<* PRAGMA LL *> UNSAFE MODULEIfJuno EXPORTSMain ; IMPORT Source, Drawing, Editor, EditorUI, SaveState, PublicView, CurrCmd; IMPORT Marquee, View, JunoError, JunoWM, ToolBox, DblBufferVBT, Drag; IMPORT JunoUIImpl, PrintImpl, PSImpl, RandomImpl, TextImpl, TimeImpl; IMPORT UnitImpl; IMPORT FVFilter, JunoConfig, JunoRsrc, JunoVersion, JunoZeus; IMPORT BuiltInSlots, JunoAST, JunoASTUtils, JunoCompile, JunoCompileErr; IMPORT JunoScope, JunoUnparse, JunoLex, JunoParse; IMPORT JunoRT; IMPORT FormsVBT, TextEditVBT, TextPort, ListVBT; IMPORT Trestle, TrestleComm, VBT, VBTClass, Filter, Split, HVSplit, ZSplit; IMPORT Axis, PackSplit, PaintOp, TextVBT, Rect, Point, Font; IMPORT FS, RegularFile, Pathname, FileRd, FileWr, Pipe, Process, OSError, Lex; IMPORT Rd, Wr, Stdio, Text, TextRd, TextWr, Thread, Atom, Rsrc, Fmt, Params; IMPORT NetObj, Pickle, TextList, TextListSort, Env; <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> <* FATAL FormsVBT.Error, FormsVBT.Unimplemented *> TYPE SyncStat = { NotDone, Save, Discard, Cancel }; Window = FormsVBT.T OBJECT root: View.Root; scope: JunoScope.T; toolbox: ToolBox.T; builtInSize: CARDINAL; fileName: TEXT; fileStale: BOOLEAN; checkpointStale: BOOLEAN; saveAsFName: TEXT; mu: MUTEX; untilDone: Thread.Condition; stat: SyncStat METHODS init(d: Drawing.T): Window := NewForm <* LL.sup < VBT.mu *> (* Initialize the window on drawing "d". *) OVERRIDES misc := Misc END;
w: Window
, then w.fileName
is the complete absolute pathname
of the current module file, and w.fileStale
iff the disk file
is out-of-date with respect to the contents of the current module
editor. The value of checkPointStale
if the checkpoint file
differs from the state of the editor and source view.
EXCEPTION OpenFailure;
An attempt was made to open something other than a file
========================= Compilation Procedures ========================
PROCEDUREMakeCurrMod (w: Window; time: VBT.TimeStamp): BOOLEAN =
If the current module is out-of-date, recompile it and install its definitions in the top-level scope. If it changed, update the toolbox. On return,w.root.eTrue
will beTRUE
iff the module compiled successfully. ReturnTRUE
iff the current module is up-to-date.
<* LL.sup < w.root.editor *> VAR dummy: JunoAST.Id; mod: JunoScope.Mod; BEGIN IF w.root.eTrue THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF CompileEditor(w.root, w.root.editor, time, w.scope, dummy, mod) THEN w.root.eTrue := TRUE; CurrCmd.SetScope(w.root.ccmd, mod.public_scp); ToolBox.Update(Split.Succ(w.toolbox, NIL), w.root.editor, w.root, w.builtInSize, anon := TRUE) END; RETURN w.root.eTrue END MakeCurrMod; PROCEDUREMakeCurrCmd (w: Window; time: VBT.TimeStamp; skipify: BOOLEAN) =
Parse, compile, run, and pretty-print the current command. Also, if the current command compiled successfully, disable theSolve
button. Requires that the current module is up-to-date, i.e., thatw.root.eTrue
BEGIN <* ASSERT w.root.eTrue OR CurrCmd.GetAST(w.root.ccmd) = JunoAST.SkipVal *> IF Source.Make(w.root.source, time, skipify) THEN (* disable the "Solve" button *) FormsVBT.MakeDormant(w, SolveButton) END END MakeCurrCmd; PROCEDURECompileModAndCmd (w: Window; ts: VBT.TimeStamp): BOOLEAN =
Compile the current module (if necessary) and then the current command (if necessary), unparsing the current command if successful. If either of the compilations fails, highlight the error using timestampts
in the appropriate window. If compiling the current module was successful, update the toolbox if necessary. ReturnTRUE
iff both compilations were successful.
BEGIN RETURN MakeCurrMod(w, ts) AND Source.Compile(w.root.source, ts, skipify := FALSE) END CompileModAndCmd; PROCEDUREMakeModAndCmd (w: Window; ts: VBT.TimeStamp; skipify: BOOLEAN) =
Compile the current module and the current command, and run the current command, replacing its body bySKIP
is TRUE. If the current module changed, update the toolbox. If there was an error compiling the current module, don't update the toolbox or compile and run the current command.
BEGIN IF NOT MakeCurrMod(w, ts) THEN RETURN END; MakeCurrCmd(w, ts, skipify) END MakeModAndCmd;======================== Module Editor Procedures =======================
CONST NoTimeStamp: VBT.TimeStamp = 0; PROCEDURECompileEditor ( rt: View.Root; ed: Editor.T; time: VBT.TimeStamp; scp: JunoScope.T; VAR (*OUT*) modName: JunoAST.Id; VAR (*OUT*) entity: JunoScope.Mod; uniqueModName := TRUE): BOOLEAN =
Parse (if necessary), compile, and unparse the the editored
, installing buttons for the UI declarations inrt
, settingmodName
to the name of the current module (if any, or toNIL
if none), and settingentity
to a module entity whosepublic
scopes have parent scopescp
and that contain bindings for public and all declarations, respectively.Returns
if there was no error in the compilation. If there was an error, it is displayed using timetime
BEGIN IF Editor.Compile(ed, time, scp, modName, entity, uniqueModName) AND EditorUI.CompileUI(rt, ed, time, entity.scp) THEN Editor.Unparse(ed); RETURN TRUE END; RETURN FALSE END CompileEditor; PROCEDURECompileModule (w: Window; mod: TEXT; rd: Rd.T; augment := FALSE): BOOLEAN =
Create a newEditor.T
on the module namedmod
whose contents are read fromrd
, compile it, bind its module scope intow.scope
, and install it in the root list of modules, and (if there are no errors) returnTRUE
. If there are errors, returnFALSE
denote the scope containing the definitions inmod
. Ifaugment = FALSE
, thenmod
must be unbound inw.scope
. In this case,mod
is bound toscp
. Otherwise,mod
is bound to some scopeoldScp
. In this case, any binding(name, entity)
for whichname
is *not* bound inoldScp
is added tooldScp
. As the name implies, this is used to augment the scope for a built-in module likePS
with the names of constants, global variables, etc. defined in a.juno
<* LL.sup < VBT.mu *> <* FATAL JunoScope.NameClash *> VAR src := Rd.GetText(rd, LAST(CARDINAL)); ed := NEW(Editor.T).init(src, readOnly := TRUE); modNm: JunoAST.Id; modScp: JunoScope.Mod; success: BOOLEAN; ent: JunoScope.Mod; BEGIN (* Compile the new module *) success := CompileEditor(w.root, ed, NoTimeStamp, w.scope, modNm, modScp, uniqueModName := NOT augment); IF NOT success THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF modNm = NIL THEN LOCK VBT.mu DO JunoError.Display(startup, "Missing MODULE header in module \"" & mod & "\"") (* Must use "startup" since "w" is not yet connected to the window system. *) END; RETURN FALSE END; ent := JunoScope.Lookup(w.scope, modNm, localOnly := TRUE); <* ASSERT augment = (ent # NIL) *> IF ent = NIL THEN JunoScope.Bind(w.scope, modNm, modScp) ELSE (* augment the existing scope with the public names *) VAR names := JunoScope.Names(modScp.public_scp); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST(names^) DO IF JunoScope.Lookup(ent.scp, names[i]) = NIL THEN VAR e := JunoScope.Lookup(modScp.public_scp, names[i]); BEGIN <* ASSERT e # NIL AND ent.public_scp = ent.scp *> JunoScope.Bind(ent.public_scp, names[i], e) END END END END END; (* Add the module to the list of modules *) w.root.modules := NEW(View.EditorList, view := ed, form := NIL, mod := mod, next := w.root.modules); RETURN TRUE END CompileModule; PROCEDURECompileModules ( w: Window; rd: Rd.T; VAR (*INOUT*) modList: TextList.T; fromRsrc := FALSE) =
Read the modules named on each line of the streamrd
, and compile each one via a call toCompileModule
. Blank lines and lines beginning with%
are ignored. A line containingEOF
terminates reading.Each other line should contain the filename of a Juno module file. For each, a module name is formed from the filename by stripping the extension from the last component of the filename. These module names are prepended to the list
. If the filename is followed by the text(builtin)
, then the scope formed from the module is used to *augment* an existing built-in scope. By default, the module files are read from the file system. IffromRsrc
is true, then the files are opened as resources via calls toRsrcOpen
.For each named file, the corresponding module name is shown in the
text field of thestartup
screen.If an error occurs in any file, then
is changed to the name of the file containing the error, and the rest of the files are ignored. In these error cases, the name of the offending module is not appended tomodList
<* FATAL Rd.EndOfFile *> CONST CommentChar = '%'; BuiltinText = "(builtin)"; VAR ln, fileName, modName: TEXT; fileRd: Rd.T; lnRd := NEW(TextRd.T); builtin: BOOLEAN; (* module name followed by BuiltinText? *) BEGIN TRY WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO ln := Rd.GetLine(rd); IF Text.Length(ln) > 0 AND Text.GetChar(ln, 0) # CommentChar THEN IF Text.Equal(ln, "EOF") THEN EXIT END; EVAL lnRd.init(ln); Lex.Skip(lnRd); fileName := Lex.Scan(lnRd); modName := Pathname.LastBase(fileName); builtin := FALSE; IF NOT Rd.EOF(lnRd) THEN Lex.Skip(lnRd); IF Text.Equal(Lex.Scan(lnRd), BuiltinText) THEN builtin := TRUE END END; FormsVBT.PutText(startup, "initModule", modName); IF fromRsrc THEN TRY fileRd := RsrcOpen(fileName); IF NOT CompileModule(w, modName, fileRd, augment := builtin) THEN Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Compiler error in bundled module " & fileName & "\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); RETURN END EXCEPT Rsrc.NotFound => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Error: unable to find \""); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, fileName & "\" resource\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); RETURN END ELSE TRY fileRd := FileRd.Open(fileName); IF NOT CompileModule(w, modName, fileRd, augment := builtin) THEN w.fileName := fileName; RETURN END EXCEPT OSError.E => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Error: unable to open file \""); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, fileName & "\"\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); RETURN END END; (* only add "modName" to the list of modulese *after* it has been successfully compiled *) modList := TextList.Cons(modName, modList); END END EXCEPT Rd.Failure => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Fatal error: Rd.Failure on config file\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr) END END CompileModules; PROCEDUREOpenModule (w: Window; mod: TEXT; hasPrivate := TRUE; show := TRUE) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR p := FindModule(w.root.modules, mod); BEGIN <* ASSERT p # NIL *> IF p.form = NIL THEN p.form := NewToolbox(w, p.view, hasPrivate := hasPrivate) END; IF show AND VBT.Parent(p.form) = NIL THEN Split.AddChild(w.toolbox, p.form) END END OpenModule; PROCEDUREFindModule (curr: View.EditorList; mod: TEXT): View.EditorList =
Search for the module namedmod
in the listcurr
; returnNIL
if no such module appears in the list.
BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL AND NOT Text.Equal(curr.mod, mod) DO curr := curr.next END; RETURN curr END FindModule; TYPE ToolType = { Point, Templ, None }; PROCEDURECodeDeclName (decl: JunoAST.Decl): JunoAST.Id =
Return the name of the predicate, function, or procedure declarationdecl
. It is a checked run-time error ifdecl
is not one of these three types.
VAR hdr: JunoAST.Header; BEGIN TYPECASE decl OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.PredDecl (pd) => hdr := pd.header | JunoAST.FuncDecl (fd) => hdr := fd.header | JunoAST.ProcDecl (pd) => hdr := pd.header END; RETURN hdr.name END CodeDeclName; PROCEDURENewUIDecl (toolType: ToolType; nm: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.UIDecl =
Return a new PointTool or Template UI declaration whose type is determined fromtoolType
and the name of whose argument isnm
. It is a checked run-time error fortoolType
to be other thanPoint
VAR res := NEW(JunoAST.UIDecl, bp := JunoAST.End); BEGIN res.args := JunoASTUtils.NewExprList( JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(nm), bp := JunoAST.End); CASE toolType OF <* NOWARN *> ToolType.Point => res.name := Editor.PointToolSym | ToolType.Templ => res.name := Editor.TemplToolSym END; RETURN res END NewUIDecl; PROCEDUREInstallDecl (w: Window; decl: JunoAST.Decl; toolType: ToolType): BOOLEAN =
Install the top-level procedure, predicate, or function declarationdecl
, and add a PointTool or Template UI declaration as well according totoolType
. The new declaration is compiled and installed in the current-command scope. The booleans inw.root
are also set appropriately.If a declaration with the same name as
is already defined in the current-command scope, and error message is displayed, and no action is taken. Returns TRUE iff the declaration was installed successfully.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR declName := CodeDeclName(decl); scp := CurrCmd.GetScope(w.root.ccmd); BEGIN IF JunoScope.Lookup(scp, declName) # NIL THEN JunoError.Display(w.root.editor, "\"" & Atom.ToText(declName) & "\" is already defined"); RETURN FALSE END; BindDecl(scp, declName, decl); WITH ed = w.root.editor DO Editor.AddTree(ed, decl); IF toolType # ToolType.None THEN Editor.AddTree(ed, NewUIDecl(toolType, declName)); ToolBox.Update(Split.Succ(w.toolbox, NIL), ed, w.root, w.builtInSize, anon := TRUE) END END; w.root.astTrue := TRUE; w.root.sTrue := FALSE; w.root.dTrue := FALSE; SetModuleState(w, ModState.Stale); RETURN TRUE END InstallDecl; PROCEDUREBadFoldArg (w: Window; id: JunoAST.Id) =
Display an error tow
as a result of theCurrCmd.BadFoldArg
exception with argumentid
BEGIN JunoError.Display(w.root.source, "The current command\nhas no local variable\nnamed \"" & Atom.ToText(id) & "\"") END BadFoldArg; PROCEDUREDoFold ( w: Window; ts: VBT.TimeStamp; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; foldKind := CurrCmd.FoldKind.Proc; toolType := ToolType.None) =
Requires that the current module and current command are both up-to-date.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR decl: JunoAST.Decl; BEGIN TRY decl := CurrCmd.FoldByHeader(w.root.ccmd, hdr, foldKind); IF InstallDecl(w, decl, toolType) THEN CurrCmd.ChangeAST(w.root.ccmd, JunoAST.SkipVal); MakeCurrCmd(w, ts, skipify := FALSE) END EXCEPT CurrCmd.BadFoldArg (id) => BadFoldArg(w, id) END END DoFold; PROCEDUREDoFoldAsAnim (w: Window; ts: VBT.TimeStamp; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; sliderPts: JunoAST.IdList) =
Requires that the current module and current command are both up-to-date.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR ccmd := w.root.ccmd; noError: BOOLEAN; procDecl, frameDecl, animDecl: JunoAST.ProcDecl; animCmd: JunoAST.Cmd; BEGIN TRY procDecl := CurrCmd.FoldAnim(ccmd, hdr, sliderPts); frameDecl := CurrCmd.FoldAnimFrame(ccmd, hdr, sliderPts); animDecl := CurrCmd.FoldAnimCreator(ccmd, hdr, frameDecl.header.name); animCmd := CurrCmd.FoldAnimCmd(ccmd, hdr.ins, animDecl.header.name); IF InstallDecl(w, procDecl, ToolType.Point) THEN noError := InstallDecl(w, frameDecl, ToolType.None); noError := noError AND InstallDecl(w, animDecl, ToolType.None); <* ASSERT noError *> CurrCmd.ChangeAST(ccmd, animCmd); MakeCurrCmd(w, ts, skipify := TRUE) END EXCEPT CurrCmd.BadFoldArg (id) => BadFoldArg(w, id) END END DoFoldAsAnim; PROCEDUREBindDecl (scp: JunoScope.T; nm: JunoAST.Id; decl: JunoAST.Decl) =
to a scope entity formed from the predicate or procedure declarationdecl
, and then compiledecl
and install the resulting byte-code in the global code table. Requires thatnm
is not already bound inscp
, and that no two formals indecl
have the same name.
<* FATAL JunoCompileErr.Error, JunoScope.NameClash *> VAR codeEnt: JunoScope.Code; BEGIN TYPECASE decl OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.PredDecl (p) => VAR predEnt := JunoScope.NewPred(p, mod := NIL); BEGIN JunoCompile.PredDecl(p.header.name, predEnt, scp); codeEnt := predEnt END | JunoAST.ProcDecl (p) => VAR procEnt := JunoScope.NewProc(p, mod := NIL); BEGIN EVAL JunoCompile.ProcDecl(p.header.name, procEnt, scp); codeEnt := procEnt END END; JunoScope.Bind(scp, nm, codeEnt) END BindDecl;=========================== I/O Procedures ==============================
PROCEDUREWritePostScriptToFile (w: Window; fname: TEXT; showPage := TRUE) = <* LL.sup < w *>
Write PostScript for the current command associated withw
to the file namedfname
. If there is an error, display an error message inw
BEGIN TRY WritePostScriptToWr(w, FileWr.Open(fname), showPage) EXCEPT OSError.E, Wr.Failure => JunoError.Display(w, "Error opening/writing file:\n\"" & fname & "\"") END END WritePostScriptToFile; PROCEDUREPipePostScriptToCmd ( w: Window; cmd: TEXT; READONLY args: ARRAY OF TEXT; showPage := TRUE) =
Run the commandcmd
with argumentsargs
, piping the PostScript code produced by running the current command of the windowfv
to the standard input of the new process. IfshowPage
, then a finalshowpage
command is appended to the PostScript; this is usually necessary for printing, but not for previewing.
