MODULE---------------------------------------------------------------------------CVS_st EXPORTSCVS ; IMPORT Text, TextRd, TextUtils, TextSeq, TextTextTbl, ASCII, Atom, FileRevision, FileRevisionSeq, Pipe, Process, OSError, FileWr, Wr, File, RegularFile, FileRd, Rd, Pathname, Thread, Env, Fmt, TextRefTbl, MxConfig, Random, RdExtras, RTCollector, AtomList, TextTextSeqTbl; IMPORT TextExtras AS TextEx, SMsg AS Msg; IMPORT APN AS APN, FileObj, OpResultCache; IMPORT System, MsgX, MsgIF, OSSpecials, FSUtils, ProcessEnv, PathRepr; IMPORT PkgVCUtils, CVSLockInfo, CVSLockInfoSeq, TextLockInfoTbl; IMPORT APNSeq AS APNSeq; IMPORT (* FSFixed AS *) FS; FROM TextReadingUtils IMPORT GetToken;
CONST CVSDIR = "CVS"; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT cvs : APN.T; dcvs : APN.T; cache : OpResultCache.T; cvsRoot : TEXT := NIL; dcvsRoot : TEXT := NIL; editor : TEXT; cvsignore : TEXT; msgif : MsgIF.T; mu : MUTEX; tmpdir : TEXT; dcvsWS : BOOLEAN := FALSE; cvsWS : BOOLEAN := FALSE; preferCVS : BOOLEAN := TRUE; cvst : TEXT := "cvs"; CVST : TEXT := "CVS"; mcvs : APN.T; METHODS cvs_call(READONLY args : ARRAY OF TEXT; VAR pid : Process.T; VAR out : Rd.T; wd : Pathname.T := NIL; errfile : TEXT := NIL; stdInText := "a"; stdInCount := 100) RAISES {OSError.E} := CVS_Call; getCommitMessage(desc := ""; pkg := "") : TEXT := GetCommitMessage; checkWS(dir : Pathname.T := NIL) RAISES {OSError.E} := CheckWS; OVERRIDES init := Init; setCVSPath := SetCVSPath; setCVSROOT := SetCVSROOT; setCVSEDITOR := SetCVSEDITOR; setCVSIgnore := SetCVSIgnore; setDCVSPath := SetDCVSPath; setDCVSROOT := SetDCVSROOT; setPreferCVS := SetPreferCVS; allFiles := AllFiles; logFile := LogFile; listSnap := ListSnap; snapExists := SnapExists; snapList := SnapList; readStickySnapFile := ReadStickySnapFile; status := Status; changeDesc := ChangeDesc; setLabel := SetLabel; getLabel := GetLabel; revisionsAndLabels := RevisionsAndLabels; tags := Tags; tagsAndSnaps := TagsAndSnaps; stateList := StateList; taggedRevisions := TaggedRevisions; revisionTags := RevisionTags; checkout := Checkout; commit := Commit; update := Update; merge := Merge; diff := Diff; annotate := Annotate; tag := Tag; tagAgain := TagAgain; snapshot := Snapshot; modified := Modified; upToDate := UpToDate; conflicts := Conflicts; import := Import; add := Add; remove := Remove; currentStickyTags := CurrentStickyTags; flushCache := FlushCache; watch := Watch; editors := Editors; editorInfo := EditorInfo; edit := Edit; unedit := Unedit; END;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Init (self : T; msgif : MsgIF.T := NIL) : T = BEGIN := NEW(MUTEX); self.msgif := msgif; self.cvs := APN.New("cvs"); self.dcvs := APN.New("dcvs"); self.cvsRoot := NIL; self.editor := Env.Get("CVSEDITOR"); IF self.editor = NIL THEN self.editor := Env.Get("CVS_EDITOR"); END; IF self.editor = NIL THEN self.editor := Env.Get("VISUAL"); END; IF self.editor = NIL THEN self.editor := Env.Get("EDITOR"); END; IF self.editor = NIL THEN self.editor := "emacsclient"; END; self.cache := OpResultCache.New(); self.cvsignore := "*.bak *~ *.gz *.o *.obj *.exe *.zip *.tgz *.so *.So"; self.tmpdir := Env.Get("TMP"); IF self.tmpdir = NIL THEN self.tmpdir := Env.Get("TMPDIR"); END; IF self.tmpdir = NIL THEN self.tmpdir := Env.Get("TEMP"); END; IF self.tmpdir # NIL AND NOT FSUtils.IsDir(self.tmpdir) THEN MsgX.Warning(self.msgif, "Invalid setting of environment variables TMP, TEMP, or TMPDIR"); self.tmpdir := NIL; END; IF self.tmpdir = NIL THEN VAR try := ARRAY [0..8] OF TEXT { "/var/tmp", "/usr/tmp", "/tmp", "/temp", "c:/tmp", "c:/temp", "d:/tmp", "d:/temp", "." }; (* FIXME: on Windows we should inquire for the system drive *) i := 0; BEGIN WHILE i < 9 AND NOT FSUtils.IsDir(PathRepr.Native(try[i])) DO INC (i); END; IF i < 9 THEN self.tmpdir := PathRepr.Native(try[i]); END; END; END; IF self.tmpdir = NIL THEN self.tmpdir := ""; ELSE tmp := self.tmpdir; END; RETURN self; END Init;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckWS (self : T; dir : Pathname.T := NIL) RAISES {OSError.E} = BEGIN IF dir # NIL AND Text.Empty(dir) THEN dir := NIL; END; IF dir = NIL THEN dir := Process.GetWorkingDirectory(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, "CheckWS(" & dir & ")"); IF NOT self.cvsWS AND NOT self.dcvsWS THEN IF FSUtils.IsDir(Pathname.Join(dir, "DCVS", NIL)) THEN self.dcvsWS := TRUE; ELSE (* no CVS or DCVS subdirectory found *) self.cvsWS := self.preferCVS; self.dcvsWS := NOT self.preferCVS; END; END; IF self.dcvsWS THEN self.cvst := "dcvs"; self.CVST := "DCVS"; self.mcvs := self.dcvs; ELSIF self.cvsWS THEN self.cvst := "cvs"; self.CVST := "CVS"; self.mcvs := self.cvs; END; END CheckWS;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SetCVSROOT (self : T; cvsroot : TEXT) = BEGIN LOCK DO self.cvsRoot := cvsroot; END; END SetCVSROOT;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SetCVSEDITOR (self : T; cvseditor : TEXT) = BEGIN LOCK DO self.editor := cvseditor; END; END SetCVSEDITOR;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SetCVSIgnore (self : T; ignorePatterns : TEXT) = BEGIN LOCK DO self.cvsignore := ignorePatterns; END; END SetCVSIgnore;
TYPE NullRd = Thread.Closure OBJECT rd : FileRd.T; msgif : MsgIF.T := NIL; OVERRIDES apply := NullRdProc; END;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SetDCVSROOT (self : T; dcvsroot : TEXT) = BEGIN LOCK DO self.dcvsRoot := dcvsroot; END; END SetDCVSROOT;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------NullRdProc (self : NullRd) : REFANY = VAR buf : ARRAY [0..511] OF CHAR; line : TEXT; BEGIN TRY WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(self.rd) DO IF Msg.dFlag THEN line := Rd.GetLine(self.rd); MsgX.D(self.msgif, " /dev/null: " & line); ELSE EVAL Rd.GetSub(self.rd, buf); END; END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => MsgX.Fatal2(self.msgif, "NullRdProc", "reader failure"); | Thread.Alerted => MsgX.Fatal2(self.msgif, "NullRdProc", "thread alerted"); ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "NullRdProc", "exception while consuming"); END; TRY IF self.rd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(self.rd); END; EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "NullRdProc", "exception while closing"); END; RETURN NIL; END NullRdProc;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------ArrayToText (READONLY a : ARRAY OF TEXT) : TEXT = VAR res : TEXT := ""; BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(a) TO LAST(a) DO IF i = FIRST(a) THEN res := a[FIRST(a)]; ELSE res := res & " " & a[i]; END; END; RETURN res; END ArrayToText;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------CvsLock () = BEGIN IF useCvsLock THEN Thread.Acquire(cvsLock); END; IF cvsDisableVM THEN RTCollector.Disable(); END; END CvsLock;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------CvsUnlock () = BEGIN IF cvsDisableVM THEN RTCollector.Enable(); END; IF useCvsLock THEN Thread.Acquire(cvsLock); END; END CvsUnlock;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------CVS_Call (self : T; READONLY args : ARRAY OF TEXT; VAR pid : Process.T; VAR out : Rd.T; wd : Pathname.T := NIL; errfile : TEXT := NIL; stdInText := "a"; stdInCount := 100) RAISES {OSError.E} = VAR childOutWr, selfOutRd : Pipe.T; errWr : File.T; wdir := "."; env : ProcessEnv.T; sysenv : REF ARRAY OF TEXT := NIL; cvsRootText := "NIL"; stdinFile : File.T := NIL; BEGIN IF wd # NIL AND Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; IF wd = NIL THEN wdir := Process.GetWorkingDirectory(); ELSE wdir := wd; END; self.checkWS(wdir); IF self.cvsWS AND self.cvsRoot # NIL THEN cvsRootText := self.cvsRoot; ELSIF self.dcvsWS AND self.dcvsRoot # NIL THEN cvsRootText := self.dcvsRoot; END; IF noAction THEN MsgX.T(self.msgif, self.CVST & " call: " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " " & ArrayToText(args) & " wdir = " & wdir & " " & self.CVST & "ROOT = " & cvsRootText); RETURN; END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.CVST & " call: " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " " & ArrayToText(args) & " wdir = " & wdir & " " & self.CVST & "ROOT = " & cvsRootText); WITH b = APN.LastBase(self.mcvs).denotation(), pos = TextUtils.Pos(b, "cvs", FALSE) DO IF pos # 0 AND pos # 1 AND Text.GetChar(b, 0) # 'd' THEN RAISE OSError.E(AtomList.List2( Atom.FromText("not accepted as cvs executable:"), Atom.FromText(self.mcvs.denotation()))); END; END; env := ProcessEnv.Current(); IF self.cvsWS THEN IF self.cvsRoot # NIL THEN ProcessEnv.Set(env, "CVSROOT", self.cvsRoot); END; ProcessEnv.Set(env, "CVSIGNORE", self.cvsignore); ELSIF self.dcvsWS THEN IF self.dcvsRoot # NIL THEN ProcessEnv.Set(env, "DCVSROOT", self.dcvsRoot); END; ProcessEnv.Set(env, "DCVSIGNORE", self.cvsignore); END; sysenv := ProcessEnv.SystemRepr(env); Pipe.Open(hr := selfOutRd, hw := childOutWr); IF errfile # NIL THEN TRY errWr := FS.OpenFile(errfile); EXCEPT OSError.E(a) => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, self.CVST & "_Call", "cannot open file " & errfile & " (" & Atom.ToText(a.head) & ")"); END; ELSE IF Msg.dFlag THEN VAR hin, hout, herr : File.T; BEGIN Process.GetStandardFileHandles(hin, hout, herr); errWr := herr; END; ELSE errWr := nullDev; END; END; CvsLock(); stdinFile := GetPseudoStdinFD(self, stdInText, stdInCount); pid := Process.Create(self.mcvs.denotation(), args, sysenv, wd, stdinFile, childOutWr, errWr); TRY childOutWr.close(); EXCEPT OSError.E(a) => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, self.CVST & "_Call", "OSError closing pipes in parent"& " (" & Atom.ToText(a.head) & ")"); END; IF errfile # NIL AND errWr # NIL THEN TRY errWr.close(); EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, self.CVST & "_Call", "exception closing error file"); END; END; out := NEW(FileRd.T).init(selfOutRd); (* we try to keep the file open for future use... IF stdinFile # NIL THEN TRY stdinFile.close() EXCEPT ELSE END; END; *) END CVS_Call;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------FileName () : TEXT = VAR m : INTEGER; c : CHAR; res : TEXT := ""; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO 8 DO REPEAT m := random.integer(65,122); UNTIL VAL(m, ASCII.Range) IN ASCII.Letters; c := VAL(m, CHAR); res := res & Text.FromChar(c); END; RETURN res; END FileName;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------ErrlogFilename (self : T; defaultName := "errlog") : TEXT = VAR pid := Fmt.Int(Process.GetMyID()); tmp := self.tmpdir; suf := Text.FromChar(fileSuffixC); BEGIN INC(fileSuffixC); IF fileSuffixC > 'z' THEN fileSuffixC := 'A'; END; IF fileSuffixC > 'Z' THEN fileSuffixC := 'a'; END; IF tmp = NIL THEN RETURN defaultName & pid & suf; ELSE RETURN Pathname.Join(PathRepr.Native(tmp), FileName() & pid & suf, NIL); END; END ErrlogFilename;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------RemoveErrlogFile (self : T; fn : TEXT) = BEGIN IF NOT FSUtils.