MODULE-------------------------------------------------- initialization ---; IMPORT Params, Text, ErrLog; IMPORT Env, Process, Fmt, IP, Pathname, FS; IMPORT Thread, IO, TextList, OSError, Wr; IMPORT Quake, QCompiler, QIdent, QMachine, QValue; IMPORT ConfigItem, ID, MxConfig, M3File, PkgRoot, UserState; TYPE CI = ConfigItem.T; Default
VAR init_done := FALSE; PROCEDUREFollowing code added by RCC to attempt to find/construct certain critical roots if they weren't found above Note that the typical installation's pathname hierarchy (using POSIX-style path syntax) is:Init () = CONST Slash = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "\134", "/" }; CONST PathSep = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF CHAR { ';', ':' }; VAR got_addr: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (init_done) THEN RETURN; END; init_done := TRUE; (* host dependent configuration *) on_unix := Text.Equal ("a/b", Pathname.Join ("a", "b", NIL)); slash := Slash [on_unix]; path_sep := PathSep [on_unix]; (* cm3 configuration *) IF MxConfig.FindFile () = NIL THEN Die ("Unable to locate a cm3 configuration file.", Wr.EOL, "Apparently \"cm3\" is not on your search path."); END; build_dir := MxConfig.Get ("BUILD_DIR"); system_root := MxConfig.Get ("PKG_USE"); (* note: system_root is the public package root *) doc_root := MxConfig.Get ("DOC_INSTALL"); initial_browser := MxConfig.Get ("INITIAL_CM3_IDE_BROWSER"); initial_editor := MxConfig.Get ("INITIAL_CM3_IDE_EDITOR");
somePath/cm3 = cm3 installation root somePath/cm3/bin = executables somePath/cm3/pkg = public pkg root somePath/cm3/doc = doc root somePath/cm3/examples = examples rootIF (build_dir = NIL) THEN (* attempt to substitute 'TARGET' for 'BUILD_DIR' *) WITH p = MxConfig.Get ("TARGET") DO IF (p # NIL) THEN build_dir := p; ErrLog.Msg ("CAUTION: BUILD_DIR not defined in cm3.cfg, setting it to TARGET: ", build_dir); END; END; END; IF (system_root = NIL) THEN (* attempt to construct pkg root from 'INSTALL_ROOT' *) WITH p = MxConfig.Get ("INSTALL_ROOT") DO IF (p # NIL) THEN system_root := Pathname.Join (p, "pkg", NIL); IF M3File.IsDirectory(system_root) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("CAUTION: PKG_USE not defined in cm3.cfg, constructed it from INSTALL_ROOT as: ", system_root); ELSE system_root := NIL; END; END; END; END; IF (system_root = NIL) THEN (* attempt to construct pkg root using the path to the cm3.cfg *) TRY WITH p = MxConfig.FindFile (), (* earlier code checked that result is not NIL *) folder = Pathname.Prefix (FS.GetAbsolutePathname(p)), parent = Pathname.Prefix (folder), tryPkgRoot = Pathname.Join (parent, "pkg", NIL) DO IF M3File.IsDirectory(tryPkgRoot) THEN system_root := tryPkgRoot; ErrLog.Msg ("CAUTION: PKG_USE not defined in cm3.cfg, constructed it from cm3.cfg path as: ", system_root); END; END; EXCEPT | OSError.E => Die ("Unable to get absolute pathname to cm3.cfg file."); END; END; IF (system_root = NIL) THEN (* attempt to construct pkg root using the path to the currently executing program *) TRY WITH p = Params.Get (0), folder = Pathname.Prefix (FS.GetAbsolutePathname(p)), parent = Pathname.Prefix (folder), tryPkgRoot = Pathname.Join (parent, "pkg", NIL) DO IF M3File.IsDirectory(tryPkgRoot) THEN system_root := tryPkgRoot; ErrLog.Msg ("CAUTION: PKG_USE not defined in cm3.cfg, constructed it from executable path as: ", system_root); END; END; EXCEPT | OSError.E => Die ("Unable to get absolute pathname to currently executing program."); END; END; IF (doc_root = NIL) AND (system_root # NIL) THEN doc_root := Pathname.Join (Pathname.Prefix (system_root), "doc", NIL); ErrLog.Msg ("CAUTION: DOC_INSTALL not defined in cm3.cfg, constructed it from package root as: ", doc_root); END; IF (system_root # NIL) THEN example_root := Pathname.Join (Pathname.Prefix (system_root), "examples", NIL); ELSE example_root := NIL; END; IF (example_root = NIL) OR (NOT M3File.IsDirectory(example_root)) THEN example_root := NIL; ErrLog.Msg ("NOTICE: Unable to locate 'examples' folder."); END;End code by RCCIF (build_dir = NIL) THEN Die ("The build directory was not defined. Either the configuration" & Wr.EOL & "file, ", MxConfig.FindFile (), ", contains a syntax error or" & Wr.EOL & "it doesn't define BUILD_DIR."); END; IF (system_root = NIL) THEN Die ("The system package root was not defined. Either the configuration" & Wr.EOL & "file, ", MxConfig.FindFile (), ", contains a syntax error or" & Wr.EOL & "it doesn't define PKG_USE."); END; (* CM3-IDE configuration *) LocateCM3_IDEConfig (); ParseCmdLine (); ReadCM3_IDEConfig (); (* finally, fix up the IP address, machine name, and server URL *) WITH verbose = ConfigItem.X[CI.Verbose_log].bool, machine = ConfigItem.X[CI.Server_machine].text, ip_addr = ConfigItem.X[CI.IP_address].addr, socket = ConfigItem.X[CI.Server_port].int DO IF (machine # NIL) AND Text.Length (machine) < 1 THEN machine := NIL; END; IF (machine = NIL) AND (ip_addr = IP.NullAddress) THEN IF verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("getting hostname and IP address from system..."); END; TRY ip_addr := IP.GetHostAddr (); machine := IP.GetCanonicalByAddr (ip_addr); EXCEPT IP.Error => machine := NIL; END; IF (machine = NIL) THEN Die ("CM3-IDE is unable to get host machine's name.", Wr.EOL, "Perhaps networking is not enabled on your system?"); END; ELSIF machine # NIL THEN IF verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("getting IP address from hostname..."); END; TRY got_addr := IP.GetHostByName (machine, ip_addr); EXCEPT IP.Error => got_addr := FALSE; END; IF NOT got_addr THEN Die ("CM3-IDE is unable to get "& machine &"'s IP Address.", Wr.EOL, "Perhaps networking is not enabled on your system?"); END; ELSE IF verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("getting hostname from IP address..."); END; TRY machine := IP.GetCanonicalByAddr (ip_addr); EXCEPT IP.Error => machine := NIL; END; IF (machine = NIL) THEN Die ("CM3-IDE is unable to get host machine's name.", Wr.EOL, "Perhaps networking is not enabled on your system?"); END; END; server_href := "https://" & machine & ":" & Fmt.Int (socket) & "/"; IF verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("root URL: ", server_href); END; END; END Init;-------------------------------------------------------- config files ---CONST ConfigDir = "proj"; PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------- command line parsing ---LocateCM3_IDEConfig () = VAR home, rhome, dir, wd, t1, t2: TEXT; BEGIN dir := NIL; home := Env.Get ("HOME"); rhome := Env.Get ("CM3_IDE_HOME"); IF (rhome # NIL) THEN IF Pathname.Absolute (rhome) AND IsDir (rhome) THEN dir := rhome; ELSE (* see if we can use "." or $HOME for the root *) TRY wd := Process.GetWorkingDirectory (); EXCEPT OSError.E => wd := NIL; END; t1 := Pathname.Join (wd, rhome, NIL); t2 := Pathname.Join (home, rhome, NIL); IF (wd # NIL) AND IsDir (t1) THEN dir := t1; ELSIF (home # NIL) AND IsDir (t2) THEN dir := t2; END; END; IF (dir = NIL) THEN (* $CM3_IDE_HOME isn't useful *) ErrLog.Msg ("$CM3_IDE_HOME = \"", rhome, "\" is not a useable directory."); END; END; IF (dir = NIL) AND (home # NIL) THEN t1 := Pathname.Join (home, ConfigDir, NIL); IF IsDir (t1) THEN dir := t1; ELSE ErrLog.Msg ("\"", t1, "\" is not a useable directory."); END; END; IF (dir = NIL) THEN ErrLog.Msg ( "Unable to find a working directory using $HOME or $CM3_IDE_HOME,"); TRY t1 := Process.GetWorkingDirectory (); EXCEPT OSError.E => t1 := "."; (* ouch *) END; ErrLog.Msg ("trying the current directory, \"", t1, "\" ..."); t1 := Pathname.Join (t1, ConfigDir, NIL); IF IsDir (t1) THEN dir := t1; END; END; IF (dir = NIL) THEN ErrLog.Msg (Wr.EOL, "Unable to find a suitable working directory.", Wr.EOL, "Your personal CM3-IDE configuration will not be saved."); ErrLog.Msg (Wr.EOL); END; user_home := dir; UserState.Init (dir); END LocateCM3_IDEConfig; PROCEDUREReadCM3_IDEConfig () = VAR txt: TEXT; BEGIN (* inhale the predefined configuration settings *) FOR ci := FIRST (CI) TO LAST (CI) DO txt := UserState.Get (ConfigItem.Desc[ci].name); ConfigItem.Set (ci, txt); END; (* check for user-defined package roots *) VAR n_roots := 0; key, name, path, b: TEXT; build: BOOLEAN; BEGIN LOOP key := "root-" & Fmt.Int (n_roots); name := UserState.Get (key & "-name"); path := UserState.Get (key & "-path"); b := UserState.Get (key & "-build"); build := (b # NIL) AND Text.Equal (b, "TRUE"); IF (name = NIL) OR (path = NIL) THEN EXIT; END; PkgRoot.Add (name, path, build); INC (n_roots); END; IF (n_roots <= 0) THEN (* no user roots => add the default system roots *) IF (user_home # NIL) THEN name := "proj"; path := user_home; UserState.Put ("root-0-name", name); UserState.Put ("root-0-path", path); UserState.Put ("root-0-build", "TRUE"); PkgRoot.Add (name, path, TRUE); name := "public"; path := system_root; UserState.Put ("root-1-name", name); UserState.Put ("root-1-path", path); UserState.Put ("root-1-build", "FALSE"); PkgRoot.Add (name, path, FALSE); ELSE name := "public"; path := system_root; UserState.Put ("root-0-name", name); UserState.Put ("root-0-path", path); UserState.Put ("root-0-build", "FALSE"); PkgRoot.Add (name, path, FALSE); END; END; END; END ReadCM3_IDEConfig; PROCEDUREIsDir (dir: TEXT): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF M3File.IsDirectory (dir) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; TRY FS.CreateDirectory (dir); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPT OSError.E => RETURN FALSE; END; END IsDir;PROCEDURE----------------------------- user-defined config file procedures ---ParseCmdLine () = VAR args: TextList.T := NIL; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO Params.Count - 1 DO args := TextList.Cons (Params.Get (i), args); END; ProcessArgs (TextList.ReverseD (args)); END ParseCmdLine; PROCEDUREProcessArgs (args: TextList.T) = VAR parm: TEXT; BEGIN WHILE (args # NIL) DO parm := PopArg (args); IF Text.Equal (parm, "-help") OR Text.Equal (parm, "-h") THEN PrintHelp(); Process.Exit(0); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-version") OR Text.Equal (parm, "-v") THEN PrintVersion(); Process.Exit(0); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-browser") THEN