = NIL) THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "missing interface: ", M3ID.ToText (intf_name), ".i3"); ELSIF ( = s.main) THEN (* Ignore "EXPORTS Main". The linker is responsible for finding and explicitly initializing modules that claim to be the main program. *) ELSIF (intf.imported # impl.imported) AND ( # s.main) THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; BadExport (intf, impl); ELSE intf.exporters := NEW (M3Unit.Exporter, next := intf.exporters, name :=, unit := impl, used := FALSE, verified := TRUE ); END; END AddExportHook; PROCEDUREAddExportGuess (s: State; impl: M3Unit.T) = (* Guess that module "M" exports interface "M". *) VAR intf: M3Unit.T; BEGIN intf := M3Unit.Get (s.units,, UK.I3); IF (intf = NIL) THEN (* No such interface. The guess must be no good. *) ELSIF ( = s.main) THEN (* Ignore "EXPORTS Main". The linker is responsible for finding and explicitly initializing modules that claim to be the main program. *) ELSIF (intf.imported # impl.imported) THEN (* Nope. We don't allow exports to cross library boundaries. *) ELSE intf.exporters := NEW (M3Unit.Exporter, next := intf.exporters, name :=, unit := impl, used := FALSE, verified := FALSE ); END; END AddExportGuess; PROCEDUREBadExport (intf, impl: M3Unit.T) = CONST X0 = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "local", "library" }; BEGIN Msg.Error (NIL, X0[impl.imported] & " module (" & M3Unit.FileName (impl) & ")" & " cannot export " & X0[intf.imported] & " interface (" & M3Unit.FileName (intf) & ")"); END BadExport; PROCEDUREResetExports (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = (* Forget any export information we may have for "u" because we're about the recompile it. *) VAR ex := u.exporters; BEGIN (* for interfaces, mark all the exporters "unused" *) WHILE (ex # NIL) DO ex.used := FALSE; ex :=; END; (* for implementations, mark all the exporters "unverified" *) IF (u.kind = UK.M3) AND (u.link_info # NIL) THEN WITH z = u.link_info.exported_units DO FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO ForgetExport (s,[i], u); END; END; END; END ResetExports; PROCEDUREForgetExport (s: State; intf_name: M3ID.T; impl: M3Unit.T) = VAR intf: M3Unit.T; ex: M3Unit.Exporter; BEGIN intf := M3Unit.Get (s.units, intf_name, UK.I3); IF (intf # NIL) THEN ex := intf.exporters; WHILE (ex # NIL) DO IF (ex.unit = impl) THEN ex.verified := FALSE; END; ex :=; END; END; END ForgetExport; PROCEDUREGetExporters (intf: M3Unit.T): M3Compiler.ImplList = VAR ex: M3Unit.Exporter; xx: M3Compiler.ImplList := NIL; BEGIN ex := intf.exporters; WHILE (ex # NIL) DO xx := NEW (M3Compiler.ImplList, impl :=, next := xx); ex.used := TRUE; ex :=; END; RETURN xx; END GetExporters; PROCEDUREMarkExportsUsed (intf: M3Unit.T) = (* Even though we're not going to compile "intf", pretend that we did using any verified exporters on its current export list. *) VAR ex := intf.exporters; BEGIN WHILE (ex # NIL) DO IF (ex.verified) THEN ex.used := TRUE; END; ex :=; END; END MarkExportsUsed; PROCEDUREUsedBogusExportList (intf: M3Unit.T): BOOLEAN = CONST U = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { " not used,", " used," }; CONST V = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { " not verified", " verified" }; VAR ex := intf.exporters; BEGIN WHILE (ex # NIL) DO IF (ex.used # ex.verified) THEN VerboseF ("new exporters ", intf); Msg.Verbose (" -> export ", M3ID.ToText (, U[ex.used], V[ex.verified]); RETURN TRUE; END; ex :=; END; RETURN FALSE; END UsedBogusExportList; PROCEDURENoteExporter (s: State; intf_name: M3ID.T; impl: M3Unit.T) = VAR intf: M3Unit.T; ex: M3Unit.Exporter; BEGIN IF (impl = NIL) OR (impl.kind # UK.M3) THEN RETURN; END; intf := M3Unit.Get (s.units, intf_name, UK.I3); IF (intf = NIL) THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "missing interface: ", M3ID.ToText (intf_name), ".i3"); ELSIF ( = s.main) THEN (* Ignore "EXPORTS Main". The linker is responsible for finding and explicitly initializing modules that claim to be the main program. *) ELSIF (intf.imported # impl.imported) AND ( # s.main) THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; BadExport (intf, impl); ELSE ex := intf.exporters; WHILE (ex # NIL) DO IF (ex.unit = impl) THEN ex.verified := TRUE; RETURN; END; ex :=; END; (* no match was found => build a new exporter *) intf.exporters := NEW (M3Unit.Exporter, next := intf.exporters, name :=, unit := impl, used := FALSE, verified := TRUE ); END; END NoteExporter;
TYPE SourceList = REF ARRAY OF M3Unit.T; CONST OrderMatters = ARRAY UK OF BOOLEAN { FALSE (*Unknown*), TRUE (*I3*), TRUE (*IC*), TRUE (*IS*), TRUE (*IO*), TRUE (*M3*), TRUE (*MC*), TRUE (*MS*), TRUE (*MO*), FALSE (*IG*), FALSE (*MG*), FALSE (*C*), FALSE (*H*), FALSE (*S*), FALSE (*O*), FALSE (*M3LIB*), FALSE (*LIB*), TRUE (*LIBX*), FALSE (*PGM*), TRUE (*PGMX*), FALSE (*TMPL*) }; TYPE SCCState = RECORD s : State; next_class : INTEGER; tos : INTEGER; stack : SourceList; n_sched : INTEGER; schedule : SourceList; END; CONST Ignore_class = 0; Phase0_class = 1; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ compilation --SortUnits (s: State): SourceList = VAR n_units: INTEGER; u: M3Unit.T; units: SourceList; scc: SCCState; BEGIN (* first, count the local source units *) u := s.units.head; n_units := 0; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF NOT u.imported THEN INC (n_units); END; u :=; END; (* allocate space for the result and initialize it *) units := NEW (SourceList, n_units); scc.s := s; scc.next_class := Phase0_class + 1; scc.tos := 0; scc.stack := NEW (SourceList, n_units + n_units); scc.n_sched := 0; scc.schedule := NEW (SourceList, n_units); u := s.units.head; n_units := 0; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF u.imported THEN u.class := Ignore_class; ELSIF OrderMatters [u.kind] THEN scc.schedule [scc.n_sched] := u; INC (scc.n_sched); u.class := Ignore_class; ELSE units [n_units] := u; INC (n_units); u.class := Phase0_class; u.low_link := -1; END; u :=; END; (* find strongly-connected components in a bottom-up order and schedule them. *) FOR i := 0 TO n_units-1 DO VisitSCC (scc, Phase0_class, units[i]); END; RETURN scc.schedule; END SortUnits; PROCEDUREVisitSCC (VAR scc: SCCState; cur_class: INTEGER; u: M3Unit.T) = (* This procedure is adapted from the algorithm, SEARHC, given in "The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms" by Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman for finding strongly connected components. *) VAR my_link := scc.tos; BEGIN IF (u.class # cur_class) THEN RETURN; END; (* push "u" on the stack *) u.low_link := my_link; scc.stack[scc.tos] := u; INC (scc.tos); (* visit its imports *) IF u.link_info # NIL THEN VisitImports (scc, cur_class, u, u.link_info.imported_units, UK.I3); VisitImports (scc, cur_class, u, u.link_info.exported_units, UK.I3); IF (cur_class = Phase0_class) THEN VisitImports (scc, cur_class, u, u.link_info.used_interfaces, UK.I3); VisitImports (scc, cur_class, u, u.link_info.used_modules, UK.M3); END; END; IF (u.low_link # my_link) THEN RETURN; END; (* Otherwise, "u" is the root of a strongly connected component *) (* => "pop" the component off the stack *) IF (cur_class = Phase0_class) THEN (* given an SCC using all the edges, refine that set using just the strict IMPORT/EXPORT edges. *) VAR class := scc.next_class; BEGIN INC (scc.next_class); (* reset the current set for the recursive visit *) FOR i := my_link TO scc.tos-1 DO u := scc.stack[i]; u.class := class; u.low_link := -1; END; (* form the finer partition *) FOR i := my_link TO scc.tos-1 DO VisitSCC (scc, class, scc.stack[i]); END; END; ELSE (* SCCs found during the nested traversal can be scheduled *) FOR i := my_link TO scc.tos-1 DO scc.schedule[scc.n_sched] := scc.stack[i]; INC (scc.n_sched); END; END; (* finally, pop the stack *) scc.tos := my_link; END VisitSCC; PROCEDUREVisitImports (VAR scc: SCCState; class: INTEGER; u: M3Unit.T; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList; kind: UK) = VAR unit: M3Unit.T; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO unit := M3Unit.Get (scc.s.units,[i], kind); IF (unit # NIL) THEN VisitProbe (scc, class, u, unit); END; END; END VisitImports; PROCEDUREVisitProbe (VAR scc: SCCState; class: INTEGER; source, dest: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF (dest.class # class) THEN (* ignore it *) ELSIF (dest.low_link < 0) THEN VisitSCC (scc, class, dest); source.low_link := MIN (source.low_link, dest.low_link); ELSE (* "dest" is already on the stack... *) source.low_link := MIN (source.low_link, dest.low_link); END; END VisitProbe;
parallel back-end build added by Mika Nystrom, February 2011
We do the parallel build by commanding the QMachine to return its
builds as promises
rather than completing them on-the-fly.
