UNSAFE MODULEThe allocator/garbage collector for the traced heap is an adaptation of the algorithm presented in the WRL Research Report 88/2, ``Compacting Garbage Collection with Ambiguous Roots'', by Joel F. Bartlett; see this report for a detailed presentation. John DeTreville modified it to be incremental, generational, and VM-synchronized.RTCollector EXPORTSRTCollector ,RTCollectorSRC ,RTHeapRep ,RTWeakRef ,RTHooks ; IMPORT RT0, RTHeapEvent, RTHeapMap, RTIO; IMPORT RTMisc, RTOS, RTParams, RTPerfTool, RTProcess, RTType; IMPORT Word, Thread, RTThread; IMPORT TextLiteral AS TextLit, RTLinker, Time; FROM RT0 IMPORT Typecode, TypeDefn; TYPE TK = RT0.TypeKind;
The allocator/collector for the untraced heap is simply malloc/free.
Much of the code below incorrectly assumes no difference between ADRSIZE and BYTESIZE.
In the following procedures, RTType.Get(tc)
will fail if tc
is not
** RTCollector **
PROCEDURE** RTCollectorSRC **Disable () = BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); FinishGC(); INC(disableCount); partialCollectionNext := FALSE; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; IF perfOn THEN PerfAllow(); END; END Disable; PROCEDUREEnable () = BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); DEC(disableCount); CollectEnough(); FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); IF perfOn THEN PerfAllow(); END; END; END Enable; PROCEDUREDisableMotion () = BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); INC(disableMotionCount); FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; IF perfOn THEN PerfAllow(); END; END DisableMotion; PROCEDUREEnableMotion () = BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); DEC(disableMotionCount); CollectEnough(); FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); IF perfOn THEN PerfAllow(); END; END; END EnableMotion; PROCEDURECollect () = BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); FinishGC(); StartGC(); FinishGC(); FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; END Collect;
StartCollection starts a total collection, if none is in progress and if collection and motion are enabled.
PROCEDUREFinishCollection finishes the current collection, if one is on progress.StartCollection () = BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); StartGC(); FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; END StartCollection;
PROCEDUREStartBackgroundCollection starts the background thread, if not already startedFinishCollection () = BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); FinishGC(); FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; END FinishCollection;
VAR startedBackground := FALSE; PROCEDUREStartForegroundCollection starts the foreground thread, if not already startedStartBackgroundCollection () = VAR start := FALSE; BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); IF NOT startedBackground THEN start := TRUE; startedBackground := TRUE; END; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; IF start THEN EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(Thread.Closure, apply := BackgroundThread)); END; END StartBackgroundCollection;
VAR startedForeground := FALSE; PROCEDURE------------------------------- low-level allocation and collectionStartForegroundCollection () = VAR start := FALSE; BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); IF NOT startedForeground THEN start := TRUE; startedForeground := TRUE; END; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; IF start THEN EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(Thread.Closure, apply := ForegroundThread)); END; END StartForegroundCollection; PROCEDUREDisableVM () = BEGIN (* This function does nothing and exists solely for source compatibility * with older cm3. *) END DisableVM;
We assume that references (values of the types ADDRESS and REFANY) are the addresses of addressable locations and that locations with successive addresses are contiguous (that is, if a points to a n-locations referent then these n locations are at addresses a, a+1, ..., a+n-1).
The memory is viewed as a collection of pages. Each page has a number that identifies it, based on the addresses that are part of this page: page p contains the addresses p * BytesPerPage to (p+1) * BytesPerPage - 1.
The page size must be a multiple of the header size (see below). Given our conventions about page boundaries, this implies that the first location of a page is properly aligned for a Header.
The array desc and the global variables p0, and p1 describe the pages that are part of the traced heap. Either p0 and p1 are equal to Nil and no pages are allocated; or both are valid pages and page p is allocated iff
p0 <= p < p1 AND desc[p - p0] >= 0NUMBER (desc) must be equal to p1 - p0 if there are allocated pages. Index i in desc correspond to page i + p0; that is p0 is the number of the first page available in desc, and it must be in [p0 .. p1) if there are allocated pages.
VAR desc: UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF BITS 8 FOR [-1..1]; (* < 0 => unallocated = 0 => first page in a block > 0 => continued page in a block *) PROCEDUREWe keep the number of allocated pages in a global variable; it should satify the invariant:FirstPage (p: Page): Page = BEGIN IF p < p0 OR p >= p1 OR desc[p - p0] < 0 THEN RETURN Nil END; IF desc[p - p0] = 0 THEN RETURN p END; WHILE desc[p - p0] > 0 DO DEC(p) END; <*ASSERT desc[p - p0] = 0*> RETURN p; END FirstPage;
allocatedPages = sigma (i = p0, p1-1, space [i - p0] # Unallocated) if there are allocated pages, = 0 otherwise.Each referent is immediately preceded by a header that describes the type of the referent. In the user world, this header is not visible; that is, a REFANY is the address of the referent, not the address of the header.
Each referent is immediately followed by padding space so the combined size referent size + padding is a multiple of the header size. Actually, the low level routines are given a data size which is the sum of the referent size and padding size and assume this data size is a multiple of the header size.
With this padding, addresses of headers and referent will always be multiple of ADRSIZE (Header).
The combination of header/referent/padding space is called a heap
. The size of a heap object is the size of the header, plus the
size of the referent, plus the size of the padding. The alignment of a
heap object is the greatest of the alignment of header and the alignment
of the referent.
We make the following assumptions:
- alignment of headers is such what the addressable location following any properly aligned header is properly aligned for the type ADDRESS; and, for every referent: referent adrSize + padding adrSize >= ADRSIZE (ADDRESS)
[During the garbage collection, we move heap objects. But we need to keep the forwarding information somewhere. This condition ensures that we can store the new address of the referent in the first word of the old referent.]
- the pages are aligned more strictly than the headers (this means that the page size is a multiple of the header alignment).
[We can put a header at the beginning of a page]
TYPE RefReferent = ADDRESS; PROCEDUREIf a page is allocated, it can be normal or continued. In the first case, there is a heap object just at the beginning of the page and others following. The second case occurs when a heap object was too large to fit on a page: it starts at the beginning of a normal page and overflows on contiguous continued pages. Whatever space is left on the last continued page is never used for another object or filler. In other words, all the headers are on normal pages.HeaderOf (r: RefReferent): RefHeader = BEGIN RETURN LOOPHOLE(r - ADRSIZE(Header), RefHeader); END HeaderOf;
Heap objects do not need to be adjacent. Indeed, alignment constraints would make it difficult to ensure that property. Filler objects may appear before objects to align them, or after the last object on a normal page to fill the page.
We need to be able to determine the size of a referent during collection; here is a functions to do just that. It must be called with a non-nil pointer to the Header of a heap object that is there (has not been moved).
PROCEDURETextLitSize (h: RefHeader): CARDINAL = VAR txt := LOOPHOLE (h + ADRSIZE(Header), TextLiteral); len : INTEGER := txt.cnt; BEGIN IF (len >= 0) THEN INC (len); (* null CHAR *) ELSE len := 2 (*null WIDECHAR*) - len - len; END; RETURN ADR (txt.buf[len]) - LOOPHOLE (txt, ADDRESS); END TextLitSize; PROCEDUREOpenArraySize (h: RefHeader; adef: RT0.ArrayTypeDefn): CARDINAL =
The referent is an open array; it has the following layout:pointer to the elements (ADDRESS) size 1 .... size n optional padding elements ....where n is the number of open dimensions (given by the definition) and each size is the number of elements along the dimension.
