MODULE************************************************************************* Notify support *************************************************************************; IMPORT Text, Rd, Err, RefList, TextList, Fmt, ASCII, OSError, Thread; IMPORT M3AST_AS, M3AST_SC; IMPORT M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F, M3AST_SC_F; IMPORT SeqM3AST_SC_Unit_stub; IMPORT M3Error, M3Time, M3CId, M3FindFile; IMPORT M3Context, M3ContextRemove, M3CUnit, M3CGo; IMPORT M3CMkStd, M3CScope; IMPORT M3Conventions, M3Extension; IMPORT M3CConcTypeSpec; FROM M3Conventions IMPORT IsStandard, ModuleName, Standard, PrimarySource; IMPORT M3ASTPickle, Pickle; TYPE ContextData = BRANDED REF RECORD setCompTime: BOOLEAN := FALSE; compiledStandard: BOOLEAN := FALSE; compilees: CompileeArray; phases := M3CUnit.Status{}; headerOnly, setPrimarySource: BOOLEAN := FALSE; en: ErrorNotification := NIL; END; Compilee = {Int, PnInt, Mod, PnMod}; CompileeArray = ARRAY Compilee OF REF ARRAY OF TEXT; M3CGoList
REVEAL Notification = Notification_public BRANDED OBJECT END; TYPE NotificationElem = REF RECORD e: Notification END; VAR notifications_g: RefList.T := NIL; notificationsMutex_g := NEW(MUTEX); PROCEDURE************************************************************************* Error handling *************************************************************************AddNotification (e: Notification) RAISES {}= BEGIN LOCK notificationsMutex_g DO notifications_g := RefList.AppendD(notifications_g, RefList.List1(NEW(NotificationElem, e := e))); END; (* lock *) END AddNotification; PROCEDURERemoveNotification (e: Notification) RAISES {}= VAR l: RefList.T := notifications_g; prev: RefList.T := NIL; BEGIN LOCK notificationsMutex_g DO WHILE l # NIL DO IF NARROW(l.head, NotificationElem).e = e THEN IF prev = NIL THEN notifications_g := l.tail ELSE prev.tail := l.tail; END; RETURN END; prev := l; l := l.tail; END; END; (* lock *) END RemoveNotification; PROCEDURENotify ( context: M3Context.T; nm: NotifyMode; name: TEXT; ut: M3CUnit.Type; uf: M3CUnit.Form; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; compTime: M3Conventions.CompTime := NIL ) RAISES {}= BEGIN LOCK notificationsMutex_g DO VAR list: RefList.T := notifications_g; BEGIN WHILE list # NIL DO NARROW(list.head, NotificationElem).e.notify(context, nm, name, ut, uf, cu, compTime); list := list.tail; END; END; END; END Notify;
TYPE ErrorNotification = M3Error.Notification OBJECT cd: ContextData; errCuList: RefList.T; (* OF ErrCu *) OVERRIDES notify := ErrorObserver; END; ErrCu = REF RECORD cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; END; PROCEDUREInitErrorObserver ( en: ErrorNotification; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; ): RefList.T RAISES {} = VAR sErrCuList: RefList.T; BEGIN sErrCuList := en.errCuList; en.errCuList := NIL; M3Error.SetCu(cu); RETURN sErrCuList; END InitErrorObserver; PROCEDUREErrorObserver (en: ErrorNotification; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; serious: BOOLEAN) RAISES {} = VAR t: RefList.T; current: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; CONST SErrors = M3CUnit.Status{M3CUnit.State.SErrors}; BEGIN IF serious THEN cu.fe_status := cu.fe_status + SErrors; current := Current(); IF current # NIL THEN current.fe_status := current.fe_status + SErrors; END; := + SErrors; END; t := en.errCuList; WHILE t # NIL DO IF NARROW(t.head, ErrCu).cu = cu THEN RETURN ELSE t := t.tail; END; END; (* while *) en.errCuList := RefList.AppendD(en.errCuList, RefList.List1(NEW(ErrCu, cu := cu))); END ErrorObserver; PROCEDUREShowErrors (en: ErrorNotification; sErrCuList: RefList.T) RAISES {} = VAR t: RefList.T; ecu: ErrCu; BEGIN t := en.errCuList; WHILE t # NIL DO ecu := NARROW(t.head, ErrCu); M3Error.SetCu(; M3Error.ShowAll(; t := t.tail; END; (* while *) en.errCuList := sErrCuList; M3Error.SetCu(M3CGo.Current()); END ShowErrors; PROCEDURECurrent (): M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit RAISES {} = BEGIN RETURN M3CGo.Current(); END Current;
TYPE TmpAttClosure = ASTWalk.Closure OBJECT id: M3AST_AS.UNIT_ID END;
PROCEDURE******************************************** PROCEDURE TmpAttSet(cl: TmpAttClosure; n: AST.NODE; <*UNUSED*>vm: ASTWalk.VisitMode) RAISES {}= BEGIN M3CTmpAtt.Set(n,; END TmpAttSet; **********************************************Unpickle (context: M3Context.T; rd: Rd.T; pn: TEXT; ): M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit RAISES {} = <*FATAL Thread.Alerted*> VAR icu, cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit := NIL; usb: M3AST_SC.Unit_stub; iter: SeqM3AST_SC_Unit_stub.Iter; BEGIN TRY M3ASTPickle.Read(context, rd, CheckFindUnpickleOrCompileSource, cu); Rd.Close(rd); iter := SeqM3AST_SC_Unit_stub.NewIter(cu.sc_unit_stub_s); WHILE SeqM3AST_SC_Unit_stub.Next(iter, usb) DO IF M3Context.FindFromId(context, usb.sc_unit_symrep, usb.sc_unit_type, icu) THEN IF NOT M3CUnit.Equal(usb.sc_unit_uid, icu.fe_uid) THEN WITH gcu = Current() DO M3Error.ReportWithId(gcu.as_root, "version conflict between interfaces '%s' and '%s'", cu.as_root.as_id.lx_symrep, usb.sc_unit_symrep); M3CUnit.InclState(gcu.fe_status, M3CUnit.State.IErrors); END END END; (* if *) END; (* while *) (* temporary attributes are pickled for now cl := NEW(TmpAttClosure, callback := TmpAttSet, id := cu.as_root.as_id); ASTWalk.VisitNodes(cu, cl); *) EXCEPT | Rd.Failure, Pickle.Error => Err.Print(Fmt.F("unpickling from %s failed", pn), Err.Severity.Error); cu := NIL; END; RETURN cu; END Unpickle;
PROCEDUREPRIVATECheckFindUnpickleOrCompileSource ( name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; sourceId: M3CUnit.Uid; context: M3Context.T; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit): BOOLEAN RAISES {} = BEGIN IF FindUnpickleOrCompileSource(name, unitType, context, cu) THEN RETURN M3CUnit.Equal(sourceId, cu.fe_uid); ELSE M3CUnit.InclState(Current().fe_status, M3CUnit.State.IErrors); RETURN FALSE END; END CheckFindUnpickleOrCompileSource; PROCEDUREFindUnpickleOrCompileSourceWithUF ( name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; context: M3Context.T; VAR (*inout*) uf: M3CUnit.Form; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit): BOOLEAN RAISES {} = BEGIN (* First see if its already in this context *) IF M3Context.Find(context, ModuleName(name), unitType, cu) THEN END; IF cu = NIL THEN IF UnpickleOrCompileSource(name, unitType, context, uf, cu) THEN END; END; (* if *) RETURN (cu # NIL) AND (cu.as_root # NIL); END FindUnpickleOrCompileSourceWithUF; PROCEDUREFindUnpickleOrCompileSource ( name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; context: M3Context.T; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit): BOOLEAN RAISES {} = VAR uf: M3CUnit.Form; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN uf := M3CUnit.Form.DontCare; res := FindUnpickleOrCompileSourceWithUF( name, unitType, context, uf, cu); IF res THEN TYPECASE cu.as_root OF | M3AST_AS.UNIT_GEN_INS(unit_ins) => IF