Produce Modula-3 code for the stable object's implementation
MODULE\subsection{Name preambles} The following constants are used to alter the user identifier where necessary.; IMPORT Atom, GenTypeCode, Fmt, Formatter, StablegenError, Text, ImportList, Type, Value, Wr; <* FATAL Wr.Failure*> GenModuleCode
is inserted before
the name of the updatemethod to get the name recording version of the
method. The replaying procedure has PreReplayMeth
as first part of
the name.
To avoid name conflics between user arguments and arguments produced by
the generator, PreArgs
is inserted befor argument identifier.
CONST PreLogMeths = "Log_"; PreReplayMeths = "Replay_"; SuffArgs = "_arg";\subsection{Utility procedures and abreviations} All procedures that output code in this module use the
module. The following abreviation is used by all procedures in order
to get better readable program text:
WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DOOften used
-procedure sequences are combined in the
procdures PutLine
PROCEDURE\subsection{Generate procedure calls} Several procedure calls are generated by the following procedures.PutLine (fmtWr: Formatter.T; text: TEXT) = BEGIN Formatter.PutText(fmtWr, text); Formatter.NewLine(fmtWr, freshLine := FALSE); END PutLine;
generates a call to the original update method.
generates calls to procedures of the StableLog
The parameters of type Direction
determin wether the call is
used in the logging procedure (Direction.Log
) or in the
replay procedures (Direction.Replay
TYPE Direction = {Replay, Log}; PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure Header} WriteSuperCall (f : Formatter.T; name : Type.Qid; method: ImportList.Method; suffix: TEXT; d : Direction ) = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText DO Put(f, Atom.ToText(name.intf) & ".T." & Atom.ToText(; Put(f, "(self"); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(method.sig.formals^) DO WITH formals = method.sig.formals[i] DO Put(f, ", "); Put(f, Atom.ToText( & suffix); IF d = Direction.Replay AND ISTYPE(formals.type, Type.OpenArray) THEN Put(f, "^") END; END; END; Put(f, ")"); END (*WITH*) END SuperCall; PROCEDUREStableLogCall (f : Formatter.T; proc : TEXT; varName: TEXT; d : Direction; ranges := "") = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText DO IF d = Direction.Replay THEN Put(f, varName & " := StableLog.In" & proc & "(log" & ranges & ");"); ELSE Put(f, "StableLog.Out" & proc & "(self.log, " & varName & ranges & ");"); END (*IF*) END (*WITH*) END StableLogCall;
..., imports (ImportList.ToText()
) and the
enumeration type TYPE Methods
used to gather method codes
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure Revealation} Generate theHeader (f : Formatter.T; implName : TEXT; methods : ImportList.MethodList; importList: ImportList.T ) = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine DO PutLine(f, "(* This file was generated by the program stablegen *)"); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Put(f, "MODULE " & implName & ";"); Nl(f); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Put(f, "IMPORT "); Put(f, ImportList.ToText(importList) & ";"); Nl(f); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Put(f, "TYPE "); Nl(f); EnumerateMethods(f, methods); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); END END Header; PROCEDUREEnumerateMethods (f : Formatter.T; methods: ImportList.MethodList) = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO Put(f, " Methods = {"); Tab(f); FOR i := LAST(methods^) TO 0 BY -1 DO IF i < LAST(methods^) THEN Put(f, ", "); END; Formatter.Break( f, type := Formatter.BreakType.NonOptimal); Put(f, Atom.ToText(methods[i].name)); END; Put(f, "};"); Nl(f); EndTab(f); END END EnumerateMethods;
of the stable
subtype. The opaque supertype revealed is from the generic interface
which has to be instanciated from outside the stable generator.
