MODULE-------------------------------------------------- command line parsing ---; IMPORT Text, Rd, Wr, TextRd, Thread, Time, Fmt, IntRefTbl, IntList; IMPORT Process, Params, Lex, OS, FloatMode, Word, IntIntTbl, TextIntTbl; IMPORT FileWr, OSError, Atom, FmtTime, MxConfig, RTParams, RTCollector; IMPORT FS, RefList, IntSeq, XFormat, RefSeq, TextRefTbl, CharMap, IP; IMPORT Buf, ID, Wx, MarkUp, CMarkUp, TCPServer, ErrLog, RTutils, RTHeapStats; CONST Title_page = "m3browser.html"; SLASH = MxConfig.HOST_PATH_SEP; StartPage = "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n"; StartTitle = "<TITLE>"; Body = "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\" VLINK=\"#006633\">\n"; EndTitle = "</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n" & Body; IsIndex = "<ISINDEX>\n"; EndPage = "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n"; VAR (* configuration *) package_root := MxConfig.Get("PKG_USE"); server_machine : TEXT; (* initialized in "ParseOptions" *) server_socket := 3829; server_address := IP.GetHostAddr(); accept_address := server_address; accept_maskBits: [0 .. 32] := 0; derived_dirs := IntList.List1 (ID.Add (MxConfig.Get("BUILD_DIR"))); n_workers := 3; refresh_interval := 30.0d0; (* minutes *) start_time := Time.Now (); title_page := TRUE; verbose := FALSE; TYPE TextVec = REF ARRAY OF TEXT; IntVec = REF ARRAY OF INTEGER; TYPE Class = { Interface, GenInterface, Module, GenModule, HSource, CSource }; CONST ClassTags = ARRAY Class OF TEXT { "interfaces", "generic interfaces", "implementations", "generic implementations", "C include files", "C sources" }; CONST ClassPrefix = ARRAY Class OF TEXT { "B", (* interface *) "A", (* generic interface *) "D", (* impl *) "C", (* generic impl *) "F", (* C include *) "E" (* C source *) }; CONST ClassTitle = ARRAY Class OF TEXT { "Modula-3 Interface: ", "Generic Modula-3 Interface: ", "Modula-3 Implementation: ", "Generic Modula-3 Implementation: ", "C include file: ", "C source: " }; TYPE Unit = REF RECORD name : ID.T := ID.NoID; next : Unit := NIL; set : UnitSet := NIL; dir : TEXT := NIL; class : Class := Class.Interface; hidden: BOOLEAN := FALSE; END; TYPE UnitSet = REF RECORD pkg : Pkg := NIL; path : TEXT := NIL; name : ID.T := ID.NoID; units : Unit := NIL; webinfo : Buf.T := NIL; webinfo_time : Time.T := OS.NO_TIME; m3export_time : Time.T := OS.NO_TIME; is_pgm : BOOLEAN := FALSE; END; TYPE Pkg = REF RECORD name : ID.T := ID.NoID; sets : RefList.T := NIL; (* of UnitSet *) END; CONST INTEGER_UID = 16_195c2a74; LONGINT_UID = 16_05562176; REFANY_UID = 16_1c1c45e6; ADDRESS_UID = 16_08402063; ROOT_UID = 16_9d8fb489; UNROOT_UID = 16_898ea789; NULL_UID = 16_48ec756e; TYPE Type = REF RECORD uid : INTEGER := 0; home : ID.T := ID.NoID; class : CHAR := '\000'; start : INTEGER := 0; defn : Buf.T := NIL; names : TypeName := NIL; super : Type := NIL; subtypes : Type := NIL; next_peer : Type := NIL; END; TYPE TypeName = REF RECORD next : TypeName; name : ID.T; home : ID.T; END; TYPE DataBase = RECORD packages : IntRefTbl.T; (* package name -> Pkg *) libs : IntRefTbl.T; (* name -> LIST(UnitSet) *) pgms : IntRefTbl.T; (* name -> LIST(UnitSet) *) units : IntRefTbl.T; (* name -> LIST(Unit) *) exporters : IntRefTbl.T; (* name -> LIST(impl name)*) importers : IntRefTbl.T; (* name -> LIST(unit name)*) type_ids : IntRefTbl.T; (* uid -> Type *) type_names : IntRefTbl.T; (* name -> LIST(Type) *) revelations : IntIntTbl.T; (* opaque uid -> concrete uid *) opaques : IntIntTbl.T; (* concrete uid -> opaque uid *) END; VAR server : TCPServer.T := NIL; db : DataBase; last_update : Time.T := OS.NO_TIME; n_queries : INTEGER := 0; PROCEDURE Main InitDB (VAR x: DataBase) = BEGIN x.packages := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); x.libs := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); x.pgms := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); x.units := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); x.exporters := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); x.importers := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); x.type_ids := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); x.type_names := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); x.revelations := NEW (IntIntTbl.Default).init (); x.opaques := NEW (IntIntTbl.Default).init (); END InitDB; PROCEDUREResetDB (VAR x: DataBase) = BEGIN x.packages := NIL; x.libs := NIL; x.pgms := NIL; x.units := NIL; x.exporters := NIL; x.importers := NIL; x.type_ids := NIL; x.type_names := NIL; x.revelations := NIL; x.opaques := NIL; END ResetDB;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ title page ---ParseOptions () = VAR i := 1; parm: TEXT; first_dir := TRUE; BEGIN WHILE (i < Params.Count) DO parm := Params.Get (i); INC (i); IF Text.Equal (parm, "-workers") THEN parm := Params.Get (i); INC (i); n_workers := GetCard (parm, "number of workers"); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-port") THEN parm := Params.Get (i); INC (i); server_socket := GetCard (parm, "port number"); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-refresh") THEN parm := Params.Get (i); INC (i); refresh_interval := FLOAT (GetCard(parm, "refresh interval"),LONGREAL); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-root") THEN parm := Params.Get (i); INC (i); package_root := parm; ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-dir") THEN IF (first_dir) THEN derived_dirs := NIL; first_dir := FALSE; END; parm := Params.Get (i); INC (i); derived_dirs := IntList.Cons (ID.Add (parm), derived_dirs); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-mask") THEN parm := Params.Get (i); INC (i); accept_maskBits := MIN(32,MAX(0,GetCard (parm, "mask length"))); ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-notitle") THEN title_page := FALSE; ELSIF Text.Equal (parm, "-v") THEN verbose := TRUE; ELSE ErrLog.Msg ("Unrecognized option: ", parm); Abort (); END; END; TRY server_machine := IP.GetCanonicalByAddr(IP.GetHostAddr()) EXCEPT IP.Error => server_machine := NIL END; IF (server_machine = NIL) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("unable to get host machine's name"); Abort (); END; derived_dirs := IntList.ReverseD (derived_dirs); END ParseOptions; PROCEDUREGetCard (txt: TEXT; nm: TEXT): INTEGER = VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY i := Lex.Int (TextRd.New (txt)); IF (i > 0) THEN RETURN i; END; EXCEPT Rd.Failure, Lex.Error, FloatMode.Trap, Thread.Alerted => (*ouch*) END; ErrLog.Msg ("bad ", nm, " specified: ", txt); Abort (); RETURN 0; END GetCard;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------- periodic refresh thread ---CreateTitlePage (wx: Wx.T; relative: BOOLEAN) = VAR server := server_machine & ":" & Fmt.Int (server_socket); update := Fmt.LongReal (refresh_interval, Fmt.Style.Auto,prec:=1); d : IntList.T; prefix : TEXT := ""; BEGIN IF NOT relative THEN prefix := "https://" & server ; END; Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 browser", EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>Modula-3 browser of ", package_root, "</H2><P>\n"); Out (wx, "\n<UL>\n"); Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"", prefix, "/G\">programs</A>\n"); Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"", prefix, "/0\">libraries</A>\n"); Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"", prefix, "/1\">interfaces</A>\n"); Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"", prefix, "/2\">implementations</A>\n"); Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"", prefix, "/K\">types</A>\n"); Out (wx, "</UL>\n<P>\n"); Out (wx, "<HR>\nserver stats:\n<P>\n"); Out (wx, "<PRE>\n"); Out (wx, " server machine: ", server_machine, "\n"); Out (wx, " server started: ", FmtTime.Long (start_time), "\n"); Out (wx, " last update: ", FmtTime.Long (Time.Now ()), "\n"); Out (wx, " update interval: ", update, " minutes\n"); Out (wx, " queries answered: ", Fmt.Int (n_queries), "\n"); Out (wx, " packages scanned: ", Fmt.Int (db.packages.size()), "\n"); Out (wx, " build dirs: "); d := derived_dirs; WHILE (d # NIL) DO Out (wx, " ", ID.ToText (d.head)); d := d.tail; END; Out (wx, "\n"); Out (wx, "</PRE>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); END CreateTitlePage; PROCEDUREWriteTitlePage () = VAR wr: Wr.T; wx := Wx.New (); BEGIN CreateTitlePage (wx, relative := FALSE); TRY wr := FileWr.Open (Title_page); Wr.PutText (wr, Wx.ToText (wx)); Wr.Close (wr); EXCEPT | Wr.Failure(ec) => ErrLog.Msg ("problem writing \"", Title_page, "\"", ErrMsg (ec)); | Thread.Alerted => ErrLog.Msg ("interrupted while writing \"", Title_page, "\""); | OSError.E(ec) => ErrLog.Msg ("problem writing \"", Title_page, "\"", ErrMsg (ec)); END; END WriteTitlePage;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------- package browser ---Refresh (<*UNUSED*> service: TCPServer.T) = BEGIN ScanPackages (); IF title_page THEN WriteTitlePage (); END; RTCollector.Collect (); END Refresh;
TYPE ScanState = RECORD pkg_name : ID.T; old_pkg : Pkg; new_pkg : Pkg; modified : BOOLEAN; dir_name : ID.T; new_set : UnitSet; new : DataBase; END; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ .M3EXPORTS ---ScanPackages () = VAR iter: FS.Iterator; s: ScanState; now := Time.Now (); nm: TEXT; BEGIN IF verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg (" --- ", FmtTime.Long (now)); END; last_update := now; s.modified := FALSE; InitDB (; AddBuiltinTypes (s); TRY iter := FS.Iterate (package_root); WHILE (nm) DO s.pkg_name := ID.Add (nm); ScanPkg (s); END; EXCEPT OSError.E (ec) => ErrLog.Msg ("trouble scanning packages", ErrMsg (ec)); END; IF (s.modified) THEN BuildNameMaps (s); db :=; ErrLog.Msg (" --- ", FmtTime.Long (Time.Now ())); END; (* make sure the collector has a chance *) ResetDB (; s.old_pkg := NIL; s.new_pkg := NIL; s.new_set := NIL; END ScanPackages; PROCEDUREScanPkg (VAR s: ScanState) = VAR ref: REFANY; d: IntList.T; u: UnitSet; BEGIN s.new_pkg := NIL; IF db.packages.get (s.pkg_name, ref) THEN s.old_pkg := ref; ELSE s.old_pkg := NIL; END; (* scan the derived directories *) d := derived_dirs; WHILE (d # NIL) DO s.dir_name := d.head; u := ScanDir (s); IF (u # NIL) THEN IF (s.new_pkg = NIL) THEN s.new_pkg := NEW (Pkg, name := s.pkg_name); EVAL (s.pkg_name, s.new_pkg); END; u.pkg := s.new_pkg; s.new_pkg.sets := RefList.Cons (u, s.new_pkg.sets); END; d := d.tail; END; END ScanPkg; PROCEDUREScanDir (VAR s: ScanState): UnitSet = VAR us_path := MakePath (ID.ToText (s.pkg_name), ID.ToText (s.dir_name)); path := MakePath (package_root, us_path); webinfo := MakePath (path, ".M3WEB"); webinfo_time := OS.ModTime (webinfo); m3exports := MakePath (path, ".M3EXPORTS"); m3export_time := OS.ModTime (m3exports); us : UnitSet := NIL; old_set : UnitSet := NIL; x : RefList.T; BEGIN IF (m3export_time = OS.NO_TIME) AND (webinfo_time = OS.NO_TIME) THEN RETURN NIL; END; IF (s.old_pkg # NIL) THEN (* search for a match in the old package *) x := s.old_pkg.sets; WHILE (x # NIL) DO us := x.head; IF Text.Equal (us.path, us_path) THEN old_set := us; EXIT; END; x := x.tail; END; END; IF (old_set # NIL) AND (old_set.webinfo_time >= webinfo_time) AND (old_set.m3export_time >= m3export_time) THEN RETURN old_set; END; (* build a new unit set *) us := NEW (UnitSet); us.path := us_path; := ID.NoID; us.units := NIL; us.webinfo := NIL; us.webinfo_time := webinfo_time; us.m3export_time := m3export_time; us.is_pgm := FALSE; s.modified := TRUE; s.new_set := us; IF (old_set # NIL) AND (old_set.webinfo_time >= webinfo_time) THEN us.webinfo := old_set.webinfo; ELSE us.webinfo := BufFromFile (webinfo); END; ScanExports (s, m3exports); IF ( = ID.NoID) THEN := s.pkg_name; END; IF verbose THEN ErrLog.Msg ("updated ", us.path); END; RETURN us; END ScanDir;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------- .M3WEB ---BufFromFile (path: TEXT; pad: CARDINAL := 0) : Buf.T = BEGIN TRY RETURN Buf.FromFile (path, NIL, pad); EXCEPT OSError.E => RETURN NIL; END; END BufFromFile; TYPE ParseWord = RECORD start, len: INTEGER; END; VAR hidden_id := ID.Add ("hidden"); add_intf_id := ID.Add ("_map_add_interface"); add_mod_id := ID.Add ("_map_add_module"); add_gintf_id := ID.Add ("_map_add_generic_interface"); add_gmod_id := ID.Add ("_map_add_generic_module"); add_c_id := ID.Add ("_map_add_c_source"); add_h_id := ID.Add ("_map_add_h_source"); define_lib_id := ID.Add ("_define_lib"); define_pgm_id := ID.Add ("_define_pgm"); PROCEDUREScanExports (VAR s: ScanState; m3exports: TEXT) = VAR cur : INTEGER; len : INTEGER; n : INTEGER; x : ARRAY [0..9] OF ParseWord; key : ID.T; buf := BufFromFile (m3exports); BEGIN IF (buf = NIL) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("unable to read \"", m3exports, "\""); RETURN; END; cur := 0; len := NUMBER (buf^); WHILE (cur < len) DO n := ParseLine (buf, cur, x); IF (n > 0) THEN key := ParseID (buf, x[0]); IF (key = add_intf_id) THEN AddUnit (s, Class.Interface, buf, x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]); ELSIF (key = add_mod_id) THEN AddUnit (s, Class.Module, buf, x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]); ELSIF (key = add_gintf_id) THEN AddUnit (s, Class.GenInterface, buf, x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]); ELSIF (key = add_gmod_id) THEN AddUnit (s, Class.GenModule, buf, x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]); ELSIF (key = add_c_id) THEN AddUnit (s, Class.CSource, buf, x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]); ELSIF (key = add_h_id) THEN AddUnit (s, Class.HSource, buf, x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]); ELSIF (key = define_lib_id) THEN s.new_set.is_pgm := FALSE; := ParseID (buf, x[1]); ELSIF (key = define_pgm_id) THEN s.new_set.is_pgm := TRUE; := ParseID (buf, x[1]); END; END; END; END ScanExports; PROCEDUREParseLine (buf: Buf.T; VAR cur: INTEGER; VAR x: ARRAY [0..9] OF ParseWord): INTEGER = VAR eof := NUMBER (buf^); len := 0; cnt := 0; ch : CHAR; BEGIN FOR i := FIRST (x) TO LAST (x) DO x[i].start := 0; x[i].len := 0; END; ch := buf[cur]; INC (cur); WHILE (cur <= eof) AND (ch # '\n') DO IF (ch = '%') THEN (* comment to end of line *) WHILE (cur < eof) AND (ch # '\n') DO ch := buf[cur]; INC (cur); END; EXIT; ELSIF (ch = '(') OR (ch = ',') OR (ch = ')') OR (ch = ' ') OR (ch = '\t') OR (ch = '"') OR (ch = '\r') THEN (* misc. punctuation *) IF (len > 0) THEN x [cnt].len := len; INC (cnt); len := 0; END; ELSIF (len <= 0) THEN (* start a new word *) x [cnt].start := cur-1; len := 1; ELSE INC (len); END; ch := buf[cur]; INC (cur); END; IF (len > 0) THEN x [cnt].len := len; INC (cnt); len := 0; END; RETURN cnt; END ParseLine; PROCEDUREAddUnit (VAR s: ScanState; class: Class; buf: Buf.T; READONLY xname, xpkg, xpkg_dir, xhide: ParseWord) = VAR name := ParseID (buf, xname); pkg := ParseID (buf, xpkg); pkg_dir := ParseID (buf, xpkg_dir); hide := ParseID (buf, xhide); d := s.new_set; dir := MakePath (ID.ToText (pkg), ID.ToText (pkg_dir)); BEGIN d.units := NEW (Unit, name := name, next := d.units, set := d, dir := dir, class := class, hidden := (hide = hidden_id)); END AddUnit; PROCEDUREParseID (buf: Buf.T; READONLY x: ParseWord): ID.T = BEGIN RETURN ID.FromStr (SUBARRAY (buf^, x.start, x.len)); END ParseID;
PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------------------- name map ---ScanWebInfo (VAR s: ScanState; buf: Buf.T) = VAR c : CHAR; is_intf : BOOLEAN; cur : INTEGER; len : INTEGER; eol : INTEGER; cur_file : ID.T; cur_unit : ID.T; unit : ID.T; uid : INTEGER; type_name : ID.T; start : INTEGER; lhs, rhs : INTEGER; super : INTEGER; BEGIN IF (buf = NIL) THEN RETURN END; cur := 0; len := NUMBER (buf^); (* skip the table of contents *) WHILE (cur < len) AND (buf[cur] # '$') DO INC (cur); END; WHILE (cur < len) AND (buf[cur] # '\n') DO INC (cur); END; WHILE (cur < len) DO c := buf[cur]; INC (cur); eol := cur; WHILE (eol < len) AND (buf[eol] # '\n') AND (buf[eol] # '\r') DO INC (eol); END; CASE c OF | '@' => (* file name *) cur_file := ID.FromStr (SUBARRAY (buf^, cur, eol-cur)); | 'A' => (* module name *) cur_unit := UnitName (buf, cur, eol-cur, FALSE); is_intf := FALSE; | 'B' => (* interface name *) cur_unit := UnitName (buf, cur, eol-cur, TRUE); is_intf := TRUE; | 'C' => (* import *) unit := UnitName (buf, cur, eol-cur, TRUE); IF NOT is_intf OR (unit # cur_unit) THEN NoteUse (, cur_unit, unit); END; | 'D' => (* export *) unit := UnitName (buf, cur, eol-cur, TRUE); IF NOT is_intf OR (unit # cur_unit) THEN NoteUse (, cur_unit, unit); END; | 'E' => (* typename *) uid := ReadUID (buf, cur); SkipBlanks (buf, cur); type_name := ID.FromStr (SUBARRAY (buf^, cur, eol-cur)); NoteTypeName (s, uid, type_name, cur_unit); | 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'M', 'N', 'Q', 'R', 'Y' => start := cur-1; uid := ReadUID (buf, cur); NoteType (s, uid, buf, start, cur_unit, c); | 'O' => start := cur-1; uid := ReadUID (buf, cur); NoteType (s, uid, buf, start, cur_unit, c); NoteSubtype (s, uid, ADDRESS_UID); | 'P' => start := cur-1; uid := ReadUID (buf, cur); NoteType (s, uid, buf, start, cur_unit, c); NoteSubtype (s, uid, REFANY_UID); | 'U', 'V' => start := cur-1; uid := ReadUID (buf, cur); super := ReadUID (buf, cur); NoteType (s, uid, buf, start, cur_unit, c); IF (super # 0) THEN NoteSubtype (s, uid, super); END; | 'Z' => lhs := ReadUID (buf, cur); SkipBlanks (buf, cur); rhs := ReadUID (buf, cur); NoteRevelation (s, lhs, rhs); | '?' => (* builtin type *) start := cur-1; uid := ReadUID (buf, cur); SkipBlanks (buf, cur); type_name := ID.FromStr (SUBARRAY (buf^, cur, eol-cur)); NoteType (s, uid, buf, start, cur_unit, c); NoteTypeName (s, uid, type_name, cur_unit); ELSE (* skip *) END; cur := eol; WHILE (cur < len) AND ((buf[cur] = '\n') OR (buf[cur] = '\r')) DO INC (cur); END; END; END ScanWebInfo; PROCEDUREUnitName (buf: Buf.T; start, len: INTEGER; intf: BOOLEAN): ID.T = CONST CC = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF CHAR { 'm', 'i' }; VAR xx: ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR; n := MIN (NUMBER (xx), len); BEGIN SUBARRAY (xx, 0, n) := SUBARRAY (buf^, start, n); IF (n < NUMBER (xx)) THEN xx[n] := '.'; INC (n); END; IF (n < NUMBER (xx)) THEN xx[n] := CC[intf]; INC (n); END; IF (n < NUMBER (xx)) THEN xx[n] := '3'; INC (n); END; RETURN ID.FromStr (SUBARRAY (xx, 0, n)); END UnitName; PROCEDURENoteUse (tbl: IntRefTbl.T; impl, intf: ID.T) = VAR ref: REFANY; ids: IntList.T; BEGIN IF tbl.get (intf, ref) THEN ids := ref; WHILE (ids # NIL) DO IF (ids.head = impl) THEN RETURN; END; ids := ids.tail; END; ids := ref; ids.tail := IntList.Cons (impl, ids.tail); ELSE EVAL tbl.put (intf, IntList.List1 (impl)); END; END NoteUse; PROCEDURENoteTypeName (VAR s: ScanState; uid: INTEGER; name, home: ID.T) = VAR t := NewType (s, uid); tn: TypeName; x: RefList.T; ref: REFANY; BEGIN (* search for a duplicate *) tn := t.names; WHILE (tn # NIL) DO IF ( = name) AND (tn.home = home) THEN RETURN END; tn :=; END; (* create a new name *) tn := NEW (TypeName, next := NIL, name := name, home := home); IF (t.names # NIL) THEN (* preserve the "first" name *) :=; := tn; ELSE t.names := tn; END; (* register the name in the table *) IF (name, ref) THEN x := ref; x.tail := RefList.Cons (t, x.tail); ELSE EVAL (name, RefList.List1 (t)); END; END NoteTypeName; PROCEDURENoteType (VAR s: ScanState; uid: INTEGER; buf: Buf.T; start: INTEGER; home: ID.T; class: CHAR) = VAR t := NewType (s, uid); BEGIN IF (t.home = ID.NoID) THEN t.class := class; t.home := home; t.defn := buf; t.start := start; END; END NoteType; PROCEDURENoteRevelation (VAR s: ScanState; lhs, rhs: INTEGER) = BEGIN EVAL (lhs, rhs); EVAL (rhs, lhs); END NoteRevelation; PROCEDURENoteSubtype (VAR s: ScanState; subtype, super: INTEGER) = VAR sub := NewType (s, subtype); sup := NewType (s, super); BEGIN IF (sub.super = NIL) THEN sub.super := sup; sub.next_peer := sup.subtypes; sup.subtypes := sub; ELSIF (sub.super # sup) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("two super types for ", FmtUID(sub.uid), " => ", FmtUID (sub.super.uid) &" and "& FmtUID (sup.uid)); END; END NoteSubtype; PROCEDURESuperType (t: Type): Type = BEGIN IF (t = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL; ELSIF (t.super # NIL) THEN RETURN t.super; ELSIF TranslateOpaque (t.uid, t) AND (t.super # NIL) THEN RETURN t.super; ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END SuperType; PROCEDURETranslateOpaque (lhs_uid: INTEGER; VAR rhs: Type): BOOLEAN = VAR rhs_uid: INTEGER; ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF db.revelations.get (lhs_uid, rhs_uid) AND db.type_ids.get (rhs_uid, ref) THEN rhs := ref; RETURN TRUE; END; RETURN FALSE; END TranslateOpaque; PROCEDUREFindOpaque (rhs_uid: INTEGER; VAR lhs: Type): BOOLEAN = VAR lhs_uid: INTEGER; ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF db.opaques.get (rhs_uid, lhs_uid) AND db.type_ids.get (lhs_uid, ref) THEN lhs := ref; RETURN TRUE; END; RETURN FALSE; END FindOpaque; PROCEDURENewType (VAR s: ScanState; uid: INTEGER): Type = VAR t: Type; ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF (uid, ref) THEN t := ref; ELSE t := NEW (Type, uid := uid, class := '\000'); EVAL (uid, t); END; RETURN t; END NewType;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------- misc. I/O support ---BuildNameMaps (VAR s: ScanState) = VAR it := (); pkg : Pkg; set : UnitSet; unit : Unit; x : RefList.T; nm : INTEGER; ref : REFANY; BEGIN WHILE (nm, ref) DO pkg := ref; x := pkg.sets; WHILE (x # NIL) DO set := x.head; IF ( # ID.NoID) THEN IF (set.is_pgm) THEN AddName (,, set); ELSE AddName (,, set); END; END; unit := set.units; WHILE (unit # NIL) DO AddName (,, unit); unit :=; END; ScanWebInfo (s, set.webinfo); x := x.tail; END; END; END BuildNameMaps; CONST BuiltinDesc = "$ 0\n" & "@**PREDEFINED**\n" & "BM3_BUILTIN\n" & "?195c2a74 INTEGER\n" & "?05562176 LONGINT\n" & "?97e237e2 CARDINAL\n" & "?9ced36e7 LONGCARD\n" & "?1e59237d BOOLEAN\n" & "?08402063 ADDRESS\n" & "?56e16863 CHAR\n" & "?48e16572 REAL\n" & "?94fe32f6 LONGREAL\n" & "?9ee024e3 EXTENDED\n" & "?48ec756e NULL\n" & "?1c1c45e6 REFANY\n" & "?00000000 VOID\n" & "V9d8fb489 00000000 0 0 0 4\n" (* ROOT = OBJECT END *) & "E9d8fb489 ROOT\n" & "U898ea789 00000000 0 0 0 4\n" (* UNTRACED ROOT = UNTRACED OBJECT END *) & "E898ea789 UNTRACED-ROOT\n" & "Y50f86574 1c1c45e6\n" (* TEXT <: REFANY *) & "E50f86574 TEXT\n" & "Y1541f475 9d8fb489\n" (* MUTEX <: ROOT *) & "E1541f475 MUTEX\n" ; VAR(*CONST*) BuiltinBuf := Buf.FromText (BuiltinDesc); PROCEDUREAddBuiltinTypes (VAR s: ScanState) = BEGIN ScanWebInfo (s, BuiltinBuf); NoteSubtype (s, UNROOT_UID, ADDRESS_UID); (* UNTRACED-ROOT <: ADDRESS *) NoteSubtype (s, ROOT_UID, REFANY_UID); (* ROOT <: REFANY *) NoteSubtype (s, NULL_UID, REFANY_UID); (* NULL <: REFANY *) (*** too messy for the current data structures **************** NoteSubtype (s, NULL_UID, ADDRESS_UID); (* NULL <: ADDRESS *) ***************************************************************) END AddBuiltinTypes; PROCEDUREAddName (tbl: IntRefTbl.T; nm: ID.T; val: REFANY) = VAR ref: REFANY; x: RefList.T; BEGIN IF tbl.get (nm, ref) THEN x := ref; x.tail := RefList.Cons (val, x.tail); ELSE EVAL tbl.put (nm, RefList.List1 (val)); END; END AddName;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------- main request server ---ErrMsg (args: OSError.Code): TEXT = VAR msg: TEXT := NIL; BEGIN WHILE (args # NIL) DO IF (msg = NIL) THEN msg := ": "; ELSE msg := msg & " *** "; END; msg := msg & Atom.ToText (args.head); args := args.tail; END; RETURN msg; END ErrMsg;
PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------------------- requests ---ProcessRequest (<*UNUSED*>service: TCPServer.T; req: TEXT): TEXT = VAR len := Text.Length (req); wx := Wx.New (); cmd : CHAR; query : TextVec; buf : Buf.T; orig : TEXT; answer: TEXT; BEGIN orig := req; INC (n_queries); IF (len < 5) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("request too short: ", req); RETURN "HTTP/1.0 400 request too short: " & req & "\r\n"; ELSIF NOT Text.Equal (Text.Sub (req, 0, 5), "GET /") THEN ErrLog.Msg ("unknown request: ", req); RETURN "HTTP/1.0 400 unknown request: " & req & "\r\n"; END; IF len = 5 THEN req := req & " "; len := 6; END; (* "GET /" -> "GET / " *) cmd := Text.GetChar (req, 5); buf := NEW (Buf.T, len - 6); Text.SetChars (buf^, Text.Sub (req, 6)); ParseQuery (buf^, req, query); IF Text.Equal (req, "HTTP/1.0") THEN req := ""; END; Wx.PutText (wx, "HTTP/1.0 200 ok\r\n"); IF (cmd # 'Z') THEN Wx.PutText (wx, "Content-type: text/html\n\n"); END; CASE cmd OF | '0' => GenUnitSetList (query, wx, FALSE); | '1' => GenIntfList (req, query, wx); | '2' => GenImplList (req, query, wx); | '3' => GenAnyUnit (req, wx); | '4' => GenExportUnit (req, wx); | '5' => GenAnyUnitSet (req, wx, FALSE); | '6' => GenOneUnit (req, wx); | '8' => GenOneUnitSet (req, wx, FALSE); | '9' => GenUnitSetPrefix (req, query, wx, FALSE); | 'A' => GenUnitPrefix (req, wx, Class.GenInterface, query); | 'B' => GenUnitPrefix (req, wx, Class.Interface, query); | 'C' => GenUnitPrefix (req, wx, Class.GenModule, query); | 'D' => GenUnitPrefix (req, wx, Class.Module, query); | 'E' => GenUnitPrefix (req, wx, Class.CSource, query); | 'F' => GenUnitPrefix (req, wx, Class.HSource, query); | 'G' => GenUnitSetList (query, wx, TRUE); | 'H' => GenAnyUnitSet (req, wx, TRUE); | 'I' => GenOneUnitSet (req, wx, TRUE); | 'J' => GenUnitSetPrefix (req, query, wx, TRUE); | 'K' => GenTypeList (req, query, wx); | 'L' => GenOneType (req, wx); | 'M' => GenTypePrefix (req, query, wx); | 'N' => GenTypeFromUID (req, wx, FALSE); | 'O' => GenTypeFromUID (req, wx, TRUE); | 'P' => GenTypeGraph (req, wx); | 'Q' => GenFlatType (req, wx); | 'R' => GenImportUnits (req, wx); | 'S' => GenProcExporterUnit (req, wx); | 'X' => RTutils.Heap (TRUE, RTutils.HeapPresentation.ByByteCount); | 'Y' => RTHeapStats.ReportReachable (); | 'Z' => Wx.PutText (wx, "Content-type: application/edit\n\n"); Wx.PutText (wx, req); Wx.PutText (wx, "\n"); | '\n', '\r', '\t', ' ' => CreateTitlePage (wx, relative := TRUE); ELSE req := Text.FromChar (cmd) & req; ErrLog.Msg ("unknown request: `GET /", req, "'"); RETURN "HTTP/1.0 400 unknown request: GET /" & req & "\r\n"; END; answer := Wx.ToText (wx); (* make sure the collector has a chance *) wx := NIL; query := NIL; buf := NIL; orig := NIL; RETURN answer; END ProcessRequest; PROCEDUREParseQuery (VAR buf : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR req : TEXT; VAR query : TextVec) = VAR len := NUMBER (buf); ch, cx: CHAR; start: INTEGER := 0; s0, end, n_words: INTEGER; PROCEDURE AddWord (a, b: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF (n_words < NUMBER (query^)) AND (b > a) THEN query [n_words] := Text.FromChars (SUBARRAY (buf, a, b-a)); INC (n_words); END; END AddWord; BEGIN req := ""; query := NIL; IF (len <= 0) THEN RETURN; END; (* skip leading white space *) WHILE (start < len) DO ch := buf[start]; IF (ch # ' ') AND (ch # '\n') AND (ch # '\r') AND (ch # '\t') THEN EXIT; END; INC (start); END; (* find the end of the request *) end := start; WHILE (end < len) DO ch := buf[end]; IF (ch = ' ') OR (ch = '?') OR (ch = '\n') OR (ch = '\r') OR (ch = '\t') THEN req := Text.FromChars (SUBARRAY (buf, start, end - start)); EXIT; END; INC (end); END; IF (ch # '?') THEN RETURN END; (* count the words in the query *) start := end; (* == index of '?' *) end := start+1; n_words := 1; WHILE (end < len) DO ch := buf[end]; IF (ch = '+') THEN INC (n_words) END; INC (end); END; (* allocate space for the query *) query := NEW (TextVec, n_words); (* extract the words *) INC (start); s0 := start; end := start; n_words := 0; LOOP IF (end >= len) THEN AddWord (start, s0); EXIT; END; ch := buf[end]; IF (ch = '+') THEN AddWord (start, s0); start := end + 1; s0 := start; end := start; ELSIF (ch = '%') THEN (* grab the next two letters and build the ascii character *) INC (end); ch := buf [MIN (len-1, end)]; INC (end); cx := buf [MIN (len-1, end)]; buf [s0] := HexChar (ch, cx); INC (s0); INC (end); ELSIF (ch = ' ') OR (ch = '\n') OR (ch = '\r') OR (ch = '\t') THEN (* end of string *) AddWord (start, s0); EXIT; ELSE (* add the character *) buf [s0] := ch; INC (s0); INC (end); END; END; (* make sure the query isn't filled with NILs *) IF (n_words <= 0) THEN query := NIL; ELSIF (n_words < NUMBER (query^)) THEN VAR new_query := NEW (TextVec, n_words); BEGIN new_query^ := SUBARRAY (query^, 0, n_words); query := new_query; END; END; END ParseQuery; PROCEDUREHexChar (a, b: CHAR): CHAR = VAR n := 0; BEGIN IF ('0' <= a) AND (a <= '9') THEN n := ORD(a) - ORD ('0'); ELSIF ('A' <= a) AND (a <= 'F') THEN n := ORD(a) - ORD ('A'); ELSIF ('a' <= a) AND (a <= 'f') THEN n := ORD(a) - ORD ('a'); END; n := n * 16; IF ('0' <= b) AND (b <= '9') THEN n := n + ORD(b) - ORD ('0'); ELSIF ('A' <= b) AND (b <= 'F') THEN n := n + ORD(b) - ORD ('A'); ELSIF ('a' <= b) AND (b <= 'f') THEN n := n + ORD(b) - ORD ('a'); END; RETURN VAL (n, CHAR); END HexChar;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------- unit sets ---GenUnitSetList (query: TextVec; wx: Wx.T; pgm: BOOLEAN) = VAR it : IntRefTbl.Iterator; x := NEW (IntSeq.T).init (); nm : INTEGER; ref : REFANY; cmd0, cmd1, tag: TEXT; BEGIN IF (pgm) THEN it := db.pgms.iterate (); cmd0 := "H"; cmd1 := "J"; tag := "Programs"; ELSE it := db.libs.iterate (); cmd0 := "5"; cmd1 := "9"; tag := "Libraries"; END; (* collect and count the names *) WHILE (nm, ref) DO IF (query = NIL) OR QueryMatch (nm, query) THEN x.addhi (nm); END; END; (* finally, generate the output *) Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 ", tag, " in "); Out (wx, package_root, EndTitle); Out (wx, IsIndex); Out (wx, "<H2>", tag, " in ", package_root, "</H2>\n"); GenDir (cmd0, cmd1, Flatten (x)^, wx, 100); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenUnitSetList; PROCEDUREGenUnitSetPrefix (prefix: TEXT; query: TextVec; wx: Wx.T; pgm: BOOLEAN) = VAR it : IntRefTbl.Iterator; nm : INTEGER; ref : REFANY; tag : TEXT; cmd0, cmd1: TEXT; x := NEW (IntSeq.T).init (); prefix_len := Text.Length (prefix); BEGIN IF (pgm) THEN it := db.pgms.iterate (); cmd0 := "H"; cmd1 := "J"; tag := "Programs"; ELSE it := db.libs.iterate (); cmd0 := "5"; cmd1 := "9"; tag := "Libraries"; END; (* collect and count the names *) WHILE (nm, ref) DO IF PrefixMatch (prefix, nm, prefix_len) THEN IF (query = NIL) OR QueryMatch (nm, query) THEN x.addhi (nm); END; END; END; (* finally, generate the output *) Out (wx, StartPage, StartTitle); Out (wx, "Modula-3 ", tag, " (", prefix, "...)"); Out (wx, EndTitle, IsIndex); Out (wx, "<H2>", tag, " (", prefix, "...) </H2>\n"); GenDir (cmd0, cmd1, Flatten (x)^, wx, 100); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenUnitSetPrefix; PROCEDUREGenIntfList (req: TEXT; query: TextVec; wx: Wx.T) = VAR limit := 30; BEGIN IF (req # NIL) AND (Text.Length (req) > 0) THEN (* generate the full, flat list *) limit := LAST(INTEGER); END; Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 Interfaces", EndTitle); Out (wx, IsIndex); GenList (wx, Class.Interface, limit, query); GenList (wx, Class.GenInterface, limit, query); GenList (wx, Class.HSource, limit, query); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenIntfList; PROCEDUREGenImplList (req: TEXT; query: TextVec; wx: Wx.T) = VAR limit := 30; BEGIN IF (req # NIL) AND (Text.Length (req) > 0) THEN (* generate the full, flat list *) limit := LAST(INTEGER); END; Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 Implementations", EndTitle); Out (wx, IsIndex); GenList (wx, Class.Module, limit, query); GenList (wx, Class.GenModule, limit, query); GenList (wx, Class.CSource, limit, query); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenImplList; PROCEDUREGenList (wx: Wx.T; c: Class; limit: INTEGER; query: TextVec) = VAR elts := UnitVector (c, NIL, query); BEGIN IF NUMBER (elts^) = 0 THEN RETURN END; Out (wx, "<H2>", ClassTags[c], "</H2>\n"); GenDir ("3", ClassPrefix [c], elts^, wx, limit); END GenList; PROCEDUREGenUnitPrefix (req: TEXT; wx: Wx.T; c: Class; query: TextVec) = VAR elts := UnitVector (c, req, query); BEGIN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 ", ClassTags[c]); Out (wx, " (", req, "...)", EndTitle); Out (wx, IsIndex); Out (wx, "<H2>", ClassTags[c]); Out (wx, " (", req, "...)