MODULE*************************************************************************** Construction procedures ***************************************************************************RootGO EXPORTSRootGO ,RootGOPrivate ,RootGOProxy ; IMPORT AmbientLightGO, AnimServer, BooleanProp, BooleanPropPrivate, CameraGO, CameraGOPrivate, Color, ColorProp, ColorPropPrivate, Env, GO, GOPrivate, GraphicsBase, GraphicsBasePrivate, GroupGO, GroupGOPrivate, MouseCB, ParseParams, PerspCameraGO, Point, Point3, PositionCB, Prop, RealProp, RealPropPrivate, Stdio, Text, TransformProp, VBT, VectorLightGO, Win_OpenGL_Base, X_OpenGL_Base, X_PEX_Base; REVEAL T = Private BRANDED OBJECT backgroundColor : Color.T; (* cached background color *) OVERRIDES init := Init; changeCamera := ChangeCamera; screenToWorld := ScreenToWorld; findName := FindName; adjust := Adjust; draw := Draw; damageIfDependent := DamageIfDependent; undamage := Undamage; END; PROCEDUREInit (self : T; cam : CameraGO.T; base : GraphicsBase.T) : T = BEGIN EVAL GroupGO.T.init (self); := cam; self.base := base; base.root := self; (* set the background color to a sentinel value, thereby triggering an initial damage repair, i.e. proper background initialization ***) self.backgroundColor := Color.T {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0}; (* Register to root with the animation server *) AnimServer.RegisterRootGO (self); IF MkProxyT # NIL THEN MkProxyT (self); END; RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDUREChangeCamera (self : T; cam : CameraGO.T) = BEGIN (*** Must be protected from interference with the animation server ***) LOCK AnimServer.internalLock DO := cam; (*** damage the root, forcing a redraw ***) self.damaged := TRUE; END; END ChangeCamera; PROCEDUREScreenToWorld (self: T; pos: Point.T; z: REAL): Point3.T = BEGIN RETURN self.base.screenToWorld (pos, z); END ScreenToWorld; PROCEDUREFindName (self : T; name : TEXT) : GO.T = BEGIN IF (name) # NIL THEN RETURN; ELSE RETURN GroupGO.T.findName (self, name); END; END FindName; PROCEDUREAdjust (self : T; time : LONGREAL) = BEGIN (*** Adjust self like any other root ... ***) GroupGO.T.adjust (self, time); (*** ... but also adjust the active camera ... ***) (time); (*** ... and propagate its damage up. ***) IF THEN self.damaged := TRUE; END; END Adjust; PROCEDUREDraw (self : T; state : GraphicsBase.T) = BEGIN state.push (self); (*** Take care of the background color ***) WITH col = Background.getState (state) DO IF self.backgroundColor # col THEN self.backgroundColor := col; state.setBackgroundColor (col); END; END; (*** Take care of depth cueing ***) WITH switch = DepthcueSwitch.getState (state), fplane = DepthcueFrontPlane.getState (state), bplane = DepthcueBackPlane.getState (state), fscale = DepthcueFrontScale.getState (state), bscale = DepthcueBackScale.getState (state), color = DepthcueColour.getState (state) DO state.setDepthcueing(switch, fplane, bplane, fscale, bscale, color); END; (*** Now do whatever has to be done for normal groups as well ***) FOR i := 0 TO self.last DO (* Calling draw may set self.damaged *) self.children[i].draw (state); END; state.pop (self); (* Test if the camera has been drawn (i.e. is part of the overall scene); if this is not the case, draw it now. *) IF NOT THEN (* Note that the order of the arguments to OR matters here!! *) (state); END; := FALSE; (*** As "caller" is NIL, we don't have to propagate self.damaged ***) END Draw; PROCEDUREDamageIfDependent (self : T; pn : Prop.Name) = BEGIN IF pn = Background OR pn = DepthcueSwitch OR pn = DepthcueColour OR pn = DepthcueFrontPlane OR pn = DepthcueBackPlane OR pn = DepthcueFrontScale OR pn = DepthcueBackScale THEN self.damaged := TRUE; END; END DamageIfDependent; PROCEDUREUndamage (self: T) = BEGIN GroupGO.T.undamage (self); (); END Undamage;