The necessary information passed is: t
the object to be made stable,
the writer for the code output, methods
the list of update
The code produced is a object type which is a subtype of the generic
. Hidden fields are nm
, the name of the stable object,
the log writer, lm
the log manager object, forceToDisk
sync boolean. Overridden methods are those from the generic interface
and those from the user object.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure Surrogates} Produce methods that log their parameters and then start the methods of the (unstable) supertype. Output is written to the FormatterRevealation (f : Formatter.T; repName: TEXT; methods: ImportList.MethodList) = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO Put(f, "REVEAL "); Nl(f); Put(f, " T = "); Tab(f); Tab(f, 2); Put(f, repName); Put(f, ".Public BRANDED OBJECT"); Nl(f); Put(f, "OVERRIDES"); Nl(f); Put(f, "replayLog:= ReplayLog;"); Nl(f); Nl(f); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(methods^) DO Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Put(f, Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & " := "); Put(f, PreLogMeths & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & ";"); END; EndTab(f); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Put(f, "END;"); EndTab(f); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); END; END Revealation;
, the name of the supertype is taken from the
(which is the unstable supertype). The log writing
surrogate methods are produced for all methods listet in
. repName
is the name of the instantiated generic
part of the generated code.
A main FOR
statement loops over all methods
. The code
generation is split amoung the procedures
(producing PROCEDURE
header and
variables), SurrBody()
(procuding the statements) and
(producing error handling at the end).
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure SurrBody} This procedure generates the statements of surrogate methods except the error handlingSurrogates (f : Formatter.T; name : Type.Qid; repName: TEXT; methods: ImportList.MethodList) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO FOR i := 0 TO LAST(methods^) DO WITH pname = PreLogMeths & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) DO Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Tab(f, 2); GenTypeCode.ProcHeader(f, pname, methods[i].sig, "_arg"); PutLine(f, " = "); SurrBody(f, name, repName, methods[i]); SurrErrors(f); Put(f, "END"); (* matches IF self.lm... in SurrBody *) EndTab(f); Nl(f); Put(f, "END " & pname & ";"); (* matches BEGIN in SurrBody *) EndTab(f); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Formatter.Flush(f); END; (*WITH*) END (*FOR*) END (*WITH*) END Surrogates; PROCEDURESurrErrors (f: Formatter.T) = BEGIN WITH Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Put = Formatter.PutText, EndTab = Formatter.End DO PutLine(f, "EXCEPT"); PutLine(f, " StableError.E(err) =>"); PutLine(f, " <*NOWARN*> StableError.Halt("); PutLine(f, " \"can not flush log (\"& StableError.ToText(err) "); PutLine(f, " & \") in dir \" & self.nm);"); Put(f, "END"); EndTab(f); Nl(f); END (*WITH*) END SurrErrors;
part of it. Comments mark
the three parts of this procedure. {\em Prolog:} Output the
call to eventually reopen the log and the method number recording
call. {\em Parameter saving:} Output recording calls for every
parameter of the method. {\em Supercall} Output the call to
the original update method. {\em Epilog:} Output the commit
recording call and the log flushing call. The epilog is protected
statement in case that the logged method
raises an exception.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure Dispatcher} This procedure generates the dispatcherSurrBody (f : Formatter.T; name : Type.Qid; repName: TEXT; method : ImportList.Method) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO (* Prolog *) Tab(f, 2); PutLine(f, "BEGIN"); Tab(f, 2); (* Just do Super call if no log manager *) PutLine(f, "IF self.lm = NIL THEN"); IF method.sig.result # NIL THEN Put(f, "RETURN "); END; SuperCall(f, name, method, SuffArgs, Direction.Log); EndTab(f); Nl(f); Tab(f, 2); PutLine(f, "ELSE"); (* IF self.lm... *) Tab(f, 2); PutLine(f, "TRY"); Put (f, repName); PutLine(f, ".ReOpenLog(self);"); Put (f, "StableLog.OutCall(self.log, ORD(Methods."); PutLine(f, Atom.ToText( & "));"); (* Generate all parameter saving calls *) FOR i := 0 TO LAST(method.sig.formals^) DO WITH formals = method.sig.formals[i] DO MarshalTypedVal( f, Atom.ToText( & SuffArgs, formals.type, Direction.Log, calling := TRUE); Nl(f); END; END; (* Do Super call *) Tab(f, 2); PutLine(f, "TRY"); IF method.sig.result # NIL THEN Put(f, "RETURN "); END; SuperCall(f, name, method, SuffArgs, Direction.Log); EndTab(f); Nl(f); (* Epilog *) Tab(f, 2); PutLine(f, "FINALLY"); PutLine(f, "StableLog.OutCallEndMark(self.log);"); Put(f, "IF self.forceToDisk THEN self.flushLog() END"); EndTab(f); Nl(f); Put(f, "END"); EndTab(f); Nl(f); END (*DO*) END SurrBody;
which is
called during recovery. It reads the log (StableLog.InCall
) in
an endless loop and calls all replay procedures (Replay_...
