MODULE; IMPORT ClientClass, CVProto, ErrMsg, File, FilePosix, FileWr, Fmt, FS, FSServer, IO, IP, Logger, OSError, OSErrorPosix, Params, Pathname, Process, RCSComp, RegularFile, RTProcess, Stdio, SupMisc, SysLogger, Text, Thread, TimeStampLogger, TokScan, TreeComp, Unix, UnixMisc, Version, WrLogger; CONST ThreadStackSize = 16 * 1024; (* In units of Word.T *) VAR mainPid: Process.ID; config := NEW(FSServer.Configuration); PROCEDURE Main BecomeDaemon () RAISES {OSError.E} = BEGIN WITH pid = RTProcess.Fork() DO IF pid = -1 THEN (* Error. *) OSErrorPosix.Raise() ELSIF pid # 0 THEN (* Parent process. *) Unix.underscore_exit(0); END; END; (* This is the child process. *) IF UnixMisc.SetSID() = -1 THEN OSErrorPosix.Raise(); END; (* EVAL Unix.chdir(SupMisc.RootDir); FIXME - Not yet. *) END BecomeDaemon; PROCEDURECheckPort (port: INTEGER): IP.Port = BEGIN IF port = IP.NullPort OR NOT (FIRST(IP.Port) <= port AND port <= LAST(IP.Port)) THEN ErrMsg.Fatal("Invalid port " & Fmt.Int(port)); END; IF port < 1024 THEN ErrMsg.Fatal("Reserved port " & Fmt.Int(port) & " not permitted"); END; RETURN port; END CheckPort; PROCEDUREFetchArg (VAR argNum, argPos: CARDINAL): TEXT = VAR arg := Params.Get(argNum); argLen := Text.Length(arg); value: TEXT; BEGIN IF argPos < argLen THEN (* There was no whitespace after the flag. *) value := Text.Sub(arg, argPos); argPos := argLen; ELSE (* The value is in a separate argument. *) INC(argNum); IF argNum >= Params.Count THEN Usage(); END; value := Params.Get(argNum); END; RETURN value; END FetchArg; PROCEDUREGoingDown () =
Called (hopefully) when process is killed or crashes.
BEGIN IF config.logger # NIL AND Process.GetMyID() = mainPid THEN Logger.Notice(config.logger, "Going down"); END; END GoingDown; PROCEDURERedirect (in, out, err: File.T) = BEGIN IF in # NIL THEN EVAL Unix.dup2(in.fd, 0) END; IF out # NIL THEN EVAL Unix.dup2(out.fd, 1) END; IF err # NIL THEN EVAL Unix.dup2(err.fd, 2) END; END Redirect; PROCEDUREUsage (msg: TEXT := NIL) = VAR prog := Pathname.Last(Params.Get(0)); BEGIN IF msg # NIL THEN msg := msg & "\n"; ELSE msg := ""; END; ErrMsg.Fatal(msg & "Usage: " & prog & " [options]" & "\n Options:" & "\n -A addr Listen for connections on a specific address" & "\n -b base Base configuration directory (default " & SupMisc.DefaultServerBase & ")" & "\n -c collDirs Colon-separated search path for collections," & " relative" & "\n to base (default \"" & SupMisc.DefaultServerCollDir & "\")" & "\n -C maxClients Max. simultaneous clients (default 1 then exit)" & "\n -e Don't close standard error and standard output" & " files" & "\n -f Don't become a daemon, even if -C is specified" & "\n -l log Log file, or \"@facility\" (e.g., " & "\"@local0\") to use syslog" & "\n -p port Alternate TCP/IP port (default " & Fmt.Int(SupMisc.Port) & ")" & "\n -P range Range for server data port in passive mode" & "\n (default unrestricted). Range can be a single" & "\n port number, or a range \"lo-hi\"." & "\n -s scanDir Directory where scan files can be found " & "(default none)" & "\n -v Print version and exit" & "\n -x Require detailed compare for all RCS files" & "\n -Z compLevel Compression level (0..9, default " & Fmt.Int(SupMisc.DefaultCompression) & ")" ); END Usage; VAR justPrintVersion := FALSE; logName: Pathname.T := NIL; logFile: File.T := NIL; devNull, outFile : File.T := NIL; noFork := FALSE; keepStderr := FALSE; argNum: CARDINAL; argPos: CARDINAL; argLen: CARDINAL; option: CHAR; arg: TEXT; argVal: TEXT; pos: INTEGER; server: FSServer.T; BEGIN TRY TRY argNum := 1; WHILE argNum < Params.Count DO arg := Params.Get(argNum); argLen := Text.Length(arg); IF argLen > 0 AND Text.GetChar(arg, 0) = '-' THEN argPos := 1; WHILE argPos < argLen DO option := Text.GetChar(arg, argPos); INC(argPos); CASE option OF | 'A' => WITH t = FetchArg(argNum, argPos) DO TRY IF NOT SupMisc.ParseHost(t, config.localEndpoint.addr) THEN ErrMsg.Fatal(t & ": host unknown"); END EXCEPT IP.Error(list) => ErrMsg.Fatal(t & ": " & ErrMsg.StrError(list)); END; END; | 