VAR res: INTEGER; sizes: UNTRACED REF INTEGER := h + ADRSIZE(Header) + ADRSIZE(ADDRESS); (* ^ elt pointer*) BEGIN res := 1; FOR i := 0 TO adef.nDimensions - 1 DO res := res * sizes^; INC(sizes, ADRSIZE(sizes^)); END; res := res * adef.elementSize; res := RTMisc.Upper(res + adef.common.dataSize, BYTESIZE(Header)); RETURN res; END OpenArraySize; PROCEDUREThe convention about page numbering allows for a simple conversion from an address to the number of the page in which it is, as well as from a page number to the first address is contains:ReferentSize (h: RefHeader): CARDINAL = VAR res: INTEGER; tc: Typecode := h.typecode; def: TypeDefn; BEGIN IF tc = Fill_1_type THEN RETURN 0; END; IF tc = Fill_N_type THEN res := LOOPHOLE(h + ADRSIZE(Header), UNTRACED REF INTEGER)^; RETURN res - BYTESIZE(Header); END; IF tc = RT0.TextLitTypecode THEN RETURN TextLitSize(h) END; def := RTType.Get (tc); IF (def.kind # ORD (TK.Array)) THEN (* the typecell datasize tells the truth *) RETURN def.dataSize; END; (* Otherwise, the referent is an open array *) RETURN OpenArraySize(h, LOOPHOLE(def, RT0.ArrayTypeDefn)); END ReferentSize;
PROCEDURETo move a heap object to the new space, modifying the original reference to itReferentToPage (r: RefReferent): Page = (* VAR p: INTEGER := LOOPHOLE(r, INTEGER) DIV BytesPerPage; *) VAR p: INTEGER := Word.RightShift (LOOPHOLE(r, INTEGER), LogBytesPerPage); BEGIN RETURN p; END ReferentToPage; PROCEDURERefToPage (r: RefPage): Page = (* VAR p: INTEGER := LOOPHOLE(r, INTEGER) DIV BytesPerPage; *) VAR p: INTEGER := Word.RightShift (LOOPHOLE(r, INTEGER), LogBytesPerPage); BEGIN RETURN p; END RefToPage; PROCEDUREAddressToPage (r: ADDRESS): RefPage = (* VAR p: INTEGER := LOOPHOLE(r, INTEGER) DIV BytesPerPage; *) VAR p: INTEGER := Word.RightShift (LOOPHOLE(r, INTEGER), LogBytesPerPage); BEGIN p := FirstPage(p); RETURN PageToRef(p); END AddressToPage; PROCEDUREPageToRef (p: Page): RefPage = BEGIN RETURN LOOPHOLE(p * BytesPerPage, RefPage); END PageToRef;
TYPE Mover = RTHeapMap.Visitor OBJECT OVERRIDES apply := Move END; PROCEDUREDetermines whether a REF has yet been moved into the new space. Follows the logic inMove (<*UNUSED*> self: Mover; cp: ADDRESS) = VAR refref := LOOPHOLE(cp, UNTRACED REF RefReferent); ref := refref^; p : INTEGER; hdr : RefHeader; page : RefPage; BEGIN IF ref = NIL THEN RETURN END; (* ignore low-bit tagged pseudo-references *) IF Word.And (LOOPHOLE(ref, Word.T), 1) # 0 THEN RETURN END; (* INLINE: hdr := HeaderOf(ref); *) hdr := LOOPHOLE(ref - ADRSIZE(Header), RefHeader); IF hdr.typecode = RT0.TextLitTypecode THEN RETURN END; IF hdr.forwarded THEN (* if already moved, just update the reference *) refref^ := LOOPHOLE(ref, UNTRACED REF RefReferent)^; RETURN; END; (* INLINE: p := ReferentToPage(ref); *) p := Word.RightShift (LOOPHOLE(ref, INTEGER), LogBytesPerPage); <*ASSERT desc[p - p0] = 0*> (* INLINE: page := PageToRef(p); *) page := LOOPHOLE(p * BytesPerPage, RefPage); IF page.desc.space # Space.Previous THEN RETURN END; IF page.nb > 1 THEN (* if this is a large object, just promote the pages *) WITH def = RTType.Get(hdr.typecode) DO IF (def.gc_map = NIL) AND (def.kind # ORD(TK.Obj)) THEN PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.LargePure); ELSE PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.LargeImpure); END; END; RETURN; END; (* otherwise, move the object *) VAR def := RTType.Get(hdr.typecode); dataSize := ReferentSize(hdr); np : RefReferent; BEGIN IF (def.gc_map = NIL) AND (def.kind # ORD(TK.Obj)) THEN np := AllocCopy(dataSize, def.dataAlignment, pureCopy); IF (np = NIL) THEN (* promote as if large so we can bail out gracefully *) PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.LargePure); RETURN; END; WITH nh = HeaderOf(np) DO RTMisc.Copy(hdr, nh, BYTESIZE(Header) + dataSize); <*ASSERT NOT nh.gray*> nh.dirty := TRUE; END; ELSE np := AllocCopy(dataSize, def.dataAlignment, impureCopy); IF (np = NIL) THEN (* promote as if large so we can bail out gracefully *) PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.LargeImpure); RETURN; END; WITH nh = HeaderOf(np) DO RTMisc.Copy(hdr, nh, BYTESIZE(Header) + dataSize); nh.gray := TRUE; nh.dirty := FALSE; END; END; IF def.kind = ORD (TK.Array) THEN (* open array: update the internal pointer *) LOOPHOLE(np, UNTRACED REF ADDRESS)^ := np + def.dataSize; END; hdr.forwarded := TRUE; LOOPHOLE(ref, UNTRACED REF RefReferent)^ := np; refref^ := np; END; END Move;
PROCEDUREWhen an allocated page is referenced by the stack, we have to move it to the next space and insert it in the list of promoted pages. In the case where the page is actually part of a group of pages for a big referent, we have to promote all these pages to the new space, but only the first one needs to be inserted in the queue, as it is the only one containing referent headers.Moved (ref: RefReferent): BOOLEAN = VAR p : INTEGER; hdr : RefHeader; page: RefPage; BEGIN IF ref = NIL THEN RETURN TRUE; END; (* ignore low-bit tagged pseudo-references *) IF Word.And (LOOPHOLE(ref, Word.T), 1) # 0 THEN RETURN TRUE END; (* INLINE: hdr := HeaderOf(ref); *) hdr := LOOPHOLE(ref - ADRSIZE(Header), RefHeader); IF hdr.typecode = RT0.TextLitTypecode THEN RETURN TRUE END; (* INLINE: p := ReferentToPage(ref); *) p := Word.RightShift (LOOPHOLE(ref, INTEGER), LogBytesPerPage); <*ASSERT desc[p - p0] = 0*> (* INLINE: page := page := PageToRef(p); *) page := LOOPHOLE(p * BytesPerPage, RefPage); (* check the space *) IF page.desc.space # Space.Previous THEN RETURN TRUE END; (* check the forwarded bit *) RETURN hdr.forwarded; END Moved;
This routine is passed to the Threads implementation. It is called for each stack, where start and stop are the addresses of the first and last word of the stack under consideration.
PROCEDURENoteStackLocations (start, stop: ADDRESS) = VAR fp : UNTRACED REF ADDRESS := start; BEGIN IF NOT (start < stop) THEN RETURN END; stop := stop - ADRSIZE (ADDRESS); (* so we don't overrun the valid addresses *) WHILE fp <= stop DO (* with the memory read on the next line. *) WITH page = AddressToPage(fp^) DO IF page # NIL AND page.desc.space = Space.Previous THEN IF page.desc.pure THEN PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.AmbiguousPure); ELSE PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.AmbiguousImpure); END; END; END; INC(fp, RTThread.PointerAlignment); END; END NoteStackLocations; TYPE PromoteReason = { OldClean, OldPure, OldImpure, LargePure, LargeImpure, AmbiguousPure, AmbiguousImpure }; VAR promoteGeneration: Generation; PROCEDUREPromotePage (page: RefPage; r: PromoteReason) = BEGIN WITH d = page.desc DO d.generation := promoteGeneration; d.space := Space.Current; CASE r OF | PromoteReason.OldClean => (* no need to scan *) <*ASSERT NOT d.pure*> d.note := Note.OlderGeneration; d.pure := FALSE; d.gray := FALSE; d.clean := TRUE; | PromoteReason.OldPure => d.note := Note.OlderGeneration; d.pure := TRUE; d.gray := FALSE; d.clean := FALSE; | PromoteReason.OldImpure => d.note := Note.OlderGeneration; d.pure := FALSE; d.gray := TRUE; d.clean := TRUE; GrayBetween(page + ADRSIZE(PageHdr), page + BytesPerPage, r); PushPage(page); | PromoteReason.LargePure => d.note := Note.Large; d.pure := TRUE; d.gray := FALSE; d.clean := FALSE; | PromoteReason.LargeImpure => d.note := Note.Large; d.pure := FALSE; d.gray := TRUE; d.clean := TRUE; GrayBetween(page + ADRSIZE(PageHdr), page + BytesPerPage, r); PushPage(page); | PromoteReason.AmbiguousPure => d.note := Note.AmbiguousRoot; d.pure := TRUE; d.gray := FALSE; d.clean := FALSE; | PromoteReason.AmbiguousImpure => d.note := Note.AmbiguousRoot; d.pure := FALSE; d.gray := TRUE; d.clean := FALSE; GrayBetween(page + ADRSIZE(PageHdr), page + BytesPerPage, r); END; INC (n_promoted, page.nb); IF perfOn THEN PerfChange(page); END; END; END PromotePage; PROCEDUREGrayBetween (h, he: RefHeader; r: PromoteReason) = BEGIN WHILE h < he DO <* ASSERT Word.And (LOOPHOLE (h, INTEGER), 3) = 0 *> <* ASSERT NOT h.forwarded *> IF r # PromoteReason.OldImpure OR h.dirty THEN h.dirty := FALSE; h.gray := TRUE; END; INC(h, ADRSIZE(Header) + ReferentSize(h)); END; END GrayBetween; PROCEDUREFlushThreadState (VAR thread: ThreadState) = BEGIN WITH pool = thread.pool DO pool.next := NIL; pool.limit := NIL; pool.page := NIL; END; END FlushThreadState; PROCEDUREInsertFiller (start: RefHeader; n: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF n = 0 THEN (* nothing to do *) ELSIF n = ADRSIZE(Header) THEN start^ := FillHeader1; ELSIF n >= ADRSIZE(Header) + ADRSIZE(INTEGER) THEN start^ := FillHeaderN; LOOPHOLE(start + ADRSIZE(Header), UNTRACED REF INTEGER)^ := n; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END InsertFiller; TYPE CollectorState = {Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five}; VAR collectorState := CollectorState.Zero; VAR threshold := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF REAL {FLOAT(InitialPages DIV 4), 1.0};
start a collection as soon as current space reaches threshold[0] / threshold[1] pages; the initial value is 1/4 InitialPages