VAR hwSelf, hrChild: Pipe.T; p: Process.T; wr: Wr.T; BEGIN TRY Pipe.Open((*OUT*) hrChild, (*OUT*) hwSelf); p := Process.Create(cmd, args, stdin := hrChild); TRY hrChild.close() EXCEPT OSError.E => (*SKIP*) END; wr := NEW(FileWr.T).init(hwSelf); WritePostScriptToWr(w, wr, showPage); EVAL Process.Wait(p) EXCEPT OSError.E, Wr.Failure => VAR cmdLine := cmd; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST(args) DO cmdLine := cmdLine & " " & args[i] END; JunoError.Display(w, "Error forking process:\n\"" & cmdLine & "\"") END END END PipePostScriptToCmd; PROCEDUREWritePostScriptToWr (w: Window; wr: Wr.T; showPage: BOOLEAN) RAISES { Wr.Failure } =
Write the PostScript forw.root.ccmd
; send a finalshowpage
command iffshowPage
is TRUE. Display any error messages onw
. Closewr
when done.
BEGIN psImpl.startToFile(wr); TRY psImpl.prologue(); PSImpl.Reset(w.root.drawing, inExec := FALSE); TRY EVAL CurrCmd.Run(w.root.ccmd, skipify := FALSE) EXCEPT CurrCmd.CompileError (errorMsg) => JunoError.Display(w, errorMsg) | CurrCmd.RuntimeError (errorRec) => JunoError.Display(w, errorRec.errorMsg); JunoError.DisplayPS(wr, errorRec.errorMsg) END; psImpl.epilogue(showPage := showPage) FINALLY psImpl.endToFile(); Wr.Close(wr) END END WritePostScriptToWr; PROCEDUREGetFileName (fv: FormsVBT.T; browserName: TEXT): TEXT =
Returns the name of the selected file in the FileBrowser namedbrowserName
in the formw
. If this this file names a directory, the directory name is set back into the FileBrowser andNIL
is returned.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR fname := FormsVBT.GetText(fv, browserName); BEGIN TRY IF FS.Status(fname).type = FS.DirectoryFileType THEN FormsVBT.PutText(fv, browserName, fname); RETURN NIL END EXCEPT OSError.E => (* SKIP - file does not exist; it will be created *) END; RETURN fname END GetFileName; PROCEDURESaveCurrMod (w: Window; ts: VBT.TimeStamp): BOOLEAN =
, then pop up a dialogue asking the user if the current file should be saved. If the user choosesCancel
, return FALSE immediately; if the user choosesDiscard
, then return TRUE immediately. If the user choosesSave
, then attempt to save the current module under the namew.fileName
; return TRUE iff the save was successful.
VAR stat: SyncStat; BEGIN IF w.fileStale THEN LOCK w.mu DO w.stat := SyncStat.NotDone END; FormsVBT.PutText(w, "saveName", Pathname.Last(w.fileName)); FormsVBT.PopUp(w, "saveChangesWindow", time := ts); LOCK w.mu DO WHILE w.stat = SyncStat.NotDone DO Thread.Wait(w.mu, w.untilDone) END; stat := w.stat END; FormsVBT.PopDown(w, "saveChangesWindow"); IF stat = SyncStat.Cancel THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF stat = SyncStat.Discard THEN TRY FS.DeleteFile(CheckpointName(w.fileName)) EXCEPT OSError.E => (*SKIP*) END; RETURN TRUE ELSIF stat = SyncStat.Save THEN RETURN PutFile(w, w.fileName, ts) END END; RETURN TRUE END SaveCurrMod; PROCEDUREGetFile (w: Window; name: TEXT; time: VBT.TimeStamp) RAISES {OSError.E, OpenFailure} =
Opens the file namedname
, or creates it if the file does not exist. Then reads the contents of this file intow
's editor, and makes those new contents. RaisesOSError.E
if the file cannot be opened for reading or created. This procedure requires thatname # NIL
and thatname
does not name a directory.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR txt: TEXT; type: Atom.T; create := FALSE; BEGIN <* ASSERT name # NIL *> (* Read the text from the file *) TRY type := FS.Status(name).type; IF type # RegularFile.FileType THEN RAISE OpenFailure END EXCEPT OSError.E => create := TRUE END; IF create THEN (* file does not exist -- create a new empty file *) FS.OpenFile(name, truncate := FALSE).close(); txt := "" ELSE VAR rd: FileRd.T; BEGIN rd := NEW(FileRd.T).init(FS.OpenFileReadonly(name)); txt := Rd.GetText(rd, LAST(CARDINAL)); Rd.Close(rd) (* this closes underlying File.T *) END END; (* Install the text and compile the current module *) FormsVBT.PutText(w, "currFile", Pathname.Last(name)); TextPort.SetText(w.root.editor, txt); w.root.eTrue := FALSE; VAR cmd: JunoAST.Cmd := NIL; ed := w.root.editor; nm: JunoAST.Id; BEGIN IF MakeCurrMod(w, time) THEN (* Pop the current command *) cmd := Editor.PopCurrCmd(ed, nm) END; IF cmd # NIL THEN UnbindDecl(CurrCmd.GetScope(w.root.ccmd), nm); ToolBox.Update(Split.Succ(w.toolbox, NIL), ed, w.root, w.builtInSize, anon := TRUE) ELSE (* Make or Pop failed; set curr cmd to "SKIP" *) cmd := JunoAST.SkipVal END; CurrCmd.ChangeAST(w.root.ccmd, cmd) END; w.root.astTrue := TRUE; w.root.sTrue := FALSE; w.root.dTrue := FALSE; MakeCurrCmd(w, time, w.root.skipify); SetModuleState(w, ModState.UpToDate) END GetFile; PROCEDUREPutFile (w: Window; name: TEXT; ts: VBT.TimeStamp): BOOLEAN =
Write the contents ofw
's editor window and a pushed version of the current command to the file namedname
. Before pushing, both the current module and command are compiled.Returns TRUE only in the event of success; in this case, the background of the name is set to light grey, and
is set to FALSE.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR wr: Wr.T; proc: JunoAST.Decl := NIL; BEGIN IF NOT CompileModAndCmd(w, ts) THEN RETURN FALSE END; w.root.source.update(); (* unparse compiled current command *) IF CurrCmd.GetAST(w.root.ccmd) # JunoAST.SkipVal OR Editor.NextCmdNum(w.root.editor) > 0 THEN proc := CurrCmd.FoldByName(w.root.ccmd, Editor.NextCmdName(w.root.editor), kind := CurrCmd.FoldKind.ProcNoArgs) END; TRY wr := FileWr.Open(name); IF wr # NIL THEN Wr.PutText(wr, TextPort.GetText(w.root.editor)); IF proc # NIL THEN JunoUnparse.Block(wr, proc, tokens := LAST(INTEGER), prec := JunoConfig.realPrec); Wr.PutChar(wr, '\n') END; Wr.Close(wr); END EXCEPT OSError.E => JunoError.Display(w, "Could not open file for writing:\n" & name); RETURN FALSE | Wr.Failure => JunoError.Display(w, "Error writing file:\n" & name); RETURN FALSE END; SetModuleState(w, ModState.UpToDate); TextPort.SetModified(w.root.editor, FALSE); VAR te := NARROW(Filter.Child(w.root.source), TextEditVBT.T); BEGIN TextPort.SetModified(te.tp, FALSE) END; TRY FS.DeleteFile(CheckpointName(name)) EXCEPT OSError.E => (*SKIP*) END; RETURN TRUE END PutFile;====================== Top-Level Window Procedures ======================
CONST SolveButton = "solve"; PROCEDURENewForm (w: Window; d: Drawing.T): Window =
by reading its description from the formJuno.fv
. Attach procedures to the buttons inw
's interface, and initialize its toolbox.
