The code below makes the following NASTY assumption: RTThread.ProcessStacks calls its argument twice for each thread -- the first time for the stack, the second time for its registers.
UNSAFE MODULE------------------------------------------------------------ REF visits ---; IMPORT RT0, RTCollector, RTModule, RTIO, RTHeapMap, RTHeapRep, RTMisc; IMPORT RTOS, RTType, RTTypeSRC, RTProcedure, RTProcedureSRC; IMPORT RTStack, RTThread, Word, Text; FROM RTIO IMPORT PutInt, PutAddr, PutText; TYPE Info = RECORD module : RT0.ModulePtr; thread_id : INTEGER; location : ADDRESS; ref : ADDRESS; n_objects : INTEGER; n_bytes : INTEGER; END; TYPE InfoSet = RECORD count : INTEGER; info : ARRAY [0..19] OF Info; END; TYPE ThreadInfo = RECORD id : INTEGER; stack_start : ADDRESS; stack_stop : ADDRESS; reg_start : ADDRESS; reg_stop : ADDRESS; dump : BOOLEAN; END; TYPE VisitStack = ARRAY [0..10000] OF ADDRESS; CONST MapGrain = 2 * BYTESIZE (RT0.RefHeader); (* = 1 bit in the map *) MapBitsPerHeapPage = RTHeapRep.BytesPerPage DIV MapGrain; MapWordsPerHeapPage = MapBitsPerHeapPage DIV BITSIZE (Word.T); VAR units : InfoSet; unit_roots : InfoSet; stacks : InfoSet; stack_roots : InfoSet; stack_pages : InfoSet; map : UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF Word.T; heap_min : ADDRESS; heap_max : ADDRESS; n_types : INTEGER; visit : Info; visit_stack : UNTRACED REF VisitStack; top_of_stack: INTEGER; n_overflows : INTEGER; last_alloc : ADDRESS; outerVisitor: RTHeapMap.Visitor := NIL; innerVisitor: RTHeapMap.Visitor := NIL; rootVisitor : RTHeapMap.Visitor := NIL; self_id : INTEGER; n_threads : INTEGER; threads : ARRAY [0..199] OF ThreadInfo; PROCEDURE RTHeapStats ReportReachable () = CONST MByte = 1024 * 1024; BEGIN (* allocate space for the stats *) outerVisitor := NEW (RTHeapMap.Visitor, apply := Visit); innerVisitor := NEW (RTHeapMap.Visitor, apply := InnerVisit); rootVisitor := NEW (RTHeapMap.Visitor, apply := VisitRoot); visit_stack := NEW (UNTRACED REF VisitStack); map := NEW (UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF Word.T, (RTHeapRep.p1 - RTHeapRep.p0) * MapWordsPerHeapPage); (* initialize the globals *) units.count := 0; unit_roots.count := 0; stacks.count := 0; stack_roots.count := 0; stack_pages.count := 0; top_of_stack := 0; n_overflows := 0; n_threads := 0; (* freeze the world *) RTCollector.Disable (); RTOS.LockHeap (); (* freeze the heap *) RTThread.SuspendOthers (); (* capture the heap limits *) heap_min := LOOPHOLE (RTHeapRep.p0 * RTHeapRep.BytesPerPage, ADDRESS); heap_max := LOOPHOLE (RTHeapRep.p1 * RTHeapRep.BytesPerPage, ADDRESS); n_types := RTType.MaxTypecode () + 1; PutText ("\nHEAP: "); PutAddr (heap_min); PutText (" .. "); PutAddr (heap_max); PutText (" => "); PutInt ((heap_max - heap_min) DIV MByte); PutText ("."); PutInt ((heap_max - heap_min) * 10 DIV MByte MOD 10); PutText (" Mbytes\n"); (* find the edge of the new space *) last_alloc := LOOPHOLE (NEW (REF INTEGER), ADDRESS); (* capture the thread info *) GetThreads (); FOR i := 0 TO RTModule.Count() - 1 DO GetUnitStats (i); END; FOR i := 0 TO RTModule.Count() - 1 DO GetUnitRootStats (i); END; FOR i := 0 TO n_threads-1 DO GetThreadStats (threads[i]); END; FOR i := 0 TO n_threads-1 DO GetThreadRootStats (threads[i]); END; FOR i := 0 TO n_threads-1 DO GetThreadPageStats (threads[i]); END; IF (n_overflows > 0) THEN PutText (" ** warning: "); PutInt (n_overflows); PutText (" paths, longer than "); PutInt (NUMBER (VisitStack)); PutText (" REFs, were truncated.