VAR partialCollection: BOOLEAN; (* whether the collection in progress is partial, involving only the newer generation *) partialCollectionNext: BOOLEAN := FALSE; (* whether the next collection should be partial *) VAR collectorOn: BOOLEAN := FALSE; VAR signalBackground := FALSE; (* should signal background collector thread *) signalWeak := FALSE; (* should signal weak cleaner thread *) PROCEDUREStart a collectionCollectEnough () = VAR t0, t1: Time.T; BEGIN IF collectorOn THEN RETURN END; IF NOT Behind() THEN RETURN END; TRY CollectorOn(); t0 := Time.Now(); IF incremental AND RTLinker.incremental THEN REPEAT CollectSome(); UNTIL NOT Behind() OR collectorState = CollectorState.Zero; ELSE WHILE collectorState = CollectorState.Zero DO CollectSome(); END; REPEAT CollectSome(); UNTIL collectorState = CollectorState.Zero; END; FINALLY t1 := Time.Now(); cycleCost := cycleCost + (t1 - t0); CollectorOff(); IF tsIndex >= 0 THEN tStamps[tsIndex] := t0; INC(tsIndex); tStamps[tsIndex] := t1; INC(tsIndex); END; END; END CollectEnough; PROCEDUREBehind (): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF disableCount + disableMotionCount > 0 AND collectorState = CollectorState.Zero THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF foregroundWaiting THEN RTOS.BroadcastHeap(); RETURN FALSE; END; IF collectorState = CollectorState.Zero THEN RETURN FLOAT(n_new + n_copied + n_promoted) * threshold[1] >= threshold[0]; ELSE RETURN FLOAT(n_new) * gcRatio >= FLOAT(n_copied); END; END Behind; PROCEDURECollectorOn () = (* LL >= RTOS.LockHeap *) BEGIN <* ASSERT NOT collectorOn *> collectorOn := TRUE; IF impureCopy.page # NIL THEN <*ASSERT impureCopy.page.desc.gray*> END; END CollectorOn; PROCEDURECollectorOff () = (* LL >= RTOS.LockHeap *) BEGIN <* ASSERT collectorOn *> IF impureCopy.page # NIL THEN <*ASSERT impureCopy.page.desc.gray*> END; collectorOn := FALSE; IF signalBackground OR signalWeak THEN signalBackground := FALSE; signalWeak := FALSE; RTOS.BroadcastHeap(); END; END CollectorOff; PROCEDURECollectSome () = BEGIN <* ASSERT disableCount = 0 *> CASE collectorState OF | CollectorState.Zero => CollectSomeInStateZero(); | CollectorState.One => CollectSomeInStateOne(); | CollectorState.Two => CollectSomeInStateTwo(); | CollectorState.Three => CollectSomeInStateThree(); | CollectorState.Four => CollectSomeInStateFour(); | CollectorState.Five => CollectSomeInStateFive(); END; END CollectSome;
VAR mover : Mover := NIL; cycleCost : Time.T := 0.0D0;(* running cost of current cycle *) cycleLength: CARDINAL := 1; (* current planned cycle length *) cycleL : CARDINAL := 0; (* length of current cycle, so far *) cycleNews : CARDINAL; (* the number of new pages this cycle *) minPrefixAvgCost: Time.T; (* minimum average cost for a prefix of this cycle *) minCycleL : CARDINAL; (* the length of that prefix *) n_promoted : CARDINAL := 0; (* # of pages promoted this cycle *) n_new : CARDINAL := 0; (* # of pages allocated this cycle *) n_copied : CARDINAL := 0; (* # of pages copied this cycle *) PROCEDUREClean gray nodesCollectSomeInStateZero () = BEGIN RTThread.SuspendOthers (); <* ASSERT disableCount + disableMotionCount = 0 *> (* compute some costs relative to previous collection *) INC(cycleNews, n_new); VAR prefixAvgCost := cycleCost / FLOAT(cycleNews, Time.T); BEGIN IF prefixAvgCost < minPrefixAvgCost THEN minPrefixAvgCost := prefixAvgCost; minCycleL := cycleL; END; END; (* make generational decisions *) IF generational AND RTLinker.generational THEN promoteGeneration := Generation.Older; partialCollection := partialCollectionNext AND cycleL < cycleLength; IF NOT partialCollection THEN IF minCycleL = cycleLength THEN cycleLength := cycleLength + 1; ELSE cycleLength := MAX(cycleLength - 1, 1); END; END; ELSE promoteGeneration := Generation.Younger; partialCollection := FALSE; END; partialCollectionNext := TRUE; IF partialCollection THEN INC(cycleL); ELSE cycleL := 1; cycleCost := 0.0D0; cycleNews := 0; minPrefixAvgCost := LAST(Time.T); minCycleL := 0; END; InvokeMonitors (before := TRUE); IF perfOn THEN PerfBegin(); END; IF (partialCollection) THEN INC(minorCollections); ELSE INC(majorCollections); END; (* flip spaces; newspace becomes oldspace *) FOR p := p0 TO p1 - 1 DO IF desc[p - p0] = 0 THEN WITH page = PageToRef(p), d = page.desc DO IF d.space = Space.Current THEN d.space := Space.Previous; IF perfOn THEN PerfChange(page) END; END; END; END; END; IF perfOn THEN PerfFlip(); END; (* The 'new' nextSpace is empty *) n_new := 0; n_copied := 0; n_promoted := 0; (* Conservatively scan the stacks for possible pointers. *) (* Note: we must scan thread stacks before promoting old pages, because we want to make sure that old, impure, dirty pages referenced by threads are marked as ambiguous roots. Otherwise, these pages won't get cleaned before we return. *) RTThread.ProcessStacks(NoteStackLocations); (* Now, nothing in previous space is referenced by a thread. *) (* Promote any remaining "old" pages and unprotect everything else *) FOR p := p0 TO p1 - 1 DO IF desc[p - p0] = 0 THEN WITH page = PageToRef(p), d = page.desc DO IF d.space = Space.Previous THEN IF d.generation = Generation.Older THEN IF partialCollection THEN IF d.clean THEN PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.OldClean); ELSIF d.pure THEN PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.OldPure); ELSE PromotePage(page, PromoteReason.OldImpure); END; END; ELSE <*ASSERT NOT d.clean*> END; END; END; END; END; (* Now, nothing in the previous space is clean or in the older generation. *) mover := NEW (Mover); (* get one in the new space *) (* VAR/READONLY and WITH allow programmers to generate interior pointers to heap objects that are not true traced references. These interior pointers can be held only on the stack or in registers. Accesses through those pointers to reference fields will not be mediated by the read barrier, which means a mutator could load a white reference unless we do something about it. To prevent mutators loading white references in this way, whenever a VAR or WITH is used to create an interior pointer in a program we run the read barrier on the reference from which that pointer is created, to make sure the target of the reference is black -- i.e., that it contains no white references. This will prevent mutators from ever loading a white reference. Thus, we must preserve the invariant after initiating GC that all stacks contain only black references (i.e., that they refer only to black pages). We do that here by processing the pinned pages (i.e., promoted as directly reachable from the stacks/registers) and cleaning them to make them black. A similar problem holds for dirty pages and the generational collector. Since mutators holding interior pointers can freely store references into objects in the heap without running the write barrier, we run the write barrier on VAR parameters and WITH where the value is assigned in the body of the WITH. The barrier makes sure that the objects for which the interior pointers are derived are marked as (potentially) dirty. We must preserve this invariant after initiating GC to make sure such pages are left dirty. In both cases, CleanPage will do the right thing based on the page descriptors (clean/dirty, Older/Younger). *) FOR p := p0 TO p1 - 1 DO IF desc[p - p0] = 0 THEN WITH page = PageToRef(p), d = page.desc DO IF d.space = Space.Current THEN IF d.gray AND d.note = Note.AmbiguousRoot THEN <*ASSERT NOT d.clean*> CleanPage(page); END END END END END; (* Scan the global variables for possible pointers *) RTHeapMap.WalkGlobals (mover); IF perfOn THEN PerfPromotedRoots(); END; collectorState := CollectorState.One; IF backgroundWaiting THEN signalBackground := TRUE; END; RTThread.ResumeOthers (); END CollectSomeInStateZero;
PROCEDUREWalk weakly-referenced nodes to determine order in which to do cleanup, then cleanup gray nodes. This should be broken down into parts, since it may be a lengthy operation.CollectSomeInStateOne () = BEGIN IF NOT CopySome() THEN collectorState := CollectorState.Two; END; IF backgroundWaiting THEN signalBackground := TRUE; END; END CollectSomeInStateOne;
PROCEDUREClean gray nodesCollectSomeInStateTwo () = BEGIN PreHandleWeakRefs(); collectorState := CollectorState.Three; IF backgroundWaiting THEN signalBackground := TRUE; END; END CollectSomeInStateTwo;
PROCEDUREClean gray nodesCollectSomeInStateThree () = BEGIN (* recursively copy all objects reachable from promoted objects. marks "marka" and "markb" are cleared when objects move to the new space. *) IF NOT CopySome() THEN PostHandleWeakRefs(); (* must be called with no gray objects *) signalWeak := TRUE; collectorState := CollectorState.Four; END; IF backgroundWaiting THEN signalBackground := TRUE; END; END CollectSomeInStateThree;
PROCEDURECopySome attempts to make progress toward cleaning the new space. It returns FALSE iff there was no more work to do.CollectSomeInStateFour () = BEGIN IF NOT CopySome() THEN collectorState := CollectorState.Five; END; IF backgroundWaiting THEN signalBackground := TRUE; END; END CollectSomeInStateFour; PROCEDURECollectSomeInStateFive () = BEGIN (* free all oldspace pages; oldspace becomes freespace *) FOR p := p0 TO p1 - 1 DO IF desc[p - p0] = 0 THEN WITH page = PageToRef(p), d = page.desc DO IF d.space = Space.Previous THEN d.space := Space.Free; IF perfOn THEN PerfChange(page); END; END; END; END; END; RebuildFreelist(); (* fill the rest of the current copy pages *) IF impureCopy.page # NIL THEN WITH page = impureCopy.page, d = page.desc DO d.gray := FALSE; IF d.clean THEN IF d.generation = Generation.Older THEN <* ASSERT d.note # Note.AmbiguousRoot *> <* ASSERT d.space = Space.Current *> ELSE d.clean := FALSE; END; END; IF perfOn THEN PerfChange(page); END; END; END; <*ASSERT impureCopyStack = NIL*> pureCopy.page := NIL; impureCopy.page := NIL; pureCopy.next := NIL; impureCopy.next := NIL; pureCopy.limit := NIL; impureCopy.limit := NIL; IF perfOn THEN PerfEnd(); END; InvokeMonitors(before := FALSE); VAR n_survivors := FLOAT(n_copied + n_promoted); BEGIN IF partialCollection THEN partialCollectionNext := n_survivors * threshold[1] < threshold[0]; ELSE threshold[0] := n_survivors * (gcRatio + 1.0); threshold[1] := gcRatio; partialCollectionNext := TRUE; END; END; collectorState := CollectorState.Zero; END CollectSomeInStateFive;
It operates by cleaning the current copy page. It may also clean some number of pages on the stack. When it returns, there is a new copy page.