accordingly. The loop exits only when an exception occurs during
respooling. This happens at the end of the log reader.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure ReplayStubs} Generate onDispatcher (f : Formatter.T; methods: ImportList.MethodList) = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO Put(f, "\nPROCEDURE ReplayLog(o: T; log: Rd.T) ="); Put(f, "\n BEGIN"); Put(f, "\n TRY"); Put(f, "\n LOOP"); Tab(f, -1); Put(f, "\n CASE VAL(StableLog." & "InCall(log, ORD(LAST(Methods))), Methods) OF"); FOR i := FIRST(methods^) TO LAST(methods^) DO Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); Put(f, "| Methods." & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & " => "); Put(f, PreReplayMeths & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & "(o, log);"); END; EndTab(f); Put(f, "\n END (*CASE*)"); Put(f, "\n END (*LOOP*)"); Put(f, "\n EXCEPT"); Put(f, "\n ELSE"); Put(f, "\n END;"); Put(f, "\n END ReplayLog;\n\n"); END END Dispatcher;
for object name
for each method in methods
a replay stub procedure.
The main FOR
-loop steps through methods
. The main steps
performed for each such method is marked by comments below:
{\em Generate procedure header} generates the header of the
stub (parameters are always the same: self
and log
{\em Variable Deklarations:} For each parameter of the
update method one variable has to be declared (with the same
type than the parameter). {\em Read in Values:} generate
calls to read each such parameter from the log. {\em Super call:}
Now the update method can be called (which is not a super call
but looks exactly like one). Finally the END
of the stub
is generated.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure Checkpoint} Generate the call to the checkpointing procedure which is located in the generic part of the implementation.ReplayStubs (f : Formatter.T; name : Type.Qid; methods: ImportList.MethodList) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = VAR varType: Type.T; BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO FOR i := 0 TO LAST(methods^) DO (* Generate procedure header *) GenTypeCode.ProcHeader( f, PreReplayMeths & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name), replaySig); Put(f, "=\n"); (* Variable Deklarations for parameter of method: *) WITH sig = methods[i].sig DO IF NUMBER(sig.formals^) > 0 THEN Tab(f, 4); Put(f, " VAR"); FOR j := 0 TO LAST(sig.formals^) DO WITH formals = sig.formals[j] DO TYPECASE formals.type OF | Type.OpenArray (oa) => varType := oa.refArray ELSE varType := formals.type; END; Nl(f); Put( f, Atom.ToText( & SuffArgs & ": " & GenTypeCode.ToText(varType) & ";"); END; END; EndTab(f); END; (* Read in values of parameters: *) Nl(f); Tab(f, 4); PutLine(f, " BEGIN"); FOR j := 0 TO LAST(sig.formals^) DO WITH formals = sig.formals[j] DO MarshalTypedVal( f, Atom.ToText( & SuffArgs, formals.type, Direction.Replay, calling := TRUE); Nl(f) END END; PutLine(f, "IF NOT StableLog.CheckCallEndMark(log) THEN"); PutLine(f, " RAISE StableLog.Error"); PutLine(f, "END;"); END; (*WITH*) (* Do Supercall *) Tab(f, 2); PutLine(f, "TRY"); IF methods[i].sig.result # NIL THEN Put(f, "EVAL "); END; SuperCall(f, name, methods[i], SuffArgs, Direction.Replay); EndTab(f); Nl(f); PutLine(f, "EXCEPT ELSE"); Put(f, "END"); (* End Procedure *) EndTab(f); Nl(f); Put(f, " END " & PreReplayMeths & Atom.ToText(methods[i].name) & ";\n\n"); END (*FOR*) END (*WITH*) END ReplayStubs;
PROCEDURE\subsection{Marshalling Procedures} These procedures generate calls to theCheckpoint (f: Formatter.T; repName: TEXT) = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine DO PutLine(f, "PROCEDURE Checkpoint(o: T) RAISES {StableError.E} ="); Nl(f); PutLine(f, " BEGIN"); Nl(f); Put(f, " "); Put(f, repName); PutLine(f, ".Checkpoint(o)"); PutLine(f, " END Checkpoint;"); Nl(f, freshLine := FALSE); END END Checkpoint;
module to
write or read a variable to or from the log.
