MODULE; IMPORT Attic, ClientClass, CVProto, ErrMsg, EscapedWr, ExecRec, File, FileAttr, FileRd, Fmt, FS, GlobTree, GzipRd, GzipWr, Logger, MD5, MD5Digest, MD5Wr, NullWr, OSError, Pathname, ParsedDelta, ParsedDeltaList, RCSDate, RCSDelta, RCSDeltaList, RCSDeltaMerger, RCSDeltaTbl, RCSError, RCSFile, RCSKeyword, RCSPhrase, RCSPhrases, RCSRevNum, RCSString, RCSTag, RCSTagList, RCSTagListSort, RCSTagMerger, Rd, RdCopy, Reaper, RsyncBlock, RsyncFile, StreamRd, StreamWr, SortedRCSDeltaTbl, SupFileRec, SupFileRecSeq, SupMisc, Text, Thread, TokScan, Word, Wr; IMPORT IO; EXCEPTION Error(TEXT); CONST MaxChecksumRevisions = 10; RCSComp
Maximum revisions to checksum in attempting to identify a client file in checkout mode.
REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT proto: CVProto.T; wireRd: StreamRd.T; (* Raw reader. *) rd: StreamRd.T; (* Currently active reader. *) wireWr: StreamWr.T; (* Raw writer. *) wr: StreamWr.T; (* Currently active writer. *) collections: SupFileRecSeq.T; clientClass: ClientClass.T; compLevel: [0..9]; reaper: Reaper.T; logger: Logger.T; OVERRIDES apply := Apply; init := Init; END; Private = Thread.Closure BRANDED OBJECT END; PROCEDUREApply (self: T): REFANY = BEGIN TRY TRY CompBatch(self); (* All the collections. *) CompBatch(self); (* All the fixups. *) FINALLY IF self.reaper # NIL THEN Reaper.Dying(self.reaper); END; END; EXCEPT | Error(msg) => RETURN "RCSComp error: " & msg; | Rd.EndOfFile => RETURN "RCSComp protocol error: Premature end of file"; | Rd.Failure(list) => RETURN "Network read failure: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list); | Thread.Alerted => RETURN "Interrupted"; | TokScan.Error(msg) => RETURN "RCSComp protocol error: " & msg; | Wr.Failure(list) => RETURN "Network write failure: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list); END; RETURN NIL; END Apply; PROCEDURECheckName (self: T; name: Pathname.T): BOOLEAN RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} =
if the given filename is safe from a security standpoint. Otherwise, logs a warning and returnsFALSE
VAR length := Text.Length(name); start, limit: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY IF length = 0 THEN RAISE Error("Invalid empty filename"); END; IF Text.GetChar(name, 0) = SupMisc.SlashChar THEN RAISE Error("Absolute pathname \"" & name & "\" not allowed"); END; start := 0; WHILE start < length DO limit := Text.FindChar(name, SupMisc.SlashChar, start); IF limit = -1 THEN limit := length END; IF start = limit OR Text.Equal(Text.Sub(name, start, limit-start), Pathname.Parent) THEN RAISE Error("Filename \"" & name & "\" not allowed"); END; start := limit + 1; END; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPT Error(msg) => WarnBoth(self, msg); RETURN FALSE; END; END CheckName; PROCEDURECompBatch (self: T) RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error, Wr.Failure} =
Process all the collections or all the fixups.
VAR ts: TokScan.T; collection, release: TEXT; initialBytesIn, initialBytesOut: LONGREAL; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO self.collections.size()-1 DO WITH sfr = self.collections.get(i) DO IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.Skip IN sfr.options THEN ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); ts.getFolded("COLL"); collection := ts.getToken("collection"); release := ts.getToken("release"); SupFileRec.Check(sfr, collection, release); initialBytesIn := StreamRd.ByteCount(self.rd); initialBytesOut := StreamWr.ByteCount(self.wr); TRY CompCollection(self, sfr); FINALLY LOCK sfr DO sfr.bytesIn := sfr.bytesIn + StreamRd.ByteCount(self.rd) - initialBytesIn; sfr.bytesOut := sfr.bytesOut + StreamWr.ByteCount(self.wr) - initialBytesOut; END; END; END; END; END; ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); ts.getLiteral("."); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); Wr.Flush(self.wr); END CompBatch; PROCEDURECompCollection (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T) RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error, Wr.Failure} = VAR ts: TokScan.T; compress: BOOLEAN; cmd: TEXT; cmdCh: CHAR; name: TEXT; tag: TEXT; date: TEXT; revNum: RCSRevNum.T; revDate: RCSDate.T; size: CARDINAL; blockSize: CARDINAL; cksum: TEXT; attrText: TEXT; linkTo: TEXT; collectionPartiallyHidden := self.clientClass.collectionIsPartiallyHidden(sfr.collection); MsgCheckoutUnsupported := "Checkout from partially hidden " & "collection \"" & sfr.collection & "\" is currently not suppported."; BEGIN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "COLL", sfr.collection, sfr.release); Wr.Flush(self.wr); compress := SupFileRec.Option.Compress IN sfr.options; IF compress THEN TRY self.rd := NEW(GzipRd.T).init(self.wireRd, closeChild := FALSE); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot create Gzip reader: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; TRY IF compress THEN TRY self.wr := NEW(GzipWr.T).init(self.wireWr, level := self.compLevel, closeChild := FALSE); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot create Gzip writer: " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; TRY LOOP ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); cmdCh := ts.getChar("command"); cmd := Text.FromChar(cmdCh); CASE cmdCh OF | '.' => EXIT; | 'A' => (* Add file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); RegularSend(self, sfr, name, isFixup := FALSE); | 'C' => (* Checkout file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); IF collectionPartiallyHidden THEN WarnBoth(self, MsgCheckoutUnsupported); ELSE CheckoutSend(self, sfr, name, tag, date); END; | 'D' => (* Delete file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "D", name); | 'H', 'h' => (* Make hard link. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); linkTo := ts.getToken("hard link target"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := cmdCh = 'h', isCheckout := FALSE); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, linkTo); | 'I', 'i', 'j' => (* Directory operations. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name); | 'J' => (* Set directory attributes. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); attrText := ts.getToken("attributes"); ts.getEnd("End of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := FALSE, isCheckout := FALSE); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, attrText); | 'L', 'l' => (* Update list file info for up-to-date file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); attrText := ts.getToken("attributes"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, attrText); | 'N' => (* Update a node. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); NodeCompare(self, sfr, name); | 'R' => (* Update regular file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); size := ts.getInt("size"); cksum := ts.getToken("checksum"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); RegularCompare(self, sfr, name, size, cksum); | 'r' => (* Do Rsync update. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); size := ts.getInt("size"); blockSize := ts.getInt("blockSize"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); RsyncCompare(self, sfr, name, size, blockSize); | 'S' => (* Update in checkout mode from checksum. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); cksum := ts.getToken("checksum"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); IF collectionPartiallyHidden THEN WarnBoth(self, MsgCheckoutUnsupported); ELSE UpdateFromChecksum(self, sfr, name, tag, date, cksum); END; | 's' => (* Update in checkout mode from revNum and checksum. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); revNum := ts.getToken("revision number"); cksum := ts.getToken("checksum"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); IF collectionPartiallyHidden THEN WarnBoth(self, MsgCheckoutUnsupported); ELSE UpdateFromChecksum(self, sfr, name, tag, date, cksum, revNum); END; | 'U' => (* Update in checkout mode from revNum and revDate. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); revNum := ts.getToken("revision number"); IF self.proto.v.sendsRevDates THEN revDate := ts.getToken("revDate"); ELSE revDate := "."; END; ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); IF collectionPartiallyHidden THEN WarnBoth(self, MsgCheckoutUnsupported); ELSE CheckoutUpdate(self, sfr, name, tag, date, revNum, revDate); END; | 'V' => (* Update RCS file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); RCSCompare(self, sfr, name); | 'X' => (* Fixup RCS file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); RegularSend(self, sfr, name, isFixup := TRUE); | 'Y' => (* Fixup checkout-mode file. *) name := ts.getToken("file name"); tag := ts.getToken("tag"); date := ts.getToken("date"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); IF collectionPartiallyHidden THEN WarnBoth(self, MsgCheckoutUnsupported); ELSE CheckoutSend(self, sfr, name, tag, date, isFixup := TRUE); END; ELSE RAISE TokScan.Error("Invalid command \"" & cmd & "\""); END; Wr.Flush(self.wr); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); Wr.Flush(self.wr); IF compress THEN Wr.Close(self.wr); IF NOT Rd.EOF(self.rd) THEN RAISE TokScan.Error( "Expected EOF from compressed stream, didn't get it"); END; Rd.Close(self.rd); END; FINALLY IF compress THEN GzipWr.Cleanup(self.wr); self.wr := self.wireWr; END; END; FINALLY IF compress THEN GzipRd.Cleanup(self.rd); self.rd := self.wireRd; END; END; END CompCollection; PROCEDURERCSCompare (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error, Wr.Failure} = CONST myname = "RCSCompare: ";
The Rd.EndOfFile and Rd.Failure exceptions are raised only for the network connection.
VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); origPathname := pathname; rf: RCSFile.T; ts: TokScan.T; cmd: TEXT; cmdCh: CHAR; clientBranch: TEXT := NIL; clientDeltas: RCSDeltaList.T := NIL; clientTags: RCSTagList.T := NIL; expandMode: RCSKeyword.ExpandMode; doBranch, doDeltas, doExpand, doTags: BOOLEAN := FALSE; deletes: RCSDeltaList.T; adds: ParsedDeltaList.T; dtab: SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T := NIL; inAttic: BOOLEAN; md5: MD5.T; BEGIN (* Read all the information from the client. *) Trace(self, myname, name); LOOP ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); cmdCh := ts.getChar("command"); cmd := Text.FromChar(cmdCh); CASE cmdCh OF | '.' => EXIT; | 'B' => (* Default branch. *) clientBranch := ts.getToken("default branch"); ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); doBranch := TRUE; | 'b' => (* Empty default branch. *) clientBranch := ""; ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); doBranch := TRUE; | 'D' => (* Deltas. *) ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); clientDeltas := GetClientDeltas(self); doDeltas := TRUE; | 'E' => (* Expand mode. *) TRY expandMode := RCSKeyword.DecodeExpand( ts.getToken("expand mode")); EXCEPT RCSError.E(msg) => RAISE TokScan.Error(msg) END; ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); doExpand := TRUE; | 'T' => (* Tags. *) ts.getEnd("end of \"" & cmd & "\" command"); clientTags := GetClientTags(self); doTags := TRUE; ELSE RAISE TokScan.Error("Invalid RCSComp command \"" & cmd & "\""); END; END; IF NOT CheckName(self, name) OR MaybeSendNode(self, sfr, name) THEN RETURN; END; (* Do the comparisons, and send editing commands to the Updater. *) TRY rf := Attic.RCSFileOpenReadonly(pathname); EXCEPT | OSError.E(list) => WarnBoth(self, "Cannot open \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); RETURN; | RCSError.E(text) => WarnBoth(self, "RCS file error in \"" & pathname & "\": " & text); RETURN; END; IF self.clientClass.collectionIsPartiallyHidden(sfr.collection) THEN dtab := AccessibleDeltas(rf, self.clientClass, sfr, self); END; TRY IF doDeltas THEN (* Parse the deltas now, so that if we have a corrupted RCS file we can still recover from it and carry on. *) TRY CompDeltas(self, sfr, clientDeltas, rf, dtab, deletes, adds); EXCEPT | RCSError.E(msg) => WarnBoth(self, "RCS file error in \"" & pathname & "\": " & msg); RETURN; | Error => Trace(self, myname, "different RCS file, need to start from scratch"); (* Date mismatch on one or more revisions. Just replace the entire file. *) RegularSend(self, sfr, name, isFixup := FALSE); RETURN; END; END; inAttic := pathname # origPathname; IF inAttic THEN cmd := "v" ELSE cmd := "V" END; SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := inAttic, isCheckout := FALSE); IF NOT SupFileRec.Option.StrictCheckRCS IN sfr.options AND self.proto.v.hasLooseRCSCheck THEN md5 := MD5.NewRCS(); ELSE md5 := MD5.New(); END; RCSFile.CalculateMD5(rf, md5); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, AttrOrModTime(self, sfr, RCSFile.GetAttr(rf)), RCSFile.EncodeOptions(rf.options), md5.finish()); (* DANGER - Errors beyond this point are fatal. *) IF doBranch THEN CompBranch(self, sfr, rf, clientBranch); END; IF doExpand THEN IF rf.expand # expandMode THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "E", RCSKeyword.EncodeExpand(rf.expand)); END; END; IF doTags THEN IF SupFileRec.Option.ExactRCS IN sfr.options THEN CompTagsExact(self, sfr, clientTags, rf, dtab); ELSE CompTagsNonExact(self, sfr, clientTags, rf, dtab); END; END; IF doDeltas THEN WHILE deletes # NIL DO self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "d", deletes.head.revision); deletes := deletes.tail; END; WHILE adds # NIL DO WITH pd = adds.head DO SendDelta(self,, RCSDelta.Predecessor(, pd.log, pd.text); END; adds := adds.tail; END; END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); FINALLY TRY RCSFile.Close(rf); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; END RCSCompare; PROCEDUREGetClientDeltas (self: T): RCSDeltaList.T RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error} =
The Rd.EndOfFile and Rd.Failure exceptions are raised only for the network connection.
VAR ts: TokScan.T; revNum: RCSRevNum.T; date: TEXT; deltas, last: RCSDeltaList.T := NIL; dl: RCSDeltaList.T; BEGIN LOOP ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); revNum := ts.getToken("revision number"); IF Text.Equal(revNum, ".") THEN EXIT END; date := ts.getToken("date"); ts.getEnd("end of delta descriptor"); dl := RCSDeltaList.List1(NEW(RCSDelta.T, revision := revNum, date := date)); IF last # NIL THEN last.tail := dl; ELSE deltas := dl; END; last := dl; END; RETURN deltas; END GetClientDeltas; PROCEDUREGetClientTags (self: T): RCSTagList.T RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error} =
The Rd.EndOfFile and Rd.Failure exceptions are raised only for the network connection.