\n"); END; ReportUnits (); ReportUnitRoots (); ReportStacks (); ReportStackRoots (); ReportStackPages (); DumpStacks (); RTIO.Flush (); (* thaw the world *) DISPOSE (visit_stack); DISPOSE (map); RTThread.ResumeOthers (); RTOS.UnlockHeap (); (* unfreeze the heap *) RTCollector.Enable (); END ReportReachable;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------------- units ---ResetVisitCounts () = BEGIN visit.n_objects := 0; visit.n_bytes := 0; top_of_stack := 0; RTMisc.Zero (ADR (map[0]), BYTESIZE (map^)); END ResetVisitCounts; PROCEDUREAddVisit (VAR s: InfoSet) = VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN (* if the set isn't full, make room for this visit *) IF (s.count < NUMBER ( THEN[s.count].n_bytes := -1; INC (s.count); END; (* find where to insert this visit *) n := s.count-1; WHILE (n >= 0) AND ([n].n_bytes < visit.n_bytes) DO IF (n < LAST( THEN[n+1] :=[n]; END; DEC (n); END; INC (n); (* insert the new root *) IF (n < s.count) THEN[n] := visit; END; END AddVisit; PROCEDUREVisit (<*UNUSED*> self: RTHeapMap.Visitor; loc: ADDRESS) = BEGIN InnerVisit (NIL, loc); WHILE (top_of_stack > 0) DO DEC (top_of_stack); RTHeapMap.WalkRef (visit_stack[top_of_stack], innerVisitor); END; END Visit; PROCEDUREInnerVisit (<*UNUSED*> self: RTHeapMap.Visitor; loc: ADDRESS) = CONST Mask = ADRSIZE (RT0.RefHeader) - 1; (* assume it's 2^k-1 for some k *) VAR ptr : UNTRACED REF ADDRESS := loc; VAR ref : ADDRESS := ptr^; VAR header: RTHeapMap.ObjectPtr; VAR cell, word, bit, mask, typecode: INTEGER; BEGIN header := ref - ADRSIZE (RT0.RefHeader); IF (heap_min <= ref) AND (ref < heap_max) AND (Word.And (LOOPHOLE(ref, INTEGER), Mask) = 0) THEN typecode := header.typecode; IF (0 < typecode) AND (typecode < n_types) THEN cell := (ref - heap_min) DIV MapGrain; word := cell DIV BITSIZE (Word.T); bit := cell - word * BITSIZE (Word.T); mask := Word.LeftShift (1, bit); IF (Word.And (mask, map[word]) = 0) THEN (* this is a new ref... *) map[word] := Word.Or (mask, map[word]); INC (visit.n_objects); INC (visit.n_bytes, RTHeapRep.ReferentSize(header) + BYTESIZE (RT0.RefHeader)); IF (top_of_stack < NUMBER (VisitStack)) THEN visit_stack [top_of_stack] := header; INC (top_of_stack); ELSE INC (n_overflows); END; END; END; END; END InnerVisit; PROCEDURETypeName (ref: ADDRESS): TEXT = CONST Mask = ADRSIZE (RT0.RefHeader) - 1; (* assume it's 2^k-1 for some k *) VAR header: RTHeapMap.ObjectPtr; VAR typecode: INTEGER; BEGIN header := ref - ADRSIZE (RT0.RefHeader); IF (Word.And (LOOPHOLE (header, INTEGER), Mask) = 0) (* => aligned *) AND (heap_min <= ref) AND (ref < heap_max) THEN typecode := header.typecode; IF (0 < typecode) AND (typecode <= n_types) THEN RETURN RTTypeSRC.TypecodeName (typecode); END; END; RETURN "?"; END TypeName;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- threads ---GetUnitStats (n: CARDINAL) = BEGIN visit.module := RTModule.Get (n); visit.thread_id := -1; visit.location := NIL; visit.ref := NIL; ResetVisitCounts (); RTHeapMap.WalkModuleGlobals (outerVisitor, n); AddVisit (units); END GetUnitStats; PROCEDUREGetUnitRootStats (n: CARDINAL) = BEGIN visit.module := RTModule.Get (n); visit.thread_id := -1; visit.location := NIL; visit.ref := NIL; RTHeapMap.WalkModuleGlobals (rootVisitor, n); END GetUnitRootStats; PROCEDUREVisitRoot (<*UNUSED*> self: RTHeapMap.Visitor; root: ADDRESS) = VAR p: UNTRACED REF ADDRESS := root; BEGIN visit.location := root; visit.ref := p^; ResetVisitCounts (); Visit (NIL, root); AddVisit (unit_roots); END VisitRoot;