</H2>\n"); IF NUMBER (elts^) # 0 THEN GenDir ("3", ClassPrefix [c], elts^, wx, 50) END; Out (wx, EndPage); END GenUnitPrefix; PROCEDUREUnitVector (c: Class; prefix: TEXT; query: TextVec): IntVec = VAR name: INTEGER; ref: REFANY; prefix_len: INTEGER; it := db.units.iterate (); x : RefList.T := NIL; u : Unit; z := NEW (IntSeq.T).init (); BEGIN IF (prefix # NIL) THEN prefix_len := Text.Length (prefix); END; (* collect and count the names *) WHILE (name, ref) DO IF (prefix = NIL) OR PrefixMatch (prefix, name, prefix_len) THEN IF (query = NIL) OR QueryMatch (name, query) THEN x := ref; WHILE (x # NIL) DO u := x.head; IF (u.class = c) THEN z.addhi (; EXIT; END; x := x.tail; END; END; END; END; RETURN Flatten (z); END UnitVector; PROCEDUREGenAnyUnit (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR x: RefList.T; ref: REFANY; u: Unit; nm := ID.Add (name); BEGIN IF NOT db.units.get (nm, ref) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", name, ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; x := RemoveDuplicateUnits (ref); u := x.head; Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, ClassTitle [u.class], name, EndTitle); IF (x.tail # NIL) THEN Out (wx, "<H2>", ID.ToText (, ":</H2>\n"); GenChoices ("6", x, wx); ELSE Out (wx, "<H2>", u.dir, SLASH, ID.ToText (, ":</H2>\n"); GenInstances ("6", ref, wx); GenExporters (name, wx); GenImportLink (nm, name, wx); GenUnit (u, wx); END; Out (wx, EndPage); END GenAnyUnit; PROCEDUREGenOneUnit (req: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR x: RefList.T; n_units: INTEGER; name: TEXT; dir: TEXT; u: Unit; ref: REFANY; nm: ID.T; BEGIN SplitReq (req, nm, dir); name := ID.ToText (nm); IF NOT db.units.get (nm, ref) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", name, ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; x := RemoveDuplicateUnits (ref); (* check for multiple units *) ScanChoices (x, dir, n_units, u); Out (wx, StartPage); IF (n_units = 0) THEN u := x.head; Out (wx, StartTitle, ClassTitle [u.class], name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", dir, SLASH, name, ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *deleted* </STRONG>\n"); ELSE Out (wx, StartTitle, ClassTitle [u.class], name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", u.dir, SLASH, ID.ToText (, ":</H2>\n"); GenInstances ("6", ref, wx); GenExporters (name, wx); GenImportLink (nm, name, wx); GenUnit (u, wx); END; Out (wx, EndPage); END GenOneUnit; PROCEDURERemoveDuplicateUnits (x: RefList.T): RefList.T = (* remove duplicate source units. All units in 'x' are assumed to have the same name. *) VAR seen: TextIntTbl.T; z: RefList.T := NIL; u, v: Unit; BEGIN IF (x = NIL) OR (x.tail = NIL) THEN (* zero or one element list *) RETURN x; ELSIF (x.tail.tail = NIL) THEN (* two element list *) u := x.head; v := x.tail.head; IF Text.Equal (u.dir, v.dir) THEN RETURN x.tail; ELSE RETURN x; END; END; (* otherwise, build a table and check each one... *) seen := NEW (TextIntTbl.Default).init (); WHILE (x # NIL) DO u := x.head; IF NOT seen.put (u.dir, 0) THEN z := RefList.Cons (u, z); END; x := x.tail; END; RETURN z; END RemoveDuplicateUnits; PROCEDURESplitReq (req: TEXT; VAR name: ID.T; VAR dir: TEXT) = VAR len := Text.Length (req); j: CARDINAL; BEGIN j := 0; WHILE (j < len) AND Text.GetChar (req, j) # '@' DO INC (j) END; IF (j < len) THEN name := ID.Add (Text.Sub (req, 0, j)); dir := Text.Sub (req, j+1, len - j - 1); ELSE name := ID.Add (req); dir := ""; END; END SplitReq; PROCEDUREGenInstances (cmd: TEXT; x: RefList.T; wx: Wx.T) = CONST LibCmd = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "8", "I" }; VAR single := FALSE; u: Unit; lib: TEXT; uname: TEXT; BEGIN IF (x = NIL) THEN RETURN END; single := (x.tail = NIL); u := x.head; uname := ID.ToText (; Out (wx, "<H4>", uname, " is contained in:</H4>\n"); Out (wx, "<UL>\n"); WHILE (x # NIL) DO u := x.head; lib := LibName (ID.ToText (, u.set.is_pgm); Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"/", LibCmd[u.set.is_pgm]); Out (wx, ID.ToText (, "@", u.set.path, "\">"); Out (wx, u.set.path, SLASH, lib); Out (wx, "</A>: <A HREF=\"/", cmd, uname, "@", u.dir); Out (wx, "\">", u.dir, SLASH, uname); Out (wx, "</A>\n"); x := x.tail; END; Out (wx, "</UL>\n"); END GenInstances; PROCEDUREGenExporters (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR ref: REFANY; id: IntList.T; txt: TEXT; nm := ID.Add (name); BEGIN IF db.exporters.get (nm, ref) THEN Out (wx, "<H4>exported by:</H4>\n"); Out (wx, "<UL>\n"); id := ref; WHILE (id # NIL) DO txt := ID.ToText (id.head); Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"/3", txt, "\">", txt, "</A>\n"); id := id.tail; END; Out (wx, "</UL>\n"); END; END GenExporters; PROCEDUREGenExportUnit (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR ref: REFANY; id: IntList.T; nm := ID.Add (name); BEGIN (* look up my exporters *) IF NOT db.exporters.get (nm, ref) OR (ref = NIL) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Exporters of ", name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>Exporters of ", name, ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; id := ref; IF (id.tail = NIL) THEN (* there's a unique exporter *) GenAnyUnit (ID.ToText (id.head), wx); ELSE Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Exporters of ", name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", name, ":</H2>\n"); GenExporters (name, wx); Out (wx, EndPage); END; END GenExportUnit; PROCEDUREGenProcExporterUnit (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR exp: IntList.T; units: RefList.T; unit: Unit; matchingUnit: Unit := NIL; ref: REFANY; tmpWx: Wx.T; interface, procedure: TEXT; unitText: TEXT; matchingUnitText: TEXT; BEGIN (* extract interface/procedure name *) interface := Text.Sub(name, start := 0, length := Text.FindCharR(name, c:= '.')); procedure := Text.Sub(name, start := Text.FindCharR(name, c:= '.') + 1); (* look up exporters *) IF (db.exporters.get(ID.Add(interface), ref)) THEN exp := ref; (* find the procedure's exporter *) WHILE (exp # NIL) DO IF (db.units.get(exp.head, ref)) THEN units := RemoveDuplicateUnits(ref); WHILE (units # NIL) DO unit := units.head; (* generate the unit into a temporary wx *) tmpWx := Wx.New(); GenUnit(unit, tmpWx); unitText := Wx.ToText(tmpWx); (* check if the header for the procedure is in the unit *) IF CharMap.Substr(unitText, "<A NAME=\"" & procedure & "\">") THEN IF matchingUnit # NIL THEN (* mulitple units with this header: generate choice list *) GenChoicesWithHeaders("6", RemoveDuplicateUnits(ref), procedure, wx); RETURN; END; matchingUnit := unit; matchingUnitText := unitText; END; units := units.tail; END; IF matchingUnit # NIL THEN (* unique exporter: emit *) WITH name = ID.ToText( DO Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, ClassTitle [matchingUnit.class], name, EndTitle); Out(wx, "<H2>", matchingUnit.dir, SLASH, name, ":</H2>\n"); GenInstances("6", ref, wx); GenExporters(name, wx); GenImportLink(, name, wx); Out(wx, matchingUnitText); END; RETURN; END; END; exp := exp.tail; END; END; Out(wx, StartTitle, "Implementation of ", procedure, EndTitle); Out(wx, "<H2>Implementation of ", procedure, ":</H2>\n"); Out(wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenProcExporterUnit; PROCEDUREGenImportLink (nm: ID.T; name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF db.importers.get (nm, ref) THEN Out (wx, name, " is imported by <A HREF=\"R", name, "\">"); Out (wx, Fmt.Int (IntList.Length (ref)), " units</A><P>\n"); END; END GenImportLink; PROCEDUREGenImportUnits (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR ref: REFANY; id: IntList.T; nm := ID.Add (name); BEGIN (* look up my importers *) IF NOT db.importers.get (nm, ref) OR (ref = NIL) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Importers of ", name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>Importers of ", name, ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; id := ref; IF (id.tail = NIL) THEN (* there's a unique importer *) GenAnyUnit (ID.ToText (id.head), wx); ELSE Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Importers of ", name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>Importers of ", name, ":</H2>\n"); GenImporters (id, wx); Out (wx, EndPage); END; END GenImportUnits; PROCEDUREGenImporters (imp: IntList.T; wx: Wx.T) = VAR z := NEW (IntSeq.T).init (); BEGIN WHILE (imp # NIL) DO z.addhi (imp.head); imp := imp.tail; END; GenDir ("3", "3", Flatten (z)^, wx, LAST(INTEGER)); END GenImporters; PROCEDUREScanChoices (x: RefList.T; dir: TEXT; VAR cnt: INTEGER; VAR u: Unit) = VAR n := 0; uu: Unit; BEGIN WHILE (x # NIL) DO uu := x.head; IF (uu.dir # NIL) AND ((dir = NIL) OR Text.Equal (dir, uu.dir)) THEN u := uu; INC (n); END; x := x.tail; END; cnt := n; END ScanChoices; PROCEDUREGenChoices (cmd: TEXT; x: RefList.T; wx: Wx.T) = VAR u: Unit; BEGIN Out (wx, "<H3>Select an instance:</H3>\n"); Out (wx, "<UL>\n"); TRY WHILE (x # NIL) DO (* this one is still current *) u := x.head; Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"/", cmd, ID.ToText (, "@", u.dir); Out (wx, "\">", u.dir, "</A>\n"); x := x.tail; END; FINALLY Out (wx, "</UL>\n"); END; END GenChoices; PROCEDUREGenChoicesWithHeaders (cmd: TEXT; x: RefList.T; h: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR u: Unit; BEGIN Out (wx, "<H3>Select an instance:</H3>\n"); Out (wx, "<UL>\n"); TRY WHILE (x # NIL) DO (* this one is still current *) u := x.head; Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"/", cmd, ID.ToText (, "@", u.dir); Out (wx, "#", h, "\">", u.dir, "</A>\n"); x := x.tail; END; FINALLY Out (wx, "</UL>\n"); END; END GenChoicesWithHeaders; PROCEDUREGenUnit (u: Unit; wx: Wx.T) = VAR file := MakePath (package_root, u.dir, ID.ToText (; buf: Buf.T; BEGIN (* Out (wx, "<A HREF=\"/Z", file, "\">[edit file]</A>\n<P>\n"); *) buf := BufFromFile (file, pad := 1); IF (buf = NIL) THEN Out (wx, "<STRONG> unable to open ", file, " </STRONG>"); RETURN; END; Out (wx, "<HR>\n"); IF (u.class = Class.CSource) OR (u.class = Class.HSource) THEN CMarkUp.Annotate (buf, wx); ELSE MarkUp.Annotate (buf, wx); END; END GenUnit;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------------- types ---GenAnyUnitSet (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T; pgm: BOOLEAN) = VAR us : UnitSet; ref : REFANY; x : RefList.T; nm := ID.Add (name); tbl : IntRefTbl.T; tag : TEXT; cmd0: TEXT; BEGIN IF (pgm) THEN tbl := db.pgms; tag := "program"; cmd0 := "I"; ELSE tbl := db.libs; tag := "library"; cmd0 := "8"; END; IF NOT tbl.get (nm, ref) THEN Out (wx, StartPage, StartTitle); Out (wx, "Modula-3 ", tag, ": ", name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", LibName (name, pgm), ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; x := ref; us := x.head; Out (wx, StartPage); IF (x.tail # NIL) THEN Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 ", tag, ": ", name); Out (wx, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", ID.ToText (, ":</H2>\n"); GenUnitSetChoices (cmd0, x, wx, pgm); ELSE Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 ", tag, ": ", name); Out (wx, EndTitle, IsIndex); Out (wx, "<H2>", us.path, SLASH); Out (wx, LibName (name, pgm), ":</H2>\n"); GenUnitSetContents (us, wx); END; Out (wx, EndPage); END GenAnyUnitSet; PROCEDUREGenOneUnitSet (req: TEXT; wx: Wx.T; pgm: BOOLEAN) = VAR us : UnitSet; n_libs : INTEGER; nm : ID.T; name : TEXT; dir : TEXT; ref : REFANY; x : RefList.T; tbl : IntRefTbl.T; tag : TEXT; cmd0 : TEXT; BEGIN IF (pgm) THEN tbl := db.pgms; tag := "program"; cmd0 := "I"; ELSE tbl := db.libs; tag := "library"; cmd0 := "8"; END; SplitReq (req, nm, dir); name := ID.ToText (nm); IF NOT tbl.get (nm, ref) THEN Out (wx, StartPage, StartTitle); Out (wx, "Modula-3 ", tag, ": ", name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", LibName (name, pgm), ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; x := ref; (* check for multiple libs *) ScanUnitSetChoices (x, dir, pgm, n_libs, us); Out (wx, StartPage); IF (n_libs = 0) THEN Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 ", tag, ": ", name); Out (wx, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", dir, SLASH); Out (wx, LibName (name, pgm), ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *deleted* </STRONG>\n"); ELSE Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 ", tag, ": ", name); Out (wx, EndTitle, IsIndex); Out (wx, "<H2>", us.path, SLASH); Out (wx, LibName (ID.ToText (, pgm), ":</H2>\n"); GenUnitSetContents (us, wx); END; Out (wx, EndPage); END GenOneUnitSet; PROCEDUREScanUnitSetChoices (x: RefList.T; dir: TEXT; pgm: BOOLEAN; VAR cnt: INTEGER; VAR last: UnitSet) = VAR n := 0; us: UnitSet; BEGIN WHILE (x # NIL) DO us := x.head; IF (us.path # NIL) AND (us.is_pgm = pgm) AND ((dir = NIL) OR Text.Equal (dir, us.path)) THEN (* this one is still current *) last := us; INC (n); END; x := x.tail; END; cnt := n; END ScanUnitSetChoices; PROCEDUREGenUnitSetChoices (cmd: TEXT; x: RefList.T; wx: Wx.T; pgm: BOOLEAN) = VAR us: UnitSet; BEGIN Out (wx, "<H3>Select an instance:</H3>\n"); Out (wx, "<UL>\n"); TRY WHILE (x # NIL) DO us := x.head; IF (us.is_pgm = pgm) THEN (* this one is still current *) Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"/", cmd, ID.ToText (, "@", us.path); Out (wx, "\">", us.path, "</A>\n"); END; x := x.tail; END; FINALLY Out (wx, "</UL>\n"); END; END GenUnitSetChoices; PROCEDUREGenUnitSetContents (us: UnitSet; wx: Wx.T) = VAR cnts: ARRAY Class OF INTEGER; u: Unit; BEGIN (* count the number units in each class *) FOR c := FIRST (cnts) TO LAST (cnts) DO cnts[c] := 0; END; u := us.units; WHILE (u # NIL) DO INC (cnts[u.class]); u :=; END; FOR c := FIRST (cnts) TO LAST (cnts) DO IF (cnts[c] <= 0) THEN (* skip *) ELSIF (cnts[c] <= 40) THEN Out (wx, "<H3>", ClassTags[c], ":</H3>\n"); GenShortUnitSetIdList (us, c, wx); ELSE Out (wx, "<H3>", ClassTags[c], ":</H3>\n"); GenLongUnitSetIdList (us, c, wx, cnts[c]); END; END; END GenUnitSetContents; PROCEDUREGenShortUnitSetIdList (us: UnitSet; c: Class; wx: Wx.T) = VAR u := us.units; n := 0; elts: ARRAY [0..39] OF INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.class = c) THEN elts[n] :=; INC (n); END; u :=; END; GenDir ("3", ClassPrefix [c], SUBARRAY (elts, 0, n), wx, 30); END GenShortUnitSetIdList; PROCEDUREGenLongUnitSetIdList (us: UnitSet; c: Class; wx: Wx.T; n: INTEGER) = VAR u := us.units; elts := NEW (IntVec, n); BEGIN n := 0; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF (u.class = c) THEN elts[n] :=; INC (n); END; u :=; END; GenDir ("3", ClassPrefix [c], elts^, wx, 30); END GenLongUnitSetIdList;
PROCEDURE********* PROCEDURE SkipLine (defn: Buf.T; start: INTEGER; kind: CHAR): INTEGER = VAR eof := NUMBER (defn^); BEGIN WHILE (start < eof) AND (defn[start] # kind) DO start := NextLine (defn, start); END; RETURN NextLine (defn, start); END SkipLine; *********GenTypeList (req: TEXT; query: TextVec; wx: Wx.T) = VAR limit := 60; it := db.type_names.iterate (); ref : REFANY; nm : INTEGER; x := NEW (IntSeq.T).init (); last_nm : INTEGER; BEGIN IF (req # NIL) AND (Text.Length (req) > 0) THEN (* generate the full, flat list *) limit := LAST(INTEGER); END; (* extract the list *) WHILE (nm, ref) DO IF (query = NIL) OR QueryMatch (nm, query) THEN x.addhi (nm); last_nm := nm; END; END; IF (x.size() = 1) THEN GenOneType (ID.ToText (last_nm), wx); ELSE Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 Types", EndTitle); Out (wx, IsIndex); Out (wx, "<H2>Modula-3 Types </H2>\n"); GenDir ("L", "M", Flatten (x)^, wx, limit); Out (wx, EndPage); END; END GenTypeList; PROCEDUREGenTypePrefix (prefix: TEXT; query: TextVec; wx: Wx.T) = VAR limit := 60; it := db.type_names.iterate (); ref : REFANY; nm : INTEGER; x := NEW (IntSeq.T).init (); plen := Text.Length (prefix); BEGIN (* extract the list *) WHILE (nm, ref) DO IF PrefixMatch (prefix, nm, plen) THEN IF (query = NIL) OR QueryMatch (nm, query) THEN x.addhi (nm); END; END; END; Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 Types (", prefix, "...)", EndTitle); Out (wx, IsIndex); Out (wx, "<H2>Modula-3 Types (", prefix, "...)</H2>\n"); GenDir ("L", "M", Flatten (x)^, wx, limit); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenTypePrefix; PROCEDUREGenOneType (name: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR nm := ID.Add (name); ref: REFANY; x: RefList.T; BEGIN IF NOT db.type_names.get (nm, ref) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", name, ":</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; x := ref; IF (x.tail # NIL) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Modula-3 Type: ", name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", name, ":</H2>\n"); GenTypeChoices (x, wx); Out (wx, EndPage); ELSE GenType (x.head, wx, FALSE, name); END; END GenOneType; PROCEDUREGenTypeChoices (x: RefList.T; wx: Wx.T) = VAR t: Type; tn: TypeName; BEGIN Out (wx, "<H3>Select an instance:</H3>\n"); Out (wx, "<UL>\n"); TRY WHILE (x # NIL) DO t := x.head; Out (wx, "<LI><A HREF=\"/N", FmtUID(t.uid), "\">"); tn := t.names; WHILE (tn # NIL) DO IF (tn # t.names) THEN Out (wx, ",\n "); END; Out (wx, ID.ToText (, " in ", ID.ToText (tn.home)); tn :=; END; Out (wx, "</A>\n"); x := x.tail; END; FINALLY Out (wx, "</UL>\n"); END; END GenTypeChoices; PROCEDUREGenTypeFromUID (req: TEXT; wx: Wx.T; expanded: BOOLEAN) = VAR uid := ScanUID (req); ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF NOT db.type_ids.get (uid, ref) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Type <", req, ">", EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>Type <", req, ">:</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; GenType (ref, wx, expanded, NIL); END GenTypeFromUID; PROCEDUREGenTypeGraph (req: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR self := ScanUID (req); name : TEXT; home : TEXT; t : Type; indent : INTEGER; ref : REFANY; cnt : ARRAY [0..4] OF INTEGER; maxDepth : INTEGER; total : INTEGER; BEGIN GetTypeName (self, name, home, NIL); Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Subtype graph for ", name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>Subtype graph for ", name, ":</H2><P>\n"); IF NOT db.type_ids.get (self, ref) THEN Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN END; t := ref; (* find out how deep to print the tree *) FOR i := FIRST (cnt) TO LAST (cnt) DO cnt[i] := 0 END; CountSubtypes (t, 0, cnt); maxDepth := 0; total := 0; WHILE (maxDepth <= LAST (cnt)) AND (total + cnt[maxDepth] < 100) DO INC (total, cnt[maxDepth]); INC (maxDepth); END; maxDepth := MAX (1, maxDepth - 1); Out (wx, "<PRE>\n"); indent := GenSuperTypes (t, 0, wx); GenSubtypes (t, 0, maxDepth, indent, wx); Out (wx, "</PRE>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenTypeGraph; PROCEDURECountSubtypes (t: Type; depth: INTEGER; VAR cnt: ARRAY OF INTEGER)= VAR u, v: Type; BEGIN IF (depth <= LAST (cnt)) THEN u := t.subtypes; WHILE (u # NIL) DO INC (cnt[depth]); v := u; EVAL FindOpaque (u.uid, v); CountSubtypes (v, depth+1, cnt); u := u.next_peer; END; END; END CountSubtypes; PROCEDUREGenSuperTypes (t: Type; depth: INTEGER; wx: Wx.T): INTEGER = VAR in: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (t = NIL) THEN RETURN 0; ELSIF (depth >= 99) THEN Out (wx, "....\n"); RETURN 3; ELSE in := GenSuperTypes (SuperType (t), depth+1, wx); IF (depth # 0) THEN in := 0 END; (* hack *) GenGraphEntry (t, in, 0, wx, (depth = 0)); RETURN in + 3; END; END GenSuperTypes; PROCEDUREGenGraphEntry (t: Type; indent, depth: INTEGER; wx: Wx.T; key: BOOLEAN)= VAR name, home: TEXT; BEGIN GetTypeName (t.uid, name, home, NIL); Indent (wx, indent); FOR i := 1 TO depth DO Out (wx, "| "); END; Out (wx, "<A HREF=\"/N", FmtUID (t.uid), "\">", name, "</A>"); IF (home # NIL) THEN Out (wx, " in <A HREF=\"/3", home,"\">", home, "</A>"); END; IF (key) THEN Out (wx, " <=="); END; Out (wx, "\n"); END GenGraphEntry; PROCEDUREGenSubtypes (t: Type; depth, maxDepth, indent: INTEGER; wx: Wx.T) = VAR z: RefSeq.T; u, v: Type; BEGIN IF (t = NIL) OR (t.subtypes = NIL) THEN RETURN; ELSIF (depth >= maxDepth) THEN Indent (wx, indent); FOR i := 1 TO depth DO Out (wx, "| "); END; Out (wx, "....\n"); RETURN; ELSE z := NEW (RefSeq.T).init (); u := t.subtypes; WHILE (u # NIL) DO IF FindOpaque (u.uid, v) THEN z.addhi (v); ELSE z.addhi (u); END; u := u.next_peer; END; GenSubtypeNames (z, depth, maxDepth, indent, wx); END; END GenSubtypes; PROCEDUREGenSubtypeNames (z: RefSeq.T; depth, maxDepth, indent: INTEGER; wx: Wx.T) = TYPE XX = REF ARRAY OF RECORD type: Type; name, home: TEXT; END; VAR n := z.size (); map := NEW (IntVec, n); xx := NEW (XX, n); PROCEDURE CmpTypeName (a, b: INTEGER): [-1..