Last modified on Fri May 26 08:44:29 PDT 1995 by kalsow modified on Tue Jun 23 10:12:17 PDT 1992 by modified on Wed Mar 4 19:35:46 PST 1992 by muller modified on Mon Oct 14 14:54:30 PDT 1991 by meehan modified on Wed Apr 24 11:43:17 1991 by
Main program for the Modula-3 pretty-printer
MODULERead a file for more options. We parse up the first line of text and call GetParameters with it.; IMPORT Rd, Wr, Text, Thread, Process, Env, FS, FmtTime; IMPORT Lex, FileRd, NewFormatter AS Formatter, Parse, Params; IMPORT FloatMode, OSError, TextRd, Date, Fmt; IMPORT FBE, FBEPostScript, FBEWr; FROM Stdio IMPORT stdout, stderr; <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> TYPE Argv = REF ARRAY [0 .. 255] OF TEXT; BackEndType = {Wr, PostScript}; VAR argv: Argv; (* parameters we're currently parsing *) argc: INTEGER; (* count of them *) argvSource: TEXT; (* where this argv came from *) program : TEXT; (* name of this program *) formatOptions: Parse.Options; emacs : BOOLEAN := FALSE; emacsLoop: BOOLEAN := FALSE; output : Formatter.T; infile : Text.T := NIL; backEnd := BackEndType.Wr; margin: INTEGER := 75; landscape := TRUE; (* These are used if set to non-zero value by arg parser. *) offset: INTEGER := 0; commentColumn: INTEGER := 0; bodyFont: TEXT := NIL; keywordFont: TEXT := NIL; builtinIDFont: TEXT := NIL; procNameFont: TEXT := NIL; commentFont: TEXT := NIL; fixedCommentFont: TEXT := NIL; fixedFont: TEXT := NIL; PROCEDURE Main Usage () = BEGIN Wr.PutText ( stderr, "This program reformats a Modula-3 interface or module. " & "It can produce\n" & "either text or PostScript output.\n" & "Usage: " & program & " [options] [file]\n" & "Options (first letter of each is enough):\n" & " -caps -- allow lower-case keywords\n" & " -margin n -- set right margin to n\n" & " -offset n -- set indentation offset to n\n" & " -xcolumn n -- set comment column to n\n" & " -src -- use SRC-style formatting\n" & " -eric -- use Muller-style formatting\n" & " -callspace -- write f (x, y) instead of f(x, y)\n" & " -noalign -- don\'t align declarations in columns\n" & " -follow -- format comments assuming they follow decls\n" & " -break -- same as '-whenbreak always'\n" & " -whenbreak {always | early | late}\n" & " -- when to break long lines\n" & " -text -- select text output (default)\n" & "These are PostScript-related options. Except for -portrait,\n" & "they cannot be abbreviated.\n" & " -ps -- select PostScript output\n" & " -portrait -- print one-column portrait mode.\n" & " default is two-column landscape\n" & " -bf font -- font for body text (default: Times-Roman10)\n" & " -kf font -- font for keywords (Helvetica7)\n" & " -bif font -- font for built-in identifiers (Times-Roman8)\n" & " -pf font -- font for procedure names (Times-Bold10)\n" & " -cf font -- font for comments (Times-Italic10)\n" & " -fcf font -- font for fixed-format comments (Courier-Oblique9)\n" & " -ff font -- font for text and char literals (Courier9)\n"); END Usage; PROCEDUREGetNextInt (VAR i: INTEGER): INTEGER RAISES {Lex.Error, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN INC (i); IF i >= argc THEN RAISE Lex.Error END; TRY RETURN Lex.Int (TextRd.New (argv[i])); EXCEPT FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure => RAISE Lex.Error; END; END GetNextInt; PROCEDUREGetNextString (VAR i: INTEGER): TEXT = BEGIN INC(i); RETURN argv[i]; END GetNextString; PROCEDUREGetParameters () = VAR i: INTEGER; s: TEXT; BEGIN i := 0; TRY WHILE i < argc DO s := argv [i]; IF Text.Equal(s, "-t") OR Text.Equal(s, "-text") THEN backEnd := BackEndType.Wr; ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-ps") OR Text.Equal(s, "-postscript") THEN backEnd := BackEndType.PostScript; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-c") OR Text.Equal (s, "-caps") THEN formatOptions.lowerCase := TRUE ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-m") OR Text.Equal (s, "-margin") THEN margin := GetNextInt (i); ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-o") OR Text.Equal (s, "-offset") THEN offset := GetNextInt (i); ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-x") OR Text.Equal (s, "-xcolumn") THEN commentColumn := GetNextInt (i); ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-ZZ") OR Text.Equal (s, "-filter") THEN emacs := TRUE; emacsLoop := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-ZZG") THEN emacs := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-s") OR Text.Equal (s, "-src") THEN := Parse.Style.SRC; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-eric") THEN := Parse.Style.EMULLER; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-callspace") THEN formatOptions.callSpace := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-n") OR Text.Equal (s, "-noalign") THEN formatOptions.alignDecls := FALSE; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-f") OR Text.Equal (s, "-follow") THEN formatOptions.follow (* comBreakNLs *) := TRUE; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-b") OR Text.Equal (s, "-break") THEN formatOptions.breakType := Formatter.BreakType.NonOptimal; ELSIF Text.Equal (s, "-w") OR Text.Equal (s, "-whenbreak") THEN INC (i); IF i >= argc THEN RAISE Lex.Error; END; WITH arg = argv [i] DO IF Text.Equal (arg, "always") OR Text.Equal (arg, "a") THEN formatOptions.breakType := Formatter.BreakType.NonOptimal; ELSIF Text.Equal (arg, "early") OR Text.Equal (arg, "e") THEN formatOptions.breakType := Formatter.BreakType.OptimalBreak; ELSIF Text.Equal (arg, "late") OR Text.Equal (arg, "l") THEN formatOptions.breakType := Formatter.BreakType.OptimalNoBreak; ELSE RAISE Lex.Error; END END ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-p") OR Text.Equal(s, "-portrait") THEN landscape := FALSE; ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-bf") THEN bodyFont := GetNextString(i); ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-kf") THEN keywordFont := GetNextString(i); ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-bif") THEN builtinIDFont := GetNextString(i); ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-pf") THEN procNameFont := GetNextString(i); ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-cf") THEN commentFont := GetNextString(i); ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-fcf") THEN fixedCommentFont := GetNextString(i); ELSIF Text.Equal(s, "-ff") THEN fixedFont := GetNextString(i); ELSIF Text.GetChar (s, 0) = '-' THEN RAISE Lex.Error; (* bad switch *) ELSE infile := s; END; INC (i); END; EXCEPT Lex.Error => Wr.PutText (stderr, "Error in parsing " & argvSource & "\n"); Usage (); Process.Exit (1); END; END GetParameters;