<* LL.sup < VBT.mu *> <* FATAL Rsrc.NotFound *> BEGIN TRY EVAL w.initFromRsrc("Juno.fv", JunoRsrc.Path, raw := TRUE); LOCK VBT.mu DO JunoConfig.SetFonts(w) END; FormsVBT.MakeDormant(w, SolveButton); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "config", DoMakePassive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "configOk", DoConfigure); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "configCancel", DoMakeActive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "quit", DoQuit); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "load", DoLoad);
FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, savejava
, DoSaveJava);
FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "reload", DoReload); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "clearall", DoClearAll); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "loadBrowser", DoLoadFile); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "loadCancel", DoMakeActive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "save", DoSave); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "saveAs", DoMakePassive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "saveBrowser", DoSaveAs); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "saveAsCancel", DoMakeActive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "saveAsOverwrite", DoSaveAsOverwrite); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "overwriteCancel", DoMakeActive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "moduleBrowser", DoModule); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "print", DoPrint); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "preview", DoPreview); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "savePS", DoSavePS); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "savePSas", DoMakePassive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "savePSBrowser", DoSavePSAs); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "savePSCancel", DoMakeActive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "labels", DoLabels); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "autoUpdate", DoAutoUpdate); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "run", DoRun); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, SolveButton, DoSolve); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "stop", DoStop); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "fold", DoFoldDialog); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "foldOk", DoFoldWork); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "declName", DoFoldWork); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "foldCancel", DoMakeActive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "foldAsAnim", DoFoldAsAnimDialog); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "foldAsAnimOk", DoFoldAsAnimWork); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "animName", DoFoldAsAnimWork); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "sliderPts", DoFoldAsAnimWork); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "foldAsAnimCancel", DoMakeActive); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "saveChanges", DoSaveChanges); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "discardChanges", DoDiscardChanges); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "cancelChanges", DoCancelChanges); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "pushCurrCmd", DoPushCurrCmd); FormsVBT.AttachProc(w, "popCurrCmd", DoPopCurrCmd) EXCEPT FormsVBT.Error (msg) => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "FormsVBT error: " & msg & "\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; RETURN InitToolbox(w, d) END NewForm; VAR (* READONLY *) LoadInitialModule := VBT.GetMiscCodeType("LoadInitialModule"); PROCEDUREFindSavedState (VAR (*OUT*) st: SaveState.T; nm: Pathname.T): BOOLEAN = VAR rd: Rd.T; BEGIN TRY rd := FileRd.Open(CheckpointName(nm)); RETURN SaveState.Restore(st, rd) EXCEPT OSError.E => RETURN FALSE END END FindSavedState; PROCEDUREMisc (w: Window; READONLY cd: VBT.MiscRec) =
Ifcd.type # LoadInitialModule
, then forward this event to the parent'smisc
method. Otherwise, callGetFile
to load the current module; if an error occurs opening this file, report it to the standard error output and crash.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR st: SaveState.T; BEGIN IF cd.type # LoadInitialModule THEN FormsVBT.T.misc(w, cd) ELSE IF FindSavedState(st, w.fileName) THEN (* recover from checkpoint *) w.fileName := st.file; w.fileStale := TRUE; w.checkpointStale := FALSE; FormsVBT.PutText(w, "currFile", Pathname.Last(st.file)); TextPort.SetText(w.root.editor, st.editor); Source.SetText(w.root.source, st.source); w.root.eTrue := FALSE; w.root.astTrue := FALSE; w.root.sTrue := TRUE; w.root.dTrue := TRUE; SetModuleState(w, ModState.Stale); DoRun(w, NIL, NIL, cd.time); JunoError.Display(w, "Restoring from checkpoint.\n" & "To discard checkpoint,\nopen file again."); ELSE TRY GetFile(w, w.fileName, cd.time) EXCEPT OSError.E => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Fatal error: cannot open or create \""); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, w.fileName); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "\" in the current directory\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); Process.Exit(1) | OpenFailure => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Fatal error: \""); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, w.fileName); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "\" is not a file\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); Process.Exit(1) END END; LOCK w.mu DO w.stat := SyncStat.Save END; (* anything except "NotDone" *) Thread.Signal(w.untilDone) END END Misc; PROCEDUREInitToolbox (w: Window; d: Drawing.T): Window =
to contain buttons for the built-in tools, and setw.builtInSize
. Returnw
VAR tb1 := HVSplit.New(Axis.T.Ver); BEGIN Split.AddChildArray(tb1, ARRAY OF VBT.T{ NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Create", Drawing.NewCreateTool()), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Freeze", Drawing.NewFreezeTool()), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Drag", Drag.NewTool()), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Adjust", Drawing.NewAdjustTool()), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Grid On",Drawing.NewGridTools(tb1, d)), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Rel", Drawing.NewRelTool()), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Rel1", Drawing.NewRel1Tool()), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Hor", Drawing.NewPredTool(JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(Drawing.HorToolSym), 2)), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Ver", Drawing.NewPredTool(JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(Drawing.VerToolSym), 2)), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Cong", Drawing.NewPredTool(JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(Drawing.CongToolSym), 4)), NEW(ToolBox.Button).init(w.root, "Para", Drawing.NewPredTool(JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(Drawing.ParaToolSym), 4))}); w.builtInSize := Split.NumChildren(tb1); w.toolbox := PackSplit.New(Axis.T.Ver, op := PaintOp.FromRGB(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)); Split.Insert(w.toolbox, pred := NIL, new := tb1); RETURN w END InitToolbox;============================= UI Callbacks ==============================
PROCEDUREDoMakePassive (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background") END DoMakePassive; PROCEDUREDoMakeActive (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = BEGIN FVFilter.MakeActive(fv, "background") END DoMakeActive; TYPE MenuClosure = Thread.Closure BRANDED "Juno.MenuClosure" OBJECT fv: FormsVBT.T; ts: VBT.TimeStamp END; MenuRec = BRANDED "Juno.MenuRec" OBJECT fv: FormsVBT.T; ts: VBT.TimeStamp END;
PROCEDUREParseConfigWindow (fv: FormsVBT.T; nm: TEXT) RAISES {JunoConfig.Error}= <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR rd := TextRd.New(FormsVBT.GetText(fv, nm)); BEGIN JunoConfig.ParseConfigFile(rd) END ParseConfigWindow; PROCEDUREDoConfigure (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Callback forOk
menu button inConfigure...
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN TRY (* parse new configuration settings *) ParseConfigWindow(fv, "configDefault"); ParseConfigWindow(fv, "configOverrides"); (* change the fonts of the top-level window *) JunoConfig.SetFonts(fv); (* mark the top-level window for redisplay and set its origin *) VAR w: Window := fv; ch: Drawing.Child := Filter.Child(w.root.currView); BEGIN VBT.Mark(w); ch.setOrigin(JunoConfig.origin) END; (* change the fonts of any installed module view (help) windows *) VAR curr: View.EditorList := w.root.modules; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO IF curr.form # NIL THEN VAR helpWindow := NARROW(curr.form, Toolbox).helpWindow; BEGIN IF helpWindow # NIL THEN JunoConfig.SetFonts(helpWindow); VBT.Mark(helpWindow) END END END; curr := curr.next END END; (* clean up *) FormsVBT.PopDown(fv, "configWindow"); FVFilter.MakeActive(fv, "background") EXCEPT JunoConfig.Error (msg) => JunoError.Display(w, "Error parsing configuration file:\n" & msg) END END DoConfigure;
PROCEDUREDoQuit (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Callback for Quit
menu button.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background"); EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoQuitWork)) END DoQuit; PROCEDUREDoQuitWork (cl: MenuClosure): REFANY = BEGIN IF SaveCurrMod(cl.fv, cl.ts) THEN VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN Trestle.Delete(w); IF zeusOption THEN Trestle.Delete(animObj.w) END END ELSE FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoQuitWork; PROCEDUREDoLoad (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Callback for New/Open...
menu button.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background"); EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoLoadWork)) END DoLoad;
PROCEDUREDoLoadWork (cl: MenuClosure): REFANY =
First try to save the current module (if necessary). If that succeeds,
pop-up the load file dialogue, which will be processed by the DoLoadFile
BEGIN IF SaveCurrMod(cl.fv, cl.ts) THEN FormsVBT.PopUp(cl.fv, "loadWindow", time := cl.ts) ELSE FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoLoadWork; PROCEDUREDoReload (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Callback for Reload
menu button.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR win:=NARROW(fv,Window); BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background"); EVAL DoLoadFileWork(NEW(FileIORec, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := win.fileName)); END DoReload;NOT YET IMPLEMENTED:
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
PROCEDURE DoSaveJava(fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT;
<*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
(* Callback for SaveJava
menu button.
VAR win := NARROW(fv,Window); fn := win.fileName; java_path := Pathname.Prefix(fn); java_package := Pathname.LastBase(fn); java_package_path := Pathname.Join(pn1, pn2, NIL); BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background"); JunoError.Display(fv, "DoSaveJava: not implemented yet"); FVFilter.MakeActive(fv, "background"); END DoSaveJava; *) <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> PROCEDUREDoClearAll (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; time: VBT.TimeStamp) = VAR name := "Untitled.juno"; w := NARROW(fv,Window); BEGIN <* ASSERT name # NIL *> (* Read the text from the file *) FormsVBT.PutText(w, "currFile", Pathname.Last(name)); TextPort.SetText(w.root.editor, ""); w.root.eTrue := FALSE; EVAL MakeCurrMod(w, time); CurrCmd.ChangeAST(w.root.ccmd, JunoAST.SkipVal); w.root.astTrue := TRUE; w.root.sTrue := FALSE; w.root.dTrue := FALSE; MakeCurrCmd(w, time, w.root.skipify); SetModuleState(w, ModState.UpToDate) END DoClearAll; TYPE FileIOClosure = MenuClosure BRANDED "Juno.FileIOClosure" OBJECT fname: TEXT END; FileIORec = MenuRec OBJECT fname: TEXT END; PROCEDUREDoLoadFile (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Load the file requested by the user in theloadBrowser
field offv
. Display the name of the new file with a light gray background in thecurrFile
field offv
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR fname: TEXT; BEGIN fname := GetFileName(fv, "loadBrowser"); IF fname = NIL THEN RETURN END; FormsVBT.PopDown(fv, "loadWindow"); FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(FileIOClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := fname, apply := DoLoadFileWork))
EVAL DoLoadFileWork(NEW(FileIORec, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := fname)) END DoLoadFile; PROCEDUREDoLoadFileWork (cl: FileIORec): REFANY = <* FATAL OpenFailure *> VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN TRY TRY GetFile(w, cl.fname, cl.ts); w.fileName := cl.fname; w.checkpointStale := TRUE EXCEPT OSError.E => JunoError.Display(w, "Could not open file for reading:\n\"" & cl.fname & "\"") END FINALLY FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoLoadFileWork;
PROCEDUREDoSave (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Save the contents of the editor tofv.filename
. Change the background color of thecurrFile
field to light gray, and set the editor'smodified
attribute to false.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoSaveWork))
EVAL DoSaveWork(NEW(MenuRec, fv := fv, ts := ts)) END DoSave; PROCEDUREDoSaveWork (cl: MenuRec): REFANY =
Save the current file; make the background active when done.
VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN EVAL PutFile(w, w.fileName, cl.ts); FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background"); RETURN NIL END DoSaveWork;
Save As...
PROCEDUREDoSaveAs (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
Save the contents of the editor to the filename specified by the user in thesaveBrowser
component offv
. Setfv.filename
and thecurrFile
component to contain this new name, change the color of thecurrFile
field to light gray, and set the editor'smodified
attribute to false.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR fname: TEXT; BEGIN FormsVBT.PopDown(fv, "saveAsWindow"); fname := GetFileName(fv, "saveBrowser"); IF fname = NIL THEN RETURN END; FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working); TRY EVAL FS.Status(fname); (* file already exists; check that the user wants to overwrite it *) NARROW(fv, Window).saveAsFName := fname; FormsVBT.PutText(fv, "overwriteFileName", Pathname.Last(fname)); FormsVBT.PopUp(fv, "saveAsConfirmWindow") EXCEPT OSError.E => (* file does not exist -- so save it directly *)
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(FileIOClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := fname, apply := DoSaveAsWork))
EVAL DoSaveAsWork(NEW(FileIORec, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := fname)) END; END DoSaveAs; PROCEDUREDoSaveAsOverwrite (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
This callback procedure is invoked after the user has chosen Save As...
specified a file that already exists, and confirmed that he/she would
indeed like to overwrite the file.
VAR fname := NARROW(fv, Window).saveAsFName; BEGIN
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(FileIOClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := fname, apply := DoSaveAsWork))
EVAL DoSaveAsWork(NEW(FileIORec, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := fname)) END DoSaveAsOverwrite; PROCEDUREDoSaveAsWork (cl: FileIORec): REFANY = VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN TRY IF PutFile(w, cl.fname, cl.ts) THEN FormsVBT.PutText(cl.fv, "currFile", Pathname.Last(cl.fname)); TRY FS.DeleteFile(CheckpointName(w.fileName)) EXCEPT OSError.E => (*SKIP*) END; w.fileName := cl.fname; w.checkpointStale := TRUE END FINALLY FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoSaveAsWork;
Open Module...
PROCEDUREDoModule (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoModuleWork))
EVAL DoModuleWork(NEW(MenuRec, fv := fv, ts := ts)) END DoModule; PROCEDUREDoModuleWork (cl: MenuRec): REFANY = VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN TRY OpenModule(w, FormsVBT.GetText(cl.fv, "moduleBrowser"), hasPrivate := TRUE) FINALLY FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoModuleWork;
PROCEDUREDoPrint (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working); EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoPrintWork))
EVAL DoPrintWork(NEW(MenuRec, fv := fv, ts := ts))
END DoPrint; PROCEDUREDoPrintWork (cl: MenuClosure): REFANY = VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN TRY TRY VAR cmd: TEXT; args: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; BEGIN JunoConfig.ParseCmd(JunoConfig.printCmd, (*OUT*) cmd, (*OUT*) args, titleVal := Pathname.Last(Pathname.ReplaceExt(w.fileName, "ps"))); PipePostScriptToCmd(cl.fv, cmd, args^) END EXCEPT JunoConfig.Error (msg) => JunoError.Display(w, "Error in external print command:\n" & msg) END FINALLY FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoPrintWork;
PROCEDUREDoPreview (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working); EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoPreviewWork))
EVAL DoPreviewWork(NEW(MenuRec, fv := fv, ts := ts))
END DoPreview; VAR previewNum := 1;
counter of the number of the next preview document
TYPE PreviewClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT fileName: TEXT; w: Window; OVERRIDES apply := ForkPreviewer END; PROCEDUREDoPreviewWork (cl: MenuClosure): REFANY =
Write the PostScript output to a temporary file, then fork a thread to run
the PostScript previewer named by JunoConfig.previewCmd
to view that
file, deleting the file when the forked preview process exits.
VAR nm := "/tmp/juno-" & Fmt.Int(Process.GetMyID()) & "-"; BEGIN nm := nm & Fmt.Int(previewNum) & ".ps"; INC(previewNum); WritePostScriptToFile(cl.fv, nm, showPage := FALSE); EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(PreviewClosure, fileName := nm, w := cl.fv)); FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background"); RETURN NIL END DoPreviewWork; PROCEDUREForkPreviewer (self: PreviewClosure): REFANY =
Fork a PostScript preview process running on the file self.fileName
, wait
for the process to exit, and then delete the temporary file.
BEGIN TRY TRY (* fork a PostScript preview process *) VAR cmd: TEXT; args: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; display := disp; BEGIN IF display = NIL THEN display := Env.Get("DISPLAY"); IF display = NIL THEN display := ":0.0" END END; TRY JunoConfig.ParseCmd(JunoConfig.previewCmd, (*OUT*)cmd, (*OUT*)args, titleVal := Pathname.Last(Pathname.ReplaceExt(w.fileName, "ps")), displayVal := display, filenameVal := self.fileName); EVAL Process.Wait(Process.Create(cmd, args^)) EXCEPT JunoConfig.Error (msg) => JunoError.Display(self.w, "Error in external preview command:\n" & msg) END END FINALLY (* delete the temporary file in any event *) FS.DeleteFile(self.fileName) END EXCEPT OSError.E => (* SKIP *) END; RETURN NIL END ForkPreviewer;
Save PostScript As...
PROCEDUREDoSavePS (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR w: Window := fv; BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working); WritePostScriptToFile(w, Pathname.ReplaceExt(w.fileName, "ps")); FVFilter.MakeActive(fv, "background") END DoSavePS; PROCEDUREDoSavePSAs (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR fname: TEXT; BEGIN fname := GetFileName(fv, "savePSBrowser"); IF fname = NIL THEN RETURN END; FormsVBT.PopDown(fv, "savePSWindow"); FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working); EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(FileIOClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := fname, apply := DoSavePSAsWork))
EVAL DoSavePSAsWork(NEW(FileIORec, fv := fv, ts := ts, fname := fname))
END DoSavePSAs; PROCEDUREDoSavePSAsWork (cl: FileIOClosure): REFANY = BEGIN WritePostScriptToFile(cl.fv, cl.fname); FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background"); RETURN NIL END DoSavePSAsWork;
Menu -----------------------------------------------------------
PROCEDUREDoLabels (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR w: Window := fv; option: TEXT; style: [0..2]; BEGIN option := FormsVBT.GetChoice(fv, "labels"); IF Text.Equal(option, "letters") THEN style := 2 ELSIF Text.Equal(option, "crosses") THEN style := 1 ELSIF Text.Equal(option, "nothing") THEN style := 0 ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; Drawing.SetLabelStyle(w.root.drawing, style) END DoLabels;
Menu --------------------------------------------------------
PROCEDUREDoAutoUpdate (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR w: Window := fv; option: TEXT; BEGIN option := FormsVBT.GetChoice(fv, "autoUpdate"); IF Text.Equal(option, "autoRun") THEN w.root.skipify := FALSE ELSIF Text.Equal(option, "autoSolve") THEN w.root.skipify := TRUE ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END END DoAutoUpdate;
Buttons --------------------------------------------
TYPE RunClosure = MenuClosure OBJECT skipify: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDUREDoRun (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(RunClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, skipify := FALSE, apply := DoRunWork));
EVAL DoRunWork(NEW(RunClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, skipify := FALSE)) END DoRun; PROCEDUREDoSolve (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(RunClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, skipify := TRUE, apply := DoRunWork))
EVAL DoRunWork(NEW(RunClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, skipify := TRUE)) END DoSolve; PROCEDUREDoRunWork (cl: RunClosure): REFANY = VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN EVAL Drawing.FinishTextTool(w.root.drawing); TRY MakeModAndCmd(cl.fv, cl.ts, cl.skipify) FINALLY FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoRunWork; PROCEDUREDoStop (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN TRY JunoRT.Interrupt() FINALLY FVFilter.MakeActive(fv, "background") END END DoStop;
PROCEDUREDoFoldDialog (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
This procedure is called when the user chooses Fold...
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoFoldDialogWork))
EVAL DoFoldDialogWork(NEW(MenuRec, fv := fv, ts := ts)) END DoFoldDialog; PROCEDUREDoFoldDialogWork (cl: MenuRec): REFANY =
This procedure fills in the default values for the dialog and pops up the window. TheDoFoldWork
procedure is invoked when the user clicks theOK
VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN IF NOT CompileModAndCmd(w, cl.ts) THEN FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background"); RETURN NIL END; VAR name: TEXT; BEGIN IF ISTYPE(CurrCmd.GetCmd(CurrCmd.GetAST(w.root.ccmd)), JunoAST.Skip) THEN name := CurrCmd.NewDeclName(w.root.ccmd, "Pred"); FormsVBT.MakeSelected(cl.fv, "predType"); ELSE name := CurrCmd.NewDeclName(w.root.ccmd, "Proc"); FormsVBT.MakeSelected(cl.fv, "procType") END; FormsVBT.PutText(cl.fv, "declName", name, append := FALSE); END; FormsVBT.MakeSelected(cl.fv, "pointTool"); FVFilter.MakePassive(cl.fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Passive); FormsVBT.PopUp(cl.fv, "foldWindow", time := cl.ts); RETURN NIL END DoFoldDialogWork; PROCEDUREToolTypeFromName (nm: TEXT): ToolType = BEGIN IF Text.Equal(nm, "pointTool") THEN RETURN ToolType.Point ELSIF Text.Equal(nm, "noTool") THEN RETURN ToolType.None ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END END ToolTypeFromName; PROCEDUREParseProcName (w: Window; nm: TEXT; VAR (*OUT*) hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader): BOOLEAN =
Parse the field namednm
of the formw
as a predicate header, sethdr
to the AST of the parsed result if successful, and return TRUE. Otherwise, pop up an error message over the windoww
and return FALSE.