NOTE: Any copying or cleaning may consume free pages which may trigger
a heap expansion. Therefore, pointers to the page descriptors
(ie. WITH pd = desc[p - p0]
) MUST NOT be saved across CopySome
, or CleanBetween
VAR impureCopyStack: RefPage := NIL; PROCEDUREWe maintain a list in weakTable, starting at weakLive0, of weak refs and the objects they reference. This table is not considered a root. When HandleWeakRefs is entered, any object mentioned in that list is a candidate for cleanup.PushPage (page: RefPage) = BEGIN page.desc.link := RefToPage(impureCopyStack); impureCopyStack := page; END PushPage; PROCEDUREPopPage (): RefPage = VAR page := impureCopyStack; BEGIN IF page # NIL THEN impureCopyStack := PageToRef(page.desc.link); END; RETURN page; END PopPage; PROCEDURECopySome (): BOOLEAN = VAR originalPage := impureCopy.page; originalLimit := impureCopy.limit; cleanTo := originalPage + ADRSIZE(PageHdr); BEGIN LOOP IF cleanTo < impureCopy.next THEN VAR ptr := impureCopy.next; BEGIN CleanBetween(cleanTo, ptr, originalPage.desc.clean); cleanTo := ptr; END; ELSE WITH page = PopPage() DO IF page = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF page.desc.gray THEN CleanPage(page) END; END; END; IF impureCopy.page # originalPage THEN EXIT; END; END; IF originalPage # NIL THEN (* originalPage is now in the stack; mark it not gray *) CleanBetween(cleanTo, originalLimit, originalPage.desc.clean); CleanDesc(originalPage.desc); IF perfOn THEN PerfChange(originalPage); END; END; RETURN TRUE; END CopySome; PROCEDURECleanPage (page: RefPage) = BEGIN <*ASSERT NOT page.desc.pure*> CleanBetween(page + ADRSIZE(PageHdr), page + BytesPerPage, page.desc.clean); CleanDesc(page.desc); IF perfOn THEN PerfChange(page); END; END CleanPage; PROCEDURECleanDesc (VAR d: Desc) = BEGIN d.gray := FALSE; IF d.clean THEN IF d.generation = Generation.Older THEN <*ASSERT d.note # Note.AmbiguousRoot*> <*ASSERT d.space = Space.Current*> ELSE d.clean := FALSE; END; END; END CleanDesc; PROCEDURECleanBetween (h, he: RefHeader; clean: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN WHILE h < he DO <* ASSERT Word.And (LOOPHOLE (h, INTEGER), 3) = 0 *> <* ASSERT NOT h.forwarded *> IF h.gray THEN <*ASSERT NOT h.dirty*> h.marka := FALSE; h.markb := FALSE; RTHeapMap.WalkRef (h, mover); h.gray := FALSE; END; h.dirty := NOT clean; INC(h, ADRSIZE(Header) + ReferentSize(h)); END; END CleanBetween;
First, we determine which weakly-referenced objects with non-NIL
cleanups (WRNNC objects
) are reachable from other WRNNC objects, by
walking the old space. All such WRNNC objects are copied to new space,
and all the objects they reference.
All the weakly-referenced objects left in the old space can then be scheduled for cleanup; we move them from the list starting at weakLive0 to the list starting at weakDead0 in weakTable. A separate thread runs WeakCleaner, which does the calls to the procedures.
Note that the refs in weakTable must be updated to point to new space.
PreHandleWeakRefs walks the weakly-references structures in old-space, deciding on a cleanup order.
PROCEDUREWeakWalk1 starts at a WRNNC object and visits all objects in old space reachable from it, usingPreHandleWeakRefs () = VAR s: Stacker; BEGIN (* get ready to allocate on a new page (take this out!) *) pureCopy.next := NIL; impureCopy.next := NIL; pureCopy.limit := NIL; impureCopy.limit := NIL; (* allocate a stack on the side for walking the old space *) s := InitStack(); (* iterate over the weak refs to walk the old space *) VAR i := weakLive0; BEGIN WHILE i # -1 DO (* here, all old-space WRNNC objects that have already been scanned have marka set, as do all old-space objects reachable from them; all old-space WRNNC objects that were reachable from other already-scanned WRNNC objects have been promoted to the new space. *) WITH entry = weakTable[i] DO IF entry.p # NIL AND NOT Moved(entry.r) THEN (* we haven't seen this WRNNC object before *) VAR header := HeaderOf(LOOPHOLE(entry.r, ADDRESS)); BEGIN IF NOT header.marka THEN <* ASSERT NOT header.markb *> (* visit all old-space objects reachable from it; promote all other old-space WRNNC objects reachable from it; promote all old-space objects reachable from it that have "marka" set. mark all visited nodes with "markb". *) WeakWalk1(s, entry.r); <* ASSERT NOT header.marka *> <* ASSERT header.markb *> (* then change all "markb" to "marka" *) WeakWalk2(s, entry.r); <* ASSERT header.marka *> <* ASSERT NOT header.markb *> END; END; END; i := entry.next; END; END; END; END PreHandleWeakRefs;
to keep from visiting them more than
once. All other WRNNC objects visited are promoted, as are all objects
already visited from other WRNNC objects.
PROCEDUREWeakWalk2 starts at a WRNNC objects and visits all objects in the old space that are reachable from it, changingWeakWalk1 (s: Stacker; ref: RefReferent) = VAR ref0 := ref; BEGIN <* ASSERT s.empty() *> LOOP IF NOT Moved(ref) THEN VAR header := HeaderOf(ref); BEGIN IF header.marka THEN <* ASSERT NOT header.markb *> Move(NIL, ADR(ref)); ELSIF NOT header.markb THEN IF header.weak AND ref # ref0 THEN Move(NIL, ADR(ref)); ELSE header.markb := TRUE; RTHeapMap.WalkRef (header, s); END; END; END; END; IF s.empty() THEN EXIT; END; ref := s.pop(); END; END WeakWalk1;
to marka
PROCEDUREThe stack for walking the old space is maintained on the heap in the new space.WeakWalk2 (s: Stacker; ref: RefReferent) = BEGIN <* ASSERT s.empty() *> LOOP IF NOT Moved(ref) THEN VAR header := HeaderOf(ref); BEGIN IF header.markb THEN header.markb := FALSE; header.marka := TRUE; RTHeapMap.WalkRef (header, s); END; END; END; IF s.empty() THEN EXIT; END; ref := s.pop(); END; END WeakWalk2; PROCEDUREPostHandleWeakRefs () = BEGIN (* move to a new page (take this out!) *) pureCopy.next := NIL; impureCopy.next := NIL; pureCopy.limit := NIL; impureCopy.limit := NIL; (* iterate over all weak refs. if the object hasn't been promoted, schedule a cleanup *) VAR i := weakLive0; previous := -1; BEGIN WHILE i # -1 DO WITH entry = weakTable[i] DO IF Moved(entry.r) THEN (* no cleanup this time; note new address *) Move(NIL, ADR(entry.r)); previous := i; i := entry.next; ELSE (* the weak ref is dead; there are no cleanups *) VAR header := HeaderOf(LOOPHOLE(entry.r, ADDRESS)); BEGIN header.weak := FALSE; END; (* move the entry from the weakLive0 list into the weakDead0 or weakFree0 list *) VAR next := entry.next; BEGIN IF previous = -1 THEN weakLive0 := next; ELSE weakTable[previous].next := next; END; entry.t.a := -1; (* keep ToRef from succeeding *) IF entry.p # NIL THEN entry.next := weakDead0; weakDead0 := i; ELSE entry.next := weakFree0; weakFree0 := i; END; i := next; END; END; END; END; END; (* for all entries on the weakDead0 list, including those just placed there, note the new address *) VAR i := weakDead0; BEGIN WHILE i # -1 DO WITH entry = weakTable[i] DO <* ASSERT entry.t.a = -1 *> Move(NIL, ADR(entry.r)); i := entry.next; END; END; END; (* finally, check for objects with final cleanup enabled *) VAR i := weakFinal0; previous := -1; BEGIN WHILE i # -1 DO WITH entry = weakTable[i] DO IF Moved(entry.r) THEN (* no cleanup this time; note new address *) Move(NIL, ADR(entry.r)); previous := i; i := entry.next; ELSE (* call the cleanup procedure *) LOOPHOLE(entry.p, PROCEDURE (p: REFANY))( LOOPHOLE(entry.r, REFANY)); (* take the entry off the weakFinal0 list and put it on the weakFree0 list; on to the next entry *) VAR next := entry.next; BEGIN IF previous = -1 THEN weakFinal0 := next; ELSE weakTable[previous].next := next; END; entry.next := weakFree0; weakFree0 := i; i := next; END; END; END; END; END; END PostHandleWeakRefs;
TYPE Stacker = RTHeapMap.Visitor OBJECT data : REF ARRAY OF RefReferent; x0 : UNTRACED REF RefReferent; x1 : UNTRACED REF RefReferent; xA : UNTRACED REF RefReferent; xN : CARDINAL; METHODS empty (): BOOLEAN := StackEmpty; pop (): RefReferent := PopStack; OVERRIDES apply := PushStack; END;InitStack allocates an initial stack of 100 elements.