VAR ts: TokScan.T; name: TEXT; revNum: RCSRevNum.T; tags, last: RCSTagList.T := NIL; tl: RCSTagList.T; BEGIN (* The tags arrive in the order of their appearance in the client's RCS file. *) LOOP ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); name := ts.getToken("tag name"); IF Text.Equal(name, ".") THEN EXIT END; revNum := ts.getToken("revision number"); ts.getEnd("end of tag descriptor"); tl := RCSTagList.List1(NEW(RCSTag.T, name := name, revNum := revNum)); IF last # NIL THEN last.tail := tl; ELSE tags := tl; END; last := tl; END; RETURN tags; END GetClientTags; PROCEDURECompBranch (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; rf: RCSFile.T; clientBranch: TEXT) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR serverBranch := rf.branch; BEGIN IF serverBranch = NIL THEN serverBranch := "" END; IF NOT Text.Equal(clientBranch, serverBranch) THEN (* The default branch is different. But we don't always want to change it on the client. Certain kinds of changes can make it invalid, as far as CVS is concerned. If we are allowing deletions of revisions on the client ("exact" mode), then we should keep the default branch the same as the server. If not, then we change the default branch ONLY if it is not currently empty on the client. *) IF SupFileRec.Option.ExactRCS IN sfr.options OR NOT Text.Empty(clientBranch) THEN IF Text.Empty(serverBranch) THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "b"); ELSE self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "B", serverBranch); END; END; END; END CompBranch; PROCEDURECompDeltas (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; clientDeltas: RCSDeltaList.T; rf: RCSFile.T; dtab: SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T; VAR deletes: RCSDeltaList.T; VAR adds: ParsedDeltaList.T) RAISES {Error, RCSError.E} = CONST name = "CompDeltas: "; VAR dm: DeltaMerger; clientDelta: RCSDelta.T; serverDelta: RCSDelta.T; BEGIN dm := NEW(DeltaMerger).init(clientDeltas, rf, dtab); Trace(self, name, sfr.collection, " ", sfr.release); deletes := NIL; adds := NIL; WHILE DeltaNext(dm, clientDelta, serverDelta) DO IF clientDelta = NIL THEN Trace(self, name, "add: ", RCSDelta.ToText(serverDelta)); adds := ParsedDeltaList.Cons( ParsedDelta.T{ delta := serverDelta, log := RCSDelta.GetLog(serverDelta).iterate(), text := RCSDelta.GetText(serverDelta, RCSDelta.Predecessor(serverDelta))}, adds); ELSIF serverDelta = NIL THEN Trace(self, name, "del: ", RCSDelta.ToText(clientDelta)); IF SupFileRec.Option.ExactRCS IN sfr.options THEN deletes := RCSDeltaList.Cons(clientDelta, deletes); END; ELSIF NOT RCSDate.Equal(, THEN Trace(self, name, "err: ", RCSDelta.ToText(serverDelta), " ", RCSDelta.ToText(clientDelta)); (* The client must have an entirely different RCS file. We don't even try to edit that. Just replace the whole file. *) RAISE Error("Incorrect date on client delta"); END; END; adds := ParsedDeltaList.ReverseD(adds); END CompDeltas; PROCEDUREAccessibleDeltas (rf: RCSFile.T; clientClass: ClientClass.T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; comp: T): SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T = CONST myname = "AccessibleDeltas: "; VAR (* AccessibleDeltas *) ti := RCSFile.IterateTags(rf); dt := NEW(SortedRCSDeltaTbl.Default).init(); tag: RCSTag.T; delta, dd: RCSDelta.T; found := FALSE; BEGIN Trace(comp, myname); WHILE DO IF RCSTag.IsCVSBranch(tag) THEN IF clientClass.inAllowedCollectionBranches(sfr.collection, THEN Trace(comp, " exporting branch ",; TRY delta := RCSFile.GetTagDelta(rf,; WHILE delta # NIL DO found := dt.get(delta.revision, dd); IF found THEN Trace(comp, " delta ", delta.revision, " already there", level := 2); ELSE Trace(comp, " delta ", delta.revision, " missing", level := 2); EVAL dt.put(delta.revision, delta); END; IF RCSRevNum.IsTrunk(delta.revision) THEN IF found THEN (* by construction every predecssing delta has already been inserted into the table so we can stop here *) delta := NIL; ELSE delta := RCSDelta.Predecessor(delta); END; ELSE delta := RCSDelta.GetPrev(delta); END; END; EXCEPT RCSError.E(m) => (* FIXME: do something *) Trace(comp, " RCS error for ",, ": ", m); END; ELSE Trace(comp, " hiding branch ",; END; ELSE Trace(comp, " ignoring non-branch tag ",, level := 4); END; END; (* check all trunk revisions, too *) IF clientClass.inAllowedCollectionBranches(sfr.collection, ".") THEN Trace(comp, " exporting main trunk"); TRY delta := RCSFile.GetTagDelta(rf); WHILE delta # NIL DO found := dt.get(delta.revision, dd); IF found THEN Trace(comp, " delta ", delta.revision, " already there", level := 2); delta := NIL; (* see above *) ELSE Trace(comp, " delta ", delta.revision, " missing", level := 2); EVAL dt.put(delta.revision, delta); delta := RCSDelta.Predecessor(delta); END; END; EXCEPT RCSError.E(m) => (* FIXME: do something *) Trace(comp, " RCS error for trunk head: ", m); END; ELSE Trace(comp, " hiding main trunk"); END; RETURN dt; END AccessibleDeltas; PROCEDURETagIncluded (dtab: SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T; tag: RCSTag.T): BOOLEAN = VAR d: RCSDelta.T; BEGIN RETURN dtab = NIL OR dtab.get(tag.revNum, d); END TagIncluded; PROCEDURECompTagsExact (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; clientTags: RCSTagList.T; rf: RCSFile.T; dtab: SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST myname = "CompTagsExact: "; VAR serverTags: RCSTagList.T := NIL; iter: RCSFile.TagIterator; tag: RCSTag.T; BEGIN Trace(self, myname); (* Reverse the list of client tags, and build a list of the server's tags, also in reverse order. *) clientTags := RCSTagList.ReverseD(clientTags); iter := RCSFile.IterateTags(rf); WHILE DO IF self.clientClass.inAllowedCollectionTags(sfr.collection, THEN IF RCSTag.IsCVSBranch(tag) AND self.clientClass.inAllowedCollectionBranches(sfr.collection, OR TagIncluded(dtab, tag) THEN serverTags := RCSTagList.Cons(tag, serverTags); END; END; END; (* Issue edits to make the client's tag list identical to that on the server. Any common tail portion can be left alone. (That's why we work with reversed lists here.) *) WHILE clientTags # NIL DO (* Delete the extra tags on the client. *) IF serverTags # NIL AND RCSTag.Equal(clientTags.head, serverTags.head) AND RCSRevNum.Equal(clientTags.head.revNum, serverTags.head.revNum) THEN (* Common portion of the two lists. We don't need any edits for it. *) serverTags := serverTags.tail; ELSE (* An extra or unmatching tag on the client side. *) Trace(self, myname, "del tag ",, " ", clientTags.head.revNum); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "t",, clientTags.head.revNum); END; clientTags := clientTags.tail; END; WHILE serverTags # NIL DO (* Add the missing tags from the server. *) IF self.clientClass.inAllowedCollectionTags(sfr.collection, THEN IF RCSTag.IsCVSBranch(serverTags.head) AND self.clientClass.inAllowedCollectionBranches(sfr.collection, OR TagIncluded(dtab, serverTags.head) THEN Trace(self, myname, "adding tag ",, " ", serverTags.head.revNum); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "T",, serverTags.head.revNum); ELSE Trace(self, myname, "omitting tag ",, " ", serverTags.head.revNum); END; ELSE Trace(self, myname, "hiding tag ",, " ", serverTags.head.revNum); END; serverTags := serverTags.tail; END; END CompTagsExact; PROCEDURECompTagsNonExact (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; clientTags: RCSTagList.T; rf: RCSFile.T; dtab: SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} =
Compare tags in non-exact mode. The client is allowed to have extra, local tags. We don't insist on maintaining an exact match between the client's list of tags and the server's, although we do make an attempt to keep them similar.
CONST myname = "CompTagsNonExact: "; VAR tm: TagMerger; clientTag: RCSTag.T; serverTag: RCSTag.T; newNormalTags, newVendorTags, adds, deletes: RCSTagList.T := NIL; iter: RCSFile.TagIterator; tag: RCSTag.T; BEGIN Trace(self, myname); tm := NEW(TagMerger).init(clientTags, rf, 1); WHILE TagNext(tm, clientTag, serverTag) DO IF clientTag = NIL THEN newVendorTags := RCSTagList.Cons(serverTag, newVendorTags); ELSIF serverTag = NIL THEN (* Extra tag on client -- just ignore it. *) ELSIF NOT RCSRevNum.Equal(clientTag.revNum, serverTag.revNum) THEN deletes := RCSTagList.Cons(clientTag, deletes); newVendorTags := RCSTagList.Cons(serverTag, newVendorTags); END; END; tm := NEW(TagMerger).init(clientTags, rf, 0); WHILE TagNext(tm, clientTag, serverTag) DO IF clientTag = NIL THEN newNormalTags := RCSTagList.Cons(serverTag, newNormalTags); ELSIF serverTag = NIL THEN (* Extra tag on client -- just ignore it. *) ELSIF NOT RCSRevNum.Equal(clientTag.revNum, serverTag.revNum) THEN deletes := RCSTagList.Cons(clientTag, deletes); newNormalTags := RCSTagList.Cons(serverTag, newNormalTags); END; END; iter := RCSFile.IterateTags(rf); WHILE DO IF RCSRevNum.NumParts(tag.revNum) MOD 2 = 1 THEN IF RCSTagList.Member(newVendorTags, tag) THEN adds := RCSTagList.Cons(tag, adds); END; ELSE IF RCSTagList.Member(newNormalTags, tag) THEN adds := RCSTagList.Cons(tag, adds); END; END; END; (* Now "adds" contains a list of the tags we want to send, in reverse order relative to how they appear in the server-side RCS file. On the client side, each will be pushed onto the front of the tag list. This will result in the proper order on the client side. *) (* First, send the deletes. *) WHILE deletes # NIL DO Trace(self, myname, "del tag ",, " ", deletes.head.revNum); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "t",, deletes.head.revNum); deletes := deletes.tail; END; (* Now send the adds. *) WHILE adds # NIL DO IF self.clientClass.inAllowedCollectionTags(sfr.collection, THEN IF RCSTag.IsCVSBranch(adds.head) AND self.clientClass.inAllowedCollectionBranches(sfr.collection, OR TagIncluded(dtab, adds.head) THEN Trace(self, myname, "adding tag ",, " ", adds.head.revNum); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "T",, adds.head.revNum); ELSE Trace(self, myname, "omitting tag ",, " ", adds.head.revNum); END; ELSE Trace(self, myname, "hiding tag ",, " ", adds.head.revNum); END; adds := adds.tail; END; END CompTagsNonExact; PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** Merging of deltas. ***************************************************************************SendDelta (self: T; delta: RCSDelta.T; diffBase: RCSDelta.T; log: RCSString.Iterator; text: RCSString.Iterator) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR diffBaseRevNum: TEXT; BEGIN IF diffBase = NIL THEN diffBaseRevNum := "."; ELSE diffBaseRevNum := diffBase.revision; END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "D", delta.revision, diffBaseRevNum,,; IF delta.state # NIL THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "S", delta.state); END; IF self.proto.v.sendsDeltaPhrases THEN SendPhrases(self, "N", RCSDelta.IterateTreePhrases(delta)); END; IF log # NIL THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "L"); SendEscaped(self.wr, log); END; IF self.proto.v.sendsDeltaPhrases THEN SendPhrases(self, "n", RCSDelta.IterateTextPhrases(delta)); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "T"); SendEscaped(self.wr, text); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); END SendDelta; PROCEDURESendEscaped (wr: Wr.T; iter: RCSString.Iterator; withChecksum := FALSE) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR eWr: Wr.T; md5Wr: MD5Wr.T; line: RCSString.T; BEGIN eWr := NEW(EscapedWr.T).init(wr, closeChild := FALSE); IF withChecksum THEN (* Layer a checksummer on top. *) md5Wr := NEW(MD5Wr.T).init(eWr, closeChild := TRUE); eWr := md5Wr; END; TRY WHILE DO Wr.PutText(eWr, line.toText()); END; FINALLY Wr.Close(eWr); END; IF withChecksum THEN SupMisc.PutCmd(wr, "5", md5Wr.getSignature()); END; END SendEscaped; PROCEDURESendPhrases (self: T; cmd: TEXT; iter: RCSPhrases.Iterator) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR eWr: Wr.T; phrase: RCSPhrase.T; wordIter: RCSPhrase.WordIterator; word: TEXT; isString: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE DO self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, RCSPhrase.GetKey(phrase)); wordIter := RCSPhrase.IterateWords(phrase); WHILE, isString) DO IF isString THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "S"); eWr := NEW(EscapedWr.T).init(self.wr, closeChild := FALSE); TRY Wr.PutText(eWr, word); FINALLY Wr.Close(eWr); END; ELSE self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "W", word); END; END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); END; END SendPhrases; PROCEDUREInit (self: T; proto: CVProto.T; rd: StreamRd.T; wr: StreamWr.T; collections: SupFileRecSeq.T; clientClass: ClientClass.T; compLevel: [-1..9] := -1; reaper: Reaper.T := NIL; logger: Logger.T := NIL): T = BEGIN self.proto := proto; self.wireRd := rd; self.rd := rd; self.wireWr := wr; self.wr := wr; self.collections := collections; self.clientClass := clientClass; IF compLevel = -1 THEN compLevel := SupMisc.DefaultCompression END; self.compLevel := compLevel; self.reaper := reaper; self.logger := logger; RETURN self; END Init;
TYPE DeltaMerger = RCSDeltaMerger.T OBJECT clientDeltas: RCSDeltaList.T; iter: RCSDeltaTbl.Iterator; METHODS init(clientDeltas: RCSDeltaList.T; rf: RCSFile.T; dtab: SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T): DeltaMerger := DeltaMergerInit; OVERRIDES getA := DeltaFromClient; getB := DeltaFromServer; END; PROCEDUREDeltaMergerInit (dm: DeltaMerger; clientDeltas: RCSDeltaList.T; rf: RCSFile.T; dtab: SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T): DeltaMerger = BEGIN dm.clientDeltas := clientDeltas; IF dtab = NIL THEN dm.iter := RCSFile.IterateByNumber(rf); ELSE dm.iter := dtab.iterateOrdered(); END; RETURN dm; END DeltaMergerInit; PROCEDUREDeltaNext (dm: DeltaMerger; VAR clientDelta, serverDelta: RCSDelta.T): BOOLEAN =
This is a wrapper to correct theRAISES
. It raises the union of what is raised byDeltaFromClient
<* FATAL ANY *> BEGIN RETURN, serverDelta); END DeltaNext; PROCEDUREDeltaFromClient (dm: DeltaMerger): RCSDelta.T =
If you add any exceptions, add them to DeltaNext
VAR delta: RCSDelta.T; BEGIN IF dm.clientDeltas = NIL THEN delta := NIL; ELSE delta := dm.clientDeltas.head; dm.clientDeltas := dm.clientDeltas.tail; END; RETURN delta; END DeltaFromClient; PROCEDUREDeltaFromServer (dm: DeltaMerger): RCSDelta.T =
If you add any exceptions, add them to DeltaNext
VAR rev: RCSRevNum.T; delta: RCSDelta.T; BEGIN IF, delta) THEN RETURN delta END; RETURN NIL; END DeltaFromServer;*************************************************************************** Merging of tags. ***************************************************************************
TYPE TagMerger = RCSTagMerger.T OBJECT clientTags: RCSTagList.T; iter: RCSFile.TagIterator; rem: [0..1]; METHODS init(clientTags: RCSTagList.T; rf: RCSFile.T; rem: [0..1]): TagMerger := TagMergerInit; OVERRIDES getA := TagFromClient; getB := TagFromServer; END; PROCEDURETagMergerInit (tm: TagMerger; clientTags: RCSTagList.T; rf: RCSFile.T; rem: [0..1]): TagMerger = BEGIN tm.clientTags := RCSTagListSort.Sort(clientTags); tm.iter := RCSFile.IterateTagsByName(rf); tm.rem := rem; RETURN tm; END TagMergerInit; PROCEDURETagNext (tm: TagMerger; VAR clientTag, serverTag: RCSTag.T): BOOLEAN =
This is a wrapper to correct theRAISES
. It raises the union of what is raised byTagFromClient
<* FATAL ANY *> BEGIN RETURN, serverTag); END TagNext; PROCEDURETagFromClient (tm: TagMerger): RCSTag.T =
If you add any exceptions, add them to TagNext
VAR tag: RCSTag.T; BEGIN REPEAT IF tm.clientTags = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; tag := tm.clientTags.head; tm.clientTags := tm.clientTags.tail; UNTIL RCSRevNum.NumParts(tag.revNum) MOD 2 = tm.rem; RETURN tag; END TagFromClient; PROCEDURETagFromServer (tm: TagMerger): RCSTag.T =
If you add any exceptions, add them to TagNext