+1] = VAR ca, cb: CHAR; BEGIN WITH xa = xx[a], xb = xx[b] DO ca := Text.GetChar (, 0); cb := Text.GetChar (, 0); IF (ca # '&') AND (cb = '&') THEN RETURN -1; ELSIF (ca = '&') AND (cb # '&') THEN RETURN +1; ELSE RETURN CharMap.CmpText (,; END; END; END CmpTypeName; BEGIN (* build the list of names & homes *) FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO map[i] := i; WITH zz = xx[i] DO zz.type := z.get (i); GetTypeName (zz.type.uid,, zz.home, NIL); END; END; Sort (map^, CmpTypeName); FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO WITH zz = xx[map[i]] DO GenGraphEntry (zz.type, indent, depth, wx, FALSE); GenSubtypes (zz.type, depth+1, maxDepth, indent, wx); END; END; END GenSubtypeNames; PROCEDUREGetTypeName (uid: INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*)name, home: TEXT; pref: TEXT)= VAR ref: REFANY; t, u: Type := NIL; BEGIN IF db.type_ids.get (uid, ref) THEN t := ref; IF SetTypeName (t, name, home, pref) THEN RETURN END; END; IF FindOpaque (uid, u) THEN t := u; IF SetTypeName (t, name, home, pref) THEN RETURN END; END; name := "<" & FmtUID (uid) & ">"; home := NIL; IF (t # NIL) THEN home := ID.ToText (t.home); END; END GetTypeName; PROCEDURESetTypeName (t: Type; VAR(*OUT*)name, home: TEXT; pref: TEXT): BOOLEAN = VAR id: ID.T; tn: TypeName; BEGIN IF (t.names = NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; IF (pref # NIL) THEN (* search for a match *) id := ID.Add (pref); tn := t.names; WHILE (tn # NIL) DO IF ( = id) THEN name := pref; home := ID.ToText (tn.home); RETURN TRUE; END; tn :=; END; END; name := ID.ToText (; home := ID.ToText (t.names.home); RETURN TRUE; END SetTypeName; PROCEDUREGenType (t: Type; wx: Wx.T; expanded: BOOLEAN; pref: TEXT) = VAR ex: IntRefTbl.T; BEGIN GenTypeHeader (t, ORD(expanded), pref, wx); IF (t.defn = NIL) THEN Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN END; ex := NIL; IF expanded THEN ex := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); EVAL ex.put (t.uid, NIL); END; Out (wx, "structure:\n"); Out (wx, "<PRE>\n"); FormatType (t, ex, wx); Out (wx, "</PRE>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenType; PROCEDUREFormatType (t: Type; expanded: IntRefTbl.T; wx: Wx.T) = VAR fmt := XFormat.New (wx); BEGIN fmt.putText (" "); fmt.begin (0); GenTypeExpr (t.defn, t.start, 1, ' ', expanded, fmt, topLevel := TRUE); fmt.end (); fmt.flush (); fmt.close (); END FormatType; TYPE ObjEntry = REF RECORD next : ObjEntry := NIL; name : TEXT := NIL; uid : INTEGER := 0; dfault : TEXT := NIL; hidden : BOOLEAN := FALSE; source : INTEGER := 0; END; ObjEntryQueue = RECORD head, tail: ObjEntry := NIL; END; ObjInfo = RECORD traced : BOOLEAN := FALSE; fields : ObjEntryQueue; methods : ObjEntryQueue; names : TextRefTbl.T := NIL; END; PROCEDUREGenFlatType (req: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR uid := ScanUID (req); ref: REFANY; t: Type; info: ObjInfo; BEGIN IF NOT db.type_ids.get (uid, ref) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, "Type <", req, ">", EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>Type <", req, ">:</H2>\n"); Out (wx, "<STRONG> *unknown* </STRONG>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN; END; t := ref; GenTypeHeader (t, 2, NIL, wx); IF (t.defn = NIL) THEN Out (wx, EndPage); RETURN END; info.names := NEW (TextRefTbl.Default).init (); ExtractObject (t, info); Out (wx, "structure:\n"); Out (wx, "<PRE>\n"); IF (info.fields.head # NIL) OR (info.methods.head # NIL) THEN FormatObject (info, wx); ELSE FormatType (t, NIL, wx); END; Out (wx, "</PRE>\n"); Out (wx, EndPage); END GenFlatType; PROCEDUREExtractObject (t: Type; VAR info: ObjInfo) = VAR defn : Buf.T; start : INTEGER; eof : INTEGER; ch : CHAR; n_fields : INTEGER; n_methods : INTEGER; n_overrides : INTEGER; n_pending : INTEGER; field_source : INTEGER; method_source : INTEGER; id, idX : TEXT; entry : ObjEntry; ref : REFANY; rhs : Type; BEGIN IF (t = NIL) THEN RETURN END; field_source := t.uid; method_source := t.uid; IF TranslateOpaque (t.uid, rhs) THEN t := rhs; END; ExtractObject (SuperType (t), info); defn := t.defn; IF (defn = NIL) THEN RETURN END; eof := NUMBER (t.defn^); start := t.start; IF (start >= eof) THEN RETURN END; ch := defn [start]; INC (start); IF (ch # 'U') AND (ch # 'V') THEN RETURN END; IF (ch = 'V') THEN info.traced := TRUE END; EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); (* self *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); (* super type *) n_fields := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # fields *) n_methods := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # methods *) n_overrides := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # overrides *) start := NextLine (defn, start); n_pending := n_fields + n_methods + n_overrides; WHILE (start < eof) AND (n_pending > 0) DO ch := defn[start]; INC (start); CASE ch OF | 'L' => (* field *) DEC (n_fields); DEC (n_pending); entry := NEW (ObjEntry); := ReadName (defn, start); EVAL ReadInt (defn, start); (* bit offset *) EVAL ReadInt (defn, start); (* bit size *) entry.uid := ReadUID (defn, start); (* type *) entry.source := field_source; field_source := 0; AddObjEntry (info, info.fields, entry); | 'W' => (* method *) DEC (n_methods); DEC (n_pending); entry := NEW (ObjEntry); := ReadName (defn, start); entry.uid := ReadUID (defn, start); (* type *) entry.dfault := ReadBrand (defn, start); entry.source := method_source; method_source := 0; AddObjEntry (info, info.methods, entry); | 'X' => (* overrides *) DEC (n_overrides); DEC (n_pending); id := ReadName (defn, start); idX := ReadName (defn, start); IF info.names.get (id, ref) THEN entry := ref; entry.dfault := idX; END; ELSE (* skip *) END; (* CASE *) IF (n_pending > 0) THEN start := NextLine (defn, start); END; END; END ExtractObject; PROCEDUREAddObjEntry (VAR info: ObjInfo; VAR q: ObjEntryQueue; e: ObjEntry)= VAR ref: REFANY; old: ObjEntry; BEGIN IF (q.head = NIL) THEN q.head := e; ELSE := e; END; q.tail := e; IF info.names.get (, ref) THEN old := ref; old.hidden := TRUE; END; EVAL info.names.put (, e); END AddObjEntry; PROCEDUREFormatObject (READONLY info: ObjInfo; wx: Wx.T) = VAR fmt := XFormat.New (wx); x: ObjEntry; BEGIN fmt.putText (" "); fmt.begin (2); IF (NOT info.traced) THEN fmt.putText ("UNTRACED "); END; fmt.putText ("OBJECT"); fmt.newLine (); IF (info.fields.head # NIL) THEN fmt.newLine (); fmt.align (4, tryOneLine := FALSE); x := info.fields.head; WHILE (x # NIL) DO FormatObjEntry (x, fmt, FALSE); x :=; END; fmt.end (); END; IF (info.methods.head # NIL) THEN fmt.newLine (-2); fmt.putText ("METHODS"); fmt.newLine (); fmt.align (4, tryOneLine := FALSE); x := info.methods.head; WHILE (x # NIL) DO FormatObjEntry (x, fmt, TRUE); x :=; END; fmt.end (); END; fmt.newLine (-2); fmt.putText ("END"); fmt.end (); fmt.flush (); fmt.close (); END FormatObject; PROCEDUREFormatObjEntry (x: ObjEntry; fmt: XFormat.T; method: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN (); (); fmt.putText (; fmt.putChar (' '); fmt.end (); (); IF (method) THEN GenTypeName (x.uid, NIL, fmt, sig_only := TRUE); ELSE fmt.putText (": "); GenTypeName (x.uid, NIL, fmt); END; IF (x.dfault = NIL) THEN fmt.putText (";"); END; fmt.end (); (); IF (x.dfault # NIL) THEN fmt.putText (" := "); GenProcRef (fmt, x.dfault); fmt.putText (";"); END; fmt.end (); (); IF (x.source # 0) THEN fmt.putText (" (* "); GenTypeName (x.source, NIL, fmt); fmt.putText (" *)"); END; IF (x.hidden) THEN fmt.putText (" (*HIDDEN*)"); END; fmt.end (); fmt.end (); END FormatObjEntry; PROCEDUREGenTypeHeader (t: Type; mode: INTEGER; pref: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) = VAR uid, xid: TEXT; tn := t.names; name, home: TEXT; u: Type; BEGIN uid := FmtUID (t.uid); GetTypeName (t.uid, name, home, pref); IF (home # NIL) THEN Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, name, " in ", home, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", name); Out (wx, " in <A HREF=\"/3", home, "\">", home, "</A>:</H2><P>\n"); ELSE Out (wx, StartPage); Out (wx, StartTitle, name, EndTitle); Out (wx, "<H2>", name, ":</H2><P>\n"); END; Out (wx, "(internal uid = <", uid, ">"); IF TranslateOpaque (t.uid, u) THEN xid := FmtUID (u.uid); Out (wx, ", revealed = <", xid, ">"); END; IF FindOpaque (t.uid, u) THEN xid := FmtUID (u.uid); Out (wx, ", opaque = <", xid, ">"); END; Out (wx, ")<P>\n"); IF (mode # 0) THEN Out (wx, " <A HREF=\"/N", uid, "\">[condensed view]</A>\n"); END; IF (mode # 1) THEN Out (wx, " <A HREF=\"/O", uid, "\">[expanded view]</A>\n"); END; IF (mode # 2) THEN IF (t.class = 'V') OR (t.class = 'U') OR ((t.class = 'Y') AND TranslateOpaque (t.uid, u)) THEN Out (wx, " <A HREF=\"/Q", uid, "\">[flat view]</A>\n"); END; END; IF (t.subtypes # NIL) OR (SuperType (t) # NIL) THEN Out (wx, " <A HREF=\"/P", uid, "\">[subtype graph]</A>\n"); END; Out (wx, "<P>\n"); IF (tn # NIL) AND ( # NIL) THEN Out (wx, "aliases:\n<UL>\n"); WHILE (tn # NIL) DO Out (wx, "<LI>", ID.ToText (, " in "); Out (wx, "<A HREF=\"/3", ID.ToText(tn.home),"\">"); Out (wx, ID.ToText(tn.home),"</A>\n"); tn :=; END; Out (wx, "</UL>\n<P>\n"); tn := t.names; END; END GenTypeHeader; VAR debug := RTParams.IsPresent("debug"); PROCEDUREGenTypeExpr (defn : Buf.T; start : INTEGER; count : INTEGER; kind : CHAR; expanded : IntRefTbl.T; fmt : XFormat.T; topLevel : BOOLEAN := FALSE; sig_only : BOOLEAN := FALSE; opaque_id: INTEGER := 0) = VAR eof := NUMBER (defn^); ch : CHAR; a, b, c, d : INTEGER; e, f : INTEGER; id, idX : TEXT; rhs : Type; BEGIN WHILE (start < eof) AND (count > 0) DO IF (debug) THEN fmt.putMarkup ("("); fmt.putMarkup (Fmt.Int (start)); fmt.putMarkup ("*"); fmt.putMarkup (Fmt.Int (count)); fmt.putMarkup ("*"); fmt.putMarkup (Text.FromChar (defn[start])); fmt.putMarkup (")"); END; ch := defn[start]; INC (start); IF (ch = kind) OR (kind = ' ') THEN DEC (count); CASE ch OF | '?' => (* builtin type *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); id := ReadName (defn, start); fmt.putText (id); | 'F' => (* array *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); b := ReadUID (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("ARRAY "); fmt.break (0); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt); fmt.putChar (' '); fmt.break (0); fmt.putText ("OF "); fmt.break (0); GenTypeName (b, expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); | 'G' => (* open array *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("ARRAY OF "); fmt.break (); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); | 'H' => (* enum *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadInt (defn, start); b := NextLine (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("{"); GenTypeExpr (defn, b, a, 'I', expanded, fmt); fmt.putText ("}"); fmt.end (); | 'I' => (* enum elt *) id := ReadName (defn, start); fmt.break (); fmt.putText (id); IF (count > 0) THEN fmt.putText (", "); END; | 'J' => (* bits for *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadInt (defn, start); b := ReadUID (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("BITS "); fmt.putText (Fmt.Int (a)); fmt.putText (" FOR "); fmt.break (); GenTypeName (b, expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); | 'K' => (* record *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); (* self *) EVAL ReadInt (defn, start); (* total size *) a := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # fields *) b := NextLine (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("RECORD "); IF (topLevel) THEN fmt.newLine () END; fmt.unitedBreak (); fmt.align (3, tryOneLine := NOT topLevel); GenTypeExpr (defn, b, a, 'L', expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); fmt.unitedBreak (-2); fmt.putText ("END "); fmt.end (); (* RECORD *) | 'L' => (* field *) id := ReadName (defn, start); EVAL ReadInt (defn, start); EVAL ReadInt (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); (); (); fmt.putText (id); fmt.putChar (' '); fmt.end (); (); fmt.putText (": "); fmt.end (); (); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt); fmt.putText ("; "); fmt.end (); fmt.end (); | 'M' => (* set *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("SET OF "); fmt.break (); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); | 'N' => (* subrange *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); id := ReadName (defn, start); idX := ReadName (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("[ "); fmt.putText (id); fmt.break (); fmt.putText (" .. "); fmt.putText (idX); fmt.putText (" ]"); IF (a # INTEGER_UID) OR (a # LONGINT_UID) THEN fmt.putChar (' '); fmt.break (); fmt.putText ("(OF "); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt); fmt.putText (")"); END; fmt.end (); | 'O', 'P' => (* untraced ref *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); id := ReadBrand (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); IF (ch = 'O') THEN fmt.putText ("UNTRACED "); END; IF (id # NIL) THEN fmt.break (); fmt.putText ("BRANDED \""); fmt.putText (id, raw := TRUE); fmt.putText ("\" "); END; fmt.break (); fmt.putText ("REF "); fmt.break (); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); | 'Q' => (* indirect *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("VAR "); fmt.break (); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); | 'R' => (* procedure *) EVAL ReadUID (defn, start); a := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # formals *) b := ReadUID (defn, start); (* return type *) c := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # raises *) d := NextLine (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); IF (NOT sig_only) THEN fmt.putText ("PROCEDURE "); END; fmt.putText ("("); IF (a > 0) THEN fmt.align (3, tryOneLine := TRUE); GenTypeExpr (defn, d, a, 'S', expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); END; fmt.putText (")"); IF (b # 0) THEN fmt.break (); fmt.putText (": "); GenTypeName (b, expanded, fmt); END; IF (c > 0) THEN fmt.break (); fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText (" RAISES {"); GenTypeExpr (defn, d, a, 'T', expanded, fmt); fmt.putText ("}"); fmt.end (); END; fmt.end (); | 'S' => (* formal *) id := ReadName (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); (); (); fmt.putText (id); fmt.putChar (' '); fmt.end (); (); fmt.putText (": "); fmt.end (); (); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt); IF (count > 0) THEN fmt.putText ("; "); END; fmt.end (); fmt.end (); | 'T' => (* raises *) id := ReadName (defn, start); fmt.break (); fmt.putText (id); IF (count > 0) THEN fmt.putText (", "); END; | 'U', 'V' => (* untraced obj, obj *) a := ReadUID (defn, start); (* self *) b := ReadUID (defn, start); (* super type *) c := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # fields *) d := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # methods *) e := ReadInt (defn, start); (* # overrides *) EVAL ReadInt (defn, start); (* total field size *) f := NextLine (defn, start); id := ReadBrand (defn, start); fmt.begin (2); IF (b # 0) THEN (* super type *) IF (expanded = NIL) THEN GenTypeName (b, expanded, fmt); fmt.putChar (' '); ELSE GenTypeName (b, expanded, fmt, topLevel); fmt.newLine (); fmt.newLine (-2); END; ELSE IF (ch = 'U') THEN fmt.putText ("UNTRACED "); END; END; IF (id # NIL) THEN fmt.break (); fmt.putText ("BRANDED \""); fmt.putText (id, raw := TRUE); fmt.putText ("\" "); END; fmt.putText ("OBJECT "); IF (expanded # NIL) THEN IF NOT GenObjectName (a, fmt) THEN EVAL GenObjectName (opaque_id, fmt); END; END; IF (c > 0) THEN fmt.unitedBreak (); fmt.align (3, tryOneLine := NOT topLevel); GenTypeExpr (defn, f, c, 'L', expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); END; IF (d > 0) THEN fmt.unitedBreak (-2); fmt.putText ("METHODS "); fmt.unitedBreak (0); GenTypeExpr (defn, f, d, 'W', expanded, fmt); END; IF (e > 0) THEN fmt.unitedBreak (-2); fmt.putText ("OVERRIDES "); fmt.unitedBreak (0); fmt.align (3, tryOneLine := NOT topLevel); GenTypeExpr (defn, f, e, 'X', expanded, fmt); fmt.end (); END; IF (topLevel) THEN fmt.newLine (-2); END; fmt.unitedBreak (-2); fmt.putText ("END "); fmt.end (); (* OBJECT *) | 'W' => (* method *) id := ReadName (defn, start); a := ReadUID (defn, start); idX := ReadBrand (defn, start); fmt.unitedBreak (); fmt.putText (id); fmt.putChar (' '); fmt.begin (); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt, sig_only := TRUE); IF (idX # NIL) THEN fmt.putText (" := "); GenProcRef (fmt, idX); END; fmt.putText ("; "); fmt.end (); | 'X' => (* overrides *) id := ReadName (defn, start); idX := ReadName (defn, start); (); (); fmt.putText (id); fmt.putChar (' '); fmt.end (); (); fmt.putText (":= "); fmt.end (); (); GenProcRef (fmt, idX); fmt.putText ("; "); fmt.end (); fmt.end (); | 'Y' => (* opaque *) a := ReadUID (defn, start); (* self *) b := ReadUID (defn, start); (* super *) IF TranslateOpaque (a, rhs) THEN GenTypeExpr (rhs.defn, rhs.start, 1, ' ', expanded, fmt, topLevel, opaque_id := a); ELSE fmt.begin (2); fmt.putText ("<: "); GenTypeName (a, expanded, fmt, topLevel); fmt.end (); END; | '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'Z' => INC (count); (* ignore this line *) ELSE fmt.putMarkup ("(! bad char =\""); fmt.putMarkup (Text.FromChar (ch)); fmt.putMarkup ("\" !)"); END; (* CASE *) END; (* IF ch = kind *) IF (count > 0) THEN start := NextLine (defn, start); END; END; END GenTypeExpr; PROCEDURENextLine (defn: Buf.T; start: INTEGER): INTEGER = VAR eof := NUMBER (defn^); BEGIN WHILE (start < eof) AND (defn[start] # '\n') DO INC (start); END; RETURN start + 1; END NextLine;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------ HTML directories ---GenTypeName (uid : INTEGER; ex : IntRefTbl.T; fmt : XFormat.T; topLevel : BOOLEAN := FALSE; sig_only : BOOLEAN := FALSE) = VAR t: Type; ref: REFANY; old: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF NOT db.type_ids.get (uid, ref) THEN fmt.putMarkup ("<", 1); fmt.putText (FmtUID (uid)); fmt.putMarkup (">", 1); RETURN; END; t := ref; IF (ex # NIL) AND (t.defn # NIL) AND (topLevel = IsRef (t)) AND NOT ex.get (uid, ref) THEN old := ex.put (uid, NIL); (); GenTypeExpr (t.defn, t.start, 1, ' ', ex, fmt, topLevel, sig_only); fmt.end (); IF NOT old THEN EVAL ex.delete (uid, ref); END; RETURN; END; (); fmt.putMarkup ("<A HREF=\"/N"); fmt.putMarkup (FmtUID (uid)); fmt.putMarkup ("\">"); IF (t.names # NIL) AND NOT sig_only THEN fmt.putText (ID.ToText (; ELSE fmt.putMarkup ("<", 1); fmt.putText (FmtUID (uid)); fmt.putMarkup (">", 1); END; fmt.putMarkup ("</A>"); fmt.end (); END GenTypeName; PROCEDUREIsRef (t: Type): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (t.class = 'P') OR (t.class = 'V') OR (t.class = 'O') OR (t.class = 'U') OR (t.class = 'Y'); END IsRef; PROCEDUREGenObjectName (uid: INTEGER; fmt: XFormat.T): BOOLEAN = VAR t: Type; ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF (uid = 0) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF NOT db.type_ids.get (uid, ref) THEN RETURN FALSE END; t := ref; IF (t.names = NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE END; (); fmt.putText ("(* "); fmt.putMarkup ("<A HREF=\"/N"); fmt.putMarkup (FmtUID (uid)); fmt.putMarkup ("\">"); fmt.putText (ID.ToText (; fmt.putMarkup ("</A>"); fmt.putText (" *)"); fmt.end (); RETURN TRUE; END GenObjectName; PROCEDUREGenProcRef (fmt: XFormat.T; t: TEXT) = VAR dotIndex := Text.FindChar(t, '.'); BEGIN; IF dotIndex = -1 THEN fmt.putMarkup(t) ELSE WITH unit = Text.Sub(t, 0, dotIndex), proc = Text.Sub(t, dotIndex + 1) DO fmt.putMarkup("<A HREF=\"/S" & unit & ".i3." & proc & "#" & proc & "\">" & t & "</A>"); END END; fmt.end(); END GenProcRef; PROCEDUREReadUID (buf: Buf.T; VAR cursor: INTEGER): INTEGER = VAR eof := NUMBER (buf^); ch: CHAR; uid: INTEGER := 0; digit: INTEGER; BEGIN SkipBlanks (buf, cursor); WHILE (cursor < eof) DO ch := buf[cursor]; IF ('0' <= ch) AND (ch <= '9') THEN digit := ORD (ch) - ORD ('0'); ELSIF ('a' <= ch) AND (ch <= 'f') THEN digit := 10 + ORD (ch) - ORD ('a'); ELSE EXIT; END; INC (cursor); uid := Word.LeftShift (uid, 4) + digit; uid := Word.And (uid, 16_ffffffff); END; RETURN uid; END ReadUID; PROCEDURESkipBlanks (buf: Buf.T; VAR cur: INTEGER) = VAR eof := NUMBER (buf^); BEGIN WHILE (cur < eof) AND (buf[cur] = ' ') DO INC (cur); END; END SkipBlanks; PROCEDUREReadName (buf: Buf.T; VAR cursor: INTEGER): TEXT = VAR ch: CHAR; eof := NUMBER (buf^); start := cursor; BEGIN SkipBlanks (buf, cursor); start := cursor; WHILE (cursor < eof) DO ch := buf[cursor]; IF (ch = ' ') OR (ch = '\n') OR (ch = '\r') THEN EXIT END; INC (cursor); END; RETURN Text.FromChars (SUBARRAY (buf^, start, cursor - start)); END ReadName; PROCEDUREReadInt (buf: Buf.T; VAR cursor: INTEGER): INTEGER = VAR ch: CHAR; eof := NUMBER (buf^); val := 0; BEGIN SkipBlanks (buf, cursor); WHILE (cursor < eof) DO ch := buf[cursor]; IF (ch < '0') OR ('9' < ch) THEN EXIT END; val := val * 10 + ORD (ch) - ORD ('0'); INC (cursor); END; RETURN val; END ReadInt; PROCEDUREReadBrand (buf: Buf.T; VAR cursor: INTEGER): TEXT = VAR eof := NUMBER (buf^); start: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (buf[cursor] # ' ') THEN RETURN NIL END; INC (cursor); start := cursor; WHILE (cursor < eof) AND (buf[cursor] # '\r') AND (buf[cursor] # '\n') DO INC (cursor); END; RETURN Text.FromChars (SUBARRAY (buf^, start, cursor - start)); END ReadBrand; CONST HexDigits = ARRAY [0..15] OF CHAR { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7', '8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f' }; PROCEDUREFmtUID (uid: INTEGER): TEXT = VAR buf: ARRAY [0..7] OF CHAR; BEGIN FOR i := 7 TO 0 BY -1 DO buf [i] := HexDigits [Word.And (uid, 16_f)]; uid := Word.RightShift (uid, 4); END; RETURN Text.FromChars (buf); END FmtUID; PROCEDUREScanUID (txt: TEXT): INTEGER = VAR cursor := 0; buf := NEW (Buf.T, Text.Length (txt)); BEGIN Text.SetChars (buf^, txt); RETURN ReadUID (buf, cursor); END ScanUID;
In principle an HTML front-end will do a good job rendering
a list of names in <DIR></DIR> brackets. In practice xmosaic
doesn't. The following code is intended to compensate.