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN END; IF FSUtils.IsFile(fn) THEN TRY FS.DeleteFile(fn); EXCEPT OSError.E => MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "Cannot remove file " & fn); END; ELSE MsgX.Fatal(self.msgif, "internal error: cannot remove non-regular file " & fn); END; END RemoveErrlogFile;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------StdinFilename (text : TEXT; defaultName := "PseudoStdinCVS") : TEXT = VAR pid := Fmt.Int(Process.GetMyID()); BEGIN IF tmp = NIL THEN RETURN defaultName & pid & "-" & text; ELSE RETURN Pathname.Join(PathRepr.Native(tmp), defaultName & pid & "-" & text, NIL); END; END StdinFilename;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------GetPseudoStdinFD (self : T; text := "a"; n := 100) : File.T = VAR ref : REFANY; stdinFile : File.T; stdinFN : TEXT; BEGIN LOCK stdinLock DO stdinFN := StdinFilename(text); IF ftab.get(text, ref) AND ISTYPE(ref, File.T) THEN MsgX.D(self.msgif, "found old File.T object " & stdinFN); stdinFile := NARROW(ref, File.T); TRY EVAL stdinFile.status(); MsgX.D(self.msgif, "using existing pseudo stdin file " & stdinFN); RETURN stdinFile; EXCEPT OSError.E => (* skip *) END; TRY stdinFile.close(); EXCEPT ELSE END; END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, "trying to create new pseudo stdin file " & stdinFN); TRY WITH wr = FileWr.Open(stdinFN) DO FOR i := 1 TO n DO Wr.PutText(wr, text & "\r"); END; Wr.Close(wr); END; EXCEPT ELSE IF FSUtils.IsFile(stdinFN) THEN MsgX.Warning(self.msgif, "cannot create pseudo stdin file " & stdinFN & ", using existing one"); ELSE MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "cannot create pseudo stdin file " & stdinFN); RETURN NIL; END; END; TRY MsgX.D(self.msgif, "opening pseudo stdin file " & stdinFN); stdinFile := FS.OpenFileReadonly(stdinFN); EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "cannot open pseudo stdin file " & stdinFN); RETURN NIL; END; EVAL ftab.put(text, stdinFile); RETURN stdinFile; END; END GetPseudoStdinFD;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------EvalCVSErrors (msgif : MsgIF.T; errfile : TEXT; VAR res : TEXT; terminate := TRUE) : BOOLEAN = VAR rd : FileRd.T; line : TEXT; error := FALSE; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) PROCEDURE Matches(READONLY t : TEXT) : BOOLEAN = VAR i : CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN IF TextEx.FindSub(line, t, i) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; RETURN FALSE; END Matches; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) PROCEDURE MatchError(READONLY t : TEXT) : BOOLEAN = VAR i : CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN IF TextEx.FindSub(line, t, i) THEN IF Msg.dFlag THEN MsgX.Error2(msgif, "MatchError", "(D)CVS error: " & line); END; RETURN TRUE; END; RETURN FALSE; END MatchError; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) BEGIN (* EvalCVSErrors *) IF res = NIL THEN res := ""; END; TRY rd := FileRd.Open(errfile); WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO line := Rd.GetLine(rd); IF NOT (Matches("cvs update: Updating") OR Matches("cvs status: Examining") OR Matches("cvs log: Logging") OR Matches("cvs tag: Tagging") OR Matches("conflicts found") OR Matches("Warning:") OR Matches("no comparison available") OR FALSE) THEN IF (* This is way too general; it catches perfectly harmless messages like "cvs server: scheduling file `strerror.c' for addition" as CVS errors! *) (* MatchError("error") OR MatchError("failure") OR MatchError("Invalid") OR MatchError("invalid") OR MatchError("illegal") OR MatchError("fatal") OR *) MatchError("ERROR: ") OR MatchError("conflict: ") OR MatchError("Help!") OR MatchError("not supported") OR MatchError("*PANIC*") OR MatchError("Sorry, ") OR MatchError("unrecognized") OR MatchError("ore dumped") OR MatchError("is ambiguous") OR MatchError("server bug:") OR MatchError("update aborted") OR MatchError("Service unavailable") OR MatchError("Usage: ") OR MatchError("nothing known about") OR MatchError("added independently by second party") OR MatchError("has already been entered") OR MatchError("should be removed and is still there") OR MatchError("not added; must be a direct sub-directory") OR MatchError("already exists") OR MatchError("already contains") OR MatchError("usage is restricted to members of the group") OR MatchError("-q or -Q must be specified before") OR MatchError("only two -j options can be specified") OR MatchError("are mutually exclusive") OR MatchError("must specify ") OR MatchError("must not specify") OR MatchError("must be a symbolic tag") OR MatchError("there is no repository") OR MatchError("does not match") OR MatchError("it is in the way") OR MatchError("should be removed and is still there") OR MatchError("is modified but no longer in the repository") OR MatchError("premature end of file from server") OR MatchError("server bug:") OR MatchError("Checksum received before last one was used") OR MatchError("bad entries line") OR MatchError("bad revisions") OR MatchError("unexpected end of file from server") OR MatchError("gzip process exited") OR MatchError("can't stat patch file") OR MatchError("unable to remove") OR MatchError("dying gasps from") OR MatchError("does not support") OR MatchError("server doesn't support") OR MatchError("you are unknown to this system") OR MatchError("is not a branch") OR MatchError("had a conflict and has not been modified") OR MatchError("still contains conflict indicators") OR MatchError("boy, I'm confused") OR MatchError("was initially added on branch") OR MatchError("there is a version in") OR MatchError("not allocate") OR MatchError("not reallocate") OR MatchError("not open") OR MatchError("not create") OR MatchError("not close") OR MatchError("not read") OR MatchError("not write") OR MatchError("not find") OR MatchError("not remove") OR MatchError("not add") OR MatchError("not seek") OR MatchError("not chdir") OR MatchError("not mkdir") OR MatchError("not commit") OR MatchError("not fdopen") OR MatchError("not stat") OR MatchError("not fstat") OR MatchError("not fsync") OR MatchError("not dup2") OR MatchError("not exec") OR MatchError("not fork") OR MatchError("not utime") OR MatchError("not lock") OR MatchError("not return") OR MatchError("not unlock") OR MatchError("not change") OR MatchError("not make") OR MatchError("not check out") OR MatchError("not check in") OR MatchError("not resurrect") OR MatchError("not diff") OR MatchError("not merge") OR MatchError("not admin") OR MatchError("not resurrect") OR MatchError("not restore") OR MatchError("not be added") OR MatchError("not start server via rsh") OR MatchError("not get working directory") OR MatchError("not specify both a message and a log file") OR MatchError("not check out files into the repository itself") OR MatchError("not stub branch") OR MatchError("not reparse") OR MatchError("ouldn't stat") OR MatchError("ouldn't open") OR MatchError("ouldn't tag") OR MatchError("ouldn't exec") OR MatchError("an't stat") OR MatchError("an't getwd") OR MatchError("an't chdir") OR MatchError("an't parse") OR MatchError("an't set") OR MatchError("failed") OR MatchError("no more than two revisions/dates can be specified") OR MatchError("I know nothing about") OR MatchError("is not in file") OR MatchError("no revision for date") OR MatchError("is not a valid report type") OR MatchError("is not a known time zone") OR MatchError("Only one report type allowed") OR MatchError("null dir and file name") OR MatchError("history file is empty") OR MatchError("No tag found") OR MatchError("No module, file or repository with") OR MatchError("No records selected") OR MatchError("Hey! What is this junk?") OR MatchError("missing CVSROOT environment variable") OR MatchError("missing DCVSROOT environment variable") OR MatchError("Set it or specify the '-d' option") OR MatchError("unknown lock status") OR MatchError("unknown file status") OR MatchError("Log message unchanged or not specified") OR MatchError("Unknown input") OR MatchError("gzip compression level must be between 1 and 9") OR MatchError("You don't have") OR MatchError("bad regular expression") OR MatchError("second date must come after first date") OR MatchError("does not appear to be a valid rcs file") OR MatchError("unable to reopen") OR MatchError("unable to parse") OR MatchError("unable to release") OR MatchError("unable to remove") OR MatchError("unable to write") OR MatchError("has non-visible graphic characters") OR MatchError("must not contain the characters") OR MatchError("must start with a letter") OR MatchError("still in working directory") OR MatchError("there is no version here") OR MatchError("must set the CVSROOT environment variable") OR MatchError("must set the DCVSROOT environment variable") OR MatchError("there is no repository") OR MatchError("please correct this problem") OR MatchError("end of file reading mode") OR MatchError("premature end of file from client") OR MatchError("short read from client") OR MatchError("end of file reading size") OR MatchError("Virtual memory exhausted") OR MatchError("ut of memory") OR MatchError("skipping removed but un-commited file") OR MatchError("exists; use") OR MatchError("no such directory") OR MatchError("no repository module") THEN error := TRUE; res := res & "\nCVS error: " & line; END (* IF *); END (* IF *); END (* WHILE *); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => MsgX.Fatal2(msgif, "EvalCVSErrors", "error reading " & errfile); | OSError.E(a) => MsgX.Fatal2(msgif, "EvalCVSErrors", "error opening " & errfile & " (" & Atom.ToText(a.head) & ")"); | Thread.Alerted => MsgX.Fatal2(msgif, "EvalCVSErrors", "thread alerted"); END; TRY IF rd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(rd); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => MsgX.Fatal2(msgif, "EvalCVSErrors", "error closing " & errfile); | OSError.E(a) => MsgX.Fatal2(msgif, "EvalCVSErrors", "OSError closing " & errfile & " (" & Atom.ToText(a.head) & ")"); ELSE MsgX.Fatal2(msgif, "EvalCVSErrors", "exception closing error reader"); END; TRY IF NOT Msg.dFlag THEN (* the output of CVS stderr is left in place if we are debugging *) FS.DeleteFile(errfile); END; EXCEPT | OSError.E(a) => MsgX.Error2(msgif, "EvalCVSErrors", "error removing " & errfile & " (" & Atom.ToText(a.head) & ")"); END; IF error AND terminate THEN MsgX.Fatal(msgif, "(D)CVS error(s) encountered; cannot continue.