The promises are returned in s.machine.promises, of type QPromiseSeq.T
Between each call to the compile step, we insert an innocuous marker of type QPromise.Empty.
Within each compile (M3BACK ; ASM; DELETE TEMP FILES) we maintain sequencing. We do this by running these tasks from a SeqClosure. However the different compiles are launched in parallel and landed in one join.
Hence, we scan the promises and launch each subsequence of promises between QPromise.Empty markers as a sequence but unordered with respect to all other subsequences.
The mechanism is currently only enabled in PushOneM3, case 3. This is the majority of normal operation cycles.
Parallel speedups of about 2x on a 4-processor machine have been observed with n = 40.
TYPE SeqClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT seq : QPromiseSeq.T; OVERRIDES apply := SeqApply END; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ first pass ---SeqApply (cl : SeqClosure) : REFANY = BEGIN TRY FOR i := 0 TO cl.seq.size()-1 DO EVAL cl.seq.get(i).fulfil() END; EXCEPT Quake.Error(x) => Msg.FatalError (NIL, "quake error in parallel build ", x) | Thread.Alerted => Msg.FatalError (NIL, "Thread.Alerted in parallel build ") END; RETURN NIL END SeqApply; PROCEDUREForceAllPromisesInParallel (promises : QPromiseSeq.T; parallelism : CARDINAL) = VAR curSeq := NEW(QPromiseSeq.T).init(); threads := NEW(RefSeq.T).init(); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO promises.size()-1 DO WITH p = promises.get(i) DO curSeq.addhi(p); IF i = promises.size()-1 OR ISTYPE(p,QPromise.Empty) THEN WITH cl = NEW(SeqClosure, seq := curSeq) DO threads.addhi (Thread.Fork(cl)); IF threads.size() > parallelism-1 THEN EVAL Thread.Join(threads.remlo()) END; curSeq := NEW(QPromiseSeq.T).init() END END END END; WHILE threads.size() > 0 DO EVAL Thread.Join(threads.remlo()) END; EVAL promises.init(); (* empty promises *) END ForceAllPromisesInParallel; PROCEDURECompileEverything (s: State; schedule: SourceList) = VAR u: M3Unit.T; BEGIN s.link_base := Mx.NewSet (); u := M3Unit.Get (s.units, M3ID.Add (Mx.BuiltinUnitName), UK.Unknown); IF (u # NIL) THEN CompileOne (s, u); END; (* compile all the sources using the initial schedule *) FOR i := 0 TO LAST (schedule^) DO s.delayBackend := s.parallelback > 1; TRY CompileOne (s, schedule[i]); FINALLY s.delayBackend := FALSE; END; s.machine.promises.addhi(NEW(QPromise.Empty)); END; IF s.parallelback > 1 THEN Msg.Explain ("**** PARALLEL BACK-END BUILD, M3_PARALLEL_BACK = ", Fmt.Int(s.parallelback)) END; ForceAllPromisesInParallel(s.machine.promises,s.parallelback); FlushPending (s); (* recompile any interfaces where we goofed on the exports *) u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (NOT u.imported) AND (u.kind = UK.I3) AND UsedBogusExportList (u) THEN RecompileI3 (s, u); END; u :=; END; IF NOT s.compile_once THEN (* recompile those that could use the new opaque object information *) u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (NOT u.imported) AND CouldBeImproved (s, u) THEN RecompileM3 (s, u); END; u :=; END; END; FlushPending (s); END CompileEverything; PROCEDURECompileOne (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF (u.compiling) THEN RETURN; END; u.compiling := TRUE; VerboseF ("checking ", u); IF (u.kind = UK.LIBX) OR (u.kind = UK.PGMX) THEN FlushPending (s); CompileM3X (s, u); ELSIF (NOT u.imported) THEN FlushPending (s); u.object := ObjectName (s, u); CASE u.kind OF | UK.I3, UK.M3 => CompileM3 (s, u); | UK.IC, UK.MC, UK.C => CompileC (s, u); | UK.IS, UK.MS, UK.S => CompileS (s, u); | UK.IO, UK.MO, UK.O => CompileO (s, u); | UK.H => CompileH (s, u); | UK.IG, UK.MG => (*skip*) | UK.M3LIB, UK.LIB => (*skip*) | UK.PGMX, UK.LIBX => (*skip*) | UK.TMPL => (*skip*) ELSE Msg.Verbose ("unrecognized unit type: ", FName (u), Wr.EOL); END; ELSIF (u.link_info # NIL) THEN IF (u.library = NIL) THEN BadFile ("non-library unit without source", u); END; IF (u.link_info.interface) THEN Merge (s, u); ELSE (* defer this guy as long as possible *) s.pending_impls := NEW (M3Unit.TList, head := u, tail := s.pending_impls); END; ELSE BadFile ("missing source file", u); END; IF u.imported THEN (* might as well inhale the exporting units now... *) VAR ex := u.exporters; BEGIN WHILE (ex # NIL) DO CompileOne (s, ex.unit); ex :=; END; END; END; END CompileOne; PROCEDUREFlushPending (s: State) = VAR u: M3Unit.T; BEGIN WHILE (s.pending_impls # NIL) DO u := s.pending_impls.head; s.pending_impls := s.pending_impls.tail; Merge (s, u); END; END FlushPending; PROCEDURECompileM3X (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = VAR units: Mx.UnitList; BEGIN IF (u.link_info = NIL) THEN DebugF ("reading link info from ", u); units := GetUnitLinkInfo (u, imported := FALSE); IF (units = NIL) THEN BadFile ("missing link info", u); END; u.link_info := units.unit; <*ASSERT = NIL*> END; Merge (s, u); END CompileM3X; PROCEDURECompileO (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF (u.kind # UK.O) THEN Merge (s, u) END; IF s.bootstrap_mode THEN Msg.Explain ("new object -> copying ", u.object); PullForBootstrap (u); END; EVAL Utils.NoteModification (u.object); END CompileO; PROCEDURECompileS (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF (u.kind # UK.S) THEN Merge (s, u) END; IF (u.object = NIL) OR Text.Equal (u.object, UnitPath (u)) THEN (* already done *) EVAL Utils.NoteModification (u.object); ELSIF NOT ObjectIsStale (u) THEN (* already done *) ELSIF s.bootstrap_mode THEN PullForBootstrap (u); EVAL Utils.NoteModification (u.object); ELSIF (u.kind = UK.S) THEN RunCC (s, UnitPath (u), u.object, u.debug, u.optimize); Utils.NoteNewFile (u.object); ELSE (* UK.IS or UK.MS *) EVAL RunAsm (s, UnitPath (u), u.object); Utils.NoteNewFile (u.object); END; END CompileS; PROCEDURECompileC (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = VAR tmpS: TEXT; BEGIN IF (u.kind # UK.C) THEN Merge (s, u) END; IF (u.object = NIL) OR Text.Equal (u.object, UnitPath (u)) THEN (* already done *) EVAL Utils.NoteModification (u.object); ELSIF NOT ObjectIsStale (u) THEN (* already done *) ELSIF (u.kind = UK.C) THEN IF (s.bootstrap_mode) THEN PullForBootstrap (u); ELSE RunCC (s, UnitPath (u), u.object, u.debug, u.optimize); END; Utils.NoteNewFile (u.object); ELSIF s.bootstrap_mode THEN CASE s.m3backend_mode OF | M3BackendMode_t.IntegratedObject, M3BackendMode_t.IntegratedAssembly => Msg.FatalError (NIL, "this compiler cannot compile .ic or .mc files"); | M3BackendMode_t.ExternalObject, M3BackendMode_t.ExternalAssembly => EVAL RunM3Back (s, UnitPath (u), u.object, u.debug, u.optimize); Utils.NoteNewFile (u.object); END; ELSE (* UK.IC or UK.MC *) CASE s.m3backend_mode OF | M3BackendMode_t.IntegratedObject, M3BackendMode_t.IntegratedAssembly => Msg.FatalError (NIL, "this compiler cannot compile .ic or .mc files"); | M3BackendMode_t.ExternalObject => EVAL RunM3Back (s, UnitPath (u), u.object, u.debug, u.optimize); Utils.NoteNewFile (u.object); | M3BackendMode_t.ExternalAssembly => tmpS := TempSName (u); IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.NoteTempFile (tmpS) END; IF RunM3Back (s, UnitPath (u), tmpS, u.debug, u.optimize) AND RunAsm (s, tmpS, u.object) THEN END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (tmpS) END; Utils.NoteNewFile (u.object); END; END; END CompileC; PROCEDURECompileH (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF NOT s.bootstrap_mode THEN (* already done *) ELSIF (u.object = NIL) OR Text.Equal (u.object, UnitPath (u)) THEN (* already done *) EVAL Utils.NoteModification (u.object); ELSIF NOT ObjectIsStale (u) THEN (* already done *) ELSE PullForBootstrap (u); EVAL Utils.NoteModification (u.object); END; END CompileH; PROCEDURECompileM3 (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF (u.library # NIL) THEN <*ASSERT u.link_info # NIL*> DebugF ("compile ", u, " -> from library"); Merge (s, u); ELSIF (u.object = NIL) OR Text.Equal (u.object, UnitPath (u)) THEN (* already done *) EVAL Utils.NoteModification (u.object); MarkExportsUsed (u); DebugF ("compile ", u, " -> object = source"); RETURN; ELSIF NOT M3isStale (s, u) THEN (* already done *) MarkExportsUsed (u); DebugF ("compile ", u, " -> not stale"); RETURN; ELSIF PushOneM3 (s, u) THEN Merge (s, u); END; END CompileM3; TYPE NotePromise = QPromise.T OBJECT nam : Pathname.T; OVERRIDES fulfil := FulfilNP; END; RemovePromise = QPromise.T OBJECT nam : Pathname.T; OVERRIDES fulfil := FulfilRP; END; VAR utilsMu := NEW(MUTEX); (* Utils.