ConfigItem.SetExecutable (CI.Start_browser, PopArg (args)); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-editor") THEN ConfigItem.SetExecutable (CI.Edit_file, PopArg (args)); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-workers") THEN ConfigItem.Set (CI.Num_server_threads, PopArg (args)); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-port") THEN ConfigItem.Set (CI.Server_port, PopArg (args)); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-server") THEN ConfigItem.Set (CI.Server_machine, PopArg (args)); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-refresh") THEN ConfigItem.Set (CI.Refresh_interval, PopArg (args)); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-system") THEN system_root := PopArg (args); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-verbose") THEN ConfigItem.Set (CI.Verbose_log, "TRUE"); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "") THEN (* ignore blank lines *) ELSE PrintHelp(); Die ("Unrecognized option: \"", parm, "\""); END; END; END ProcessArgs; PROCEDUREPrintHelp () = VAR msg: TEXT; BEGIN msg := "CM3-IDE [options]" & Wr.EOL & " where options are" & Wr.EOL & " -help this message" & Wr.EOL & " -version print CM3_IDE version number" & Wr.EOL & " -browser <prog> use web browser <prog>" & Wr.EOL & " -editor <prog> use text editor <prog>" & Wr.EOL & " -port <num> use HTTP socket <num>" & Wr.EOL & " -refresh <seconds> set refresh interval" & Wr.EOL & " -system <path> set location of public packages" & Wr.EOL & Wr.EOL; IO.Put (msg); END PrintHelp; PROCEDUREPrintVersion () = BEGIN IO.Put ("CM3_IDE (tm) by Critical Mass, Inc. " & "Version 4.1 for " & build_dir & Wr.EOL); END PrintVersion; PROCEDUREPopArg (VAR args: TextList.T): TEXT = VAR txt: TEXT; BEGIN IF (args = NIL) THEN RETURN ""; END; txt := args.head; args := args.tail; RETURN txt; END PopArg;VAR id_map := Quake.NewIDMap (Str2ID, Txt2ID, ID2Txt); PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ misc ---GetConfigProc (ci : CI; VAR(*OUT*) m : Quake.Machine; VAR(*OUT*) proc : QValue.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = CONST ConfigFile = "<CM3-IDE configuration>"; VAR bind: QValue.Binding; nm := ConfigItem.Desc[ci].name; body := ConfigItem.ToText (ci); BEGIN <*ASSERT ConfigItem.Desc[ci].kind = ConfigItem.Kind.Proc*> IF (body = NIL) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("The current configuration does not define \"", nm, "\""); m := NIL; RETURN; END; m := Quake.NewMachine (id_map); TRY m.evaluate (QCompiler.CompileText (ConfigFile, body, id_map)); EXCEPT Quake.Error (msg) => ErrLog.Msg ("Unable to evaluate configuration procedure \"", nm, "\":" & Wr.EOL, msg); m := NIL; RETURN; END; bind := m.lookup ( (nm)); IF (bind = NIL) OR (bind.value.kind # QValue.Kind.Proc) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("Configuration does not define the required procedure: ", nm); m := NIL; RETURN; END; proc := bind.value; END GetConfigProc; PROCEDUREStr2ID (READONLY x: ARRAY OF CHAR): Quake.ID = BEGIN RETURN ID.FromStr (x); END Str2ID; PROCEDURETxt2ID (t: TEXT): Quake.ID = BEGIN RETURN ID.Add (t); END Txt2ID; PROCEDUREID2Txt (i: Quake.ID): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN ID.ToText (i); END ID2Txt;PROCEDUREDie (a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL) = BEGIN ErrLog.Msg (a, b, c, d); Process.Exit (1); END Die; BEGIN Init (); END Default.