\n" & res); END; RETURN NOT error; END EvalCVSErrors;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------AddEntries (self : T; dir, fn : Pathname.T; list : FileRevisionSeq.T; VAR dirlist : TextSeq.T;) = VAR rd : FileRd.T := NIL; line : TEXT; fname : Pathname.T; name : TEXT; rev : TEXT; c : CHAR; i, j : INTEGER; BEGIN Msg.D("AddEntries(" & dir & ", " & fn & ")"); IF dirlist = NIL THEN dirlist := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(); END; TRY TRY rd := FileRd.Open(fn); WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO line := Rd.GetLine(rd); IF line # NIL AND Text.Length(line) > 1 THEN c := Text.GetChar(line, 0); IF c = 'A' THEN (* new directory entry, different format :-( *) IF Text.Length(line) > 2 THEN line := Text.Sub(line, 2); c := Text.GetChar(line, 0); END; END; IF c = 'D' THEN (* directory entry *) c := Text.GetChar(line, 1); i := Text.FindChar(line, c, 2); IF i > 0 THEN name := Text.Sub(line, 2, i - 2); (* MsgX.Debug(self.msgif, " dir name = " & name & " dir = " & dir); *) TRY fname := FSUtils.CanonicalPathname( Pathname.Join(dir, name, NIL)); IF debugFindCVSFiles THEN Msg.D(" dir " & name & " " & fname); END; dirlist.addhi(fname); EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "CanonicalPathname failed for " & name & " in dir " & dir); END; END; ELSE (* ordinary file *) i := Text.FindChar(line, c, 1); IF i > 0 THEN name := Text.Sub(line, 1, i - 1); (* MsgX.Debug(self.msgif, " fn name = " & name & " dir = " & dir); *) TRY fname := FSUtils.CanonicalPathname( Pathname.Join(dir, name, NIL)); IF debugFindCVSFiles THEN Msg.D(" file " & name & " " & fname); END; EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "CanonicalPathname failed for " & name & " in dir " & dir); END; INC(i); j := Text.FindChar(line, c, i); IF j > 0 THEN rev := Text.Sub(line, i, j - i); list.addhi(NEW(FileRevision.T, file := APN.New(fname), revision := rev)); END; END; END; END; END; EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "error during evaluation of " & fn & ": " & System.AtomListToText(l)); | Rd.Failure => MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "reader failure during evaluation of " & fn); | Thread.Alerted => MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "thread alerted during evaluation of " & fn); | Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) END; FINALLY TRY IF rd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(rd); END; EXCEPT ELSE END; END; END AddEntries;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------FindCVSFiles (self : T; dir : Pathname.T; list : FileRevisionSeq.T; recurse := TRUE) RAISES {OSError.E} = VAR stat : File.Status; entries : TEXT; name : TEXT; dirlist : TextSeq.T := NIL; BEGIN Msg.D("FindCVSFiles(" & dir & ")"); TRY stat := FS.Status(dir); EXCEPT OSError.E(l) => MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "cannot stat " & dir & ": " & System.AtomListToText(l)); RETURN; END; IF stat.type # FS.DirectoryFileType THEN RETURN; END; self.checkWS(dir); (* add entries from CVS/Entries, if existent *) TRY entries := Pathname.Join(dir, CVSDIR, NIL); entries := Pathname.Join(entries, "Entries", NIL); stat := FS.Status(entries); IF stat.type = RegularFile.FileType THEN AddEntries(self, dir, entries, list, dirlist); END; EXCEPT OSError.E => (* skip; completely okay *) END; TRY entries := Pathname.Join(dir, CVSDIR, NIL); entries := Pathname.Join(entries, "Entries", "Log"); stat := FS.Status(entries); IF stat.type = RegularFile.FileType THEN AddEntries(self, dir, entries, list, dirlist); END; EXCEPT OSError.E => (* skip; completely okay *) END; IF dirlist = NIL THEN RETURN END; (* traverse all subdirectories known to CVS *) FOR i := 0 TO dirlist.size() - 1 DO name := dirlist.get(i); IF debugFindCVSFiles THEN Msg.D(" subdir " & name); END; TRY stat := FS.Status(name); IF stat.type = FS.DirectoryFileType AND name # NIL AND recurse AND NOT Text.Equal(name, CVSDIR) THEN FindCVSFiles(self, name, list); END; EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "stat failed for dir " & name); END; END; END FindCVSFiles;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SetCVSPath (self : T; cvsPath : APN.T) = BEGIN LOCK DO self.cvs := cvsPath; END; END SetCVSPath;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SetDCVSPath (self : T; dcvsPath : APN.T) = BEGIN LOCK DO self.dcvs := dcvsPath; END; END SetDCVSPath;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SetPreferCVS (self : T; val : BOOLEAN := TRUE) = BEGIN IF val THEN Msg.D("SetPreferCVS(TRUE)"); ELSE Msg.D("SetPreferCVS(FALSE)"); END; self.preferCVS := val; END SetPreferCVS;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------AllFiles (self : T; dir : APN.T) : FileRevisionSeq.T = VAR res := NEW(FileRevisionSeq.T).init(200); BEGIN LOCK DO TRY FindCVSFiles(self, dir.denotation(), res); EXCEPT OSError.E(e) => MsgX.Error(self.msgif, "os error during file system operation: " & Atom.ToText(e.head)); END; RETURN res; END; END AllFiles;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------LogFile (self : T; fn : APN.T; heedErrors := TRUE; headerOnly := FALSE; local := FALSE) : TEXT RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; res := ""; wd : APN.T; fnp := fn.denotation(); errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); closeRd := TRUE; ret : INTEGER; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; cacheOpName : TEXT; BEGIN cacheOpName := "LogFile"; IF headerOnly THEN cacheOpName := "LogFileH"; END; IF local THEN cacheOpName := cacheOpName & "L"; END; LOCK DO IF self.cache.contains(cacheOpName, fnp) THEN RETURN self.cache.getText(cacheOpName, fnp); END; IF headerOnly AND local THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 4); args^[0] := "log"; args^[1] := "-h"; args^[2] := "-l"; args^[3] := Pathname.Last(fn.denotation(APN.Type.Native)); ELSIF headerOnly AND NOT local THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[0] := "log"; args^[1] := "-h"; args^[2] := Pathname.Last(fn.denotation(APN.Type.Native)); ELSIF NOT headerOnly AND local THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[0] := "log"; args^[1] := "-l"; args^[2] := Pathname.Last(fn.denotation(APN.Type.Native)); ELSE args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 2); args^[0] := "log"; args^[1] := Pathname.Last(fn.denotation(APN.Type.Native)); END; wd := APN.New(Pathname.Prefix(fn.denotation(APN.Type.Native))); TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN res := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "LogFile", errmsg); | OSError.E => errmsg := "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "LogFile", errmsg); closeRd := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => errmsg := "exception while reading log"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "LogFile", errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN "empty log" END; TRY IF closeRd AND outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); (* does not work reliably IF ret # 0 THEN errmsg := self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret); END; *) EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "LogFile", "exception in finalization"); END; TRY IF heedErrors THEN IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res) THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(res); END; END; self.cache.putText(cacheOpName, fnp, res); FINALLY RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; RETURN res; END (* lock *) END LogFile;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------ListSnap (self : T; pattern : TEXT; heedErrors := TRUE) : TEXT RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; res := ""; wd : TEXT; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); closeRd := TRUE; ret : INTEGER; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; cacheOpName : TEXT; BEGIN IF self.dcvsRoot = NIL THEN RETURN res END; cacheOpName := "ListSnap"; LOCK DO IF self.cache.contains(cacheOpName, pattern) THEN RETURN self.cache.getText(cacheOpName, pattern); END; args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 2); args^[0] := "lssnap"; args^[1] := pattern; wd := "."; TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN res := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "ListSnap", errmsg); | OSError.E => errmsg := "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "ListSnap", errmsg); closeRd := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => errmsg := "exception while reading log"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "ListSnap", errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN "empty log" END; TRY IF closeRd AND outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); (* does not work reliably IF ret # 0 THEN errmsg := self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret); END; *) EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "ListSnap", "exception in finalization"); END; TRY IF heedErrors THEN IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res) THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(res); END; END; self.cache.putText(cacheOpName, pattern, res); FINALLY RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; RETURN res; END (* lock *) END ListSnap;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SnapExists (self : T; pattern : TEXT; heedErrors := TRUE) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = VAR list: TEXT; BEGIN IF self.dcvsRoot = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE END; list := ListSnap(self, pattern, heedErrors); MsgX.D(self.msgif, "SnapExists(" & pattern & ") -> " & list, level := 3); RETURN Text.Length(list) > 0; END SnapExists;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SnapList (self : T; pattern : TEXT; heedErrors := TRUE; longList := FALSE) : TextSeq.T RAISES {E} = VAR list: TEXT; elem: TEXT; res: TextSeq.T; k: INTEGER; BEGIN IF self.dcvsRoot = NIL THEN RETURN NEW(TextSeq.T).init(0) END; list := ListSnap(self, pattern, heedErrors); res := TextUtils.Tokenize(list); FOR i := 0 TO res.size() -1 DO elem := res.get(i); IF NOT longList THEN k := Text.FindChar(elem, '/', 1); IF k < Text.Length(elem) THEN elem := Text.Sub(elem, k + 1); res.put(i, elem); END; END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, "found snap " & elem, level := 3); END; RETURN res; END SnapList;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Status (self : T; fn : APN.T; VAR rev, stat: TEXT) RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : ARRAY [1..3] OF TEXT; line := ""; found := FALSE; i, j : CARDINAL := 0; wd : APN.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); closeRd := TRUE; ret : INTEGER; res : TEXT := ""; BEGIN LOCK DO args[1] := "-q"; args[2] := "stat"; args[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); wd := APN.Prefix(fn); TRY CVS_Call(self, args, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn); IF noAction THEN rev := "unknown"; stat := "unknown"; ELSE WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(outRd) AND NOT found DO line := Rd.GetLine(outRd); i := 0; j := 0; IF Text.Equal("File: ", Text.Sub(line, 0, 6)) THEN i := 10; IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "Status: ", i) THEN stat := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, i+8)); END; ELSIF TextEx.FindSub(line, "Working revision:", j) THEN i := j+17; IF TextEx.FindCharSet(line, ASCII.Spaces, i) THEN rev := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, j+17, i-(j+17))); found := TRUE; END; END; END; END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Status", "reader failure"); | OSError.E => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Status", self.CVST & " call failed"); closeRd := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Status", "exception while reading"); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN END; TRY IF closeRd AND outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Status", "exception while finalizing"); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res) THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(res); END; RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); IF NOT found THEN rev := "???"; stat := "???" END; END (* lock *) END Status;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SetLabel (self : T; fn : APN.T; rev, label: TEXT) : BOOLEAN = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : ARRAY [1..3] OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : APN.