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------- find prefix classes ---GenDir (cmd, alt_cmd: TEXT; VAR names: ARRAY OF INTEGER; wx: Wx.T; limit: INTEGER) = CONST Dir_width = 78; (* max # characters per line *) CONST Max_cols = 6; (* max # columns per line *) CONST Gap = 2; (* inter-column gap *) CONST Gap_text = " "; VAR max_len := 0; n_cols := 1; width, n_rows, j: CARDINAL; nm: TEXT; prefix_len := 0; n_names := NUMBER (names); nm_len: INTEGER; counts: IntVec; BEGIN IF n_names <= 0 THEN RETURN END; Sort (names); (* find the longest name *) FOR i := FIRST (names) TO LAST (names) DO max_len := MAX (max_len, Text.Length (ID.ToText (names[i]))); END; (* if there are too many names, collapse the list to prefixes *) IF n_names > limit THEN prefix_len := FindPrefixes (names, n_names, counts, max_len, limit); (* recompute the max length *) max_len := MIN (max_len, prefix_len + 3); FOR i := 0 TO n_names-1 DO IF counts[i] <= 1 THEN max_len := MAX (max_len, Text.Length (ID.ToText (names[i]))); END; END; END; (* compute an approriate layout *) max_len := MAX (5, max_len); INC (max_len, Gap); n_cols := MAX (1, MIN (Dir_width DIV max_len, Max_cols)); n_rows := (n_names + n_cols - 1) DIV n_cols; width := Dir_width DIV n_cols - Gap; Out (wx, "<PRE>\n"); TRY FOR row := 0 TO n_rows-1 DO FOR col := 0 TO n_cols-1 DO j := col * n_rows + row; IF (j < n_names) THEN nm := ID.ToText (names [j]); nm_len := Text.Length (nm); IF (prefix_len # 0) AND (counts[j] > 1) THEN IF (nm_len > prefix_len) THEN nm := Text.Sub (nm, 0, prefix_len); nm_len := prefix_len; END; Out (wx, "<A HREF=\"/", alt_cmd); Out (wx, nm, "\">", nm, "..."); INC (nm_len, 3); ELSE Out (wx, "<A HREF=\"/", cmd, nm, "\">", nm); END; Out (wx, "</A>"); IF (col # n_cols-1) THEN (* pad to the next column *) FOR x := 1 TO width - nm_len DO Out (wx, " "); END; END; Out (wx, Gap_text); END; END; Out (wx, "\n"); END; FINALLY Out (wx, "</PRE>\n"); END; END GenDir;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- sorting ---FindPrefixes (VAR names : ARRAY OF INTEGER; VAR n_names : CARDINAL; VAR counts : IntVec; max_len : INTEGER; limit : INTEGER): INTEGER = VAR len, n, n0: INTEGER; cnts := NEW (IntVec, NUMBER (names)); cnts0 := NEW (IntVec, NUMBER (names)); tmp: IntVec; BEGIN (* find a prefix that generates a non-trivial choice *) n := 0; len := 0; WHILE (len <= max_len) AND (n < 2) DO INC (len); n := CntPrefixes (names, cnts^, len); END; (* find the largest prefix that's got fewer than limit classes *) REPEAT n0 := n; tmp := cnts0; cnts0 := cnts; cnts := tmp; INC (len); n := CntPrefixes (names, cnts^, len); UNTIL (len >= max_len) OR (n > limit); (* pick the best size *) IF (limit - n0 <= n - limit) THEN (* use the shorter prefix *) DEC (len); cnts := cnts0; END; (* collapse the list of names *) n0 := 0; counts := cnts; FOR i := 0 TO LAST (names) DO IF cnts[i] > 0 THEN names[n0] := names[i]; counts[n0] := cnts[i]; INC (n0); END; END; n_names := n0; RETURN len; END FindPrefixes; PROCEDURECntPrefixes (READONLY names : ARRAY OF INTEGER; VAR cnts : ARRAY OF INTEGER; len : INTEGER): INTEGER = VAR n_classes := 1; last_class := 0; short: BOOLEAN; class_id, xx: TEXT; BEGIN class_id := ID.ToText (names[0]); short := Text.Length (class_id) < len; cnts [0] := 1; FOR i := 1 TO LAST (names) DO IF PrefixMatch (class_id, names[i], len) THEN INC (cnts[last_class]); cnts[i] := 0; xx := ID.ToText (names[i]); IF (short) AND (Text.Length (class_id) < Text.Length (xx)) THEN (* use 'i' as the class representitive *) cnts[i] := cnts[last_class]; cnts[last_class] := 0; class_id := xx; short := Text.Length (class_id) < len; END; ELSE class_id := ID.ToText (names[i]); short := Text.Length (class_id) < len; cnts[i] := 1; last_class := i; INC (n_classes); END; END; RETURN n_classes; END CntPrefixes; PROCEDUREPrefixMatch (a: TEXT; bx: ID.T; len: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN CharMap.PrefixMatch (a, ID.ToText (bx), len); END PrefixMatch; PROCEDUREQueryMatch (id: ID.T; query: TextVec): BOOLEAN = VAR nm := ID.ToText (id); BEGIN IF (query = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE END; FOR i := FIRST (query^) TO LAST (query^) DO IF NOT CharMap.Substr (nm, query[i]) THEN RETURN FALSE END; END; RETURN TRUE; END QueryMatch;
TYPE Elem_T = INTEGER; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------- low-level stuff ---Elem_Compare (a, b: INTEGER): [-1 .. +1] = BEGIN RETURN ID.Compare (a, b); END Elem_Compare; PROCEDURESort (VAR a: ARRAY OF Elem_T; cmp := Elem_Compare) = BEGIN QuickSort (a, 0, NUMBER (a), cmp); InsertionSort (a, 0, NUMBER (a), cmp); END Sort; PROCEDUREQuickSort (VAR a: ARRAY OF Elem_T; lo, hi: INTEGER; cmp := Elem_Compare) = CONST CutOff = 9; VAR i, j: INTEGER; key, tmp: Elem_T; BEGIN WHILE (hi - lo > CutOff) DO (* sort a[lo..hi) *) (* use median-of-3 to select a key *) i := (hi + lo) DIV 2; IF cmp (a[lo], a[i]) < 0 THEN IF cmp (a[i], a[hi-1]) < 0 THEN key := a[i]; ELSIF cmp (a[lo], a[hi-1]) < 0 THEN key := a[hi-1]; a[hi-1] := a[i]; a[i] := key; ELSE key := a[lo]; a[lo] := a[hi-1]; a[hi-1] := a[i]; a[i] := key; END; ELSE (* a[lo] >= a[i] *) IF cmp (a[hi-1], a[i]) < 0 THEN key := a[i]; tmp := a[hi-1]; a[hi-1] := a[lo]; a[lo] := tmp; ELSIF cmp (a[lo], a[hi-1]) < 0 THEN key := a[lo]; a[lo] := a[i]; a[i] := key; ELSE key := a[hi-1]; a[hi-1] := a[lo]; a[lo] := a[i]; a[i] := key; END; END; (* partition the array *) i := lo+1; j := hi-2; (* find the first hole *) WHILE cmp (a[j], key) > 0 DO DEC (j) END; tmp := a[j]; DEC (j); LOOP IF (i > j) THEN EXIT END; WHILE cmp (a[i], key) < 0 DO INC (i) END; IF (i > j) THEN EXIT END; a[j+1] := a[i]; INC (i); WHILE cmp (a[j], key) > 0 DO DEC (j) END; IF (i > j) THEN IF (j = i-1) THEN DEC (j) END; EXIT END; a[i-1] := a[j]; DEC (j); END; (* fill in the last hole *) a[j+1] := tmp; i := j+2; (* then, recursively sort the smaller subfile *) IF (i - lo < hi - i) THEN QuickSort (a, lo, i-1, cmp); lo := i; ELSE QuickSort (a, i, hi, cmp); hi := i-1; END; END; (* WHILE (hi-lo > CutOff) *) END QuickSort; PROCEDUREInsertionSort (VAR a: ARRAY OF Elem_T; lo, hi: INTEGER; cmp := Elem_Compare) = VAR j: INTEGER; key: Elem_T; BEGIN FOR i := lo+1 TO hi-1 DO key := a[i]; j := i-1; WHILE (j >= lo) AND cmp (key, a[j]) < 0 DO a[j+1] := a[j]; DEC (j); END; a[j+1] := key; END; END InsertionSort;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Flatten (x: IntSeq.T): IntVec = VAR n := x.size (); elts := NEW (IntVec, n); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO elts[i] := x.get(i); END; RETURN elts; END Flatten; PROCEDUREIndent (wx: Wx.T; indent: INTEGER) = BEGIN WHILE (indent > 8) DO Wx.PutText (wx, " "); DEC (indent, 8); END; WHILE (indent > 0) DO Wx.PutChar (wx, ' '); DEC (indent); END; END Indent; PROCEDUREOut (wx: Wx.T; a, b, c, d, e: TEXT := NIL) = BEGIN IF (a # NIL) THEN Wx.PutText (wx, a); IF (b # NIL) THEN Wx.PutText (wx, b); IF (c # NIL) THEN Wx.PutText (wx, c); IF (d # NIL) THEN Wx.PutText (wx, d); IF (e # NIL) THEN Wx.PutText (wx, e); END END END END END END Out; PROCEDUREAbort () = BEGIN TCPServer.Abort (server); Process.Exit (1); END Abort; PROCEDUREMakePath (a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL): TEXT = VAR path := a; BEGIN IF (b # NIL) THEN path := path & SLASH & b END; IF (c # NIL) THEN path := path & SLASH & c END; IF (d # NIL) THEN path := path & SLASH & d END; RETURN path; END MakePath; VAR posix : BOOLEAN := Text.Equal (SLASH, "/"); PROCEDURELibName (nm: TEXT; pgm: BOOLEAN): TEXT = BEGIN IF (nm = NIL) THEN RETURN "<no name>" ELSIF pgm THEN IF posix THEN RETURN nm; ELSE RETURN nm & ".exe"; END; ELSE IF posix THEN RETURN "lib" & nm & ".a"; ELSE RETURN nm & ".lib"; END; END; END LibName;
BEGIN InitDB (db); ParseOptions (); Refresh (NIL); LOOP server := TCPServer.Fork (server_socket, n_workers, ProcessRequest, Refresh, refresh_interval * 60.0d0, ErrLog.Note, accept_address, accept_maskBits ); IF (server = NIL) THEN EXIT END; TCPServer.Join (server); END; END Main.