VAR tag: RCSTag.T; BEGIN REPEAT IF NOT THEN RETURN NIL END; UNTIL RCSRevNum.NumParts(tag.revNum) MOD 2 = tm.rem; RETURN tag; END TagFromServer;*************************************************************************** Sending regular (non-RCS) files. ***************************************************************************
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** Rsync updates. ***************************************************************************RegularCompare (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; clientSize: CARDINAL; clientCksum: TEXT) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST myName = "RegularCompare: "; VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); file: File.T; attr: FileAttr.T; rd: Rd.T; md5: MD5.T; buf: ARRAY [0..8191] OF CHAR; nRead, nGot: CARDINAL; serverCksum: TEXT; BEGIN Trace(self, myName); IF NOT CheckName(self, name) OR MaybeSendNode(self, sfr, name) THEN RETURN; END; TRY file := FS.OpenFileReadonly(pathname); rd := NEW(FileRd.T).init(file); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => WarnBoth(self, "Cannot open \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); RETURN; END; TRY TRY attr := FileAttr.FromFile(file); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot stat \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; md5 := MD5.New(); IF clientSize > 0 AND FileAttr.GetSize(attr) >= clientSize THEN (* See if it's a simple append. *) nRead := 0; WHILE nRead < clientSize DO WITH nWant = MIN(NUMBER(buf), clientSize - nRead) DO TRY nGot := Rd.GetSub(rd, SUBARRAY(buf, 0, nWant)); EXCEPT Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE Error("Read failure from \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; IF nGot = 0 THEN EXIT END; md5.update(SUBARRAY(buf, 0, nGot)); INC(nRead, nGot); END; serverCksum := md5.clone().finish(); (* Non-destructive. *) IF nRead # clientSize OR NOT Text.Equal(serverCksum, clientCksum) THEN (* We're going to have to send the entire file. *) TRY Rd.Seek(rd, 0); md5 := MD5.New(); EXCEPT Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot seek \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; END; RegularUpdate(self, sfr, name, attr, rd, pathname, md5); FINALLY TRY Rd.Close(rd); EXCEPT Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; END RegularCompare; PROCEDURERegularUpdate (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: TEXT; attr: FileAttr.T; rd: Rd.T; path: Pathname.T; md5: MD5.T) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST myName = "RegularUpdate: "; VAR pos := Rd.Index(rd); size := FileAttr.GetSize(attr); nBytes: CARDINAL := size - pos; BEGIN Trace(self, myName, sfr.collection, ", ", name, ", ", path); SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := FALSE, isCheckout := FALSE); IF pos = 0 THEN (* Replacing entire file. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "R", name, AttrOrModTimeSize(self, sfr, attr)); ELSE (* Appending to the file. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "Z", name, more := TRUE); IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, NIL, FileAttr.Encode(attr, support := self.proto.v.attrSupport, ignore := sfr.attrIgnore), more := TRUE); ELSE self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, NIL, TokScan.EncodeTime(FileAttr.GetModTime(attr)), Fmt.Unsigned(nBytes, 10), more := TRUE); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, NIL, Fmt.Unsigned(pos, 10)); END; TRY SendCounted(rd, self.wr, nBytes, md5); EXCEPT Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE Error("Read failure from \"" & path & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END RegularUpdate; PROCEDURERegularSend (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; isFixup: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST CmdTab = ARRAY BOOLEAN,BOOLEAN OF TEXT{ (* inAttic, isFixup *) ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT{ "A", "X" }, (* inAttic = FALSE *) ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT{ "a", "x" } (* inAttic = TRUE *) }; MyName = "RegularSend: "; VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); origPathname := pathname; file: File.T; attr: FileAttr.T; attrText: TEXT; rd: Rd.T; inAttic: BOOLEAN; md5: MD5.T; BEGIN Trace(self, MyName, sfr.collection, " ", name); IF NOT CheckName(self, name) OR MaybeSendNode(self, sfr, name) THEN RETURN; END; IF SupMisc.IsRCS(pathname) AND self.clientClass.collectionIsPartiallyHidden(sfr.collection) THEN PartialRCSSend(self, sfr, name, isFixup); RETURN; END; TRY file := Attic.FSOpenFileReadonly(pathname); rd := NEW(FileRd.T).init(file); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => WarnBoth(self, "Cannot open \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); RETURN; END; TRY TRY attr := FileAttr.FromFile(file); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot stat \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; inAttic := pathname # origPathname; SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := inAttic, isCheckout := FALSE); IF isFixup THEN attrText := AttrOrModTimeSize(self, sfr, attr); ELSE attrText := AttrOrModTimeSizeMode(self, sfr, attr); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, CmdTab[inAttic, isFixup], name, attrText); md5 := MD5.New(); TRY SendCounted(rd, self.wr, FileAttr.GetSize(attr), md5); EXCEPT Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE Error("Read failure from \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; FINALLY TRY Rd.Close(rd); EXCEPT Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; END RegularSend; PROCEDUREPartialRCSSend (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; isFixup: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST CmdTab = ARRAY BOOLEAN,BOOLEAN OF TEXT{ (* inAttic, isFixup *) ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT{ "A", "X" }, (* inAttic = FALSE *) ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT{ "a", "x" } (* inAttic = TRUE *) }; VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); origPathname := pathname; rf: RCSFile.T; dtab: SortedRCSDeltaTbl.T; di: RCSDeltaTbl.Iterator; ti: RCSFile.TagIterator; revNum: RCSRevNum.T; d1, d2: RCSDelta.T; tag: RCSTag.T; tagHidden: BOOLEAN; hiddenDeltas: RCSDeltaList.T := NIL; hiddenTags: RCSTagList.T := NIL; attr: FileAttr.T; attrText: TEXT; inAttic: BOOLEAN; signature: TEXT; BEGIN TRY TRY rf := Attic.RCSFileOpenReadonly(pathname); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => WarnBoth(self, "Cannot open \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); RETURN; END; TRY (* Enumerate the hidden deltas. *) dtab := AccessibleDeltas(rf, self.clientClass, sfr, self); di := RCSFile.IterateByNumber(rf); WHILE, d1) DO IF NOT dtab.get(revNum, d2) THEN hiddenDeltas := RCSDeltaList.Cons(d1, hiddenDeltas); END; END; (* Enumerate the hidden tags. *) ti := RCSFile.IterateTags(rf); WHILE DO tagHidden := TRUE; IF self.clientClass.inAllowedCollectionTags(sfr.collection, THEN IF RCSTag.IsCVSBranch(tag) AND self.clientClass.inAllowedCollectionBranches(sfr.collection, OR TagIncluded(dtab, tag) THEN tagHidden := FALSE; END; END; IF tagHidden THEN hiddenTags := RCSTagList.Cons(tag, hiddenTags); END; END; (* Remove the hidden tags and deltas. *) WHILE hiddenTags # NIL DO RCSFile.DeleteTag(rf,, hiddenTags.head.revNum); hiddenTags := hiddenTags.tail; END; WHILE hiddenDeltas # NIL DO RCSFile.DeleteDelta(rf, hiddenDeltas.head); hiddenDeltas := hiddenDeltas.tail; END; (* Find the size of the edited file and insert it into the attributes. *) attr := RCSFile.GetAttr(rf); WITH wr = NEW(NullWr.T).init() DO RCSFile.ToWr(rf, wr); attr := FileAttr.Override(attr, NEW(FileAttr.T).init(attr.fileType, size := Wr.Index(wr))); Wr.Close(wr); END; inAttic := pathname # origPathname; SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := inAttic, isCheckout := FALSE); IF isFixup THEN attrText := AttrOrModTimeSize(self, sfr, attr); ELSE attrText := AttrOrModTimeSizeMode(self, sfr, attr); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, CmdTab[inAttic, isFixup], name, attrText); WITH md5wr = NEW(MD5Wr.T).init(self.wr, closeChild := FALSE) DO RCSFile.ToWr(rf, md5wr); Wr.Close(md5wr); signature := md5wr.getSignature(); END; SupMisc.PutCmd(self.wr, "."); IF signature # NIL THEN SupMisc.PutCmd(self.wr, "5", signature); END; FINALLY TRY RCSFile.Close(rf); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; EXCEPT RCSError.E(text) => WarnBoth(self, "RCS file error in \"" & pathname & "\": " & text); END; END PartialRCSSend; PROCEDURESendCounted (rd: Rd.T; wr: Wr.T; count: CARDINAL; md5: MD5.T) RAISES {Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = VAR nSent: CARDINAL; md5Wr: MD5Wr.T; signature: TEXT; BEGIN IF md5 # NIL THEN md5Wr := NEW(MD5Wr.T).init(wr, md5 := md5, closeChild := FALSE); TRY nSent := RdCopy.ToWriter(rd, md5Wr, count); FINALLY Wr.Close(md5Wr); END; signature := md5Wr.getSignature(); ELSE nSent := RdCopy.ToWriter(rd, wr, count); signature := NIL; END; IF nSent < count THEN (* The file got shorter *) FOR i := 1 TO count-nSent DO (* Pad it out *) Wr.PutChar(wr, '\000'); END; SupMisc.PutCmd(wr, ".<"); ELSE (* We used to raise an error if the file grew on the server while it was being transferred. Now we just ignore that case and transfer the number of bytes originally decided upon, assuming we'll transfer the rest on the next update. The previous policy caused big problems for huge mail archive files which took a very long time to transfer but were also grown frequently on the server host. *) SupMisc.PutCmd(wr, "."); END; IF signature # NIL THEN SupMisc.PutCmd(wr, "5", signature); END; END SendCounted;
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** Node operations. ***************************************************************************RsyncCompare (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; size: CARDINAL; blockSize: CARDINAL) RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, TokScan.Error, Wr.Failure} = VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); remainder: CARDINAL; (* Bytes at tail after all full blocks. *) blockCount: CARDINAL; (* Blocks including partial block at end. *) fullBlockCount: CARDINAL; (* Full blocks, excluding partial at end. *) blocks: REF ARRAY OF RsyncBlock.T; ts: TokScan.T; rsum: Word.T; md5: MD5Digest.T; rsf: RsyncFile.T; di: RsyncFile.DiffIterator; br: RsyncFile.BlockRange; wr: Wr.T; BEGIN fullBlockCount := size DIV blockSize; remainder := size MOD blockSize; IF remainder = 0 THEN blockCount := fullBlockCount; ELSE blockCount := fullBlockCount + 1; END; (* NOTE: The client sends information about all blocks, including any partial block at the end of the file. However, at present we do not use the information from the partial block -- we simply discard it. We might use it in the future, though. *) blocks := NEW(REF ARRAY OF RsyncBlock.T, fullBlockCount); (* Read the block info. *) FOR i := 0 TO blockCount-1 DO ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); rsum := ts.getInt("rolling checksum", 16); md5 := ts.getMD5("md5 checksum"); ts.getEnd("end of rsync block info line"); IF i < fullBlockCount THEN (* Not the last, partial block. *) WITH b = blocks[i] DO b.num := i; b.rsum := rsum; b.md5 := md5; END; END; END; ts := self.proto.getCmd(self.rd); ts.getLiteral("."); IF NOT CheckName(self, name) OR MaybeSendNode(self, sfr, name) THEN RETURN; END; TRY rsf := RsyncFile.Open(pathname, blockSize); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => WarnBoth(self, "Cannot open \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); RETURN; END; TRY SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := FALSE, isCheckout := FALSE); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "r", name, AttrOrModTime(self, sfr, rsf.attr), Fmt.Unsigned(blockSize, 10), RsyncFile.GetMD5(rsf)); di := RsyncFile.IterateDiffs(rsf, blocks); LOOP wr := NEW(EscapedWr.T).init(self.wr, closeChild := FALSE); TRY IF NOT, br) THEN EXIT END; FINALLY Wr.Close(wr); END; Wr.PutText(self.wr, Fmt.Int(br.start) & " " & Fmt.Int(br.count) & "\n"); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); FINALLY TRY RsyncFile.Close(rsf); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => RAISE Error("Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(l)); END; END; END RsyncCompare;
PROCEDURENodeCompare (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST myName = "NodeCompare: "; BEGIN Trace(self, myName, sfr.collection, " ", name); IF NOT CheckName(self, name) OR MaybeSendNode(self, sfr, name) THEN RETURN; END; (* Uh-oh. The client has a node, but we don't. *) RegularSend(self, sfr, name, isFixup := FALSE); END NodeCompare; PROCEDUREMaybeSendNode (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T): BOOLEAN RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} =
If the file is a node, sends it to the client if the negotiated protocol allows that, then returnsTRUE
. ReturnsFALSE
if the file is a regular file or does not exist at all.
CONST myName = "MaybeSendNode: "; VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); origPathname := pathname; attr: FileAttr.T; cmd: TEXT; attrText: TEXT; BEGIN Trace(self, myName, sfr.collection, " ", name); TRY attr := Attic.FileAttrFromPathname(pathname, follow := GlobTree.Not(sfr.symlink).test(name)); IF attr.fileType = FileAttr.FileType.File THEN RETURN FALSE END; EXCEPT OSError.E => RETURN FALSE; END; (* It is a node. *) IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN (* We can send it. *) IF pathname = origPathname THEN cmd := "N" ELSE cmd := "n" END; attrText := FileAttr.Encode(attr, support := self.proto.v.attrSupport, ignore := sfr.attrIgnore); SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := FALSE, isCheckout := FALSE); Trace(self, myName, "command ", cmd, " ", name); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, attrText); END; RETURN TRUE; END MaybeSendNode;*************************************************************************** Checkout mode operations. ***************************************************************************
PROCEDURECheckoutSend (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; tag: TEXT; date: TEXT; deleteIfDead := FALSE; isFixup := FALSE) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST myName = "CheckoutSend: "; VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); origPathname := pathname; keywordName := name; inAttic: BOOLEAN; rf: RCSFile.T; delta: RCSDelta.T; attr: FileAttr.T; deltaText: RCSString.Iterator; xTag: TEXT; cmd: TEXT; BEGIN Trace(self, myName, sfr.collection, " ", name); IF NOT CheckName(self, name) THEN RETURN END; TRY rf := Attic.RCSFileOpenReadonly(pathname); EXCEPT | OSError.E(list) => WarnBoth(self, "Cannot open \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); RETURN; | RCSError.E(text) => WarnBoth(self, "RCS file error in \"" & pathname & "\": " & text); RETURN; END; TRY inAttic := pathname # origPathname; IF inAttic THEN keywordName := SupMisc.AtticName(keywordName); END; attr := RCSFile.GetAttr(rf); delta := GetCheckoutDelta(rf, tag, date); IF delta = NIL OR RCSDelta.Dead(delta, inAttic := inAttic) THEN (* File is non-existent or dead for this tag and date. *) IF deleteIfDead THEN cmd := "u" ELSE cmd := "c" END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, tag, date, AttrOrModTime(self, sfr, attr)); ELSE (* File is alive for this tag and date. *) IF NOT Text.Equal(tag, ".") THEN xTag := tag ELSE xTag := NIL END; TRY deltaText := RCSDelta.GetText(delta); EXCEPT RCSError.E(text) => WarnBoth(self, "RCS file error in \"" & pathname & "\": " & text); RETURN; END; deltaText := sfr.expander.expand(deltaText, hideAttic := self.proto.v.hidesAtticInCVSHeader, cvsRoot := sfr.keywordPrefix, name := keywordName, delta := delta, tag := xTag); IF isFixup THEN cmd := "Y" ELSE cmd := "C" END; SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := inAttic, isCheckout := TRUE); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, cmd, name, tag, date, delta.revision,, AttrOrModTime(self, sfr, attr)); SendEscaped(self.wr, deltaText, withChecksum := TRUE); END; FINALLY TRY RCSFile.Close(rf); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; END CheckoutSend; PROCEDUREUpdateFromChecksum (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; tag: TEXT; date: TEXT; cksum: TEXT; revNumHint: RCSRevNum.T := NIL) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = (* If "revNumHint" is given, then only that revision is checked. *) CONST myName = "UpdateFromChecksum: "; VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); origPathname := pathname; keywordName := name; rf: RCSFile.T; delta: RCSDelta.T; bp: RCSDelta.T; gotSum: TEXT; numToCheck: CARDINAL; BEGIN Trace(self, myName, sfr.collection, " ", name); IF NOT CheckName(self, name) THEN RETURN END; TRY rf := Attic.RCSFileOpenReadonly(pathname); EXCEPT | OSError.E(list) => WarnBoth(self, "Cannot open \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); RETURN; | RCSError.E(text) => WarnBoth(self, "RCS file error in \"" & pathname & "\": " & text); RETURN; END; TRY TRY IF pathname # origPathname THEN (* File is in the Attic. *) keywordName := SupMisc.AtticName(keywordName); END; IF revNumHint # NIL THEN (* Check just the specified revision. *) TRY delta := RCSFile.GetDelta(rf, revNumHint); numToCheck := 1; EXCEPT RCSError.E => (* Client specified a non-existent revision. *) delta := NIL; END; ELSE (* Search backward on the specified branch. *) delta := GetCheckoutDelta(rf, tag, "."); numToCheck := MaxChecksumRevisions; END; IF delta # NIL THEN IF RCSRevNum.NumParts(delta.revision) > 2 THEN bp := RCSFile.GetDelta(rf, RCSRevNum.Prefix(RCSRevNum.Prefix(delta.revision))); ELSE bp := NIL; END; REPEAT gotSum := DeltaChecksum(self, sfr, delta, keywordName, tag); DEC(numToCheck); IF Text.Equal(gotSum, cksum) THEN EXIT END; IF delta = bp OR numToCheck = 0 THEN delta := NIL; (* Give up. *) ELSE delta := RCSDelta.Predecessor(delta); END; UNTIL delta = NIL; END; EXCEPT RCSError.E(text) => WarnBoth(self, "RCS file error in \"" & pathname & "\": " & text); RETURN; END; FINALLY TRY RCSFile.Close(rf); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; IF delta # NIL THEN (* We found the matching delta. *) CheckoutUpdate(self, sfr, name, tag, date, delta.revision,; ELSE (* Just send the whole file. *) CheckoutSend(self, sfr, name, tag, date, deleteIfDead := TRUE); END; END UpdateFromChecksum; PROCEDUREDeltaChecksum (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; delta: RCSDelta.T; keywordName: Pathname.T; tag: TEXT): TEXT RAISES {RCSError.E} =
Computes the MD5 checksum of the given delta, and returns it.
VAR md5: MD5.T; xTag: TEXT; iter: RCSString.Iterator; lineStr: RCSString.T; sum: TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT Text.Equal(tag, ".") THEN xTag := tag ELSE xTag := NIL END; iter := sfr.expander.expand(RCSDelta.GetText(delta), hideAttic := self.proto.v.hidesAtticInCVSHeader, cvsRoot := sfr.keywordPrefix, name := keywordName, delta := delta, tag := xTag); md5 := MD5.New(); TRY WHILE DO md5.updateText(lineStr.toText()); END; FINALLY sum := md5.finish(); END; RETURN sum; END DeltaChecksum; PROCEDURECheckoutUpdate (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; tag: TEXT; date: TEXT; oldRevNum: RCSRevNum.T; oldRevDate: RCSDate.T) RAISES {Error, Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST myName = "CheckoutUpdate: "; VAR pathname := SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.serverPrefix, name); origPathname := pathname; inAttic: BOOLEAN; keywordName := name; rf: RCSFile.T; fromAtticFlag: TEXT; oldDelta, newDelta: RCSDelta.T; attr: FileAttr.T; parsedDeltas: ParsedDeltaList.T := NIL; diffBase: RCSDelta.T; oldLogLines: CARDINAL; xTag: TEXT; dText: RCSString.Iterator; md5: MD5.T; sLine: RCSString.T; cksum: TEXT; checkOutWholeThing := FALSE; BEGIN Trace(self, myName, sfr.collection, " ", name); IF NOT CheckName(self, name) THEN RETURN END; TRY rf := Attic.RCSFileOpenReadonly(pathname); EXCEPT | OSError.E(list) => WarnBoth(self, "Cannot open \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); RETURN; | RCSError.E(text) => WarnBoth(self, "RCS file error in \"" & pathname & "\": " & text); RETURN; END; TRY inAttic := pathname # origPathname; IF inAttic THEN keywordName := SupMisc.AtticName(keywordName); END; attr := RCSFile.GetAttr(rf); newDelta := GetCheckoutDelta(rf, tag, date); IF newDelta = NIL OR RCSDelta.Dead(newDelta, inAttic := inAttic) THEN (* File is non-existent or dead for this tag and date. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "u", name, tag, date, AttrOrModTime(self, sfr, attr)); ELSE (* File is alive for this tag and date. *) (* See whether the client already has the right revision number. If the client sent the revDate, then verify it too. *) IF RCSRevNum.Equal(newDelta.revision, oldRevNum) AND (NOT self.proto.v.sendsRevDates OR RCSDate.Equal(, oldRevDate)) THEN (* The RCS file's modTime has changed, but there have been no changes affecting the client's checked-out version. Just tell the client to update its notion of the RCS file's modTime. *) self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "T", name, tag, date, newDelta.revision, more := TRUE); IF self.proto.v.sendsRevDates THEN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, NIL,, more := TRUE); END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, NIL, AttrOrModTime(self, sfr, attr)); ELSE (* We have to send some deltas to the client. *) TRY oldDelta := RCSFile.GetDelta(rf, oldRevNum); IF self.proto.v.sendsRevDates AND NOT RCSDate.Equal(oldRevDate, THEN (* We found the revision the client says he has. But it doesn't have the date that the client says it should have. Probably somebody completely replaced the RCS file on the server. *) RAISE RCSError.E("revDate mismatch for revision " & oldRevNum); END; parsedDeltas := DeltaPath(oldDelta, newDelta); (* Count the number of log lines that the client will have to remove from the old version of the file. Note that trailing blank lines are discarded. *) oldLogLines := 0; VAR line: RCSString.T; text: TEXT; iter := RCSDelta.GetLog(oldDelta).iterate(); lineNum := 0; BEGIN WHILE DO text := line.toText(); IF NOT SupMisc.IsBlankLine(text) THEN oldLogLines := lineNum + 1; END; INC(lineNum); END; END; (* Compute the checksum. *) IF Text.Equal(tag, ".") THEN xTag := NIL ELSE xTag := tag END; dText := sfr.expander.expand(RCSDelta.GetText(newDelta), hideAttic := self.proto.v.hidesAtticInCVSHeader, cvsRoot := sfr.keywordPrefix, name := keywordName, delta := newDelta, tag := xTag); md5 := MD5.New(); TRY WHILE DO md5.updateText(sLine.toText()); END; FINALLY cksum := md5.finish(); END; EXCEPT RCSError.E => (* For one reason or another, we weren't able to come up with an update from the client's revision to the one we want. This happened once, when the delta the client said it had didn't even exist in the RCS file. (Somebody had clobbered the RCS file.) Just check out the desired revision from scratch. We used to warn about this, but it put too much scary stuff into the server logs on those rare occasions when it happened. *) checkOutWholeThing := TRUE; END; IF NOT checkOutWholeThing THEN (* We must pass along an indication of whether the RCS file was in the Attic or not, because that affects the expansion of the "Source" and "Header" RCS keywords. *) IF pathname = origPathname THEN fromAtticFlag := "0"; ELSE fromAtticFlag := "1"; END; SendExecutes(self, sfr, name, inAttic := FALSE, isCheckout := TRUE); self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "U", name, tag, date, oldRevNum, fromAtticFlag, Fmt.Int(oldLogLines), RCSKeyword.EncodeExpand(rf.expand), AttrOrModTime(self, sfr, attr), cksum); (* DANGER - Errors beyond this point are fatal. *) diffBase := oldDelta; REPEAT WITH pd = parsedDeltas.head DO SendDelta(self,, diffBase, pd.log, pd.text); diffBase :=; END; parsedDeltas := parsedDeltas.tail; UNTIL parsedDeltas = NIL; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "."); END; END; END; FINALLY TRY RCSFile.Close(rf); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE Error("Cannot close \"" & pathname & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; IF checkOutWholeThing THEN (* We weren't able to edit the file. *) CheckoutSend(self, sfr, name, tag, date, deleteIfDead := TRUE); END; END CheckoutUpdate; PROCEDUREDeltaPath (delta1, delta2: RCSDelta.T): ParsedDeltaList.T RAISES {RCSError.E} =
Returns a list of parsed deltas leading fromdelta1
. The text for each one is filled in, but the log is present only for the last one.