'b' => config.serverBase := FetchArg(argNum, argPos); | 'c' => config.serverCollDirs := FetchArg(argNum, argPos); | 'C' => config.maxChildren := TokScan.AtoI(FetchArg(argNum, argPos)); | 'd' => WITH level = TokScan.AtoI(FetchArg(argNum, argPos)) DO ClientClass.debugLevel := level; TreeComp.traceLevel := level; RCSComp.traceLevel := level; END; | 'f' => noFork := TRUE; | 'e' => keepStderr := TRUE; | 'l' => logName := FetchArg(argNum, argPos); | 'p' => config.localEndpoint.port := CheckPort(TokScan.AtoI(FetchArg(argNum, argPos))); | 'P' => argVal := FetchArg(argNum, argPos); pos := Text.FindChar(argVal, '-'); IF pos >= 0 THEN config.loDataPort := CheckPort(TokScan.AtoI(Text.Sub(argVal, 0, pos), "low data port")); config.hiDataPort := CheckPort(TokScan.AtoI(Text.Sub(argVal, pos+1), "high data port")); IF config.loDataPort > config.hiDataPort THEN ErrMsg.Fatal("Invalid data port range " & argVal); END; ELSE config.loDataPort := CheckPort(TokScan.AtoI(argVal, "data port")); config.hiDataPort := config.loDataPort; END; | 's' => config.serverScanDir := FetchArg(argNum, argPos); | 't' => WITH level = TokScan.AtoI(FetchArg(argNum, argPos)) DO TreeComp.traceLevel := level; RCSComp.traceLevel := level; END; | 'v' => justPrintVersion := TRUE; | 'x' => config.detailAllRCSFiles := TRUE; | 'Z' => WITH val = TokScan.AtoI(FetchArg(argNum, argPos)) DO IF 0 <= val AND val <= 9 THEN config.compLevel := val; ELSE ErrMsg.Fatal("Compression level out of range 0..9"); END; END; ELSE Usage("Invalid option \"-" & Text.FromChar(option) & "\""); END; END; ELSE Usage(); END; INC(argNum); END; EXCEPT TokScan.Error(msg) => Usage(msg); END; IF justPrintVersion THEN IO.Put("CVSup server\n"); IO.Put("Copyright 1996-2003 John D. Polstra\n"); IO.Put("Software version: " & Version.Name & "\n"); IO.Put("Protocol version: " & Fmt.Int(CVProto.Current.major) & "." & Fmt.Int(CVProto.Current.minor) & "\n"); IO.Put("Operating system: " & Version.Target & "\n"); IO.Put("\n"); IO.Put("Report problems to\n"); IO.Put("CVSup is a registered trademark of John D. Polstra\n"); Process.Exit(0); END; IF logName # NIL THEN IF Text.Length(logName) > 0 AND Text.GetChar(logName, 0) = '@' THEN (* Log to a syslog facility. *) TRY WITH facility = SysLogger.DecodeFacility(Text.Sub(logName, 1)) DO config.logger := NEW(SysLogger.T).init("cvsupd", facility, SysLogger.Options{SysLogger.Option.Pid}); END; EXCEPT SysLogger.Error(msg) => ErrMsg.Fatal(msg); END; ELSE (* Log to a file. *) TRY logFile := FS.OpenFile(logName, truncate := FALSE); TYPECASE logFile OF | RegularFile.T(reg) => EVAL, 0); UnixMisc.AppendAlways(logFile); ELSE (* Ignore *) END; WITH logWr = NEW(FileWr.T).init(logFile) DO config.logger := NEW(WrLogger.T).init(logWr); config.logger := NEW(TimeStampLogger.T).init(config.logger); END; EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => ErrMsg.Fatal("Cannot create \"" & logName & "\"", l); END; END; ELSIF config.maxChildren < 0 THEN (* Once-only mode. *) config.logger := NEW(WrLogger.T).init(Stdio.stdout); config.logger := NEW(TimeStampLogger.T).init(config.logger); END; (* Increase the default stack size for all threads. *) Thread.MinDefaultStackSize(ThreadStackSize); server := NEW(FSServer.T).init(config); IF config.maxChildren >= 0 AND NOT noFork THEN (* Become a daemon. *) TRY BecomeDaemon(); (* Redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr. *) devNull := FS.OpenFile(SupMisc.DevNull, truncate := FALSE, create := FS.CreateOption.Never); TRY IF logFile # NIL THEN (* Logging to a file *) outFile := logFile; ELSIF keepStderr THEN outFile := NIL; ELSE outFile := devNull; END; Redirect(in := devNull, out := outFile, err := outFile); FINALLY IF devNull.fd > 2 THEN devNull.close(); END; END; EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => ErrMsg.Fatal("Cannot become a daemon", l); END; END; mainPid := Process.GetMyID(); Process.RegisterExitor(GoingDown);; EXCEPT | FSServer.Error(msg) => ErrMsg.Fatal(msg); | Thread.Alerted => ErrMsg.Fatal("Interrupted"); END; END Main.