is the main procedure which takes the
name varName
and type t
of a variable.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Define the signature of replay stubs} Since all replay stubs have the same signature, we provide a read only global variableMarshalTypedVal (fmtWr : Formatter.T; varName : TEXT; t : Type.T; d : Direction; calling : BOOLEAN; indexDepth := 0) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO TYPECASE t OF | Type.Char => StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Char", varName, d); | Type.UserDefined (ud) => IF t = Type.boolean THEN StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Boolean", varName, d); ELSE Enumeration(fmtWr, varName, t, d, 0, LAST(ud.elts^)); END | Type.Subrange (sub) => IF t = Type.integer THEN StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Integer", varName, d); ELSIF t = Type.longint THEN StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Longint", varName, d); ELSIF t = Type.cardinal THEN StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Cardinal", varName, d); ELSIF t = Type.longcard THEN StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Longcard", varName, d); ELSIF d = Direction.Log THEN (* no value range check when writing *) IF sub.base = Type.longint THEN StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Longint", varName, d); ELSE StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Integer", varName, d); END ELSE SubRange(fmtWr, varName, t, d, sub.min, sub.max); END; | Type.Real => StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Real", varName, d); | Type.LongReal => StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Longreal", varName, d); | Type.Extended => StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Extended", varName, d); | Type.Reference (r) => IF Type.MayBeRefAny(r) OR NOT Type.NamedType(r) THEN StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Ref", varName, d); ELSE StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Ref", varName, d); END; | Type.Array (a) => IF a.index = NIL THEN MarshalOpenArray(fmtWr, varName, t, d, calling, indexDepth); ELSE Tab(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "FOR i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & " := FIRST(" & GenTypeCode.ToText(a.index) & ") TO LAST(" & GenTypeCode.ToText(a.index) & ") DO"); MarshalTypedVal( fmtWr, varName & "[i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & "]", a.element, d, calling, indexDepth + 1); EndTab(fmtWr); Nl(fmtWr); Put(fmtWr, "END;"); END; | Type.Packed (p) => MarshalTypedVal(fmtWr, varName, p.base, d, calling, indexDepth); | Type.Record (rec) => FOR i := 0 TO LAST(rec.fields^) DO MarshalTypedVal( fmtWr, varName & "." & Atom.ToText(rec.fields[i].name), rec.fields[i].type, d, calling, indexDepth); IF i < LAST(rec.fields^) THEN Nl(fmtWr) END END; | Type.Set (s) => IF d = Direction.Replay THEN PutLine(fmtWr, varName & ":=" & GenTypeCode.ToText(s) & "{};"); Tab(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "FOR i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & " := FIRST(" & GenTypeCode.ToText(s.range) & ") TO LAST(" & GenTypeCode.ToText(s.range) & ") DO"); Tab(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "IF StableLog.InBoolean(log) THEN"); Put(fmtWr, varName & " := " & varName & " + " & GenTypeCode.ToText(s) & "{i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & "};"); EndTab(fmtWr); Nl(fmtWr); Put(fmtWr, "END") ELSE Tab(fmtWr, 2); PutLine(fmtWr, "FOR i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & " := FIRST(" & GenTypeCode.ToText(s.range) & ") TO LAST(" & GenTypeCode.ToText(s.range) & ") DO"); Put(fmtWr, "StableLog.OutBoolean(self.log, i" & Fmt.Int(indexDepth) & " IN " & varName & ");"); END; EndTab(fmtWr); Nl(fmtWr); Put(fmtWr, "END;"); | Type.Procedure => RAISE StablegenError.E("Can't have a procedure as argument or result " & "of a stable object method."); ELSE