VAR d1 := delta1; d2 := delta2; list1, list2: ParsedDeltaList.T := NIL; l: ParsedDeltaList.T; diffBase: RCSDelta.T; BEGIN (* Find the paths from each delta back to a common branch. *) WITH commLen = SupMisc.CommonLength(d1.revision, d2.revision) DO (* Notice that the following loops are not quite the same. That is because we want to include "delta2" in our final list, but not "delta1". *) WHILE Text.Length(RCSRevNum.Prefix(d1.revision)) > commLen AND NOT RCSRevNum.IsTrunk(d1.revision) DO d1 := RCSDelta.Predecessor(d1); list1 := ParsedDeltaList.Cons(ParsedDelta.T{delta := d1}, list1); END; WHILE Text.Length(RCSRevNum.Prefix(d2.revision)) > commLen AND NOT RCSRevNum.IsTrunk(d2.revision) DO list2 := ParsedDeltaList.Cons(ParsedDelta.T{delta := d2}, list2); d2 := RCSDelta.Predecessor(d2); END; END; (* Find the connecting path along the common branch. *) WITH c = RCSRevNum.Compare(d1.revision, d2.revision) DO IF c < 0 THEN REPEAT list2 := ParsedDeltaList.Cons(ParsedDelta.T{delta := d2}, list2); d2 := RCSDelta.Predecessor(d2); UNTIL d2 = d1; ELSIF c > 0 THEN REPEAT d1 := RCSDelta.Predecessor(d1); list1 := ParsedDeltaList.Cons(ParsedDelta.T{delta := d1}, list1); UNTIL d1 = d2; END; END; (* Combine the paths, by popping entries from "list1" and pushing them onto "list2". *) WHILE list1 # NIL DO l := list1; list1 := list1.tail; l.tail := list2; list2 := l; END; (* Traverse the final path, filling the texts for all the deltas, and the log for the last one. *) l := list2; diffBase := delta1; WHILE l # NIL DO WITH pd = l.head DO IF l.tail = NIL THEN (* Last delta in the list. *) pd.log := RCSDelta.GetLog(; END; pd.text := RCSDelta.GetText(, diffBase); diffBase :=; END; l := l.tail; END; RETURN list2; END DeltaPath; PROCEDURE***************************************************************************GetCheckoutDelta (rf: RCSFile.T; tag: TEXT; date: RCSDate.T): RCSDelta.T = BEGIN IF Text.Equal(tag, ".") THEN tag := NIL END; IF Text.Equal(date, ".") THEN date := NIL END; TRY RETURN RCSFile.GetTagDelta(rf, tag, date); EXCEPT RCSError.E => RETURN NIL; END; END GetCheckoutDelta;
PROCEDURE***************************************************************************SendExecutes (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; name: Pathname.T; inAttic: BOOLEAN; isCheckout: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = CONST myName = "SendExecutes: "; VAR clientName: Pathname.T := NIL; er: ExecRec.T; BEGIN Trace(self, myName, sfr.collection, " ", name); FOR i := 0 TO sfr.executes.size()-1 DO er := sfr.executes.get(i); IF er.pattern.test(name) THEN IF clientName = NIL THEN (* First match. *) IF isCheckout THEN clientName := SupMisc.CheckoutName(name); ELSIF inAttic THEN clientName := SupMisc.AtticName(name); ELSE clientName := name; END; END; self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "E", clientName, er.command); END; END; END SendExecutes;
Legacy protocol support.
PROCEDURE***************************************************************************AttrOrModTime (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; attr: FileAttr.T): TEXT = BEGIN IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN RETURN FileAttr.Encode(attr, support := self.proto.v.attrSupport, ignore := sfr.attrIgnore); ELSE RETURN TokScan.EncodeTime(FileAttr.GetModTime(attr)); END; END AttrOrModTime; PROCEDUREAttrOrModTimeSize (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; attr: FileAttr.T): TEXT = BEGIN IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN RETURN FileAttr.Encode(attr, support := self.proto.v.attrSupport, ignore := sfr.attrIgnore); ELSE RETURN TokScan.EncodeTime(FileAttr.GetModTime(attr)) & " " & Fmt.Unsigned(FileAttr.GetSize(attr), 10); END; END AttrOrModTimeSize; PROCEDUREAttrOrModTimeSizeMode (self: T; sfr: SupFileRec.T; attr: FileAttr.T): TEXT = BEGIN IF self.proto.v.hasFileAttrs THEN (* Note that we never ignore the file mode, since we are creating a brand new file in this case. *) RETURN FileAttr.Encode(attr, support := self.proto.v.attrSupport, ignore := sfr.attrIgnore - FileAttr.AttrTypes{FileAttr.AttrType.Mode}); ELSE RETURN TokScan.EncodeTime(FileAttr.GetModTime(attr)) & " " & Fmt.Unsigned(FileAttr.GetSize(attr), 10) & " " & Fmt.Unsigned(FileAttr.GetMode(attr), 10); END; END AttrOrModTimeSizeMode;
PROCEDUREWarning (self: T; msg: TEXT) =
Logs a warning message.
BEGIN IF self.logger # NIL THEN Logger.Put(self.logger, Logger.Priority.Warning, msg); END; END Warning; PROCEDUREWarnBoth (self: T; msg: TEXT)
Logs a warning message and sends it to the client.
RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN Warning(self, msg); WarnClient(self, msg); END WarnBoth; PROCEDUREWarnClient (self: T; msg: TEXT)
Sends a warning message to the client.
RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN self.proto.putCmd(self.wr, "!", msg); Wr.Flush(self.wr); END WarnClient; PROCEDURETrace (self: T; m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8: TEXT := NIL; level := 1) =
Logs a trace message.
BEGIN IF traceLevel >= level THEN VAR msg := ""; BEGIN IF m1 # NIL THEN msg := msg & m1 END; IF m2 # NIL THEN msg := msg & m2 END; IF m3 # NIL THEN msg := msg & m3 END; IF m4 # NIL THEN msg := msg & m4 END; IF m5 # NIL THEN msg := msg & m5 END; IF m6 # NIL THEN msg := msg & m6 END; IF m7 # NIL THEN msg := msg & m7 END; IF m8 # NIL THEN msg := msg & m8 END; IF self.logger # NIL THEN Logger.Debug(self.logger, msg); ELSE IO.Put("logger = NIL: " & msg & "\n"); END; END; END; END Trace; BEGIN END RCSComp.