VAR is_registers: BOOLEAN := FALSE; mark_addr: ADDRESS; PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- reports ---GetThreads () = VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN self_id := -1; mark_addr := ADR (i); RTThread.ProcessStacks (GetThread); RTIO.PutText ("Threads: "); RTIO.PutInt (n_threads); IF (n_threads > NUMBER (threads)) THEN RTIO.PutText (" ("); RTIO.PutInt (n_threads - NUMBER (threads)); RTIO.PutText (" ignored)"); n_threads := NUMBER (threads); END; RTIO.PutChar ('\n'); END GetThreads; PROCEDUREGetThread (start, stop: ADDRESS) = BEGIN IF (start <= mark_addr) AND (mark_addr <= stop) THEN self_id := n_threads; END; IF (n_threads < NUMBER (threads)) THEN WITH z = threads[n_threads] DO := n_threads; z.dump := FALSE; IF is_registers THEN z.reg_start := start; z.reg_stop := stop; ELSE z.stack_start := start; z.stack_stop := stop; END; END; END; IF (is_registers) THEN INC (n_threads); END; is_registers := NOT is_registers; END GetThread; PROCEDUREGetThreadStats (READONLY ti: ThreadInfo) = BEGIN visit.module := NIL; visit.thread_id :=; visit.location := NIL; visit.ref := NIL; ResetVisitCounts (); ScanPages (ti.stack_start, ti.stack_stop); ScanPages (ti.reg_start, ti.reg_stop); AddVisit (stacks); END GetThreadStats; PROCEDUREScanPages (start, stop: ADDRESS) = VAR fp: UNTRACED REF ADDRESS := start; BEGIN (* scan the stack or registers *) WHILE fp < stop DO WITH page = RTHeapRep.AddressToPage(fp^), d = page.desc DO IF page # NIL AND = RTHeapRep.Space.Current THEN VisitPage(page); END; END; INC(fp, RTThread.PointerAlignment); END; END ScanPages; PROCEDUREGetThreadRootStats (READONLY ti: ThreadInfo) = BEGIN visit.module := NIL; visit.thread_id :=; visit.location := NIL; visit.ref := NIL; ScanThreadRoots (ti.stack_start, ti.stack_stop, on_stack := TRUE); ScanThreadRoots (ti.reg_start, ti.reg_stop, on_stack := FALSE); END GetThreadRootStats; PROCEDUREScanThreadRoots (start, stop: ADDRESS; on_stack: BOOLEAN) = VAR fp: UNTRACED REF ADDRESS := start; BEGIN WHILE fp <= stop DO WITH page = RTHeapRep.AddressToPage(fp^), d = page.desc DO IF page # NIL AND = RTHeapRep.Space.Current THEN IF on_stack THEN visit.location := fp; ELSE visit.location := NIL; END; visit.ref := fp^; ResetVisitCounts (); Visit (NIL, fp); AddVisit (stack_roots); END; END; INC(fp, RTThread.PointerAlignment); END; END ScanThreadRoots; PROCEDUREGetThreadPageStats (READONLY ti: ThreadInfo) = BEGIN visit.module := NIL; visit.thread_id :=; visit.location := NIL; visit.ref := NIL; ScanThreadPageRoots (ti.stack_start, ti.stack_stop, on_stack := TRUE); ScanThreadPageRoots (ti.reg_start, ti.reg_stop, on_stack := FALSE); END GetThreadPageStats; PROCEDUREScanThreadPageRoots (start, stop: ADDRESS; on_stack: BOOLEAN) = VAR fp: UNTRACED REF ADDRESS := start; BEGIN WHILE fp <= stop DO WITH page = RTHeapRep.AddressToPage(fp^), d = page.desc DO IF page # NIL AND = RTHeapRep.Space.Current THEN IF on_stack THEN visit.location := fp; ELSE visit.location := NIL; END; visit.ref := fp^; ResetVisitCounts (); VisitPage (page); AddVisit (stack_pages); END; END; INC(fp, RTThread.PointerAlignment); END; END ScanThreadPageRoots; PROCEDUREVisitPage (page: RTHeapRep.RefPage) = VAR h : RTHeapRep.RefHeader := page + ADRSIZE(RTHeapRep.PageHdr); he: RTHeapRep.RefHeader := page + RTHeapRep.BytesPerPage; ref: ADDRESS; BEGIN (* visit each object on the page *) WHILE h < he DO ref := h + ADRSIZE (RTHeapRep.Header); Visit (NIL, ADR (ref)); INC (h, ADRSIZE(RTHeapRep.Header) + RTHeapRep.ReferentSize (h)); END; END VisitPage;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------- stack dumps ---ReportUnits () = BEGIN PutText ("\nModule globals:\n"); PutText (" # objects # bytes unit\n"); PutText (" --------- -------- -----------------\n"); FOR i := 0 TO units.count-1 DO WITH m =[i] DO IF (m.n_bytes > 0) THEN PutInt (m.n_objects, 10); PutInt (m.n_bytes, 10); PutText (" "); PutStr (PathTail (m.module.file)); PutText ("\n"); END; END; END; END ReportUnits; PROCEDUREReportUnitRoots () = BEGIN PutText ("\nGlobal variable roots:\n"); PutText (" # objects # bytes ref type location\n"); PutText (" --------- -------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------\n"); FOR i := 0 TO unit_roots.count-1 DO WITH r =[i] DO IF (r.n_bytes > 0) THEN PutInt (r.n_objects, 10); PutInt (r.n_bytes, 10); PutText (" "); PutAddr (r.ref); PutText (" "); PadText (TypeName (r.ref), 18); PutText (" "); PutStr (PathTail (r.module.file)); PutText (" + "); PutInt (r.location - r.module); PutText ("\n"); END; END; END; END ReportUnitRoots; PROCEDUREReportStacks () = BEGIN PutText ("\nThread stacks (conservative page scan):\n"); PutText (" # objects # bytes thread [stack bounds]\n"); PutText (" --------- -------- -------------------------------\n"); FOR i := 0 TO stacks.count-1 DO WITH t =[i] DO IF (t.n_bytes > 0) THEN PutInt (t.n_objects, 10); PutInt (t.n_bytes, 10); PutText (" T."); PutInt (t.thread_id, 1); PutText (" ["); PutAddr (threads[t.thread_id].stack_start); PutText (" .. "); PutAddr (threads[t.thread_id].stack_stop); PutText ("]\n"); threads[t.thread_id].dump := TRUE; END; END; END; END ReportStacks; PROCEDUREReportStackRoots () = BEGIN PutText ("\nThread stack roots (optimistic):\n"); ReportStackInfo (stack_roots); END ReportStackRoots; PROCEDUREReportStackPages () = BEGIN PutText ("\nThread stack roots (conservative page scan):\n"); ReportStackInfo (stack_pages); END ReportStackPages; PROCEDUREReportStackInfo (READONLY s: InfoSet) = BEGIN PutText (" # objects # bytes ref type location\n"); PutText (" --------- -------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------\n"); FOR i := 0 TO s.count-1 DO WITH r =[i] DO IF (r.n_bytes > 0) THEN PutInt (r.n_objects, 10); PutInt (r.n_bytes, 10); PutText (" "); PutAddr (r.ref); PutText (" "); PadText (TypeName (r.ref), 18); PutText (" "); IF (r.location # NIL) THEN PutText ("sp+"); PutInt (r.location - threads[r.thread_id].stack_start); ELSE PutText ("register"); END; PutText (" in T."); PutInt (r.thread_id); PutText ("\n"); threads[r.thread_id].dump := TRUE; END; END; END; END ReportStackInfo;
VAR conservative_cutoff : INTEGER; optimistic_cutoff : INTEGER; PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- low-level I/O ---DumpStacks () = BEGIN conservative_cutoff := MAX (MinInfoBytes (stack_pages) DIV 2, 1024); optimistic_cutoff := MAX (MinInfoBytes (stack_roots) DIV 2, 1024); PutText ("\n-------------------------------------------------------\n"); PutText ("Thread stack dumps with references that reach\nat least:\n"); PutInt (optimistic_cutoff, 10); PutText (" bytes under the optimistic scan or\n"); PutInt (conservative_cutoff, 10); PutText (" bytes under the conservative scan.