
 Copyright (C) 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation          
 All rights reserved.                                       
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.             
 Created by Susan Owicki, rewritten by Carsten Weich        
 Last modified on Fri Sep 23 14:53:42 PDT 1994 by weich     

Produce Modula-3 code for the stable object's implementation. The exception StablegenError.E is raised if some error in the users data structures is uncoverd. In general, this should not occur at this point.

INTERFACE GenModuleCode;

IMPORT Formatter, ImportList, StablegenError, Type;

PROCEDURE Header (modWr     : Formatter.T;
                  implName  : TEXT;
                  methods   : ImportList.MethodList;
                  importList: ImportList.T           );
Produce a module (with name implName) header together with the IMPORT statements (produced out of importList. After that a declaration of an enumeration type is added. It enumerates all update methods (using the list methods). Code is written to modWr.

PROCEDURE Revealation (modWr  : Formatter.T;
                       repName: TEXT;
                       methods: ImportList.MethodList)
  RAISES {StablegenError.E};
Produce the code for the revealation of the generic type Stable.T. Code is written to modWr, repName is the filename of the instatiation of the generic part of the implementation, methods is a list of its update methods

PROCEDURE Surrogates (modWr  : Formatter.T;
                      name   : Type.Qid;
                      repName: TEXT;
                      methods: ImportList.MethodList)
  RAISES {StablegenError.E};
Produce the code of the methods that log their parameters. Code is written to modWr, name is the object's name for which a stable implementation is produced, repName is the name of the instantiated generic part of the generated code, methods is a list of its update methods

PROCEDURE Dispatcher (modWr  : Formatter.T;
                      methods: ImportList.MethodList)
  RAISES {StablegenError.E};
Produce code for procedure which reads the log and starts all the redo stubs. Code is written to modWr, methods is a list of its update methods

PROCEDURE ReplayStubs (modWr  : Formatter.T;
                       name   : Type.Qid;
                       methods: ImportList.MethodList)
  RAISES {StablegenError.E};
Produce code for the redo stubs. Again modWr is the writer that takes the code, type is the object and methods is the list of the update methods

PROCEDURE Checkpoint(modWr: Formatter.T; repName: TEXT);
Generate the call to the procedure that does the checkpoint (which is in the generic part of the implementation of stable objects repName)

END GenModuleCode.

interface ImportList is in:

interface Type is in: