This module mainly contains main procedures to generate Modula-3 code and checking procedures.
produces the implementation of a stable subtype of its
parameter type.
checks for validy for stable subtyping.
checks for explicit brands and prints warnings if
where not present.
MODULEImports needed for the toolkit-stuff in; IMPORT Atom, AtomList, Thread, Lex, Wr, Rd, FileWr, TextRd, Formatter, OSError; IMPORT ImportList, GenTypeCode, AstToType, GenModuleCode, StablegenError, Type; GenCode
IMPORT ASTWalk, M3AST_AS, M3ASTScope, M3CId, M3CPragma; IMPORT M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F, M3AST_TM_F, M3AST_TL_F, M3Context, M3CConcTypeSpec, M3CUnit;\subsection{List of additional Imports} The (readonly) variable
contains all interface
names necessary for the code beeing produced by the generator.
The elements of this array must be compatible with ImportList.T
VAR implImports := ARRAY [0 .. 2] OF Atom.T{Atom.FromText("StableError"), Atom.FromText("StableLog"), Atom.FromText("Rd")};\subsection{Procedure Do} Main control procedure that takes one typename and produces the implementation of a stable subtype.
is the complete compilation context. qid
is the name of the
type (interface name and T
) from which a stable subtype shall be
produced. implName
and repName
are the names of the
generated module and the instantiated StableRep
First get the compilation unit AST of qid
). Then we look for pragmas starting with
the keyword STABLE
. It is interpreted by ParsePragma()
below) which generates a list of updatemethods (they will be
checked later in BuildMethods()
. The call to
set the cu_reveal
id to the
compilation unit containing the most specific revealation of qid
(it must be given by the user from the command line, see
). Then the definition of qid
is looked up
). It is checked to be an identifier of a
type definition (in the typecase stmt). We use
to convert the type specification to a more
handy Type.T
. The Type.T
is handled in TypeDo()
(see there).
PROCEDURE\subsubsection*{TypeDo} If it is an opaque type we proceed to the revealation of that type (which must be visible). The check procedureDo (c : M3Context.T; qid : Type.Qid; reveal, implName, repName: TEXT ) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = VAR cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; BEGIN IF NOT M3Context.FindExact(c, Atom.ToText(qid.intf), M3CUnit.Type.Interface, cu) THEN RAISE StablegenError.E("Can not find interface " & Atom.ToText(qid.intf)) END; VAR pragIter := M3CPragma.NewIter(cu.lx_pragmas); prag : M3CPragma.T; umethods: AtomList.T := NIL; BEGIN WHILE M3CPragma.Next(pragIter, prag) DO VAR pragText: TEXT; BEGIN IF M3CPragma.Match(prag, "STABLE", pragText) THEN ParsePragma(pragText, umethods) END (*IF match*) END END; (*WHILE*) IF umethods = NIL THEN RAISE StablegenError.E( "can not find STABLE UPDATE METHODS pragma"); END; VAR used_id: M3AST_AS.USED_ID := NEW( M3AST_AS.USED_ID).init(); def_id : M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; cu_reveal: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; BEGIN used_id.lx_symrep := M3CId.Enter(Atom.ToText(qid.item)); IF NOT M3Context.FindExact( c, reveal, M3CUnit.Type.Interface, cu_reveal) THEN RAISE StablegenError.E( "Can not find interface " & reveal) END; M3CConcTypeSpec.SetCurrentReveal( cu_reveal, ASTWalk.VisitMode.Entry); def_id := M3ASTScope.Lookup( cu.as_root.as_id.vSCOPE, used_id); IF def_id = NIL THEN RAISE StablegenError.E(Atom.ToText(qid.intf) & "." & Atom.ToText(qid.item) & " not defined."); END; TYPECASE def_id OF M3AST_AS.TYPED_ID (typed_id) => TypeDo(AstToType.Convert(typed_id.sm_type_spec), qid, implName, repName, umethods) ELSE RAISE StablegenError.E( Atom.ToText(qid.item) & " is not a type in" & " interface " & Atom.ToText(qid.intf)); END; (*TYPECASE*) M3CConcTypeSpec.SetCurrentReveal(cu_reveal, ASTWalk.VisitMode.Exit); END END END Do;
then called. If qid
is valid for stable subtyping, we check for
explicit brands (since object used outside of the program that
generated it should have an explicit brand). Finally we call
which will generate the Modula-3 code for the
stable object implementation.