\n\n"); FOR i := 0 TO n_threads-1 DO IF threads[i].dump THEN DumpStack (threads[i]); END; END; END DumpStacks; PROCEDUREMinInfoBytes (READONLY s: InfoSet): INTEGER = VAR x := LAST (INTEGER); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO s.count-1 DO x := MIN (x,[i].n_bytes); END; RETURN x; END MinInfoBytes; PROCEDUREDumpStack (READONLY ti: ThreadInfo) = CONST Max_proc = 4096; (* good enough for 99% of the procedures *) VAR fp: UNTRACED REF ADDRESS; p: ADDRESS; cons_cnt, cons_bytes : INTEGER; opt_cnt, opt_bytes : INTEGER; have_frames : BOOLEAN; cur, prev: RTStack.Frame; proc_start: RTProcedure.Proc; file, proc_name: RTProcedureSRC.Name; BEGIN have_frames := RTStack.Has_walker; IF RTStack.Has_walker THEN IF ( = self_id) THEN RTStack.CurrentFrame (cur); ELSE RTStack.GetThreadFrame (cur, ti.reg_start, ti.reg_stop - ti.reg_start); END; IF cur.pc = NIL THEN have_frames := FALSE; END; END; PutText ("-------------------------------------------------\n"); PutText ("Thread T."); PutInt (, 1); PutText (" stack ["); PutAddr (ti.stack_start); PutText (" .. "); PutAddr (ti.stack_stop); PutText ("]\n\n"); PutText (" stack optimistic conservative\n"); PutText ("offset #objs # bytes #objs # bytes ref\n"); PutText ("------ ----- ------- ----- ------- ------------\n"); fp := ti.stack_start; WHILE (fp <= ti.stack_stop) DO IF have_frames THEN WHILE (cur.sp <= fp) AND (cur.pc # NIL) DO RTProcedureSRC.FromPC (cur.pc, proc_start, file, proc_name); IF (proc_start # NIL) AND (cur.pc - proc_start < Max_proc) THEN PutInt (cur.sp - ti.stack_start, 5); PutText (" --> "); PutStr (proc_name); IF (cur.pc # proc_start) THEN PutText (" + "); PutInt (cur.pc - proc_start); END; IF (file # NIL) THEN PutText (" in "); PutStr (PathTail (file)); END; PutText ("\n"); END; RTStack.PreviousFrame (cur, prev); cur := prev; END; END; p := fp^; WITH page = RTHeapRep.AddressToPage(p), d = page.desc DO IF page # NIL AND = RTHeapRep.Space.Current THEN IF = RTHeapRep.Space.Current THEN visit.location := fp; visit.ref := p; (* make the conservative scan *) ResetVisitCounts (); VisitPage (page); cons_bytes := visit.n_bytes; cons_cnt := visit.n_objects; (* make the optimistic scan *) ResetVisitCounts (); Visit (NIL, fp); opt_bytes := visit.n_bytes; opt_cnt := visit.n_objects; IF (cons_bytes >= conservative_cutoff) OR (opt_bytes >= optimistic_cutoff) THEN (* report this ref! *) PutInt (fp - ti.stack_start, 5); PutInt (opt_cnt, 8); PutInt (opt_bytes, 8); PutInt (cons_cnt, 7); PutInt (cons_bytes, 8); PutText (" "); PutAddr (p); PutText (" "); PutText (TypeName (p)); PutText ("\n"); END; END; END; END; IF NOT have_frames THEN (* maybe this stack element is a PC we should print *) RTProcedureSRC.FromPC (p, proc_start, file, proc_name); IF (proc_start # NIL) AND (p - proc_start < Max_proc) THEN PutInt (fp - ti.stack_start, 5); PutText (" [PC "); PutAddr (p); PutText ("] "); PutStr (proc_name); IF (p # proc_start) THEN PutText (" + "); PutInt (p - proc_start); END; IF (file # NIL) THEN PutText (" in "); PutStr (PathTail (file)); END; PutText ("\n"); END; END; INC (fp, RTThread.PointerAlignment); END; END DumpStack;
PROCEDUREPathTail (a: ADDRESS): ADDRESS = VAR p0 : UNTRACED REF CHAR := a; p := p0; BEGIN IF (p0 = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; WHILE (p^ # '\000') DO IF (p^ = '/') THEN p0 := p + ADRSIZE (p^); END; INC (p, ADRSIZE (p^)); END; RETURN p0; END PathTail; PROCEDUREPutStr (s: ADDRESS) = BEGIN IF (s = NIL) THEN RETURN END; RTIO.PutString (s); END PutStr; PROCEDUREPadText (t: TEXT; width := 0) = VAR len := Text.Length (t); BEGIN RTIO.PutText (t); WHILE (len < width) DO RTIO.PutChar (' '); INC (len); END; END PadText; BEGIN END RTHeapStats.