MODULE; IMPORT ErrMsg, FileAttr, FileRd, FileStatus, FileStatusRaw, FileWr, FS, OSError, Pathname, Rd, SupFileRec, SupMisc, TempFiles, Thread, Time, Wr; TYPE TRep = T OBJECT srcPath: Pathname.T; reader: FileStatus.Reader; tempPath: Pathname.T := NIL; destPath: Pathname.T := NIL; writer: FileStatus.Writer := NIL; curFS: FileStatus.T := NIL; dirty := FALSE; rdVersion, wrVersion := 0; OVERRIDES get := Get; delete := Delete; put := Put; close := Close; END; PROCEDURE StatusFile Open (sfr: SupFileRec.T; scanTime: Time.T := -1.0d0; destDir: Pathname.T := NIL; readFromDestDir := FALSE): T RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR self := NEW(TRep); basePath := SupMisc.CatPath( SupMisc.ResolvePath(sfr.clientBase, sfr.clientCollDir), SupMisc.CatPath(sfr.collection, SupMisc.StatusFileName(sfr))); attr: FileAttr.T; BEGIN self.srcPath := basePath; IF readFromDestDir AND destDir # NIL THEN self.srcPath := SupMisc.CatPath(destDir, self.srcPath); END; TRY self.reader := FileStatus.FromRd(FileRd.Open(self.srcPath)); EXCEPT | FileStatus.Error(msg) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Error in \"" & self.srcPath & "\": " & msg); | OSError.E => (* Just use an empty source. *) self.reader := FileStatus.FromNull(); | Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Read failure on \"" & self.srcPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; self.rdVersion := self.reader.version(); IF scanTime # -1.0d0 THEN (* Open for writing, too. *) self.destPath := basePath; IF destDir # NIL THEN self.destPath := SupMisc.CatPath(destDir, self.destPath); END; self.tempPath := SupMisc.TempName(self.destPath); TRY SupMisc.MakeDirectories(self.tempPath, sfr.umask); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Cannot create directories leading to \"" & self.tempPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; TRY WITH wr = FileWr.Open(self.tempPath) DO TempFiles.Note(self.tempPath); attr := NEW(FileAttr.T).init(FileAttr.FileType.File); attr := FileAttr.MergeDefault(attr); attr := FileAttr.Umask(attr, sfr.umask); EVAL FileAttr.Install(attr, self.tempPath); self.writer := FileStatus.ToWr(wr, scanTime); self.wrVersion := self.writer.version(); IF self.wrVersion # self.rdVersion OR ROUND(scanTime) # ROUND(self.reader.scanTime()) THEN self.dirty := TRUE; END; END; EXCEPT | OSError.E(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Cannot create \"" & self.tempPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); | Wr.Failure(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Write failure on \"" & self.tempPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; ELSE self.wrVersion := self.rdVersion; END; RETURN self; END Open; PROCEDUREGet (self: TRep; name: Pathname.T; isDirUp := FALSE; deleteTo := FALSE): FileStatus.T RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR c: [-1..1]; key := NEW(FileStatus.T, name := name); BEGIN TRY IF isDirUp THEN key.type := FileStatus.Type.DirUp; ELSE key.type := FileStatus.Type.FileLive; (* Anything except DirUp. *) END; IF self.curFS = NIL THEN self.curFS := self.reader.get(); END; (* At this point, self.curFS is non-NIL and cooked. *) c := FileStatus.Compare(self.curFS, key); IF c < 0 THEN (* Must scan forward. *) IF self.writer # NIL AND NOT deleteTo THEN (* Write out cooked self.curFS. *) self.writer.put(self.curFS); END; IF self.rdVersion = self.wrVersion THEN (* Do it the fast way, with raw gets and puts. *) TRY LOOP self.curFS := self.reader.getRaw(); c := FileStatus.Compare(self.curFS, key); IF c >= 0 THEN EXIT END; IF self.writer # NIL AND NOT deleteTo THEN self.writer.putRaw(self.curFS); END; END; FINALLY FileStatusRaw.MakeCooked(self.curFS, self.rdVersion); END; ELSE (* We have to convert file formats. *) LOOP self.curFS := self.reader.get(); c := FileStatus.Compare(self.curFS, key); IF c >= 0 THEN EXIT END; IF self.writer # NIL AND NOT deleteTo THEN self.writer.put(self.curFS); END; END; END; END; (* At this point, self.curFS is again non-NIL and