PROCEDURE\subsubsection*{ParsePragma} Parse the pragmaTypeDo (type : Type.T; qid : Type.Qid; implName, repName: TEXT; umethods : AtomList.T) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = BEGIN WHILE ISTYPE(type, Type.Opaque) DO type := NARROW(type, Type.Opaque).revealedSuperType END; IF CheckStableType(type) THEN IF NOT CheckBrands(type) THEN StablegenError.Warning( "you should use explicitly branded type"); END; GenStableImpl(qid, type, implName, repName, umethods); ELSE RAISE StablegenError.E( Atom.ToText(qid.intf) & "." & Atom.ToText(qid.item) & " can not be made stable (not an object type or has" & " procedure parameters in update methods)"); END END TypeDo;
<*STABLE UPDATE METHODS meth1, meth2, ...*>The pragma may appear more than once.
is set to the string
that starts with UPDATE...
. methods
will contains the accumulated
list of methods. They are separated by blanks.
The pragma has a second form (only method stated is the keyword
) which is not checked in here.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure CheckStableType} A object suitable for the stable subtype generator must: \begin{enumerate} \item Be an object type \item (NOT CHECKED YET) Not update method can have a procedure type as parameter \end{enumerate} If both holds for the the type specification in parameterParsePragma (txt: TEXT; VAR methods: AtomList.T) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = <*FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> PROCEDURE Add (VAR methods: AtomList.T; methname: TEXT) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = BEGIN IF methods = NIL THEN methods := AtomList.List1(Atom.FromText(methname)) ELSE IF AtomList.Member(methods, Atom.FromText(methname)) THEN RAISE StablegenError.E( "duplicate entry " & methname & " in STABLE UPDATE METHODS pragma"); END; methods := AtomList.Cons(Atom.FromText(methname), methods) END END Add; CONST IdChars = SET OF CHAR{'_', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9'}; VAR rd := TextRd.New(txt); methname: TEXT; BEGIN TRY Lex.Skip(rd); Lex.Match(rd, "UPDATE"); Lex.Skip(rd); Lex.Match(rd, "METHODS"); Lex.Skip(rd); (* First one is special: Has no ``,'' in front and "methods" may be "NIL" *) IF Rd.EOF(rd) THEN RAISE StablegenError.E( "empty STABLE UPDATE METHODS pragma"); ELSE methname := Lex.Scan(rd, IdChars); Add(methods, methname); END; (*IF*) (* Consume comma and read method names *) Lex.Skip(rd); WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO Lex.Match(rd, ","); Lex.Skip(rd); methname := Lex.Scan(rd, IdChars); Add(methods, methname); Lex.Skip(rd); END; EXCEPT Lex.Error => RAISE StablegenError.E( "error in pragma: STABLE " & txt); END END ParsePragma;
, the
procedure will return TRUE
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure CheckBrands} Take a typeCheckStableType (type: Type.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN TYPECASE type OF Type.Object=> RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END CheckStableType;
an check if it is a branded type with an explicit
brand, or if it contains fields with branded types with explicit
brands. Return TRUE
if all brands are explicit. If not, warning
messages are printed and FALSE
is returned.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure GenStableImpl} Take aCheckBrands (t: Type.T): BOOLEAN = VAR ok := TRUE; BEGIN IF t = NIL THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF t.visited THEN RETURN t.brandsOK END; t.visited := TRUE; TYPECASE t OF | Type.Reference (ref) => IF ref.branded AND ref.brand = NIL THEN StablegenError.Warning( "Branded type with no explicit brand -- " & GenTypeCode.ToText(ref)); ok := FALSE; END; TYPECASE ref OF | Type.Ref (r) => t.brandsOK := CheckBrands( AND ok | Type.Object (obj) => ok := CheckBrands(obj.super) AND ok; FOR i := 0 TO LAST(obj.fields^) DO ok := CheckBrands(obj.fields[i].type) AND ok; END; FOR i := 0 TO LAST(obj.methods^) DO ok := CheckSigBrands(obj.methods[i].sig) AND ok; END; t.brandsOK := ok | Type.Opaque (opq) => t.brandsOK := CheckBrands(opq.revealedSuperType) AND ok ELSE t.brandsOK := ok END; | Type.Array (arr) => t.brandsOK := CheckBrands(arr.element) AND ok | Type.Packed (p) => t.brandsOK := CheckBrands(p.base) AND ok | Type.Record (rec) => FOR i := 0 TO LAST(rec.fields^) DO ok := CheckBrands(rec.fields[i].type) AND ok; END; t.brandsOK := ok; | Type.Procedure (proc) => t.brandsOK := CheckSigBrands(proc.sig); ELSE t.brandsOK := TRUE END; RETURN t.brandsOK; END CheckBrands; PROCEDURECheckSigBrands (sig: Type.Signature): BOOLEAN = VAR ok := TRUE; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST(sig.formals^) DO ok := CheckBrands(sig.formals[i].type) AND ok END; RETURN CheckBrands(sig.result) AND ok; END CheckSigBrands;
structure type
representing an object type
and generate an implementation of a stable subtype
of type
in module implName
The writer to put the implementation Modula-3 code is a Formatter.T
The method list of type
and its supertypes is produced by
(see there).
takes the type structure and the a list of
its methods to look up all necessary imports to compile the
type and the methods. We add the global stableObjImports
, the
list of interfaces needed by generated code, to this list.
