MODULE; IMPORT App, FileRd, FileWr, Fmt, FS, OSError, Rd, RdUtils, RegularFile, Thread, Time, Wr; REVEAL T = TPublic BRANDED "AppBackup.T" OBJECT threadWrite: Thread.T; cvChanged: Thread.Condition; deltaWait: Time.T; lastModified: Time.T; changed: BOOLEAN; OVERRIDES init := Init; modified := Modified; read := ReadDefault; write := WriteDefault; END; CONST InitialTime = 0.0D0; PROCEDURE AppBackup Init (self: T; fileName: TEXT; wait: Time.T; log: App.Log): T = BEGIN self.changed := FALSE; self.deltaWait := wait; self.lastModified := InitialTime; := fileName; self.log := log; self.cvChanged := NEW(Thread.Condition); (* self.threadRead := Thread.Fork(NEW(BackupReadClosure, backup := self)); I now 2/5/96 think this is a bad idea. There should be a command for this. *) self.threadWrite := Thread.Fork(NEW(BackupWriteClosure, backup := self)); RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDUREModified (self: T) = BEGIN LOCK self DO self.changed := TRUE; END; Thread.Signal(self.cvChanged); END Modified; PROCEDUREReadDefault (self: T; <* UNUSED *> rd: Rd.T; <* UNUSED *> initial: BOOLEAN) RAISES {App.Error} = BEGIN self.log.log(Fmt.F("No read method give for %s",, App.LogStatus.Error); END ReadDefault; PROCEDUREWriteDefault (self: T; <* UNUSED *> wr: Wr.T) RAISES {App.Error} = BEGIN self.log.log(Fmt.F("No write method give for %s",, App.LogStatus.Error); END WriteDefault; PROCEDURELockFile (<* UNUSED *> file: RegularFile.T; <* UNUSED *> t: T) = CONST
MaxTry = 10; RetryInterval = 1.0D0; VAR try := 1;
Nov 16: file.lock broken in call to fcntl - int vs. long confusion
WHILE NOT file.lock() DO
IF try = MaxTry THEN
t.log.log(Fmt.F(Could not lock file: %s
(* Check for Windows NT problem
(* IF file.lock() THEN t.log.log("WARNING: Could lock file TWICE", App.LogStatus.Status); END; *) EXCEPT | OSError.E(cause) => t.log.log(Fmt.F("Could not lock file: %s (error: %s)",, RdUtils.FailureText(cause)), App.LogStatus.Error); END; *) END LockFile; PROCEDUREUnlockFile (<* UNUSED *> file: RegularFile.T; <* UNUSED *> t: T) = BEGIN
Nov 16: file.lock broken in call to fcntl - int vs. long confusion TRY file.unlock(); EXCEPTOSError.E(cause) =>t.log.log(Fmt.F(Could not UNlock file: %s (error: %s)
,, RdUtils.FailureText(cause)), App.LogStatus.Error); END;
END UnlockFile; PROCEDURESynchronousRead (t: T; initial: BOOLEAN) RAISES {App.Error} = BEGIN LOCK t DO ReadBackupFile(t, initial); t.changed := FALSE END; END SynchronousRead; PROCEDUREReadBackupFile (t: T; initial: BOOLEAN) RAISES {App.Error} = VAR file: RegularFile.T; rd : Rd.T; BEGIN TRY file := FS.OpenFile(, truncate := FALSE, access := FS.AccessOption.OnlyOwnerCanRead); EXCEPT | OSError.E (cause) => t.log.log( Fmt.F("WARNING: Could not open file: %s (error: %s)",, RdUtils.FailureText(cause)), App.LogStatus.Status); RETURN; END; TRY LockFile(file, t); TRY rd := NEW(FileRd.T).init(file); IF Rd.Length(rd) > 0 THEN, initial); END; t.changed := FALSE; FINALLY UnlockFile(file, t); Rd.Close(rd); END; EXCEPT | OSError.E (cause) => t.log.log( Fmt.F("Problem reading backup file: %s (error: %s)\n",, RdUtils.FailureText(cause)), App.LogStatus.Error); | Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => t.log.log(Fmt.F("Problem reading backup file: %s\n",, App.LogStatus.Error); END; END ReadBackupFile; PROCEDURESynchronousWrite (t: T) RAISES {App.Error} = BEGIN LOCK t DO WriteBackupFile(t) END; END SynchronousWrite; PROCEDUREWriteBackupFile (t: T) RAISES {App.Error} = VAR file: RegularFile.T; wr : Wr.T; now := Time.Now(); BEGIN TRY FS.Rename(, & "-OLD"); EXCEPT | OSError.E=> END; TRY file := FS.OpenFile(, truncate := TRUE, access := FS.AccessOption.OnlyOwnerCanRead); EXCEPT | OSError.E (cause) => t.log.log( Fmt.F("Could not open file: %s for writing (error: %s)",, RdUtils.FailureText(cause)), App.LogStatus.Error); RETURN; END; TRY LockFile(file, t); TRY wr := NEW(FileWr.T).init(file); t.write(wr); Wr.Flush(wr); t.changed := FALSE; FINALLY UnlockFile(file, t); Wr.Close(wr); t.lastModified := now; END; EXCEPT | OSError.E (cause) => t.log.log( Fmt.F("Problem writing backup file: %s (error: %s)\n",, RdUtils.FailureText(cause)), App.LogStatus.Error); | Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted => t.log.log(Fmt.F("Problem writing backup file: %s\n",, App.LogStatus.Error); END; END WriteBackupFile;
TYPE BackupReadClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT backup: T; OVERRIDES apply := BackupRead; END;
PROCEDURE BackupRead (self: BackupReadClosure): REFANY = VAR lastMod: Time.T; BEGIN TRY LOOP TRY LOCK self.backup DO (* file rewritten?
TRY lastMod := FS.Status(; EXCEPT | OSError.E => lastMod := InitialTime; (* file does not exist *) END; IF lastMod > self.backup.lastModified THEN ReadBackupFile( self.backup, self.backup.lastModified = InitialTime); IF self.backup.lastModified = InitialTime THEN Thread.Signal(self.backup.cvChanged); self.backup.lastModified := FS.Status(; END; END; END; EXCEPT | OSError.E (cause) => self.backup.log.log( Fmt.F("Problem reading backup file: %s (error: %s)\n",, RdUtils.FailureText(cause)), App.LogStatus.Error); END; Thread.Pause(self.backup.deltaWait); END; EXCEPT | App.Error => END; RETURN NIL; END BackupRead; *) TYPE BackupWriteClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT backup: T; OVERRIDES apply := BackupWrite; END; PROCEDUREBackupWrite (self: BackupWriteClosure): REFANY = BEGIN LOOP LOCK self.backup DO WHILE NOT self.backup.changed DO Thread.Wait(self.backup, self.backup.cvChanged); END; TRY WriteBackupFile(self.backup); EXCEPT | App.Error => END; END; Thread.Pause(self.backup.deltaWait); END; END BackupWrite; BEGIN END AppBackup.