* fiddles with a table *) PROCEDUREFulfilNP (np : NotePromise) : QPromise.ExitCode = BEGIN LOCK utilsMu DO Utils.NoteTempFile(np.nam) END; RETURN 0 END FulfilNP; PROCEDUREFulfilRP (rp : RemovePromise) : QPromise.ExitCode = BEGIN LOCK utilsMu DO Utils.Remove(rp.nam) END; RETURN 0 END FulfilRP; PROCEDUREPushOneM3 (s: State; u: M3Unit.T): BOOLEAN = VAR tmpC, tmpS: TEXT; need_merge := FALSE; plan: [0..7] := ORD(s.m3backend_mode); BEGIN u.link_info := NIL; ResetExports (s, u); IF (s.bootstrap_mode) THEN INC (plan, 4) END; CASE plan OF | 0, (* -bootstrap, -m3back, -asm *) 4, (* +bootstrap, -m3back, -asm *) 5 => (* +bootstrap, -m3back, +asm *) IF RunM3 (s, u, u.object) THEN need_merge := TRUE; ELSE IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (u.object) END; END; | 1 => (* -bootstrap, -m3back, +asm *) tmpS := TempSName (u); IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.NoteTempFile (tmpS) END; IF RunM3 (s, u, tmpS) THEN EVAL RunAsm (s, tmpS, u.object); need_merge := TRUE; END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (tmpS) END; | 2 => (* -bootstrap, +m3back, -asm *) tmpC := TempCName (u); IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.NoteTempFile (tmpC) END; IF RunM3 (s, u, tmpC) THEN EVAL RunM3Back (s, tmpC, u.object, u.debug, u.optimize); need_merge := TRUE; END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (tmpC) END; | 3 => (* -bootstrap, +m3back, +asm *) IF s.delayBackend THEN (* parallel/delayed version of back-end code *) tmpC := TempCName (u); tmpS := TempSName (u); IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN s.machine.promises.addhi(NEW(NotePromise, nam := tmpC)) END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN s.machine.promises.addhi(NEW(NotePromise, nam := tmpS)) END; IF RunM3 (s, u, tmpC) THEN s.machine.record(TRUE); TRY IF RunM3Back (s, tmpC, tmpS, u.debug, u.optimize) AND RunAsm (s, tmpS, u.object) THEN END; FINALLY s.machine.record(FALSE) END; need_merge := TRUE; END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN s.machine.promises.addhi(NEW(RemovePromise, nam := tmpC)) END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN s.machine.promises.addhi(NEW(RemovePromise, nam := tmpS)) END; ELSE (* NOT s.delayBackend *) tmpC := TempCName (u); tmpS := TempSName (u); IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.NoteTempFile (tmpC) END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.NoteTempFile (tmpS) END; IF RunM3 (s, u, tmpC) THEN IF RunM3Back (s, tmpC, tmpS, u.debug, u.optimize) AND RunAsm (s, tmpS, u.object) THEN END; need_merge := TRUE; END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (tmpC) END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (tmpS) END; END | 6, (* +bootstrap, +m3back, -asm *) 7 => (* +bootstrap, +m3back, +asm *) tmpC := TempCName (u); IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.NoteTempFile (tmpC) END; IF RunM3 (s, u, tmpC) THEN EVAL RunM3Back (s, tmpC, u.object, u.debug, u.optimize); need_merge := TRUE; END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (tmpC) END; END; (* CASE plan *) Utils.NoteNewFile (u.object); RETURN need_merge; END PushOneM3; PROCEDURERecompileI3 (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN ExplainF ("new exporters -> recompiling ", u); IF PushOneM3 (s, u) THEN Remerge (s, u) END; END RecompileI3; PROCEDURERecompileM3 (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF PushOneM3 (s, u) THEN Remerge (s, u) END; END RecompileM3; PROCEDURECouldBeImproved (s: State; u: M3Unit.T): BOOLEAN = VAR ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF (u.library # NIL) OR (u.link_info = NIL) THEN (* can't improve the code we didn't compile... *) RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (u.kind # UK.M3) THEN (* can only improve executable Modula-3... *) RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (u.object = NIL) OR Text.Equal (u.object, UnitPath (u)) THEN (* can't improve the code we didn't compile... *) RETURN FALSE; ELSE (* check for a wish that could be fulfilled. *) WITH z = u.link_info.wishes DO FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO IF s.magic.get ([i], ref) THEN ExplainF ("new opaque info -> recompiling ", u); RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END; END CouldBeImproved; PROCEDUREObjectIsStale (u: M3Unit.T): BOOLEAN = VAR objTime: INTEGER; BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.staleobj); (* check if the source is newer than the object *) objTime := Utils.LocalModTime (u.object); (********************************************************* ---- too many people thought that "missing object" was an error, so we just won't distinguish a missing object from an old one. I guess "new source" is a cheery, more positive message... ----- *********************************************************) IF (objTime = Utils.NO_TIME) OR (objTime < Utils.ModificationTime (UnitPath (u))) THEN IF (u.kind = UK.I3) OR (u.kind = UK.M3) THEN u.stale_src := TRUE; (* defer the message for a moment *) ELSE ExplainF ("new source -> compiling ", u); END; ETimer.Pop (); RETURN TRUE; END; (* object exists and is newer than the source... *) ETimer.Pop (); RETURN FALSE; END ObjectIsStale; PROCEDUREM3isStale (s: State; u: M3Unit.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF ObjectIsStale (u) THEN RETURN TRUE END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.stalem3); IF (u.link_info = NIL) THEN u.missing_info := TRUE; (* defer the message for a moment *) ETimer.Pop (); RETURN TRUE; END; (* check my imports first *) CheckImports (s, u.link_info); (* check for new generics *) IF NewGenerics (s, u) THEN ExplainF ("new generic source -> compiling ", u); ETimer.Pop (); RETURN TRUE; END; (* finally, add my self to the set *) DebugF ("merging initial link info for ", u); IF NOT MergeUnit (s, u.link_info, optional := TRUE) THEN ExplainF ("stale imports -> compiling ", u); ETimer.Pop (); RETURN TRUE; END; DebugF ("ok ", u); ETimer.Pop (); RETURN FALSE; END M3isStale; PROCEDUREMerge (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.merge); IF (u.link_info = NIL) THEN BadFile ("missing link info", u); END; CheckImports (s, u.link_info); DebugF ("merging final link info for ", u); EVAL MergeUnit (s, u.link_info, optional := FALSE); ETimer.Pop (); END Merge; PROCEDURERemerge (s: State; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.merge); IF (u.link_info = NIL) THEN BadFile ("missing link info", u); END; DebugF ("adding new magic for ", u); AddMagic (s, u.link_info); ETimer.Pop (); END Remerge; PROCEDURECheckImports (s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = BEGIN CheckImp (s, u, u.imported_units, UK.I3); CheckImp (s, u, u.exported_units, UK.I3); (**** not needed with the new sort order... CheckImp (s, u, u.used_interfaces, UK.I3); CheckImp (s, u, u.used_modules, UK.M3); ****) END CheckImports; PROCEDURECheckImp (s: State; u: Mx.Unit; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList; kind: UK) = VAR unit: M3Unit.T; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO unit := M3Unit.Get (s.units,[i], kind); IF (unit # NIL) THEN CompileOne (s, unit) END; END; END CheckImp; PROCEDURENewGenerics (s: State; u: M3Unit.T): BOOLEAN = VAR uu := u.link_info; obj_time: INTEGER; generic_time: INTEGER; nm: TEXT; BEGIN IF (uu.imported_generics.cnt <= 0) THEN RETURN FALSE END; obj_time := Utils.LocalModTime (u.object); WITH z = uu.imported_generics DO FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO nm := M3ID.ToText ([i]); generic_time := FindGeneric (s, nm, uu.interface); IF (obj_time < generic_time) THEN RETURN TRUE END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END NewGenerics; PROCEDUREFindGeneric (s: State; name: TEXT; interface: BOOLEAN): INTEGER = CONST Map = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF UK { UK.MG, UK.IG }; VAR kind := Map [interface]; unit := M3Unit.Get (s.units, M3ID.Add (name), kind); BEGIN IF (unit = NIL) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "cannot find generic source: ", M3Path.Join (NIL, name, kind)); RETURN Utils.NO_TIME; ELSE RETURN Utils.ModificationTime (UnitPath (unit)); END; END FindGeneric;