<* FATAL Rd.Failure *> BEGIN TRY VAR junk: CARDINAL; BEGIN JunoParse.FoldHeader(TextRd.New(FormsVBT.GetText(w, nm)), hdr, junk) END; IF hdr.ins = NIL THEN hdr.ins := CurrCmd.GetFoldArgs(w.root.ccmd) END EXCEPT JunoParse.Error, JunoLex.Error => JunoError.Display(w, "Fold name syntax is Id or Id(IdList)"); RETURN FALSE END; RETURN TRUE END ParseProcName; PROCEDUREParseVarList (fv: FormsVBT.T; nm: TEXT; VAR (*OUT*) pts: JunoAST.IdList): BOOLEAN =
Parse the field namednm
of the formfv
as a list of identifiers (variable names), setpts
to the parsed result, and return TRUE. Otherwise, pop up an error message over the windowfv
and return FALSE.
BEGIN TRY VAR junk: CARDINAL; BEGIN JunoParse.IdList(TextRd.New(FormsVBT.GetText(fv, nm)), pts, junk) END EXCEPT JunoParse.Error, JunoLex.Error => JunoError.Display(fv, "Fold points syntax is \"id, id, ...\""); RETURN FALSE END; RETURN TRUE END ParseVarList; PROCEDUREDoFoldWork (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
This procedure is called when the user has set the values in theFold...
dialogue and clickedOK
(or hit <Enter> in the type-in field). It extracts the values from the dialogue and folds the current command appropriately.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; BEGIN FormsVBT.PopDown(fv, "foldWindow"); IF ParseProcName(fv, "declName", (*OUT*) hdr) THEN VAR foldKind: CurrCmd.FoldKind; kind := FormsVBT.GetChoice(fv, "typeRadio"); toolKind := ToolTypeFromName(FormsVBT.GetChoice(fv, "toolRadio")); BEGIN IF Text.Equal(kind, "predType") THEN foldKind := CurrCmd.FoldKind.Pred ELSIF Text.Equal(kind, "procType") THEN foldKind := CurrCmd.FoldKind.Proc ELSIF Text.Equal(kind, "templType") THEN foldKind := CurrCmd.FoldKind.ProcNoArgs; toolKind := ToolType.Templ ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; DoFold(fv, ts, hdr, foldKind, toolType := toolKind) END END; FVFilter.MakeActive(fv, "background") END DoFoldWork;
Fold As Animation...
PROCEDUREDoFoldAsAnimDialog (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
This procedure is called when the user chooses Fold As Animation...
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoFoldAsAnimDialogWork))
EVAL DoFoldAsAnimDialogWork(NEW(MenuRec, fv := fv, ts := ts)) END DoFoldAsAnimDialog; VAR SliderDrawName := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromTexts("Slider", "Draw"); PROCEDURESliderArgs (ccmd: CurrCmd.T): TEXT =
Search the body ofccmd
for a procedure call statement toSlider.Draw
, and return an unparsing of the arguments to that call. If no such call can be found, return an empty text.
VAR res: TEXT; body := CurrCmd.GetCmd(CurrCmd.GetAST(ccmd)); call := JunoASTUtils.FirstProcCall(body, SliderDrawName); BEGIN IF call = NIL THEN res := "" ELSE <* FATAL Wr.Failure *> VAR wr := TextWr.New(); BEGIN JunoUnparse.P(wr, call.ins, width := LAST(INTEGER), prec := JunoConfig.realPrec); res := TextWr.ToText(wr) END END; RETURN res END SliderArgs; PROCEDUREDoFoldAsAnimDialogWork (cl: MenuRec): REFANY =
This procedure fills in the default values for the dialog and pops up the window. TheDoFoldAsAnimWork
procedure is invoked when the user clicks theOK
VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN IF NOT CompileModAndCmd(w, cl.ts) THEN FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background"); RETURN NIL END; FormsVBT.PutText(cl.fv, "animName", CurrCmd.NewDeclName(w.root.ccmd, "Anim")); FormsVBT.PutText(cl.fv, "sliderPts", SliderArgs(w.root.ccmd)); FVFilter.MakePassive(cl.fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Passive); FormsVBT.PopUp(cl.fv, "foldAsAnimWindow", time := cl.ts); RETURN NIL END DoFoldAsAnimDialogWork; PROCEDUREDoFoldAsAnimWork (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) =
This procedure is called when the user has set the values in theFold As Animation...
dialogue and clickedOK
(or hit <Enter> in one of the type-in fields. It extracts the values from the dialogue and folds the current command appropriately.
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; pts: JunoAST.IdList; BEGIN FormsVBT.PopDown(fv, "foldAsAnimWindow"); IF ParseProcName(fv, "animName", (*OUT*) hdr) AND ParseVarList(fv, "sliderPts", (*OUT*) pts) THEN IF pts.size # 3 THEN JunoError.Display(fv, "You must specify exactly 3 slider points") ELSE DoFoldAsAnim(fv, ts, hdr, sliderPts := pts) END END; FVFilter.MakeActive(fv, "background") END DoFoldAsAnimWork;
Push Current Command
PROCEDUREDoPushCurrCmd (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoPushCurrCmdWork))
EVAL DoPushCurrCmdWork(NEW(MenuRec, fv := fv, ts := ts)) END DoPushCurrCmd; PROCEDUREDoPushCurrCmdWork (cl: MenuRec): REFANY = VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN TRY (* Build current module and command; return if compilation error *) IF NOT CompileModAndCmd(w, cl.ts) THEN RETURN NIL END; (* Otherwise, push current command *) VAR nm := Editor.NextCmdName(w.root.editor); BEGIN DoFold(w, cl.ts, NEW(JunoAST.PredHeader, name := nm), CurrCmd.FoldKind.ProcNoArgs, ToolType.None) END FINALLY FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoPushCurrCmdWork;
Pop Current Command
PROCEDUREDoPopCurrCmd (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN FVFilter.MakePassive(fv, "background", FVFilter.CursorKind.Working);
EVAL Thread.Fork(NEW(MenuClosure, fv := fv, ts := ts, apply := DoPopCurrCmdWork))
EVAL DoPopCurrCmdWork(NEW(MenuRec, fv := fv, ts := ts)) END DoPopCurrCmd; PROCEDUREDoPopCurrCmdWork (cl: MenuRec): REFANY = VAR w: Window := cl.fv; BEGIN TRY IF NOT CompileModAndCmd(w, cl.ts) THEN RETURN NIL END; IF ISTYPE(CurrCmd.GetAST(w.root.ccmd), JunoAST.Skip) THEN VAR ed := w.root.editor; nm: JunoAST.Id; cmd: JunoAST.Cmd; BEGIN cmd := Editor.PopCurrCmd(ed, nm); IF cmd # NIL THEN UnbindDecl(CurrCmd.GetScope(w.root.ccmd), nm); ToolBox.Update(Split.Succ(w.toolbox, NIL), ed, w.root, w.builtInSize, anon := TRUE); CurrCmd.ChangeAST(w.root.ccmd, cmd); w.root.astTrue := TRUE; w.root.sTrue := FALSE; w.root.dTrue := FALSE; SetModuleState(w, ModState.Stale); MakeCurrCmd(w, cl.ts, w.root.skipify) END END END FINALLY FVFilter.MakeActive(cl.fv, "background") END; RETURN NIL END DoPopCurrCmdWork; PROCEDUREUnbindDecl (scp: JunoScope.T; nm: JunoAST.Id) =
's binding fromscp
. Requires thatnm
is bound inscp
<* FATAL JunoScope.NotFound *> BEGIN EVAL JunoScope.Unbind(scp, nm) END UnbindDecl;Save/Discard/Cancel Changes ---------------------------------------------
PROCEDURE========================= ToolBox Procedures ============================DoSaveChanges (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR w: Window := fv; BEGIN LOCK w.mu DO w.stat := SyncStat.Save END; Thread.Signal(w.untilDone) END DoSaveChanges; PROCEDUREDoDiscardChanges (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR w: Window := fv; BEGIN LOCK w.mu DO w.stat := SyncStat.Discard END; Thread.Signal(w.untilDone) END DoDiscardChanges; PROCEDUREDoCancelChanges (fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR w: Window := fv; BEGIN LOCK w.mu DO w.stat := SyncStat.Cancel END; Thread.Signal(w.untilDone) END DoCancelChanges;
TYPE Toolbox = FormsVBT.T OBJECT w: Window; ed: Editor.T; helpWindow: VBT.T := NIL; (* top-level installed window (if any) *) hasPrivate: BOOLEAN END;A
is a window that represents the tools for a module. It is
created from a FormsVBT form. The form has a menu for displaying help on
the module and for performing other operations on the toolbox. The toolbox
itself contains point, text, and set tools.