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); BEGIN LOCK DO label := TextUtils.SubstChar(label, ' ', '_'); TRY args[1] := "admin"; args[2] := "-s" & label & ":" & rev; args[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); wd := APN.Prefix(fn); CVS_Call(self, args, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn); IF NOT noAction THEN TRY EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)) EXCEPT ELSE END; TRY IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "SetLabel", "exception while finalizing"); END; END; EXCEPT OSError.E(a) => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "SetLabel", "OSError (skipped)" & " (" & Atom.ToText(a.head) & ")"); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN ret = 0; (* FIXME: Does cvs admin -s return a valid exit code? *) END (* lock *); END SetLabel;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------RevisionsAndLabels (self : T; rlog : TEXT) : TextTextTbl.T RAISES {E} = VAR line : TEXT; rev : TEXT; state : TEXT; t : TEXT; rd : TextRd.T; i, j : CARDINAL; res := NEW(TextTextTbl.Default).init(100); BEGIN rd := TextRd.New(rlog); TRY WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO line := Rd.GetLine(rd); IF Text.Equal("----", Text.Sub(line, 0, 4)) THEN line := Rd.GetLine(rd); i := 0; IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "revision ", i) AND (i = 0) THEN rev := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, 9)); line := Rd.GetLine(rd); i := 0; IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "date: ", i) AND (i = 0) THEN IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "state: ", i) THEN INC(i, 7); j := i; IF TextEx.FindChar(line, ';', i) THEN state := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, j, i - j)); ELSE state := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, j, LAST(CARDINAL))); TRY t := RdExtras.GetText(rd, terminate := ASCII.Set{';'}); state := state & t; EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "CVS.RevisionsAndLabels", "didn't find terminating ;"); END; END; EVAL res.put(rev, state); END; END; END; END; END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => WITH msg = "reader failure" DO MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "CVS.RevisionsAndLabels", msg); RAISE E(msg); END; | Thread.Alerted => WITH msg = "interrupted" DO MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "CVS.RevisionsAndLabels", msg); RAISE E(msg); END; END; RETURN res ; END RevisionsAndLabels;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------GetLabel (self : T; fn : APN.T; rev : TEXT) : TEXT RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : ARRAY [1..3] OF TEXT; revis := ""; t : TEXT; line : TEXT; state : TEXT := "???"; found := FALSE; i, j : CARDINAL; wd : APN.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); BEGIN LOCK DO TRY TRY args[1] := "log"; args[2] := "-r" & rev; args[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); wd := APN.Prefix(fn); CVS_Call(self, args, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn); WHILE NOT noAction AND NOT Rd.EOF(outRd) AND NOT found DO TRY line := Rd.GetLine(outRd); IF Text.Equal("----", Text.Sub(line, 0, 4)) THEN line := Rd.GetLine(outRd); i := 0; IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "revision ", i) AND (i = 0) THEN revis := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, 9)); line := Rd.GetLine(outRd); i := 0; IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "date: ", i) AND (i = 0) THEN IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "state: ", i) THEN INC(i, 7); j := i; IF TextEx.FindChar(line, ';', i) THEN state := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, j, i - j)); ELSE state := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, j, LAST(CARDINAL))); TRY t := RdExtras.GetText(outRd, terminate := ASCII.Set{';'}); state := state & t; EXCEPT ELSE WITH msg = "didn't find terminating ;" DO MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "CVS.GetLabel", msg); RAISE E(msg); END; END; END; END; END; END; END; EXCEPT ELSE END; END; EXCEPT E(m) => RAISE E(m); ELSE RAISE E("couldn't get state label"); END; FINALLY IF noAction THEN RETURN "unknown" END; TRY IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); EVAL Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; EXCEPT ELSE END; RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; RETURN state; END (* lock *) END GetLabel;
PROCEDURETags (self : T; fn : APN.T; prefix : TEXT; local := FALSE) : TextSeq.T RAISES {E} = VAR table : TextTextTbl.T; res : TextSeq.T; add := FALSE; line : TEXT; i, j : CARDINAL; label , rev : TEXT; log : Rd.T; fnp := fn.denotation(); key := "Tags_" & fn.denotation() & "_" & prefix; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN MsgX.D(self.msgif, "CVS.Tags(" & fn.denotation() & ")"); IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN NIL END; LOCK DO IF self.cache.contains(key, fnp) THEN RETURN self.cache.getSeq(key, fnp); END; END; log := TextRd.New(LogFile(self, fn, heedErrors := FALSE, headerOnly := TRUE, local := local)); table := NEW(TextTextTbl.Default).init(); res := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(); IF noAction THEN RETURN res END; <* NOWARN *> TRY WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(log) DO line := Rd.GetLine(log); i := 0; j := 0; IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "symbolic names:", i) AND (i = 0) THEN add := TRUE; ELSIF TextEx.FindSub(line, "keyword substitution:", j) AND (j = 0) THEN add := FALSE; ELSIF add THEN i := 0; line := TextUtils.Compress(line); IF Text.Empty(prefix) OR TextEx.FindSub(line, prefix, i) AND (i = 0) THEN WITH pos = Text.FindChar(line, ':', 0) DO IF pos >= 0 THEN label := Text.Sub(line, 0, pos); rev := Text.Sub(line, pos + 1); MsgX.D(self.msgif, "found tag " & label, level := 3); IF NOT table.get(label, rev) THEN EVAL table.put(label, rev); res.addhi(label); END; END; END; END; END; END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Tags", errmsg);
xxxOSError.E =>errmsg :=execution of
& self.mcvs.denotation() &failed
; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif,Tags
, errmsg); closeRd := FALSE;
| Thread.Alerted => errmsg := "exception while reading log"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Tags", errmsg); ELSE errmsg := "unexpected exception"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Tags", errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN res END; IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; LOCK DO self.cache.putSeq(key, fnp, res); END; RETURN res; END Tags;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------TagsAndSnaps (self : T; fn : APN.T; prefix : TEXT; local := FALSE; pkgName : TEXT := NIL) : TextSeq.T RAISES {E} = VAR pattern: TEXT; res: TextSeq.T; BEGIN pattern := prefix; IF prefix = NIL OR Text.Length(prefix) = 0 THEN pattern := "*"; ELSIF Text.GetChar(pattern, Text.Length(pattern) -1) # '*' THEN pattern := pattern & "*"; END; IF pkgName # NIL THEN pattern := pattern & "*_" & pkgName & "_*"; END; res := SnapList(self, pattern); res := TextSeq.Cat(res, Tags(self, fn, prefix, local)); RETURN res; END TagsAndSnaps;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------TaggedRevisions (self : T; fn : APN.T; local := FALSE) : TextTextTbl.T RAISES {E} = VAR log : TextRd.T; table : TextTextTbl.T; nil : TextTextSeqTbl.T := NIL; BEGIN MsgX.D(self.msgif, "CVS.TaggedRevisions(" & fn.denotation() & ")"); IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN NIL END; table := NEW(TextTextTbl.Default).init(50); log := TextRd.New(LogFile(self, fn, heedErrors := FALSE, headerOnly := TRUE, local := local)); ExtractTagsAndRevisions(self, log, table, nil); RETURN table; END TaggedRevisions;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------RevisionTags (self : T; fn : APN.T; local := FALSE) : TextTextSeqTbl.T RAISES {E} = VAR log : TextRd.T; table : TextTextSeqTbl.T; nil : TextTextTbl.T := NIL; BEGIN MsgX.D(self.msgif, "CVS.RevisionTags(" & fn.denotation() & ")"); IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN NIL END; table := NEW(TextTextSeqTbl.Default).init(50); log := TextRd.New(LogFile(self, fn, heedErrors := FALSE, headerOnly := TRUE, local := local)); ExtractTagsAndRevisions(self, log, nil, table); RETURN table; END RevisionTags;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------ExtractTagsAndRevisions ( self : T; log : TextRd.T; VAR trtab : TextTextTbl.T; VAR rttab : TextTextSeqTbl.T; ) RAISES {E} = VAR add := FALSE; line : TEXT; i, j : CARDINAL; tag , rev : TEXT; BEGIN TRY WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(log) DO line := Rd.GetLine(log); i := 0; j := 0; IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "symbolic names:", i) AND (i = 0) THEN add := TRUE; ELSIF TextEx.FindSub(line, "keyword substitution:", j) AND (j = 0) THEN add := FALSE; ELSIF add THEN i := 0; line := TextUtils.Compress(line); WITH pos = Text.FindChar(line, ':', 0) DO IF pos >= 0 THEN tag := Text.Sub(line, 0, pos); rev := TextUtils.Compress(Text.Sub(line, pos + 1)); MsgX.D(self.msgif, "found tag " & tag & " on revision " & rev, level := 3); IF trtab # NIL THEN EVAL trtab.put(tag, rev); END; IF rttab # NIL THEN VAR tags : TextSeq.T; BEGIN IF NOT rttab.get(rev, tags) THEN tags := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(); END; tags.addhi(tag); EVAL rttab.put(rev, tags); END; END; END; END; END; END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => WITH msg = "reader failure" DO MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "ExtractTagsAndRevisions", msg); RAISE E(msg) END; ELSE WITH msg = "unexpected exception" DO MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "ExtractTagsAndRevisions", msg); RAISE E(msg); END; END; END ExtractTagsAndRevisions;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------StateList (self : T; fn : APN.T) : TextSeq.T RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : ARRAY [1..3] OF TEXT; res := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(50); restext : TEXT := ""; ret : Process.ExitCode; line : TEXT; wd : APN.T; fnp := fn.denotation(); wait := TRUE; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); closeRd := TRUE; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN MsgX.D(self.msgif, "CVS.StateList(" & fn.denotation() & ")"); IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN MsgX.D(self.msgif, "file not found"); RETURN res; END; LOCK DO IF self.cache.contains("StateList", fnp) THEN RETURN self.cache.getSeq("StateList", fnp); END; args[1] := "-nq"; args[2] := "update"; args[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); wd := APN.Prefix(fn); TRY CVS_Call(self, args, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn); WHILE outRd # NIL AND NOT Rd.EOF(outRd) DO line := Rd.GetLine(outRd); IF Text.Length(line) > 1 AND Text.GetChar(line, 1) = ' ' THEN res.addhi(line); MsgX.D(self.msgif, " useful line " & line, level := 3); ELSE MsgX.D(self.msgif, " garbage line " & line, level := 3); END; END; self.cache.putSeq("StateList", fnp, res); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => self.cache.putSeq("StateList", fnp, res); | Rd.Failure(e) => errmsg := "reader failure: " & System.AtomListToText(e); MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "StateList", errmsg); | OSError.E(e) => errmsg := "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed: " & System.AtomListToText(e); MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "StateList", errmsg); closeRd := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => errmsg := "exception while reading"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "StateList", errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN res END; TRY IF closeRd AND outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); IF wait THEN ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); (* BEWARE: cvs exits with 1 (256) in case of conflicts, but 0 in all other cases it seems. So we cannot rely on the exit code at all. *) (* IF ret # 0 THEN errmsg := self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret); END; *) END; EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "StateList", "exception while finalizing"); END; restext := TextUtils.TextSeqToText(res, "\n"); IF errmsg # NIL THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, restext) THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(restext); END; RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN res; END (* lock *); END StateList;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------GetCommitMessage (self : T; desc := ""; pkg := "") : TEXT = BEGIN (* GetCommitMessage *) RETURN PkgVCUtils.GetCommitMessage(self.editor, self.msgif, desc, pkg); END GetCommitMessage;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Checkout (self : T; fn : APN.T; tag : TEXT := NIL; VAR res : TEXT) : BOOLEAN = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; isSnap := FALSE; BEGIN res := "no error specification"; IF tag = NIL THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 2); args^[1] := fn.denotation(); ELSIF Text.Equal(tag, "head") OR Text.Equal(tag, "-A") THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[1] := "-A"; args^[2] := fn.denotation(); ELSIF SnapExists(self, tag, FALSE) THEN <* NOWARN *> args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 4); args^[1] := "-S"; args^[2] := tag; args^[3] := fn.denotation(); isSnap := TRUE; ELSE args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 4); args^[1] := "-r"; args^[2] := tag; args^[3] := fn.denotation(); END; args^[0] := "checkout"; LOCK DO TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, ".", errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN res := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; IF isSnap THEN SaveStickySnapFile(fn, tag); ELSE RemoveStickySnapFile(fn); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | OSError.E => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Checkout", "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"); closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Checkout", "exception while reading"); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY IF closeRd THEN ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Checkout", "exception while finalizing"); IF ret = 0 THEN ret := 1; END; END; okay := okay AND EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE); RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay AND (ret = 0); END; END Checkout;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Commit (self : T; fn : APN.T; msg : TEXT := NIL; msgFile : TEXT := NIL; force := FALSE; desc : TEXT := ""; pkg := ""; changeSetName : TEXT := NIL) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; rout : TEXT; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay := TRUE; nargs : CARDINAL; noff : CARDINAL; closeRd := TRUE; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF force THEN nargs := 5; noff := 1; ELSE nargs := 4; noff := 0; END; IF changeSetName # NIL AND self.dcvsRoot # NIL THEN INC(nargs, 2); END; args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, nargs); args^[0] := "commit"; IF force THEN args^[1] := "-f"; END; IF changeSetName # NIL AND self.dcvsRoot # NIL THEN args^[1 + noff] := "-g"; args^[2 + noff] := changeSetName; INC(noff, 2); END; LOCK DO IF msg # NIL OR msgFile # NIL THEN args^[3 + noff] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); IF msg # NIL THEN args^[1 + noff] := "-m"; args^[2 + noff] := OSSpecials.QuotedProcessArgument(msg); ELSE args^[1 + noff] := "-F"; args^[2 + noff] := msgFile; END; ELSE msg := GetCommitMessage(self, desc, pkg); IF msg = NIL THEN (* We won't continue without a valid commit message for our logs *) MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Commit", "couldn't get commit message"); RAISE E("editor session failed"); END; args^[1 + noff] := "-m"; args^[2 + noff] := OSSpecials.QuotedProcessArgument(msg); args^[3 + noff] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); END; wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN rout := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT Rd.Failure => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Commit", "reader failure while reading"); okay := FALSE; | OSError.E => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Commit", "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"); closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Commit", "exception while reading"); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY IF closeRd THEN ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Commit", "exception while finalizing"); IF ret = 0 THEN ret := 1; END; END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, rout, terminate := FALSE) THEN RAISE E(rout); END; RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay AND (ret = 0); END (* lock *); END Commit;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Update (self : T; fn : APN.T; rev : TEXT; VAR res : TEXT; createDirs := TRUE; pruneDirs := TRUE) : BOOLEAN = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; isSnap := FALSE; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN res := fn.denotation() & " does not exist"; RETURN FALSE; END; res := "no error specification"; IF Text.Empty(rev) THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSIF Text.Equal(rev, "head") OR Text.Equal(rev, "top") OR Text.Equal(rev, "-A") THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 4); args^[2] := "-A"; args^[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSIF Text.Equal(rev, "headofbranch") OR Text.Equal(rev, "tip") THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); (* works only if checked out on a branch *) args^[2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSIF SnapExists(self, rev, FALSE) THEN <* NOWARN *> isSnap := TRUE; args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 5); args^[2] := "-S"; args^[3] := rev; args^[4] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSE args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 5); args^[2] := "-r"; args^[3] := rev; args^[4] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); END; args^[0] := "update"; IF createDirs AND pruneDirs THEN args^[1] := "-dP"; ELSIF createDirs THEN args^[1] := "-d"; ELSIF pruneDirs THEN args^[1] := "-P"; ELSE args^[1] := "-R"; (* dummy, this is the default anyway *) END; wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; LOCK DO TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN res := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; IF isSnap THEN SaveStickySnapFile(fn, rev); ELSE RemoveStickySnapFile(fn); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => res := "Update: reader failure"; okay := FALSE; | OSError.E => res := "Update: execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; | E(m) => res := "Update: snaphot file error: " & m; okay := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Update", "interrupted while reading"); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY IF closeRd THEN IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Update", "exception while finalizing"); IF ret = 0 THEN ret := 1; END; END; okay := okay AND EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE); RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay AND (ret = 0); END (* lock *) END Update;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Merge (self : T; fn : APN.T; rev : TEXT; rev2 : TEXT := NIL; with_d_option : BOOLEAN := FALSE; VAR res : TEXT) : BOOLEAN = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay : BOOLEAN := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; nargs : INTEGER; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN res := "Cannot find " & fn.denotation(); RETURN FALSE; END; res := "no error specification"; nargs := 1; IF with_d_option = TRUE THEN nargs := nargs + 1; END; IF Text.Empty(rev) THEN res := "Empty source revision for merge."; RETURN FALSE; ELSIF Text.Equal(rev, "head") OR Text.Equal(rev, "-A") THEN res := "Cannot use `head' as merge source, sorry."; RETURN FALSE; ELSIF rev2 = NIL THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, nargs + 3); IF SnapExists(self, rev, FALSE) THEN <* NOWARN *> args^[nargs] := "-J"; ELSE args^[nargs] := "-j"; END; args^[nargs+1] := rev; args^[nargs+2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSIF Text.Equal(rev2, "head") OR Text.Equal(rev2, "-A") THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE (* rev2 # NIL and not `head' *) args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, nargs + 5); IF SnapExists(self, rev, FALSE) THEN <* NOWARN *> args^[nargs] := "-J"; ELSE args^[nargs] := "-j"; END; args^[nargs+1] := rev; IF SnapExists(self, rev2, FALSE) THEN <* NOWARN *> args^[nargs+2] := "-J"; ELSE args^[nargs+2] := "-j"; END; args^[nargs+3] := rev2; args^[nargs+4] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); END; args^[0] := "update"; IF with_d_option = TRUE THEN args^[1] := "-d"; END; wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; LOCK