TYPE InfoList = RECORD cnt : INTEGER := 0; info: Mx.InfoVec := NIL; END; TYPE Env = M3Front.Environment OBJECT globals : State; source_unit : M3Unit.T; source : TEXT; object : TEXT; output : Wr.T; cg : M3CG.T; unit : Mx.Unit; imports : IntSet.T; exports : IntSet.T; used_intfs : IntSet.T; used_impls : IntSet.T; wish_map : IntSet.T; used_magic : IntSet.T; exported_units : InfoList; (* of M3ID.Ts *) imported_units : InfoList; (* of M3ID.Ts *) imported_generics : InfoList; (* of M3ID.Ts *) used_interfaces : InfoList; (* of M3ID.Ts *) used_modules : InfoList; (* of M3ID.Ts *) import_def_syms : InfoList; (* of MxVS.Ts *) import_use_syms : InfoList; (* of MxVS.Ts *) export_def_syms : InfoList; (* of MxVS.Ts *) export_use_syms : InfoList; (* of MxVS.Ts *) imported_types : InfoList; (* of TypeNames *) exported_types : InfoList; (* of TypeNames *) wishes : InfoList; (* of TypeNames *) OVERRIDES report_error := Pass0_Error; find_source := Pass0_Open; note_unit := Pass0_NoteUnit; note_comment := Pass0_Comment; note_interface_use := Pass0_NoteInterface; note_generic_use := Pass0_NoteGeneric; note_version_stamp := Pass0_NoteVS; note_opaque := Pass0_NoteOpaque; note_revelation := Pass0_NoteRevelation; note_opaque_magic := Pass0_AddMagic; find_opaque_magic := Pass0_FindMagic; note_ast := Pass0_NoteAST; find_ast := Pass0_FindAST; note_type := Pass0_NoteType; init_code_generator:= Pass0_InitCodeGenerator; note_webinfo := Pass0_NoteWebInfo; get_implementations:= Pass0_GetImplementations; END; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ compilations and links ---ResetEnv (s: State; u: M3Unit.T; source, object: TEXT) = VAR env := s.m3env; BEGIN env.globals := s; env.source_unit := u; env.source := source; env.object := object; env.output := NIL; := NIL; env.unit := NIL; env.imports := NIL; env.exports := NIL; env.used_intfs := NIL; env.used_impls := NIL; env.wish_map := NIL; env.used_magic := NIL; env.exported_units.cnt := 0; env.imported_units.cnt := 0; env.imported_generics.cnt := 0; env.used_interfaces.cnt := 0; env.used_modules.cnt := 0; env.import_def_syms.cnt := 0; env.import_use_syms.cnt := 0; env.export_def_syms.cnt := 0; env.export_use_syms.cnt := 0; env.imported_types.cnt := 0; env.exported_types.cnt := 0; env.wishes.cnt := 0; END ResetEnv; PROCEDURERunM3 (s: State; u: M3Unit.T; object: TEXT): BOOLEAN = VAR ok : BOOLEAN; source : M3Front.SourceFile; options : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; input : File.T := NIL; BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.pass_0); VAR xx := Arg.NewList (); BEGIN Arg.AppendL (xx, s.m3_front_flags); Arg.AppendL (xx, s.m3_options); options := Arg.Flatten (xx, NIL); END; (* open the input file *) := UnitPath (u); input := Utils.OpenReader (, fatal := FALSE); ok := (input # NIL); IF NOT ok THEN Msg.Error (NIL, "open failed on: ",; END; source.contents := input; IF (ok) AND ((u.stale_src) OR (u.missing_info)) THEN Pass0_CheckImports (s, source); FlushPending (s); (* finally, generate the deferred message *) IF (u.missing_info) THEN u.missing_info := FALSE; ExplainF ("missing version stamps -> compiling ", u); ELSE u.stale_src := FALSE; ExplainF ("new source -> compiling ", u); END; END; (* do the compilation *) IF (ok) THEN ResetEnv (s, u, UnitPath (u), object); Pass0_Trace (UnitPath (u), s.m3_front_flags, s.m3_options); ok := M3Front.Compile (source, s.m3env, options^); END; IF (ok) AND (s.m3env.unit # NIL) THEN s.new_link_info := TRUE; u.link_info := FinishUnitInfo (s.m3env); ELSE IF (u.link_info # NIL) THEN s.new_link_info := TRUE; END; u.link_info := NIL; END; (* dump the generated code *) IF ( # NIL) THEN M3Backend.Close (; END; (* flush and close the files *) Utils.CloseReader (input, UnitPath (u)); Utils.CloseWriter (s.m3env.output, s.m3env.object); ResetEnv (s, NIL, NIL, NIL); IF NOT ok THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (object); END; END; ETimer.Pop (); RETURN ok; END RunM3; PROCEDUREPass0_InitCodeGenerator (env: Env): M3CG.T = BEGIN := NIL; env.output := Utils.OpenWriter (env.object, fatal := FALSE); IF (env.output # NIL) THEN := M3Backend.Open (env.output, env.object, env.globals.m3backend_mode); END; RETURN; END Pass0_InitCodeGenerator; PROCEDUREPass0_CheckImports (s: State; VAR source: M3Front.SourceFile) = VAR ids: M3Front.IDList; unit: M3Unit.T; BEGIN ResetEnv (s, NIL,, NIL); ids := M3Front.ParseImports (source, s.m3env); WHILE (ids # NIL) DO unit := M3Unit.Get (s.units, ids.interface, UK.I3); IF (unit # NIL) THEN CompileOne (s, unit) END; ids :=; END; Utils.RewindReader (source.contents,; END Pass0_CheckImports; PROCEDUREPass0_Trace (source: TEXT; config, user: Arg.List) = VAR x: Arg.T; BEGIN IF (Msg.level < Msg.Level.Commands) THEN RETURN END; Msg.Out ("m3front ", source); IF (Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Verbose) THEN x := config.head; WHILE (x # NIL) DO Msg.Out (" ", x.arg); x :=; END; END; x := user.head; WHILE (x # NIL) DO Msg.Out (" ", x.arg); x :=; END; Msg.Out (Wr.EOL); END Pass0_Trace; PROCEDUREPass0_Error (<*UNUSED*>env: Env; file: TEXT; line: INTEGER; msg: TEXT) = BEGIN IF (file # NIL) THEN Msg.Out ("\"", file, "\", line ", Fmt.Int (line), ": ", msg,Wr.EOL); ELSE Msg.Out (msg, Wr.EOL); END; END Pass0_Error; PROCEDUREPass0_Open (env: Env; name: M3ID.T; interface, generic: BOOLEAN): M3Front.SourceFile = TYPE GMap = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF UK; CONST KMap = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF GMap{ GMap{ UK.M3, UK.MG }, GMap{ UK.I3, UK.IG }}; VAR file : M3Compiler.SourceFile; kind := KMap [interface][generic]; unit := M3Unit.Get (env.globals.units, name, kind); BEGIN IF (unit # NIL) THEN := UnitPath (unit); file.contents := Utils.OpenReader (, fatal := TRUE); ELSE := M3Path.Join (NIL, M3ID.ToText (name), kind); file.contents := NIL; END; RETURN file; END Pass0_Open; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteUnit (env: Env; name: M3ID.T; interface: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN env.unit := NEW (Mx.Unit, name := name, interface := interface, file := NEW (Mx.File, name := env.source)); env.imports := NEW (IntSet.Default).init (); env.exports := NEW (IntSet.Default).init (); env.used_intfs := NEW (IntSet.Default).init (); env.used_impls := NEW (IntSet.Default).init (); env.wish_map := NEW (IntSet.Default).init (); env.used_magic := NEW (IntSet.Default).init (); END Pass0_NoteUnit; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteInterface (env: Env; name: M3ID.T; imported: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN EVAL env.used_intfs.put (name, 0); IF imported THEN IF NOT env.imports.put (name, 0) THEN AddInfo (env.imported_units, name); END; ELSE IF NOT env.exports.put (name, 0) THEN AddInfo (env.exported_units, name); NoteExporter (env.globals, name, env.source_unit); END; END; END Pass0_NoteInterface; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteGeneric (env: Env; name: M3ID.T) = BEGIN AddInfo (env.imported_generics, name); END Pass0_NoteGeneric; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteVS (env: Env; intf, name: M3ID.T; READONLY fp: Fingerprint.T; imported, implemented: BOOLEAN) = VAR info: MxVS.Info; vs: MxVS.T; BEGIN info.source := intf; info.symbol := name; info.stamp := fp; vs := MxVS.Put (info); Pass0_NoteInterface (env, intf, imported); IF (imported) THEN IF (implemented) THEN AddInfo (env.import_def_syms, vs); ELSE AddInfo (env.import_use_syms, vs); END; ELSE (*exported*) IF (implemented) THEN AddInfo (env.export_def_syms, vs); ELSE AddInfo (env.export_use_syms, vs); END; END; END Pass0_NoteVS; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteRevelation (env: Env; source: M3ID.T; interface: BOOLEAN; lhs, rhs: INTEGER; full, imported: BOOLEAN) = VAR r := NEW (Mx.Revelation, source := source, lhs := lhs, rhs := rhs, partial := NOT full, export := NOT imported); BEGIN Pass0_AddUnit (env, source, interface); := env.unit.revelations; env.unit.revelations := r; END Pass0_NoteRevelation; PROCEDUREPass0_Comment (<*UNUSED*> env: Env; t: TEXT) = BEGIN Msg.Verbose (t); END Pass0_Comment; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteOpaque (env: Env; type, super_type: INTEGER) = BEGIN env.unit.opaques := NEW (Mx.OpaqueType, type := type, super_type := super_type, next := env.unit.opaques); END Pass0_NoteOpaque; PROCEDUREPass0_AddUnit (env: Env; nm: M3ID.T; interface: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF (interface) THEN IF NOT env.used_intfs.put (nm, 0) THEN AddInfo (env.used_interfaces, nm); END; ELSE (*module*) IF NOT env.used_impls.put (nm, 0) THEN AddInfo (env.used_modules, nm); END; END; END Pass0_AddUnit; PROCEDUREPass0_AddMagic (env : Env; type : INTEGER; super_type : INTEGER; data_size : INTEGER; data_align : INTEGER; method_size : INTEGER) = VAR obj := Pass0_NoteObject (env,, env.unit.interface, FALSE, type, super_type, data_size, data_align, method_size); BEGIN EVAL env.used_magic.put (type, 0); EVAL env.globals.magic.put (type, obj); END Pass0_AddMagic; PROCEDUREPass0_FindMagic (env : Env; type : INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) super_type : INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) data_size : INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) data_align : INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) method_size : INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR ref: REFANY; obj: Mx.ObjectType; BEGIN IF NOT env.globals.magic.get (type, ref) THEN IF NOT env.wish_map.put (type, 0) THEN AddInfo (env.wishes, type); END; RETURN FALSE; END; obj := ref; IF NOT env.used_magic.put (type, 0) THEN EVAL Pass0_NoteObject (env, obj.source, NOT obj.from_module, TRUE, obj.type, obj.super_type, obj.data_size, obj.data_align, obj.method_size); END; super_type := obj.super_type; data_size := obj.data_size; data_align := obj.data_align; method_size := obj.method_size; RETURN TRUE; END Pass0_FindMagic; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteObject (env: Env; source: M3ID.T; interface, imported: BOOLEAN; type, super_type: INTEGER; data_size, data_align, method_size: INTEGER ): Mx.ObjectType = VAR obj := NEW (Mx.ObjectType, source := source, type := type, super_type := super_type, data_size := data_size, data_align := data_align, method_size := method_size, export := NOT imported, from_module := NOT interface); BEGIN IF (NOT imported) THEN := env.unit.exported_objects; env.unit.exported_objects := obj; ELSE Pass0_AddUnit (env, source, interface); := env.unit.imported_objects; env.unit.imported_objects := obj; END; RETURN obj; END Pass0_NoteObject; PROCEDUREExpandInfo (VAR x: InfoList) = VAR n := NUMBER (^); new := NEW (Mx.InfoVec, n + n); BEGIN SUBARRAY (new^, 0, n) :=^; := new; END ExpandInfo; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteAST (env: Env; intf: M3ID.T; ast: REFANY) = BEGIN EVAL env.globals.ast_cache.put (intf, ast); END Pass0_NoteAST; PROCEDUREPass0_FindAST (env: Env; intf: M3ID.T): REFANY = VAR ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF env.globals.ast_cache.get (intf, ref) THEN RETURN ref; ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END Pass0_FindAST; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteType (env: Env; type: INTEGER; imported: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF (imported) THEN AddInfo (env.imported_types, type); ELSE AddInfo (env.exported_types, type); END; END Pass0_NoteType; PROCEDUREAddInfo (VAR x: InfoList; i: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF ( = NIL) THEN := NEW (Mx.InfoVec, 40); ELSIF (x.cnt >= NUMBER (^)) THEN ExpandInfo (x); END; [x.cnt] := i; INC (x.cnt); END AddInfo; PROCEDUREFinishUnitInfo (env: Env): Mx.Unit = VAR n: INTEGER; info: Mx.InfoVec; u := env.unit; BEGIN n := env.exported_units.cnt + env.imported_units.cnt + env.imported_generics.cnt + env.used_interfaces.cnt + env.used_modules.cnt + env.import_def_syms.cnt + env.import_use_syms.cnt + env.export_def_syms.cnt + env.export_use_syms.cnt + env.imported_types.cnt + env.exported_types.cnt + env.wishes.cnt; info := NEW (Mx.InfoVec, n); n := FinishInfo (info, 0, env.exported_units, u.exported_units); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.imported_units, u.imported_units); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.imported_generics, u.imported_generics); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.used_interfaces, u.used_interfaces); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.used_modules, u.used_modules); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.import_def_syms, u.import_def_syms); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.import_use_syms, u.import_use_syms); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.export_def_syms, u.export_def_syms); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.export_use_syms, u.export_use_syms); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.imported_types, u.imported_types); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.exported_types, u.exported_types); n := FinishInfo (info, n, env.wishes, u.wishes); := info; RETURN u; END FinishUnitInfo; PROCEDUREFinishInfo (info: Mx.InfoVec; n: INTEGER; READONLY x: InfoList; VAR z: Mx.InfoList): INTEGER= BEGIN z.start := n; z.cnt := x.cnt; FOR i := 0 TO x.cnt - 1 DO info [n] :=[i]; INC (n); END; RETURN n; END FinishInfo; PROCEDUREPass0_NoteWebInfo (env: Env; info: TEXT) = BEGIN WebFile.Update (env.source, info); END Pass0_NoteWebInfo; PROCEDUREPass0_GetImplementations (env: Env; intf: M3ID.T): M3Compiler.ImplList = BEGIN IF (env.source_unit = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL; END; IF (env.source_unit.kind # UK.I3) OR ( # intf) THEN env.globals.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "!!! UNEXPECTED GetImplementations(", M3ID.ToText (intf), ") unit = ", M3Unit.FileName (env.source_unit)); RETURN NIL; END; RETURN GetExporters (env.source_unit); END Pass0_GetImplementations;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- _m3main generation ---RunCC (s: State; source, object: TEXT; debug, optimize: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.pass_1); StartCall (s, s.c_compiler); PushText (s, source); PushText (s, object); PushArray (s, s.include_path); PushBool (s, optimize); PushBool (s, debug); IF CallProc (s, s.c_compiler) THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "C compiler failed compiling: ", source); Utils.Remove (object); END; ETimer.Pop (); END RunCC; PROCEDURERunM3Back (s: State; source, object: TEXT; debug, optimize: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN = VAR failed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.pass_6); StartCall (s, s.m3backend); PushText (s, source); PushText (s, object); PushBool (s, optimize); PushBool (s, debug); failed := CallProc (s, s.m3backend); IF failed THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "m3cc (aka cm3cg) failed compiling: ", source); Utils.Remove (object); END; ETimer.Pop (); RETURN NOT failed; END RunM3Back; PROCEDURERunAsm (s: State; source, object: TEXT): BOOLEAN = VAR failed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.pass_7); StartCall (s, s.assembler); PushText (s, source); PushText (s, object); failed := CallProc (s, s.assembler); IF failed THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "assembler failed assembling: ", source); Utils.Remove (object); END; ETimer.Pop (); RETURN NOT failed; END RunAsm;
CONST M3Main = "_m3main"; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ compilations and links ---GenerateCMain (s: State; Main_O: TEXT) = VAR Main_C := M3Path.Join (NIL, M3Main, UK.C); Main_XX := M3Main & ".new"; init_code: TEXT := NIL; time_O : INTEGER; time_C : INTEGER; wr : Wr.T; BEGIN (* check for an up-to-date Main_O *) time_O := Utils.LocalModTime (Main_O); time_C := Utils.LocalModTime (Main_C); IF (time_O < time_C) OR (time_C = Utils.NO_TIME) THEN (* we must compile the linker generated code *) init_code := Main_C; ELSE init_code := Main_XX; Utils.NoteTempFile (Main_XX); END; (* produce the module init list *) ETimer.Push (M3Timers.genMain); Msg.Commands ("generate ", init_code); wr := Utils.OpenWriter (init_code, fatal := TRUE); MxGen.GenerateMain (s.link_base, wr, NIL, Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Debug, (* Use of target_os needs work: NT386GNU can generate Windowed apps. *) s.gui AND (s.target_os = M3Path.OSKind.Win32), s.lazy_init); Utils.CloseWriter (wr, init_code); ETimer.Pop (); IF (init_code = Main_XX) AND Utils.IsEqual (Main_XX, Main_C) THEN (* we don't need to compile! *) Utils.Remove (Main_XX); ELSE IF (init_code = Main_XX) THEN Utils.Copy (Main_XX, Main_C); Utils.Remove (Main_XX); END; Msg.Debug ("compiling ", Main_C, " ...", Wr.EOL); RunCC (s, Main_C, Main_O, debug := TRUE, optimize := FALSE); IF (s.compile_failed) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "cc ", Main_C, " failed!!"); END; Utils.NoteNewFile (Main_O); Utils.NoteNewFile (Main_C); END; END GenerateCMain; PROCEDUREGenerateCGMain (s: State; Main_O: TEXT) = VAR Main_MC := M3Path.Join (NIL, M3Main, UK.MC); Main_MS := M3Path.Join (NIL, M3Main, UK.MS); Main_XX := M3Main & ".new"; init_code: TEXT := NIL; time_O : INTEGER; time_MC : INTEGER; plan : [0..3] := 0; BEGIN CASE s.m3backend_mode OF | M3BackendMode_t.IntegratedObject => (* -m3back, -asm => cg produces object code *) GenCGMain (s, Main_O); Utils.NoteNewFile (Main_O); | M3BackendMode_t.IntegratedAssembly => (* -m3back, +asm => cg produces assembly code *) (* don't mess with a file comparison, just build the stupid thing... *) GenCGMain (s, Main_MS); ETimer.Pop (); Msg.Debug ("assembling ", Main_MC, " ...", Wr.EOL); EVAL RunAsm (s, Main_MS, Main_O); IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (Main_MS); END; Utils.NoteNewFile (Main_O); | M3BackendMode_t.ExternalObject, (* +m3back, -asm => cg produces il, m3back produces object *) M3BackendMode_t.ExternalAssembly => (* +m3back, +asm => cg produces il, m3back produces assembly *) (* check for an up-to-date Main_O *) time_O := Utils.LocalModTime (Main_O); time_MC := Utils.LocalModTime (Main_MC); IF (time_O < time_MC) OR (time_MC = Utils.NO_TIME) THEN (* we must compile the linker generated code *) init_code := Main_MC; ELSE init_code := Main_XX; Utils.NoteTempFile (Main_XX); END; (* generate the intermediate code *) GenCGMain (s, init_code); IF (init_code = Main_XX) AND Utils.IsEqual (Main_XX, Main_MC) THEN (* we don't need to compile! *) Utils.Remove (Main_XX); ELSE IF (init_code = Main_XX) THEN Utils.Copy (Main_XX, Main_MC); Utils.Remove (Main_XX); END; Msg.Debug ("compiling ", Main_MC, " ...", Wr.EOL); IF (plan = 2) THEN EVAL RunM3Back (s, Main_MC, Main_O, debug := TRUE, optimize := FALSE); ELSE IF RunM3Back (s, Main_MC, Main_MS, debug := TRUE, optimize := FALSE) AND RunAsm (s, Main_MS, Main_O) THEN END; IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (Main_MS); END; END; Utils.NoteNewFile (Main_O); Utils.NoteNewFile (Main_MC); END; END; (* CASE plan *) END GenerateCGMain; PROCEDUREGenCGMain (s: State; object: TEXT) = VAR wr : Wr.T := NIL; cg : M3CG.T := NIL; BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.genMain); Msg.Commands ("generate ", object); wr := Utils.OpenWriter (object, fatal := TRUE); cg := M3Backend.Open (wr, object, s.m3backend_mode); IF (cg # NIL) THEN MxGen.GenerateMain (s.link_base, NIL, cg, Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Debug, (* Use of target_os needs work: NT386GNU can generate Windowed apps. *) s.gui AND (s.target_os = M3Path.OSKind.Win32), s.lazy_init); M3Backend.Close(cg); ELSE IF (NOT s.keep_files) THEN Utils.Remove (object); END; Msg.FatalError (NIL, "couldn't generate ", object); END; Utils.CloseWriter (wr, object); ETimer.Pop (); END GenCGMain;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- version stamps --BuildCProgram (s: State; shared: BOOLEAN) = VAR name := M3Path.Parse (s.result_name); pgm_file := M3Path.ProgramName (name.base); pgmTime : INTEGER; pgmValid : BOOLEAN; pgm_objects : Arg.List; import_libs : Arg.List; BEGIN IF (s.bootstrap_mode) THEN RETURN; END; IF (s.compile_failed) THEN DontLink (s, name.base, shared); Msg.Explain ("compilation failed => not building program \"",pgm_file,"\""); RETURN; END; pgmTime := Utils.LocalModTime (pgm_file); pgmValid := (pgmTime # Utils.NO_TIME); IF NOT pgmValid AND NOT s.skip_link THEN Msg.Explain (" -> linking ", pgm_file); END; IF s.skip_link THEN pgm_objects := GetObjects (s, pgmTime, pgmValid, NIL, NIL); ELSE pgm_objects := GetObjects (s, pgmTime, pgmValid, "linking ", pgm_file); END; IF (s.do_coverage) THEN Arg.Append (pgm_objects, s.link_coverage); END; IF s.skip_link THEN import_libs := GetLibraries (s, pgmTime, pgmValid, NIL, NIL, FALSE, shared); ELSE import_libs := GetLibraries (s, pgmTime, pgmValid, "linking ", pgm_file, NOT shared AND s.broken_linker, shared); END; IF pgmValid OR s.skip_link THEN DontLink (s, name.base, shared); RETURN; END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.pass_2); StartCall (s, s.linker); PushText (s, name.base); PushArray (s, Arg.NewList ()); PushArray (s, pgm_objects); PushArray (s, import_libs); PushBool (s, shared); IF CallProc (s, s.linker) THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "linker failed linking: ", name.base); END; ETimer.Pop (); END BuildCProgram; PROCEDUREBuildProgram (s: State; shared: BOOLEAN) = CONST Desc_file = ".M3LINK"; VAR name := M3Path.Parse (s.result_name); pgm_file := M3Path.ProgramName (name.base); pgmTime : INTEGER; pgmValid : BOOLEAN; pgm_objects : Arg.List; import_libs : Arg.List; Main_O := M3Path.Join (NIL, M3Main, UK.O); BEGIN <*ASSERT NOT s.bootstrap_mode *> IF (s.compile_failed) THEN DontLink (s, name.base, shared); Msg.Explain ("compilation failed => not building program \"",pgm_file,"\""); IF s.has_loader THEN Utils.Remove (Desc_file); END; RETURN; END; pgmTime := Utils.LocalModTime (pgm_file); pgmValid := (pgmTime # Utils.NO_TIME); IF NOT pgmValid AND NOT s.skip_link THEN Msg.Explain (" -> linking ", pgm_file); END; IF s.skip_link THEN pgm_objects := GetObjects (s, pgmTime, pgmValid, NIL, NIL); ELSE pgm_objects := GetObjects (s, pgmTime, pgmValid, "linking ", pgm_file); END; Arg.Prepend (pgm_objects, Main_O); IF (s.do_coverage) THEN Arg.Append (pgm_objects, s.link_coverage); END; IF s.skip_link THEN import_libs := GetLibraries (s, pgmTime, pgmValid, NIL, NIL, FALSE, shared); ELSE import_libs := GetLibraries (s, pgmTime, pgmValid, "linking ", pgm_file, NOT shared AND s.broken_linker, shared); END; IF pgmValid THEN DontLink (s, name.base, shared); RETURN; END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.chkpgm); IF NOT MxCheck.IsProgram (s.link_base, Stdio.stdout) THEN IF s.has_loader THEN Utils.Remove (Desc_file); END; Msg.FatalError (NIL, "incomplete program"); END; ETimer.Pop (); (* produce the module init list & program entry point *) IF s.m3main_in_c THEN GenerateCMain (s, Main_O); ELSE GenerateCGMain (s, Main_O); END; IF s.has_loader THEN WriteProgramDesc (s, Desc_file, Main_O); END; IF s.skip_link THEN DontLink (s, name.base, shared); RETURN; END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.pass_2); StartCall (s, s.linker); PushText (s, name.base); PushArray (s, Arg.NewList ()); PushArray (s, pgm_objects); PushArray (s, import_libs); PushBool (s, shared); IF CallProc (s, s.linker) THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "linker failed linking: ", name.base); END; ETimer.Pop (); END BuildProgram; PROCEDUREDontLink (s: State; name: TEXT; shared: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN StartCall (s, s.skip_linker); PushText (s, name); PushBool (s, shared); EVAL CallProc (s, s.skip_linker); END DontLink; PROCEDUREGetObjects (s: State; result_time: INTEGER; VAR valid: BOOLEAN; verb, result: TEXT): Arg.List = VAR u := s.units.head; objs := Arg.NewList (); BEGIN WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.object # NIL) THEN IF valid AND (Utils.LocalModTime (u.object) > result_time) THEN IF (verb # NIL) THEN Msg.Explain ("new \"",u.object,"\" -> ", verb & result); END; valid := FALSE; END; Arg.Append (objs, u.object); END; u :=; END; RETURN objs; END GetObjects; PROCEDUREGetLibraries (s: State; result_time: INTEGER; VAR valid: BOOLEAN; verb, result: TEXT; use_links: BOOLEAN; shared: BOOLEAN): Arg.List = VAR u := s.units.head; libs := Arg.NewList (); lib_file : TEXT; lib_link : TEXT; lib_path := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init(); link_dir : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN (* NOTE: we build the m3 library list in reverse order since they're discovered in bottom-up order and Unix linkers prefer them in top-down order... *) WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.imported AND u.kind = UK.M3LIB) OR (u.kind = UK.LIB) THEN lib_file := UnitPath (u); IF valid AND (Utils.ModificationTime (lib_file) > result_time) THEN IF (verb # NIL) THEN Msg.Explain ("new \"",lib_file,"\" -> ", verb & result); END; valid := FALSE; END; IF use_links THEN IF link_dir = NIL THEN link_dir := result & ".libs"; IF NOT M3File.IsDirectory (link_dir) THEN Dirs.MkDir (link_dir); END; END; IF (u.loc.path # NIL) THEN lib_link := M3Path.New (link_dir, M3Unit.FileName (u)); Utils.SymbolicLinkFile (lib_file, lib_link); END; Arg.Prepend (libs, "-l" & M3ID.ToText (; ELSIF (NOT shared OR s.keep_resolved) THEN Arg.Prepend (libs, lib_file); ELSE Arg.Prepend (libs, "-l" & M3ID.ToText (; IF (u.loc.path # NIL) AND NOT lib_path.put (M3ID.Add (u.loc.path), NIL) THEN Arg.Prepend (libs, "-L" & u.loc.path); IF (s.Rpath_flag # NIL) AND (Text.Length (s.Rpath_flag) > 0) THEN (* For shared libs, augment the run-time library search path. *) Arg.Prepend (libs, s.Rpath_flag & u.loc.path) END; END; END; END; u :=; END; IF link_dir # NIL THEN Arg.Prepend (libs, "-L" & link_dir); END; Arg.AppendL (libs, s.sys_libs); RETURN libs; END GetLibraries; PROCEDUREWriteProgramDesc (s: State; desc_file, main_o: TEXT) = VAR u: M3Unit.T; lib_file: TEXT; PROCEDURE Emit (wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN (* Use of target_os needs work. *) IF (s.target_os = M3Path.OSKind.Win32) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, "-out:"); Wr.PutText (wr, s.result_name); Wr.PutText (wr, ".exe"); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); IF (s.gui) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, "-subsystem:windows"); ELSE Wr.PutText (wr, "-subsystem:console"); END; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); ELSE Wr.PutText (wr, "-o "); Wr.PutText (wr, s.result_name); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END; (* write the library timestamps *) u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.imported) AND ((u.kind = UK.M3LIB) OR (u.kind = UK.LIB)) THEN lib_file := UnitPath (u); Wr.PutText (wr, lib_file); Wr.PutChar (wr, ' '); Wr.PutText (wr, Fmt.Int (Utils.ModificationTime (lib_file))); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END; u :=; END; IF (s.do_coverage) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, s.link_coverage); Wr.PutChar (wr, ' '); Wr.PutText (wr, Fmt.Int (Utils.ModificationTime (s.link_coverage))); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END; (* write the object timestamps *) u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.object # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, u.object); Wr.PutChar (wr, ' '); Wr.PutText (wr, Fmt.Int (Utils.LocalModTime (u.object))); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END; u :=; END; (* add the linker generated main body *) Wr.PutText (wr, main_o); Wr.PutChar (wr, ' '); Wr.PutText (wr, Fmt.Int (Utils.LocalModTime (main_o))); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END Emit; BEGIN ETimer.Push (M3Timers.genLink); Utils.WriteFile (desc_file, Emit, append := FALSE); ETimer.Pop (); END WriteProgramDesc; PROCEDUREBuildBootProgram (s: State) = VAR Main_C: TEXT; makefile := "make." & s.result_name; PROCEDURE Emit (wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN Wr.PutText (wr, "# objects for program " & s.result_name); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); GenObjectList (s, wr, M3Path.Join (NIL, "_m3main", UK.O)); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, "# libraries for program " & s.result_name); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); GenLibraryList (s, wr); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END Emit; PROCEDURE EmitMain (wr: Wr.T) RAISES {} = BEGIN MxGen.GenerateMain (s.link_base, wr, NIL, Msg.level >=Msg.Level.Debug, (* Use of target_os needs work: NT386GNU can generate Windowed apps. *) s.gui AND (s.target_os = M3Path.OSKind.Win32), s.lazy_init); END EmitMain; BEGIN <*ASSERT s.bootstrap_mode *> IF (s.compile_failed) THEN Msg.Explain ("compilation failed => not building program \"", s.result_name,"\""); Utils.Remove (makefile); RETURN; END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.chkpgm); IF NOT MxCheck.IsProgram (s.link_base, Stdio.stdout) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "incomplete program"); END; ETimer.Pop (); (* produce the module init list *) ETimer.Push (M3Timers.genMain); Main_C := M3Path.Join (NIL, "_m3main", UK.C); Msg.Commands ("generate ", Main_C); Utils.WriteFile (Main_C, EmitMain, append := FALSE); ETimer.Pop (); Msg.Explain ("building makefile -> ", makefile); Utils.WriteFile (makefile, Emit, append := FALSE); END BuildBootProgram; PROCEDUREGenLibraryList (s: State; wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR u: M3Unit.T; x: Arg.T; BEGIN Wr.PutText (wr, s.result_name & "_LIBS = \134"); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); (* emit the imported libraries *) u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.imported) AND (u.kind = UK.M3LIB OR u.kind = UK.LIB) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, " "); IF (u.loc.path = NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, "-l" & M3ID.ToText (; ELSE Wr.PutText (wr, M3Path.Convert ( M3Path.Join (u.loc.path, M3ID.ToText (, u.kind))); END; IF ( # NIL) OR (s.sys_libs.cnt > 0) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, "\134"); END; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END; u :=; END; (* emit the system library goo *) x := s.sys_libs.head; WHILE (x # NIL) DO Wr.PutText (wr, " "); Wr.PutText (wr, x.arg); IF ( # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, "\134"); END; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); x :=; END; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END GenLibraryList; PROCEDUREBuildLibrary (s: State; shared: BOOLEAN) = VAR name := M3Path.Parse (s.result_name); lib_file := M3Path.LibraryName (name.base); lib_time : INTEGER; libValid : BOOLEAN; lib_objects : Arg.List; import_libs : Arg.List; BEGIN <*ASSERT NOT s.bootstrap_mode *> IF (s.compile_failed) THEN DontBuildLibrary (s, name.base, shared); Msg.Explain ("compilation failed => not building library \"", lib_file, "\""); RETURN; END; lib_time := Utils.LocalModTime (lib_file); libValid := (lib_time # Utils.NO_TIME); IF (lib_time = Utils.NO_TIME) THEN Msg.Explain (" -> archiving ", lib_file); libValid := FALSE; END; lib_objects := GetObjects (s, lib_time, libValid, "archiving ", lib_file); import_libs := GetLibraries (s, lib_time, libValid, "archiving ", lib_file, FALSE, shared); IF libValid THEN DontBuildLibrary (s, name.base, shared); RETURN; END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.chkpgm); IF NOT MxCheck.IsLibrary (s.link_base, Stdio.stdout) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "incomplete library"); END; ETimer.Pop (); Msg.Debug ("building the library...", Wr.EOL); Utils.Remove (lib_file); IF (s.target_os = M3Path.OSKind.Win32) THEN GenLibDef (name.base); END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.pass_3); StartCall (s, s.librarian); PushText (s, name.base); PushArray (s, Arg.NewList ()); PushArray (s, lib_objects); PushArray (s, import_libs); PushBool (s, shared); IF CallProc (s, s.librarian) THEN s.compile_failed := TRUE; Msg.Error (NIL, "librarian failed building: ", name.base); END; ETimer.Pop (); END BuildLibrary; PROCEDUREDontBuildLibrary (s: State; name: TEXT; shared: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN StartCall (s, s.skip_lib); PushText (s, name); PushBool (s, shared); EVAL CallProc (s, s.skip_lib); END DontBuildLibrary; PROCEDUREBuildBootLibrary (s: State) = VAR makefile := "make." & s.result_name; PROCEDURE Emit (wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN Wr.PutText (wr, "% objects for Modula-3 library " & s.result_name); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); GenObjectList (s, wr, NIL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END Emit; BEGIN <*ASSERT s.bootstrap_mode *> IF (s.compile_failed) THEN Msg.Explain ("compilation failed => not building library \"", s.result_name,"\""); Utils.Remove (makefile); RETURN; END; ETimer.Push (M3Timers.chkpgm); IF NOT MxCheck.IsLibrary (s.link_base, Stdio.stdout) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "incomplete library"); END; ETimer.Pop (); Msg.Explain ("building makefile -> ", makefile); Utils.WriteFile (makefile, Emit, append := FALSE); END BuildBootLibrary; PROCEDUREGenLibDef (libname: TEXT) = PROCEDURE Emit (wr: Wr.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN Wr.PutText (wr, "LIBRARY "); Wr.PutText (wr, libname); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END Emit; BEGIN Utils.WriteFile (libname & ".def", Emit, append := FALSE); END GenLibDef; PROCEDUREGenObjectList (s: State; wr: Wr.T; extra: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = CONST MaxChunk = 30; VAR cnt := 0; u: M3Unit.T; n_chunks := 0; width := 0; subunit := 0; PROCEDURE Out (nm: TEXT) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF (width > 65) THEN Wr.PutText (wr, " \134"); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, " "); width := 0; END; Wr.PutText (wr, " "); Wr.PutText (wr, nm); INC (width, Text.Length (nm)); END Out; BEGIN (* see how many we got... *) u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.object # NIL) THEN INC (cnt); END; u :=; END; IF (extra # NIL) THEN INC (cnt); END; IF (cnt < MaxChunk) THEN (* this is the easy case, there's just one list *) Wr.PutText (wr, s.result_name & "_OBJECTS = \134"); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, " "); u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.object # NIL) THEN Out (u.object); END; u :=; END; IF (extra # NIL) THEN Out (extra); END; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); RETURN; END; (* too many items => we need to build sublists *) n_chunks := (cnt + MaxChunk - 1) DIV MaxChunk; u := s.units.head; WHILE (u # NIL) DO Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, s.result_name & "_OBJ_" & Fmt.Int (subunit) & " = \134"); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, " "); width := 0; cnt := 0; WHILE (cnt < MaxChunk) AND (u # NIL) DO IF (u.object # NIL) THEN Out (u.object); INC (cnt); END; u :=; END; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); INC (subunit); END; IF (extra # NIL) THEN Out (extra); END; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); width := 0; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, s.result_name & "_OBJECTS = \134"); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, " "); FOR i := 0 TO n_chunks-1 DO Out (s.result_name & "_OBJ_" & Fmt.Int (i)); END; Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (wr, Wr.EOL); END GenObjectList;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------- file names ---GetUnitLinkInfo (u: M3Unit.T; imported: BOOLEAN): Mx.UnitList = VAR info: TEXT; kind := UK.LIBX; BEGIN CASE u.kind OF | UK.M3LIB, UK.LIBX => kind := UK.LIBX; | UK.PGM, UK.PGMX => kind := UK.PGMX; ELSE Msg.FatalError (NIL, "Builder.GetUnitLinkInfo: mysterious unit type"); END; info := M3Path.Join (u.loc.path, M3ID.ToText (, kind); RETURN GetLinkUnits (info, UnitPath (u), imported); END GetUnitLinkInfo; PROCEDUREGetLinkUnits (info, file: TEXT; imported: BOOLEAN): Mx.UnitList = VAR rd: File.T; wr: Wr.T; units: Mx.UnitList; start, stop: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Verbose) THEN start := ROUND (Time.Now ()) END; (* try to open file's link info file *) TRY rd := FS.OpenFileReadonly (info); EXCEPT OSError.E (args) => Msg.Debug ("unable to open link info file: ", info, Msg.OSErr (args), Wr.EOL); RETURN NIL; END; IF (Msg.level < Msg.Level.Verbose) THEN wr := NIL; ELSE wr := Stdio.stdout; END; (* try to read the file *) TRY units := MxIn.ReadUnits (rd, file, imported, wr); FINALLY Utils.CloseReader (rd, info); END; IF (units = NIL) THEN IF (imported) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "bad link info file: ", info); ELSE Msg.Debug ("bad link info file: ", info, Wr.EOL); END; RETURN NIL; END; IF (Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Verbose) THEN stop := ROUND (Time.Now ()); Msg.Verbose ("reading \"", info, "\": ", Fmt.Int(stop-start), " seconds"); END; RETURN units; END GetLinkUnits; PROCEDUREMergeUnit (s: State; u: Mx.Unit; optional := TRUE): BOOLEAN = CONST KMap = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF UK { UK.M3, UK.I3 }; VAR wr := Stdio.stdout; bad, ux: Mx.UnitList; x: Mx.Unit; ok := TRUE; unit: M3Unit.T; kind: UK; BEGIN IF (u = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF (optional) AND (Msg.level < Msg.Level.Debug) THEN wr := NIL END; bad := MxMerge.MergeUnit (u, s.link_base, wr); (* add u's magic info if it was ok *) ux := bad; LOOP IF (ux = NIL) THEN AddMagic (s, u); EXIT END; IF (ux.unit = u) THEN EXIT END; ux :=; END; IF (bad = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE END; (* try to fix as many units as possible *) WHILE (bad # NIL) DO x := bad.unit; kind := KMap [x.interface]; unit := M3Unit.Get (s.units,, kind); IF (x # u) AND (unit # NIL) THEN CompileOne (s, unit); ELSE IF (NOT optional) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "bad version stamps: ", M3Path.Join (NIL, M3ID.ToText (, kind)); END; ok := FALSE END; bad :=; END; RETURN ok; END MergeUnit; PROCEDUREAddMagic (s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = VAR o := u.exported_objects; BEGIN WHILE (o # NIL) DO EVAL s.magic.put (o.type, o); o :=; END; END AddMagic;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------ misc ---UnitPath (u: M3Unit.T): TEXT = VAR path := M3Unit.FullPath (u); BEGIN IF M3Path.MakeRelative (path, Dirs.source, Dirs.to_source ) THEN ELSIF M3Path.MakeRelative (path, Dirs.derived, ".") THEN ELSIF M3Path.MakeRelative (path, Dirs.package, Dirs.to_package) THEN END; RETURN path; END UnitPath; PROCEDURETempCName (u: M3Unit.T): TEXT = VAR ext := u.kind; BEGIN CASE ext OF | UK.I3, UK.IC => ext := UK.IC; | UK.IS => ext := UK.IS; | UK.M3, UK.MC => ext := UK.MC; | UK.MS => ext := UK.MS; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; RETURN M3Path.Join (NIL, M3ID.ToText (, ext); END TempCName; PROCEDURETempSName (u: M3Unit.T): TEXT = VAR ext := u.kind; BEGIN CASE ext OF | UK.I3, UK.IC => ext := UK.IS; | UK.M3, UK.MC => ext := UK.MS; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; RETURN M3Path.Join (NIL, M3ID.ToText (, ext); END TempSName; PROCEDUREObjectName (s: State; u: M3Unit.T): TEXT = VAR ext := u.kind; BEGIN IF NOT s.bootstrap_mode THEN (* produce object modules *) CASE ext OF | UK.I3, UK.IC, UK.IS => ext := UK.IO; | UK.M3, UK.MC, UK.MS => ext := UK.MO; | UK.C, UK.S => ext := UK.O; | UK.IO, UK.MO, UK.O => RETURN M3Unit.FileName (u); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; ELSIF BackendAssembly[s.m3backend_mode] THEN (* bootstrap with an assembler *) CASE ext OF | UK.I3, UK.IC, UK.IS => ext := UK.IS; | UK.M3, UK.MC, UK.MS => ext := UK.MS; | UK.C, UK.S, UK.H => (* skip *) | UK.IO, UK.MO, UK.O => (* skip *) ELSE RETURN NIL; END; ELSE (* bootstrap without an assembler *) CASE ext OF | UK.I3, UK.IC, UK.IS => ext := UK.IO; | UK.M3, UK.MC, UK.MS => ext := UK.MO; | UK.C, UK.S, UK.H => (* skip *) | UK.IO, UK.MO, UK.O => (* skip *) ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END; RETURN M3Path.Join (NIL, M3ID.ToText (, ext); END ObjectName;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------- quake utilities ---PullForBootstrap (u: M3Unit.T) = VAR path := UnitPath (u); BEGIN IF NOT Text.Equal (path, u.object) THEN Utils.Remove (u.object); Utils.Copy (path, u.object); END; END PullForBootstrap;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------- errors ---StartCall (s: State; READONLY p: ConfigProc) = BEGIN IF (p.binding = NIL) THEN Msg.FatalError (NIL, "procedure \"",, "\" was not defined in \"", s.config_file & "\""); END; TRY s.machine.start_call (p.binding.value); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => Msg.Out (msg, Wr.EOL); Msg.FatalError (NIL, "procedure \"",, "\" defined in \"" & s.config_file, "\" failed."); END; END StartCall; PROCEDURECallProc (s: State; READONLY p: ConfigProc): BOOLEAN = VAR v: QValue.T; sav: BOOLEAN; exit_code := 0; BEGIN TRY sav := s.machine.exec_echo (Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Commands); s.machine.call_proc (p.n_args, TRUE); s.machine.pop (v); EVAL s.machine.exec_echo (sav); exit_code := QVal.ToInt (s.machine, v); IF exit_code # 0 THEN Msg.Error (NIL, " ",, " => ", Fmt.Int (exit_code)); END; EXCEPT | Quake.Error (msg) => Msg.Out (msg, Wr.EOL); Msg.FatalError (NIL, "procedure \"",, "\" defined in \"" & s.config_file, "\" failed."); exit_code := LAST(INTEGER); | Thread.Alerted => Msg.FatalError (NIL, "interrupted while calling \"",, "\" defined in \"" & s.config_file, "\""); exit_code := LAST(INTEGER)-1; END; Msg.Verbose (" ",, " => ", Fmt.Int (exit_code)); RETURN (exit_code # 0); END CallProc; PROCEDUREPushBool (s: State; bool: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN QMachine.PushBool (s.machine, bool); END PushBool; PROCEDUREPushText (s: State; txt: TEXT) = BEGIN QMachine.PushText (s.machine, txt); END PushText; PROCEDUREPushArray (s: State; args: Arg.List) = VAR v: QValue.T; arr := NEW (QVSeq.T).init (args.cnt); x := args.head; BEGIN v.kind := QValue.Kind.String; v.ref := NIL; WHILE (x # NIL) DO := M3ID.Add (x.arg); arr.addhi (v); x :=; END; v.kind := QValue.Kind.Array; := 0; v.ref := arr; s.machine.push (v); END PushArray;
PROCEDUREBadFile (msg: TEXT; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN Msg.FatalError (NIL, msg, ": ", FName (u)); END BadFile; PROCEDUREDebugF (msg0: TEXT; u: M3Unit.T; msg1: TEXT := NIL) = BEGIN IF (Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Debug) THEN Msg.Debug (msg0, FName (u), msg1, Wr.EOL); END; END DebugF; PROCEDUREExplainF (msg: TEXT; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF (Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Explain) THEN Msg.Explain (msg, M3Unit.FileName (u)); END; END ExplainF; PROCEDUREVerboseF (msg: TEXT; u: M3Unit.T) = BEGIN IF (Msg.level >= Msg.Level.Verbose) THEN Msg.Verbose (msg, FName (u)); END; END VerboseF; PROCEDUREFName (u: M3Unit.T): TEXT = BEGIN IF (M3Unit.FileName (u) # NIL) AND (u.library # NIL) THEN RETURN M3Unit.FileName (u) & " in library " & M3Unit.FullPath (u.library); ELSIF (M3Unit.FileName (u) # NIL) THEN RETURN M3Unit.FileName (u); ELSIF (u.library # NIL) THEN RETURN M3Path.Join (u.loc.path, M3ID.ToText (, u.kind) & " in library " & M3Unit.FullPath (u.library); ELSIF (M3ID.ToText ( # NIL) THEN RETURN M3Path.Join (u.loc.path, M3ID.ToText (, u.kind) ELSE RETURN "???"; END; END FName; BEGIN END Builder.