PROCEDURENewToolbox (w: Window; v: Editor.T; hasPrivate: BOOLEAN): Toolbox =
Create and return a toolbox form for v
<* FATAL Rsrc.NotFound *> <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR res: Toolbox := NEW(Toolbox, w := w, ed := v, hasPrivate := hasPrivate).initFromRsrc( "Toolbox.fv", JunoRsrc.Path, raw := TRUE); moduleName := Atom.ToText(Editor.ModuleName(v)); BEGIN JunoConfig.SetFonts(res); IF moduleName = NIL THEN moduleName := "<Untitled>" END; TRY FormsVBT.PutText(res, "toolboxName", moduleName); FormsVBT.PutGeneric(res, "toolboxButtons", ButtonView(w.root, v)); FormsVBT.AttachProc(res, "help", DoHelp); FormsVBT.AttachProc(res, "close", DoCloseToolbox); EXCEPT FormsVBT.Error (msg) => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "FormsVBT error: " & msg & "\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; RETURN res END NewToolbox; PROCEDUREButtonView (rt: View.Root; ed: Editor.T): VBT.T =
Return the button view on the module view ed
VAR res := HVSplit.New(hv := Axis.T.Ver, adjustable := FALSE); BEGIN ToolBox.Update(res, ed, rt, anon := FALSE); RETURN res END ButtonView; PROCEDURE================================ Main Body ==============================DoHelp ( fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> VAR tb: Toolbox := fv; BEGIN IF tb.helpWindow = NIL THEN <* FATAL Rsrc.NotFound *> VAR public, private: VBT.T; BEGIN IF tb.hasPrivate THEN private := NEW(TextEditVBT.T, tp := tb.ed).init() ELSE private := TextVBT.New("No private view") END; public := NEW(TextEditVBT.T, tp := NEW(PublicView.T).init(tb.ed)).init(); tb.helpWindow := NEW(FormsVBT.T).initFromRsrc( "Editor2.fv", JunoRsrc.Path, raw := TRUE); FormsVBT.PutGeneric(tb.helpWindow, "publicView", public); FormsVBT.PutGeneric(tb.helpWindow, "privateView", private); JunoConfig.SetFonts(tb.helpWindow); END ELSE (* force help window into "public" view *) FormsVBT.PutChoice(tb.helpWindow, "view", "public"); FormsVBT.PutInteger(tb.helpWindow, "body", 0); END; <* FATAL TrestleComm.Failure *> VAR wScrn := Trestle.ScreenOf(tb.w, Rect.NorthEast(VBT.Domain(w))); wST := ScreenType(wScrn.trsl, wScrn.id); tbScrn := Trestle.ScreenOf(tb.helpWindow, Point.Origin); BEGIN (* delete help window if it is on the wrong Trestle *) IF tbScrn.trsl # NIL AND tbScrn.trsl # wScrn.trsl THEN Trestle.Delete(tb.helpWindow); tbScrn.trsl := NIL END; (* guarantee that the help window is attached to the right Trestle *) IF tbScrn.trsl = NIL THEN Trestle.Attach(tb.helpWindow, wScrn.trsl); VAR mod := FormsVBT.GetText(tb, "toolboxName"); BEGIN Trestle.Decorate(tb.helpWindow, instance := mod, windowTitle := mod) END END; (* guarantee that the help window has the right screen type so we can measure it *) IF VBT.ScreenTypeOf(tb.helpWindow) # wST THEN VBTClass.Rescreen(tb.helpWindow, wST) END; (* intall the help window so its northeast corner is just inside the northeast corner of the main Juno window *) VAR s := VBTClass.GetShape(tb.helpWindow, Axis.T.Hor, n := 0, clearNewShape := FALSE); BEGIN Trestle.Overlap(tb.helpWindow, wScrn.id, Point.Add(wScrn.q, Point.T{-(s.pref+24), 24})) END END END DoHelp; PROCEDUREScreenType (trsl: Trestle.T; id: Trestle.ScreenID): VBT.ScreenType RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure} = VAR scrns := Trestle.GetScreens(trsl); i := 0; BEGIN WHILE scrns[i].id # id DO INC(i) END; RETURN scrns[i].type END ScreenType; PROCEDUREDoCloseToolbox ( fv: FormsVBT.T; <*UNUSED*> event: TEXT; <*UNUSED*> data: REFANY; <*UNUSED*> ts: VBT.TimeStamp) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN Split.Delete(VBT.Parent(fv), fv) END DoCloseToolbox;
TYPE SourceView = Source.T OBJECT w: Window OVERRIDES modified := SourceModified END; EditorView = Editor.T OBJECT w: Window OVERRIDES txtModified := EditorModified END; PROCEDURESourceModified (sv: SourceView; how: View.ModKind) =
Callback procedure when text in the source window (current command) is modified.
<* LL.sup < sv *> VAR w := sv.w; BEGIN w.checkpointStale := TRUE; w.root.sTrue := FALSE; SetModuleState(w, ModState.Stale); IF how # View.ModKind.ImplicitConsistent THEN FormsVBT.MakeActive(w, SolveButton); IF how = View.ModKind.Explicit THEN ToolBox.Unselect(w.root); w.root.dTrue := FALSE; w.root.astTrue := FALSE END END END SourceModified; PROCEDUREEditorModified (ev: EditorView) =
Callback procedure when text in the editor window is modified.
<* LL.sup < ev *> VAR w := ev.w; BEGIN w.checkpointStale := TRUE; w.root.eTrue := FALSE; SetModuleState(w, ModState.Stale); FormsVBT.MakeActive(w, SolveButton); ToolBox.Unselect(w.root); w.root.dTrue := FALSE; (* If a public part of the module changed, we have to recompile the current command. Since we have no way of telling (for now) if the change was to the public or private part of the module, we have to recompile the current command in all cases. *) w.root.ccmd.codeValid := FALSE END EditorModified; TYPE ModState = { Stale, UpToDate }; PROCEDURESetModuleState (w: Window; modState: ModState) = CONST ModStateColor = ARRAY ModState OF TEXT{"LightRed", "LightGray"}; BEGIN w.fileStale := (modState = ModState.Stale); FormsVBT.PutTextProperty(w, "currFile", "BgColor", ModStateColor[modState]) END SetModuleState; PROCEDUREPrintUsage (msg: TEXT) =
Print a usage message and exit the program.
BEGIN Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Fatal error: "); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, msg); Wr.PutChar(Stdio.stderr, '\n'); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Usage: Juno [-zeus] [-display <Xdisplay>] "); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "[-geometry <Xgeometry>] [filename]\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); Process.Exit(1) END PrintUsage; PROCEDURERsrcOpen (nm: TEXT): Rd.T RAISES {Rsrc.NotFound} = BEGIN RETURN Rsrc.Open(nm, JunoRsrc.Path) END RsrcOpen; PROCEDURECompileFile (root: View.Root; fileName: TEXT; parent: JunoScope.T): JunoScope.Mod =
Build the module in the resource namedfileName
under the scopeparent
, and return the resulting module entity. Both the public and private scope in the resulting entity are created with a parent scope ofparent
. Requires that there are no compilation errors in the module.