PROCEDUREReturn an array of the file modification date and timeReadProfile (fileName: TEXT) = VAR r : Rd.T; t : TEXT; (* input text *) start, stop: INTEGER; (* limits of an argument *) i, len : INTEGER; BEGIN (* Read the first line. *) TRY r := FileRd.Open (fileName); t := Rd.GetLine (r); Rd.Close (r); EXCEPT Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile, OSError.E => RETURN; END; (* Scan it, saving the arguments. *) i := 0; len := Text.Length (t); argc := 0; LOOP WHILE i < len AND Text.GetChar (t, i) = ' ' DO INC (i) END; start := i; IF start >= len THEN EXIT END; stop := Text.FindChar (t, ' ', start); IF stop = -1 THEN stop := len END; IF argc <= LAST (argv^) THEN argv [argc] := Text.Sub (t, start, stop - start); END; INC (argc); i := stop; END; (* Now process them. *) argvSource := fileName; GetParameters (); END ReadProfile; PROCEDUREInitializeOptions (VAR a: Parse.Options) = BEGIN a.lowerCase := FALSE; := Parse.Style.SRC; a.alignDecls := TRUE; a.follow := FALSE; a.breakType := Formatter.BreakType.OptimalBreak; a.callSpace := FALSE; END InitializeOptions;
PROCEDUREFileTimes (infile: Text.T): ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF TEXT = VAR r: ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF TEXT; date: Date.T; BEGIN r[0] := ""; r[1] := ""; TRY date := Date.FromTime (FS.Status(infile).modificationTime); EXCEPT OSError.E => RETURN r; END; r[0] := Fmt.F ("%s %s, %s", FmtTime.Month [date.month], Fmt.Int (, Fmt.Int (date.year)); r[1] := Fmt.F ("%s:%02s:%02s", Fmt.Int (date.hour), Fmt.Int (date.minute), Fmt.Int (date.second)); RETURN r; END FileTimes; BEGIN TRY InitializeOptions(formatOptions); (* Deal with parameters. *) argv := NEW(Argv); program := Params.Get(0); (* Try profiles in increasing order of priority. *) WITH home = Env.Get ("HOME") DO IF (home # NIL) THEN ReadProfile(home & "/"); END; END; ReadProfile(""); (* Now convert argv and process it. *) FOR i := 1 TO Params.Count - 1 DO argv[i - 1] := Params.Get(i); END; argc := Params.Count - 1; argvSource := "command line"; GetParameters(); CASE backEnd OF BackEndType.Wr => output := Formatter.New(FBEWr.New(stdout, margin)); formatOptions.bodyFont := ""; formatOptions.keywordFont := ""; formatOptions.builtinIDFont := ""; formatOptions.procNameFont := ""; formatOptions.commentFont := ""; formatOptions.fixedFont := ""; formatOptions.offset := 2.0; formatOptions.commentColumn := 33.0; | BackEndType.PostScript => output := Formatter.New( FBEPostScript.New(stdout, infile, FileTimes(infile), landscape)); formatOptions.bodyFont := "Times-Roman10"; formatOptions.keywordFont := "Helvetica7"; formatOptions.builtinIDFont := "Times-Roman8"; formatOptions.procNameFont := "Times-Bold10"; formatOptions.commentFont := "Times-Italic10"; formatOptions.fixedCommentFont := "Courier-Oblique9"; formatOptions.fixedFont := "Courier9"; formatOptions.offset := 4.0; formatOptions.commentColumn := 80.0; END; IF offset # 0 THEN formatOptions.offset := FLOAT (offset); END; IF commentColumn # 0 THEN formatOptions.commentColumn := FLOAT (commentColumn); END; IF bodyFont # NIL THEN formatOptions.bodyFont := bodyFont; END; IF keywordFont # NIL THEN formatOptions.keywordFont := keywordFont; END; IF builtinIDFont # NIL THEN formatOptions.builtinIDFont := builtinIDFont; END; IF procNameFont # NIL THEN formatOptions.procNameFont := procNameFont; END; IF commentFont # NIL THEN formatOptions.commentFont := commentFont; END; IF fixedCommentFont # NIL THEN formatOptions.fixedCommentFont := fixedCommentFont; END; IF fixedFont # NIL THEN formatOptions.fixedFont := fixedFont; END; Parse.Init(inputFile := infile, output := output, options := formatOptions, calledFromEmacs := emacs); TRY LOOP Parse.yyparse(); IF (NOT emacsLoop) THEN EXIT END; Formatter.PutChar(output, '\001'); Formatter.PutChar(output, '\n'); Formatter.Flush(output); END; Formatter.Flush(output); FINALLY Formatter.Close(output); END; EXCEPT FBE.Failed (e) => Wr.PutText(stderr, "Formatting failed -- " & & ".\n"); END; END Main .