PROCEDURE*************************************************************************** Module body ***************************************************************************New (cam : CameraGO.T; base : GraphicsBase.T) : T = BEGIN RETURN NEW(T).init(cam, base); END New; PROCEDURENewStd (base : GraphicsBase.T) : T RAISES {GraphicsBase.Failure} = PROCEDURE NewBase (title: TEXT) : GraphicsBase.T RAISES {GraphicsBase.Failure} = TYPE Pref = {None, X_PEX, X_OpenGL}; VAR pref := Pref.None; BEGIN (*** Check for environment variable $prefPref ***) WITH var = Env.Get ("prefBase") DO IF var # NIL THEN IF Text.Equal (var, "X_PEX") THEN pref := Pref.X_PEX; ELSIF Text.Equal (var, "X_OpenGL") THEN pref := Pref.X_OpenGL; END; END; END; (*** Command-line arguments "-prefBase" overrides $prefBase ***) WITH pp = NEW (ParseParams.T).init (Stdio.stderr) DO IF pp.keywordPresent("-prefBase") THEN TRY WITH val = pp.getNext () DO IF Text.Equal (val, "X_PEX") THEN pref := Pref.X_PEX; ELSIF Text.Equal (val, "X_OpenGL") THEN pref := Pref.X_OpenGL; END; END; EXCEPT ParseParams.Error => (* ignore ... *) END; END; END; (* Try to create the preferred base. If this does not succeed, create any base. *) TRY CASE pref OF | Pref.None => | Pref.X_PEX => RETURN NEW (X_PEX_Base.T).init (title); | Pref.X_OpenGL => RETURN NEW (X_OpenGL_Base.T).init (title); END; EXCEPT GraphicsBase.Failure => END; TRY RETURN NEW (X_PEX_Base.T).init (title); EXCEPT GraphicsBase.Failure => END; TRY RETURN NEW (X_OpenGL_Base.T).init (title); EXCEPT GraphicsBase.Failure => END; TRY RETURN NEW (Win_OpenGL_Base.T).init (title); EXCEPT GraphicsBase.Failure => END; RAISE GraphicsBase.Failure; END NewBase; VAR root : T; cam := PerspCameraGO.New (from := Point3.T{0.0, 0.0, 100.0}, to := Point3.T{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, up := Point3.T{0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, fovy := 0.05); BEGIN IF base = NIL THEN base := NewBase ("Anim3D Viewer"); END; cam.setName ("default-camera"); root := NEW (T).init (cam, base); (* Attach two lights *) WITH light = AmbientLightGO.New (Color.White) DO light.setName ("default-ambient-light"); root.add (light); END; WITH light = VectorLightGO.New (Color.White, Point3.T{-1.0,-1.0,-1.0}) DO light.setName ("default-vector-light"); root.add (light); END; (* Attach mouse and position callbacks to the root *) root.setProp (GO.Transform.bind (TransformProp.NewConst ())); root.pushMouseCB (NEW (MyMouseCB, go := root, invoke := MouseInvoke).init()); RETURN root; END NewStd; TYPE MyPositionCB = PositionCB.T OBJECT go : T; pos : Point.T; but : VBT.Button; OVERRIDES invoke := PositionInvoke; END; MyMouseCB = MouseCB.T OBJECT go : T; OVERRIDES invoke := MouseInvoke; END; PROCEDUREPositionInvoke (self : MyPositionCB; pr : PositionCB.Rec) = <* FATAL GO.PropUndefined *> BEGIN WITH d = Point.Sub (pr.pos2D, self.pos), dx = FLOAT (d.h), dy = FLOAT (d.v), beh = NARROW (GO.GetTransform(self.go).beh, TransformProp.ConstBeh) DO IF VBT.Modifier.Shift IN pr.modifiers THEN CASE self.but OF | VBT.Modifier.MouseL => beh.translate (dx * 0.01, -dy * 0.01, 0.0); | VBT.Modifier.MouseM => beh.scale (1.0 + dx * 0.01, 1.0 + dx * 0.01, 1.0 + dx * 0.01); | VBT.Modifier.MouseR => beh.translate (0.0, 0.0, dx * 0.01); ELSE (* Mice have only three buttons those days ... *) END; ELSE CASE self.but OF | VBT.Modifier.MouseL => beh.rotateX (dx * 0.01); | VBT.Modifier.MouseM => beh.rotateY (dx * 0.01); | VBT.Modifier.MouseR => beh.rotateZ (dx * 0.01); ELSE (* Mice have only three buttons those days ... *) END; END; END; self.pos := pr.pos2D; END PositionInvoke; PROCEDUREMouseInvoke (self : MyMouseCB; mr : MouseCB.Rec) = <* FATAL GO.StackError *> BEGIN IF mr.clickType = VBT.ClickType.FirstDown THEN self.go.pushPositionCB (NEW (MyPositionCB, go := self.go, pos := mr.pos2D, but := mr.whatChanged).init()); ELSIF mr.clickType = VBT.ClickType.LastUp THEN self.go.popPositionCB (); END; END MouseInvoke;
BEGIN Background := NEW (ColorProp.Name).init (Color.Black); DepthcueColour := NEW (ColorProp.Name).init (Color.Black); DepthcueFrontPlane := NEW (RealProp.Name).init (1.0); DepthcueBackPlane := NEW (RealProp.Name).init (0.0); DepthcueFrontScale := NEW (RealProp.Name).init (1.0); DepthcueBackScale := NEW (RealProp.Name).init (0.0); DepthcueSwitch := NEW (BooleanProp.Name).init (FALSE); END RootGO.