<* FATAL Rsrc.NotFound *> VAR rd: Rd.T := RsrcOpen(fileName); te := NEW(Editor.T).init(Rd.GetText(rd, LAST(CARDINAL))); modNm: JunoAST.Id; mod: JunoScope.Mod; BEGIN IF NOT CompileEditor(root, te, NoTimeStamp, parent, modNm, mod) THEN Process.Crash("compilation error in \"" & fileName & "\"") END; Rd.Close(rd); RETURN mod END CompileFile; PROCEDUREFillBrowser (v: ListVBT.T; modList: TextList.T) =
Prepend the names inmodList
VAR i := 0; BEGIN v.insertCells(0, TextList.Length(modList)); WHILE modList # NIL DO v.setValue(i, modList.head); modList := modList.tail; INC(i) END END FillBrowser; TYPE CheckpointClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT w: Window OVERRIDES apply := MakeCheckpoint END; VAR checkpointThread: Thread.T; PROCEDURECheckpointName (nm: Pathname.T): Pathname.T = BEGIN RETURN Pathname.ReplaceExt(nm, "bak") END CheckpointName; PROCEDUREMakeCheckpoint (self:CheckpointClosure): REFANY = VAR w := self.w; BEGIN LOOP Thread.Pause(FLOAT(JunoConfig.chkptIntv, LONGREAL)); LOCK VBT.mu DO IF w.fileStale AND w.checkpointStale THEN TRY VAR wr := FileWr.Open(CheckpointName(w.fileName)); st: SaveState.T; BEGIN st.file := w.fileName; st.editor := TextPort.GetText(w.root.editor); st.source := Source.GetText(w.root.source); SaveState.Save(st, wr); w.checkpointStale := FALSE; Wr.Close(wr) END EXCEPT OSError.E, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted => (*SKIP*) END END END END END MakeCheckpoint; PROCEDURESetTEFont (te: TextEditVBT.T; f: Font.T) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *> BEGIN te.tp.setFont(f) END SetTEFont; <* FATAL Split.NotAChild, JunoScope.NameClash *> VAR startup: FormsVBT.T; builtInScope, modScope: JunoScope.T; root: View.Root; drawing: Drawing.T; w: Window; source: SourceView; editor: EditorView; psImpl: PSImpl.Impl; zeusOption := FALSE; animObj: JunoZeus.T; disp, geom: TEXT := NIL; fileName := "Untitled.juno"; writepkl := FALSE; readpkl := TRUE; configFile: Pathname.T := NIL; BEGIN (* bump minimum stack size to twice the default *) Thread.MinDefaultStackSize(6000); (* process command-line arguments *) VAR i := 1; arg: TEXT; origin := -1; (* ordinal of "JunoConfig.Origin" type *) orientation := -1; (* ordinal of "JunoConfig.Orientation" type *) BEGIN WHILE i < Params.Count DO arg := Params.Get(i); IF Text.Length(arg) = 0 THEN PrintUsage("empty argument #" & Fmt.Int(i)) END; IF Text.GetChar(arg, 0) = '-' THEN IF Text.Equal(arg, "-zeus") THEN zeusOption := TRUE; INC(i) ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-southwest") THEN origin := ORD(JunoConfig.Origin.SW); INC(i) ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-center") THEN origin := ORD(JunoConfig.Origin.Center); INC(i) ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-portrait") THEN orientation := ORD(JunoConfig.Orientation.Portrait); INC(i) ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-landscape") THEN orientation := ORD(JunoConfig.Orientation.Landscape); INC(i) ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-config") THEN INC(i); IF i >= Params.Count THEN PrintUsage(arg & " option requires an argument") END; configFile := Params.Get(i); INC(i) ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-display") THEN INC(i); IF i >= Params.Count THEN PrintUsage(arg & " option requires an argument") END; disp := Params.Get(i); INC(i) ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-geometry") THEN INC(i); IF i >= Params.Count THEN PrintUsage(arg & " option requires an argument") END; geom := Params.Get(i); INC(i); ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-writepkl") THEN writepkl := TRUE ELSIF Text.Equal(arg, "-nopkl") THEN readpkl := FALSE ELSE PrintUsage("unrecognized flag: \"" & arg & "\"") END ELSE fileName := arg; INC(i); EXIT (* filename only allowed as last argument *) END END; IF i < Params.Count THEN PrintUsage("too many arguments") END; TRY (* initialize values from configuration file *) configFile := JunoConfig.Init(configFile); (* change overrides from the command-line *) IF origin # -1 THEN JunoConfig.origin := VAL(origin, JunoConfig.Origin) END; IF orientation # -1 THEN JunoConfig.orientation := VAL(orientation, JunoConfig.Orientation) END; EXCEPT OSError.E => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Error: unable to open configuration file \"" & configFile & "\"\n"); Process.Exit(1); | JunoConfig.Error (msg) => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Error reading configuration file:\n"); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, " " & msg & "\n"); Process.Exit(1); END END; TRY (* install top-level window *) <* FATAL Rsrc.NotFound *> BEGIN startup := NEW(FormsVBT.T).initFromRsrc( "Startup.fv", JunoRsrc.Path, raw := TRUE) END; IF NOT writepkl THEN JunoWM.Install(startup, disp, geom, applName := "Juno") END; (* initialize globals *) builtInScope := CompileFile(root, "BuiltIn.juno", parent:=NIL).public_scp; BuiltInSlots.Init(builtInScope); modScope := JunoScope.New(p := builtInScope, size := 50); root := NEW(View.Root, ccmd := NIL, marquee := NIL, dTrue := TRUE, astTrue := TRUE, sTrue := FALSE, eTrue := FALSE); root.ccmd := CurrCmd.New(ast := JunoAST.SkipVal, scp := JunoScope.New(modScope)); root.marquee := NEW(Marquee.T).init(font := JunoConfig.codeFont); drawing := NEW(Drawing.T).init( NEW(Drawing.Child).init(JunoConfig.origin), root); w := NEW(Window, root := root, fileName := fileName, scope := modScope, mu := NEW(MUTEX), untilDone := NEW(Thread.Condition)).init(drawing); source := NEW(SourceView, w := w).init(root); editor := NEW(EditorView, w := w).init(""); psImpl := PSImpl.New(root); root.source := source; root.drawing := drawing; root.currView := drawing; root.editor := editor; (* fill in generic windows in top-level form *) FormsVBT.PutGeneric(w, "toolbox", w.toolbox); FormsVBT.PutGeneric(w, "drawing", NEW(DblBufferVBT.T).init(drawing)); FormsVBT.PutGeneric(w, "source", ZSplit.New(source)); FormsVBT.PutGeneric(w, "editor", NEW(TextEditVBT.T, tp := editor).init()); (* fill in configuration overrides (if any) *) LOCK VBT.mu DO SetTEFont(FormsVBT.GetVBT(w, "configDefault"), JunoConfig.codeFont); SetTEFont(FormsVBT.GetVBT(w, "configOverrides"), JunoConfig.codeFont); END; IF configFile # NIL THEN VAR wr := TextWr.New(); BEGIN TRY <* FATAL Wr.Failure *> (* TextWr.T's never fail *) VAR rd := FileRd.Open(configFile); BEGIN (* copy "rd" to "wr" *) WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO <* FATAL Rd.EndOfFile *> BEGIN Wr.PutChar(wr, Rd.GetChar(rd)) END END END EXCEPT OSError.E, Rd.Failure => Wr.PutText(wr, "; Error reading configuration file:\n"); Wr.PutText(wr, "; \"" & configFile & "\""); END; (* put the text in the "Configure" dialog box *) LOCK VBT.mu DO FormsVBT.PutText(w, "configOverrides", TextWr.ToText(wr)) END END END; (* Bind modules with external procedures *) JunoScope.Bind(modScope, Atom.FromText("PS"), psImpl); JunoScope.Bind(modScope, Atom.FromText("Print"), PrintImpl.New()); JunoScope.Bind(modScope, Atom.FromText("Random"), RandomImpl.New()); JunoScope.Bind(modScope, Atom.FromText("Text"), TextImpl.New()); JunoScope.Bind(modScope, Atom.FromText("Time"), TimeImpl.New()); JunoScope.Bind(modScope, Atom.FromText("Unit"), UnitImpl.New(root)); JunoScope.Bind(modScope, JunoUIImpl.ModSym, JunoUIImpl.New(root)); (* Compile modules specified in "Bundled.modlist" and "Juno.modlist" (if any) configuration files. *) <* FATAL Rsrc.NotFound *> VAR modList: TextList.T := NIL; BEGIN CompileModules(w, RsrcOpen("Bundled.modlist"), modList, fromRsrc :=TRUE); TRY CompileModules(w, FileRd.Open("Juno.modlist"), modList) EXCEPT OSError.E => (* SKIP *) END; FormsVBT.PutText(startup, "initModule", ""); FillBrowser(FormsVBT.GetVBT(w, "moduleBrowser"), TextListSort.SortD(modList)); END; (* Open the built-in modules *) LOCK VBT.mu DO OpenModule(w, "PS", hasPrivate := FALSE); OpenModule(w, "Print", hasPrivate := FALSE, show := FALSE); OpenModule(w, "Random", hasPrivate := FALSE, show := FALSE); OpenModule(w, "Text", hasPrivate := FALSE, show := FALSE); OpenModule(w, "Time", hasPrivate := FALSE, show := FALSE); OpenModule(w, "Unit", hasPrivate := FALSE, show := FALSE); OpenModule(w, "JunoUI", hasPrivate := FALSE, show := FALSE) END; (* Switch TSplit to its first child (i.e, the Juno window) *) FormsVBT.PutText(w, "version", JunoVersion.Name); FormsVBT.PutGeneric(startup, "mainChild", w); FormsVBT.PutInteger(startup, "tsplit", 0); (* Load the initial module *) LOCK w.mu DO w.stat := SyncStat.NotDone; <* FATAL VBT.Error *> BEGIN VBT.Forge(w, LoadInitialModule) END; WHILE w.stat = SyncStat.NotDone DO Thread.Wait(w.mu, w.untilDone) END END; (* Install animation window *) IF zeusOption THEN animObj := NEW(JunoZeus.T).init(w, w.root, JunoConfig.origin); Trestle.Install(animObj.w, windowTitle := "Juno Animation"); <* FATAL Thread.Alerted *> BEGIN NetObj.Export("JunoZeus", animObj) END END; FVFilter.MakeActive(w, "background"); IF NOT writepkl THEN checkpointThread := Thread.Fork(NEW(CheckpointClosure, w := w)); Trestle.AwaitDelete(startup); ELSE <* FATAL OSError.E, Pickle.Error *> VAR wr := FileWr.Open("big.pkl"); BEGIN Editor.SaveSlots(wr); JunoCompile.SaveSlots(wr); Pickle.Write(wr, w); Wr.Flush(wr); Wr.Close(wr) END END EXCEPT | JunoWM.Error (txt) => PrintUsage(txt) | TrestleComm.Failure => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Fatal error: "); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "unable to connect to window system.\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr) | NetObj.Error => Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Fatal error: "); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "unable to export JunoZeus object.\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr) END END Juno.