DO TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN res := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => res := "Merge: reader failure"; okay := FALSE; | OSError.E => res := "Merge: execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Merge", "exception while reading"); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY IF closeRd THEN IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, "self.msgif, cvs exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Merge", "exception while finalizing"); IF ret = 0 THEN ret := 1; END; END; okay := okay AND EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE); RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay AND (ret = 0); END (* lock *); END Merge;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Diff (self : T; fn : APN.T; from : TEXT := NIL; to : TEXT := NIL; udiff := FALSE; cdiff := FALSE; flist : APNSeq.T := NIL; VAR res : TEXT) : BOOLEAN = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; argc := 3; next : INTEGER; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN res := fn.denotation() & " does not exist"; RETURN FALSE; END; res := "no error specification"; IF flist # NIL THEN INC(argc, flist.size() -1) END; IF from # NIL THEN INC(argc, 2) END; IF to # NIL THEN INC(argc, 2) END; IF udiff OR cdiff THEN INC(argc, 1) END; args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, argc); args^[0] := "diff"; args^[1] := "-N"; next := 2; IF udiff THEN args^[2] := "-u"; next := 3; ELSIF cdiff THEN args^[2] := "-c"; next := 3; END; IF from # NIL THEN IF SnapExists(self, from, FALSE) THEN <* NOWARN *> args^[next] := "-S"; ELSE args^[next] := "-r"; END; INC(next); IF Text.Equal(from, "head") THEN from := "HEAD"; (* This doesn't seem to work with current CVS versions. *) END; args^[next] := from; INC(next); END; IF to # NIL THEN IF SnapExists(self, to, FALSE) THEN <* NOWARN *> args^[next] := "-S"; ELSE args^[next] := "-r"; END; INC(next); IF Text.Equal(to, "head") THEN to := "HEAD"; (* This doesn't seem to work with current CVS versions. *) END; args^[next] := to; INC(next); END; IF flist = NIL THEN wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); args^[next] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSE wd := fn.denotation(); FOR i := 0 TO flist.size() - 1 DO WITH pn = flist.get(i) DO args^[next] := pn.denotation(); INC(next); END; END; END; IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; LOCK DO TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN res := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => res := "Diff: reader failure"; okay := FALSE; | OSError.E => res := "Diff: execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Diff", "exception while reading"); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY IF closeRd THEN IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Diff", "exception while finalizing"); END; okay := okay AND EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE); RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay; END (* lock *); END Diff;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Annotate (self : T; fn : APN.T; flist : APNSeq.T := NIL) : TEXT RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; argc := 2; next : INTEGER; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); res := "no error specification"; okay := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RAISE E(fn.denotation() & " does not exist"); END; IF flist # NIL THEN INC(argc, flist.size() -1) END; args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, argc); args^[0] := "annotate"; next := 1; IF flist = NIL THEN wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); args^[next] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSE wd := fn.denotation(); FOR i := 0 TO flist.size() - 1 DO WITH pn = flist.get(i) DO args^[next] := pn.denotation(); INC(next); END; END; END; IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; LOCK DO TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN res := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => res := "Annotate: reader failure"; okay := FALSE; | OSError.E => res := "Annotate: execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => res := "exception while reading"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Annotate", res); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN RETURN "no action, no result" END; TRY IF closeRd THEN IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Annotate", "exception while finalizing"); END; TRY IF NOT okay THEN RAISE E(res); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE) THEN RAISE E(res); END; FINALLY RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; RETURN res; END (* lock *); END Annotate;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Tag (self : T; fn : APN.T; tag : TEXT; branch := FALSE; force := FALSE) : BOOLEAN = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; res := ""; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF branch AND force THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 5); args^[1] := "-F"; args^[2] := "-b"; args^[3] := tag; args^[4] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSIF branch THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 4); args^[1] := "-b"; args^[2] := tag; args^[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSIF force THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 4); args^[1] := "-F"; args^[2] := tag; args^[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSE (* NOT branch AND NOT force *) args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[1] := tag; args^[2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); END; args^[0] := "tag"; wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; LOCK DO TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT | OSError.E => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Tag", "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"); closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; | Rd.Failure => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Tag", "reader failure"); okay := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Tag", "interrupted while reading"); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN MsgX.D(self.msgif, "early return"); RETURN TRUE; <* NOWARN *> END; TRY IF closeRd THEN IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Tag", "exception while finalizing"); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE) THEN MsgX.Error(self.msgif, res); okay := FALSE; END; RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay AND (ret = 0); END (* lock *); END Tag;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------TagAgain (self : T; fn : APN.T; oldtag, newtag : TEXT; branch := FALSE; force := FALSE) : BOOLEAN = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; res := ""; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF branch AND force THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 7); args^[1] := "-F"; args^[2] := "-b"; args^[3] := "-r"; args^[4] := oldtag; args^[5] := newtag; args^[6] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSIF branch THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 6); args^[1] := "-b"; args^[2] := "-r"; args^[3] := oldtag; args^[4] := newtag; args^[5] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSIF force THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 6); args^[1] := "-F"; args^[2] := "-r"; args^[3] := oldtag; args^[4] := newtag; args^[5] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSE (* NOT branch AND NOT force *) args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 5); args^[1] := "-r"; args^[2] := oldtag; args^[3] := newtag; args^[4] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); END; args^[0] := "tag"; wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; LOCK DO TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "TagAgain", "reader failure"); okay := FALSE; | OSError.E => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "TagAgain", "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"); closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "TagAgain", "exception while reading"); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY IF closeRd THEN IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "TagAgain", "exception while finalizing"); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE) THEN MsgX.Error(self.msgif, res); okay := FALSE; END; RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay AND (ret = 0); END (* lock *); END TagAgain;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Snapshot (self : T; fn : APN.T; tag : TEXT) : BOOLEAN = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; res := ""; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN FALSE END; args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 4); args^[0] := "mksnap"; args^[1] := "-f"; args^[2] := tag; args^[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; LOCK DO TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT | OSError.E => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Snapshot", "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"); closeRd := FALSE; okay := FALSE; | Rd.Failure => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Snapshot", "reader failure"); okay := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Snapshot", "interrupted while reading"); okay := FALSE; END; IF noAction THEN MsgX.D(self.msgif, "early return"); RETURN TRUE; <* NOWARN *> END; TRY IF closeRd THEN IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Snapshot", "exception while finalizing"); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE) THEN MsgX.Error(self.msgif, res); okay := FALSE; END; RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay AND (ret = 0); END (* lock *); END Snapshot;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------StateCharToText (c : CHAR) : TEXT = BEGIN CASE c OF 'M' => RETURN "locally modified" | 'C' => RETURN "conflicts with repository" | 'U' => RETURN "needs update" | 'A' => RETURN "locally added" | 'R' => RETURN "locally removed" | '?' => RETURN "unknown to CVS" ELSE RETURN "unknown file state" END; END StateCharToText;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------ChangeDesc (self : T; fn : APN.T) : TEXT RAISES {E} = VAR list : TextSeq.T; resA : TEXT := ""; resR : TEXT := ""; resM : TEXT := ""; resU : TEXT := ""; resC : TEXT := ""; resX : TEXT := ""; res : TEXT := ""; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) PROCEDURE Append(VAR res : TEXT; fn : TEXT; prefix := "") = BEGIN IF Text.Empty(res) THEN res := prefix & " " & fn & OSSpecials.LineBreak; ELSE res := res & prefix & " " & fn & OSSpecials.LineBreak; END; END Append; BEGIN (* ChangeDesc *) IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN "" END; list := StateList(self, fn); FOR i := 0 TO list.size() - 1 DO WITH line = list.get(i) DO