PROCEDUREPushStack pushes an object onto the stack, growing it if necessary.InitStack (): Stacker = VAR s := NEW (Stacker); BEGIN s.data := NEW(REF ARRAY OF RefReferent, 100); s.xN := NUMBER (s.data^); s.x0 := ADR(s.data[0]); s.x1 := s.x0 + s.xN * ADRSIZE(RefReferent); s.xA := s.x0; RETURN s; END InitStack;
PROCEDUREPopStack pops an object off the stack.PushStack (s: Stacker; cp: ADDRESS) = VAR ref: RefReferent := LOOPHOLE(cp, UNTRACED REF RefReferent)^; BEGIN IF ref # NIL THEN IF s.xA = s.x1 THEN ExpandStack (s); END; s.xA^ := ref; INC(s.xA, ADRSIZE(RefReferent)); END; END PushStack; PROCEDUREExpandStack (s: Stacker) = VAR newStackN := 2 * s.xN; newStack: REF ARRAY OF RefReferent := NEW(REF ARRAY OF RefReferent, newStackN); BEGIN SUBARRAY(newStack^, 0, s.xN) := SUBARRAY(s.data^, 0, s.xN); s.x0 := ADR(newStack^[0]); s.xA := s.x0 + s.xN * ADRSIZE(RefReferent); s.x1 := s.x0 + newStackN * ADRSIZE(RefReferent); s.data := newStack; s.xN := newStackN; END ExpandStack;
PROCEDUREStackEmpty tells if the stack is empty.PopStack (s: Stacker): RefReferent = BEGIN DEC(s.xA, ADRSIZE(RefReferent)); RETURN s.xA^; END PopStack;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------StackEmpty (s: Stacker): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN s.xA = s.x0; END StackEmpty; PROCEDUREAllocCopy (dataSize, dataAlignment: CARDINAL; VAR pool: AllocPool): RefReferent = (* Allocates space from "pool" in the traced heap. *) (* LL >= RTOS.LockHeap *) VAR res := pool.next + ADRSIZE(Header); cur_align := Word.And(LOOPHOLE(res, INTEGER), MaxAlignMask); alignment := align[cur_align, dataAlignment]; nextPtr := res + (alignment + dataSize); BEGIN IF nextPtr > pool.limit THEN (* not enough space left in the pool, take the long route *) res := NIL; nextPtr := NIL; (* in case of GC... *) RETURN LongAlloc (dataSize, dataAlignment, pool); END; (* Align the referent *) IF alignment # 0 THEN InsertFiller(pool.next, alignment); pool.next := pool.next + alignment; res := pool.next + ADRSIZE(Header); END; pool.next := nextPtr; RETURN res; END AllocCopy; PROCEDURELongAlloc (dataSize, dataAlignment: CARDINAL; VAR pool: AllocPool): RefReferent = (* LL >= RTOS.LockHeap *) VAR n_bytes := RTMisc.Upper(ADRSIZE(PageHdr) + ADRSIZE(Header), dataAlignment) + dataSize; n_pages := (n_bytes + BytesPerPage - 1) DIV BytesPerPage; res : RefReferent; filePage : RefPage; newPage : RefPage; newPtr : ADDRESS; newLimit : ADDRESS; notAfter : SET OF Note; BEGIN CASE pool.note OF | Note.Allocated => notAfter := SET OF Note{Note.Copied}; | Note.Copied => notAfter := SET OF Note{Note.Allocated}; END; (* get a block of "n_pages" contiguous, free pages; just what we need! *) newPage := FindFreePages (n_pages, notAfter); newPtr := newPage + ADRSIZE(PageHdr); newLimit := newPage + AdrPerPage; IF (newPage = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL; END; <*ASSERT newPage.nb = n_pages*> RTMisc.Zero(newPage, n_pages * BytesPerPage); (* mark the new pages *) CASE pool.note OF | Note.Allocated => newPage.desc := Desc{space := Space.Current, generation := Generation.Younger, pure := pool.pure, note := pool.note, gray := FALSE, clean := FALSE, locked := FALSE}; INC(n_new, n_pages); | Note.Copied => newPage.desc := Desc{space := Space.Current, generation := promoteGeneration, pure := pool.pure, note := pool.note, gray := NOT pool.pure, clean := NOT pool.pure, locked := FALSE}; INC(n_copied, n_pages); END; newPage.nb := n_pages; IF perfOn THEN PerfChange (newPage); END; (* maybe we have to insert a filler to align this thing *) res := RTMisc.Align(newPtr + ADRSIZE(Header), dataAlignment); InsertFiller(newPtr, res - ADRSIZE(Header) - newPtr); (* allocate the object from the new page *) newPtr := LOOPHOLE(res + dataSize, RefHeader); (* decide whether to use the new page or the current pool page for further allocations *) IF n_pages # 1 THEN (* file this page *) filePage := newPage; ELSIF newLimit - newPtr > pool.limit - pool.next THEN (* more space remains on the new page *) filePage := pool.page; pool.next := newPtr; pool.limit := newLimit; pool.page := newPage; ELSE (* more space remains on the existing pool page *) filePage := newPage; END; (* file the page *) IF filePage # NIL AND NOT pool.pure AND pool.note = Note.Copied THEN PushPage(filePage); END; RETURN res; END LongAlloc;
VAR backgroundWaiting := FALSE;The background thread may be present or not. If it is present, it speeds collection asynchronously. Because it makes progress slowly, it should impose only a small overhead when the mutator is running, but quickly complete a collection if the collector pauses.
PROCEDUREThe foreground thread may be present or not. If it is present, it collects asynchronously.BackgroundThread (<* UNUSED *> closure: Thread.Closure): REFANY = VAR t0, t1: Time.T; BEGIN LOOP TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); WHILE collectorState = CollectorState.Zero DO backgroundWaiting := TRUE; RTOS.WaitHeap(); backgroundWaiting := FALSE; END; CollectorOn(); t0 := Time.Now(); CollectSome(); FINALLY t1 := Time.Now(); cycleCost := cycleCost + (t1 - t0); CollectorOff(); RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; Thread.Pause(1.0d0); END; END BackgroundThread; VAR foregroundWaiting := FALSE;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- collectorForegroundThread (<* UNUSED *> closure: Thread.Closure): REFANY = BEGIN TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); LOOP foregroundWaiting := TRUE; RTOS.WaitHeap(); foregroundWaiting := FALSE; CollectEnough(); END; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; END ForegroundThread;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- debuggingStartGC () = VAR t0, t1: Time.T; BEGIN TRY CollectorOn(); t0 := Time.Now(); IF collectorState = CollectorState.Zero AND disableCount + disableMotionCount = 0 THEN partialCollectionNext := FALSE; REPEAT CollectSome(); UNTIL collectorState # CollectorState.Zero; IF NOT (incremental AND RTLinker.incremental) THEN REPEAT CollectSome(); UNTIL collectorState = CollectorState.Zero; END; END; FINALLY t1 := Time.Now(); cycleCost := cycleCost + (t1 - t0); CollectorOff(); END; END StartGC; PROCEDUREFinishGC () = VAR t0, t1: Time.T; BEGIN TRY CollectorOn(); t0 := Time.Now(); WHILE collectorState # CollectorState.Zero DO CollectSome(); END; FINALLY t1 := Time.Now(); cycleCost := cycleCost + (t1 - t0); CollectorOff(); END; END FinishGC; PROCEDURECrash (): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RTOS.LockHeap(); (* left incremented *) IF collectorState = CollectorState.Zero THEN (* no collection in progress *) collectorOn := TRUE; (* left on *) RETURN TRUE; ELSIF NOT collectorOn THEN collectorOn := TRUE; (* left on *) (* finish collection *) WHILE collectorState # CollectorState.Zero DO CollectSome(); END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE collectorOn := TRUE; (* left on *) RETURN FALSE; END; END Crash;
VAR cleanCheck, refCheck: RTHeapMap.Visitor; PROCEDURESanityCheck checks the heap for correctness when no collection is in progress.InstallSanityCheck () = BEGIN RegisterMonitor( NEW(MonitorClosure, before := Before, after := After)); IF (refCheck = NIL) THEN cleanCheck := NEW (RTHeapMap.Visitor, apply := CleanOlderRefSanityCheck); refCheck := NEW (RTHeapMap.Visitor, apply := RefSanityCheck); END; END InstallSanityCheck;
CONST Before = SanityCheck; (* already suspended *) PROCEDURE-----------------------------------------------------------------------After (self: MonitorClosure) = BEGIN RTThread.SuspendOthers(); SanityCheck (self); RTThread.ResumeOthers(); END After; PROCEDURESanityCheck (<*UNUSED*> self: MonitorClosure) = VAR p := p0; BEGIN WHILE p < p1 DO IF desc[p - p0] < 0 THEN INC(p); ELSE WITH page = PageToRef(p), d = page.desc DO CASE d.space OF | Space.Unallocated, Space.Previous => <*ASSERT FALSE*> | Space.Current => <*ASSERT NOT d.gray*> IF d.clean THEN <*ASSERT d.generation = Generation.Older*> END; (* visit the objects on the page *) VAR h : RefHeader := page + ADRSIZE(PageHdr); he: RefHeader := page + BytesPerPage; BEGIN WHILE h < he DO (* check the references in the object *) <* ASSERT NOT h.gray *> IF d.clean THEN <*ASSERT NOT h.dirty*> RTHeapMap.WalkRef (h, cleanCheck); ELSE RTHeapMap.WalkRef (h, refCheck); END; INC(h, ADRSIZE(Header) + ReferentSize(h)); END; IF h > he THEN <* ASSERT page.nb > 1 *> ELSE <* ASSERT page.nb = 1 *> END; END; VAR pp := p + 1; BEGIN LOOP IF FirstPage(pp) # p THEN EXIT END; INC(pp); END; <*ASSERT page.nb = pp - p*> END; INC(p, page.nb); | Space.Free => VAR pp := p + 1; BEGIN LOOP IF FirstPage(pp) # p THEN EXIT END; INC(pp); END; <*ASSERT page.nb = pp - p*> END; INC(p, page.nb); END; END; END; END; <* ASSERT p = p1 *> END SanityCheck; PROCEDURERefSanityCheck (<*UNUSED*>v: RTHeapMap.Visitor; cp : ADDRESS) = VAR ref := LOOPHOLE(cp, UNTRACED REF RefReferent)^; BEGIN IF ref # NIL THEN VAR h := HeaderOf(ref); tc := h.typecode; BEGIN (* the compiler generates Text.T that are not in the traced heap *) IF tc # RT0.TextLitTypecode THEN WITH p = ReferentToPage(ref), d = PageToRef(p).desc DO <*ASSERT d.space = Space.Current*> END; <* ASSERT (0 <= tc AND tc <= RTType.MaxTypecode()) OR tc = Fill_1_type OR tc = Fill_N_type *> END; END; END; END RefSanityCheck; PROCEDURECleanOlderRefSanityCheck (<*UNUSED*> v: RTHeapMap.Visitor; cp: ADDRESS) = VAR ref := LOOPHOLE(cp, UNTRACED REF RefReferent)^; BEGIN IF ref # NIL THEN VAR h := HeaderOf(ref); tc := h.typecode; BEGIN (* the compiler generates Text.T that are not in the traced heap *) IF tc # RT0.TextLitTypecode THEN WITH p = ReferentToPage(ref), d = PageToRef(p).desc DO <* ASSERT d.space = Space.Current *> <* ASSERT d.generation = Generation.Older *> END; <* ASSERT (0 <= tc AND tc <= RTType.MaxTypecode()) OR tc = Fill_1_type OR tc = Fill_N_type *> END; END; END; END CleanOlderRefSanityCheck; <*UNUSED*> PROCEDUREP (p: Page; b: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF NOT b THEN PrintDesc(p) END; RETURN b; END P; PROCEDUREPrintDesc (p: Page) = VAR page := PageToRef(p); nb := page.nb; d := page.desc; BEGIN RTIO.PutText("p0="); RTIO.PutInt(p0); RTIO.PutText(" p="); RTIO.PutInt(p); RTIO.PutText(" nb="); RTIO.PutInt(nb); RTIO.PutText(" p1="); RTIO.PutInt(p1); RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.PutText("addr="); RTIO.PutAddr(page); RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.PutText("space="); CASE d.space OF | Space.Unallocated => RTIO.PutText("Free"); | Space.Free => RTIO.PutText("Free"); | Space.Previous => RTIO.PutText("Previous"); | Space.Current => RTIO.PutText("Current"); END; RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.PutText("generation="); CASE d.generation OF | Generation.Older => RTIO.PutText("Older"); | Generation.Younger => RTIO.PutText("Younger"); END; RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.PutText("pure="); RTIO.PutInt(ORD(d.pure)); RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.PutText("note="); CASE d.note OF | Note.OlderGeneration => RTIO.PutText("OlderGeneration"); | Note.AmbiguousRoot => RTIO.PutText("AmbiguousRoot"); | Note.Large => RTIO.PutText("Large"); | Note.Frozen => RTIO.PutText("Frozen"); | Note.Allocated => RTIO.PutText("Allocated"); | Note.Copied => RTIO.PutText("Copied"); END; RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.PutText("gray="); RTIO.PutInt(ORD(d.gray)); RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.PutText("clean="); RTIO.PutInt(ORD(d.clean)); RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.PutChar('\n'); RTIO.Flush(); END PrintDesc;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- showheap hooksVisitAllRefs (v: RefVisitor) = VAR tc: Typecode; h, he: RefHeader; size: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY Disable(); RTThread.SuspendOthers(); FOR p := p0 TO p1 - 1 DO IF desc[p - p0] = 0 THEN WITH page = PageToRef(p), d = page.desc DO IF d.space = Space.Current THEN h := page + ADRSIZE(PageHdr); he := page + BytesPerPage; WHILE h < he DO size := ReferentSize(h); tc := h.typecode; IF tc # Fill_1_type AND tc # Fill_N_type THEN IF NOT v.visit(tc, LOOPHOLE(h + ADRSIZE(Header), REFANY), size) THEN RETURN; END; END; INC(h, ADRSIZE(Header) + size); END; END; END; END; END; FINALLY RTThread.ResumeOthers(); Enable(); END; END VisitAllRefs; TYPE CountClosure = MonitorClosure OBJECT tcs : REF ARRAY OF Typecode; counts : REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL; visitor: RefVisitor; OVERRIDES after := CountRefsForTypecodes; END; TYPE CountAllClosure = MonitorClosure OBJECT counts : REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL; visitor: RefVisitor; OVERRIDES after := CountRefsForAllTypecodes; END; TYPE CountVisitor = RefVisitor OBJECT cl: CountClosure OVERRIDES visit := One; END; CountAllVisitor = RefVisitor OBJECT cl: CountAllClosure OVERRIDES visit := All; END; PROCEDUREOne ( self: CountVisitor; tc : Typecode; <*UNUSED*> r : REFANY; <*UNUSED*> size: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN = BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(self.cl.tcs^) TO LAST(self.cl.tcs^) DO IF self.cl.tcs[i] = tc THEN INC(self.cl.counts[i]); RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN TRUE; END One; PROCEDUREAll ( self: CountAllVisitor; tc : Typecode; <*UNUSED*> r : REFANY; <*UNUSED*> size: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN = BEGIN INC(self.cl.counts[tc]); RETURN TRUE; END All; PROCEDURECountRefsForTypecodes (cl: CountClosure) = BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(cl.counts^) TO LAST(cl.counts^) DO cl.counts[i] := 0; END; VisitAllRefs(cl.visitor); FOR i := FIRST(cl.tcs^) TO LAST(cl.tcs^) DO RTIO.PutText("count["); RTIO.PutInt(cl.tcs[i]); RTIO.PutText("] = "); RTIO.PutInt(cl.counts[i]); IF i # LAST(cl.tcs^) THEN RTIO.PutText(", "); END; END; RTIO.PutText("\n"); RTIO.Flush(); END CountRefsForTypecodes; PROCEDURECountRefsForAllTypecodes (cl: CountAllClosure) = BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(cl.counts^) TO LAST(cl.counts^) DO cl.counts[i] := 0; END; VisitAllRefs(cl.visitor); FOR i := FIRST(cl.counts^) TO LAST(cl.counts^) DO IF cl.counts[i] > 1 THEN RTIO.PutInt(i); RTIO.PutText(": "); RTIO.PutInt(cl.counts[i]); IF i # LAST(cl.counts^) THEN RTIO.PutText(", "); END; END; END; RTIO.PutText("\n"); RTIO.Flush(); END CountRefsForAllTypecodes;
VAR perfW : RTPerfTool.Handle; perfOn : BOOLEAN := FALSE; CONST EventSize = (BITSIZE(RTHeapEvent.T) + BITSIZE(CHAR) - 1) DIV BITSIZE(CHAR); PROCEDURE-----------------------------------------------------------------------PerfStart () = BEGIN IF RTPerfTool.Start("showheap", perfW) THEN perfOn := TRUE; RTProcess.RegisterExitor(PerfStop); IF p1 > p0 THEN PerfGrow(p0, p1 - p0) END; FOR p := p0 TO p1 - 1 DO IF desc[p - p0] = 0 THEN WITH page = PageToRef(p) DO PerfChange(page) END; END; END; END; END PerfStart; PROCEDUREPerfFlip () = VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T{kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Flip}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR(e), EventSize); END PerfFlip; PROCEDUREPerfPromotedRoots () = VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T{kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Roots}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR(e), EventSize); END PerfPromotedRoots; PROCEDUREPerfStop () = VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T{kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Bye}; BEGIN (* UNSAFE, but needed to prevent deadlock if we're crashing! *) EVAL RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR(e), EventSize); RTPerfTool.Close (perfW); END PerfStop; PROCEDUREPerfAllow (<*UNUSED*> n: INTEGER := 0) = VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T{kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Off, nb := disableCount + disableMotionCount}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR(e), EventSize); END PerfAllow; PROCEDUREPerfBegin () = VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T{kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Begin}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR(e), EventSize); END PerfBegin; PROCEDUREPerfEnd () = VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T{kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.End}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR(e), EventSize); END PerfEnd; PROCEDUREPerfChange (page: RefPage) = VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T{kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Change, first := RefToPage(page), nb := page.nb, desc := page.desc}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR(e), EventSize); END PerfChange; PROCEDUREPerfGrow (firstNew: Page; nb: CARDINAL) = VAR e := RTHeapEvent.T{ kind := RTHeapEvent.Kind.Grow, first := firstNew, nb := nb}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR(e), EventSize); END PerfGrow;
weakTable contains four singly-linked lists: for entries in use (rooted at index weakLive0), entries with final cleanup (at weakFinal0), dead entries awaiting cleanup (at weakDead0), and free entries (at weakFree0).
Entries in use contain the weak ref, the REF, and the procedure. The
field of the weak ref is the index in the table; this speeds lookup.
The b
field is a unique value, taken from a 32-bit counter.
Dead entries contain the same fields, but the a
field of the weak ref
is set to -1 to keep lookups from succeeding. When the cleanup
procedure is to be called, the original weak ref can still be
reconstructed, since the a
field was the index.
VAR weakTable: UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF WeakEntry; (* allocated in "Init" *) (* := NEW(UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF WeakEntry, 0); *) weakLive0 := -1; (* the root of the in-use list *) weakFinal0 := -1; (* the root of the thread-cleanup list *) weakDead0 := -1; (* the root of the dead list *) weakFree0 := -1; (* the root of the free list *) TYPE Int32 = BITS 32 FOR [-16_7fffffff-1 .. 16_7fffffff]; WeakRefAB = RECORD a: Int32; b: Int32; END; WeakEntry = RECORD t: WeakRefAB; (* the weak ref, if well-formed *) r: RefReferent; (* the traced reference *) p: ADDRESS; (* a WeakRefCleanUpProc or a PROCEDURE(r: REFANY) *) next: INTEGER; (* the next entry on the list *) END;This is WeakRef.FromRef, which returns a new weak ref for an object.