cooked. *) IF c # 0 THEN RETURN NIL; END; RETURN self.curFS; EXCEPT | FileStatus.Error(msg) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Error in \"" & self.srcPath & "\": " & msg); | Rd.EndOfFile => self.curFS := NIL; RETURN NIL; | Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Read failure on \"" & self.srcPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); | Wr.Failure(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Write failure on \"" & self.tempPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END Get; PROCEDUREDelete (self: TRep; name: Pathname.T; isDirUp := FALSE) RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR fs := self.get(name, isDirUp); BEGIN IF fs # NIL THEN self.curFS := NIL; self.dirty := TRUE; END; END Delete; PROCEDUREPut (self: TRep; fs: FileStatus.T) RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = VAR oldFS := self.get(, isDirUp := fs.type = FileStatus.Type.DirUp); BEGIN TRY IF oldFS # NIL THEN IF oldFS.type = FileStatus.Type.DirDown THEN CASE fs.type OF | FileStatus.Type.DirDown => (* OK *) | FileStatus.Type.CheckoutLive, FileStatus.Type.CheckoutDead, FileStatus.Type.FileLive, FileStatus.Type.FileDead => (* We are replacing a directory with a file. Delete all entries inside the directory we are replacing. *) oldFS := self.get(, isDirUp := TRUE, deleteTo := TRUE); <* ASSERT oldFS # NIL *> | FileStatus.Type.DirUp => <* ASSERT FALSE *> (* DirUp should never match DirDown *) END; END; self.curFS := fs; ELSIF self.curFS = NIL THEN self.curFS := fs; ELSE self.writer.put(fs); END; self.dirty := TRUE; EXCEPT Wr.Failure(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Write failure on \"" & self.tempPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END Put; PROCEDUREClose (self: TRep) RAISES {FileStatus.Error, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN TRY IF self.writer # NIL THEN IF self.dirty THEN IF self.curFS # NIL THEN self.writer.put(self.curFS); self.curFS := NIL; END; (* Copy the rest of the source file to the destination. *) TRY IF self.rdVersion = self.wrVersion THEN (* We can do it the fast way, by copying raw entries without having to decode and encode them entirely. But to start off, we have to get and put one non-raw entry, in order to ensure that the directory state is properly in sync. This came up in real life, where the server had deleted an entire directory. The client got through deleting the DirDown entry plus several files, then got interrupted either by the GUI or by hitting the deletion limit. The next putRaw thus tried to output a file in a directory that the writer didn't think it should have been in, causing an assertion failure. *) self.writer.put(self.reader.get()); LOOP self.writer.putRaw(self.reader.getRaw()); END; ELSE (* We have to decode and encode each entry. *) LOOP self.writer.put(self.reader.get()); END; END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* Leave the loop. *) END; self.writer.close(); TRY TempFiles.Forget(self.tempPath); FS.Rename(self.tempPath, self.destPath); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Cannot rename \"" & self.tempPath & "\" to \"" & self.destPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; ELSE (* Not dirty, so we can just discard the tempfile. *) self.writer.close(); TRY TempFiles.Forget(self.tempPath); FS.DeleteFile(self.tempPath); EXCEPT OSError.E(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Cannot delete \"" & self.tempPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; END; self.reader.close(); EXCEPT | FileStatus.Error(msg) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Error in \"" & self.srcPath & "\": " & msg); | Rd.Failure(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Read failure on \"" & self.srcPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); | Wr.Failure(list) => RAISE FileStatus.Error("Write failure on \"" & self.tempPath & "\": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END Close; BEGIN END StatusFile.