StablegenError.Fatal("runtime error in GenModuleCode"); END (*TYPECASE*) END (*WITH*) END MarshalTypedVal; PROCEDURESubRange (fmtWr : Formatter.T; varName : TEXT; t : Type.Subrange; d : Direction; min, max: Value.T) = BEGIN IF t = Type.longint OR t.base = Type.longint THEN WITH min = NARROW(min, Value.Longint).val, max = NARROW(max, Value.Longint).val DO StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Longint", varName, d, ", 16_" & Fmt.LongUnsigned(min) & ", 16_" & Fmt.LongUnsigned(max)); END ELSIF t = Type.integer OR t.base = Type.integer THEN WITH min = NARROW(min, Value.Integer).val, max = NARROW(max, Value.Integer).val DO StableLogCall(fmtWr, "Integer", varName, d, ", 16_" & Fmt.Unsigned(min) & ", 16_" & Fmt.Unsigned(max)); END ELSE TYPECASE t.base OF | Type.Enumeration => WITH min = NARROW(min, Value.Integer).val, max = NARROW(max, Value.Integer).val DO Enumeration(fmtWr, varName, t.base, d, min, max); END | Type.Subrange => SubRange(fmtWr, varName, t.base, d, min, max); ELSE StablegenError.Fatal("runtime error in GenModuleCode"); END (*TYPECASE*) END (*IF*) END SubRange; PROCEDUREEnumeration (fmtWr : Formatter.T; varName : TEXT; t : Type.Enumeration; d : Direction; min, max: INTEGER ) = BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText DO IF d = Direction.Replay THEN Put(fmtWr, varName & " := VAL(StableLog.InInteger(log, " & Fmt.Int(min) & "," & Fmt.Int(max) & "), " & GenTypeCode.ToText(t) & ");"); ELSE Put(fmtWr, "StableLog.OutInteger(self.log, ORD(" & varName & "));"); END (*IF*) END (*WITH*) END Enumeration; PROCEDUREMarshalOpenArray (f : Formatter.T; varName : TEXT; a : Type.OpenArray; d : Direction; calling : BOOLEAN; indexDepth : INTEGER) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = VAR nDimensions := a.openDimensions; aName, baseName, boundList: Text.T; component : Type.T; BEGIN WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO IF calling THEN (* Must marshal/unmarshal array bounds *) IF d = Direction.Log THEN StableLogCall( f, "Integer", "NUMBER(" & varName & ")", d); Nl(f); aName := varName & "[0"; FOR i := 2 TO nDimensions DO StableLogCall( f, "Integer", "NUMBER(" & aName & "])", d); Nl(f); aName := aName & ", 0"; END; baseName := varName; ELSE Put(f, "WITH n1 = StableLog.InInteger(log)"); boundList := "n1"; FOR i := 2 TO nDimensions DO PutLine(f, ","); Put(f, " n" & Fmt.Int(i) & " = StableLog.InInteger(log)"); boundList := boundList & ", n" & Fmt.Int(i); END; PutLine(f, " DO"); PutLine(f, " " & varName & " := NEW(" & GenTypeCode.ToText(a.refArray) & ", " & boundList & ");"); PutLine(f, "END;"); baseName := varName & "^"; END; ELSE IF d = Direction.Log THEN baseName := varName & "^"; ELSE baseName := varName; END; END; (* Suppress actual data for <*OUTPUT*> params on call *) Tab(f, 2); PutLine(f, "FOR n1 := 0 TO LAST(" & baseName & ") DO"); aName := varName & "[n1"; component := a.element; FOR i := 2 TO nDimensions DO Tab(f, 2); PutLine(f, "FOR n" & Fmt.Int(i) & " := 0 TO LAST(" & aName & "]) DO"); aName := aName & ", n" & Fmt.Int(i); component := NARROW(component, Type.OpenArray).element; END; MarshalTypedVal( f, aName & "]", component, d, calling, indexDepth); FOR i := 1 TO nDimensions DO EndTab(f); Nl(f); Put(f, "END;"); (* End FOR Loop *) END; END END MarshalOpenArray;
that stores this signature.
VAR replaySig: Type.Signature; replayFormals := NEW(REF ARRAY OF Type.Formal, 1); replayExcpt := NEW(REF ARRAY OF Type.Exception, 1); BEGIN replayFormals[0] := NEW( Type.Formal, mode := Type.Mode.Value, name := Atom.FromText("log"), default := NIL, type := NEW(Type.Object, name := NEW(Type.Qid, intf := Atom.FromText("Rd"), item := Atom.FromText("T")))); replayExcpt[0] := NEW(Type.Exception, qid := NEW(Type.Qid, intf := Atom.FromText("StableLog"), item := Atom.FromText("Error")), arg := NIL); replaySig.formals:= replayFormals; replaySig.result:= NIL; replaySig.raises:= replayExcpt; END GenModuleCode.