VAR startedWeakCleaner := FALSE; PROCEDUREThis is WeakRef.ToRef, which inverts FromRefWeakRefFromRef (r: REFANY; p: WeakRefCleanUpProc := NIL): WeakRef = VAR start := FALSE; result: WeakRef; BEGIN <* ASSERT r # NIL *> TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); (* create a WeakCleaner thread the first time through *) IF p # NIL AND NOT startedWeakCleaner THEN start := TRUE; startedWeakCleaner := TRUE; END; (* if necessary, expand weakTable *) IF weakFree0 = -1 THEN ExpandWeakTable(); END; IF p # NIL THEN (* mark the object as having a weak ref with non-nil cleanup *) VAR header := HeaderOf(LOOPHOLE(r, ADDRESS)); BEGIN <* ASSERT NOT header^.weak *> header^.weak := TRUE; END; END; (* allocate a new entry *) VAR i := weakFree0; BEGIN weakFree0 := weakTable[i].next; (* generate a new weak ref *) VAR t := WeakRefAB{a := i, b := Word.Plus(weakTable[i].t.b, 1)}; BEGIN <* ASSERT t.b # 0 *> (* set up the entry *) weakTable[i] := WeakEntry{t := t, r := LOOPHOLE(r, RefReferent), p := LOOPHOLE(p, ADDRESS), next := weakLive0}; weakLive0 := i; result := LOOPHOLE(t, WeakRef); END; END; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; IF start THEN EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(Thread.Closure, apply := WeakCleaner)); END; RETURN result; END WeakRefFromRef; PROCEDUREExpandWeakTable () = VAR newTable := NEW(UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF WeakEntry, 2 * NUMBER(weakTable^) + 1); BEGIN SUBARRAY(newTable^, 0, NUMBER(weakTable^)) := weakTable^; FOR i := NUMBER(weakTable^) TO NUMBER(newTable^) - 1 DO WITH entry = newTable[i] DO entry.t.b := 0; entry.next := weakFree0; weakFree0 := i; END; END; DISPOSE(weakTable); weakTable := newTable; END ExpandWeakTable;
PROCEDUREThis is RTHeapRep.RegisterFinalCleanup, which registers final cleanup for a heap object.WeakRefToRef (READONLY t: WeakRef): REFANY = VAR ab: WeakRefAB; r: REFANY := NIL; t0, t1: Time.T; BEGIN LOOPHOLE (ab, WeakRef) := t; TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); (* if the weak ref is not dead, we know the index *) WITH entry = weakTable[ab.a] DO (* check the weak ref there *) IF entry.t = ab THEN <* ASSERT entry.r # NIL *> IF collectorState # CollectorState.Zero THEN VAR p := ReferentToPage(entry.r); BEGIN <* ASSERT p # Nil *> IF PageToRef(p).desc.space = Space.Previous THEN TRY CollectorOn(); t0 := Time.Now(); Move(NIL, ADR(entry.r)); FINALLY t1 := Time.Now(); cycleCost := cycleCost + (t1 - t0); CollectorOff(); END; END; END; END; r := LOOPHOLE(ADR(entry.r), UNTRACED REF REFANY)^; END; END; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; RETURN r; END WeakRefToRef;
PROCEDUREWeakCleaner waits for entries to be placed on the dead list, then cleans them up and puts them on the free list.RegisterFinalCleanup (r: REFANY; p: PROCEDURE (r: REFANY)) = BEGIN <* ASSERT r # NIL *> <* ASSERT p # NIL *> TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); (* if necessary, expand weakTable *) IF weakFree0 = -1 THEN ExpandWeakTable(); END; (* allocate a new entry *) VAR i := weakFree0; BEGIN weakFree0 := weakTable[i].next; (* set up the entry, without a weak ref *) weakTable[i].r := LOOPHOLE(r, RefReferent); weakTable[i].p := LOOPHOLE(p, ADDRESS); weakTable[i].next := weakFinal0; weakFinal0 := i; END; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; END RegisterFinalCleanup;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------ barrier support --WeakCleaner (<*UNUSED*> closure: Thread.Closure): REFANY = VAR i : INTEGER; copy: WeakEntry; t0, t1: Time.T; BEGIN LOOP TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); (* get an entry to handle. copy its contents, then put it on the free list. *) WHILE weakDead0 = -1 DO RTOS.WaitHeap() END; i := weakDead0; WITH entry = weakTable[i] DO <* ASSERT entry.t.a = -1 *> TRY CollectorOn(); t0 := Time.Now(); Move(NIL, ADR(entry.r)); FINALLY t1 := Time.Now(); cycleCost := cycleCost + (t1 - t0); CollectorOff(); END; copy := entry; weakDead0 := entry.next; entry.next := weakFree0; weakFree0 := i; END; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; (* call the registered procedure. note that collections are allowed; the copy is kept on the stack so the object won't be freed during the call. *) IF copy.p # NIL THEN LOOPHOLE(copy.p, WeakRefCleanUpProc)( LOOPHOLE(WeakRefAB{a := i, b := copy.t.b}, WeakRef), LOOPHOLE(ADR(copy.r), UNTRACED REF REFANY)^); END; copy.r := NIL; (* to help conservative collector *) END; END WeakCleaner;
PROCEDURE-----------------------------------------------------------------------CheckLoadTracedRef (ref: REFANY) = (* Load a heap reference 'ref' from a global or heap variable. The fast-path inline guard for this operation has already noticed that the target of the reference was gray. We now scan the target object to make it black, so that it is guaranteed to contain no white references. This preserves the strong tricolor invariant (no pointers from black to white) where the mutator and the objects directly referred to from the mutator are black. *) VAR p := Word.RightShift (LOOPHOLE(ref, Word.T), LogBytesPerPage); BEGIN INC(checkLoadTracedRef); (* race, so only approximate *) WITH h = HeaderOf (LOOPHOLE(ref, RefReferent)), page = PageToRef(p) DO <*ASSERT h.typecode # RT0.TextLitTypecode*> TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); CollectorOn(); (* just clean this object *) CleanBetween (h, h + ADRSIZE(Header), page.desc.clean); FINALLY CollectorOff(); RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; END; END CheckLoadTracedRef; PROCEDURECheckStoreTraced (dst: REFANY) = (* Store some reference into a target object 'dst'. The fast-path inline guard for this operation has already noticed that the target object was not dirty. We now record that the target object and the page in which it resides is dirty. *) VAR p := Word.RightShift (LOOPHOLE(dst, Word.T), LogBytesPerPage); BEGIN INC(checkStoreTraced); (* race, so only approximate *) WITH h = HeaderOf (LOOPHOLE(dst, RefReferent)), page = PageToRef(p) DO TRY RTOS.LockHeap(); <*ASSERT h.typecode # RT0.TextLitTypecode*> <*ASSERT NOT h.gray*> WITH d = page.desc DO IF h.dirty THEN <*ASSERT NOT d.clean*> ELSE h.dirty := TRUE; IF d.clean THEN d.clean := FALSE; IF perfOn THEN PerfChange(page); END; END; END; END; FINALLY RTOS.UnlockHeap(); END; END; RETURN; END CheckStoreTraced;
The inner-loop collector action is to pick a gray page and completely
clean it (i.e., make its referents at least gray, so that the page
becomes black). The current gray page, impureCopy.page
distinguished; it's the page that newly gray objects are copied to.
To improve locality of reference in the new space, we keep the set of
gray pages as a stack. This helps approximate a depth-first copy to
newspace. The current page is not a member of the stack, but will
become one when it becomes full. The current page is always the page
that contains pool.next
To reduce page faults, we separate the pure
copy pages (those whose
objects contain no REFs) from the impure
ones (those with REFs). Only
impure pages become gray, since pure pages can have no REFs into the old
space (since they have no REFs at all).
***** Page-level allocator *****
The freelist is sorted by blocksize, linked through the first page in
each block, using the link
field in the desc
array. Page allocation
is best-fit. For elements of the same blocksize, they are sorted by
page number, to make the showheap display more easily readable, and to
slightly reduce fragmentation.
FindFreePages allocates a run of n
free pages, which we would prefer
not be near pages in the current space with notes in notAfter. The
allocator can thus be used to separate pages with different notes, since
they will have different lifetimes. This is a concern only when
incremental and generational collection are combined.
PROCEDUREAllocateFreePagesFromBlock finds the first block large enough to satisfy the request.FindFreePages (n: INTEGER; notAfter: Notes): RefPage = VAR p: RefPage; BEGIN IF collectorState = CollectorState.Zero THEN p := AllocateFreePagesFromBlock(n, Notes{}, TRUE); IF p # NIL THEN RETURN p; END; ELSE p := AllocateFreePagesFromBlock(n, notAfter, TRUE); IF p # NIL THEN RETURN p; END; p := AllocateFreePagesFromBlock(n, Notes{}, FALSE); IF p # NIL THEN RETURN p; END; END; IF NOT GrowHeap(n) THEN RETURN NIL; END; p := AllocateFreePagesFromBlock(n, Notes{}, TRUE); RETURN p; END FindFreePages; VAR free: Page; (* the head of the freelist *)
is the set of page notes in the current space
that the block allocated from must not immediately follow; this is used
to separate Note.Allocated pages from Note.Copied pages. If front
TRUE, the pages will be allocated from the beginning of the block, else
from the end; this is also used to separate Note.Allocated Pages from
Note.Copied pages. If the block is bigger than the request, the
remainder is left at the right point in the freelist. If no block
exists, Nil is returned.
PROCEDURERebuildFreelist rebuilds the free list, from theAllocateFreePagesFromBlock (n : INTEGER; notAfter: Notes; front : BOOLEAN ): RefPage = VAR p := free; prevP: RefPage := NIL; prevLength := 0; page: RefPage; length: INTEGER; BEGIN LOOP IF p = Nil THEN RETURN NIL; END; page := PageToRef(p); length := page.nb; IF length >= n THEN WITH pp = FirstPage(p - 1) DO IF pp = Nil THEN EXIT END; WITH d = PageToRef(pp).desc DO IF NOT d.space = Space.Current THEN EXIT END; IF NOT d.note IN notAfter THEN EXIT END; END; END; END; prevP := page; prevLength := length; p := page.desc.link; END; IF length = n THEN IF prevP = NIL THEN free := page.desc.link; ELSE prevP.desc.link := page.desc.link; END; RETURN page; ELSE VAR newP, fragP: Page; fragLength := length - n; BEGIN IF front THEN newP := p; fragP := p + n; WITH page = PageToRef(newP) DO <*ASSERT page.desc.space = Space.Free*> page.nb := n; END; FOR i := 1 TO n - 1 DO <*ASSERT desc[newP + i - p0] > 0*> END; IF fragLength > 0 THEN desc[fragP - p0] := 0; WITH page = PageToRef(fragP) DO page.desc.space := Space.Free; page.nb := fragLength; END; FOR i := 1 TO fragLength - 1 DO <*ASSERT desc[fragP + i - p0] > 0*> END; END; ELSE newP := p + fragLength; fragP := p; desc[newP - p0] := 0; WITH page = PageToRef(newP) DO page.desc.space := Space.Free; page.nb := n; END; FOR i := 1 TO n - 1 DO <*ASSERT desc[newP + i - p0] > 0*> END; IF fragLength > 0 THEN WITH page = PageToRef(fragP) DO <*ASSERT page.desc.space = Space.Free*> page.nb := fragLength; END; FOR i := 1 TO fragLength - 1 DO <*ASSERT desc[fragP + i - p0] > 0*> END; END; END; IF fragLength > prevLength THEN IF prevP = NIL THEN free := fragP; ELSE prevP.desc.link := fragP; END; PageToRef(fragP).desc.link := page.desc.link; ELSE IF prevP = NIL THEN free := page.desc.link; ELSE prevP.desc.link := page.desc.link; END; VAR pp := free; prevPP: RefPage := NIL; BEGIN LOOP IF pp = Nil THEN EXIT; END; WITH page = PageToRef(pp), length = page.nb DO IF length > fragLength OR (length = fragLength AND pp > fragP) THEN EXIT; END; prevPP := page; pp := page.desc.link; END; END; PageToRef(fragP).desc.link := pp; IF prevPP = NIL THEN free := fragP; ELSE prevPP.desc.link := fragP; END; END; END; RETURN PageToRef(newP); END; END; END AllocateFreePagesFromBlock;
array. It first
links all free blocks into the free list, then it sorts the free list.
The sort used is insertion sort, which is quadratic in the number of
different block sizes, but only linear in the number of pages.