unit_ins.sm_ins_comp_unit # NIL THEN cu := unit_ins.sm_ins_comp_unit; ELSE res := FALSE; cu := NIL; END; ELSE END; (* typecase *) END; RETURN res; END FindUnpickleOrCompileSource; PROCEDUREFindOrCompileSource ( name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; context: M3Context.T; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit): BOOLEAN RAISES {} = VAR uf: M3CUnit.Form; BEGIN uf := M3CUnit.Form.Source; RETURN FindUnpickleOrCompileSourceWithUF( name, unitType, context, uf, cu); END FindOrCompileSource; PROCEDUREUnpickleOrCompileSource ( name: TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; context: M3Context.T; VAR (*inout*) uf: M3CUnit.Form; VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit): BOOLEAN RAISES {} = VAR isStandard: BOOLEAN; textForm: TEXT; stream: Rd.T; sourceId: M3CUnit.Uid; saveErrCuList: RefList.T; startTime: M3Time.T; compTime: M3Conventions.CompTime; openError := FALSE; cd: ContextData := GetData(context); PROCEDURE AddCu() RAISES {}= BEGIN IF isStandard THEN M3Context.SetStandard(cu); ELSE WITH m = ModuleName(name) DO CheckedAdd(context, m, unitType, cu); END; END; (* if *) END AddCu; BEGIN cu := NIL; isStandard := IsStandard(name); IF cd.setCompTime THEN compTime := NEW(M3Conventions.CompTime).init() ELSE compTime := NIL; END; IF cd.setCompTime THEN startTime := M3Time.Now() END; TRY VAR finder := context.getSub(TYPECODE(M3FindFile.T)); BEGIN IF isStandard THEN <*FATAL M3FindFile.Failed*> BEGIN stream := M3CUnit.FindStandard(finder, uf, sourceId); END; ELSE stream := M3CUnit.FindUnit(finder, name, unitType, uf, sourceId); END; END EXCEPT | OSError.E => openError := TRUE; stream := NIL; END; IF cd.setCompTime THEN := M3Time.Interval(startTime) END; IF stream = NIL THEN VAR prefix: TEXT := "failed to "; BEGIN IF openError THEN prefix := prefix & "open"; ELSE prefix := prefix & "find"; END; IF isStandard THEN Err.Print(Fmt.F("%s standard interface", prefix), Err.Severity.Fatal); ELSE IF uf = M3CUnit.Form.Source THEN textForm := "source" ELSIF uf = M3CUnit.Form.DontCare THEN textForm := "source or AST" ELSE textForm := "AST"; END; (* if *) Err.Print(Fmt.F("%s %s for %s \'%s\'", prefix, textForm, M3CUnit.TypeName(unitType), name), Err.Severity.Error); END; (* if *) END; (* begin *) ELSE IF uf = M3CUnit.Form.Source THEN cu := NEW(M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit).init(); cu.fe_uid := sourceId; AddCu(); CheckPrimarySource(unitType, name, cu, cd); END; Notify(context, NotifyMode.Before, name, unitType, uf, cu, compTime); IF uf = M3CUnit.Form.Source THEN (* needs compiling from source *) saveErrCuList := InitErrorObserver(cd.en, cu); M3CGo.CompileUnit(cu, context, stream, FindUnpickleOrCompileSource, cd.phases, compTime, cd.headerOnly); <*FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> BEGIN Rd.Close(stream); END; CheckUnitNameAndType(context, unitType, name, cu); ShowErrors(cd.en, saveErrCuList); ELSE IF cd.setCompTime THEN startTime := M3Time.Now() END; cu := Unpickle(context, stream, M3CUnit.TextName(sourceId)); IF cd.setCompTime THEN compTime.parse := M3Time.Interval(startTime) END; AddCu(); END; (* if *) Notify(context, NotifyMode.After, name, unitType, uf, cu, compTime); END; (* if *) RETURN cu # NIL; END UnpickleOrCompileSource; PROCEDURECompileStandard (context: M3Context.T) RAISES {} = VAR cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; cd := GetData(context); BEGIN IF NOT cd.compiledStandard THEN (* Always compile the Standard