Finally generate the logging overrides, the respool procedure,
the replay stubs and finish up.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure BuildMethods} Take a typeGenStableImpl (name : Type.Qid; type : Type.Object; implName, repName: TEXT; umethods : AtomList.T ) RAISES {StablegenError.E} = <*FATAL OSError.E, Wr.Failure*> VAR methods: ImportList.MethodList; modWr : Formatter.T; BEGIN TRY modWr := Formatter.New(FileWr.Open(implName & ".m3")); methods := BuildMethods(type, umethods); VAR imports := ImportList.FromType(type, methods); BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(implImports) TO LAST(implImports) DO ImportList.Add(imports, implImports[i]); END; ImportList.Add(imports, name.intf); ImportList.Add(imports, Atom.FromText(repName)); GenModuleCode.Header( modWr, implName, methods, imports); END; GenModuleCode.Revealation(modWr, repName, methods); GenModuleCode.Surrogates( modWr, name, repName, methods); GenModuleCode.Dispatcher(modWr, methods); GenModuleCode.ReplayStubs(modWr, name, methods); GenModuleCode.Checkpoint(modWr, repName); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "BEGIN\n"); Formatter.PutText(modWr, "END " & implName & "."); Formatter.NewLine(modWr); FINALLY Formatter.Close(modWr); END; END GenStableImpl;
and build a list of all its methods by scanning
the methods declared by t
and all its supertypes. Copy only those
methods in the result list that are listed in umethods
is checked: If it contains ANY
it must be the only
element. All methods listed in umethods
must be declared in type
The procedure recursivly walks through all supertypes of type
If the variable count
is zero or negativ, the methods declared
for type
will be counted (ANY
was used), otherwise the number
of methods found in type
that are contained in umethods
be the same as the length of umethods
(i.e.\ no undeclared
methods are in umethods
Non of the method names listed in reserved
may appear in the
as name of an update method.
VAR reserved:= NEW(AtomList.T, head:= Atom.FromText("init"), tail:= NEW(AtomList.T, head:= Atom.FromText("dispose"), tail:= NEW(AtomList.T, head:= Atom.FromText("flushLog"), tail:= NEW(AtomList.T, head:= Atom.FromText("freeLog"), tail:= NEW(AtomList.T, head:= Atom.FromText("writeCheckpoint"), tail:= NEW(AtomList.T, head:= Atom.FromText("readCheckpoint"), tail:= NEW(AtomList.T, head:= Atom.FromText("replayLog"), tail:= NIL))))))); PROCEDUREBuildMethods (type : Type.Object; umethods: AtomList.T ): ImportList.MethodList RAISES {StablegenError.E} = PROCEDURE Search ( type : Type.Reference; VAR count : INTEGER; VAR top : CARDINAL; umethods: AtomList.T ): ImportList.MethodList RAISES {StablegenError.E} = VAR methods: ImportList.MethodList; BEGIN IF (type = Type.root) OR (type = NIL) THEN (* base of recursion *) RETURN NEW(ImportList.MethodList, ABS(count)) ELSE TYPECASE type OF Type.Object (ob) => IF count <= 0 THEN count:= count - NUMBER(ob.methods^) END; methods := Search(ob.super, count, top, umethods); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(ob.methods^) DO IF umethods = NIL OR AtomList.Member( umethods, ob.methods[i].name) THEN IF AtomList.Member(reserved, ob.methods[i].name) THEN RAISE StablegenError.E(Atom.ToText(ob.methods[i].name) &" is a reserved method name in stable objects. " &"Must not be an update method.") END; methods[top].name := ob.methods[i].name; methods[top].sig := ob.methods[i].sig; INC(top) END END; RETURN methods | Type.Opaque (op) => RETURN Search(op.revealedSuperType, count, top, umethods) | Type.Reference => <*ASSERT FALSE*> END END END Search; VAR count: INTEGER; BEGIN IF AtomList.Member(umethods, Atom.FromText("ANY")) THEN IF AtomList.Length(umethods) # 1 THEN RAISE StablegenError.E( "STABLE UPDATE METHODS ANY used with other methods") END; umethods := NIL; (* take all *) count:= 0; (* and count them *) ELSE count:= AtomList.Length(umethods); END; VAR top : CARDINAL := 0; methList := Search(type, count, top, umethods); BEGIN IF ABS(count) # top THEN RAISE StablegenError.E( "method listed in STABLE UPDATE METHODS pragma not declared"); END; RETURN methList END END BuildMethods; BEGIN END GenCode.