PROCEDUREGrowHeap adds a block of at leastRebuildFreelist () = BEGIN VAR prevP: RefPage := NIL; prevFree := FALSE; BEGIN (* link together the first pages of all free blocks *) FOR p := p0 TO p1 - 1 DO IF desc[p - p0] = 0 THEN WITH page = PageToRef(p), space = page.desc.space DO IF space = Space.Free THEN IF prevFree THEN <*ASSERT prevP # NIL*> desc[p - p0] := 1; FOR i := 1 TO page.nb - 1 DO <*ASSERT desc[p + i - p0] > 0*> END; INC(prevP.nb, page.nb); ELSE IF prevP = NIL THEN free := p; ELSE prevP.desc.link := p; END; prevP := page; prevFree := TRUE; END; ELSE prevFree := FALSE; END; END; ELSE prevFree := FALSE; END; END; IF prevP = NIL THEN free := Nil; ELSE prevP.desc.link := Nil; END; END; (* sort them, using insertion sort *) VAR n := 1; (* smallest block size *) p := free; (* start of sublist we're examining *) prevP : RefPage := NIL; (* element before sublist *) BEGIN LOOP VAR excess := Nil; prevExcess := Nil; BEGIN (* separate off blocks over "n" long into excess list *) WHILE p # Nil DO WITH page = PageToRef(p), length = page.nb DO <* ASSERT length >= n *> IF length > n THEN IF prevExcess = Nil THEN excess := p; ELSE PageToRef(prevExcess).desc.link := p; END; IF prevP = NIL THEN free := page.desc.link; ELSE prevP.desc.link := page.desc.link; END; prevExcess := p; ELSE prevP := page; END; p := page.desc.link; END; END; (* maybe done *) IF excess = Nil THEN EXIT; END; <* ASSERT prevExcess # Nil *> (* link longer blocks onto end *) IF prevP = NIL THEN free := excess; ELSE prevP.desc.link := excess; END; PageToRef(prevExcess).desc.link := Nil; p := excess; END; (* find smallest element size of remaining bocks *) n := LAST(CARDINAL); VAR pp := p; BEGIN REPEAT WITH page = PageToRef(pp), length = page.nb DO IF length < n THEN n := length; END; pp := page.desc.link; END; UNTIL pp = Nil; END; END; END; END RebuildFreelist;
free pages to the heap,
and links it into the free list.
is the minimum number of pages by which to grow the heap.
Setting it higher reduces the number of system calls; setting it lower
keeps the heap a little smaller.
VAR fragment0, fragment1: ADDRESS := NIL; CONST MB = 16_100000; MinNewFactor = 0.2; (* grow the heap by at least 20% *) InitialPages = 4; (* 4 * 64K = 256K *) MinNewPages = 4; (* 4 * 64K = 256K *) VAR heap_stats := FALSE; total_heap := 0; PROCEDURE** INITIALIZATION **GrowHeap (pp: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR newChunk : ADDRESS; newSideSpan : INTEGER; firstNewPage: Page; lastNewPage : Page; newP0 : Page; newP1 : Page; BEGIN IF max_heap >= 0 AND total_heap > max_heap THEN RETURN FALSE; (* heap is already too large *) END; IF allocatedPages = 0 THEN pp := MAX(pp, InitialPages); ELSE pp := MAX(pp, MinNewPages); pp := MAX(pp, CEILING(FLOAT(allocatedPages) * MinNewFactor)); END; VAR bytes := (pp + 1) * BytesPerPage; BEGIN IF max_heap >= 0 THEN bytes := MIN (bytes, max_heap - total_heap); IF (bytes <= 0) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; newChunk := RTOS.GetMemory(bytes); INC (total_heap, bytes); IF heap_stats THEN RTIO.PutText ("Grow ("); RTIO.PutHex (bytes); RTIO.PutText (") => "); RTIO.PutAddr (newChunk); RTIO.PutText (" total: "); RTIO.PutInt (total_heap DIV MB); RTIO.PutText ("."); RTIO.PutInt ((total_heap MOD MB) DIV (MB DIV 10)); RTIO.PutText ("M"); END; IF newChunk = NIL OR newChunk = LOOPHOLE(-1, ADDRESS) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF fragment1 = newChunk THEN newChunk := fragment0; bytes := bytes + (fragment1 - fragment0); END; VAR excess := Word.Mod(-LOOPHOLE(newChunk, INTEGER), BytesPerPage); BEGIN INC(newChunk, excess); DEC(bytes, excess); END; VAR pages := bytes DIV BytesPerPage; BEGIN firstNewPage := Word.RightShift(LOOPHOLE(newChunk, INTEGER), LogBytesPerPage); lastNewPage := firstNewPage + pages - 1; fragment0 := LOOPHOLE((firstNewPage + pages) * BytesPerPage, ADDRESS); fragment1 := newChunk + bytes; END; END; (* determine the new boundaries of the allocated pages *) IF p0 = Nil THEN newP0 := firstNewPage; newP1 := lastNewPage + 1; ELSIF firstNewPage < p0 THEN newP0 := firstNewPage; newP1 := p1; ELSIF p1 <= lastNewPage THEN newP0 := p0; newP1 := lastNewPage + 1; ELSE newP0 := p0; newP1 := p1; END; (* extend the side arrays if necessary *) newSideSpan := newP1 - newP0; IF desc = NIL OR newSideSpan # NUMBER(desc^) THEN WITH newDesc = NEW(UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF BITS 8 FOR [-1..1], newSideSpan) DO IF desc # NIL THEN FOR i := FIRST(desc^) TO LAST(desc^) DO newDesc[i + p0 - newP0] := desc[i]; END; FOR i := p1 TO firstNewPage - 1 DO newDesc[i - newP0] := -1; (* Space.Unallocated *) END; FOR i := lastNewPage + 1 TO p0 - 1 DO newDesc[i - newP0] := -1; (* Space.Unallocated *) END; DISPOSE(desc); END; desc := newDesc; END; END; p0 := newP0; p1 := newP1; IF heap_stats THEN VAR span := (p1 - p0) * BytesPerPage; density := ROUND (FLOAT(total_heap) * 100.0 / FLOAT (span)); BEGIN RTIO.PutText (" span: "); RTIO.PutInt (span DIV MB); RTIO.PutText ("."); RTIO.PutInt ((span MOD MB) DIV (MB DIV 10)); RTIO.PutText ("M"); RTIO.PutText (" density: "); RTIO.PutInt (density); RTIO.PutText ("%\n"); RTIO.Flush (); END; END; desc[firstNewPage - p0] := 0; FOR i := 1 TO lastNewPage - firstNewPage DO desc[firstNewPage + i - p0] := 1; END; WITH page = PageToRef(firstNewPage) DO page.desc.space := Space.Free; page.nb := lastNewPage - firstNewPage + 1; END; IF perfOn THEN PerfGrow(firstNewPage, lastNewPage - firstNewPage + 1); END; INC(allocatedPages, lastNewPage - firstNewPage + 1); RebuildFreelist(); RETURN TRUE; END GrowHeap; VAR minorCollections := 0; (* the number of minor GCs begun *) majorCollections := 0; (* the number of major GCs begun *) checkLoadTracedRef := 0; checkStoreTraced := 0; tStamps: ARRAY [0..1048575] OF Time.T; tsIndex := -1; tStart: Time.T; PROCEDUREStartBench () = BEGIN majorCollections := 0; minorCollections := 0; checkLoadTracedRef := 0; checkStoreTraced := 0; tsIndex := 0; tStart := Time.Now(); END StartBench; PROCEDUREFinishBench () = VAR tEnd := Time.Now(); span := (p1 - p0) * BytesPerPage; density := ROUND (FLOAT(total_heap) * 100.0 / FLOAT (span)); BEGIN RTIO.PutText("\nBEGIN\n"); FOR i := 0 TO tsIndex-1 BY 2 DO RTIO.PutInt(TRUNC((tStamps[i+0] - tStart) * 1.0D6)); RTIO.PutChar(' '); RTIO.PutInt(TRUNC((tStamps[i+1] - tStart) * 1.0D6)); RTIO.PutChar('\n'); END; tsIndex := -1; RTIO.PutInt(TRUNC((tEnd - tStart) * 1.0D6)); RTIO.PutChar(' '); RTIO.PutInt(TRUNC((tEnd - tStart) * 1.0D6)); RTIO.PutText("\nEND\n"); RTIO.PutText("\nCollections: "); RTIO.PutInt(minorCollections + majorCollections); RTIO.PutText(" ("); RTIO.PutInt(majorCollections); RTIO.PutText(" full, "); RTIO.PutInt(minorCollections); RTIO.PutText(" partial)\n"); RTIO.PutText("Slow path inc barriers: "); RTIO.PutInt(checkLoadTracedRef); RTIO.PutText("\nSlow path gen barriers: "); RTIO.PutInt(checkStoreTraced); RTIO.PutText ("\nTotal heap: "); RTIO.PutInt (total_heap DIV MB); RTIO.PutText ("."); RTIO.PutInt ((total_heap MOD MB) DIV (MB DIV 10)); RTIO.PutText ("M"); RTIO.PutText (" span: "); RTIO.PutInt (span DIV MB); RTIO.PutText ("."); RTIO.PutInt ((span MOD MB) DIV (MB DIV 10)); RTIO.PutText ("M"); RTIO.PutText (" density: "); RTIO.PutInt (density); RTIO.PutText ("%\n"); RTIO.Flush (); END FinishBench;
PROCEDUREAtForkChild () = BEGIN (* There are no other threads (so synchronisation is unnecessary) *) startedForeground := FALSE; startedBackground := FALSE; startedWeakCleaner := FALSE; END AtForkChild; PROCEDUREInit () = BEGIN WITH r = RTProcess.RegisterForkHandlers(NIL, NIL, AtForkChild) DO <* ASSERT r = 0 *> END; IF RTParams.IsPresent("paranoidgc") THEN InstallSanityCheck(); END; IF RTParams.IsPresent("nogc") THEN disableCount := 1; END; IF RTParams.IsPresent("noincremental") THEN incremental := FALSE; END; IF RTParams.IsPresent("nogenerational") THEN generational := FALSE; END; IF RTParams.IsPresent("heapstats") THEN heap_stats := TRUE; END; PerfStart(); END Init; BEGIN <*ASSERT LOOPHOLE(0, ADDRESS) = NIL*> weakTable := NEW(UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF WeakEntry, 0); (* initialize the alignment array *) FOR i := FIRST(align) TO LAST(align) DO FOR j := FIRST(align[0]) TO LAST(align[0]) DO align[i, j] := RTMisc.Upper(i, j) - i; END; END; END RTCollector.