identifiers, and introduce them into the scope permanently for all subsequent compilations. *) IF FindUnpickleOrCompileSource(Standard, M3CUnit.Type.Interface, context, cu) THEN M3Context.SetStandard(cu); (* If we actually compiled standard, this wont do anything. If we unpickled, it adds them to the scope. *) IF M3CUnit.State.SemChecked IN cd.phases THEN M3CScope.Standard(cu); M3CMkStd.RegisterBuiltIns(cu); END; (* if *) cd.compiledStandard := TRUE; END END END CompileStandard; PROCEDURECompileModulesOrInterfaces ( units: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; context: M3Context.T ) RAISES {} = VAR cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; cd := GetData(context); BEGIN IF NOT ParseOnly(cd.phases) THEN CompileStandard(context); END; FOR i := 0 TO NUMBER(units^)-1 DO IF FindOrCompileSource(units[i], unitType, context, cu) THEN END; END; (* for *) END CompileModulesOrInterfaces; PROCEDURECompileUnitsInContext ( VAR (*inout*) context: M3Context.T; READONLY interfaces, modules, pathNames: ARRAY OF TEXT; VAR (*inout*) phases: M3CUnit.Status; headerOnly := FALSE; setPrimarySource := TRUE; setCompTime: BOOLEAN := FALSE; ) RAISES {}= VAR compilees: CompileeArray; cd: ContextData; BEGIN IF context = NIL THEN context := M3Context.New(); END; cd := GetData(context); M3Error.AddNotification(cd.en); cd.phases := phases; (* accumulate status in the global *) cd.headerOnly := headerOnly; cd.setPrimarySource := setPrimarySource; cd.setCompTime := setCompTime; CheckGarbageAndExtensions(interfaces, modules, pathNames, compilees); FOR i := FIRST(Compilee) TO LAST(Compilee) DO cd.compilees[i] := Remember(compilees[i]); M3ContextRemove.Units(context, compilees[i]^, ToUnitType(i)); END; M3CConcTypeSpec.Validate(context); (* Now compile the requested units *) FOR i := FIRST(Compilee) TO LAST(Compilee) DO CompileModulesOrInterfaces(compilees[i], ToUnitType(i), context); END; phases := cd.phases; M3Error.RemoveNotification(cd.en); END CompileUnitsInContext; PROCEDUREToUnitType (ce: Compilee): M3CUnit.Type= BEGIN IF ce = Compilee.Int OR ce = Compilee.PnInt THEN RETURN M3CUnit.Type.Interface ELSE RETURN M3CUnit.Type.Module END; END ToUnitType; PROCEDURECheckGarbageAndExtensions ( READONLY interfaces, modules, pathNames: ARRAY OF TEXT; VAR (*out*) compilees: CompileeArray)= VAR n_interfaces, n_modules, n_pn_interfaces, n_pn_modules: INTEGER := 0; t: M3Extension.T; interfaces_l, modules_l, pn_interfaces_l, pn_modules_l: TextList.T; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO NUMBER(interfaces)-1 DO IF GarbageModuleName(interfaces[i]) THEN ELSE interfaces_l := TextList.AppendD(interfaces_l, TextList.List1(interfaces[i])); INC(n_interfaces); END; END; (* for *) compilees[Compilee.Int] := ArrayFromList(interfaces_l); FOR i := 0 TO NUMBER(modules)-1 DO IF GarbageModuleName(modules[i]) THEN ELSE modules_l := TextList.AppendD(modules_l, TextList.List1(modules[i])); INC(n_modules); END; END; (* for *) compilees[Compilee.Mod] := ArrayFromList(modules_l); (* Now check the pathnames, splitting them into interfaces and modules, based on their extensions. *) FOR i := 0 TO NUMBER(pathNames)-1 DO IF GarbageModuleName(ModuleName(pathNames[i])) THEN (* ignore *) ELSIF M3Extension.Has(pathNames[i], t) AND t IN M3Extension.Ints THEN pn_interfaces_l := TextList.AppendD(pn_interfaces_l, TextList.List1(pathNames[i])); INC(n_pn_interfaces); ELSIF M3Extension.Has(pathNames[i], t) AND t IN M3Extension.Mods THEN pn_modules_l := TextList.AppendD(pn_modules_l, TextList.List1(pathNames[i])); INC(n_pn_modules); END; END; compilees[Compilee.PnInt] := ArrayFromList(pn_interfaces_l); compilees[Compilee.PnMod] := ArrayFromList(pn_modules_l); END CheckGarbageAndExtensions;