VAR state := Text.GetChar(line, 0); name := Text.Sub(line, 2); BEGIN IF state = 'A' THEN Append(resA, name, "added:"); ELSIF state = 'R' THEN Append(resR, name, "removed:"); ELSIF state = 'M' THEN Append(resM, name, "modified:"); ELSIF state = 'U' THEN Append(resU, name, "out-of-date:"); ELSIF state = 'C' THEN Append(resC, name, "conflicts:"); ELSIF state = '?' THEN Append(resX, name, "PKG: unknown:"); END; END; END; END; IF NOT Text.Empty(resA) THEN res := res & resA; END; IF NOT Text.Empty(resR) THEN res := res & resR; END; IF NOT Text.Empty(resM) THEN res := res & resM; END; IF NOT Text.Empty(resU) THEN res := res & resU; END; IF NOT Text.Empty(resC) THEN res := res & resC; END; IF NOT Text.Empty(resX) THEN res := res & OSSpecials.LineBreak & resX; END; RETURN res; END ChangeDesc;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Modified (self : T; fn : APN.T; VAR res : TEXT) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = VAR list : TextSeq.T; modified := FALSE; prefix : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN res := ""; IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF FileObj.IsDir(fn) THEN prefix := APN.Last(fn).denotation() END; list := StateList(self, fn); FOR i := 0 TO list.size() - 1 DO WITH line = list.get(i) DO VAR state := Text.GetChar(line, 0); name := Text.Sub(line, 2); k : CARDINAL; BEGIN IF prefix # NIL AND TextEx.FindSub(name, prefix, k) AND k = 0 THEN name := Text.Sub(name, Text.Length(prefix) + 1, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; IF state = 'M' OR state = 'C' OR state = 'A' OR state = 'R' THEN modified := TRUE; END; res := res & Fmt.Pad(name & " ", 51, '.', Fmt.Align.Left) & " " & StateCharToText(state) & "\n"; END; END; END; RETURN modified; END Modified;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------UpToDate (self : T; fn : APN.T; VAR res : TEXT) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = VAR list : TextSeq.T; okay := TRUE; prefix : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN res := ""; IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF FileObj.IsDir(fn) THEN prefix := APN.Last(fn).denotation() END; list := StateList(self, fn); FOR i := 0 TO list.size() - 1 DO WITH line = list.get(i) DO VAR state := Text.GetChar(line, 0); name := Text.Sub(line, 2); k : CARDINAL; BEGIN IF prefix # NIL AND TextEx.FindSub(name, prefix, k) AND k = 0 THEN name := Text.Sub(name, Text.Length(prefix) + 1, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; IF state = 'U' OR state = 'C' THEN okay := FALSE; END; res := res & Fmt.Pad(name & " ", 51, '.', Fmt.Align.Left) & " " & StateCharToText(state) & "\n"; END; END; END; RETURN okay; END UpToDate;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Conflicts (self : T; fn : APN.T; VAR res : TEXT) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = VAR list : TextSeq.T; conflicts := FALSE; prefix : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN res := ""; IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF FileObj.IsDir(fn) THEN prefix := APN.Last(fn).denotation() END; list := StateList(self, fn); FOR i := 0 TO list.size() - 1 DO WITH line = list.get(i) DO VAR state := Text.GetChar(line, 0); name := Text.Sub(line, 2); k : CARDINAL; BEGIN IF prefix # NIL AND TextEx.FindSub(name, prefix, k) AND k = 0 THEN name := Text.Sub(name, Text.Length(prefix) + 1, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; IF state = 'C' THEN conflicts := TRUE; END; res := res & Fmt.Pad(name & " ", 51, '.', Fmt.Align.Left) & " " & StateCharToText(state) & "\n"; END; END; END; RETURN conflicts; END Conflicts;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Import (self : T; fn : APN.T; vtag, rtag : TEXT; VAR res : TEXT; msg : TEXT := NIL; msgFile : TEXT := NIL; desc : TEXT := ""; pkg : TEXT := "" ) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); okay : BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := "no error specification"; args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 6); args^[0] := "import"; LOCK DO IF msg # NIL OR msgFile # NIL THEN IF msg # NIL THEN args^[1] := "-m"; args^[2] := OSSpecials.QuotedProcessArgument(msg); ELSE args^[1] := "-F"; args^[2] := msgFile; END; ELSE msg := GetCommitMessage(self, desc, pkg); IF msg = NIL THEN (* We won't continue without a valid commit message for our logs *) MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Commit", "couldn't get commit message"); RAISE E("editor session failed"); END; args^[1] := "-m"; args^[2] := OSSpecials.QuotedProcessArgument(msg); END; args^[3] := fn.denotation(); args^[4] := vtag; args^[5] := rtag; TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, fn.denotation(), errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN res := Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Import", "exception while reading"); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "Import", "exception while finalizing"); IF ret = 0 THEN ret := 1; END; END; okay := EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE); RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RETURN okay AND (ret = 0); END (* lock *); END Import;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Add (self : T; fn : APN.T; binary := FALSE) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) PROCEDURE AddFile(fn : APN.T) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); res := ""; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN IF binary THEN args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[1] := "-kb"; args^[2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); ELSE args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 2); args^[1] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); END; args^[0] := "add"; wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "AddFile", errmsg); ELSE errmsg := "exception while reading"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "AddFile", errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "AddFile", "exception while finalizing"); END; IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE) THEN MsgX.Error(self.msgif, res); RAISE E(res); END; RETURN ret = 0; END AddFile; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) VAR (* Add *) res : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* Add *) IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; LOCK DO res := AddFile(fn); RETURN res; END; END Add;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Remove (self : T; fn : APN.T) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) PROCEDURE RemoveFile(fn : APN.T) : BOOLEAN RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : ARRAY [0..2] OF TEXT; ret : Process.ExitCode; wd : Pathname.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); res := ""; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN args[0] := "remove"; args[1] := "-l"; args[2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; TRY CVS_Call(self, args, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "RemoveFile", errmsg); ELSE errmsg := "exception while reading"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "RemoveFile", errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN TRUE END; TRY ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "RemoveFile", "exception while finalizing"); END; IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, res, terminate := FALSE) THEN MsgX.Error(self.msgif, res); RAISE E(res); END; RETURN ret = 0; END RemoveFile; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*) VAR (* Remove *) res : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* Remove *) LOCK DO res := RemoveFile(fn); RETURN res; END; END Remove;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------CurrentStickyTags (self : T; fn : APN.T) : TextSeq.T RAISES {E} = VAR res := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(5); restext : TEXT := ""; table : TextTextTbl.T; it : TextTextTbl.Iterator; outRd : Rd.T; resseq := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(); pid : Process.T; args : ARRAY [1..3] OF TEXT; line : TEXT; tag : TEXT; i : CARDINAL; wd : Pathname.T; fnp := fn.denotation(); errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); wait := TRUE; closeRd := TRUE; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; ssnap : TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT FileObj.Exists(fn) THEN RETURN res END; LOCK DO ssnap := ReadStickySnapFile(self, fn); IF ssnap # NIL THEN res.addhi(ssnap); RETURN res; END; IF self.cache.contains("StickyTags", fnp) THEN RETURN self.cache.getSeq("StickyTags", fnp); END; table := NEW(TextTextTbl.Default).init(5); args[1] := "-q"; args[2] := "stat"; args[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); wd := APN.Prefix(fn).denotation(); IF Text.Empty(wd) THEN wd := NIL; END; TRY CVS_Call(self, args, pid, outRd, wd, errfn); IF NOT noAction THEN WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(outRd) DO line := Rd.GetLine(outRd); i := 0; IF NOT Text.Empty(line) AND ' ' = Text.GetChar(line, 0) THEN IF TextEx.FindSub(line, "Sticky Tag:", i) THEN VAR rd := TextRd.New(line); BEGIN tag := GetToken(rd); tag := GetToken(rd); tag := GetToken(rd); IF NOT Text.Equal(tag, "none") AND NOT Text.Equal(tag, "(none)") THEN IF NOT TextUtils.MemberOfTextSeq(resseq, tag) THEN resseq.addhi(tag); END; EVAL table.put(tag, line); END; END; END; END; END; END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "CurrentStickyTags", errmsg); | OSError.E => errmsg := "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "CurrentStickyTags", errmsg); closeRd := FALSE; ELSE errmsg := "exception while reading"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "CurrentStickyTags", errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN res END; TRY IF closeRd THEN IF outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); END; IF wait THEN EVAL Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; END; EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, "CurrentStickyTags", "exception while finalizing"); END; TRY IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; restext := TextUtils.TextSeqToText(resseq); self.cache.putSeq("StickyTags", fnp, resseq); IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, restext) THEN RAISE E(restext); END; FINALLY RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; it := table.iterate(); WHILE, line) DO res.addhi(tag); END; RETURN res; END (* lock *); END CurrentStickyTags;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------FlushCache (self : T; ) = BEGIN LOCK DO EVAL self.cache.init(); END; END FlushCache;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Cleanup () = VAR ref : REFANY; stdinFile : File.T; stdinFN : TEXT; text : TEXT; iter : TextRefTbl.Iterator; BEGIN IF ftab # NIL THEN iter := ftab.iterate(); WHILE, ref) DO IF ISTYPE(ref, File.T) THEN stdinFile := NARROW(ref, File.T); IF stdinFile # NIL THEN TRY stdinFile.close(); EXCEPT ELSE END; END; stdinFN := StdinFilename(text); TRY FSUtils.Rm(stdinFN); EXCEPT ELSE END; END; END; END; END Cleanup;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Watch (self : T; fn : APN.T; cmd : TEXT := "on"; recursive := TRUE) RAISES {E} = VAR proc := "Watch"; outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; wd : APN.