PROCEDUREArrayFromList (sl: TextList.T): REF ARRAY OF TEXT RAISES {} = VAR a := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, TextList.Length(sl)); BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(a^) TO LAST(a^) DO a[i] := sl.head; sl := sl.tail; END; RETURN a; END ArrayFromList; PROCEDUREGarbageModuleName (name: TEXT): BOOLEAN= BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(name)-1 DO VAR ch := ASCII.Upper[Text.GetChar(name, i)]; BEGIN IF ch >= 'A' AND ch <= 'Z' OR (i >= 1 AND (ch >= '0' AND ch <= '9' OR ch = '_')) THEN (* ok *) ELSE Err.Print(Fmt.F("illegal unit name '%s'- ignored", name), Err.Severity.Warning); RETURN TRUE END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END GarbageModuleName; PROCEDURERemember (units: REF ARRAY OF TEXT): REF ARRAY OF TEXT= VAR a := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, NUMBER(units^)); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO NUMBER(a^)-1 DO a[i] := ModuleName(units[i]); END; (* for *) RETURN a; END Remember; PROCEDURECheckPrimarySource (ut: M3CUnit.Type; name: TEXT; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; cd: ContextData) RAISES {} = VAR cut: M3CUnit.Type; BEGIN IF NOT cd.setPrimarySource THEN RETURN END; FOR c := FIRST(Compilee) TO LAST(Compilee) DO cut := ToUnitType(c); IF cut = ut THEN FOR i := 0 TO NUMBER(cd.compilees[c]^)-1 DO IF Text.Equal(cd.compilees[c][i], ModuleName(name)) THEN cu.fe_status := cu.fe_status + M3CUnit.Status{PrimarySource}; END; (* if *) END; (* for *) END END END CheckPrimarySource; PROCEDURECheckUnitNameAndType (context: M3Context.T; unitType: M3CUnit.Type; name: TEXT; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) RAISES {}= VAR real_name: TEXT; real_type: M3CUnit.Type; change := FALSE; BEGIN WITH symrep = cu.as_root.as_id.lx_symrep DO IF symrep # NIL THEN real_name := M3CId.ToText(symrep); real_type := M3CUnit.ToType(cu.as_root); IF (real_type IN M3CUnit.Interfaces AND NOT (unitType IN M3CUnit.Interfaces)) OR (real_type IN M3CUnit.Modules AND NOT (unitType IN M3CUnit.Modules)) THEN change := TRUE; M3Error.Warn(cu.as_root.as_id, "unit type does not match file extension"); END; (* if *) IF NOT Text.Equal(real_name, ModuleName(name)) THEN change := TRUE; M3Error.WarnWithId(cu.as_root.as_id, "unit name \'%s\' does not match filename", symrep); END; (* if *) IF change THEN M3Context.Remove(context, name, unitType); CheckedAdd(context, real_name, real_type, cu); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END; END CheckUnitNameAndType; PROCEDURECheckedAdd ( context: M3Context.T; name: TEXT; ut: M3CUnit.Type; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit) RAISES {}= BEGIN TRY M3Context.Add(context, name, ut, cu); EXCEPT | M3Context.Duplicate => Err.Print(Fmt.F("duplicate interface or module with name '%s'", name), Err.Severity.Error); END; END CheckedAdd; PROCEDUREParseOnly (s: M3CUnit.Status): BOOLEAN RAISES {} = BEGIN RETURN (s * AllPhases) = M3CUnit.Status{M3CUnit.State.Parsed}; END ParseOnly; PROCEDUREGetData (c: M3Context.T): ContextData= VAR cd: ContextData := c.get(TYPECODE(ContextData)); BEGIN IF cd = NIL THEN cd := NEW(ContextData); cd.en := NEW(ErrorNotification); := cd; c.put(cd); END; RETURN cd; END GetData; BEGIN END M3CGoList.