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); closeRd := TRUE; ret : INTEGER; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN LOCK DO wd := APN.Prefix(fn); args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 4); args^[0] := "watch"; args^[1] := cmd; args^[2] := "-R"; args^[3] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); IF NOT recursive THEN args^[2] := "-l"; END; TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); | OSError.E => errmsg := "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); closeRd := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => errmsg := "exception while reading cvs output"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN END; TRY IF closeRd AND outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); (* does not work reliably IF ret # 0 THEN errmsg := self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret); END; *) EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, "exception in finalization"); END; TRY IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, errmsg) THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(errmsg); END; FINALLY RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; END (* lock *) END Watch;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Editors (self : T; fn : APN.T; recursive := TRUE) : TextSeq.T RAISES {E} = VAR lockInfo := EditorInfo(self, fn, recursive); liseq : CVSLockInfoSeq.T; iter := lockInfo.iterate(); fnact : TEXT; li : CVSLockInfo.T; res := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(); BEGIN WHILE, liseq) DO FOR i := 0 TO liseq.size() - 1 DO li := liseq.get(i); IF NOT TextUtils.MemberOfTextSeq(res, li.user) THEN res.addhi(li.user); END; END; END; RETURN res; END Editors;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------EditorInfo (self : T; fn : APN.T; recursive := TRUE) : TextLockInfoTbl.T RAISES {E} = VAR outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; tokens : TextSeq.T; res : TextLockInfoTbl.T; liseq : CVSLockInfoSeq.T; wd : APN.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); closeRd := TRUE; ret : INTEGER; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; line : TEXT; proc := "Editors"; actfn := "[unknown file]"; BEGIN LOCK DO wd := APN.Prefix(fn); args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[0] := "editors"; args^[1] := "-R"; args^[2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); IF NOT recursive THEN args^[1] := "-l"; END; TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn); res := NEW(TextLockInfoTbl.Default).init(); WHILE outRd # NIL AND NOT Rd.EOF(outRd) DO line := Rd.GetLine(outRd); tokens := TextUtils.Tokenize(line, sepchars := ASCII.Set{ASCII.HT}, squeeze := FALSE); (* format is | ? filename | or | filename\tuser\tdate\thost\tfile | or (continuation line) | \tuser\tdate\thost\tfile *) WITH li = NEW(CVSLockInfo.T) DO IF tokens.size() > 4 THEN li.fn := tokens.get(0); IF Text.Empty(li.fn) THEN li.fn := actfn; ELSE actfn := li.fn; END; li.user := tokens.get(1); := tokens.get(2); := tokens.get(3); li.dir := tokens.get(4); IF NOT res.get(li.fn, liseq) THEN liseq := NEW(CVSLockInfoSeq.T).init(); END; liseq.addhi(li); EVAL res.put(li.fn, liseq); ELSE IF TextUtils.Pos(line, "? ") # 0 THEN MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, "unexpected cvs output: " & line); END; END; END; END; EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile => (* skip *) | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); | OSError.E => errmsg := "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); closeRd := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => errmsg := "exception while reading cvs output"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN res END; TRY IF closeRd AND outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); (* does not work reliably IF ret # 0 THEN errmsg := self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret); END; *) EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, "exception in finalization"); END; TRY IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, errmsg) THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(errmsg); END; FINALLY RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; RETURN res; END (* lock *) END EditorInfo;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Edit (self : T; fn : APN.T; recursive := TRUE) RAISES {E} = VAR proc := "Edit"; outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; wd : APN.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); closeRd := TRUE; ret : INTEGER; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN LOCK DO wd := APN.Prefix(fn); args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[0] := "edit"; args^[1] := "-R"; args^[2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); IF NOT recursive THEN args^[1] := "-l"; END; TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn); IF outRd # NIL THEN EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); | OSError.E => errmsg := "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); closeRd := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => errmsg := "exception while reading cvs output"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN END; TRY IF closeRd AND outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); (* does not work reliably IF ret # 0 THEN errmsg := self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret); END; *) EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, "exception in finalization"); END; TRY IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, errmsg) THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(errmsg); END; FINALLY RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; END (* lock *) END Edit;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Unedit (self : T; fn : APN.T; recursive := TRUE) RAISES {E} = VAR proc := "Unedit"; outRd : Rd.T; pid : Process.T; args : REF ARRAY OF TEXT; wd : APN.T; errfn := ErrlogFilename(self); closeRd := TRUE; ret : INTEGER; errmsg : TEXT := NIL; BEGIN LOCK DO wd := APN.Prefix(fn); args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF TEXT, 3); args^[0] := "unedit"; args^[1] := "-R"; args^[2] := APN.Last(fn).denotation(); IF NOT recursive THEN args^[1] := "-l"; END; TRY CVS_Call(self, args^, pid, outRd, wd.denotation(), errfn, stdInText := "y", stdInCount := 1024); IF outRd # NIL THEN EVAL Rd.GetText(outRd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; EXCEPT | Rd.Failure => errmsg := "reader failure"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); | OSError.E => errmsg := "execution of " & self.mcvs.denotation() & " failed"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); closeRd := FALSE; | Thread.Alerted => errmsg := "exception while reading cvs output"; MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, errmsg); END; IF noAction THEN RETURN END; TRY IF closeRd AND outRd # NIL THEN Rd.Close(outRd); ret := Process.Wait(pid); CvsUnlock(); END; MsgX.D(self.msgif, self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret)); (* does not work reliably IF ret # 0 THEN errmsg := self.cvst & " exited with " & Fmt.Int(ret); END; *) EXCEPT ELSE MsgX.Error2(self.msgif, proc, "exception in finalization"); END; TRY IF errmsg # NIL THEN RAISE E(errmsg); END; IF NOT EvalCVSErrors(self.msgif, errfn, errmsg) THEN RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); RAISE E(errmsg); END; FINALLY RemoveErrlogFile(self, errfn); END; END (* lock *) END Unedit;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------NumParts (r: TEXT): CARDINAL = VAR np := 1; pos := Text.FindChar(r, '.'); BEGIN WHILE pos >= 0 DO INC(np); pos := Text.FindChar(r, '.', pos+1); END; RETURN np; END NumParts;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Prefix (r: TEXT): TEXT = BEGIN WITH pos = Text.FindCharR(r, '.') DO IF pos = -1 THEN RETURN ""; ELSE RETURN Text.Sub(r, 0, pos); END; END; END Prefix;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Last (r: TEXT): TEXT = BEGIN WITH pos = Text.FindCharR(r, '.') DO IF pos = -1 THEN RETURN r; ELSE RETURN Text.Sub(r, pos+1); END; END; END Last;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------IsCVSBranch (r: TEXT): BOOLEAN = (* <=> n > 2 AND n MOD 2 = 1 OR n > 2 AND n MOD 2 = 0 AND Last(Prefix(r)) = 0 for n = NumParts(r) *) VAR n := NumParts(r); BEGIN RETURN n > 2 AND n MOD 2 = 1 OR n > 2 AND n MOD 2 = 0 AND Text.Equal(Last(Prefix(r)), "0"); END IsCVSBranch;
CONST StickySnapFN = "StickySnap";---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------SaveStickySnapFile (fn: APN.T; text: TEXT) RAISES {E} = VAR sfn : TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT FSUtils.IsDir(fn.denotation()) THEN RAISE E("directory " & fn.denotation() & " does not exist"); END; sfn := Pathname.Join(fn.denotation(), StickySnapFN); TRY FSUtils.PutFile(sfn, text); EXCEPT FSUtils.E(m) => RAISE E(m); END; END SaveStickySnapFile;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------ReadStickySnapFile (<*UNUSED*>self: T; fn: APN.T): TEXT RAISES {E} = VAR sfn, res: TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT FSUtils.IsDir(fn.denotation()) THEN RAISE E("directory " & fn.denotation() & " does not exist"); END; sfn := Pathname.Join(fn.denotation(), StickySnapFN); res := NIL; TRY IF FSUtils.IsReadable(sfn) THEN res := FSUtils.FileContents(sfn); END; EXCEPT FSUtils.E(m) => RAISE E(m); END; RETURN res; END ReadStickySnapFile;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------RemoveStickySnapFile (fn: APN.T) RAISES {E} = VAR sfn: TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT FSUtils.IsDir(fn.denotation()) THEN RAISE E("directory " & fn.denotation() & " does not exist"); END; sfn := Pathname.Join(fn.denotation(), StickySnapFN); TRY IF FSUtils.Exists(sfn) THEN FSUtils.Rm(sfn); END; EXCEPT FSUtils.E(m) => RAISE E(m); END; END RemoveStickySnapFile;
VAR cvsLock := NEW(MUTEX); stdinLock := NEW(MUTEX); random := NEW(Random.Default).init(); ftab := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(); (* pseudo stdin files *) fileSuffixC := 'a'; nullDev : File.T; nullDevName : TEXT; win32 := Text.Equal(MxConfig.HOST_OS_TYPE, "WIN32"); cvsDisableVM := win32; tmp : TEXT := NIL; debugFindCVSFiles := FALSE; BEGIN IF Text.Equal(MxConfig.HOST_OS_TYPE, "POSIX") THEN nullDevName := "/dev/null"; ELSE nullDevName := "nul"; END; TRY nullDev := FS.OpenFile(nullDevName, truncate := FALSE); EXCEPT OSError.E(a) => MsgX.Error(NIL, "os error opening file " & nullDevName & " (" & Atom.ToText(a.head) & ")"); ELSE MsgX.Fatal(NIL, "unexpected exception opening file " & nullDevName); END; Process.RegisterExitor(Cleanup); END CVS_st.